Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1886, p. 2

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vi eaastssgsrfias we can hardly we uuuk do better than coantatalat oommatot affrteultnr uta wad th pomicfwrtmllitttt tosrn lot u ar wtrfoh ajftdtfc ha assumed generally and which bids fair to continue to the ftebehd eatltfafifiba j aaylhat tin totting ii osdoold bo iy to repeat wbatwebataaajd tbd owtimtd to aay tw j bat toaj upemanr the ramrk by th obsieivatiou that the im provement seems to hav coma to stay vhe tbe wiufe iooohttanoeol get ting batter it it bard for m to aay albeit it we can only keeplnp to what we have al ready attained there will bis precious araall ground foroouplaut even on the part of ohtoioogramblers he sgure given by the banks have shown that there toothing disastrous to be apprehended on the mone tary side of the situation anion there be developed reokleeenen of an almost onpre- oedentod character we have no expeota- tinn of a bad winter as far as business ia concerned on the contrary we anticipate each a season as shall witness theprosperity of every one who takes the steps necessary to be prosperous and to a great extent if there be any complaining on our streets it will be on the part of those who are pecul- iarly unfortunate or of those who scarcely deserve the sympathy of their fellows cnnttdia jvirfeifewer iv corrected r it seems that enemies of the corporation and of the municipal authorities make it their especial business to misrepresent or else misunderstand nearly everything said or done concerning municipal affairs in oar issue of last week the following item thefactbof which were reoeived in regular coarse by our reporter and inserted without inteht or desire to tell anything but the actual truth appeared at the request of mr duffs counsel besta postponed hisdiettion in ie the om cemetery bylaw tor lean imm rnouuon two weeks hm following day mr robert kennedy of erin presumably at the instruction of mr duff called and stated that neither mr duff nor his counsel had ever made such a request of reeve storey and re quested of us a correction of the statement in this issue the reply to mr kennedy was that our reporter would look into the matter and if it was incorrect the fsxx papas would place the matter right before its readers with this in view we com municated with messrs pbnston k mo- solicitors for thj municipality whom the request camn from mr guthrie solicitor for mr iuff and this in the reply received thefakzphess acre yours to hand your item was perfectly cor rect mr doffs solicitor certainly requested as to ask beevs storey the presiding magistrate in the ease to postpone his decision as stated in your columns you are at perfect liberty to use this statement publicly if you desire johsbtou st mcxjeax gueljh sot 2nd 1886 mxjkenuedy will kindly observe that the fkkb bbxss was correct after all and that the misunderstanding was between himself and mr duff j j sow a thing like this j was really a trifling matter to make a fuss about even if the fkke pbxss had been incorrect but thus it is that misstatements are rife con cerning municipal matters and the free pkjssb mold if it deemed it of sufficient im just as easily expose the falsity of nnmberaof the senseless and ridiculous rumors which are freely circulated especially oonoerningthe cemetery question birt the very ridiculous character of these runxirareriqersittinnecessary for us to spend either time or space in paying attention to if the people who are so ready to lay charges at the door of the municipal authorities and misconstrue their actions would quietly refrain from further misre presentations and adhere strictly to the truth in such matters municipal interests would be greatly enhanced and a much more neighborly and fraternal feeling prevail in the cohimunity the acton ohbrtbwety hu mads its fin i bow to an indulgent publto and we ahaliiegladall of ui think to have it bow me more r t h 6oabwt1waijtuy fairly patron iaedimd theyraverti a good ten cents pfottl of the commodity that hath charms as th poet sings to soothe the savage