Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1886, p. 2

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tbommi momum october u 1886 f m fir i noteb ahdcommknts next year her majesty queen victoria wih conipleto the fiftieth yew other wigu one oi the most eventful in the worldt annate already england and iter leadiug colonies are bestirring themselves to mark the occasion in a fitting manner i the law requites that those who have stray auimals on their premisw should ad vertise them goats can only be collected from the time tine advertisement first ap pears in any paper it is a matter which a great many neglect and gotten afterwards throw themselves iu for law costs the toronto city treasurer reports that 86756 of the first instalment of taxes has been receivod 1ein considerable more than called for snaay taxpayers paying full rates this is by far the beet response ever made by the taxpayers and the city treasurer looks upon it as a most encourag ing sign of the prosperity of the city the methodist church of the dominion is almost prepared to commit itself to the formation of the third party for the purpose of suppressing the liquor traffic it its machinery is put into the field to carry prohibition and the toronto mail leads a few mow journalistic corrvertb to that side the liqfuor interests will not be long in yielding up the ghosu american exekangt the assessment of toronto has increased by 510811278 during the past year and exemptions u5495 making a total in crease of 111986853 it is estimated that there are now 127000 inhabitants without including the suburb of parkdale which is likely tobe annexed before thb year is out the txtobe has no doubt that the population will be at least 140000 next year when parkdale will be included at the time of the last dominion census in 1831 torontos population was 86415 i the present rate of progress is maintained which there is little reason to doubt will be the case the city will have doubled in population when the next dorriinion census is taken i rw our municipal servants the business they transacted at the last j i meeting sympathy foh the destitute council met on tuesday evening at 830 oclock members present w h storey reeve and councillors henderson fyfe and cameron ibnutes of last meeting read and con firmed the finance committee passed the ac count of n mcgarvin jfor supplies of 1197 and recommended payment thereof john wedge an indigent resident ninety- six years of age waited upon the council asking them to grant him a sum sufficient to take him to his brother in michigan where he could reside thematter was fully considered after which the following resolution was passed whereas mr wedgejjor some time a resident of acton- an aged and infirm man and destitute of means of support is desir- oofe of going to reside with his brother in jfichiganrand in the opinion of the council it is desirable that lie should be provided with sufficient money to pay his expenses i in going there it is therefore moved i by d henderson seconded by joseph fyfe t that the sum of fifteen dollars be paid con stable easton to defray mr wedges ex penses to bis brothers place in michigan carried moved by joseph fyfe seconded byj cameron that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw at the next sitting of the council to provide fdr the sale and inspection of meat in the village of acton carried council then adjourned lor one week it- ifi j ii t nas8agaweya exhibition the following is a list of the winners of prizes at the annual fall fair of nassaga- weya agricultural society held at brqok- rflleon the 5th inst and the number of prizes secured by each j norrish 25 mm a bejl 16 j a watson 16 j batiay 14 mrs d gillies 12 w kilning 11 t boles ifo e akins 9 jas erwin 9 djbarberee 9 j hutcheon 8 n norrish 8 jjkitcning 7 h eveleigh 7 j a d 7 mckenzie bros 7 j moffat 7 g hitching 6 thos wilson 6 w jackson 6 geo simpson 6 j w easterbrook 6 miss gillies 6 b wallace 5 j w husband 5 m holmes 5 r irving 5 g easterbrook 5 d robertson 5 c cameron 5 j mead 5 d h taylor 4 m grjnnmett 4 pjgoutd 4 t simpson 4 tstorey 4 w early 3 b border 3 j mahon 3 j elliot 3 l b wilson 3 j fc b nichol 3 w player 3 j patterson 3 t henderson 3 a pickett 3 j lynn 2 w mclachlan 2 j bennett 2 d worthington 2 e chapman 2 a haoon 2 wlaing 2 b brown 2 j mc- mi 11 an 2 j d strang 2 miss mccaoghan 2 jas menzies 2 and the following one each j c blacklock w whitley t somerville h wallace j richardson dr winn j lamb d wilson b a