Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1886, p. 4

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n i r t in y i t i it nx t r ti ir j k- ir i i 1 1 m- 1c i t j iyp t jh- tt j i zzl l fc- i- tmrrtawt mamtjattijoct0hktt w 1696 lm i i n j i i tt gone to school whew is onr mortyhatted baby how straiigo the silence seems 1 tierc w ho in the khdormischicf or in the land of dreams trying the reins on pajtieut rovier coaxing puss with spool ah me how slowly pe remember baby hasgono to school here at home he boan his letters finished with x y i and conquered the multiplication uble j as far s the thraf times three thcu papa laughed and suggested shyly j mamma forgets oie rule i babies must lehrn to be more than babies and so they must go to school well we recall the september morning j when our sturdy little man kissed as goodbyein the pleasantsunshine and the growing up began looking back he cheerily shouted j as we watched from the doorway cool i goodbye folkscsdltcomo and see youj bymby ai tor school j many a tale ho ifiuds to tell us mingled with smiles and tears bravely his heart sees out to the future untouched by doubts and fears yet we know life holds harder lessons xhan those from book or tool ah time 1 deal gently with us and baby tille are all home from school pun eor everyone a peculiar virtue ib ayers sarsaparilla is that while it demises and purees the blood from all corruptions aud impurities aud thereby roots out disease it invigorates tbe wholo system and makes one young again i baagrroau cvmlltltib any mn woman or child is in a danger ous condition when neglecting a constipated state of the bowels there can be no per fect health without a regular action of this fuuetiou burdock blood bitters cure constipation by imparting a healthy tone to all abe becretionst ladies troubled with pimples blotches bough- hands or face or soresraf any description should use mcgregor aparkes carbolic cerate it will leave the skin in perfect hejthamoolh clean aud good color be sure and get the genuine made by mc gregor parke price 2sc sold at dr mcgarvins drag store fatal attacks among the most prevalent fatal and sudden attacks of diseases are those inci dent to the summer and fall such as cirolerattorbns bilioospohc diarrhoea dysentery etc that often prove fatal in a few hours that ever reliable remedy dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry shdnld be at hand for trse in emergency flmld lightning there are but few that have never suffer ed almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold messing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for days one application of fluid light ning cures soldt dr mcgarvins drug store j a speedy care 7 as a speedy cure for dysentery cholera morbus- diarrhoea colic cramps sick stomach canker of the stomach and bowels and all forms of summer com plaints there is no remedy more reliable than dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry dealers who sell it and those who bay it are on mutual grounds in confidence of its merits very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred bommer complaint who might have been saved jf proper j re medies bad been used if attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of dr j x kel- loggs dysentery cordial the medicine that never fails to effect a cure those who lave used it say it acts promptly and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease highest praise 03ie wellknown drag firm of n c poison k co of kingston writes tat dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry has long been considered the best remedy for summer complaints in the market and adds that their customers speak in the highest forms of itb merits wild strawberry is the best known remedy for cfcolera morbus dysons- tery and all bowel complaints j what a comfort to bei able to gratify ones appetite once more without pain after long suffering from dyspepsia victims of indigestion wise enough to ac cept the general verdict in favor of nrtb- rop 4 lyman vegetable discovery i and dyspeptic care as true and use the article can enjoy the welcome relief obstinate dyspepsia constipation and biliousness invariably yield to its potent regulating action seasons why yon should purchase fluid lightning in preference to all other reme dies are kapid result cures instantly it s easily applied no trouble no lost time it does not require constant use one appli many forgotr that the wa and scalp ueod oloanslng fcxtensnie use of ayera hair visor has pijoven that t thejbast cleans ing agent for tho- ibur that it pi event and removes tknjuiff cools aud soothes tho scalp and stitnulntcs the lrarr- to ro- ovved growth i i motfcrn mlthrle in ik recent letter from b w dowtoii of deloaiue oiit hobtates that he ban recovered from the worst form of dyspep sia aftersuqoriug for tif teen yoare nnd wheu4 council of doctors prouounoed him incurable lie tried burdock blood bitters six bottles of which restored his health dr j d kelloggs dysentory cordial is a bleedy euro for dysentery diarrhosa cholera sijmiuer