Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1886, p. 4

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s i t li i i ill y l i 1 r si tv the chronic growler h jnmu abont hit boardiiir place he growls about his bod he growls about moat everything wants something else instead he growls about hit laundrymau he growls about iris tailor he growls about tho fit of things like jack tar board a whaler he growls about the daily news he growls because its new hegrowls about au article that doesnt suit his view he growls about his daily work he growls because its labor he growls because henot bomrich as was his next door neighbor he growls because be has no wifo he growls about the ladies he growl about the style they wear consigns them all tohades he growls when he to theatre goes he growls about the seats he growls about the play again to every one he meets he growls about a legacy ha growls because tis sniau be growls as if it was his right x that he should get it all he growls about the holy writ he growls because he can he growls because hes bound to grow 1 hes soch a cranky man f l r li s t 1 r i- 1 pun eor everyone if you woultthave appetite flesh color strength and vigor take ayers sarsapa- rilla that incomparable tonic and blood purifier there are a number of varieties of corns holloways corn cure will remove any of them call on jour druggist and get a bottle at once ponot delay in getting relief for the little folfe mother graves worm exter- ruinator is a pleasant and sure cure if you love your child why do you let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand in daaxeroaa roadttie any man woman or chjld is in a danger- ons condition whertneglectinga constipated ltlt of the bowels there can be no per- feet health without a regular action of this function burdock blood bitters cure constipation by imparting a healthy tone to all the secretions ladies troubled with pimples blotches bough hands or face or sores of any description should use hogregora parkes carbolic cerate it will leave the skin in perfect heal th clean and good color be sure and get she genuine made joy mc gregor parke price 25c gold at dr mcgamns drug store la ii4 kepalt james mcmnrdock writing from eiosale bays b b b as a remedy for diseases of the blood liver and kidneys has an excel lent reputation in thm locality i have used it and speak from experience as well as observation it is the only medicine i want and i advise others afflicted to try it br jd eellogg8 dysentery cordial is a speedy cure for dysentery diarrhoea cholera summer complaint sea sickness and complaints incidental to children teeth ing it gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of indiscretionin eating unripe fruit cucumbers etc it acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease no one need fear cholera if they have a bottle of this medicine convenient xlxhest praise the wellknown drugfirm of n c poison co of kingston writes that dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry has long been considered the best remedy for summer vjhy go with that aching head try ayr litis they relievo the storcaob restore the digestive orgajua to healthy action remove the obstructions that depress nerves and braiu and thus cure headache fatal attack among the most prevalent fatal and sudden attacks of diseases are those iuoi- dent to the summer aud full euoh as cholera morbus bilious colib diarrhoea dysentery etc that often prove fatal in a fewhoura that ever reliable remedy dr fowlers kxtraot of wild btrawberry should be at hand for use in enwgbuoy a modern mlntrlr in a recent letter from r w dow ton of deloraine out he states that he has recovered from the worst form of dyspep sia after suffering for fifteen years and when a oouncil of doctors pronounced him incnrable he tried burdock blood bitters six bottles of which restored his health reader in informing you of this wonderful remedy for coughs colds asthma bronchitis consumption and all affections of the throat and lungs we feel that we are doing you a great kindness as if yon have any of the above oomplaiuts if you will only try it we will guarntee satisfaction inevery case or money refund ed ask for mcgresois lung compound price 50c and 1100 per bottle at dr mo- garvm8 drug store herit rrvvtn dollar upon dollar is frequent lj spent ou the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthiest not so with mc gregors speedy cure you arc not asked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j k megarvins drag store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure j ou of the worst formpof dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of how long stauding it costs you nothing sold in 50c and ft i hottlcb sec testimon ials from people in your own town best and comfort u the sufteriat browns household panacea has no equal for relievine pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will most surely quick en the blood ami heal as its acting pow er is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every