ramsay j ijoekertv brown jas hume jr w fletcher h dnnbar d hbeattie gi watsonm mcmillan j jackson jearly s scott w lynn j mcpherson mrs emehart mrst stranger e mitchell missmcmilian mckersie bros j f caughan smith fe matthews j anderson j strachan miss m a lang j mc lachlan miss annie jackson miss lizzie bamsey the following perfons were judges shkjeppios poultbya waldie e leslie w euiotfe the weather and the jktooa btem to oause irgus to lafletrresda almost iaerdlnjaly morb marriages the weather during tho last fow days jot the past week and beginning of this was iwht some of tho dear gushing creatures iwonlctdesoribe as quite too awfully lovely ithas boon really exceptionally flue for the soabon the nights in particular have bcen o mooney and o spooney especiahy jthe latter jn faqt it looks as if our edwins w angelinas were bound to keop up the xecord of this year s one of the greatest in ithoannklsof tho villages history for marriages i two moreof ourprominent young men who might bodeaoribod aa the long and the short of it entered tho ranks of tho bene- jdicts on tuesday that bourne from whioh no traveller ever hold on thats like our politics slightly mixod i think yes these moonlight nights lately havo been a groat boon to our lovyers generally who have been most assiduous in making ay or rather love while tho moon shines t rcmiuds one of that familiar nursery rhyme of on- nursery days commencing how doth the little bnsy bee ac any- jhow i wish them all possible success in jtheir wqoiugs i might perhaps be able to give them some useful pointers but then again they would be superfluous given fair maiden a mild moonlight night a good conscience and easy digestion conver sation and its lovers attributes come spontaneously i witnessed a little scene the other evening which showed there is some gal lantry about some of our young men even if they are ball players a young lady of jthe east end while taking a quiet lonely stroll became suddenly fatigued and in an almost fainting condition theyoungman pfar off rushed gallantly to the rescue and placing his arm gently but firmly around her waist assisted her gently to a seat on a old steel rail ie the track of all places fand supported her fainting frame until she recovered sufficiently to proceed homewards with his assistance his utter indifference as to the damage inflicted on a new pair of trousers by the rail was a little surprising the cards are not yet out whajt is it that takes one of our most itaidand sober old bachelors prowling iirbund the east end chiefly at all hours of the night especially the witching hour tf midnight and thereabouts having had occasion on sundry recent nights to indulge in a little midnight parade for the imme diate benefit of the smallest little argus our family boasts of i sometimes draw aside the curtain and lift the window to show the youngstel the beauties of the night and to heave thi deadly bootjack at the conductor of a feline concert near by and on many such an occasion- have i seen this same old bachelor making tracks for home and alone he cant be coming from lodge meeting as there aint any lodges up that way a carriage load not to mention sundry buggies and other vehicles of some of onr jblliest lads and lassies drove to the county fair last week they repert a good old time anda breakdown caused by a combi nation of circumstances to wit eight persons in a rig intended to hold six only wretched condition of the roads and the jehulike proceedings of their driver the gallantry of some of the young men came nobly to the front by letting some of the ladies return by train next morning with out an escort its about time that committee on the improvement of our large pond woke up andgot to business the pond is lower at present than it has been all summer and it is a chance that should not be miss ed wake np gentlemen and lets bear from you the base ball match on saturday last was a mighty poor affair we paid an admission fee a trifle tis true to witness the game and it was the impression of many that the visiting club ought to have paid the patient spectators for watching their extraordinary antics notably those of their longlegged catcher who acted as if he had springs in his heels a sort of a springheeled jack talk about kickers theyve got that down fine but kick as they might they couldnt rattle the redoubtable ike not much the chief bh cockalorum of the kickers seemed to be an individual who played centre field who at times varied this by trying