Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1886, p. 4

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jj 1 r i- i- h ill hi ii n in hi f i va a um 5 s rf 1 1 nil sing you a song ot singers listen and you shall hear m w the lark j high in iiie breast of the ay- 3iugui theopoinuuywjr id a auu blue plaoejor a moments gpaoo ill sour from wing to crest i h t sings in the son and the rapture done sinks to his silent nest 1 will sing you a song of stagers listen and you shall hear h ow the windof the south with a sweet warnvniouth sings tor the heart of the year i is hey 1 for the fields of roses and hoy for the banks of thyme and he i for the hdy closer with a lilt unfl uwhiur thyme 1 4ud the lake wiu ruffle its bosom and curt its creamy crest vhea the passionate sigh of the wind comes nigh the lilies upon his breast will sing you a song at singers listen and you ahallhear be song close hid of the katydid in the falling of the year wide in the leafy ranges he singsin the atnidglifiht lhd his lovesong knows few changes under the stars of night ihrill in the forest reaches in doublet of satin green le sings as his wild mood teaches his one song to his queen will sing you a song of singers listen and you shall hear r rhesongof the bqow soft soft and low in the night time of the year jut of the deeps of heaven all in pure white glow under the stars of even sings the angel of the snow and the heart most learn to listen and bend its wayward will while the frost flakes glow and glisten and the winter air is chill and the song is pore as pity andlad as glad can be for an angel sings with brooding whins the song of charity ida whipple bthham i sr sieholas jor tfpvejiiber 3 v dangerous drtjosj ol treatment with warners cafe cure is what they need more than a pair of eye- tsses the kidney- poison in the blood always attacks the weakest part of the body with some it affects lhe eyr with others the jxad with others the stonweh or thelirngs or rheumatic disorder follows and neuralgia tears them to pieces or they lose the pavers of ante smelt or become hn potent in otbr fmietkm of the body what man would not give his all to have the vigor of youth at the intelligent physician knows that these complains are but rymptoin they ate not the disorder and they are symptoms not of disease of the head the eye or stomach or of virility- necessarily but of the kidney poison in the blood and they may prevail and uj pain occur in the kid ifeyis i j- it is not strange that the enthusiasm which mr warner displays iu his apprecia tion of his own remedy which restored lum to health when the dectors said he could not live six months should become infections and that the entire world should pay tribute to its power for as mr warner says the sales are constantly in creasing while the newspaper advertising is constantly diminishing this speaks volumes in praise of the extraordinary merits of his preparations w2c fun for everyone corns cause intolerable pain holloways corn core removes the trouble try it and see what an amount of pain is saved the superiority of mother graves worm exterminator is shown by its good effects on children purchase a bottle and give it a trial the srmtrge taaaerie- the one terrible blight of our country is scrofula from impure blood it causes consumption and many wastings lingering and fatal diseases burdock blood bitters cores scrofula if taken in time avoid the harsh irritating gripnig com pounds so often sold as purgative medicines and correct the irregularities of thebowels by the use of ayers cathartic fills which are gentle yet searching in their action a badieal chabe dsinjel sullivan of malcolm oat takes p in tocoipinen bordock blood bittetp for dyspepsia it cured him after yeara ot suffering from being a sceptic he i now a confirmed believer inthat medicine hecregmr m rarke carbolic cerate have yon an old bore cut burn bruise corn bunion salt kheum pimples blotches bough hands or face if so there is but one cure namely mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate if you put try at it wiu conyihee you it casta but 25c at jdr mcgarvins drug store awljtebaswe a wide range of painful affections may hf it with hagyatds yellow oil james m lawson of woodville out speaks of it on high terms for rheumatism