complniut sea sickless mid complaints incideutaho obildreu teoth- mg i jit iives immediate relief to those suffering from tho effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit cuoumbers etc it acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to coiiiuer the disease no one uocd fear cholera if they havo a bottle of this medicino convenient reader in iufbrming you r this wonderful remedy for coughs colds asthma broubhttit consumption and all affections of the throat and lungs wo foci that we are doing you a great kindness as if you have any oftho above coinplaiuts if you will only try it we will guarutee satisfaction in every case or money refund ed jvsk for mcgregors lung compound price 50o and 8100 per bottle at dr mc garvins drug store merit crovtm dollar upon dollar is frequently sptnt on the faitti of recommendations for artieloa entirely wortiilcsf 2ot so with mc- oregons speedy ciiro you are not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j k mcgarvins drug store nnd get a free trial bottle nnd if not convinced it will euro you of tbe worst forms of dys- pspsm liver complaint etc no iraficr of bow long standing t costs you nothing- sold in 50c and i bottles sec testimon ials from people in your own town best ana comfort to the gafterlnei browns household panacea has no equal for relieving piin both internal and external it cures paiu in the sido back bowels sore throat rlheumausm whit aieraf cherry pectoral does it pirovciita tho growth to sorloim iii- ncssof a dangerous class of dlscasrs thkt begin n mere trivial ailments and nib too tapt to be negleotod w such it nllevlatos oven tbe most dospetito ciises m pulmeiiary dlseajes nnd it break up a cold and tons ft cough more speedily certainly and thorough ly than any other medicino it iparei mothers much painful anxiety about tholr children ana lavoa the uttlo one lives it cures all lung and throat diseases that can bo reached by human aid i 1886 moleod latfderson co nnbrdsltd tho patient ft last and the only cbahco for iestoratlon to heuth how ayers cherry pectoral does such good it citpcla the mucus from the throat and tho nlf passages of tho head and cleanses ho mucous membranp it allays inflnmnibtlan puts a stop to tlcklbig m tho throat and coughing nttdembcstheiatlcnttorc8t it healfsoro throat reduces the swollen tonsus and restores natural tono to tho affectjcd vocal cords it soothes to natural and refreshing slumber ddring which nature regalm strength to combat dlseaso itolears out and heals diseased air cells a tho lungs nnd helps nature to repair o waste mado by the corrosion of pul monary disease it puts a stop to tho cankerous decoy of catarrh why ayers cherry pectoral is so perfect a medicine beconso it is a scientifically orderptl com- pounds of great potency the product of vcars of study observation and cx- perleneo in tho treatment of throat aud lung diseases because jitjis prepared from tho purest forms of tho drugs employed lu it chemically combined by a process of such perfection and accuracy as would be unattainable even by tho most skillful pharmacist dealing with small quantities i because it is not only tho mostcffoctlvo medicino for the uses to which it is designed but owing to tho enormous quantities in which it is made is sold at so low a price that it is placed within tho reach of every household because it is an active curative agent that mast be taken by drops as pre- scribed in the directions accompanying each bottle and not a mere palllativo syrup that may be swallowed by mouthruls where ayers cherry pectoral stands before the world it is popularly known to bo a medicino that hai cbred isryngeal bronchial and pulmonary affections where all it is a favorite household remedy today with peoplo whoso lives wcro saved by it when they were young a genora- 1 tlonngo it has bekl jhe flistplaco in ipulnr estimation for nearly half a century in this country and is more and moro ldghly appreciated year after year both at home and abroad it evokes dally from all over tho world expressions of gratitude for lives saved by its use i it is everywhere recommended by repu table druggists who know from con versations with their patrons and from their own experience how almost magical are ita effects for good itl regularly prescribed by many physi cians of tho best standing and is recom mended by professors or medical col leges to their students as invaluable for all diseases of tho throat and lungs imrortkittt asi ilkaiikits in stable and fancy dry goods millinery mantles dress making ordered clothing readymade clothing carpets and oilcloths -o- wo bog to inform our friends and the publio generally that wo havo this season a most complete stock in all the different departments that wo have imported and purchasod direct from the manufacturers the mobt of our immeuse stock that it was purchased before lie recent ndvouco in prices that thopublio will gut tho ad vantage of tbeso low prices that we triod to exciel onraolves and succeeded in securing a large variety of stylish attractive subslnutialcheai goods f ouit