hl pw b- v39h r h isssi 2h r jsgsj- w 1 1 fa 1fi volotexhno 21 flje ttoit w frcss free r is r-vbushkl- kvlry thursday mousing atthr- pre3s power printinq house acton ontario ia acton banking cot storey christie co nanker8- acton ontario suascriptkmf rates xi- i lo stj month wrnl juniiii hoxnis its liivnilty in advance if not paid in advance m jv vcr mr wlluw charged no paper dtseon- iimievvm sll airoar ar iwiia ikvpl at tu 5tum ifift publwhw advertising ratis i yr oirc tmnmu halflolmnn quarter column j 2000 neb i oao inch 80 svoo a00 6 m ro iw sjq t yo ia00 700 l mo v7w ss0 250 100 a dkneral banklwi huh i ness transacted monst 10aot on af proved hots notes disoounted ud interest allowed on deposits casual advcrusctuvuts 8 cents per line tor the ftrt insertion ttiuli cents porliii for etch rub- crwent inaertieu cash the uunjber of lines reckoned liy the apace occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil awrtssuouts ttfithout specific dirceliou will b inserted till torbid aud charged accord ingly transitory advertisements must be paid in tdvauim chances lor contract advertisements urosl bo in s4o office liy 0 aaa ou moudays otherwise tlicv will be left over until the following wek it p mooitk editor and proprietor tuio da be 9 wiybf fonwlontu tgeorv inio rwrtn iv smwr aj ccrtuour sanaa i spruce mv where rrriu itiewcforlt in nkw york- f jpatractiruay 1 3usi n833 directory w h lowry m b mc p s graduate of trinity college mem ber otcaliege of physicians aud surgeons a office and residence at the head of frederick street acton i l bennett lds dentist lj georgetown ontario ac mckinlay l ix s surgeon dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pain having been demon strator aud practical teacher in royal colleo of dental suf2eous toroulo pat rons may depend uponlreceiviu satisfaction in any operations performed will visit acton every second and fourth wednesday i each month- ouice agnews hoteh dqntreap this the tindergisncd is prepared to furuisli on the sliorut ubtice in any quantity and at bottom price nrstola dumber lath staves head tng shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour and p2hc andanythiujjiu the line of farmera house keepers or cotrfrnctora necessities thosc moore new goods -at- days bookstore cuelph business college r r jbtlelph ontaiyo ivlle thilu scholastic year begins september 1st patronatje drawn from ton states and iroviuces young men and boys thoroughly prepared for business pnrsaita graduates eminent ly sucjcessful a jvecountauts business managers shoitiband writers clerks salesmeu travellers etc both in canada and the uuitetl states moderate rates thorough practical work aud courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college r splendid facilities afforded for the ac quisition of freuou ami german for information address mmwcormick wlfj principal 25000 rolls wall paper 100 sets lawn croquet carload express waggons tbuitskat monino novemllkit 18 1886 poetry forget it not listen tono voioo of wisdom nevor be a drunken sot i let her ever lead and gaido you aye my friend orgot jt uot and the old man nearly ayint falters back forget it not if iu youth youd walk ith wisdom while your blood is young and hot wheu your head is white iu winter i you sbal own a homo and cot au4 thfrjpld man etc hark the wissjuian once hatli told us he wa youug s when old he said i have never seen the righteous or hb seed go begging dread and tho old man oui big stock low prices day sells cheap ijuelph cloth hall john lawsongr adc ate ofon- tario veterinary college- toronto lumber shingles and lath veterinary surgeon acton otitj ortkk in kenny bros boot andshostore resi- deuce in the rea horses examined as to sonndness and certificates fjiveu i all cajis usiht or dav promptly attend- deaiivs toiuforui the p j r p i 1 that he has now ou baud aus will k eiu erusea stock a fuu line of piue aud hemlock- as w tohnston t mclfan b jirristersi solieitora notaries convey ancers lire isiprivale funds to lean orncii town hall acton e f rjobssjos wy a mcllvn a mowat biktru soucitun notaiv triiui money to loan matthews block actou upstairss t l sitchell 1 soucuoil coxvtvinclli ivt oititl first door west of the clutmjiiitn- office main street milton money to loan at c per cent ohilt on allan a ba1rik birristers solicitors tvc jolsio sv geohttkionrv ur iicsi creelmans block georgetown ami m king