Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1886, p. 1

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volume xii no tit 19 rrz w5s rrntisiihi evcby thursday molvntn it tnk i phe8s power printing house acton ontario fjee subscription rate8 om mil moo stx vontus wfn tniikk vonths 45 its luv vmblv m d mice h no jwd u advance l j iht veur will ins charged io iwpcttllwii- tuuo till all arrears are paid except t tho option ot the publisher advertising rates pa l ra c no i s ma 1 1 uio otio colarnn 1460001 3vt i uo 4700 half imitum woo u 850 ti rtr oolumi- iooo liuo too iso on inch 1 600 sj0 i ioo 100 ul dvertiuients 8 cents per line for the nrrnirtioi and 4 wnts lw line for each snb- itmortion cah the number of lines rocko 1 b the space occupied measured bj a vale of solid nonpareil vlvertisements without specific directions will be inserted till lorbiil ana- charged aecord- luclx transitory alvorti must xpald in advance cuagm foi contract advertisements must be in tiro flinoo by 9 atn on mondays otherwise the will bo loft over until the following w ee h p moorp editor aiffprojirietor tutfr fiancs mv lfunl on file at geo h acton banking coy storey christie co acton -bankers- ontarlo a gkwellal baxkixg bcs1xess thaxsactkv kotfptxoairsb oxt appe07bd notss i notes discounted and interest allowed on danositb dont readjthls ctractt maj be ru in nkw lof business direotory lowry m b m c ps w graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians aud surgeons ihtice and residence at the head tredenck street acton of ge stacey mjom trinity university fellow of trin- nv medical school member of the college of phisiciaus and surgeon omu campbells hotel 1 it l bennett l ds dentist lj georgetown ontario c mckinlay l d s surgeon dentist georgetown ont ues the new sv stm of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting titan without pain having been demon- trator and practical teacher in roval coiltvv- of dental surgeons toronto pat rons uiaydependbponreceaiu satisfaction fn am operations performed will visit acton even secontt and fourth w eduesday ot each nionth offioeagnews hotel the undersijoied is prepared o furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bottom prices first slass lumber ljath stavd8jhead ing shingles wash tubs churns butter ttjibs pork barrels wood also fx0to and peed and any tiling in the line of farmers house keepers oi contractors necessities thos cmoore new goods 1 acton ontario thursday november 4 1880 pric bay cuelph 25000 ro 00kst0rb is wall paper i00 8et3 lavvn croquet carload express waggons f ijs jktanfm rm tlldiimdat novimiikr 4 1886 poetry jomn l sox graduate of ox- t iro- veterinary college toronto a eternarv surgeon acton ont ofhcf luknir bro boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates gnen air calls night or day promptlj attend ed to terms eas t johnston a mcleax barrioter solicitors notaries cone- ancers 4c eipnv ate funds to loan offici town hall acton ejl b jokssroi ffii a mclto t e mitchell business college guelph ontario mhe third scholastlb year x begins september 1st atronane drawn from ten states and rownces young men aud bofg thorousuly prepared for business pureuita graduate eminent 1 successful as accountants business mauagers shorthand wnters clerks salesmen travellers etc both in canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work aud courteous treatment characterise the institution ladies admitted to nil the advantages of the college splendid facilities afforded fur the ac quisition of french aud german for information address m mccdrmick vwf 1 principal lumber shingles and lath the undersized desire to inform the public that he has now on hand and will kcii in stock a full lino of pino ami hemlock as well as bi6 stockl low prices day sells cheap guelph cloth i hall ibbb theres a great doaj of bliss in a lingering kiss and ocean b of solid rapture there are lots ot fun in a stolen one if youre olever about the oapture the cutest trick ina kiss that a quick is to pot it where it belongs to see that it goes below the nose and knocks at the gate of songs a kiss that is cold may do for the old or poos with a near relation but one like that is a work thats tlat of supererogation if youre going to kiss be euro of this that the girl has got some heart in her i wouldnt give a darn for the full of a barn of kisses without a partner the point of tho rhymo is to take your time kiss slowly and do it neatly if you do the thing right and are halfway bright 1 you can win her sweet heart completely 1 j our story two bottles ill muu hu mlhab other kinds of lumber also class pine bhlngles lath etnloe flwt and second jxllcitoftrcontvtt tic ofhct first door west of the champion ptnee main street milton mottev to loian at 6 per cent i o hiltc1x allan baibd