Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1886, p. 2

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r it m k i j st5 i pi 5fc iii i il nil p i tt hi jutott jfrttftm tboudat homhxotoctoukk 41 1886 the second catfl for vkjitiiig twccmt6ry3yiw ih t oourti busins8b prospeots that the businew oj the country is going anted is indisputable and mm every quarter comes the chjsriug lnteuffeenoc that upon the whole everything u in a satisfactory condition manufacturers in every hue report that they aire full ot order and that tfee demand upon them 1 are increasing while they have not nn naturally conelodeti that they are a long way from the limit which they aredestined to touch wholesalers and middlemen appear to think that they are only now en tering upon the realisation ot the immense trade that is opening up in front ot them while retailer are at their- wits end to met the demand thataro made upon them not oav4 for special lines but for the eutire list iu which thenar accustomed todeal consumers are confident tljat the day of bettor times has dawned and no longer are they disposed to purchase in a niggardly manner but seem to be ready to go with a full bead of steam when we make these remarks weare not we are happy to say applying them to the dominion of canada alone for the present does not appear to be a mere wave of prosperity upon which canada is alone being carried but she and most of the other countries are being borne up andsupported upon a sea or rather an ocean bf commercial success qur capact- ties art wo may observe being legitimately expanded to the measure of our means and this prosperity and this capacity as we hare intimated is not confined to- any one section or any one classy but comprehends them all and it is for all to benefit by it in the proportion of their will and ability to do bo canadian trade jtevktc duoiaion wbbirvbd mason millaii irving wc mason annie notes and comments rev santjones talks tike a man who believes that the salvation o souls is mote important than- the preservation of the english language toronto world the champion takes the feee press to task for not reporting the shooting case of inspector brothers and a toronto lawyer the ckampion should in justice read the fbze pbxss a little more carefully before c us so boldly with being so con siderate for a fellowprohibitionist when be gets into an awkard scrape there is one thing certain however this journal cannot be charged with maliciously mis representing the case in the endeavor to injure a public officer who was in ho sense 1 any more responsible for the unfortunate occurrence previously referred to than the young man who was wounded this can not be said of our maligning cotem even our esteemed contemporary the georgetown herald finds it to be wisdom to end a controversy in its columns when it partakes of little else than senseless bickerings and illogical statements edifying only to the writers themselves this it did last week in reference to a controversy which hss been running for some months as follows i thus endeth a controversy which has done no good we commend the editor of the herald for acting thus wisely and well promise him that if any of the closed out correspondents come to the fbekpbbss with their rejected com- municatiens attacking the heralds editor and perhaps containing annoying uncalled- for and insulting personalities and innuen does directed t those who deign te differ with uhem in their opinions upon they matter at issue that the tbjos press will not stultify itself by admitting the trash to its columns the case against johu duff erin fat violation of bylaw 145 was heard before reeve storey last friday defendant was charged with burying a oorpsiq in too old cemetery on august hist john duff was called and pleaded not guilty and took exception to the roeve sit ting on ttietoase as an mtemted party of the corporation johnmitchellisworn i reside iu guoiph am an undertaker know jolinduff re member him coming to bee me in august last about burying hib brother ho told me to bury the body iu actou all expenses were charged to mr johu duff the de- ceased