Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1886, p. 1

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miiilll ill i i tmmmm f voilmx xp80 ztt tznr t ktumtci rs kveky trtulud mousing f thb free press power utox t m m i f acton ontahio thursday ncvembml panting h0u8e ontario acton bah king co y 8tprey christie co acton r subscription rates 4 om m u imavi slxiloxthl iut tflrfck months 85 ct j lrvially in mtvuio unalvldiu advance 1 i per wvr willbc cbirgid no paper dlncon- iiiitirr till nll ntr arepaid except at the option ot the imwiohw advertising rates on lohuni 1 tr g ho 1liv half column suarter lilmin one inch 1 3v0p 3900 r eaoo ii i 0001 aju s0tm 1200 t00 lino 700 hso 250 loo a gxial liai ontario xkjxo vcsa xjtjxapted hohbtloaitsjd on approved ho notes discounted and interest allowed oja deposits dont read this casual advefljwiiuiciiis 8 u pcruut tot the rtri msortion 4ud2coutvw lineyor aoh nb- nrt mftertiili cash the number of lines rcvknctlfe uie space occupied measured by ft seal of solid nonpareil alrwtisemeut without vpcciqc tliroctioa will ikmnwirtrociu torbid ana charged acconl- iugk tisumtortauvertiseniirtitsiuust bo luiid in advance iuaitgna for contract dvartfammcuts mint ik- in t oft o by 9 am on monday otherwise thov will lo left over uutil the following week h p uook kriitor iul proprietor tuic da dc 3 fnutt on ftm goo v tn was burcoul 10 spruce 8ta whtn- ndtrrtp0 1 anrrctnj biaiflt lit nkwvokk- business directory iv h lowry m b m c p s v graduate ol trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office aud residence at the head- of frederick street acton h gk stagey md cm graduate of trinity university fellow of trinv ity medical school member of the college of physicians aud snrgeens oiikk campbells hotel the uiulersigped on the shortest hiki at bottom lumber lath new goods -at- u moit fiu flank tauiihuav mousing novkuukii 11 188gj ll 1881 poetfiy days bookstore cuelph is prepared to furnish notice in tiny quantity pricesftrst class ji8taves head- l l bknnett lds dentlst georgetown lnurio ac mcklnlay l d s surgeon 1 sentisl georgetown gut uses the new syst ui of nitrons oxide gas com monly called vitalized air far extracting teeth without ruin having been demon strator vnl practical teacher in royal collect of dental snreeons toroutoi pat- rousuuti depead upon receiving satisfaction in any ciieritions performed will visit acton ecry second and fourth wednesday of esci rtioath office agaevrs hotel v john lawsongraduatk ofon- taiiof veterinary college toronto yeterinajrvsnrjieoii acton out oitiie in koiiut bros boot and shoe store-r-resi- deiice ijilthe rear horses examined as to soaudiuis and certificates jjiven all cals uiiiut or day promptly attend ed to jeruis eisy ing shingle wash tubs churns butter tubs pork ban els wood also fiiottr altd phed and anything in the line of farmers house- keepers or contraitors necessities thos 0 moorr -utbiipii- bu si ness college gueiphotairioi fllhe third 8cholastic year x besiuebepteonber irt pattonage drawn from ten states atod provineee young men aiid boys thorbniily prepared for baaineai parsniu gradaates eminent ly succesfut as accountants business managers shorthand writers clerks salesmen travellers etc both iu canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work- and courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college splendid facilities afforded for the nc- qnisition of french and german for information address mmaccqrmick wtf principal lumber shingles and lath 25000 rolls wall paper iqo sets lawn croquet car- load express waggons bi6 stock low prices bay sells cheap guelph cloth hall writing hv vfiuik bmikhh on the wiuks of proud ambition wo may soar to lofty jioiriu ou tlio paxe of worldly honor oft we strife our names to write but the blows of adverse fortune soon have dashed them to the crotiud xiy of hopes once fondly ohcnihod not a vestige now is tonnd or with peuoil and with paper write oar tlfioiights that men may read and with inipulse good or evil sow the rooc or evil boed or upon the soljjd marble write onr names with skilful hand chisel words tuat through the ages of enduring years suall stand still wero writing though unconsoioiib kyery hour and every hay aud it either helps or hiuders ai we traversellsfes rough way every sinful thought wo cherish e ery idle word we say stamps its impress deep and lasting ot the heart or moulds our day words are thiugs wo seldom measure qmokly said wo think theyve flown for as light as down of thistle they to fruitful soil havo blown but eer death with icecold fingers stops our journey oer the earth theyll return in cruef vengeancu pierce the heart that gave them birth oft a word 60 quickly spoken words of proud contempt aud scorn like an arrow swift and certain leaves ite victim bruieed and torn aud some soul that late was striving hard to rise to higher life deeper sinks