fumilj hand for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy rothe world for cramps in the stomach and pains aud aches of all kinds and is for sale b all druggists at 23 cents n bottle prominent among the trreatest medical discoveries by the many cares it has enact ed mcgregor speedy curt leads the vac subjected to the minutest chemical analysis it has been found to contain none of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecnl- ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has been compounded and its efficacy is being established by testimonials hourly received we are therefore confi dent that we have a preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a rrlttf but an absolute eurelot dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgamns drag store 31 if you have a cough or cold do not neglect it many without a trace of that hereditary disease have drifted into a con sumptives grave by neglecting what was only a slight cold had they used bickles anticonsumptive syrup before it was too late their lives would have been spared mr a w levy mitchell writes ii think bickles anticonsumptive syrup the best baldness cured and age rejuvenated complaints in the market and adds that preparation in the market for coughs and i i l r 1 i sua i a their customers speak in the highest terms of its merits wild strawberry is thebest known remedy for choterafmorbus dysen- tery and all bowel complaints v flmld uxhtblbg there are but few that have never suffer ed almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in time of trouble no disgusting offensive medicines to be taken for days one application of fluid light ning cures sold at dr megarvins drug store r mr g w macnlly pavilion mountain b c writes dr thomas eclectrio ou isthe best medicine i ever used for rheu matism nearly every winter i am laid up with rheumatism and have tried nearly every kind of medicine without getting any benefit until i used dr thomas electric oil it has worked wonders for anersad i want another supply for my friends 4c i reasons why you should purchase fluid lightning in preference to all other reme dies are rapid result cures instantly it is easily applied no trouble no lost time it does nofrequire constant use one appli- cation s effectual one bottle will remove 4jjorepain than any other remedy in exist ence try it for neuralgia toothache headache rheumatism sold at 25c a bottle by dr hcgarvm druggist indibcretioiu in diet brings on dyspepsia andirregulanty of the bowels eat only wholesome food and if the trouble has be come permanent as it is very prone to do try atconrse of northrop lymans vegetable iceovery and dyspeptic cure the combined effects astonish and delight the sufferer who soon begins to digest well regain functional regularity and improve in appetite the blood btcomes pure and good health is restored what is mcgregors speedy core for it is for dyspepsia liver complaint indigestion biliousness and it is the finest blood purifier in the known world today does it give satisfaction 7 we cannot- point to one instance where it did not where does it have the largest sale f right in the city of hamilton where it is manufactured there has been over one thousand dollars worth sohj in the last y majority of the sales are by one recommending it to another forblet 60c and f 100 per bot0e by dr mcgarvin druggist severe colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months i had a cough i had a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was on the verge of con sumption and had given up hopes of being cured when i was induced to try bickles syrup before i hadtsken one bottle i found myself greatly relieved and by the time i had nnished the second bottle i was completely cured i always recom mend it for severe oolds and consumption free trade the reduction of internal revenue and the taking oft of revenue stamps from pro prietary medicines no doubt has largely benefitted the consumers as well as reliev ing the burden of home manufacturers especially is this the case with greens augutt flower and boscltees german syrup as the reduction of thirtysix cents per dozen has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies thereby giving onefifth more medicine in the 75 cent size the august flower for dyspepsia and liver complaint and the german syrup for cough and lung troubles have perhaps the largest sale of any medi cines in theworld the advantage of in creased size of the battles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted in every town and village in civilized countries sample bottles for terr cents remain the same size advice to moihebs are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child buffering and crying with pain of cat ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- fererimmediately depend upon it moth ers j there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels puree wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists tnrbughont