died in guelph of typhoid fever i took the ooirpse to the cemetery bohiud the presbyterian church in actou mr johu doff was at the funeral and took part in the burialj wm smith sworn i dug the grave for donald duffsbody beside the grave ot john duffs son jn the old cemetery i charged the digging of the grave to mr john duff johnduff the defendant then said i admit ordering my brother to be buried in the graveyard at aotoin as stated by the witnesses and hold myself alone responsi ble for the lact j the magistrate theii asked mr duff if he had anything further to say in the case mr duff said he hail hoard from report that the new cemetery was in dispute yet and was not aware that a bylaw bad been passed closingthe old one he desired to bury his brother were his son was buried no one told him it was unlawful and there fore he did not know he was breaking the law mr storey said he was pleased and im pressed with the honest and frank demean or of mr puff and although it was a well- understood principle that violators of the law could not plead ignorance in justifica tion yet it was the justices duty to take cognizance of any mitigating circumstances connected therewith it seemed strange to him though that persons officiating nt the funeral should not have told mr duff he was breaking the law it was very far from- the councils desire to levy penalties all they required waa due respect for muni cipal authority it must be borne m mind that tho coun cil at the request ofithe citizens had passed a bylaw to purchsma new cemetery and that thsibylaw wasrratified by a respect able majority taw then exercised the right they possessed close the old ceme tery in the interesjof the public health since then the right ju the municipality to what is known is this six acres has been disputed by a person having no regard or respect for the peoples wishes they had done all they could as a council they had treated every person with the utmost consideration kindness and courtesy and yet they were met the most obstinate and unseemly oppwftou it should be re membered however that this opposition though directed against tho council per- sonally is- likewise intended to frustrate the interests of every citizen who voted for the cemetery bylaw proceeding the magistrate said he hoped that not only mr duff but others would re move the bodies recently buried in the old cemetery and save him the disagreeable duty of fining him and them fie would reserve judgment for one week and would then give his decision should he feel it hib duty to impose a penalty he would rec ommend the council to remit the fine upon removal of the body within a reasonable time he should feel sorry to fine him yet he had to remember the duty he owed to the people he represented itt bom 2 men hurrop 3 0 5 n norrish 51 joh 2 aud uio tottyylnjv beaty mrtft i mrs jas deforest atlllcs ml pinny vauflwn a c monah ma juo stewart l hollingretn e hi uter joln agiiew j ilwn k hheridjan a kendall j jolnisoii mrs 1 willlo dewor miss drolgliton tfi watson miss boaty gralisni jbs n roliinsou mrs d v 1 miss vmiuou miss j cmason brrlloptthlld faks 1 adcrertisomoati sale or to dkubhi skd ilvolroi to aeton station olubtotj t hotel loaewn si m von further partlouli apply lwrsoually a lot a cou 5 erin to r thomas bbnnhtt halunafwl ro miss c jddes beck a co elliott a son i r orr m black jdhnsor zealand geo donoon mrs j mitchell mrs a nelson 8 ereoinnn j- fiblior j c ballingor jjas stepliouson j curt- mer k akitis j n moore c norris a hendolsonjb wilsonft btorey 0 rob- ertsouj stevelis d1j laidlavyj j cord- ingly t fisheii g euiniott v switzer d ited chlshoim d neelands b yallace jbhiif snroat john weight t sherwbdiorr f harrison w browu d w campbell j- gouldiug james hume jr i a bussoll jas brpwuridge p d scott joln duiioan tbos atkius j harrison j b scott brain bros j b clements j f modougall c t lamtou jas stark jos hume r greoniub jilin foster vlboiriblleld mrs g grceuius mrs jjstephei son v n scott mrs j biiruwell couvruy bjrob roc kwood show the ajuiuial ethibitiou of eriunosa agri cultural society was a success notwith standing tho