street east toronto v 7 uxn 1- hlltox ba j 1iu11k ba ublic ep iu well as firt and second b inlaidlawico bunustjfcs souciioa on ill- over imperial banjt 21 wel- liniou street east entrance exchange alley toropto 4fhv baisq c c- amasils william luiiaw gkokoekahklk g w badge row a co ilukiiltk- ontario hall j church other kinds of lumler also class pineshiagle v itth- coal wood haiuj purchased the coal buriuuss of mr cr s sniitb i atn prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have slso u iood stock of vyoort- hardwoolafclj cedar and mill avoodiat reason able prices wooil snd coal delivered r jamfs bliown 1 mutual fire insurance cohpahy or iiik cottntr of wellington j jjjtaklishkil 1810 head office cuelph to this thought i add a maxim friendship lovo and trutk begot rdin the ills pf lifo twill sliipld you cio my friend i forget it not and tho old man etc our story 11 thought id give bissel a tu n totlay heexplaiucd and soehert stoker he added oonndehtially i wo uldnt say auy thing to bissel if i was in your place about that little plan of miue make hard feelings just so just so approvingly saidhr stoker i bicli hbee cnta it might ho was a wise youth although not very bid one day his father brought him home a little bank to keep bis savings in now wihie he said well start a bank i choose to bo the cashier interrupted settled himself against the 1 verj- well you can be the cashier and the was merchant tailors 1a t umkivkiillltil first smiiol ai- r treet toronto ii wri- john cakms lt atents secured for inventions he nl y g r est ottawa can ua m years iaotiic no patent no pay amurray iusures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of property on theprenunm note st stem w stone cnas davidson president secretary john tayl0r ajrent- helloi t pause and consider that it will be to your own interest to pat ronize home trade wo would respectfully inform the inhabitants of actou and sur rounding country that wc are again m fall rtnmng order and in a better position than before the fire to till all orders entrusted to j us to parties bnifdiiig lumber will be dressed while you wait and mouldings ic made with neatness and despatch- n b we are also prepared to till all orders for fal instalment w m l goods mr shaw a grundy merchant tailors guelph wellington marble works qtj73bbo st- qvelsjl john h hamilton lrtsii afiijoxfxt for the counties of halton and wellington orders left at his residence main street opposite church street actou or addressed to acton po win receive strict attention tcrmi reasonable notes discounted if desirl- i i tm hemstreet llcenisen arctioneei for the counties of welliugton aud hultoi orders leftat the fbee piikssoffice acton or at roy residence in acton will be prompily attended to terms reasonable movtv io lov also money to loan on the most favor- ablete rms and at the lowest rates of in terest in sums of500 and upwards j- j ohjn day architect giixiti oxt oniiiirquesus hotel block market squan pumps ou short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so come on witb your order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no tiios ebb age manager having luul quarries riij in roprietor wholesale ami retail dealer m marble granite and everything pertaining i to centetery work direct i importer of all kinds f granite and marble ted the huy of kundy granite viiikimrchiiscd the entire stock of gray and red raaite inoimmeiits headstouts ctoows urnh i-ti- of alexander taylor at less ii until further notice sell at prices never bef re known in ontario for in stance grauitejnouunionts 0 ft high ic0 7 ft s ft 9 f j 100 10 ft 120 all work and liiuterial warranted firstclass larties wanting anything in tliid line will do well to call aud soe iue before purcniuiiug olscwhere as i guarantee my prices arc jfiom 30 to 30 per cent below all jptln er dealers st rancib nunan iuccessor to t f chapman bookbinder uejrgcs square guelph ontario tto m uisig 31 accc tint books of all kinds made to order period jcahrof every description caref uuy bound ruling neatly and promptly done johin j paley i successor to thompson jacluou money to loan on farm property at 6 yer cent mortgages purcbased money oaned for partiesrjq mortgages and other secaril y con veyaacing iu all its branches propeily atid neatl done charges losw farms and city property for sale list with f inns lor sale sent to all parts of the ddmii