the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mbs wrhbbws 8ooraiha btbup andvtftke no other kind sjui an tenet bat thou vis writ fe an ml taforatttee abort work which th7endoudlltitbamthmwulpt7 fimtnakttvtir- bmmhm wt w adm thm nan fstt per dsr j t j w hammond zajte ptatonj t when io was but 40 years old found his hair glowing gray at co his hair ami whlnkcra wore jentlroly white so uray contlm icd until ho reached 00 years of ago when ho begin using ayxba hair vioor turco bottles of which sufficed to restore their original- rich dark brown color j mas aupusr yalrnttkisi obnuhfoj 2f y bad beoomo nearly bald and thougl she made uso of many of tho so- called liair restorers none bad nny effect ayers hair viaou did what nothing clso co nld do and now the lady again has a fine i lead of hair thanks entirely to it geo haysi jptotonta texas pre scnted nn apparently hopeless case bald ness wi9 hereditary in hu family by tho tlmo ho wns s3 years old ho had scarce y nny hair left one bottlo of aykrs haift viaob started a soft down growth all over his scalp and in a few ntonths hta head was covered with soft d irk and abundant hair medicinal virtues the rare medicinal powers emollient st irani itlvo and tonic possessedby ayers hair vioor enable it to cure speedily salt ithcum scald head tettersores dandruff humors of various kinds and other i lucaks of the scalp liable to causo baldmss it is not a dyo contains no coloritg matter and effects its rejuvena tion o faded or gray hair simply by bring ing b ck uio vigor tit youth to the roots ami ldr glands of the hatr the wifo of dr v s lovklacb lotelite ft had ery bud tetter soros in her head ayers ham vigor cured ithcm uakteltj occo- of scaldhcad tho son of james n carter qnan ja was cured by acers hair vigor nehbert boyn jlfimienpol minn siw vured by ayers hair yigou of intolei able itching of tho scalp mrs o davkotort mitonumon rtboeamoontlrtiybaldat tho ago of 20 and remained so 88 years during which tlmesho tried many hajr restorers wlth- out success eventually sue used ayrrs hahi vwor four bottles of which eov- orodhorheadwtthafluo growth of silky brown hair twelve inchesibng mrs o 0 prkecott caarleifoter sfahad1wt twothlr4s of her hair by tslalllng otrt when sho applied ayerb hair viooh and ono bottlo of it caused her hair to grow again more handsome than ever before mrs d n parks olio michigan is 67 years of age and her hnlr was qnlto gray but one bottlo of ayers hair vigor restored iho color it bore in youth and sho now has as fluo a lead of litilr m whonshowaabutlq vincent jones richmond- imh lost all his hair in consequence of n severo at tack of bralnfevcr ayers hair vigor brought out a new growth in a few weeks tuid ft speed grew long and thick a toilet luxury whoro tho hnlr is brittle dry harsh weak or thin tho use of ayers hair vigor speedily renders it- pliant soft glossy and stimulates it to a rich and luxurious growth it also keens the scalp free from dandruff and affords a perfect ossuranco against tho balr falling out or turning gray no other dressing is so- clean or has such a delicate and delightful perfume without it tho toilet cannot bo complete ladles who havo onco mado trial pf ayers hair vigor ncer after prefer any otherhalrdressing and many of them tomhtatily offer such testimonials ns tho following from miss kate kobe inger- toll oni who writes i whllo keeplngr my head clear of dandruff and preventing bcala head it has alio earned my hair to grow luxuriantly now poijculng balr fortytwo as thick ai any ono could with lu moleod anderson co resulting in my mg balr fortytwo inches long and ay er hair vigor prepared by dr j c ayer a co analytical chemists lowell mass sold by all druggists imfourklie aw pkaikhi in tuple and fancy dry copals mllllrory mantles drejss making ordered clothng reatjlymade clothing carpets and ollc oths o- most wo beg to inform our friends aud the public generally- that wo have this season a most complete stock in all tbti different departing that wo have imported and purchased direct from the manufacturers tho of our immense stook that it waspurchasod before the recent advanon in prices that the public will got the advantage of those lew prices that wc trlod to excel ourselves auduccecdcd stylish attractive substantial cheap- goods in securing a large vanev of our millinklty is superb and in large variety ouhdres8mak1ng is in first ciosh working order a tiirgo and beautiful stock of dress goods and iresi i r silks to seleot from otjr mantle matebials are gorgeous serviceable and cheap ouritailoring departmest is al turns out maguinoent garments and pcrfeot fit innpa ftn1 civnrnnttintra ta nho ings and overcoatings to ohooso from a large stock of tweeds 9oat- it is impossible for us to enumerate our goode or particulanzo the different piiccsj but we miarantee a large stock of serviceable stylish and cheap goods goods are to be sold for cash or produce after 12 months trial of strict ly cash we are conviuced it is tho proper system to do business and enables ufr to