prjverbial unfavorable weath er itexperencd no doubt many were kept at home omng to the uncompromising state of tlieskiis but the attendance was very satisfactory the entries were con siderably in advance of former years and numbered j about 1300 the exhibit of horses was eicellert the cattle aud swine exhibits sere also good sheep fell off slightly compared with other years poultry was more numerous than before and som j fine fowls were shown tho ex hibit in tho ladies department was uiiub n wamed uuhmb wantk a tott the i next i8buk r efourttaiiadajjjfiffia advortlsor which oflormsthfouuboi itttuiifaa thounlloil btatei kuroito an othor douiittlhs wo havo lu our offloc at ouelph th maaiids of letters from appli cant fori fauns ifiom altnarti of canada all paruot the unltec 8uu fattroi8outh africa jamatoa aud otli r oonutnoa all tho letters aro from parties who bavtf seoii our ttdvortlse- ments thoso wauling tesollaroluvited tocoiuo to our olllee liiuuelph and see tho lettori for tliomwlvos we nro soiling uioro farms than ntiy othor firm iu causdo aim we defy contra- tuutfoii to thli htatemeiit if you want to snl ind us your nnuio aud addrosit aud then wu will wrltv to you no olmrgoimlobi a sale is offocted address i joutm j daley a co quelph ont fa1rview cemetery for those who witliivadmiye aud xtifaijty- ftl efoctrong while aaiftinoiita are tinbibkeh while oojb wlltdms 8ilvpi a aindil careittlfyi i jrwiiat d ore uskly good ibbsh amd pw whilo tlieyvoltlto time to look aiitl we the tiino to give that careful itteniiou hich we lchirc they fth shall have o the fruit exhibit was by far i eockwpod newbi row oh otc correspondent chas strange is in town again after putting in the summer in dakota the scott ct is doing good here not a drunken man being visible on show day w b bragg has built a firstclass cider mill and is rewarded by a crowd with loads of apples every day waiting their turq miss minnie brooks has returned after spending the summer in st paul with her unclejj jhillpresidentof st paulminu manlb themubical talent from toronto foe the aotrw concert preferred tramping ovi the rocks and inspecting the cave devil well ac to visiting the exhibition oi wednesday afternoon the bockwood base ball clnb has or ganized for 1887 and appointed the follow ing offioefs p lee esq president dr dryden manager w b blythe captain t lundy treas and john jago secty the eramosa township show held here last tuesday and wednesday wasasre- gards the number and quality of exhibits quite equal to anything in the past and financially a success the gate receipts being almost double 61 last year the aouw concert oh wednesday eyjening was a grand success the hall being literally packed and numbers having to be tnmedvaway at the door where all the talentrendered their numbers so well it seems superfluoos to particularia the misses walters sjid donnelly respectively alto and soprano soloiata were raptoroaely applauded mibb e strange as a piano soloist was up to her usual high standard mr richmond was inimitable as a comio soloist fairly bringing down the house signor napolitano brought to our memory bemenyii and was reahy the finest card on the boards fred strange waswefl received and to him and prof bohnerwho gortogether the above talent in toronto is dueweshqoldbay the thanks of the concert committee the remaining numbers were takenbymjm jpielding of gnelph always weu rpooifed jboe ana mim patterson of ftoaanw place anhmt john straohan of rockwood iu- bockwood optj wtn 1886 halton cotinty fair rvv au parses indebted j e howson are ricrelrfregieitedjfco settle their acoountejat ouce and save coste i j bowsos the following is a list of the successful prize winners and the number of prizes awarded to each at the county exhibition held at milton on the 7th and 8th of october r tuck 25 j w bussell 17 jos foster 16 c scott 1g jas main 1g j alton 14 p mcculiochu r wilson 14 mrs t atkinson 13 miss mason 13 miss cord- ingly 12 mrs rowden 11 mitchell a de- war 10 mrs a post 10 w patterson 10 dr roe 10 w main 10 m harrison 10 sheriff clements 10 johnmitchell 9 mrs c scott 9 mrs j altih 9 r ellis 9 j m