lame back- s and many painful com plain ts too numerous to mention it is used inter nally and externally mr henry marshall reeve of dunn writes some time ago i got a bottle of jjorthrop a lymans vegetable discovery from mr harrison and 1 consider it the very best medicine extant for dyspepsia this medicine is making marvellous cures in uliyer complaint dyspepsia etc in purifying the blood and restoring manhood j to foil vigor flaid llftktnla there are but few that have never suffer ed almost intolerable pain from toothache neuralgia or like acute pains to them such an instant relief as fluid lightning is an nntold blessing in time of trouble no disgnbjing offensive medicines to be taken for days one application of fluid light- ninrcorei sold at dr mcgarvins drug store- v hq pfirson hool4jgo from home iwitibqut a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial in their possession as change of water cooking climate etc frequently brings on summer complaint and there is nothing like being ready with atsure reme dy at hand which oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives thia cordial has gained for itself a wide- spread reputation tor affording prompt ttef from all eommer oooiilaiuts ttjrll posttroublesoina complaints re athasa and whoopiug cough w vmww 8nli tfoufotn faijs eithejr i i those or other prevailing thijoat and lo ng trout lee allj jealert jii medicine iiav a this rcnedy for sale nearly al infante are more r or lens sn jeot to dii rrhoa aid such coniplalnte wl ihi teethli g and as uiis period of thair li- s iatlio nort critical mothers shoqld not be withoht a bottle of dr j d kel loggs dysentery cordial this medioino is a speoifioi tor such ooinplaints and is highly spoken of by those who have used iu tlie proprietors ojaim it will cure any cwot cholera or summer complaint mlaeralwsoa motiving but pure extracts from plants and roots ate used in preparing mcgregor luur compound tnje modern and- now popular remedy for quids coughs bron chitis croup asthoul ud all affeotious of the throat lung ad chest all mineral poisons and dangerous subsunoeaare a void od which renders it jsafe for children or adult old at mo jjttd 1100 per bottle at dromegarvinidng store wtr heuryhardihg of teronto writes my little daughter 7 years of age has been a terrible sufferer this winter from rheumatism being for weeks oonfiued to her bed with limbs drawn up whioh could not bo straightened aud suffering great pain in every joint of limbs arms and shoulders the best of physicians could not help her and we were advised to try dr thomas eclectric oil whioh we done and the benefit was at once appareut after using two bottles the pain left her limbs assumed their natural shape aud in two weeks she was us well as ever it has not returned l wetittror i 8betly tarr when we say mcgregors speedy cure is the only perfect cure far dyspepsia liver complaints indigestion and impure blood we are teltiug plain facts of whioh hundreds upon huudreds can testify who have been restored to perfect health by its use we would j therefore advise ou strongly if you are a subject of any of the above troubles to give mcgregors speedy cure a trial and be convinced it is sold iu 50c aud 100 bcttlestkt dr mcgarvina drug store jlrrltrrtt dollar upon dollar is frequently spent on the faith of recommendations fur articled entirely worthiest not to wilji mc gregors speedy cure you an- not asked to purchase iruntiliu merits aro proven call at j k mcorvius drug store and get a free trial btftlje and if not convinced it will cure you ajf jthe worst forms of uy pepaia liver oomulaint etc no matter of how long staudihg it costs you notliing sold in 50c and 1 bottles see testimon ials ftoni people inj your own town prominent among the grcalet medical discoveries by the many cuies it bar effect eimfwjoriipi cure leads the van subjected to the mhiiitest chemical iinalysis it has been found tocontain none of those injurious ingredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public every ingredient possesses a pecul ar adaptability to the various complaints for which it has bfeen compounded and its efficacy isbeiug established by testimonials hourly received wc are therefore con ti dent that wvhaveja preparation which we can offer to the public