ion to intendingpnrchasefs and cir culated in europe kuropean capitalibts i wantii ig farms in ontario will be sent flf- rectiois throagh qur european agencies tarms wauted for our lists cbrrespoii deuce n vited office near tbe post office guelp i out excelsior bakery i briead i will be left daily at the store of mr jon nelson i for the accommodation of customers acton- meat market the delivery waggon will also call three times a week as usual mrs t statham rutledgs crosson butchers have purohaied the business of mr r holmes and solicit a share of public patronage the members of the firm are practical butchers and are prepared to ensure tbeir customers thorough satisfaction there will always b found on jiand a full stock of all kiiula ol meat ac in season we have settled in actou to stay and feel satisfied thut by transacting business upon business principles we will win public confidence mi i sippevt itutjectge crosson- actou feb utb lkc rphk hanlan barber shop jijlt1 bxbket actos 4u eaaybhaver stylish bairlbutft good 4jeafoam an eritilarating fhampoo aiwayg given razors honed and pnt inflretclass condition ladies and obildreiiis hair tastily qirt j jpwoiidknvtousortal arlit everybody come an escaped bqnjmg who on earth josiah stoker broke off suddenly in inidst of tliocoovcrsation he had been hold ing over the fcuce with his next door neighbor and gazed up the road a little old man with a huge valise coining down it hes pointing right here said uufus bewol the old man came on hiowi y pausei be tore the ueightrars set down his valise and searched their faces with sharp gwd humored eyes i dont you know mo boys lio sirm tlje boys looked puzzled makes me thiuk of joel tobey 1 declare for it said mr stoker atlast just what i was thinking said bissel a mau that used to keep store liure mr stoker explained biesel audi clerk ed for hiin ouo winter twentyflve vears ago it was he went west dont say so said the old mau with a chuckler well hes oome back tlire was a chorus of exclamations and a hearty handshaking oficpursc you will put up with me said mr stoker hospitably my aife sarah burt that was will be glad to give you a bed i youll be more than welcornoat my housed said mr bissel bearaiugly im calculating to stay a week said the old man ill divide it up betveeii you 1 cant spare more than a wenk cant leave my business a minute longer well begin with me said mr stoker cordially and he dragged him toward tho house a pretty darkeyed girl opened the door my daughter jeuuy said mr stoker proudly and my wife he added indi cating the motlierly woman advancing to meet them j there were two ciiairs by the lire aiid a pitcher of cider in the cupboard things have gone along pretty ilow with bissel and me said mr stoker wip ing his month and leaniug forward to poke up the coals weve lived alongside of each other for twentyfive yars without anything happening to speakof jnstuow to be sure were rather looking for some thing bissels sou wallace has ccmie home fronrcollege lately and he and my girl there have taken a regular shine to i uch other no telling what ii come of it aud hows the west the old nianh face grew animated well ho said complacently si lver minings rather more paying than si ore- keeping what have you been doing all tliese years 1 asked mr stoker silver mining responded his guest ive been at it for years stoker and ive made my pile i could buy up this town and fifty like it good gracious tobey gasped the hearer aud he sat in openlmonthed won der while tobey with his wrinkled face aglow described his mino and the manner in which he had 8track theres one thing unit troubles me conj siderawe tobey concluded i haint a relative in the world stoker not jnel and thequestiou is whats going to become of ray money it worries me you dont say said mr stoker aym pathetically there was a pause see here stoker said the old man bringing his fist down ou the table sudden ly youre as good a friend as lvo got x know yowi when you was a bojv tker see here why shouldnt you liave my money mr stoker having jno satisfactory re isou athaud was silent its bargain said tobey with en rgy joure the man stoker i feel it youre deserving of it stoker and you shall have it no you neednt say a word nrt a word ive made up my mind and tobeyldrained his mug with a bene volent smile when mr bissel came over that evening our iu when he fence that afternoon