denoon 9h l ross 8 3 4 g hardy 8 jos featherstone 8 mrs e r hunter 8 mrs r gillies 8 miss c johnson 8 job on 8 g greenieus 7 t wood7 e w gollop7 j dickiu 6 hustler mc- kenzie 6 j t mokenzie 6 w tack 6 jt elliot mrs r wilson 6 mrsdb mcnair 6 green bros 6 mrs jos orr 6 mrs mcgibbonc mies j mitchell 6 mrs carter 6 miss ettie bell 6 a waldie 6 missburnside 5 hemstreet bastedo 5 j clark 5 k cordingiy 5 j watson 5 a neilson 5 j1 j mokenzie6 w c beaty 5lb tuckfirsons 5 jw biggs 5 a g heaven- 5 d a mcnicol t wilson 5 mrs j foster 5 jas morley 5 monair 4 bamsbaw 4 mrs p peddie 4 l mccann 4 geo alton 4 g andrews 4 t blanch- ard 4 t lush 4 mrs m cutham 4 john son son 4 e h freeman 4 miss deid 4 c b raoey 4 ulrs1 keid 3 mrs t smith 8 job crpzier 3 miss l gillies 3 miss b gollop 3 g laing 3 miss hem- street 8 mrs smyth 3 miss e dewar 3 miss clements 3 a coyne 3 rbtewart 3 w moore 3 m howson 31 3 chisholm 3 c p preston 3 r willmott 8 r leslie 3 5 barberee 8 jas jarvii 8 h h mc- donajd 3 j a smith 4 co 3 mrs j c mason 8 b jones son 3 d yickerman 3 tors j featherstone 2 a wilson 2 miss c a mccallum 2 mrs r hemstreet 2 mrstg hume 2 miss llioffat 2 h q stone 2 miss mogibbon 2 t t harris 2 miss hume 2 mrs stoddaid 2 miss dolly white 2 wm ayerst 2 wa shields 2 j ford 2 g dennis 2 h freeman 2 a mitchell 2 a dow 2 c wdoas 2 g wat son 2 j c mason 2 r b emstreet x s bradley 2 mrsi bousfield 2 c nixon 2 john ramsey 2 mrs m chisholm 2 mr t beu 2 e hillock 2 d mcgregor 2 b motherflill kj conlson ijeoeitchidg2 a stark 2 j early q j hyilop 2 appleby 2 w h denisonl a denoon 2 h bennett jas drinkwater 2 d va clure 2ij t slack creelhi an bros 2 s the best we have seen at any township exhibition this season hoots nnd vege tables were even in greater abundance than at former fairs the followiuu are the names of the successful prize takers and the number of prizes awarded to each misses j it h tolton 17 james ramsey 17 t talbut j h black 9 h duffield 9 n norrish 81 mccaig 8 w stovell 7 j a watson 7 g pitching g jas bolton 6geolbbghliri 6 j taylor 5 j kennedy- 5 d rea 3 jas gray 5 j norrish 5 r talbot 0 tjhos waters 5 r russell 5 j mutrie 5 w kitchingo mrs farrisli 5 mrs john miller 5 mrs d b mcnair 5 h dunbarj 4 jf loree son 4 h watsou 4g wl parki ison 4 a waldie 4 r irv- ing 4 a arms rong 4 johu black 1 jas harris 4 thos gowdya co 4 r pigott 4 mrs d jgilles 4t mccuuough 4 g taylor 4d birbaree 3 j cordiner 4 t wilson 8j this boles 3 r akius 3 n mcartbnr 3 b wharton 3 w smith 3 t storey 3 b wallace 3 hooper john son 3 w sharpe sous 3 h waters 3 m sutton 3k parkinson 3 j osborne 3 j r niichol 3t henderson 3 wm sun- ter 8 bpyajl mfg co 3 miss a gerrow 3 miss amy stovell 3 j saunders 2 it j ker 2 d stewait 2 d matthewson 3 j bennett 2 a c mcmillan 2 h l roes 2 w husband 2 j argo 2 w peavoy 2 t tolton 2 0 jestin 2 d talbot 2 t cox 2 j croft 2 jas auld 2 p gould 2 a hur- ren 2 a cree 2 thos ramshaw 2 e w gollop 2 miss m laing 2 r croft 2 jas baker 2 huttie modougall mrs w ramsey 2 mrs j norrish 2 mrs h duf field 2 miss strachan 2jurs p j smith 2 and the following 1 each j davidson chas masson d h taylor j dickinson j a watson a birge r kirby m m p farriegj john grieve g l watson t armstrong j starkey m vauatter s allan j matthews j mcqueen m kirby a lasby w newbauer j mceachern w e smith dr lowry j hume jr j h reed jas harrison w duffield s johnston m vanattcr j mcdermott p spraggojifilahchfieldjmcnabbbailey h eveleigh j givens m holmes jas mccuuough d barbaree c swackhamer c gerrow a farrow b dredge a burns j r harris thos ruddell joel leslie josiah royce w hamgey john ramsey p j smith jhanbridge j gardiner e stovell s i pentoldmrs w sunter r mitchell b watson chas head jas obrien john dickinson w jwillonghby jog baker ajonzo birge john wrighi agnes a baker miss mcaughan miss carter miss ml tovell miss gordon mifla m carrie miss b gollop miss h ram shaw mrs g stoddard mrs j awatson miss 8 noribhw farrish the judges vi ere as follows diun itobbks frankrdolby elora win modiarmid fergus wm young binkham lionjr hpitses e greeusjwood norval j alexander guelph cattie james mcqueen jjlora ninian lindsay esquesing