with the assurance that it will be found not only a relief hut an absolute ure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation and im pure blood free trial bottles at j e mcgaividsdruffjjjtore 31 i free trade the reduction if internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps from pro prietary medicines no doubt has largely benehfeed the consumers as well as reliev ing the burden of home manufacturers especially is tiiis the case with greens august flower and boseliees german syrup as the reduction of thirtysix cents per dozen has been aldded to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies thereby giving onefifth more medicine in the 75 cent size the august flower fpr dyspepsia and liver gompfaipt and tlie german sgrup for cough and lung troubles have perhaps the largest sale of any medi cines in the world the advantage of in creased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by tjie sick and afflicted in every town and village in civilized countries sample bottles for ten cents remain the same size j avice to mothers are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain ef cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable 5t will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers j there is no inistake about it it cures dysenjtery and diarrhcea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gunis reduces anamination and gives tone and energyto the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by- all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive centsa bottle be sure and ask for mbsi wikslows soothing stbcp and take nd other kind bickles anticonsumptive syrup is a combination of several medicinal herbb which exert a most wonderful influence in curing pulmonary consumption and all other diseases of the jungs chest and throat it promotes a free and easy ex pectoration and gives ease even to the greatest sufferer coughs colds shortness of breath and affections of the chest attended with weakness of the digestive organs or with general debility seeni to vanish under its use no other remedy acts so readiljmn allaying inflammation or breaking up a severe cold even the most obstinate cough is overcome by its pene trating and healine properties when children are affected with colds coughs inflammation of the longs croup quinsey and sore throat this syrup is of vast im portance tlie number of deaths among children from these diseses is truly alarrn- ing it is so palatable that a child will hot refuse it and is put at suoh a price that will bot exclude the jxxjr from its benelite- i acts ami reasons produced by ayers sarsaparilla and nothing else so potly f it atraiigtlwh and invigorates sunrtvs ijfroiii enwvttion lutiguor wrakncsiyuttid 3hentel dnussslon u v it a ilttjbipost iniigluidjsffcct in wrm cnnmohmcutancous dawlcr t it enullvatcs from tliu ijootl tho tnlnt of tlwt terribly destnuilvo dineasc hcrcd tury scrofula it oxpusr from tho sjntera tho baneful iioucin of mercury whioh i as nerloux m tlmtot sorofuta it purines nndivgtncratcs the life cur rent pouottid by the corruption of con- tagloiui disease it stimulates tho secretory organs effects the removal of all impurities from tho blood imd makes it new rich mid ptirc it restores hentth to sufferer from thin hlmuttdlmpalrwl vitality it saves by its thorough purltlcatlop of tho blood fioiultlhminiutlhiii hlieiiinullc gout imu tubeifuliii coiihumptlon it cuitjt urrofttlotii vttcetloiw of iho liver nnd kidneys mid their nyinpt jins jouiidlco ttud dioiin it cures kerofulottm ctiturrh hilling humors and tho purulent sores caused by8croful it clears nud linnrovcsf tho complex ion it neutralises the polnonx left in the systein by diphtheria and 8nrlet fiver and restores tho dobllllutcd patlcit to perfect bealth and vigor it if in short on unfailing remedy for nil disorders arising from impurity of tho blood where such disorder have not liuhe6 deeply eatedii to bo beyoild by j ii w 1 1 n- i t- i acton alllnimsnniu advantages that ayers sarsaparilla possesses over all others it is couiposed of the most efficacious ahoratlvcidluretle and tonic drugs known inplumiiacyamontf which uro tho conulm jf onuuru bnnpnrlln yellow lockv i tmiugfn and the iodides of potys- sluiri hi d iron j it is a highly