from our injustice with fresh wrongs and conflict rife what youve written you have wnttetj j spend not lime in vai regret life was given thee for labor use it iot to pine and fret from the ashes of past failures rise to better life and true live that through succeeding ages angels may write good of you rpb j hslsjtona- mclean harr isters salicitorsnotaries convey queers ic ftsrprivate fuudsjtb loan omct town hall acton e f bj johnbiox wm a 5icleix m mitchell tfolicnoti cosykyaxcku ac oinoii first door west of the cluimpion office main streetmilton money to loan at t perfcent hilfoxl allan ba1rd barristers solicitors i toronto and geokoktowx ac ihe niitltrjjutxl tteifes to inform the putlic that he has now on hand and will koep iu stock n full liue of hue and hemlock as well as other kiuds of luinbet alsot first anil second class pine sliingles a ith coal wood having purchased the coal imiiicbs of mr c s smith i am preiiartil to supplv all kiuds of stove coal i havo also a good stock of wood hardwooil ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood aud coal delivered javks bkows mutual insurance company fire merchant tailors lwi hkckivkii tlltlu first instalment ok new- fall goods our story t i always 1 houglit a bight of the colonel said the deact n looking up at the cracked ceiling thoigji he wasnt nothing but a halfbrother and i cant just bring myself to refuse the liiielter of my house if it aint much to any of his kin theres where it is you dear old silly pa cried kate and alio blammed her apple pah on the table ruflhod arounl to the deacons chair and kissed liirn violently your pa is right children said mrs holcomb reiuftiing her ohopping kniie quietly ii s our duty plain as day to take the poot oreature there i aid the doacontri umphantly i knew whire youd stand i told seth and william so well be id gene rising from tho wash- tub with a gxxl haturedly despairing ges ture we aio to have our coubin melvina kate but w 3 are to givo up all hopes of a college cours s and wo are to be married to mark hill in the dress we have on we shall not be able to scrape up money for a new ouo by r ext spring with cousin mel vina on our hands he pat an arm about his sisters waist in mock sympathy and whirled laughingly away deacon looked across at his wife urrlv1 ad hi ifing street east toronto t r ilq b aim i w ontario creelmans block georgetown j siiitorr j huil jta laidlaw a- co baujustebs solicttobji oiiki over iinperial bauk2i wel lington ijtteet east entrance exchange alley toronto jojix 3aix q c c a mastex lidcjekow co jiakui-tk- jsolicltous ci hall vj church street toronto i w iiihilllw miit john cajisok jicl oomnr op v7filiinat0n kstllltshkl 1810 head office cuelph r- at nts secured for ikvent10ns i henry grist ottawa casaia ju ye4r5 prackice 3o patent o pay j a murray llcexsei al counties of halton and wellington left at hife residence mafn street church street acton or addressed to actoji po will receive strict attention for the orders opposite terms desired1 reasonable notes discounted if w ml- llcexieu acctjoeeu for thelcountiss of welliugtbn ancthaltou j3 eft at the fbee pnessxjffice acton or at my residence in acton will be prompt y attetided to- terms reasonable monet to loas a1sj money to loan on the most favor- able terms and at the lowest rates of in- terest ii sums of 500 and upwards uht square f baj m hi acco periodi oouud hemstree1 insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of property on the premnm note sstem pwstone cnas davidson president secretary john taylior aent pause and consider that it will be to yonr own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur rounding country that we are again in full ranning order and ina better position than before the iire to fill all orders entrusted to as to parties building lurrber will be dresseh while you wait and mouldings ac made with neatness and despatch n b we are also prepared to fill all orders for pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we cn give satisfaction every time so- come on with your order and help to toll the ball along- money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no thos eubaue ihnnager shaw merchant grundy tailors gualph wellington marble works quebec bt guilps john h hamilton ptop wholesale and t m marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer- of all kinds of granite aud marble r haviu lately visited tliu liay of fuudygranite oufutifib aud linviiiji inirclmscd the oiillro stock of gray aud red granite uioiiiniiciits beadstones v crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost i will until further notice sell at prices never beforp known ii ontario for in stance granite njouumeuts oft high h007 ft w ft 30 9 ft 100 10 ft rtjo all work aud muterirwarratited firstclass parties wanting anything in this liue will do well to call aud sco we before imrcbaslug elsewhere as i