Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1886, p. 3

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iflhm iiipml4ik i- afiaaa l6sbvft fw id3man- 4 t cko hyxpfv acton watche alooks jewelry spectacles silvcrputd crnets knives sjvons fork ink gvld wedding ring all kinds of wmchre clocks mid jewelry carefully repaired at gko hyxds jkvttiv jm statwnkry stokv ai ton oystkks xlk hii- iff ov mkkkxlkv a limmul tvli lim- oyster nl- hvg froth ul ftalctnlliv or 0iniel ooil crvc iirtheparlov xcrnlry vislc wttrnvtkw for l iiv ronfevtioll- cryvaliuhivfcitc ol krhnlkyt 1 the iwt office ituimiug t tiii isiv slobmnrt oitonkr 14 i860 the weeks rakinqs which me principally local and air interesting 4 m v crumbs for breakfast provided by the ever thoughtful free press reporters listofccls rate is 16 j mills lsrajjiptoivs cleciric lifut scheme ll8 cxplclv grain is coming in slowly the prices are lower than ever j sarin ratepayers are taxed this year or 22 mills ou the dollar the canada glove works have been running overtime this week potatoes are in considerable demaud in sjme places in the country guclph fat stock show will be held on the sth dth and 10th december rockwood and eriu correspondence unavoidably crowded oulthis week the rate of ekas assessment has been struck at 23 mills iu the dollar mr j c hill has improved the appear ance of his store front by a coat of paiut a trio of medical quacks raked in the dollars ou the street a couple of nights last week mr thomas ierrymau sr has just completed a neat fence iu front of his residence wedding invitations the ladies are delighted with the wedding invitations the fnrs pki office executes in the fall the honest farmer kills his prnuters in trie moon in the fall the rural sportsmen hunt the wild nocturnal coon the oranovilleliyivr says a man answering to the description of jas wells the xassagaweva thief was seen iu that town last week a fall poet writes that nature is now ia her daisy jjazy lazy mazy crazy qnilt that poet must have been attending the township fall fairs one of the neatest programmes we have ever seen printed iu milton was executed by the jitormtr office for tne band concert las friday evening owing to their youth the two limehouse boys sent to milton for disgraceful conduct were discharged with a caution lifter a evere reprimaud by judge millar master james warren of hamilton thirteen years old is the youngest- person in ontario holding a second class certificate he is studying for the legal profession our local nimrods are putting in some interesting time just now what with woodcock ducks partridge and black squirrels there is some rare sport indeed at a meeting of the village council held o monday messrs chas ryan grant and ax mckinlay were appointed trustees of georgetown high school ik raid messrs worden bros are having their dwelling ou arthur street bricked the residents jjf the east end are evidently determined to have their houses appear as weis5 those elsewhere thr municipal finance minister will bring down the annual budget and deliver his budget speech at the council next tuesday evening the rate will probably be struck at the same meeting will you dear reader please examine the address label on yonr fbee pitssrand if you thijjk thedaterequiresany alteration kindly take the necessary steps to have it amended and inaob oblige the publisher oar ifctrchaiitsor the most of them at leas are running the go-as- jouplease method of closing again iliis after six months o satisfactory and general closing at eight oclock is decidedly retrogressive rockwood show on tuesday and wednesday was the usual success and favored with the customary wet weather the attendance was good and the show in all respects complete report next week fe rev j h george ottawa was un avoidably deterred from being present to preach in knox church last sunday rev h xorns of glenallan filled the vacancy he delivered two very acceptable sermons- the new orleans picayune remarks that a novelty for schoolrooms would be perfect ventilation plenty of rooin for the cbildrenand welfpaid teachers this is not so farfetched perhaps as one would at first imagine our job printing department ifl bo com plete and our workmen so expert that per sons leaving an order for sale bills concert posters cards circulars 4c can get them done up iu firstclass style in the shortest possible time consistent with creditable work call and see qs fine work a specialty in a printers journal we notice the fol lowing caution to country printers too much free advertising is a grevious error of the country