rend t rook jor split a cabbage 1 he programme oousisted of two parte of biijie numbers ach chiefly ohoruses and d pieces with a few solos inteis by way of varieijy as it were and ten the thing up some the soprano ed to rather overtax the capabill- the singer wliodid not seem to be cularly goodterms with the organ bass solo a capital song by the way was not atletodbhimaelf justice owink to hoarseness andvalight ooldi the duet kityid rpndewor two ttle girls described as tfceyouiigest and smallest mem ben of the society was well sung and merited the renoote it received j the rounia three blind mioe seemed to tickle the fancy of the audience who de manded a repetition perhaps the gem of the programme was i a duet entitled prithee pretty maiden from patience hy miss alioe henderson and the secretary it wasnioely song and deserved the enoorethe audience insisted on i know it tickled my fanoy immensely and called down on my ahonl- deraa rebuke from khe partner of my joys and borrows that excellent woman mrs a who took particularity good care to rush me off home afterwards and frustrated my laudable intention of oongratalatiruj ye fait maiden who said her heart was frolicsome andfreq 1 jsome of the choruses vera nicely sung and showed the pains that mr hill the conductor of the society has taken in train ing the members his cornet solo was rood only there might have been a little more of it rlt is to be hoped that we shall have the pleasure during the coming wiuter of hearing the society again more than once and i am sure their efforts will bo appreci ated by our citizens generally ji fully expected jthatthel worthy presi dent would say a few words relative to the society its aim object and so forth but he didnt and i thins many besides myself were rather disappointed thereat jwith regard to that duet from patience i learn that two or three of the audience werejwell somewhat disgust- eolwitb it saying it was not exactly the thing out of place going too far andlike expressions surely this shdws a very narrowminded view of things a want of being able to distinguish between use and abuse opinions df that kind one is very apt to set down as bosh which is not far muubmpi ohaiimafm brown ai minu firmed thefi school rnjet on louday eveiiiiin atviiij v h storey iji0e4jbyiiu tiuofwk meptinfj ifisail thujl ooti tlioir mm v uauotj oomniiui presented ixthrepjjft ire mhiraoiutu pftymontj foilowiuijftcoqhbth jji b hsonjsupplies thos ei tonj roualrs john mi tthewu cartage t t more supplies ir atei notes and comments s mr jamesinnis m p of guelph has been unanimonsly nominated for the house of commons presidest cleveland has issued a pro clamation designating thursday nov 25th as a day of thanksgiving for the united states mayor amte 5i minneapolis lias bit upon plan of dealing with strikes con sisting of a proclamation commanding both parties to resume work and submit their differences to arbitration in the interest of public peace of which be is the guardian the poor blind champion still wanders it seems lo be mnddled- when engaged in reviewing its exchanges and apparently feds badly over its errors and omissions its blindness is proverbial and the profusion of billingsgate in its last issue sustains its iwtorjpub reputation education is the glory of canada thu is the mottoplaced above the entry loathe canadian educational exhibits and no visitor can inspect these exhibits with out feeling that the jmotto is far from a mere idle boast everyone knows how im portant a part education plays in the public life of the dominion and in no proviuce is tbusmoreth case than in on- taiiooazette jvjndoneng j it is a curiods tiling that ahhbugh re- peated ontraes have been perpetrated on the property of fboas wio havetwrnactiye- mseenring the adoption and enforcement 1 of the canatemperajiceactnoadeqnate pnnishment jus been meted out to the per- not to tiio credit of this lawabiding prov ince that bnildings should be wrecked by dyniumjood jendangered while the r eorisiin easape voi- punishment they r deseryfc oim psrlto tbohtim tpepromo- hi 4ure and j out a on the street