barristers solicitors ac toliovioaml gfcoboetovn omct creelmans block georgetown aud g king street east toronto it t allan j j hilton d i 1 lueli s i b ain la1dlaw a co buiijstlbb t solicnon ojtiif over imperial bank ii wel lington street east entrance exchange ale toronto john bvi q c c a mastln wrtilivjiudlaw geolfgfrkapikie i w badgerow co bullmtlis feoulitobs ac ontano hau j 0 church street toronto coal owpod having turcha5i the coal bupmess of mr c s smith 1 ani irtiared tosuppl all kiuos of stoie coal i have also a fiood6tockof ool hardwood sh cdarand mill wood at reason able prices scotland coal delivered james bkown mutual fire insurance company 01 tilt count 2 of wllxistot lstabmlukd 1810 head office cuelph insures buildingb merclmndwe manu- factones and all other descriptions of property on theprenrara note sjstem fw stone president cnas davidson secretary merchant tailors ii vl mh hlli r first instalment oi r fall goods qiiimllonm 1 i john cvlsonnju patents secured fob inventions henry grist ottawv cvadi jo years practice so patent no pay i i j a jlueray t licknsiin accnonltb v for the counties of halton and wellinkton orders left at bis resjdence main street opposite church street acton or addressed to actou p 0 will receive btrict attention terras reasonable notes diieounted if desired w hemstreet llckfbtu acctiomskb for the counties of wellington antlhalton orders ifft at the fbek pekss office acton or ot riiy readence in acton will be profcptly attended to terms reasonable movet to loan also money to loan on the most favor- abte terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of s500 and upwards john day afichiteclv y gcelph om oihcl queeus hotel block market square tjiralfcis nunan successor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges sqaare gaglpu ontario john taylor agent r pause and consider that it will be to your owumnterest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur rounding country that we are again in full running order aud in a better position than before the fire to hll all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dresseh while j on wait and mouldings ac made with neatness and despatch n b we aie also prepared to hil all orders for pumps on bhort notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisf action every time so come on with your order and help to roll the ball along money makes the marego whether she has legs or no thosebbage mattaser shaw j grundy merchant tailors guelph wellington marble works quebec bt gt7blp2 john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite aud marble excelsioi bakery having latelj minted tho llu of fuudygrauito quarries uiki m hil purchased the entire stock of fro and red giauite uiouuineuts headstones crosses umetc of alexander talor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in- gtancn- oranilejiibuumoutt 0 ft higbg0 7 ft j58ft a90 oft 4l00 iflft t12qau work aud material warranted firstclass parties wanting an thing in this lllio will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarantee in j prices aro from jo to so per cent below all other dealers i acton meat market account books of all kinds made to order hahhat ol everv description carefully bnling neatly and promptly done bread will be left daily at the store of mr john nelson for the accommodation of customers j -j- 11 jw s j0hnj it wbc thompson jackson nert load on fann property at 6 ol7 mes purchased money o parties in mortgages and other prooertv eyaucmg m all its branobjes fax 5l ueatl d charges low s porty for- sale list bortins the sfl bwoneaopapitets reew a l 0nt ni u sen 3i- fieoa m2 our european agencies dmted n correspon- the belivery waggon will also call three times a weeka wool mrs t statham hutledge orosson butchers have purchased tiie business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of the firm are practical batchers and are prepared to eusure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be ft und on hand a full stock of alfkiads of aieat toin season we have settled in acton to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will win publio confidence and ejupport litjtledge orosson actoi feb 9th 188g everybody come mhk hanilan barber shop miw- stbebt aetos kneuvbhwn stylish wrcn and pot in flrbtclogs and ohildrenfl hair hond and given condition ladies tiwulycpt i c ci speight has opened hir new store on main street and is now in a better position than ever before to supply picture frames mprzo frames and all furnishings of every kind frames of all descriptions made to order on shortest notice in bestl manner and at air prices call and see njy stock c c speight on a shelf in a lag and bottle mans shop stood a dainty venetian flask that had once held attar of roses tho perfume lingered about the delicate object