to be fanny as a humor ist he is a lamentable failure how thejlayers from the rockbound village to the west of us got beaten by the players that visited this burg on saturday last passes the comprehension of abocs acton oct 12th 1886 uilely personal weret grove j a paragraphs respecting ps with vom cuv readers aiindfvlduftlly or colleouvely acquainted idsjs green and kmnia of tarn uro visitiug friends licro v miss oiaija midway of toronto is visits ing friends ihere this week mrchaij ruby of waterloo was with friends hor a couple of days this week mrs f jreen aud jiou anson of pro oreastoi wbreguostts tf mr w h storey during the week mr iid mrs d gullowfcy of toronto ie guests of mr john walter maple farri last wcui i moarthur of tho dominion bankjtorcnto was tho guest of mrs jano b camereu over stiuday mr l p snyder has been appointed organist of pauley st methodist church guelpuaud is buid to bo already giving good satisfaction mr w 1 buardmore and family return ed this weak to their toronto residence mr a ol boardmorq will r occupy tho premises vaoated mr c ij hill of arthur philbrios photo studio detroit and mr c a mat thews of k ills studio monroe mich are spending a vvook or so with friends iu their former homos mr j join curson b c l has formed a partnershi witli geo w badgorew m p p of toronto and the law firm time form ed will hor safter be known as that of geo w badgerow cfc co we cougrattiluto friend can ou on his taking another stop in advance and wish him continued success owrjmoirm lerahl while in st louis a couple of weeks ago- messrs james and robert warren called upon mr john milne brother of mrs a stephenbou aud mrs james mclam of this piaoe who was for many years a resi dent of acton and vicinity they found mr milne well and prosperous and occupy ing the responsible position of foreman in ono of the largest milling establishments of the wist jthe many friends of mr milno among the readers of tho fhke phkss will be pleased to hear of his success during the knights templar conclavo in that city he wap preseuted by his employer with a costly and elegant masonio emblem 1 the altar mncjjell dkwar at the residence of the brides father milton ou wednesday sept 20th by the rev m c cameron bdm e mitchell solioitor drc to empia eldest daughter of mr david dewar miiritevrs bum at kilbride on the 12th october by bev j w cathcart mr l g matthews merchant acton to miss jennie blair daughter of mr thos blair kilbride kesniv bmir at kilbride on the 12th october by rev j w cathcart mr w r rtenney of kenney bros boot and shoe merchants acton to miss tillie blair daughter of mr thomas blair kilbride papoboold gbjujrimtboots w farrish ebrown 3 anld dataeg wiuiaiag- a j little jonathan tovell timtt vomc mrs w farrish mrs a wajdie mr 8 wblack miss maggie mi li m y tim eromsplowbg match will be btioothtlatmot the late laaarus park iimpon tis3nd ins 3 v 4 halton county show one oi the finest and most successful ex hibitions ever held in the county gate receipts nearly 1000 the annual exhibition of the agricultural society of this county was held at milton iastthursdajand friday and was a com plete success halton show was never favored with fin r weather the both days being bright warm and in every respect aggreeable the attendance was larger than usual and nust have reached some thing over 6000 the hall was well filled and by a changi in interior arrangement many of the classes were exhibited to better advantage than formerly competition was keen mid as a result many of the de partments were filled to overflowing there was a fine exhibit of stock and the show of horses was all that could be desired and the horse ring was the great centre of at traction in this respect halton continues to sustain her reputation as on exhibition of the products of the county the show was taken altogether one of the best we ha ve had for some years the band con test on friday afternoon was spirited and keen aud some excellent music was dis coursed the competitors were milton georgetown and streetsville bands the prizes were awarded to streetsville and georgetown the bands were all in good shape and each played well we will not be surprised to see milton band take the rod ribbons next year they are malt ing rapid progress for a yduugorganizatlou u the grave mcewen iu nassag aweyo on tho 9th october alexande- mcewen aged 74 years kexskby in esijuesiiig on the 5th octo ber ellen dnughter of mr john ken ned aged 36 years mabtik at limehonse on the 7th october