guarauteo my prices are from w to 50 per cent below all other dealers tohf 1ay ltchiteot gcelih ovr ueeiis hotel block market fvcls nu3jan iuwesaor tols l chapman bookbinder georges square guelph ontario fut bookof all kidds made to order als of every description carefully kiilingneatfy and promptly done excelsior bajkery aoton bread avill be left daily at the store of mr john nelso for the accommodation of customers acton meat market rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r holmes and solicit share of public patronage the members of the iirm are practical butchers and ure prepared to epgurs their customers thorough satisfaction there will alwkys be found an hand a full stock of allkipda of meat cc in season we have settled iu aotou to stay and feel satisfied that by transacting business upon business principles we will wiu publio confidence ftudistipport rutledge crosson acton feb jlth 188g r jdaley successor u thompson jacksodi i to loan on farm property at 6 per cent mortgages purchased money oaned tor parties in mortgages ind other secant r conveyancing in all its branches proper y an neat done charges low a cfty property for sale list u rms for gsfje sent to at parts of the isj 9 to intendincpurcbaew ana eft- s b ruropeaiipitelfets s ontario wfue sit ntoi tlirbugh our european agencies anted for bur lists correepou- gufe fitted- qfilctf near the eo ojffice vv thedeifory waggon will also palltbree times a weokas usual mrs t statham t he rianlan baijber 8hqp mllt stllkkt ajctox an easy gliave a stylish haircrrt a good aestfoam aa eajularatuig alhampoo always given razors honed ad nut in firstclass oondltipn ladiov aqd clilrefls hair tastily ciit r w kilt wouniss lnsbrial iiiiati evlrtbodycome g j 8peight has ope ned his new store on main street and jis now in a better position than ever before to supply plcwf fjiips jlptto fkaies and ahi fuknlsuilfos x froinea o all descriptions mafltod mder b ahortest potioe in ami ipnier and m call 4daamy stoclt 0 height the deacons reward deacon holcomb stamped the snow off his boots and sat down by tho kitchen firecock- iog around at the family with unustal seriousness his wife and his pretty daughter kate were chopping meat and paring apples for mince pies and his tall sou gene tak mending a wdshtub i mrs holcomb looked at the deacon sharply and suspended her chopping knife anything the matter she said anx iously i nothing very bad the deacon re sponded looking across the stove at iter affectionately j you wont think so anyhow i says to seth and william liknow what shell say meaning you i the deacon drew a letter from his pocket from the colonels lawyer he an nounced y thecolonel was the deacon jhalfbrother an elderly eccentric person who had died a month ago in the village where he had lived hasnt tumed out to be worth a pile of money aiidleft it to us has he said gene gaily hasnt left usno money said the leacon hadnt none to leave i reckon im ruther astonished the colonel was worth considerable along one spell no bat hes left us something else what said iate eagerly its from his lawyer as i says the deacon rejoined unfolding the letter and seth and williams got copies of it we was all at the postoffice when the mail come and took em together j it says he went on slowly and seths and wiltnms says the very same thing that it was the colonels last wish that his daughter melvina should have a home out here with 8eth or william or me ho baid that whoever took her would be doing an act of charity and would be sartiu to get rewarded in hven i weir said gene going on with ihe washtub calmly of coarse uncle seth is going to take her hes the best able to i ruther expected mygelf said fhe deacon hesitatingly that seth would step forward in this drisis but he haint he said he could hardly see how he could da it tie said melvina mast be somewhere nigh 50 by tliis time and being an old maid she might be cantankerous and julia ann mightnt be able to get along with her he said william and me would have to settle it between us well i never 1 said mrs holcomb indignantly him with all that money and tfiat big house what did unole william say said kate now see here pa holcomb as the deacons kind eyes fell before her gaz a you dont mean to say that hes going to to leave it to yon to do you the poorest of them all- the deacon moved uneasily 1 i dont want to blame william he said mildly i can see its just as he says what did he say said kate her black eyes flashing he said he didnt know bow he could take bernohowtbedeaconreplied hes building his new barn and he dont eel like hsvifig any more exnese jjust now and he said e couldnt think of boarding people without nothing more substantial than a reward in heaven to look forward to j- hes a hrnljet bow qene warmly- 1 he and unole seth both i rut youre not go ing to let vhew impose upau you father why neither o them would feel it ibut ybutgou4 