yet though it had long been ompty and when the wind blew that way a delicato dream of roses was waited aoross the bosom of a loug amber whiskey bottle oa the same shelf and made him sigh with dolicht when the wind changed however as winds will and blew through the chunks on the other side of tho shanty a cold whiff of dead whiskey reached the flask and made her shudder for to her it told long dreadful stories of drunkards and their deeds of wicked orgies of all that wjis offensive to the pure soul of a venetian llask so at last sho spoke to him for bottles hac a language and said gently but very coldly and witha sof t italian accent sir if you could bat move a little jou are really overpowering and i fear i shall faint if you stand so close you are worse than our owners pipe to her surprise tho bottle instead of using bad language as the ragmen did re plied in the most civil and elegant manner slgnora ou aro prejudiced against m class i see but i assuro you that i am not a wicked bottle i would like to tell you my life may i i have no right to refuse jou sir said tho flask beside your voice moves me thanks siguora said her neighbor i this particular bottle now before you am conscidus of doing no harm in the world though sent out of a fashionable coalers establishment in company with brandy champagne and burguudy i began life at a fashionable supper party where it seemed my fate for many hoars of the evening to be made into punch young enthusiastic und ignorant of the world i rather liked the idea but by some oversight i was left upon the side board the others were emptied hooked on and grew wiser isaw dull men grow bright and thought whiskey inspires i saw sad men grow ga and thought it is the elixir of life but then i saw more men turn foolish and sane men seem- ingly go mad i saw men who seemed at first physically perfect stagger stumble and appear paralyzed i for the brst time saw men grow drank aud a great borrow filled my soul and i sighed the mission of a whislley bottle is to degrade why am i a whiskey bottle late at night or rather early in the morning a servant who came in to tidy the dirordered room found me she carried me down stairs early in the morning her cousin called to help put out tbe ashbarrel and ret hia breakfast he was a rednosed dull- eyed man and my heart sank when i beard tho woman say heres a bottle left over and no one the wiser take it along with you pat my heart sank more heavily when he stuck me into his pocket which smelt of tobacco and onions as he went down the street with my head sticking out of his ragged coattails i wished devoutly that i had been emptied the night before however as he tamed down an alley where dingy children lay sprawling on the pavement and tipsy men and women sat nodding on the steps a brisk sweetfaced little sister of charity met us face to face how she saw me i dont know but shb cried out at once in a little voice like the chiming of pleasant bells oh pat pat a bottle again when you signed the pledge only last week true for you maam replied pat confused but 1 got this for a pnsint and havent token a drop put it out of harms way then said the sister give it to me for the hospital and get a blessing for it sure i will that and wiloome said pat and dragged me out of his pocket handing me to her and folded under the black cloak of tbe sister i was carried away to a hospital where in rows of white beds lay the siok the wounded and the dying i was set down on a table near a poor man who was fainting from loss of blood and some of my contents were pour ed into a glass every little white a spoon ful was put between the patientfs lips and before many hours were over be had revived whisky said the good sistej as she looked at me is a very bod master but it ib a good servant you see i began by saving a life t you are a medioine then cried the flask thought you had a superior look siguora replied the bottle you flatter me t thank you but alas i was not to spend my existence in that hospital that night a wioked nurse whote oharactor had not yet been discovered stole me and carried me away in ber handbasket her intention was to have as she desoribed it pardon the slang a jolly spree she had already had too much to drink and- in lighting a kerosene lamp overset it 1 pre sume she died at all events the landlady a few days after called in a dealer to buy her effects and i went with the kitchen lot the rost of the things were sold at auotiou and the auctioneer pat me into his portmanteau and hurried away to catch a train for he was to sell out an old country residence early next morning either he forgot me or was not thirsty for when he stood in the depot i was still as full aa when we started and he no fujler there was no conveyance awaiting my auctioneer aud he started up tho road carrying