publisher all notices except news should be paid for and no deviation from this rule should be tolerated for an instant we hope onrreaders will bear ting in mind and not tempt us to commit thig grevibns error j an exchange says have yon ever btoodon street crossing and witnessed how many will drive their team up atop them right over the crossing and keep them there evenwhen there is a post convenient they dont appear to think of how many ladies are thus obliged to step out into the mud and wade around some other way there is generally plenty of room without obstructing our crossings a letter of bom time tago jqu monday- mr uoorgo hynds showed is an autograph letter written by daniel hall at newport in the isle of wight and dated 24th of 4th month 17b8 its extreme ago reudcrs it quite a curiosity it was found among the papers of an ancestor of mrs w j pigott j the last of the season an alleged jam f base ball between acton and canipbellvillo was played here on saturday afternoon the score was 25 to 21 in campbellvillos favor its hard to say which clob did the worst playing and they couldnt blame the umpire for his decisions were most impartial the joseph williams failure the georgetown ihrwui says a moot ing of the creditors of mr joseph williams glenwilliaras was held hero ou tuesday all have agreed to accept 40 cents on tho dollar 25 cents on tho dollar to bo paid in six mouths and the remainder which is not secured i three equal annual instalments bound over to keep the poaoe on saturday morning james hill who lives at the dominion limo kilns was charged with abusing and threatening lire wife anisic evidenco was adduced to sustain the charge and ho was bound over to keep the peace for tho term of twelve mouths himself in 100 and a surety in a similar sum speeding in the ring a writer in the ihtml ctimulian referring to the annual agricultural exhibitions says i do not much fancy the now- fancied phrase speeding iu tho riug fhe humorous american title agricultural horsetrot is better if we must have a sub stitute for the oldfashioned term horse race thats what it is call it what you will and farmers of all people in tho world should call a spade a spade successful manufacturers the valises audi satchels manufactured by messrs moore a mcgarvin acton are giving unbounded satisfaction in all quarters of the province customers of theirs who made exhibits of their goods in toronto received a bronze medal and in st thomas and london first prizes orders are coming jn rapidly principally for their best lines and the staff 6f work men have been putting iu overtime for several weeks a b5g fair number mr h c stovel formerly publisher of the mt forest cvnmerau is now manager of the napanee etprtts and the impress of his enterprising labors ia clearly stamped upon the express the latest accomplish- meut is the execution of a 20page edition of the expni for fair week and a very creditable paper it ft there must have been some hard work and long hours too for this mammoth paper for a weekly office was gotten out by an ordinary staff of six hands with the usual complement of plant and presses and all in one week stovel is a pushing uewspaper man the florist of the county at the invitation of dr roe we visited happily wedded in st paulb churoh yesterday at 1pm miss annlo itonderaon laldlaw only daughter of tho late james h laidlaw el etiquosmg and topdaughter of mr arclu bald campboll of acton was led to tho altar by harry son of dr g a turvlb of portage du fort quoboo tho ooremohy was performed by the brides undo uovr j laidlaw pastor of st pauls in prcaodco of rolati vos of the bride from acton george town guclph and liarriston aud friends atid acquaintances from hamilton by tho hand of bomo of whom the ohuroh was tastefully dooorated with flowers in honor of the oocasion after tho ceremony tho happy couplo proceeded from tho beautiful church to tho iiiutuo of tho wodding march and tho pealing of wedding bolls and at tended by tho iuvitqd guests ropairod to tho residence of tho uov r j laidlaw whero they woroontcrtaincd uutil uie hour of tho departure of tiioeust bound train which carried tho happily wodded pair toward their now homo at fort coulongo quebec followed by tho hearty good wishos of many friends the bride has iuauy friends in hamilton having formerly rosiu- ed here for aomo timo as a member of her uncles family hamilton times agents wanted clomont a co of 4 wellington street east toronto or tl st francoisxavier street montreal want a general agontj they are tho exolusivc owners of tho scho- fleld patent cake