therefore fir a friend ly chat with mr bisssl in a like attitude 014 his side of it it was with a rceptibly inereased condesoension in hia m anner k ho had been in the mood foj observing ho might have seen that mr issels de tneanor had alsb undergono a sub le change but the factlesoaiwd his notice curioai wasnt it tobey lighting down b sudden mr bissel rcmarkcl mr stoker assented been doing wonderfully well tut west i mr bissel pursued got a silver mine out there maybe he mentioned it woll yef said mr stoker foardedly mr bissel recrossed his legs an i coughed reflectively well ho did say something about upt spoakiug of it lie said slowly ibut i dont see as itll do any hurt to t 11 you i doclaro it kiiotkod me all of ft be p stoker and i dont know how to tell it but the old man has made up his mind to leave me his mouoy yon see ho hasnt a relative in tho world and he says im as old a friend as hes got and he always did think everything of mo good gracious stoker for mr stokers face was alov ly lengtlu cuing i thats what youre up to said raising himself from the fjence with an ominous ierk what retorted his hearer youre deepern i thought stoker in a voice grown angrily a voting financier r it he said mr hoarse what dye mean said mr bissel with resentful sharpness if he told you that mr stoker re sponded deliberately it was b cause you proposed the thing yourself anc wouldnt letup if he said them wors to you rufas bissel he wasmado to mr bissels face grow jred- the hand whichclutched the fence jtreml led indig nantly j und lie struggled to speal theres beeu foul play mr stoker went on excitedly he told m e did joel tobey right there in my kitshen just yesterday that he was going to have every cent of his money to me mr bissels face turned frim red to white i dont believe it he said wrathfully j there was leuco the two old frjendsthe of twentyfive years stood guikrjg at each other j j dont you ever set fool in tw a palpitating si- neighbors i will be thib board of directors then you and your two sisters and your mother and i will all be depositors now ill put these jive new nickels in to start with what wijlyoudo ill put iu my soveu pennies and a two- cent piece ho responded his mother dropped in a couple of dimes and each of his sisters a nickel during the next two weeks numerous deposits were made and all ran smoothly then one morning pater familias found himself short of change and abstracted a dime from the bank for car fare but the eagle eye of tho young cashier detected the shortage and he promptly took what was left the nest morning the young financiers father wishing to instil a little more busi ness knowledge into his bead said now willie suppose one of the deposit ors wishod to draw out some money what would you do the boy simply pointed to the bank ou which was the following placard iayment sckikndkii i why willie what does this mean inquired the father directors overdrew their accounts so the cashier skipped out with the rest was tho laconic response you dont mean that you have taken the money that was in there do you in a tone of painful surprise yes but dont yon know that thut is not honest huh exclaimed the boy scornfully did you ever hear of a cashier letting the directors get ahead of him well i guess not yon bet i know a little business when the directors begin fooling with the finances the cashier guts the bank every time my boy said the father admiringly some day you will be a great financier but first you have a few things to learn never wait for the depositors to prosecute now come with me to the wood shed father replied the yopth persuasive ly cant we compromise this matter in some way if you wont procdjte ill see that tho bank resumes paymiut and wont drawing wofishbhs oi emorninsjwhen spring was in har teens 4 morn to poetfc wishing al tinted in delicate pinks and greens iiss bessie and 1 went fishing 14 j my rough and easy clothes vith my face at the sunshines mejrcy sh 3 with her hat tipped down to her nose i i ind her nose tipped vieetersa j i v ith my rod and reel and hooks j nd a hamper for lunching recesses 8h with the bait of her comely looks i nd tho scene of her golden tresses so we sat down on the sunny dike a here the white pond lilies teeter an 1 1 went fishing like quaint old ike a nd she like simon peter all the noon i lay in the light of her eyes a nd dreamily watched and waited the fish were