Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1886, p. 3

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-im-jiimmtmy- s m 1 1 j y m t okc a h watehes iskgoldw hvn1s acton ct ocks jewelry spectacles silverplate i cruet knives kpkwv forks edding rings all kinds of watcher olocknand jcwlry carefully re wired at gko hynd8 jtstuiv am statioskiiv 8 tdk acfofc oysters oysters j m khklky 1 hv now n ilijcjtml rehftile ltuo ot oyttor ol- wiysfrcnh tin vlktntilo 0toi r 1 anvhxtooodi serve1 in the ixtrlore kcrnlcy it one attraction for vso confection- crv vwntyu loodn jitt j m fkuxtisy in the tvwt office hutldtug tndrmv mbrxrm novembku 1171886 crumiis forbrfiakfast r provided bf the btw thoughtful free press reporters ra good ksal of grain is comingiu skating on the poud is dangerous yet the toirn- of mitchell has no street lamps stuart loers will be the attraction to iuohow liight a knigwof lthias lodge is talked of for georjjetowu agoodjrnauy uewfanuliesare moving into town just now jmiltou is upending about 20000 in building litis year a liberal temperance fi cuion has been orcanieed in georgetown 1 the roads j are hard and r smooth and wheeling hsbeeu firstclass lately entrance examinations will be held at georgetown high school nest mouth mr jolin nelson has just completed a iieat store house iu the rear of his store on mill street- j instead of these behig the piping tiroes of peace thy are the pieciug times of pipe store pip we areiorjiged to crowd ont argus in teresting weekly letter this week in orderto j give the siris a chance i a coal4tove i a cast iron parados it wont burn luuless yon put it up then it i wont burn unless yon shakeit down it is announced 7that sfif joseph i williams wjll shortly have the glen williams roller flour frills in operation again i acton choral society offers very at- iwweljks raiotkos wwoh are rinpiui local and all interesting rafltm j v although raffles aw illegal every once in a while we hear ot one in the rural dis weto it wrtd not be an altogether rreeable surprise ifott of these ittne days they were asked to contribute u or spend 80 dayi in thcoouiay castle for their lawlessness raletatohaue mr thomas c moore has purchased from mr donald cameron the farm lot 29 con s known as the smith fatm the property comprises about 85 acres a part of winch is within the corporation limits and joins mr moores factory pro- petty on main street an acceptable ana inexpensive present thanksgiving is well on the road aud then christmas the prince oi holidays will put in au appearanoe for a holiday present to a friend or relative nothing will be more highly appreciated than a years subscription to the ftafc pheks experi ment on some friend md sec it title is not atnoasaojetnn ttttth- a public reading room a number of our citizens have suggest sd the propriety of the municipal council arranging a reading room for young men iu the public library now that the long evenings have returned souiethiug iff this kind should be dene the expense would bo trifling a little attention of this kind is due the young men of the place it would tend to their improvement and would be greatly appreciated by them and the wti- sens generally j serious atxfcfant l the other day while mr a orievoa and hi brotherinlaw mr wm campbell of ospringe were driving in ft buggy between georgetown and the gea their horse took fright upset the buggy and mr campbell was soj nnfortnnato as to have his leg brokeu he is now under medical treat- ment at mr grieve residence here it is only a few months since the uufortunate man had the same leg broken in a some what similar vtay fitrnm h 3 entrance yxamlnatton the next h s entrance kxauiiuatiou will be held on dec 21st 22ud and 23rd beginning at 9 am on tuesday and closing at 1130 am ou thursday all candidates or their teachers arc required to give the usual notice by the 25th inst candi dates for the pakville examination will j tractive inducements to new members who j mtit s j wellwood a principal h s those for georgetown will notify rev jou the sodiety within trie ijest few weeks guelph will vote on a bylaw ou the l3tb iust to give 5175000 to build andiron the guejphjuuctibn branch of the cpr w g wallace b a chasrman h s board georgetown and thosefor milton will notify the p 8 inspector from the emnyrlu we notice that the r j james snembers o the disciples church acton j macdonnell have contriputed 20 to the home mission i fund j stveral families who have purchased lots in fairiew cemetery have removed their deceased friends from the old cemetery i thereto j the eimajors of waterloo are by j motion of tfce towu council to have their portraits painted and huug lii the council chsnaber messrs creelman bros of georgetown have been interviewed by the authorities of ingersoll relative to their removal to the latter town the lidies aid society of the ilethod- jat clarch have arranged to hold a thanks giving dinner iu the- lecture room of the church