elizabeth beloved wifo of mr henry martin hanover aged 25 years elliot at cartwright man on the 21st of september of consumption mr geo elliot formerly of acton aged f2 years tuphbtox in acton on the 13th inst at bis late rcsidenco cornerof frederick and church streets philemon thurston aged 44 years bell jat york neb on the 2nd october of typhoid fever mrs james boll daughter of f w ware aged 23 years canadian papers please copy tfror advertisements hotkl for 8aleokto kekt the undklihiokkd desiics to soil or rent ais hotel near acton station of the ufii known im keudettn hotel possession giveu lxt of november 1kh6 for farther particulars apply veraouolly at lot con s krln to t thomas bennett brinbcpt b8th 1880 balllnafart lo 5000 aires of land for salo iu the county of dufferin a quantity of land for salo at from 10 per acre to 50 per ncro terms and pricos to suit all customers also village property in shel- burne ihorniugs mills cotbottou rlvorviow and helancthod apply to i j t heu8treet iauctionoer land agent tc bhulburue as hemstreet is acquainted with tho county of dufftirin in almost ever- part wo can recom mend him to intending purchasers house and lot for sale rflhe ijnder8ignbd has recelred iustruc- i tiohs to sell onvery easy terms tbe boubo o l f harles hynds jewelleiy store this is a desirable proporty the lot lis flrstelass the dwslhug in rood repair aiiathdre 1b a nice garden withfruit trees terms itnd particulars make known upon aiiiill ufttlon tp hpmoobe pnek iltesh ofwtk auctiox sales wm he3m8trbet auctioneer iwill conduct sales as follows i octobku 15th john frauk lot 25 con 9 nagsagaweya octobeh 19th david cox lot 28 cou 5 nassa- gawya octobeb 22nd peter anderson jrft 27 con 0 nfissagaweya octobeu 27th jas itoid lot offion lerauiosn octobeb 28th wm smith lot 28 con 0 nas- sagaweya j fak1is wanted fabmj3 wanted fob the next issue of our canadian farm advertiser whioh is to be circulated amongst intending purchasers offarmj throughout canada the united states europe md dthor countries wei have in our office at onelph tbousands of letters from appli cants for farms from all parts m canada all parts of the united bttes europe south africa jamalco aud other countries all the letters are iron parties who have seen our advertise ment thosewanting to sell aro invited to come tooureiaceioguelph and see tbe letters or themsel res wo are selling more farms than any othc r flrui iu canada and we defy contra diction to this statement if you want to sell send us root name and address aud then we will write to rou jno charge unless a sale is effected addresb i jo hndaley a co ouelpa ont fa the rview cemetery ciotlt sold akd for sale re parties who have selected burial plots in t ie second survey of the new cemetery are reams ted to call upon the caretaker mr bb cook and secure the certificate entitling them to their deed whfoh till give the possession of i the sale of lotsls now opsnana alldealriiigloucan be supplied all lots sold receive the corporations guarantee that the nurebaselwrighteirlllbepretieoted j beevee office oct oth 1801 has conie for tiipao who wuu prarjouw and aforetbbtight make their fali selctior while assortment are inbidken vhilo gbpdo iiro w j e s h jkisrty tt nwashih6t0nmdlcps0 emiuont throat and lung burgeon will visit aoton dominion hotel monday 8th november disbahki tnkatki catarrh of thohoad and throat catarrhal deafness chronic- bronchitis asthma aud consumption also loss of voloo soro throat knlargod tonsil iolyptib of tho nose removed comk eaklv conhutat10n flikh cata1uih ok many ykans felasdlno cuben dr n washington throat and lung surgeon toronto bear sir i am pleased to express my entire natisf action at the results of your now method of inhalation which ban cured me of a very troublcsoiuo form of catarrh in fact all the usual remedies failed to give mo any relief hut your treatment from the tint gavowe great ease and in a few months cntiroly cured roe of a most annoying diseaoo i cau honestly recommend auy who may bo suffering as i was to your skill ful consideration your truly geo gouldino represents o tvbvbuix halt and w h sroniv son acton head offlccs 215 vougo st toronto write for particulars while theyve tho time to look aud we tho time to give that caret a 1 desire they all shall have 1 watohm ffiljrerplaj lssgold r m ahkm carefully il s- msb jririiwri ilsl r oystj 9 has noora fl i oystem or ery canned o- this seuson finds us fur better prepaied wants thaii did baying time n year ago