Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1886, p. 3

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j j r i mm hyndb acton r4ock jewelry spectacles nroeu knive spoons forks ivoko witches silrerplated 1k gold wtiding rin ah kinds t f watches clocksamuewelry carefully rep lirrd at geo kvkq8 jftelry vu staiioxkby str alttw ovstkhs jys imfkuntey hwiio fine and rrllum lino ntovtcr i w fresh ui iuttmr oyrtorsor cinnpil oootu mw1 in the parlors kerbley is tti attraction tor kmt confection- err cnod iwxxlm at jmfkkmky in the t qtnct huiwing httl thvrsmy jmowtrea ovtannt si 188u crumb provided by for breakfast the etm thoughtful free prr reporter kcv drntorraac officiated ju kuox church last sabbath the event of tho week vu krin show 4- iutered in fyurview ceme the weeks rakwas which principally loou mm all v ifttoniting a fine contract v the contract for building atone for tlio new parliament building t toronto has been let by the contractors to messrs k chtsholm and m jtv klliott of this town the amount of the bohtract is ilbsuoo the proepecu for next season indicate a great boom in quarryini operations nt the credit forks rsltob temhers ooatauona i the managing committee jot halton teachers association has arranged to hold two conventions the first at georgetown on the 30th and 80th october and the other in burluigtou on the th and 8th o november a programme embracing many of the subjects of instruction iu the public schools aud others of particular iutcrest to teachers has bejen issued all the teaoliers of the county should be able to attend one or other of these conventions only gone before on friday last tho remains of mr p i wm on tuesday ahd wednesday a number of interesting nebraska papers hajie been received from mrs p s armstrong thanks ajc ye a mail without mouey am run for parliament but the man who has money is more apt to get there mrs george stoddard shows a very attractive window full of fancy goods and ladies and childrens underclothing the average daily expense per head for prisoners u halton county jail for tlie year ending 30th september was 5i cents in the fall we hear the t cat calling htvmjih the twilight grey in the fall the paragrspher lays the icecream joke aw4y the fkue pstss has more prompt pay ing subscribers and consequently does less dunning than any local paper we know of j olm bennettof acton had his overcoat stolen in hamilton on friday the thief w caught and given two mnithvsp mr c 1 griffin co of punnville for merly of acton general merchants have called a meeting of tiieir creditors mow mrv tiria meisrs r y king a co of george- town are patting in the new steam heating arrangements in mr w h storeys resi dence this week the first snow storm of the season trrived on sunday- morning snow fell continuously for five or six hours hut it had all disappeared next day the annual collection in aid of the superannuated ministers fund was taken lnfee methodist church lastsunday morning it amounted to nearly joo the revival services of messrs jones and small in progress at toronto are meeting with abundant success acton people are in attendance nearly every day troubles seem never to come singly j mr andrew mdtrie ofveramosa had his i arm fractnritl on thursday and on sunday he lost a fine fouryearold colt worth 3125 by insammation the free piicss reference to unlighted eireetlamps evidently had a very salutary esect even our muchannoyed lamp l lighter thought he didnt deserve the atten tion bestowed upon him the tax collectors for ksquesing town ship appointed at the last meeting are messrs thos chisholm david lindsay kdw xixon john kennedy james kickell and john evans their salaries are 30 each sugar weddings four weeks after marriage are the latest device in the matrimonial anniversary line how soon after thiardoes the vinegar wedding come acton fhoald have goodly number of the sugar weddings anyhow t liev lachlau cameron of thames- ford for many years pastor of knox church acton is expected to preach in that church next sunday mr cameron writes us that he would like to see all h s old friends at church and wehave no doubt he will the ec itor has been favorablyremem bered this veek mr c c speightone of the success ftri local sportsmen treated ns to a brace of tine partridge and to messrs thos east on and thos t moore we ex- leiid thau is for a nice lot of celery i and radishes a raai3 meeting of the reformers of south we lington will be held in the city of guelph on thursday 28th inst for the nomination of a candidate in the beform interest to represent the biding in the do minion