coucentrutcd medicine iicntlf cally and honestly compounded so us to iccuro to it tho lugbest degree of uellvltyiludmrtwtuulfotolty r hsb received tho hearty endorscmcut of tho leading men in tho mcdlenl uroffk- tlon vnio recognize it us a otunduru pbir- liinccuticul preparation nud prescribe it in their practice lt contains ho poisoiioiis minerals lor other dangerous drugs the uso of which for tciiipomry effect in tho many crude t and cheap mixtures sold as alteratives prwlueps effeem on the system often wobo tlimi tho discuses they uro bffeicd to cuiic u costs uo inbi0 tlinn any other put would fetll ho tho cheapest bjooil-purify- wi himliclno in tho world even were its it has been before tho publlu for nearly forty years and has constautly grown in popular favor both nt homo and nbrokd until thcro is lmiilly a place in tho civilized world where it iim not a best of friends made so by its lnnrvellous cures it has been used in und approval by at least 4000000 families iu thefftlnltcd states and 7000000 tlirourhout the world women have especial rensom for com moudiugit i it has proven its potency ii curing obstinate decplyhcutcd unci limjmitaiw- lug diseases caused by vltlutkm of tlio blood it mukt not however bs ex pected and is not claimed that a single bottle will euro such cases but patients should persevere in tho use of this remedy until n radical euro is i effected it is the onlv bloodpurifier that hn s won and lvtaiued the confidence of the- people of nil tropical countries where suollinedi- clues uro much required it is the onlv medicine of its class unit sailor as aiiile hiivemiy fuilh in and thev are rlirht price throe times greater since it is the only oho that does v tasting good i ayers ssirsapariila dr j c aver sold by all druggists prermted by co analytical chcmlsuj lohfeu ufass price 5100 mx iwttlcs for 5 j main street v- to illhi frosl with -v- fine stock of new fall goods j j f ivemo nnv inociviiig a vory large sidok of new kahoood if oyury icci ijun our itot and liie4avo pui ohased frinn the best inantttactiirerh itml are ofl i lie ijcwt quality f wo v4v a unit auottmeut aid your every want can bo supplied iiomjo lino lilies f trunks anpvalisks on bjind rcoclvcd direct from the ordkukd wollkwe niakta specialty i tlis department and guamiitce satufiictiou to all customertv ftopjilrlng done with nc vtness und depntoh i kenneyibr08 gdomlnion house f and threeleb use on yqur machinery only the wellknown peerless oil six gold me da waggoub uudliorbu power munufacturcd nt quoo 1 city oil woxfcb by have been awarded it during tho last three years try also our poorlesa axle crtoase tor yjom samuel rogers t co toron uvflio foiv uuulbjlutsrubberstiljnksvalse leadihgw mclaren c b00t8slioe storl i gljelph vatkins goods have beer mantles ivkllilieitidiss ad goocl silbts etc at thbibig i boiight for the cash when goods were at tl very lowest prices at they are being soid correspondingly lo prices i w haiailton november it h 186i o ailanlfne royal mail steams hips tfie shortest h sea pasage average time 8 days i two of which are passed on the river and i gulf of st tjwrcuce k i t jle mgarvin k aent acionoclouklstl88fl tlilre is an astonishing rish for all kinds of woveu ond kiitkh gccds lo tills iuyonte hi vac 1 lie jauiis know that tl ia season is the last one that they can possibly get their supplies at the preeut astonishingly low prices all the manufacturers in canada the united states aid europe are advancing their prices t nd the stocks to be imported next spnug will be about oi er fourth dearer wntkius got da have been bought for the cash when goods were at their very lowest prices and they are beng sold nt correspondingly low p ices in addition to the great barons heis effering in all kinds of goods ho- bas rnrrked doy n large lots of mantles- dolmans ulsters paletots fur capes short facfcets ladies grey merino underclothing in most in sliuiccs to fat less than half prices just see the immense variety if uuderclothiugf there arc enormous stocks of it at astotnsti- ing low prices the blankets never were so very cheap the pla mels in all colors from 12io up are at fabulously cheip prices huudreds ofpieces if grey flannel at less tbaneveflffors hosiery and gloves for ladles gents qtrlsand boys at lesi than ever