his bag and hod come to a spot where only one little house was to be seen when pierc ing shrieks fell upon his ears and a woman ran out of the house with a child in her arms help if sho cried help help olw my boy will die 1 the auctioneer dropping his bag ran to the woman and seizedher by the arm what lias happened to your child he said he has just been horribly stung by a poisonous snake she sobbed see his foot is swelling already he will die in an hour or so it keep quiet cried the auctioneer lay your boy on the grass here under the tree and well save his life plenty of whiskey will keep any one from dying of snake bite who is not a very hard drinker this case will yield at onco to the treat ment i quicklyihe unstrapped the valise and taking a small drinkingcup from the same receptacle forced the child to swallow some ot my contents for a while it pro duced no effect but at last the result was certain the childs life was safe tbe mother went down upon her knees tolkank heaven and 1 was proud and happy for i had already saved two lives and half of iny contents yet remained to me i knew murmured the flask that you were not like other whiskey bottles indeed sigooru all might be like me replied tbe virtuous bottle all would be glad to do what i have done but men in whose power we are misuse us is it our fault i confess i ha re been prejudiced re plied the iflask well doctor go on what were your next great deeds i have walked in very humble paths since then replied the bottle i f left by the auctioneer in the poor womans humble home i bathed the wounded foot for a while i soaked a bandage to restore a poor washerwomans wrist after a sprain caused by a wringer i assuaged a tooth ache i was used in fact as an outward application for nearly six months content with my nneventful existence and thank ful that i had fallen into no topers hands i would willingly have been like the widows cruse exhaustless but i was emptied at last and sold to a wandering rag and bottle man for two cents was brought here of my future fate i am in ignorance but i feel a presentiment that my end approaches siguora will you pardon ne for saying that you have given me a wish to prolong existence if i could be filled with lavender water and pass my lifo besid ou beside the bedside of some delicate invalid what bliss i should enjoy as a whisky bottle i cannot hope for your approval yet oh hush dear friend i cried the vene tian flask what a useful poble life has been yours no i confess to you that could you be refilled i would be content to become a bottle of smellingsalts and pass my life near you in a hospital i owe you so much apology for my opinion of you drawn from what i knew of other bottles pje your name together repeated the whisky bottle what a blibsfal dream bat no it is im possible perhaps he moved toward her who can tell the shelf was narrow the fiveryday manners children who are not taught gooc man ners cannot be made to appear otherwise than uncouth aud possibly rude when company comes to the house jthei daily homelife and the manners of thos with whomj they are constantly associate are examples they inevitably follow scenes like the following are sufficiently common to be recognised as truthful by the reader a lady makes an afternoon call upon a mother tho children halfadozen in number perhaps surround the visitor with marked signs of interest in ber personal appearance it is a very pleasant day the caller says yes very mary run aud sit down janie dont touch thfe ladys dress are your family all well oh yes thank you tommy dont stare so at the lady how do you do little girl asked the caller pleasantly the little girl puts her finger in her month cant you talk child asfced the mother sharply why dont you flay iam well thank you im very well if you please returns the child with a giggle there now dont giggle take your finger out of your mouth james get off the back of the ladys chair run away all of you i havent seen you out lately the caller says no ive been very busy my family require all of ray time with several children one cant give much thought or interest to anything but home duties do you go to school asks the lady of johnnie hey s why john brown i now thats a nice wky to answer the lady i never say hey tofanybody now answer nice yes urn i go to school yes urn 1 say yes maam a per son would think you children had never been taught how to behave very naturally person would think so m the fate of niagara prof woodward of washington declares that in about 2200 years the rock over which the falls now flow at niagara will be all worn away the area of the rock worn away at the horseshoe falls between the years 1842 and 1875 was 18500 square feet equal to 425 acre between 1975 and 1886 50000 square feet or 137 acres the main length of the contour of the falls