the other day i heard two young ladies having a little argument over thejdefinition of a flirt for their special edification i rive the definition of the late josh billings which although rather powerful comes nearer to it than anything i ever heard a flirt is a fool who delights in fooling other fools and the fool who is fooled by such a fool is the foolishest kind of a fool there yoaare pretty sound sense too j that arrogant goddess fashion whom most of our feminine population adore with a passionate adoration is responsible for the latest monstrosity in hats i refer to the new fall shapes those big ungainly felt hats adorned with some large bird ox a lot of little ones and abig pin with a head like a billiard ball what the pin is for j6 a mystery unless it to sort of break the wild wide expanse of felt on the side that the bird or birds is not j i noticed in church the other night no less than twentyseven of these hats each adorned with a bird and a big pin what a shame it is that so many thousands of our feathered tribes should be slaughtered annually to niiiister to foolish fashion now here is a cbanze for some one to im mortalize himself or herself by starting a crusade against this senseless fashion ofj slaughtering birds wholesale to gratify the whims of fashion a miljionarieg wife in that gay and frivolous city paris not long ago appeared in a gown lavishly trimmed with robins and had another trimmed with canaries 3nst think of it tis really shameful another facfcbout the big hate the majority of the wearers dont seem to have the faintest idea of what feuitu em and they make some facea look like a thimwe in a soapplate auous the hamilton spectator which is con- stantly ridiculing country papers for tbeir items noting local improvements becanse of their trivial importance in the eyes of a big city newspaper man evidently forgets itself and imparts the following startling intelligence to its readers r city cham berlain stuart now has a counter in his front office the country papers will require to take- a back seat aftar this wonderful exhibition of enterprise on the part of the spectators dignified locateditor if the object is to have thanksgiving day at the dullest and most i unfavorable time in the year a better day than novem ber 18th could not be appointed at that time the days are generally dull the weather and the poads bad in the country here is neither sleighing nor wheeling why shoald not ithaoiksgiving day be in jqotober say between the middle and tiie end of the montn 1 the harvest is jmen oyer the root crops are in and the fall wheat sown the weather is ubuauy de- lightfrdand theadsin moetplaces fairly g at least mnch better than a month 1 later a large portion of our population begin hard work about sept 1st a hou- day jiboiit the jpi of october wi dividir tile te nicely between septem chiristnoas beporit adouhl mow4by w h storey seconded by oa 76 70 08 8 89 george hyndsthnt the teaoliera of the first set ond arid tidrd departmeuia be re engaged at tile same salaries as 1816 and that the teaojitr of the fourth or junior departn eiit t e ro ongagod at an odvauoe of twenty- ive d 1 ars over the salary of tlie present year and that the chain jan be instruct edou tebalf of this board to sign the ogirt ementi carried upon hiotioi the board adjouruet i l notes of interest a imooofire ocourred at theljunaticj asylum hamilton on sunday mo ning the rife of the late a t 8tewa t new york c led last jweek the will tf mrs s te war was filed for probate on homday it dispc ses of twenty million dollar i worth otpropirtyj b ik mjartiu hotel keeper graudi yaltey fa pattihgiuo days impriiouroeni in the draugeville jail tor a third yiolatioi ofithelicbttact dani si cummings mt forest was las week fi ied fl 00 and costs and wrr spires of fergus t50ahd costs by magisjrati l owes for violation ol the scott act a c ivauj collector of inland revouue stratfc td seized aii illicit still last wednes day in the township of ho wick aud lnvl two of the proprietors arrested and sen tenced to two mouths imprisonment and n penalty of 400 nearly 120000 have