millinklty is superb and in large variety our dressmaking in llrsl cidhh working order a large and beautiful stpek of dress goods and dress jeers cherry pectoral prepared 1jy dr j 0 ayer co analytical chemiets lowell maes i sold by all druggists price 81 six bottles for 85 silks lo select from ouit mantle materials j aro gorgeous serviceable and cheap our tailoring department is a 1 turns out magnificent garments nd perfect fit a large sipek of twcedscoat- iugs and overcoatings to nhooe frcra ri i1 j it is impossible for us to enumerate our goods or particularly i the different prices but we guarantee alargo stock of serviceable stylish and cheap gods are to bo nold for cash orproduce a ftir 12 months trial of strictly caih wo are convinced it is the proper system to do business and enables us to compete with any legitimute business in canada mcleod anderson co l railway time table crand trunk railway oowokaht ril0wj5kt mixeil 810 ft m exirom 121 v kxjirois 710 nm lxmin u3i ka moll uw im i tlinr gxmrss i i i tlirooth exp6l7 nm mnil v aecow w in iim i hpculal hh t jhlcngo kxprcssdoeii not stop between iuci and toronto timb ojwms hkftp goltiflwestfl in aiir tmd r ai jim ooidg allan line i- i j roy all mail steamships the shortest sea pabge i average time 8 days two of which are passed on the rjvcr und r i gulf of st lawrence j v aiext i i acton october lstj 1885 millinery dress and shirt making at the right house lt- or toothache lumbago and any kind of ki pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood aud heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as tbe great pain reliever aud of double the strcnufh of any other elixir or liniment in tlio world should be in every family handy for use when wanted asit really is the best remedy in the world for cramps hi the stomach and piins and aches of all kinds and is for sale by nil druggists at 25 ccntb n bottle prominent among the greatest medical discoveries by the manycures it haseflsct- ed mcgregors sptcibj cure leads the van subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain none of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecnl- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be f ourrd not only a rtlief liut au abiobitt cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation nnd im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgalvins drue store 31 if you have a cough or cold do not neglect it many without a trace of that hereditary disease have drifted into a con sumptives grave by neglecting what was only a slight cold had they nsedbickles anti syrup before it was too late their lives would have been spared mr aw levy mitchell writes jl think bickler anticonsumptive syrup the beat preparation in the market for coughs and severe colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my langb ind for three months i had a cough i bad a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was on the verge of con sumption and had given up hopes of being cured when i was induced to try bickles syrup before i had taken one bottle i ound myself greatly relieved aud by tbe time i hadj finished the second bottle l was completely cured i always recon- mend it for severe colds and consumption ysm true merit will ih the unprecedented sale of bosclues ger man syrup within a few years has astonish esl the world it is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of coughs colds and the oeverest long troubles it acts on an entirely different principle from the usual prescriptions given by physicians as it does not dry up a cough and leave the disease still in the system bnt on the con trary removes the cause of the trouble beak tbe parts affected and leaves them in a purely healthy condition a bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases there is fully 2 00600 miss henderson so well known to the ladies of hamilton and the country for tweuty miles around as a firstclass mantle cutter and jfitier fits ladies so exectly that they are delighted with her artistic work miss amiss ip a very superior cutter and fitter of ladies dresses her make of dijeases fit so perfectly and envelop ladies figures so gracefully that they make ladies look really charming please try herahe is sure to tit well miss armitage tbe forewomau in the millinery ete np4he most delightful hats and bonnets of all useful and fashionable kinds and materials at short no ti col and has iihe styles of hate anc bon nets made so as to suit any ladys completion contour of countenance size or style of appearance mr mprae in the fijhirtde- partment will fit any gentleman or yotwg lad in shirts sons to give them the most complete satisfaction as to fit fashioiraett wear ladies misses gentlemen and youne lads will get firstclass value and fhe most fashionable styles with every garment warranted to fit at the right house the goods are new und beautiful there is fully 200000 worth of an immense variety of almst everything required in dry goods millinery mantles dolmans ulster jackets paleto underwear of ail kinds for ladies misses gents and boys neckwear