oh the evening of thanksgiving day stuart rogers being a member of the vellkiowu itedpaitha lyceum bureau rejuires uoother recommendation as to his alility to entertain any audience before which lie appears in tbejncomiiic big hunters inshoot- fined again james welsh who keeps a grocery on street gnelph was before the police magistrate this morning charged with selling liquor on tli luth september welsh was fined 50 amcosts this i offence being committed before the offence i for which he was convicted last week he could only be convicted as for a first offence aud the highest penalty that could be im- posed was 50 the defendant did not appear nor any oue for him although he j was personally served mthnnj i missionary sermons i rev mr miller preached in kuox i church on gajibatb very interesting ser- i inons in commemoration of the unification of foreigu mission work on the part of the presbyterian churches of the western dis trict the rev gentleman dwelt upon the important work being accomplished in the several mission fields preseuted statistics of interest and spoke warmly ou behalf of the good men engaged in the work of the ahtwtoviuhi metswwrh 3iorey8ouoftlio canada glove work luye sebnred the oiolusive right of maooabturtjiu cauada ot tho oelebrated nurihrops turtle driving ouflfs and wjlsilet jjonbined a very coinforublepkfcojof wearing apparel aud one which jbaaf found groat favor in tha united statoaj it i n new luvention for slipping ovor the riovooii to the wrist and over tho aleovj aud prevents cold air from oiroulatiug upthe arm wliilo driving ac there is uo buttoning of bother it is drawu on in an iuatant and oau be worn with any style ot glovoor niitj it is made for both ladies and gjintlphieiis wear aud ib worn iu driving walkiug skatiughy urakosnion grocers threshers and also as part of a aoototy uniform at the recent kuights templar cujnolavo at st louis 30000 pairs of jheso ouf s were avomi messrs w h storey 8on werio forunate iu socurrag auoh a valuable ariicle attracting attention of ither towns the importance o the valiso aud satchel mmnufaetory ol messrs moore a mogarviu of this place is attracting tho attention jf thoae tovjns which are just now biddng high fo position as great manufaettrtng centres daring the past week the firm hits bcn interviewed by members ft the board o f trade ot ingorsdll of the municiial con toil of berlin and a private capitalist of i alt relative to tho removal t f their busine is to their rcsixjc- tivetowui and rather tempting nuauoiaj considerations has been presented in eaoh case however met irs moore mc- garvin lave no inter tion at present of remorin to either of these places but they dp t tiioksomi wha i seriously of agoing view tofaallltatingsliip- freiglits and beconiiug estkblishtd in this ittractive business ceritre a k if they lei ve acton toronto will no d ubt be their ocatiou we trust aeton w 11 not be inquired to say goodbye tothem foritis a buiiness of very con siderable importance u our town their nay she it alone aggn gated about 4500 duriug tl ie past year a ad in all probability the busi less will shortly be very muoil extended i pureltcl pi irsonal paragraphs respectin people with whom our readers jare ilndivldually or couecuvolyiioqualnted mrs obt starratj of gleuwilliams visited friends here 1st tj week mrs ir unsband of hamilton was the gi est of irs george anuto last week mr and mrs w h hoppin of parry sounds were guests of mr r craiue and family forseveral day s this week at uie recent methodist conference at chicago rev j k farmer b d well- known to many of oiir readers was ap- to torou a with a ntidtb educing on the dollar u fmtpsbrtsfi n mtm gfijga gtslrncotohci lioth imo aftojr this week the entire stock of tho wliolesalo insolvent stock of jen- ningii hamilton toronto bought by me at ii5o on the dollar will iu addi tion to my very large regular purohases for the fall of 1880 be offered atsacri- lloobnoesin my store 27 lower wyndham st guelph my toro is jammed full of good ou four moors the stock ir altogether too larie for the ordinary demands of any bi tineas in guelph 4- most at least double my sales this can only be done by offering the goods oheap mough now of course every- body i i puffing and blowing about the cheapness of their goods but pleate remerrbor tills fact the large portion of my stock this ska8 w 18 bought at 5 on the dollar of wholesale pricis it dont need much blow ing to bhow that i am at least in a positu m to soil oheap come and see dre88makinc special atlent ion is directed to tho excellinou of this department our reputation for the most fashionable and artist 1 3 styles both as to material and make- ip is more than sustained this season pointed church labors tl the salvi mrai missions referred to the congregation suit spirits high front street two guns iid cnjejlag admiration all at f iijllt tj cloilfc fcpints low no game lack ilrttt and the laughing stock of all programme of