gracious i gene looked around the bare little kitchen meaningly i tho rather soberly i im afraw its true enough he said no such- thing said mrs holcomb briskly aiid spobiug it was mark hill would marry jier quick enough in her old duds i reckon but gene said the deacon anxiously mebbe melvina will make- a difference about that aud bos set his heart ou getting an education you didnf t have any to speak of said mrs holcomb btqntly looking a little troubled nev rtheless theyre good children said the deacon they wont make any trouble about it i know that but i should hate to have em disappointed well trait in providence said mrs holcomb simply we know were doing whats right taking melvina and i dont believe but wiat itll be for the best you are always just the same always real good said the deacon with feeling as he picked up his hat and started for the barn and mrs holcomb reflected that she could hardly bo better than the deacon she could nt have had a better day for it now said the deacon delightedly it was a vrcck later he stood at the sittingroom window looking out at the snowy winy world and rubbing his work roughened hands with quiet satisfaction from the ki tchen there came the odors of roasting po k of simmering applesauce of boiling turnips and of hot mincepies from the sofa came the sound of low- toned con vernation proceeding from the corner where kate and mark hill were sitting rather dose together mark being a prospective number of the family dropped in to dinner occasionally up the road there came the jingle of- sleighbells the deaconwatched the- little oldfash ioned cutter eagerly as it came nearer for the deacons resolution had been faithfully carriedont he had written a cordial invi tation to poor melvina amid themildbneers of his brothers beth and william to be sure and the astonished disapproval of such of his neighbors as were in possession of the facts bat with the laughing consent of his children and with the warm abetting of his wife there had come a prompt response to his letter a brief note stating miss melvina holcoiubs acceptance of her uncles hospi tality and slating further that she would start directly and would arrive a few days later the day had come the driver of the little cutter turning up at tho hitching post with a flourish was gene and the small bundle of green veil and waterproof cloak which he lifted down iu the snow was his cousin melvina the deacon hurried to the door mrs holcomb stopped in the act of mashing the jujrnips and rushed out into the porch and kate followed hastily with mark close behind her the bundle had made its way up the snowy path the green veil had become disarranged aud there looked out from under it a sharp little face with bright dart eyes and two rows of faded corksprew carls j were glad to see you melvina said the deacon while mrs holcomb palled her indoors kindly andeiped to nudo the voluminous waterprooflcloak it wob a queer littje- woman that stood warming her small hands at the kitchen stove and looking sharply from one to an other when the last wrap had been ren0ved she was certainly post 50 so kate men tally decided she also decided that long earrings and a juvenile necklace and tight curls besprinkled with gray were hardly becomiag to her faded face and that her checked silk dress was not in the best of tastei but bhe felt a warnt impulse towards her cousin melvina there was a kindly spar kle in her eyes as she looked around the modest table mrs holcomb had taken tip the dinner with hospitable baste at the deacon carving with a beaming face at kate and mark side by side of bourse and engaged atthej moment in au affectionate altercation- at mrs holpomb dishing the applesanoe and at gene who had come in cold and snowy from the barn she did not appear to be muoh of ft talker she answered their enquiries in chirpy monosyllables turning her gaze meditatively around the small bare room and through the door to the oalioocovered sofa and the wellworn ragcarpet of the sittingroom but she wore a look of quiet satisfaction and enjoyment and by the time the minoe pies bad disappeared and the dishes been washed briskly by kates uimblehauds and they were gathered arouud tho sitting room fire it had deepened into a positive warmth which softened her sharp eyes and gave a pink tinge to her faded cheeks i should judge unole holcomb said mejvina turning upon the deacon i s lould judge now that you aint so well off a j you might bo it was an embarrassing enquiry mark i ill looked at hie boots and pretended not fc i have heard it and kate and gene ex changed indignant glances barely any other remark would have cbme better from their cousin melvina upder tho circumstances well nosaidihe deacon meekly and i suppose melvina continued cllmly i suppose uncle seth and unole william are better off now aint they well yes said the deacon they bv t 1 so the colonel said i always call