hosiery staves house furnishing goods in great variety laces madras silk broche aud many other kinds of curtains carpets and carpet materials oil cloths mais bugs carpet sweepers etc in abun- dance his goods never were so very cheap as they are this season although wool has advanced abqut onethird higher than it was laxt may yet v ntkins was oyer in europe very early andgo6 an enormous supply of new dress goods and his general stock cheaper than ever before and is selling piles of allwool dress goods at from lac to tbe bostqtfalities over 120pleces of beau tiful allwool stockinet dress goods which are worth 45c are selling off at 25c he pays the cash down for his goods and gets thorn very cheap there will not be any opening day at the right house as it takes all his staff of 52 clerks to wait on his i i i ul customers and there is no time to prepare foraa oponing day but all the departments are filled with new aud fashion- ill most cvarvthmflf able goods and all hands are busy making up new manties millinery dresses shirts etc mind the right house- is on king niinwatiivimimq btrc ono door from huglison street and the name is ur- iwoiith opax immense variety -of- hainilton septcnber 30ih s6i thos c- wtikixasrs bargains bargains bargains -0- 48 king street east hamilton dress goods 10c formerly 2iie prints 5c- formerly lflc ginghams lbcj formerly 20c embiloideriesc formerly 10c ladies hose 25a formerly 50c childrens idse7c formerly 15c parasols 30a formerly goc spotted muitin 15c formerly 25c ladies collar a 5c formerly 15c call at the east end and exahike the fall stock of tbur spring suit 1 m b fennan has pleasure in oring shopin is now open order to fill announcing that his tail mrs sccqrdb block ljidinfiill running j in a position allorders arid t he is showing good tweed suits atv12 sold elsewhere for 15 scotgrfll tweed suit 17 18 ne fors23asd24 jsold elsewhe fine worsted suit at 20 a solb elsi where at 25 v brennai f i gentlemen wai ting a firatrclassy good- fitting coat etc may rely upon beingsuited in every respect bi leaving their orders- with the clothier ucio to- waters bros brussels carpets 70c formerly 1 tipcstry carpets 25c formerly 40c union carpets 35c formerly 00c allwonl carpets 65b formerly 85c hemp carpets 8c formerly 124c i china mnttiues 25c formerly 38c lace curtains 150 formerly 82 curtain poles complclb 50c formerly 75c stnir hods 75c formerly 150 pordoz fancy dress goods ii of all makes materials and prices l mantlingsottoman oordsrmeltons cvery cheap tijy headache bhenmatism m more pain than any other remedy in exist- it for neuralgia toothache sold at 25c a bottle by dr mcgarvm druggist wwmcliellan lynn ns writes i was afflicted with rheumatism and had given np ail hopes of a pure by chance i saw dr thomas eclectricoil recommend ed i immediately sent fifty miles and purchased four bottles and with only two applications i was able to get around and although i have not used one bottle i am nearly wjeli the i other toee bottles i gave around to my neighbors and i have had so many calls for more that i feel bound to relieve the afflicted by writing to you for a supply what is mcgregors speedy cnre for it is for dyspepsia liver comphunf indigestion bilionbne8bancl ifeis theflnebt blood purifier in tbe knowa- world today poeaitgivsatisfaction l we cannpt point to one instance where it did not i wherbjjdoes it have the largest sale eight intiie city of hamilton where it is mannfctnred there baa been over one thousand dollars worth sold in the last yearreiail4ujd the great majority of the sales aret yone recommending it to another for aaje a 1 50c and 1100 per bottle by dr mcgarvi4 druggist ihmmmti jve are making extra inducements in order to clear out stock sims goods rriats soaiory aiovos oorssts parasols embroideries ie4a shirtlaga carpets curtains coveries winiow j blinds stair rolso c- ad ah marked atvay down iu price in many cases less than cost samples rent on application mckay brothers 48 kini street east between llughson nnd john strceta hamilton cation is effectual one bottle will remove make tne appearance will save doctors bills and a long spell of serious illness a trial will convince yotl of these facts it is positively sold by all druggists and gen eral dealers in the land price 75 ctsj urge bottles advice to mothers are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrbma regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy- rnp for children teething is pleasant to the taste land is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and noises in the united states and is for sale by all druggist throughput the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be snre and ask for mas winslows soothing xbvf and take no other kind grid if want m ibom who writ to ggmooooforttoni1ihiyfflf tm fall lnfonnttoq tbont ork whfch tiurva 4omd lintt htbmtiutm ftj uimififoasstqjmsptrdsj smmiwb imnmdtfiaadtr btteiobaf oromcipltel aotn4ilr47toareiattedffmtimwlaiurtoam nitaolamytineribvlmttoartaak aubaiv from the cradle to the orave an immense stock ok mens womens and childrens