andrew scott eg- qnesinf sheep pijos jf potirm- peter mclean morrisl on thos cameron acton aohictfltiiiui j phoduots john habaon mobsboco andrew scott esquesing d mofarlane abeoyle wm michie guelph fhoxi i 4 daisy john beattie fergus w d shateick guelpb j gabriel wellf acton j crosiyj guelph lad wobh 4 fasct abticlkb mr and mrs d henderson acton mrs jno the lots sols and for sale thk parties who havo selootod burial lotb in tlio hocoiid snrvoy of tho now cemetery nro iomiostod to call upon tlio caretaker mr it b cook and oocuro tlio oertllloato entitling them to their loud which will sivetliepossomlon of tholr iota tho sale of lots is now open aud all desiring lots can bo biiiipllod alt lots sold rocolvo tho conoratlond guarautee that tho purchasers rights will bo protootod w h 8t0ltey4tgkvb ltoovob ofllco oct 0th 1880 auctiox saljlsl wm- hemsteset auctioneer will couduot sales as follows octoiikk 218t janvea andorsoiilot 11 con 3 enqueuing i oitomkb msn pctor anderson lot 27 con 0 niirsagaweya octoiimii 35th joliu miller lot so con t briu octohehwth 1 as bold loto con l eramosa octodbh 88th wm smith lot 38 con- 0 nas- sagawwa novkmbkh aim patrick ohoylo lot 23 con kratnosa novbjlbeji t11 v towiieuiid lt 00 con i ksqueslug novrmiianorn- joronriah kciitner lot if cou 7 esquesiug novkmbkihoth n forbes lot 1 con 7 xuk- wjawey novkmiien james clnrk lot 18 con 5 kramoeo- tiub beuson finds us far better preparettin every particular found us lackiug either in wuiits than did buying time a jbflr aga and we areiot dwarejthat ydu therf omeet your- assortment or tyle oo- hobson mohsboro a j little guelph j the altar wiumott hibbison on wednesday oct 18th 1886 at the residence of the brides father j by the be v a e buss mr frbdl hi willmott of trafalgar to miss agustk l harrison daogbter of johnsfonhft esq nea jiiltou j the ravj5 v keiui in bjrubssls on saturday oct 2nd harold addition infant son of w h kerr ot the post aged 2 months and 9 daysi fewavanmduj mwi thjsoradxjb savaosjiq gdelph on the 0th ootober irjief wfe o mi b savage of a daughter isiiqkp4in abum ou the 17th ootow fjbhe wife o mr thomas ismondofa son knp u actor on the llth october the wife o mf gamuol laird of a daughter ifwwirtl a nkw and thkillikg book ofakr ati ves life pictures from rums gallery or sketches written from personal kuowlodfio of persons who havo been ruled through liquor by thomas trottelr lds owbk sound ont additional te8tim0nul after a brief roview of life pictures from ituuis gallery i cau heartily reoommond it to tho patronage of the frieiiclsiof temperance and to all who have the interest of their fellowboiugs be that as it may this years buying time surpasses all other buying time in the size of our stock in the assortment offered you iu every departmeut in th excellence of ouk grdods and in the v- at heart yours sc acton oct uth 1ssc john cameron councillor life pictures from ltuips iiallcry l iu its mechanical execution it is a handsome lusiiaucry is a vol uino rolloctlug trout credit upon th puhlielier volume of 4 pages and sollsat 13 per volume aud may be had from miss trotter of this place who is acting as agent in the salo of tho book vividly portraying the authors reminiscences of the ruin of tfie drink curse which tire thrown upon th of an export your attentioi foir iu tliese sceues eanvas by the hand i is arrested and con viction follows to the advocates of moderation and tho general tipplers if sneh there be now in the community ft will be a pretty hard nut to crack its mailing will strengthen a conviction which is deepening ever- day that nothing less will do than total abstinence for tho individual and entire prohibition for tho state and to the accomplishment of thin end in its own way the book of mr trotter is an excellent contribution bobt phillips methodibt minister acton oct 12th- 1sh6 v vzpbr cold medicated lowness of our prices -oo- bttter facilities and an increasing trade are s the thit to0 are to rea the benefit o- oome ami see to what extent you may be benefitted at the reasonable priees r gs that havo done leaders in firstelkss goods ard n washington m d lgpsq