the keferrr to the teachers lonvetitioii i ferula- sa ys mr at georgetown the thos t moore principal oi ftou public school also con tributed to the interest of the association in a thcmpli tful and suggestive address stuart rogers entertainments are listenedto his remarks with undivided at i tention murder willont i thehruth will get out some tinie two years ago last spring the f n v uy station was turned under suspicious cir com stances but it was never found out 1 until lately who did it the man who is supposed to have burned the building late- j ly had two companions arrested and one imprisoned for stealing his mefney in to- i ronto sometime ago he leit suddenly as the constable was aiter him for selling lastor of a fine dew methodist u milwaukee maji his earnest re be abundantly successful in jtipu of souls mrs john r barber expect to e mil linery k mantles for size of stock artistic designs aud variety of value and material this department has no equal lo guelph ever- lady should see our goods whetuer she buys or not tailorinc 1 show this season double the quan tity cf kuglish scotch aud canadian tweeds trouserings worsted coat ings overcoatings etc that have ever been m my shelves my cutter mr chas r davidson is a reliable design er an i filter and worthy of confidence r bollertl leave tomorrow foritrip through western and southern europei they will probably be absent about two months we wish them a safe and pleasant trip aud hope they may return mucli benefitted by their extended tour herald the fftke pfus had a pleasant call on tuesday frontrev l rogers ailsa craig who was the kest tof rogers delivers his accurate reproduction bollinafad krin and miss lainiy moore young laly united in select refined and cultivated his imper- whiskey and one of h hi companions now sonatdrs are remarkable he glides from the witty i the pathetic with wonderful skill xot bing like him ever before in acton or in the county townitall friday cveuiujjt catltle were offered in large numbers at november fair in gnelph last week the animals were chiefly stockere and milk cows thi former brought from 3 to 3 cents and the tatter from 30 to 945 each butchers oattle were veryscarce one or two sales w ere made at 4 cents mr jastph patton of laskay has purcliasec he butchering business of mr w rossell and has given the central meat marhet a decidedly more attractive appearance mr patton is an experienced batcher aid in hisbusinesscardin another column promises satisfaction to all his patrons merch tots now is the time to adver tise to sec ire the country trade for the holidays dont wait until the papers are crowded y rith advertisements but start now when ulvertisemenjts are h crowded and therefore mare amspicoous the early advei tiser likje the early hied catches the worm the m ntoal iire ioearance comjpany of the cott ity of welhniftdn u the firstlon the floorhth a new office calendar for 1b87 mr john taylor the agent for this section has supplied the fmxpbkss with a copy it i i neat attractise and has the dates of suficieut size that they may be read across the room owing to the disarranged condition ot tbe methodist church caused throorh the work in connection with the introduction of the new steam heating system the acrameutil services were not held last san it is expected that the work will he oomple ed this week and the services vtutaktlape next sunday fv rtbe p ple of tie village of acton ate ibing a abolish fences tkpy hae pnylai down there and one which is tf4 i tho goahead gppf of john briwu of esqt esing last wednesday evening and not miss martha moore as stated in these colnnius we hope soon however to have thejileasureofahuounoing a similar event iu which miss martha will be a moi e directly interested participant tells on him the recent window breaking will come out too ilitljnletrincf canine precocity on sabbath last a country cur which had found its way into the presbyterian church very deliberately placed itself in the aisle during the closing services and elevat ing its head in due form joined heartily in the singing- as the psalm was being sung in asomehhat natural key the animal had no difficulty in harmonizing its voice with that of the congregation producing little or no discord untila gentle reminder from the toe of an adjacent worshipper suddenly brought the canine vocalist to the key of g to the slight discomfort of the con gregation warning to boys mr james stephenson superintendent grand trunk railway has issued a cir cular to theagents and other employees of the road calling attention to the melancholy accident which happened at berlin on the 2nd of october by wbjoh al boy named green was killed and one named mcdonajd seriously injured agents and other em ployees are ordered to take determined action against allowing boys about the yards pars and premises aud to warn their parents that legal proceedings will be taken against anyboy found trespassing on the premises or property