griddle jtho celebrated emery knifo sharpener known as the carvers friend tho emery soythcj sharpenor tho jayeyesee wire curry comb and other specialties if you want to make mouoy write to them at once for an outfit aud to secure what territory you can handle the old cemetery violators okthe bylaw closing the pro mises find that they cannot violate with impunity 25 and costs in first case fall fc winter r b 1883 jctoist fall sc winter 18bo gooids is now very com- now in a position to offer ia the season so t ti hats from 75 cents to 8250 at j fyfes wvitiiwtookfound abuggy waterproof found on the erin and eraraosa townllae on september 80th the owner will please eniuire at the fiitt pbess office floral view greenhouses at georgetown the other day here under 1000 feet of glass the worthy doctor has a complete assortment of rare as well as common plants aud flowers in all stages of maturity in this attractive spot he spends much of his leisure time to his personal satisfaction and here the visitor receives a hearty wtl- coine and courteous treatment these greenhouses supply large orders to florists in the city at fancy prices the dr made a magnificent exhibit- at the county show last week embracing over 100 pots he succeeded in winning the bulk of the prizes too another occasion for orange blossoms from the ridgetown piaimlealer we glean the followiug respecting he marriage of mr d mcmackou formerly of acton a happy event which rumor has anticipated for some time was consummated at maple dell op the 29th september this was the marriage of susie stone to davidmcmack- ou both of highgate miss mattie stone sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid and mr thos mcmackon brother of the groom as groomsman the party were dressed very becomingly the ceremony was per formed by rev w3i pomeroy the presents were numerous and costly about sixty guests from acton ayr belleville chatham detroit essex centre lambeth and st thomas were present the day- was pleasant and the wedding very enjoy able a double dose of happiness on tuasday an event took place which tends to strengthen actons reputation as a place where the marriage vows ate very frequently brought into practical service and the affair of tuesday was none of ypnr ordinary apairatatime weddings but one of of those rare occasions where two pairs of hearts which beat as one are united at the one ceremony the event to which we refer was the marriage of mrl jr matthews baker and generalmerchant and mifia jennie blair also of mr w r kenney of kenhey bros boot and shoe merchants to miss tillie blair the young men are among our most respected business men and have each spent the whole of their lives about 25 or 26 years in acton withhonor and credit to them selves and their- families the brides are sisters daughters of mr thomas blair of kilbride they have both spent a number qf years in acton and during that period have won the love and esteem of a very large circle of friends and messrsmatthews and kenney are considered fortunate in having secured such estimable young ladies to preside x their future homes the ceremony was performed at the resi dence of mx blair by rev j wcathcart and was witnessed by the members of the three families and a number of guests the presents were numerous and handsome the wedding party arrived in acton on tuesday evening aud setting a worthy example for future hymeneal participants wisely spend their first days of wedded life together in their own bomesi the former on frederick sreet and the latter on elgin street the fbbjs pbess and the many friends of the happy couples extend their heartiest congratulations and sincerest wishes i j i the first caso of violation of byaw 145 which was passed with a view of preserving the public health and which prohibits further interments in tho old cemetery came op for hearing before his worship reeve storey last friday neil mcarthur of erin was charged with having violated the by1 iw by burying his sister there on sunday 3rd october neil mcarthur was called and pleaded not guilty j e mcgarvin clerk gave evidence that bylaw 145 was in force j a speight undertaker called said the defendant engaged hearse and ordered him to bury deceased in tho old cemetery he followed instructions went to theol cemetery with the corpse and saw it de posited there on the 3rd of october de fendant was present and took part in tho burial w smith laborerjadmittedt that he had dug the grave iu the old cemetery defendant and two of his brothers wcro there when the order was given thomas hoston anil a village constable upon