compete with any legitimate business in canada mcleod anderson co p mantle millinery dress and shirt making at the right housi t1ieke lis fully 200000 worth op ax immense variety r of- almost everything hamilton september 30th bs miss heuderson so well known to the ladies of hamilton and the country fortweuty miles around as a firstclass manjtle cutter and fitter tils ladies o exectly that they aw delighted with har artistic worlc aliw amitt u a very superior cutter and filter of ladies dresses her make of dresses fit so perfectly dud envelop ladies figures so gracefully that they make ladiea look really charming please try her ah is sure to fit well miss armitage the forewoman in the millinery geto up the most delightful flats and bonnets of all useful and fashionable kinds and materials at short notice and hits the styles of hats am udn- nets made so as to suit any ladys complexion contour of countenance size or style of appearance mr morae n the shirt de- partmenjt will fit any gentleman or young lad in shirts so ai to give them the most complete satisfaction as to fit fashion and wear ladies inisscl gentlemen and youn lads will get firstclass value and the most fashionable styles with every garment warranted to fit at the right house the goods are now and beautiful there is fully f 200000 worth of an immense vanetylof almost everything tequired in dry goods millinery mantles dolmans ulstfers jackets paletots underwear of ril kinds for ladies misses rents and boys neckwear hosiery fclovea house furnishing goods in great variety laces madras bilk brocho and many other kinds of curtains carpets and carpet materials odcloths mate rujjs carpet sweepers etc in abun dance his goods never were so very cheap as they are this season although wool has advanced about one- third higher thari it was iat may yetwatkins was over in europe very oarly and got an enormous supply of new dress goods and his general stdck cheaper than ever before aud is selling piles or allwool dress goods at from lc to the best qualifies over 120 pieces of beau- ti ful allwool stockinet dress goods which are worth 45c arfr selling off at 25c he pays the cash down for his goods and gets them very cheap there will not be any opening day at the right house as it takes all his stafe of 52 clerks to wait on his numerous customers and there is no time to prepare for an opening day but all the departments are filled with new and fasbion- usy making up now mantles millinery dresses shirts etc mind the right house is on king bargains bargains bargains zmck5r dress prists gingh embroidl ladies children parasols 8potted ladies giwd sloc former 25c formerly 10c 10c formerly 20c eries oc formerly 10c lose 25c formerly 50c s hose 7c formerly 15c 30o formerly 00c tfuslin 15c formerly 2oc 5 arts ho having able goods and all hands arc busy i street onq door from hughson street and the name is y -o- eos 4b klns street east hamilton brussels carpets 70c formerly 1 tapestry carpets 25c formerly 40c union carpels 35c formerly hoo allwool carpets 65c formerly 85c hemp carpets 8jc formerly 12c china mattings 25c formerly 38c i lace cnrtains 150 formerly 2 curtain poles complete 50c formerly 7oc stair kods75c formerly 150 pordo new- fall goods atklosrs i- ryan berkinshaw co of guelph collars 5c formerly 15c we djre miksnsttextra inducements in order toclear out stock brass 00s iprinis sosiery owves oorsets paxasols embroideries twoeds shirtings carpets cartaias oovoriaes vindcvr t blinds stair rods sec c are au marked away down in price in many wises less than cost samples sent on application mckay brothers 48 kipk street east between hughson and john streets hamilton t from the cradle to the grave j speight son fdrniture dealers and undertakers aoton srected a fine new showroom lmvc jutl icceivcd a new and wellassorted stock of furniture of all kinds of the latest designs including ffarlor furniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers j bedsteads and cradles and evory thin elrfa that any family requires in the furniture line during their journey f rpm tha cradle to the grave and we can prepare them for the grave too for we have ou hand a large stock of cffiisrs caske3ts etc of all kinds uml sizes and all other funeral furnishings aost reasonable ten j a speight manager are very busy receiving new fall goods from i england ireland and scotland i r i i i i ladies if you appreciate stylish miuiiieryi and dress goods i i t see our goods before yo u buy -ol- berkhsrshaw rya1st suc0b3sors to john holigr 93 upper wyndham sttet your v attention y please o o- we hearse will supply all on the bhortebt notice and most reasonable terms a first class irawn by a wellmatched team for hire kenney bros main st tq the pfcotft with co son j b guelph eet acton fine stock of new fall cqods 1 o wejire now receiving a very lar stock of new fall goods of every description our boots and shoes ro pirohased from the be3t manuiacturers and are of the best quality we have a h u morttjient and your every wajnt can