of the company with the view of avoiding such calamitous acci dents as the one referred to that such a step is necessary any one who has occasion to be at acton station in any day of the week will at once be convinced as boys are itev r philips mr very interesting and of dr tolmsges celebrated lecture o i ingbrsollism at caledon this week of fcrainosa iffts the matrimony to mr 27 lower wyndham street guelph ont mmmmmmst great dress goods and silk v mai olielih ato glasaow we have just received a purchaso of a- jfacturers stock op sjles bought at 61 4 on the dollar i by ohr resident buyer in london these goodo are the most wonderful we think we can salely say overseen on this cut nent w ttlfi ambrtisebients aoto andilewj teskey having p lrchased the generalslacksmith- i0r busin ms of mn pi j sotw soho e patronage of all the oustomers of the shop and the public generally horseshoeing will be daae a speclaileftturo df thebosi- in erfering hordes carefully shpdand nessi cured having had large experience in the raanufact iremtud repairing oft agricultural implements and machipery of all kinds as well as tff general work i feel j that l can ua- rant satisfaction in every case andrew te8key wr arifa selling- averyseayymorveiiieuxsauaat 69c owml line of brooadcd satin at 50c heavy black gros drain sillu at 70c a masmiflcent line of colored plashes at 75c dress goods dress goods we are also selling heavy cashmere extra width at loc very heavy worsted diagonal ladies suilinr allcolors at 20c all tec ie latest styles in french dress goods iu boiide panama foule serges haoit cloth c at rery low prices j important notice r t oiir dressniaker miss todd is prepared to executle all orders for dresses in her usual excellent style central mdat markets joseph patton butcher has pleasure iu announcing to t ie citizens of acton that he has purohasexitbebatchering business of mr wm ros ell and is prepared to conduce the earns in a straitforward business manner having had large experience in the busi ness i fel that i can guarantee all custom ers who favor me with their patronage perfect satisfoctiont v all kin la of meat fresh aud rood and poultry f sh c in seaapdj will be found in stock i respei tfully olict your esteemed pat ronage 40isbph patton acton nov 8nj -acton- v flour mills haryf mcclure having 1 horoiigl lly repaired and refitted the above mils throughout with all the latest improve 1 machinery now known to the milling t rade ai e prepared to execute all kindsof griiistixa- in a m inner tiat cannot be surpassed a st k of flour and feed will be kept con stoutly an hand and will be sold cheap for cash batisf tction gaaranteed a trial is re spectful y solicited harvey mcclure -the- j b tstilliamson co importa it notice ladie we have imported directly this season iud you will bhd la great variety of the very latest styles of black and colored dress gcods silks flushes mantles and stylish nillinery all a d thomsons georgetown 1 have a stock of twenty thousand dollars 520000 worth to choose from now and thought all my drebs goods mantles ac in london england when i was there in septemler since then they have acvanccd twentyfive per cent in england it will t you to give me a call as 1 am selling all kinds of dry goods at wholesale prices aud have one of the finest wtocks of dl7 goods in canada sales made for cash or trade only positively uo credit the bee meat to be sad messrs rutledge crosseu butchers have done a imsiness much larger than they anticipated when they came to acton and notwithstanding the fact that they have been taxed to the utmost of their ability to supply the increasing demands of customers they hae the satisfaction of knowiug tbatjill have been satisfied and have no desire whatever to change their butchers as long aj good meat is to be found in the country our patrons will be snppljed with the heit the thanksgiving and holiday season is approaching and for a rare roast or a fine fowl leayeyour order with rutledge croisen agents wanted clem6nt 4 co of east toronto or 81 street montreal wtht a general agent they are the exclusi ie owners of the scho- field patent cake griddle the celebrated emery knife sharpener known as the carvers friend sharpener the jay comb and other spe e nelson he clothier is nov sbowiugamost complete assortmert of new and choice buiifigs trowserings and overcoatings v i iu all the newest designs and in the most elegant patterns both ip 7oraiflftt and domestic manufacture ph satisfaction assured early and secure a good choice specialty 4 pants call at the illo 1 and examine t1ir fall 8touk of fancy dress goods i of all makes materials and prices mantlihgsottoman oords meltons cvery cheap i ax immense stock of mens womens and childrens underwear mens top j shirts and cardigan jackets at lowest prices is not sol tied yet but the acbthat wi boots in i s we have as fine a line ok a- o o id s in williams hasi he best stock of and shoes the county iu settled