urealpileii of dress goods tit prices never befon named tor such good qualities just bee the 12jc dhss goods tho wc kinds the 18c and 25c auwooltrencb dressgoo is aud all the higher prices they aie worth from one fifth touniefourth more thau they are being sold h an enormous bto k of new and stylish mantles and mantle cloths direct fr m germnnv austiiaand great britain the blankets arc immensely cheaper than last year the equalities are the best m tlie marketand the assortment in enorinously large a shipment of atitiful ilks satins mervellleux and silk plushes imported lattly and are offering very b leap the millinerv lias a great run hceuuse the styles and qualities are fashionable nd go d rud thcvaluc unurpassed llie carpets oilcloths linoleums lice smyrna haw silk and chenille curtains are beauti nl patterns and remarkably good value the rugs mats matting wiudow shades curtain poles aud carpet sweepers ire superior value the tickiuje shirtings denims ducks drills joltonades conatlian tweeds grey and white cottons wooleu and clton yarns and carpet warps are all flnstrale value remember the storesar ono door west of hughson strept on king street east thsnumeis 1 thomas cwatkins east end clothing store 1 1 xx trrnttttrrtt ttt rtrrmtrrn tlttttitttrrtntrttttrtttinttn trm 4 the leading clothing house t t j y- 7 trprt itttttttttttttrrttttttrrttrntrrtt tttm ttttt a large and wellassorted stuck of tweed and worsted j ngs and overcoatings adapted for i aad winter wear at j fyfes- 186 mmmmmgmrgm m 1886 fjultl season mclbod -0- andekson imfoliteits am demkhs jx- hats caps also overythingiiew in lu short everything uecessary ton gentlenians cnniplctc outfit hayiug all my atteatinn devoted to the above lines lam prepared to satisfaclinn in fit workmanship and price jpyfe i 48 king stre i j t dressj goods 10c formerly 2to prints 5c formerly 10c ginghams 10c formerly 20c embroideries so formerly 10c ladies hose 25c formerly 5uc chlldreavuo3e7e 15c paraaals 3ibc formerly ioc spotted muslin 15cv formerly 25o ladtes dollars 5c- formerly 15c underclothing mve acton bargains bargains bargains -o- the utmost out stafjle and fancy dry goods millinery mantles prejss- making ordered clothing readymade clothing carpets and oilcloths we heir th at we have lijts lhit w have iniuortcd and purchrhcii iiiettfrinl tlio niapufapturers lhe mist of our mimeiise stock that it was pmcl that the public w i i thatwetried t j stylish attractive subs i m c a1t jbtt os is in first cias worki j to iifuin our friends aud the public gcncrally- scigon ii most cppipletcgtock ip all fhe jffereut depiirinilnv isuj before hie recent advance in prices iil got the advantage uf these low prices xuel ourselves and succeeded iu eecnrinr a lirgc varielfv ofj iiulial cheap gqods et east hamilton brussels carpets 70c formerly 1 tipbstiy carpal a 25c former y 40c itiiipu carpets 35c formerly 50c all- woo carpets guc formerly 8oc hemp carpets 81o foterly i2ic- china mattines 25o formerly 3bc is al tiff ns out nuiiriiiti oijh ifllllnekt u superb and in laigis variety ouudkeissmaklng order alargcatid beautiful stock of- dres3 goods and ress silksto select from our mantle materials aro gorgeous serviceable and cheap our tailoring depa1tment cini jariiients imj perfect fit a lare stock rf t- weeds boat- ing mid ovcitiiatings lo phqose rem lade curtal n s 1 50 f orni erly curtain pole complete 50c fortiiepij 5c stair idj70ctlf6jinerly m pelrdm ve are makiug extra inducements in order to cle 3tu stock dreitd ffoefti rrits hosiery qioves corsets arasolsamlrol4ericb tweeds shirtings carpote caitaiss qovpyites tonojw buua stair rola jco e i i i are au mnrked away downiin price ininony cases less than eot samples sent on application mckay brothers it is impossible for but we sjuntarice iv lar goods are to lie sof us to enumerate our oods pr parliculariig the different pi iees u stock of servicefililp slylisligpd cheap goois 1 for cash oil produce after 12 months tril of sti iu cash we are convinced it is the proper system to do buslhess- niid enables us tonon pete it ij in canada i with any legitimnte iuimiipss iv cleod anderson co pp 48 kin it street kiitt jielween hughson nlid john streets hamilton mm from the cradle to mmm abe the onw- gtoine english antic es in the cahdian 1 j teal