be supplied some fine lines of trunks and valises on hand received direct from the manufacturers j v a specialty of this department and gnarautee satisfaction to all customers r b repairing done with neatness and despatoh kenney bros dominion house f ad tkreshfit 0se on ydur machinery only th wellknown f genuine english articles in the canadian market beat genuineness presi the coll laval x scotia hut if uetmdm laurahces spectacles and eyeglasses aub the oniy- pebbles are kept in stock tests ate given to purchasers to ptove ttieir s they are recommended ly aud testimonials have heen receiyed from the and vicepresideut of the mo liql assooiation ot canada the president of eeeqf physicians and surgboiw of quebcothe dean of the medical familty of mversity the president atid expresidents of the i itfedieal bouncil of nova tec o these recominendations ought to he sufficient to prove their qualities proof is needed call on i 3 b paspoit aeneral store aoton oat irl peerless oil m xjt hm ft in hxiirob 7 10 am vi mmll w a ni d rough exp 6 t n in ljom lojpui iobixo west irefm 12 7 a lu iron 0 30 a di o kxprens a h j m 1 0 i j m hjidtwl 8 j0 ii m l chicago kxprcssdot not to between guelph mid toronto i t1mb oftlosjollls iom wostfl 10 ntf and d 5m v 3olng east 10 40 a in awlic ap p ijj allafmj line r r royal jmfail stafnships fhe shoete8t sea jlsbage aver ace time two of which arc passed gulf of st lawrence agextv alcton october 1st 1886 tour pnng suit ou ii act s ove ytr ill invanablj j l5lertead tniuei till d1 ojition ol thc i 8 days the river and m t i m m brennan las pleasure in announcing ormg shop in sirs is now open and in full running order and m a to nil all orders he is show iug- qood tvvbrd strlts at 12 iold elsewuette fr 15 i scotch tweed stjit lt 18 sold elsewhebe ion23 and 24 i fjjne worsted 5uit at 820 sold elsewhere at 25 that his tail irds block position gentlemen wanting al firstclass gond ii bting coat etc may rely upon being suited every respect by leavinctheir orders withy brenna1t j the clothier gotj waters bros picture gallery guelph for artulu materials oh and water colors crayons capiat draicwg paper bruehet tc cjlil paintings steel engravings chromos c frames oe all kinds moulilmgs room md picture cot nces and cornice poles spring lltollers and win dow shades from 9oc complete fancy goods suitable for wedding aid birthday preoeuls he fvi8itore can hafe jtheir pictures fiamed while in the city so bring them vjlth you to waters brbs tlie picture gallery near the post office lovelds ille gazetteer- anil history v oh thl j dominion of canada in nino volumes royal 8vo rpo be commenced whenever a sufficient j number of subscribers js obtained to cover a st ot publication subscription to the kine v oluuies 975 00 to the province of ontario or ti quebec 12j0 to now bnluswicl or to nova b otia n50 to manitoba or to bntish columbia j0 to prmca edward ialaad or to northwest t erntones s9j0 each prot ince to have a map please send forpjospectus 1 john lovell man ac eb akb publishes a ontrool august tth 188g weaving mr t mitchell desires to inform the peiple of acton and shrroundings that he ii prepared to take ofcder8 for weaving all kinds of fancy bag qarpets flannel sheeting shirting and ires8 goods striped or plaid twill or plain 8jso bed blankets and horse blankets two yards wide and over and i will guarantee thai i willgivegood satisfaction to all farmer and others who wdl favor ma with their patronage mitchell six gold medals s been ardd it during the last three years waggons and hore powers y alb s erlwb a gr8m0 fot y manufactured at queoa oityoil workfl hy samuel rogers fit co toronto f c rther j frfee pbje88 s5- cenijps untili jan1 nim yrfnfilh bwdorph6taacagol nata contracts with aqvertisersi this paper on fllo one column half cojumn i quarter cou one inch casual ad ftw t insertion aequeotic reckoned by tl scale ci solid i advertudn fillbein ingly transil in advance changes fori in the ofnee they will bele thi8paf ertixlng b jobtractrn wx bor oi collesj office and redenck st c l ti tnnii lty medical 1 of physician office- l l bej ac mcfl denif new system monly ci teeth withou strator and qolfese of pons mayde p ia any operd actorrlsvery of eachmon john lai ttelq yl veterinary s lu keunybr deuce in the soundness ad all calls n edto tec tohjfstc brribters ancers dc ofhcj ei b johj souc orpci fl ofiico main si at 0 per cent j s til ia tonj oruues- aud 86 king w t liii b ain ii of nets hugton stree auej toronl johk bin i wruuull ri w bi buirj ontario hall owlmgilj paienjj lienbyl 20 1eaihpr j amui foi the gou orders left opposite cud to acton bc terpis ceascj desired w m hi 4 m xi for the couj ordersleft i or at mj promptly at also uioue able terms i terest m sui rookda ohu squaie tranci succel st lieorgs s r account periodicals hound bnl john j succ money per cent ajjfor serjhrity pfoperly rrms and with farmai dominion id culi8sai wafcmfr fwtna thjj farm3 wan deuce invuel clnerphon

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