bsyobct dibpute j such as white gkev navv blue and red flannels canton flannels w intjeys c0tt0n8 cottdnades cketonnfs towelling yarns gloves i h08ikry v as cheap as any other store in the trade i l b- 3stbls03st the clothier j 99 wtndham st guelph perfect fitting suits and overcoats made to order at prices to suit everybody 4v 2 m pw those jarbf plaf m h violate lot instance f jff jtrqiif nr ntunigipaf auoioritiei see good reputation in tbis respect nearly all the time to be seen playing aboot the yards and jumping on and off cars while trains are in parenta who neglect to heed this timely jwarniug are very likely to be called uponjtb bear the consequences as well a running j risk of having to bear the u rrible ijfesponsibility of having their childrer kijledj or maimed r life tbroogh their ieglect dutyt 18 wellington street st francoisxavier the emery scythe eyesee wire curry lialties if you want to make money writs to them at once for an outfit and to sect re what territory you caii handle in groceries our stock is complete and we cannot be undersold try our fifty cent teas farm produce taken in exchange john nelson yellowoil cures rheumatlsm freema worm pow r br a pleasant to tnko coal purg luvb la a snfo snro dest oyet ot worms in clnidn to jo their srflallehoporoffi01 gpoti block firstlass ificali spnalile possession it pecflnber also pnearnall bjf stpvam one swll parlor stoye tor sale cueap j ivfi s jsecosp- flats worn 76 eijits to tym at j vytee jh ifrs secords rentrea if yon want a uoiby durable and cheap suit go to j fyfes acton scotch english aud canadian suitings n great variety it 3 fyfes aoton go to j fyfes acton for your cloth jqg ije can suit yau for price quality and style every tuw spring spits anc overcoat at extreme y lqwipricesand raae in the 1 itest stytes b sure tq ball and s them at j fyfes acton copoist h i halt e just received my spring stock and am pre lared to suit all old- customers and as maty new ones asfeee tit to give me a call in all lines of footwear i boots for the babies boots for the men boots ldo make bootsido merid custom work- and repairidjf i promptly attended to- wni williams fall v winter 8ba i wm- hematrebjt auotioneer will oondiictsjles as follows novehbu 30th household effects of itev d i cawerou at tuojlauso acton take pleasure in informing the residntsiof acton and vicinity that my stock of fall and wlntelt qoodsis now very eom- plet4 without doubt no dealdr in actoh has ever shown such late styles variety and good value as i am now in a ppaitidn to although many lines in dry golods have i 1 creased at least 20 per cent i had the good fortune io buy heavlily early in the season so customers may rely on getting goods at tne very lowest possible cash price i wxuld again remind the public that iay staff is iiot allowed to mjiareprcaent goods and a child receye the same good value as a grown experienced person vt the business that i did during the spring aud bummer was very encouraging indeed o with inereasediacilities and kojibje the stock ldo not fear for the fall and winter trade il wish to direct special attention to the following lines which for variety and eleghnce combined are so perfectjand varied that very few aotisea outside of the princial cities qau show such perfection in their selection ft v i cress 4oqpb the fas lionable shades are ey and navy blue 200 pieces to select from in enlish french and german makes viz iijersey cloths in lack aud colors ibouclesfoatea ottomans serges plaids meltohs cashmjres allwool combinations combination winceys silks in black and colors satin merveilleux plushes velvets and velveteeus large and small bttttons and clasps to match thegoods y i special values in boating 8 tiawls mantts awalm staples grey cotton white cotton wool and cotton shirfjlngs ducks denims tabling crash s towelsjliuensi sheetiugs tict s bljapkets flannels yan etc etc h i mil1l1inery miss stringiham has charge this fall andwiuter this ladis thoroughiypostediu her business havinglhad charge of 8gieqf the best establishmeiits iu western canada so ladies mjay pely on getting correctstyles and i will guarantee prices to suit mens and boys readymade clothing mens lanilboyi woolleii 1 tjnderweai ijjv v bootsand shoes foi ladies misses children men yuths and boys all new goods at prices as lowas thh wheat a grrbobribs have rece ved advice fifom tokoraunai itapan thattesve rio sailed from that port on august 18th ltjias teri chests of uncolbrd tea on bjoaid for me it is due at british columbia on sept 7tb and the goods winrbach here layout ls october call and try asamjde pound of the first tea that waa over imported to acton direct the choicest grocerienalways on hand j- farftt pkobrjce bouoht j r b jermyn f halton dry goods house acton 1 11 1 rps lsl j lra ltx m ir 1 wiz 1 wtrtffsa fl i pjfia m tiiis j 51 is fl 1 ri ivb i 1 tii i i 1mttd i tjtis9 1 b r 1 iff hfs li lias 0m m

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