pebbles nrei kept ijj sjpuk testa hte giyen jp4arphse ia provo their lineueas thoyarerecomnionncd hy preslfntand videpresj dent f the fye 1 faculty of i couiciinf3oya but li farther proof is needed pufl ov m a0gner stpre aton out the grant raki bs ilwaa time table 1- 48 grand tftink railway adlxaxafttt 0wet mixbu8 aiu bxiirewl17 ain kxnrsw 1 10ftro bxprewi 0sharu lasi mail i n 2 tim i thro kxpreiis kt jmh tlirougliexp07 sttmit aecomi j0j0 pm i hpeclafr h30pui chicago kxpipmdoe not stop between giiclih and toronto i tutk- of clomso mails ooingwistt ooliigkast 101 aimandcfl9pnl your fsffi suit m brennan has pleasure in anilonncing that his tail orinjj shop in creechs fruit store jshbwopeu and iof oil running order and in a position to filial 1 orders i- i i heis showing good twkrd suits at 12 sold klsewhehe ok 15 scotchweed suit 17 i 18 solij kliskwhere toks23 anu24 fine worsted suit at 20 sold klsewhllle at 25 1 j i gentlemen wanting a liistcfwss food- fittinjg coat etc may rely upon beinisaited in every respect by lea vingtheir orders with the clothier uo to waters bros t- the pigtdre gailery guelph ftir artist materials oil ami wattr colors caijoit canrdsi dramiig pperfjtruhfislpi oil paintit igs steel eiirtayinprs jbripmosg fflailefs of all kinds mouldings jlopnj nud pipture jornkes pnd cornice pnes spring tlollrs and will- low shades from s0ccoiupleti pancy goods suitable foi wedding and birthday preseuts c j svisitos can have iheir pictures framed whilt in the city so bring them with you to j watbesbsos the picturn sallerv near tlie post office ii- paraitute driers and 1ja4ortaker8 acted ing ercctedaflue n sw showroom huve just received a new and well assorted i took of fnrnitircofahkiudsof the ihiest designs including parlor furniture bedroom suites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers r ifdsteiads and cradles audjoviyfchin olsj tulij fanily riiirai iu the furifiturellne duflng their ioirnev tie grave and e oaufcrenare them for the grave oi for wo hnye olvliapd a large stock df j- j of ludsizes apd 11 other funeral furnishings wo will supply all oi the shortest nblioeaud most roonabhr terms a first oviirylihtugolsd tti from th criidle ti elrquamies joarjo fjrwn by awtf i uiatohed team for hire j f sfeioht mn das v weavisf jr jul t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of pancv jrag carpets flannel stiraitingv sbirtingand dress goods striped or plaid twill or plain also bed blankets and horse blankets two yards widg and over and will guarantee tliatil will give good satisfaction to all farmers and others whg will favoime with their patronage ts mitchell m e waited permahent positions guaranteed with salary aad expenses paid any de termined man can succeedvith ns pecul iar advantages to beginners stock com- pletincludingma outfit free addrflssalonce j saniathiiiapsii xtosebtmejj jaochestea n urdacl lood itters vyiil cuhe or ielii biuqustiess fpjsf nuttttw qfthemktx acidity of tu stomach myhess of the skm indigestion jaunpice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache and cte kvki fftee dsk vhv iiivariali li3pertm timiel till rjdion of tl 1 casual a first insert sequent iu reckoned b scale of sol advertise will be fuse irigly trai in advance clhtnges 1 in the obii they will l j i v bi ber of coll office al frederickt l lbl a new ays monly call teeth wit strator aj college pi rousmay in any 6t acton ev of each m fohlj u tarii veterihai- in kennyj deuce iq t soundne all csjlsj ed to te john barristd ancers i of e f b j buibisl ornce- m or net- office at 6perc s hsrrd oeacics and 861 b ais omicej lington s alley to john wii oiitario p mm srle jo yearl for the c orders l opposite i to acton i terms r desired fdrthei orders le or at promptljj also m abie tern terestthl tuhn orrictl squat v p kan hi dtseasa arista from j l- uhp jll tlulus aavertlsing to branaolia8tchfc8kcetht3pcronf3 and are authorized wiiainiiit sontrncts with r ti ijj jjwet bl uwm b vrtt to e5 nedtt m fui taforauiio bl mk which uheraadoud lltlhomtthatulpy ju per dr 8om hw smfcsrvhumiexsniew cprt st qeor accqui periodic bound mpney per cent oanedfc secarity properlj farms aj with far a dominie oulatd r wahtihg sections 1 baring i ftsnoeini mligbj eiilpftf

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