found us lacking either in w attention which we i in every particular to meet your and we are not aware that you then assortment quality or oo- the cemetery is not settled yet but the fact that w williams has tho beat stock of boots and shoes in the county iu settled beyond dispute i have just received my spring stock and am prepared to suit all old customers and as many now ouos as see tit to fiivo mo a call in all lines of footwear j boots for tlio hahies boots for the men boots i do make boots i do mend custom work and repairing promptly attended to wm williams we are on the market -buying- wheat peas and oats wo will give market pi ices for all bound marketable grain delivered at onr ware house oli acton i e nicklin tv son acton sept 29th 1880 o be that as it may this years buying time surpasses all othet stock in the assortment ottered you iu every style buying times in the size of our department in the excellence op oub goods- and in the- j lo wness op otjjr prices -00- better facilities and tin increasing trade are the thin gs thahave done it and neftt o come ami see to what extent you may be benefitted at the r reasonable prices remember our famous 0 cent tea o ead68 in firslclass gbodsiard henbebsow mcbae fe go i the glasgow housis acton n fffffpfpfpffffffffffffffffffffffffpffflifffeff5 i east end clothing store f fffffffpfffffffffffpfffffffffffffffffpfffffffpfffff xx ttttttttltntftrtttttmtttttttttttti i fl i i i k fall tj the leading clothing hque it tttttlttttttttttttttttltttttrtrct a larfte and wellassorted stock of tweed anil worsted suitings and overcoatings adapted for pall and winter wear nt j fyfbs fiyanberk bf i also over vthiug new in hats caps underclothinc in short everything necessary to a gentlemans odniplele outfit i haying all my attentionjdevoted to the above lines i am prepared to uivo the utmost satisjaclionin fit workmanship and price of cuelph are very busy deceiving new fnll goods from england ireland jlnd scotland j pitfe acton ont i the finest-f- watches jewelry o repairing always sausf actor y if you have been dlbaprointkd is spectacles try- the alaska tiny are the best j we ever sold savagl f olo aront for cuolph sec our ryan berk t nshaw go l ladies if you appreciate 01hnerpr aexi dss ob sec our goods before yoxi buy o- su00b33ors to john holgr son t 93 upper wyndl ana street guejph james 8tirton ld8 dbnti83 honor graduate and mentber of the bntarlo oolloge of tiental surgery t artificial teeth perleot inappearaneeand nsej800 per set written guarantee with overyset v offiebtpveu8jblek i a with sftlwy nd bxpengm pail any de termined man can succeed with ns pecul iar advantages to hegfei stoojt com- sfwnswnjfwiisungspboiahies uutntlree aadressatonoe miittiethfs nansrl ri nubsenyti your v attehtion nshaw 00 oe please goods kenney br6s klain street actonj t tothe pi ont with if fine stock of mew i io s our fikqfcff of e deioription oussf w i h6l manutacturers nnd are of the best quality vve have a fine aortinent and your every want can be supplied t- man5rl rali8bt on iwd direct fromfhei njs f foment and guarantee repalrhur done with neatness ajtddea atohv kcnn ey bros dominion house 332ig8g3lbs thujm provided listow bra exploded gnuriri are lower th sarnial for22milis rthecs running ove bo in some j gnelph ontbe8thi bockwo unavoidably ifhe been strnokl mrj aniqofhisi 7- a trio i doliare on wej tirtki completed residence we delighted fbee pbessi in the i grnnters if turali coon the or answering thena town last afalli in her quilt thai the townshil one of i bare ever executed bj band owing t boys sent- to were severe reprirj master i i thirteen yeaii in ontario h he is btadj oprj interesting woodcock sqolrrels1 ta hew onmos grant and trustees of i herosy messrs dwelling on i residents of f determined 1 well as i the m will bring deliver his next tue probably be i rwillyoij the address j if you tliiukl kindly take f amended our me at least ard method of months of i at eight ocltj bock wo wednesday favored jki theattenflaj all respecte eevj avoidably de preach in h norrisc he deliver the n thata npv peifeot vent children and not so fai at first ima ioux job plate land od sons lea vinfl posters ca done jap in possible ti wbrkii speci jty l8jpr lowiogcaw ranci theounl newsi from shou this instait this inmui this an stodi tow them 4here they ladieiare mud on a i nany i right evenf dontl and fyfe s wixkbps foolll onbupteml ion i ptea enquinftfcl yjfeiil

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