cunning and would not rise j a ndihe baiter alone was baited and vfieitthe time for departure came 1 he bag was flat as e flounder j bu bessie had neatly booked her game hundredandeightypounder t but of to scientific truth regarding the functions ofkn important organ j which the pubuo knows but tlitue wortny careful consideration the editor ofthescienlijic american will youpermit m to make tnotcnlo tlit public thefdeti ire have karned during mm pams yeah concerning disorders bf the hukan kidikys and the organs which diseased kidiets so easily brtal down you ate con- dueling a scientific paper and are mipreju- dic d except in favor of tiicth h is needless to s iy no medical journal of code rland- iivicotdd admit these jactt for vera cbviotti rwioh hh warneit bcol i proprietor of waribrnsafe cure my house again i said mr stoker nnisteadily you nor your son neither 1cj ifee my girl in her grave before id see her lyiarried to hira j j and id give my last irop of blood to save himfrom being tied to anv of your kith or kin said mr bissel fu riously if there came a thought of the r lifelong friendship if the many years they had lived side by side in perfect trust and har mony it was thrust aside the redhaired man who had come up unobserved and stood waiting in a bored way for a chance to speak saiid to himself that he had never been a livelier tussle the fedhaired man looked veary and travelstained and was himself ratherout of temper i j well he remarked impatieiitly see ing youre stopping to take brea h maybe yohll tell mo if yon know anytl ing about an old man im after escapid from a private asyltini must hive gone through here yesterday ive tricked 1iim every step of the way but hes keif a little ahead short and thin with sharp eyes his listeners started he cant mean tobey j said 3jir stoker slpwly 1 tobeys his name said the a popular literary work the third volume pf aldens cyclopedia of universal literature now ready cloth binding 60 ceuts half morocca 75 cents contains 406 pages and represents eighty- six of the most famous authors of the world of all nations and languages includ ing among others bossuet boswell bronte brougham browning bryant buffon buckle burke burns boroughs closing with byron there are nearly three hundred choice literary selections representing these authors i truly won- derful amount of entertaining literature for a little money the following are re presentative opinions of this work by com petent literary critics the third volume strengthens the good opinion formed by its predecessors the articles though brief are remarkably com prehensive presenting in a few pithy para graphs the very facts the reader most wishes to know while tho extracts from the writings of the authors described are selected with disorimiuating taste we are much pleased with the work it bids fair redhaired t when completed the best cyclopedia p speight i has opened hw now store on main street and is now ip a better position tjsan ever before to supply picture fbiamks motto fkajiks and a 1 fcbnisuingh of every kind nladeito call ic iiii aiikjas frames of all descriptions lorder on shortest notice in bjest manner and at fair prices and seje my stock c c speight bis son wallace had arrived a full before and was talking to jenny stok a corner he noted a change in his fnend and neighbor mr stoker was excited he paeedj the room restlessly while tobey and mr i issel balked over old times by the fire anc the few remarks he addressed to tlie latter were vaguely patronizing mr bissel was puzzled but he went home without discovering a olnetx the mystery leaving wallace still absorbed in pretty jenny stoker the old man came down 8tairs next morning with bis big valise bumping after hfm ihjte man joyfully have yoa got him he aint the one said mr lissel with with dignity hes on a vsit to hia friends he owns a silver mineputwest tho red haired man laughed thinks he does he saidl jovially thats his mania he did have orie years agoand bunt all his money in it i m it torn edhis brain hes been in our asylum ever sinca his friends keep un tliere 1er fectly harmless but cracked ii youd just mention where he is by tho waj i dont careabont missing him this tim 3 mr bissel jerked his thumb b ickward jn agitated silence and the redhair id man dis appeared with alacrity mr stoker rubbed his chin tor several moments in sober reflection its just what we