underwear mens top shirts and cardigan jackets at lowest prices we uave as fink a line of i i st4pi1 je dht gpobs such as white grey navy bui b-akd- red flannels canton flannels winceys cottons cottonades cretonnes toweluno yarns gloves hosiery c as cheap as any other stoie in the trade perpeef fittlkg suits and overcoa s made to order at prices to suit evervbohy j speioht son piitaitum dsilars and undertakes acton having erected a fine new showrnnni have jut received a new and wcllassortedstqck of furnitureof all kinds pf tho luteal designs including parlor furniture bedroom suites r bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles andcv irytbin chi tint iiay family requires in the furniture line luring their journey j from the cradle to tho grave and we c111 prepare them for the grave tod for we have 011 hand a large 6tock of of all kinds and sizes aud all othor funeralf iirnislliufis wo will supply all ou the shortest notice and most reasonable terms a firstclass hearse drawn by a wellmatched team for hiro- l j j a speight manager i in groceries ouit stock rs complete and wi try otlr fifty cent teas farm produce taken in exchange john cannot be undersold nelson ifablrllilts fail hjits at the- east end clothin store every novelty in ffett good for fall wear at moderate prices call jajstlex sejje j fyfe uranges spectacles and eyeglasses auk thk only- genuine english articles in the canadian market real pebbles are kept iiij slock tests ate given to pilrchaseitt to drbvo their genuineues ii they are recomhiomiorl by aud ttaltmonials have been received troin the president a tie colleg tict vicepresident jif tlm mb lioal association qttmadn the presidentof ijof phybicinns niutsurkeons of quebec the iveawoftke medical paxinltyof laval ijniersity the prosiifeilr und xpresideiits of the medical council of nova scotia c hntif furth c these reeoinniidhiidnb ought to be snfficieiitilo trove their qualities rmwhmmmmm ji t or proof is ceded cull on j 3 pe aeson sofloral storo aoton oat 4 and t them use pn your maohiuery only the vvjjilhinowr six adtjdmslijs 1eed awardedit manufactured at eea flity 6llork8 by samuel rocerp co toronto i-u- mifwioiawwwaa the picture gallery buelph for artieii mitrrials oh and water colors crayo is canvas drawing paper bracket ie oil paintings steel engravings chromos e frames of all kinds mouldings room imd picture cornices and cornice pes s prin rollers and win dow shades from 00c complete jpfirioy goods suitable for wedding aiid birthday presents c visitors can hvvej their pictures framed white in the city sor bring them with you to- j f waters bros- the kqture callery uenr itbe post office lovells 1 qa20tteerl and pistory 1 of ihk j- dominion of canada la nine volumes royal 8vo be commenced whenever a sufficient umber of subscribers is obtained to cover f publication subscription to the nine volmhes 7500 to the provijice of ontario or bee 151350 t new bninswicfe or to novn 11 50 to manitoba or to british columbia to prince edward island or to xorthwest ries 950 eachprovincetobamap r ilease send for prospectus r john lovelc xlanagerand prbllsheii mout ealiugust 4th 18sg cost 61 to qn ibec scotii 90 territories desires to inform thq people of actou and 8arronnding8 that lie is iprepkred to take orders for weayiugal i kinds of bag carpets flannel si leetini slirting and dress godb striped orplaiditwillor plain also bed blankets ai d horse blankets two yardb wide and over j and i willfeoarantee that i willgivegood satisfaction to all faimera i and others who wul favor mer with tbeir piitronage t mitchell updogli looi i iters wlfclgurfe dybpeuia indlwtmr jaundice salt rhbm heartburn t heaoaohb dlwrterid liver t ailbdrn 50 3 or relieve dizziness dropsy fltjtterwq of the heart acidity of dryness of the skin rfivsssi rtnr from eowilfa r sts as newspaper i advertising to tbm4olp69trados sokeothls paper onflle ndareanthorbedtii ttake cohtracti wltl dronta advertisers voll wm j5vbry fffee pse88 actc 8ul onb ykab tbi invariably in 123 pear vear ii tinued till all i option of the pi oiie column- talf colomb qoartet colan one inch casual adve first insertion i sequent is reckoned by thj scale of solid n advertiseme will be ins ingly transit in advance i change for in tbe office b they will beleff wit ber of collegd office and frederick st c elstai itrinit ity medical i of physicians ofrictci l ij- bei 6 mc dent collegs of ronsnayep in an ope acton of eacb mon oen tirio lai vi veteribary si in the sonndi less afl tails ter in dence all ed to keiiny fe ancera ef m ofecb ofiace at 6 s oftces and8 w t b every i robnstc bari istersj b mains centj p hilton ibiiur aik rateng enb1 20 years w- m hj for the coul orders lefti or at rny promptly at 1 f also mous able terms i terestj in suj xoh ofrick- square r tr1banc1 sue st george i aooountl jdhn j sue money perjceat oaned fdr- 8ecnjtyr properly farms and withlarnu dominion oulakedin wanting fa rections tj farms- wa denqe invij guelph oj t e an easy 8 searpam 1 giveln rl odnditionl j ta8tdyonl

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