parliament a public meeting will he heldonthe same evening at which hon eiw blake and hon g w ross will de liver addresses purely personal paragraphs bespecung people with whom our headers are individually or collectively acquainted mrs hj hall of berlin visited friends here this weekl mr c chapman of toronto is spending 4a few days with friends here messrs t worsnop and w carrol have removed their families to toronto mr allan mnn who has had a severe attackof inflammation is slowly recover- dr mfcgarvin is about to remove to his own residence at corner of mill and fred erick streete miss clara midgley whocame to acton to visit friends last week is seriously ill at the residence of mr h jhjmitb mr george garrett and son of glovers vuj jjt is visiting his former borne george aays theres no place fox him like aetob he is doing a very sbccesaeful business in gloversville though t mr a b calloden and hie nephew master wflly colloden of lxnrrille nelson came to actcra op sunday the iothinst to visit their sisters mrs 6 a seodrd jand miss gracie lopiwees colloden a letter received this week locatea mr john moore son of principal t t jfoote of this place at singapore india he hie j jwen trijaeliing in bnroudi malay siam nd otber eastern territory but to porin ftan to anstralia he is enjoying good kwtb spirits is tanned as bown afl t indian and speaks tha maiy lingu eently well to make himself nttdsi btcq wpeeti to retarh home in wren htinoathg n tery for several years mr thurston has been an invalid a victim of consumption and slowly but surely it contiuued its fatal work until death ended his sufferings he was a man of exemplary christian character and during his long period of illness was novcr known to grow impatient or to lose in any decree his unwavering trust in a personal saviour he leaves a wife aud three children who will ever think in kind remembrance of a loviuc and attentive husband aud father now safe in that brighter land bejond the many friend and acuaintancea of mrs thurston and family exteud sincercst sympathy in their bereavement a taste of tornado the heaviest windstorm experienced iu this section for a long time was that of last thursday evening considerable damago was done the now stable of mr a stephenson wliicli was raised a day or so before came crashing down irijnring the lumber a good deal two of the veteran willows on the street which received its name from them were blown down one of them fell on mr wm steels house which escaped serious injury fences were blown over in all directions and on friday morning thousands of busbejs of apples were found lying under the trees in the apple orchards some farmers having as many as 50 or 100 bushels thus hurriedly picked for them reports from the obser vatory- at the arkaltoxal college gaelpli give the velocity of the wind at 6 oclock on thursdav evening at 80 miles per hour death of a prominent haltoman on monday major h m switzer of palermo died at his home after an illness of some length he was well known and highly respected in halton and adjoining counties aud was a successful business man the major was boru in co limerick ireland in 1819 came to canada with his parents in 1s32 snd finally settled at palermo in 1644 he was married in 1845 and appointed poh- master at palermo in 1846 he was paymaster of the lome rifles from the time of its organization was a magistrate and commissioner and one of the countys trustees to hold the bonus of the k n w b b all these offices he held until his death mr swit- zers religious faith was that of the church of england the remains were interred in st james cemetery toronto yesterday with military honors the officers of the 20th batt lome rifles taking prominent part the death of this prominent citizen is much regretted throughout the county presentation at hilton on monday evening last a social under the auspices of the ladies aid was given in the basement of the methodist church the basement was well filled as the entertainment neared the time for closing an interestirigevent occurred the mern bers of the congregation hearing that miss gussie harrison who for so many years had faithfully served them as organist and in other capacities was about to enter hymeneal relations thought they should recognize her services in some appropriate way and a beautiful silver sett of eight pieces consisting of a tray hot water nrn coffee pot tea pot sugar bowl cream pitch er chocolate pot and spoon holder which took the goldmedal at toronto exhibition was purchased suitably inscribed and presented to miss harrison by the pastor bev a e