him ttye colonel said melvina and there was silence broke sharply by tl o violent jingling of mel vi nfts long ear rings as she sat straight up iu her chair suddenly r i shant wait another minute she siid decidedly the colonel advised me not u be hasty look iiito things a little first i ut i couldnt know you any better if i w aited a year you dear good man her listeners stared at each other in silent ularm and kate edged a little nearer jfark was melvjna going out ofher senses ive been imposing on you shamefully melvina went ou energetically shame tly the deacon looked at her apprehensively aid mrs holcomb turned a shade paler something was wrong with melvina clearly small yon three cents be polite i hearts like doors will ope with ease to twt very little keys ut don i forget tha two are these u i thatik you sir and if you pllase be polite boys dont forget it in you r wanderings dav by day when yo a work anil when you study in you home and at your play be polite boys to each ojther do not juickly take offence curb you r temper youll be thankful j for this habit beasons hence be respet tf ul to the aged j and tb is one thing bea in mind never tat ut the wretched outcast j be bei elpless lanie or blind be polite boys to your parents never ht them fail to hear from the ir sons the best of language in the lome yon should hold dear to ypur 1 rotbers and your sisters speak ia accents kind and true be polite twill serve you better than a princely gift can do it was the colonels plan that pferson continued apologetically k low die was always peculiar and hb took t lis way of showing it i of doing what said the deacon find ing his voice with an effort- deposing of his property said mel vina composedly i suppose from the li wyers jotter you thought he hadnt any t dispose of well if you recollect it d idnt say he hadnt the colonel dictated e levy word of that letter just the day be- fjirehedied melvinas voice trembled a little what lie wanted to find out was which of his brothers was the best and the kind- e it and thought enough of him to be filling fr put up with the poor lonesome old v oman he left alone and that woi id be t ib one for his money he said a id he b iid all along be seemed to feel cert un of i that it would be you uncle ho comb t ioagh youre the poorest of them the deacon looked at her blankly you see the colonel was pretty st ccess- ftl of late years said melvina and t leres enough for us both my iicome v ould take care of a dozen forlot n old v omen like me and your share well youll find it enough to build you the best house i i town and jive better than my ancles c etb and william ever dreamed of d sing lr ot that thats a christian spirit mrs holcomb folded her apron u her fingers tremblingly and thedeacon strag- g ed vainly to speak its a sort of surprise aipt it said elvina smoothing down the checked silk s nilingly and now that ive let it out i suppose you will be glad to let me go k ome im nothing but- a bothersome old v oman j perhaps it is- needless to say that the bothersome old woman did not go home neither then or at any time that kates wedding dress was the prettiest the town had ever seen and j that genes college course was promptly begun nor that the deacons surprise has not ceased to be a subject of wondering discussion among his neighbors not excluding bis brothers seth and william a chancy for all r a man who has studied the various phases of the matrimonial market says the new york mail aiid express has come to the conclusion that overy woman has some chance to marry it may be one to fifty or it may be ten to one she will representing a womans entire chance at 100 he lias made out the following table to show the chance at certain points of time between the ages of i 15 and 20 years j 14 per ceut 20 and 25 years l 52 percent 555 and 30 years u 18 per cent 30 and 35 years j 15 percent 35 and 40 years j s3 percent 40 and 45 years 2j per cent 45 and years sof 1 per cent 00 and 55 years foil percent af ter 00 it is onotenth of 1 per cent or one chance iu a thousand wortu kenieuiberlng there is probablyiio better relaxing re medy for stiff joints contracted cords and painful congestion than hagyards yellow oil it cared mr jahu siddell of orton ont whojwas afflicted for years with con traction of the bronchial pipes and tight ness of the chest it is the great remedy for internal or external pain the last year 1880 after the above year is ended there need be no person suffering from rheumatism neuralgia toothache headache lumbago or any aonte pain if fthey only purchase a bottle of fluid lightning as it cures in stantly pain cannot stay where it is used the name is fluid lightning sold by dr mcgarvin druggist asa purifier oyers sarbaparilla acts directly aud promptly a single bottle will prove its merits many thousands of people are yearly saved from dangerous fevers by the exeroise of a little timely bare in