been paid out ii priis by the iudustnalxhibitiop assoc ation of toronto the total amount pail out in prizes for the live stock alone at ilia industrial exhibition this year amounts to over 115000 iu sums ranging from j 5 u to 407 and covers nearly every section f the province last thiirsday was a great day for the united states the biggest statue in existence was presented by the bigget t republic in europe to the biggest j repnbl c of the world the two republics have a 1- ways bee u allied by the closest terms id trieudidiipj aud perhaps no more fittii g emblem could have been found to mark their oiiioii than a representation of the ich tlioy were fouuded i to bring bartholdi the sculptor of thjis btatue was present at the sii t ry tljoj jt ring always atffartoryj ii j i j 7or r oc iiwb nickk mjurroiktvinx in tt hold alaska we lever i e iiro thoj beat sayag1 sole affent ior gulph t it hfadquicters sj10esrucders trunksval1ses rsshoes un ceremonies mckiiit the cradle the manse woodstock tm thurscwy oct 28th the wife of itev w aj mck ly of a daughter jesker at johnstown n youjthe llth octbberj the wife of mr harry enner a 80ii stillborn lai the i wife daughter thej 1st of ndv of mr adam btewart of of the altar j brokkhooee at crewsous corners the residence of the brides father the 3ra nov by rev fswau assisbed by rev r phillips mr john brown to marthi second danchtcjof mr james mobre l i srbot- kfxnev at the residence of the brides father on the 27th october by the re d stracbau alex sprowle of esqaesing to miss rachel kenney tt ird daughtjer of mr john kenney mi jerenjiah tcttuut uth not sale of stock aud plemexte the property of jerer kehtuir lot 32 con 7 esquesins- sale- it 1 oclock win hemstiject auctioneer weuifssi at 10th novesibeb sale of 8 ock and in pleroents by nicholas forbes lot 1 com 7 eramoso sale at 12 oclock wm lemstreet auctioneer nev advertisemonti j farms wanted pamb wasted for the next ifekce df ot t canadian farm advertiser wjifch is to bed culated amongst intending purchi of iaxtn hrouehont canada the united 8 bgrope o id other countries we have 1 oflee at uelpk thousands of letters froni al caiiuifor farms from all parts of pant parts of t le united states europe south jamaica and other countries all t arefrpln parties who have seen our mentis 1 hose wanting to sell are invited to omo toouroff cein gualph and see theiletfen for themseltss we are selling more farms than any ofbei flnn iu canada and we defy co itra- dietion u tlsia suitement if you want to sell send us y rar name and address and then wi will write to j era molchargeuulesbasalelseffepted address 1 jton j dale col goelph bootshoestorl i c9 guelph- combination olper 8avb money the free pre88 ami rnir iukvju vm adian kfbin now uiitnist january 1888 for the small sum of 165 hy mi arniugoiuout with tho publisher of the ihual canadian now iu its tenth vuar of publi cation we are enabled to offer both papers for tbe regular price of tho two is hi the itiuah canadian ig a inouthly illustrated magazine for tho kurin and rome the follow ing aro the leading deiartmout farui ami fiold horses aud cattlo the dairy bheep and bwiuo harden aud orchard bees and honoy poultry and pots home circle the grougo heeord aural notes household hints yooug canada scioutittc and isefnj tbo iuubicolouci worth the price of several years ftubscriptiou 1 iscbsckiue now ki balance anbovt of tear free canada favorite weekly the western adyerjttser pf london ont has been vastly improved of late now appoarilifi regulsrlyin twelvepace form with the addition of uew doiiarluieuta illustrated artioles btc all its weukuojvu popular features will be re tained for 1hkt oulyfl per anuuui inclndjng t he rcuiaiudcr of 1hh6 to bona fide now subscribers the holly quen i this is tliu 1itju of our uew and beautiful pre mium for lc lluyond doubt tho most chariu- ing oieokraph colored picture ever offered wif li anv ftewspupcr sfielsxlluulicn only 10 teuts in addition to yearly subscription uaf agents wuutcd overvwhoro fifty raluablo prires to be awarded ovor and above the cash comuilhslon to tlie most