learning that defendant and his brothers intended- to inier deceased iu the old cemetery i weht to warn them of the consequences as it wai contrary to law i think it was defendan t who spoke up and said they were going to bury there any how i theu left them this concluded the c mr storey reeve i tako pleasure in informing tho residents of acton and vicinity that my stock of fall and winter pleto without doubt no dealer in acton has over shown such late styles jvamety and good value as i am although many lines in dry goods have increase at least 20 per cent i had the good fortune to buy heavi y early in the season customers may rely on getting goods atthe very lowest possible casii pkiok i would again remind the public that my staff is notaliowed to misrepresent goods and a child receives the same gooa value as a grown experienced porson tho business that i did duting tho spring and summer was very encouraging indeed so with increased facilities 4nd double the stock i do not foar for the fall and winter trade i wish to direct special attention to the following linesj tyhich for variety elegance combi lied are so p 3rfcct and varied that very few houses ouuidelof the principal cities can show such perfection in their selection es3 j3qod8 the fashionable shades are groy an4 navy blue 200 pieces to select from in- engl sh french and german makos viz jersey cloths in black and colors boucles foules ottomans serges ilaids meltons cashmerjs allwool combinations combination winceys silks in black and colors satin merveilleux plushes velvets aud velveteens large and small buttons and clasps to match the goods special values in boating shawls mantles and walking jackctb gloves hosiery corsets and ladies underwear st grey cotton white cotton wool and cotton shirtings ducks denims tabling crashes towels linens sheetings ticks blankets flannels tyarnctcf etc mil strinqjiam has charge this fall aud winfeiv this lady is thoroughly posted in her t usiness having had charge of some of the best establishments in western canada so ladies may rely on getting correct 3tyles and i will guarantee prices to suit mens and boys readymade clothing mens and boys woollen underwear boots an sho foi jadies misses children men youths and boys all ntxv goods at prices as low ks tub wheat groc t have received advice from yokohama japan that the ss rio sailed from thatport on august 13th it has ten chests of uucolored tea on board for me it is due at british columbia on sept 7th and the goods will reach here about ls octobei call and try a sample pound of the first tea that was over imported to actou direct farm phoduce bought the choicest groceries a r b jermyn halton dry goods house ways on hand acton 8 w no 2 millinery disp lay idence upon rising said regretted that it becamn his duty to fine mr mcarthur for the infraction of a muni cipal bylaw but if the laws of the muni cipality were to be preserved and respected it was neceariary that violators be punished his decision was tl mcarthur shall pay forthwith a fine of 825 aud costs it was far fiiotn his impose peualtiis of this felt pained that the hostility to municipal authority of certain partie3called for such action in the cases of some of those who had contravened the bylaw who resided in acton and the immediate vicinity there lesire he said to cluiracter aud he was some cause for leui inasmuch ashliey- had tq comply with the law he ncy and sympathy expressed a desire if they could obtain survey outside tho but in mcarthurs we take pleasure in inviting the atten tion of the lndies to our grand millinery mantle silk -and- fancy goods display which takes place in our showrooms on wednfsday 13th of october and following da vs we need only assure the ladies that the stock at no 27 ia the lnrgest and most comprehensive in the trade and that nothing has been left undone thnt skill and taste could supply to make thi grand exhibit worthy of our gwu reputation as well nsof the attendance of eur friends we are prepared for a big rush rsr xo cards go to mcgarvins drug and stationery stor for youk 7 school books slates jand all school requisites we kee1 a fcll supply also a tine line of hs trtionbet i just arrived a new stock of fancy goods including albums glove and handkerchief cases perfumery cases kc nevr advertisements jmhtuhm force pomp i and every variety of force well and cistern tjeioix ipttildllfs manufactured by a 0lc bounsall 0aeville 0nt aociis waxteu paints oils varnishes brushes etc dont forget the place j i mcgarvins drug and stationery store acton of interest to visitors to the