is 2300 feet the time required to recede one mile if the rate is 24 feet per year is 2200 years i j before this catastrophe is due doubtless provision will be made to confine the waters of lake erie so that a disastrous inunda tion will mot take place what wonders will not have taken plaoe before the close of these 2200 years 1 any one who has visited niagara must have noticed that the falls have receded quite a distance from their original starting place in p using it may be remarked thajt under the oare of the state niagara falls is recovering its pristine picturesqueness the nuisances associated with it have been abolished and it is now a noble state park theee cmits the kiss of life kisses in kinds as countless as sands of frjer dship betrayal jdecoit the kiss on tfie eye the forehead and lands the kits that is awkward and neat the kiss havs giventhe one we steal the kiss that awakeji us all through but the sweetest kiss that lips can feel is the 1 iss of the wife thats true theres the kiss of youth and tbe kiss of j ears and th kiss that we lay in the grave the kiss ve press in sunshine and tears the kit s for the brow of the brave but the kiss that is the kiss of life to him who tho gamut runs through that brings surcease to anguish and strife is the ktssof the wife thats true a nef view of consump tion and one thioh appeals to common sense many curable cases medical slilm manyjpersons die of consumption who could eaiily be cured says dr s c clark of ivatertown n y if they would go at it rijht i have a new view of the disease consumption is not always of lung origin how 60 1 what is it then 9 many cases of consumption are second ary thi djisease itself prevails every where bu i the best practitioners refuse to attribute it entirely to inheritance or the weather if a person lives in the most favorable limate in the world and has any tendency o lung weakness if certain condi tions exist in the system that climate however jeavbrable will bot preventdevelop- ment of the disease the disorder in such cases is only a secondary symptom in the lungs of some other ailment and can never be cured until approached through its source yes doctor but what is the method of approach if you dip your finger in acid you burn it doyouj not yes if you wash this burnt finger every second win the acid what is the result why constant inflammation festering and eventual destruction of the finger precisely now then for my method which commends itself to tbe reason and judgment of every skilful practitioner you know certain acids ore developed in the body well if the system is all right these acids are neutralized or utilized and carried out if the system is run down by ex cesses an uefcy continual exposure or over work the e acids accumulate in the blood if there ii any natural weakness in the lung this acid attacks it having a natural affinity fo rit and if the acid is not neu tralised o passed out of the system it burns nl crates ani finally destroys the lung is his clear k perfectly but how do you prevent the accumulation of these acids in the system f irregr lar ties of the liver and kidneys create thu ex jess of acid and the supply can be oul off only by correcting tbe wrong action of 1 hes e organs the kidneys alone should carry rat in quantity io solution enough of thi i acid daily whidrrif left in the blood wo aid kill four men when the stomach he liver and the kidneys are all conspiring to increasefthe acid he wonder is that weak lings resist death as long as courage the unsuccessful striverin any depart ment of life may lose his property his situa tion his means of livelihood all his plans may come to naught and all his efforts be frustrated but until he lose his courage he has not lost all instead of sitting down idly to mourn over dead hopes let him ap ply himself vigorously to the nearest duty and his spirits and his fortune will alike arise triamphaut from the ashes of the past even small disappointments and vexations suoh as asail us continually lose half their sting by suoh treatment- the more we brood upon them the more afflictive they become but busily employed in tl e nearest duty we forget their sharpness a ad learn unconsciously to bear them with f rmness dull oil jlamp gave little light there was a fall a crash a myriad fragments of amber glass were scattered on the rough pine floor and the bottle was no more the venetian flask still btands on the shelf bnt quite alone no one who knows her value bees her in the dark corner of the junk mans rjiiserable shop a perfume of roses lingers about her still and abou her neck is tied a little black cobweb it is theraourning she wears for4he lost whisky bottfe whose value and worth she alone understood 4 i i know a thing or two my boy said a father to his only son you are iu bad company the