buss on behalf of the congre gation mr johnston harrison replied on behalf of bis daughter thanking the friends for their kindness after singing the national anthem the gathenug dispersed having spent a most enjoyable evening reformer burglars or more qorrectly bunglers on monday night the stores of mesbrs b b jermyn j e jjowson and george andrews were entered by midnightvisitoxa who were evidently j satisfied with small returns for their pains at jernfyns they secured an entrance by a rear window and carried tie till a combination till con taining eight cbppersj to the woodpile out- aide where they pried off the top after selecting a of jadies shoes- a suit of underclothing a can pf salmon and some smaller articles they decamped at how- sons a pane of glass was taken out of the front door and this wias their place of in gress although the shop and contents were thoroughly rummaged nothing of any account appears to be missing at andrews they tofk part of a front window pane and securing a bundle of tuiderclothiiig au4 pome yam from the- window departed without making further boleetajiori suspicion points very strong ly to the nights transaction as being the what ar3kte thinks ajbout qotatp ail xta veidowra rich pcxtraot for iu sa isftuotor j oonoocuon hi8 proposed mjeodum well theres t ot muo i news that i know of this week aud my usual weekly quota of v oopy w 11 bo r slort o a hotoh potch ot nothing in pkrtioular something liko the averago boirdiiighdusc hash only i nope a little more digestible j the bulk of mc st of our news is from a feminine point of view oh lefty and simply gossip puro unadulterated gossip and the most popular peopl i are those who when there is a scarcity t tho original growth can manufacture i to order cheap and nasty or highly nutritious jand spioy ao cording to the taste of thoir patrons political news is oared for by mighty fow of our citusons und bitiswuesses finals cial news interests 3ut little more but me news is gossip swi tot deliqious perennial thrice and overbleiwed gossip thatfallslike the refreshing dew n many an pld scandal monger a parched and thirsty palate goa- sip that reports a beloved friond iu doep water a rival iu turtmu i neighbor no better thau she ought to bo aud some high toned individual or another caught hiding an aoo np hissloevi at carxu or kissing his hosts housemaid gossip travels tho round of tho small town or village in winter ad regularly as the travelling quack aud others of his ilk in bummer let me give jou an extraot from a popular novel writir who hits the nail on jvltnl is sort of thing writer says fall winter 188 i takd pleasure iu informing tho residents of acton and vicinity that jmy stock of fall and winter g oqds is now very com- ploto without dpnbt no deoler in acton has ovor ehown such late styles variety and good value as tarr i now in a poaitidntto offer although many linos in dry goods have increased at least 20 per contt had the good fortuneto buy heavily eaiiy in thelsleason so customers may rely on getting goods at the very lowest possible cah prioe i would again remind the public that my staff is not allowed to misrepresent goods and a child receives the same good value as ia grown experienced person j tho bufliness that i did daring the spnngaud summer was very encouraging indeed bo with increased facilities anxi double the stook i do not fear for the falland winter trade j i wish to direct special attention to the following lines whichfor variety and elegance combinedare so perfect and varied that very few houses outside of the principal pities cau show such perfection in their selection j drbbs qooijfo the fashionable shades are grey and navy 00200 pieces to select from in english french and j german makes viz jersey cloths in black and color boucles foules ottomans sdrkes plaids meftons cashmeres allwool corhbinations combinatiojn winceys sflks in black and colors satin merveilleux plushes velvets and velveteens large and small buttions and clasps to match the goods i j special values in boating shawls mantles and walking jackets gloves hosiery corsets and ladies underwear i 0t qrey cotton white cotton wool and cotton shirtings ducks denims tabling prashesj towels linens sheetings ticks blankets flauuels yarn eta etc m misajstrikoham has charge fhis tall an 1 winter this lady is thoroughly posted inhfer business hayinghad charge of some of the best establishments in western canada so ladles may rely on getting correct styles and i will guarantee prices to suit mens and boys readymade clothing mens and boys woollen underwear boots and sh