successful agents for free sample papers terms to agents etc address advertisier printing co iionnok oxt the free press clubbing offer you can have tlie western advertiser and its beautiful prcmiuui togothor with tbo fnre phessforl8tfifarlh5 or without the premi um for f17 by addressing us as follows the afctfin fbee puebs acton ontario apor oold medicated crand p emersions jvia illinois central r r and newprleans i the illinois central rrvdllrun 5 grand xcurnioib to san prancisco rid new or leans and the southern pacific leaving chicago nov 16th dec 14th jany 11th yeby loth and march 15th rates for the ijound trip 8000 v for further particulars address fb bowes oenkvorthoni pass agt lojllt ill handoiph stbekt chicago f tp ifor school books slates aid au sehoo mm wwzmi i j jlbt artlvkd nbvvsteffifg0ti8 including flbums oliovk and handkeliphiep mtjes pbrcljlefty a8iwc thioi x mogarvins dru and stationery store my vallnphes bjlijfhherif j3tl dont jjhjbfttfiljl plce acto f ff n ffffffffffffffffflffpifffffjrf ffffwwfwjifswmm ffffffffffvfff tfie leading to0thingf hi fcarew j iifaf ymvsisvmw t it iworsted a large and wellassorted atocjkpf tweed ad j adapted forpall and v inter wearfat j pxpk3 also every tbiuffew in hats caps in short every thing neeeeta gentlemans complete out it having all my attntionidevoleil to the above hues i am prepared to aive the ujtmost salisfactinn ta fit voramanship and price t jif x jbxfi l- jsifeon forti lose vli- has come with iriulcuec and aforctliouglitinukc tuei fall selections w are unbroken while goods arc ht ib e s h j2sr3d vliilc theyve the time to look mul wc the time to gie fjliat careful sitteiitiou which desire they all shall hayc tile iissorffciuciit 3st b11a7 vy h vyashihbtohmd lgpso eminent throat and lung surgeon vltl visit agtot dominion hotel monday 8th novembeiv dibeasti6tukfni catarrh of the head aiid throat catarrhal deofncfss chronic bronchitis asthma aud coshmption also lobs of voice bore throat enlarged tonsils nose reuioved i cojre eaju polypus of the consultation free dnt aiuctioy saiss wbft hemstebet auritioner mi conduet sales as follows ottpbsa 2sth wui suiitli ijot 28 con 6 nas- eya arrh agnows hotel actpii jl 8nn patrick oboyle lot j04u c be b 6th w towusend lot u0 cbju 1 be a 9th jeremiah kontner liot32coul ssjueslngvvp i b lftrn nforbes lot 1 don 7 fblark lot la era- coh 5 court fberl8iottotvotcrslts oifbkri tha be heldv pursiiant to be ttyhls honor ilia jtd of of tfiecpunty of haltona tbe ior i ably tber is bnt we beerhi anybody that ki pruytifiwt wufbe fiats aetn a thday of nctembr 18 at the time appointed w any nzjiufa if jorrors fthemnnld catabiih of many veabs btan1 dr n washington throat and toronto ingcl uug surgedn dear sirl am pleased to supiv es uiy eutlre satisfaction at the resnlts of your new method of inhalation which ha4 cured no of o very troublesome form of catarrh ii fact all the usual remedies failed to givo me a iy relief but your treatment from the lirst gave tue great ease and in a few mouths entirely cured nioof a most annoying disease i cu honestly recomuieiid any who may be sufferipg as i was to your skill ful consideration tours- truly geo g0uld1ng rapregonts fj tdbkbviil gait and whstdbky son aotou j head offlcer 315 yongc st toronto writo for particulars ir a the the halton force pump and every vuiuoty of force well and cistern v jy mahufuctured by a it ci ilbourt oasvxljfll 0ht aoknts wajjxen mm tro- ifecaidrtnoladulu i- iits ii every particular to niectf wants thjan did buying tune a year ago kind wc arc not aware foiurl us lackiiif either in that vou your tlieii li be that as it may this years buyiug time surpasses all otbei tv buying iitnes in the size of ou stock in thorossortuicrit bfteredyou in every ilepartmen in the excellencie of ouk goods anb in th r j loness p ouk prices 7 betcr facilities and yu iucreasing trade are the thugs that have done it and toq jlee to reap the beniit j oi- gome and see to wht xtetit oti may- bo benenttei at the r v reasonableprices leaders injfrstrclass goods and fiu tv- r

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