cleansing the system by the use of this remedy a are for croup f it is a valuable fact for mothers tb know that there is no better or more oertain remedy for croup than hagyards yellow oil used internally and externally this handy household remedy may bq had of any druggist dangerous drugs how to control effebtually all such horrible habits hoi littler n y ptmtezineiti agentl tnau who has bpent the summer abroad si id to our reporter that the thing that imprssbjed him most of all was the number o holidays one encounters abroad and the little anxiety he people display in the condiict of business affairs men boast her be said that they work lor years wit tout a day off in europe that would be xmsiaered a crime mrh h warner who was present at 4hetime 3aid this is the first snminer in years t lat 1 have not spent on the water been too usy then l suppose you have been adver tising eit msively not- a all we have always heretofore closed oai laboratory during july aagost and september but this summer we have kept it ru mine day and pight to supply the demand which has bi sen three times greater th in ever before in our history at tbisseasoi hqw lo you account fc r this the increase has come from the univer sal recognition of uie excewhce of our pre- jmraiione we have been nearly ten years before the public and trie bales are constant- ly inweasi uj while our newspaper advertis ing is coixtantltj diminisliiihj wljy high scientific ind medical authorities how pub licly conc de that our warners safe cure is the onl scientific specific for kidney and liver diseases and for all the manydiseasss caused by them have you evidence of this abundance 1 only a few weeks ago dr j l stephens of lebanon ohio a specialist for the cure of narcotic etc habite told me that a number of eminent scientific medical men had been experi menting fir years testing and analyzing all known remedies for the kidneys and liver for as you mayjte aware theexces- sive use of all narcotics and stimulants destroys tboseorgans and until they can be restore 1 to health the habits cannot be broken np among the investigators were such men as j m hall m d president of the state board of health of iowa and alexande neil m d professor of sargery in the coliegeof physicians and surgeons and preaiileutof the academy of medicine at coiunibns who after exhaustive in quiry rej orted that there was no remedy known to schools or to scientific inquiry equal to 1 tamers safe cure are many persons addicted to the use of deadly drngs j j thert are forty millions of people in the world who use opium alone and there are many hundreds of thousands in this country who are victims of morphine opium qt inkie and cocaine they think theyhav no such habit about them so many peiple are unconscious victims of these hab its they have pains and symp toms of v hat they call malaria and other diseases when in reality it is the demand n the syt tern for these jterrtble drugs a demand t bat is caused largely by physici ans pres riptiohs which contain so many dangerou i drugs and strong spirits and one that must be answered or silenced in the kidne fa aud liver by what dr stephens says is th o only kidney and liver specific he also buys that moderate opium- and other dru eaters if they sustain the kidney and liver vigor with that great remedy can keep up t lese habits in moderation well does not this discovery give you a new revelation of the power of safe enre nos x for years i hive tried to con vince the public that near if itll tlie dieacs oj the huiimh system origin ite in some dis order of ihe kidneys or liver and hence i have logi sally- declared th at if our specific were usee over ninety per cent of these ailments would disappear the liver and kidneys sjem to absorb these poisons from tlie blood and become depraved and dis- when thesb eminent authorities thus publicly i idmit that there is no remedy like ours to i mable jthbi kidneys dud liver to throw off hejerightful effects of all deadly drugs an 1 1 excessive use of stimulants it is an admiesion of its power as great as any one cool 1 desire for il through ite influ ence aloe e the opium morphine quinine cocaine and liquor jiabita can be overcome what hilier testimonial of ite specifio power co lid be ttked for you rally believe then mr warner that the irpjority 61 diseases come from kidney a id liver bpmplaiuta ldo when yon see a person moping and gray jling about half dead and half alive yei r f ter year you may surely put him dowaas having some kidney andliver trouble -j- the tiier day i was talking with dr fowler lie eminent oculist of this city who said thfchalf the patients who came tohimir eye treatment were affeqted by advanced kidney disease now many people w ander why in middle life their eye- bight bet omesso poor a thorough course cbutiuued oh fourth page hm rm pm 4 p im y a

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