fot ladies misses children menyouths and boys all new goods at prices as low as the wheat qroobribs j have received advice from yokohama japan that the se rio sailed from that port on august kth it hasitfen chests of uucolored tea on board for me it is due at british columbia on sept 7th goods wl resjcli here about is october the head in doaling with tl to illustrate the point speaking of gotsip the if you wish to be cwyt ljjb this is i belicvo frcncli for interpretation thereof apply to any local instructor of youth and asked out every night learn to manufacture it it is very easy take equal parts of flower of malice an lestenci of impudence with several peppercorns of improbability to spioo it some candied lemonpeel of moral reflection aod a few drops of the ammonia of indece icy that will make it light of digestion and j the toothsome morsel will procuie you welcome every- wherc if yon can uw chop up any real paschal lamb of innocence in very fine pieces so that it is minced and hashed and unrecognizable forever serve the mince with the vinegar of malignity and the freeb mint of novelty and you will be the very ereiae of gosfeip henoeforward ran about society with your ooncootions ia aud out of the test houkesas fast as you can go and there wttl be no eni to your popu larity you will bei as refreshing to the thirst of the dwellers in them as aro the lemonade sellers to the throats of the public in sumtnfir rather hardaid cutting aiut it but it gets there with both feet oue of our local niduoaawho is gener ally known by theobriqntt of f long tom sounds like a gunners pet name for one of those long brass breechloading forty pounders dont it is going iu for taxider- uey most everything he shoots with his unerring gun he stuffs and some speci mens are really mounted in a very credit able manner we might staijt up a small museum weve got a little material yoa see theres the above mentioned specimens then we might have a model with plans ac com plete of smiths wateringcart or street bpridkler that is eipected to lay the dost of oar streets next summer or possibly the summer after a few bats from the collec tion of the clippers the bats so grandly wieldtd by that mitey aggregation during the summer thai is past would be an addition also a photo of the old residenter that is nut a confirmed kicker and air brake on the wheels of our towns progress thib wodld bei griat curiosity then again we might have a regular art gallery with photos of our picnics pur young men preparing for the awful ordeal of a town hall party with the fell weapons of pre paration thebat why a ntinue the list is almost endless i would respectfully suggest to the young bloods who found a difficulty in navigating to their various homes on the completion of a ni jlits jollification last week that the uci t time they woald find it far easier if tlwy took wheelbarrows along and a boy to wheel thorn home in them and if the boy would kindly rest his load under a convenient pump and notify me i shonld take pleasure in a little exercise with the pumphandle just to see if it works satisfactorily i hear there was a little burglary going bnthe other night well have to polish up pur police fora or call out some of the gallant defenders jf the country well 1 must stop scribbling theres mrs a shouting that breakfast is ready and i hear a ittle- argus impatiently drumming with ids spoon ou a plate wait ing for pa and porridge tmd besides im going to that great local event ao dear to the average bucol c lieart erin show it seems to have a peculiar fascination for our youths aud im going to see why will report on my rcttirn call and try a sample pound of the first tea that was ever imported to acton direct w farm pkoduck bought r b jermyn i halton dry goods house the choicest groceries ilwayson hand acton 5 t s call at the jxoo stobe je no s7 millinery display acton oct 19th we lake pleasure in inviting the atten- i tion of the ladios to our grand millinery mantle silk -and- fancy goods display which takes place in our showuootns on wednesday 13th of october axd fouxwlho days we need only assure the ladies that the stock at no 27 is the largest and most comprehensive in the trade and that nothing has been left undone that skill and taste could supply to make thu grand exhibit worthy of our own reputation as well as of the attendance of cur friends we are prepared for a big rush no cakds and examine tub fall stock ok fancy dress r of all makes materials and prices mantlingsiottoman oordsi meltons cvery cheap i aximmen8e stock of mens- womens and childrens underwear mens top