provincial exhibition exelsior bakery actoisr bread 1 will be left dailv at the store of preparations all made at the the d livery waggon will also call three eek as usual mrs t statham 13 44icax3srs burial plots in first survey the front six aires of the new cemetery however pending the acti in of the courts the coun cil had notseeu iropert sellplots there but had since made a new old corporation limits case there was no ground for sympathy he had been warned of the consequences of burying in the old jceroetcry but had brought the copse from the county of wellington and juried iri defiance of the bylaw this stubborn resistance to author ity will not be permitted and should any further burials tike place he would impose the full penalty provided in tho bylaw viz s50 and costs continuing tho magis trate said in o rder however to show you that this court t snipers justice with mercy i will make this promise that in case yon remove the body within a reasonable time i will recommend the council to refund the fine imposed the fair and impartial hearing of the case and the promise of the presiding mag istrate havebeeu very favorably commented upon by citizens generally since the hold ing of the court and it is agreed that no fairer- treatment of the defendant could be looked for under the circumstances the case agaiust john doff also of the county of wellington will be heard iu the court room in the town hall tomorrow at two ocloclrp m i e r bollert 27 lower wyndham street cuelph ont mr for th accommodation of customers john nelson i 6 wanted immediately f several assistant mantle makcrs important notice largest stock of dry goods ever brought to guelph if you want a nobby durable audchpap buit go to i fyfes acton scotch english and canadian suitiugs n great variety at jfyfes acton 6o to j- fyfes acton for your oloth ing he can suit you for price quality and style everytime i spring suits and overcoats at extreme ly low prices and made in the latest stytes be sure to call and see jthem at 3 fyfes acton r e nelson the clothier is now showing a most oompleteassortment of new and choice suitings trovyserihgs and ovenopatings i in all the newest designs and in the most elegant patterns both in foreign and domestic manufacture f call early and secure a good choice satisfaction assured saib register thobsdav 21st octfsale of stock imple- tnonts o the property of mr james anderson lot 14 con 3 esquesing sale to commence j at 12 oclock noon wm hemstreet auctioneer monday 25m octowluusalp of stock aud implements cin lot 26 con 4 erin the property of mr john miller sale at 12 oclock wm hemtltreet auctioneer nearly 100000 wortli we show all the novelties in dress goods and trim mings to match we show all the latest things in silks and satins we show all that you can get elsewhere and a great deal more at prices that others cannot touch s- i great bargaitib in j watck2s clocks jeweley silverware w aclkrk successor to w s smith having purchased the bankrupt stock lately owned by w s smith i am prepared to give tha acton people a benelit such as has never been offered before being a practical watchmaker from the elgin watch factory elgin hi aud well mown jas a workman in the oity i guarantee satisfaction or money refunded personal md prompt attention to repairing all work iwarranted remember the place w a clarkt 26 lower wyndhain st guelph ladies wantiug a fashionable dress huve maud by comint to tb0 lion the celebrated mlss todd at their ladies wanting a neat and stylish hat or bonnet liyiy securo the services of the accomplished milliner uqss matrlot by coining to tho lion specialty 4 pants the olotier 09 wyndham st guelph jgentlemen wanting anew suit to fit perfectly of the newest style and most fashionable material can be aooommodated at tho lion our cutter 2r mo- kenzlo has earned a worldwide reputation as the most reliable cutter in the dominion d wikliamson co the ey to health -the- free press until jan11887 tjnlooks all the clogged avenues of tho bowelgi kidneys and idver carry- ing off gradually without weakening the system all the impurities and foul humoia of the secretions at the samt time correcting acidity of tiu stoma sh curing biliousness dys- pepsia headaches dizziness heartlpujm consgpation dryness of the kin dropsy dimness of vision jtfondice salt eheum eryselasjserofula plnttorinof the heart nervousness and qen era iebilityfall these and many other iimilarcomplaintaiyield to the happy influence- of jatjkxse blood bepp32r p t mititn co proprietors toronto t

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