lads with whom you go indulge in bad habits they drink moke swear play oards and vjsit theatres they are not safe company for you i beg yon to quit thpir booiety you neednt be afraid iof me father replied the boy laughing i guess i know how far td go and when to stop the lad left his fathers house twirling his cane in his fingers and laughing at the old mans notions a few years later and that lad grown to manhood stood a a bar of a court before a jury whioh had just brought in a verdict of guilty against him for crime before he was sentenced he addressed the court and said among other things my downward course began in disobedience to roypareuts i thought i knew as much of the world as my fatier did and i spurned hia advice but as soon aei turned my back on my home mptations came upon me like a drove c f hybenasrahd hdrried me to ruin marl the confession ye boys who ore beginning to be wiser than your parents a revival not wantefcl why a revival was not wanted in a tilew england ohuroh is stated by the indepen dent which vouches for the truth of the story it avers that a prominen i trustee in one of the largest ohnrchos in lew eng land successfully opposed the ina iguration of revival meetings on the ground that suoh a meeting would destroy their new ojprch carpets besides he is report id said what do we want with a we are out of debt our pews rented our house is full and would only disturb the quiet and orderly development of the church it mold ap pear that a revival was needeel in ohuroh even though it was not wanted matrimonial item i am very sorry i did not ed with you until i had become a widower said col percy yerger to his seoond wife with whom he does not live very what do you mean by that partner of his joys nothing except that i would rather that you had been my fi replied the fond husband oareleskly why do you wish that i had been your first wife jj because some other woman would be my present wife darling have revival a all revival that acquaint- happily asked the muob at trife a firm of berlin jewelers havegast finish ed a diamond diadem and neoklace worth several hundred thousand marks for the empress of japan it has not hitherto been tbe custom for japanese ladies t wear diamonds but the empress in sanctioning they do i but ou have not told ustiow you would trei it s nch cases no but will the lungs are only diseased as ai i ejftct of this acid or kidney poison in the blood after having exhaust ed all author zed remedies to correct this acid conditio i i was compelled in justice to my patien s to use warners safe cure though a proprietary remedy it is now recognized i see by leading physioians by presidents of state boards of health and by insurance physicians as- a soientifio and the only specific for those great organs in whioh ovjsr ninetyyper cent of diseases originate or re sustained is this form oftreatment successful it is won lerf ally bo and for that reason i am only to willing that you should an nounce it to he world of consumptives koteby iht piibusticr we have received the above int erview from h h warner coy rochebier- n y with the request that we publ ah it for tlit good of suffering people in a foot nete to their letter they say the experience- of dr dark is not 8trangetous in our correspondence we have found t ist mafay thousands of people are buffering fnyn what they think is con- sumption v rhereas the real difficulty is with the liver and kidneys proven by the fact that wh n these organs are restored to health by th use of warners safe cure the conaumi turn disappears and so does uremioor kidney poisoning vvhich causes jso many symptoms of diseases that the human systim ia subject to the same may be said of rheumatism caused by an acid conditlc n ot the system we insist upon what i re always have claimed if you remove the cause the system will soon perfect the ipork already begun mrs rev dr theodciie wolf of getfsburg pa wife of the editir of the lutheran quarterly boid her fne ids thought her far gone with consumptio but after a thorough treat ment with warners safe cure she says iamperiitly well we can cite thou sands of sue a oases but one is enough if you publish the above article kindly tend w a mar jm copy f we gladly give place to the article for if we oan in iny way stay the ravages of consumptio a whioh carries away so many millions jfearly it is our bounden duty so to do pm the adoption of european dress availed herself of the opportunity dace the use of diamond ornaments and has also to fntro hundreds of letters from those using ayera huir vigor attest its value as a re- storer of gray hair to its natural color as a stimulant and tonic preventing and oar ing baldness and oleansiug the scalp its use cannot be too strongly recommended 1 i t

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