shirts and cardigan jackets i at loweirt prices we havka8 fikf a line of staple det c3ooids such as white grey navy blue and red flannels canton flannels winceys cottons cottonades cretonnes towelling yakns gloves hosjeby c as cheap as asy other store in the trade itre on the market -buying- wheat peas and oats perfect fitting suits and overcoats made to order at prices to suit everybody in groceries our stock is complete and we try our fifty cfbnt teas cannot be undersold farm produce taken in ju exchange j john nelson of interest to visitors to the provincial exhibition we w 11 give market prices for all sound marketable grain delivered at our warej house aij acton e nicklin son acton ept 29th 1886 eyiirybodyoome c c speight has opejied his nw store on hain street and p now in ia better position than ever before to supply pictur 3 frames motto frames and all furnishings of every kind frames of all descriptions mafl e to order on shortest notice iu best manner ind at fair prices call aid see my stock i c c speight preparations all made at the e r bollort 37 lower wyndbam street cuelph ont exuelsior bakery ooo3sr will wanted immediately several assistant mantle makers important notice mr be left daily at the store of john nelsolf for tli e accommodation of customers the d livery waggon will also icall three times a veek as usual mrs t statham jbjkttolrnb 1886 ling up business work of local midnight loafera it is a fact that a number of halfrrown boys have made it a habit to be prowling around town a all hours of tw night and whether gnuty or their actions look very snspt cions atanyratea night or two in cells would correct the hats from 75 cents to 250 at j fyfea gcotch englibh and canadian suitings n great variety atj fvfes aotoh vd siloxie km and ohe small box stove second hand cheap alsd three wal nut bureaus applyi to mras a secard qffio j fsactonrfojr your olo idg tie can snityjou f or price iuy and style every time giving up busine ss the undersigned is gi and leaving acton entire stock at coat and under for u0 days j e howsox agents wanted clement a co j of 48 wellington street east toronto oi 81 st francoisxavier street montreal want i general agent they are the exc usive owners of the soho field patent calu i griddli i the celebrated emery knife sharpener known as the carversfriei id tt e emeify soythe sharpener the jayeye see wire curry comb and other specialt ies if yon want to makeiinoney write to them at once for an outfit and to sectjre what territory you can handle anous have imported the sau regi3ter tadnsbay 21st ccijsale of stock imple- ments ac thi i property of mr james anderson loi 1 cm 3 esquesing sale to commnnce at lj oclock noon wm hemstrejti auot oneer monday sort qitocn- sale of stock and implementao i lot 26 con 4 erin the property of m john miller sale at 12 oclock wmjheflstieet auctioneer jl r e nelson the clothier is now showing amostoompleteassortment of new and choice i suitingsj tpowsepins and overcoatings i in all the newest designs and in the most elegant patterns both in i foreign and domeitlo icaaufmture call early and seoure a good choice satisfaction assured largest stock of dry goods ver brought to guelph nearly wbrth watc j great bargains in s clocks jewelry silverware w a claite su icessor to it s sxaltk we show all the novelties in dress goods and trim- m1ngsto match we show all the latest things in silks and satins we shaw all that you can get elsewhere and a great deal more at pkices that others cannot touch m i s3 lm mm iiw 1 m m m m vi v li m i having purchased thb bankrupt sfock lately own sd by w s scjiith i am prepared to give the acton people a benefit such as has never seen offered befdr being a practiqal watohmam front the jslgin watch factory egip illl- specialty 4 pants x t j tbxl clotbtn 00 windham sf oublph ladies wau ting a fashionable dress have the celebrated idas todd at their command by comin to tb0 lioa ladies wanting a neat and stylish hal or bonnet may seoure the services ot- the accoinphshed milliner mib3 harriot by coming to the lioa j gentlemen wanting a new suit to fit perfectly of the newest style and most fashionable material can be accommodated at tflo liosl our cutter mr jfe sonuoi iim earned aworldwide reputation as the mostreliable cutter in the ftp jpinioijj iprompt attention to riepairing all work irranted fbemember the place w 4 clarky 16 lower wyndham st gtoelph j d vnimmmm m m yeuhk i cures rweiimatism vtoelm powdebs are tleasoixto take coataintl el wa fcnrsuio fa jvsotorbbro oadccteiftl

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