eminent throat and lung surgeon will visit actox omintonihotel monday 6th november dibkasks tiikaikucatanh of the head aud throat catarrhal deafness chronic bronchitis asthma aud consumption also lobs of voice soro throat enlarged tonsilb polypus of the none removed comk eaiuy consottatlon fbee cataiuih of many ykakb standing cubed dr n washington throat and liiug surgoou toronto dear sir i am pleased to express toy entire satisfaction at the restilts of your new method of inhalation whloh has cured me of a very troublesomeform of catarrh in fact all the usual remedies failed to give me any relief but your treatment from the nrstgavie ne great ease and in a few months entirely cured me of a most annoying disease i can honestly recommend any who may be suffering as i was to your skill ful consideration yours truly geo q0ulding represents o toiinbum gait and wj h stode v son actou head offices ssyongo st toronto write for particulars j i if yoh wani a nobby durable and cheap suit go to j fyfes aotou spring suits and overcoats at extreme ly low prices and made in the latest stytes besuro to ball and see them at j fyes acton remember our famous 10 cent o hehderson mebae the glasaow house acton it and tea -the- cemeterv question is not settled yet but the fact that w williails has the bobt stock of boots and shoes i iq the oouoty iu settled beypnd dispute i have justreceivjed fny spring stock aud am prepared to suit all old customers and as many new ones as see tit to give me a oalli ill all lines of footwear boots for the babies boots for the njeu boots i do make tboote 1 do mend oustoiii work and repairintr promptly attended to wm williams go to mcgarlns or tolu school books slates we keep a fclt 81 ju8t k and all school eequisites pply also a fine line of i qhe tzzr i akrived a new stocfccf fancy goods including albums ulove and ha ndkebchief cases pekpumery cases tu paints ils vakpstishes bklfshiesv etf dont fol get thk place mogartins drag and s as ff f stationery stow acton 95 fffffff e m ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefsffifffff thk nuebt- watches mmm 0 repairing always satisfactory i if you iiavjt bkes dibalpoikhjd n- try the k7 te r- r rr r t weevergold 0 kawjm sdifc afbrcuefpri tttttltttttttttrntttrtt tem lieadinq t ttt rttrttttttttttt clothing iiouse ittttttrttttrn t rni tmrrmtr a lar and wellnsabrteii slock of tweed md fvorsterl stjipas adapted for fill d vereoatincs viter wear at j pyfes hats caps a1p eyi fthing new in having all my atlcnttftnldevoted tothebove hbesxaa ot haanwaftu w4 i r err t btj oys etoi ferileysl is cjtfnned tl c5bsiit underclothing iuslmt9vor s v 7 ifc v un x an pwpardd tt we the utmost satisfaction in fit wortansiwwpnuid ftk jisr 6101 proti ud jlevdr char b last jlheevet on papets armi trong za3 rm c for rjloney j iirsge attrax tive i can basi ladies and cl the avel pnsoi ers- year paragraph 1 he ing st bscri dann ag j hn n ndingl i the i through the i herl rfb r ii bx f r m li vxi v mt cl -i- i j i fl jtf j m axid s tatioiiey store 1 k st 11 town are puf arrangement dence thiswj the arrived on continuously had all disap the superannuate in the morning id thereril and smalls meeting wid people are in i trouble mr andrew arm fractur he lost a fine i by inflthmnaa thefais jtreet lamps i effect even ligliter thou tioa bestowe thetaxi ship appoini messrs ed w nixon and john el each sugar marriage ai matrimonial i j after this do actou ehould sugar weddiij kev ford for ohurcb act that church writes nsjth oldfrienjlb al he will jthe edii bered this wj the successfj to a biace of i thos eastol tend thauksl radishes a mass south weill of guelph oij uominatiou interest to i minion arl be held oath edw blake liveraddr paragraphs ovtr col mr8hj here this we mr cx3 few days j wf3ab33 ci- h alston ont removed thj mr allan attack of ini ig- dr mcga own reside erick street miss cla to visit feic the resident mr georl ville ny george sayj acton- hd husinessinj kr a master w came to ac visit their i miasgx john olthut been tcy andojil retnrn io he dwhi offiantls or eiglji v

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