deserve bissel ho said at last solemnly just what i was thinking mr bissel rejoined j i declare i dont know but im glad of it said mr stoker when it comes to quarreling with your best fjriendi- bis sel a silver mine more dr- lesbj wouldnt hardly make it square aid b asel just what i waslthibking a tall yoiing man and a daik-eyed- girl were coming slowly up tbb street together theyre a pretty goo iloql ing pouple aint they bissel said it s fcoker they oant be beat said mr bissel heartily and the two old f if ends shook hands good chea j say anything about the dtrectoxs ont money on the sly it was compromised on that basis roberl aimsley in the rambler 3 we may emphasize and jelearly explain the relation the kidneys sustain to the general health and how muchis depen dent upon them we propose metaphori cally speaking to take ouefrora the human bod yv place in the washbowl before us and examine it for the public benefit you will imagine that we have before us a b dy shaped like a bean smooth and glis ningabout four inches in length two in v idtu and one in thickness it brdin- aril j weighs in the adult male about five ounces but is somewhat lighter in the you say but the average size on ray face a good investinen i suffers with eruption for over two years i determined to give burdock blood bitters a fair j rial after taking four bottles i oan say it was the best investment lever made jean claney beaubejonri manitoba l ayers sarsaparilla werks direotly and promptly to purify and nriei the blood improve the appetite stre igth m the nerves and brace lap the syswrn 1 is in the truest sensi i an alterative medjioine every invalid sbb ild give it trial fci of literature in the language- tlte interior chicago mr alden8 idea and enterprise in the execution it should be encouraged gen erously he places withui the reach of all who read a good khowledge of the worlds literature and of those who have made it nd helps them to form- a good literary taste and to desire literary culture to know what is for him to read is the first difficulty of the selfinstructor this oyclopedia tolls hiih illustrative quotations to all it is- acomplete and rehable guide to the best reading cp ii- mcrcial advertiser detroit mich the articles are remarkably compre hensive presenting in a fow piths para graphs the very facts the reader most wishes to know while the extraots from the writings of the authors described are selected with discriminating taste we are muoh pleased with the workvsfoktf- ard ofoicgtoss cleveland ohio the work is designed to be completed in ilo volumes the- publisher offers a sample volume jostpaid for the nominal price of 35 ceuts on condition that witjiih three days after receipt you will either remit the remainder of the priee or return the hook in whichcaso your money will be refunded half morocco binding 50 cents on the same conditions descriptive catalogue of the publishers very large list of standard books sent free johxbaukx publisher 893 pearl st no v york r the xastieor 188 af teethe above year is ended thefe iieod 1 be no person buffering irom rheumatism neuralgia toothache headaehei lumbago or any aoute paihyif they only pnrohasei bottleof fluid lightning as it onres in stantly pain oannot stay where it iansed the name is fluid lightnijig sold b dr mcgarvin tirnggist i a l the popular remedy hagyards yellow oil is nsedhoth internally andexternallyi torabhebi pains colds croup rhontnatiami deafness and diseases of an ioflainmatory nature i female a small organ und jrstand the body of mai i contains about ten quarts of blood of whit h every drop passes tlirotighthese filters or ewers as they may be called j many unit a hay as often as through the i heart mai ing a complete revolution in three min lies from the blood they separate the was material working away steadily nigbtind day sleeping or waking tireless as the heart itself- and fully of asimuchl vital importance removing impurities f ron sixtyfive yauone of blood epch hour or abot t fortynine barrels each day or 9125 hogsiiead a year what a wonder that the lidlieys last any length of time und rthis prodigious strain treated an d neglected as they are w s slice tins delicate organ open length wise with onrknifoahd will roughly des- cribe its interior wi find it to be of addishbrown color sot f i nd easily torn filled with hundreds of lit le tubes short and threadlike start- ing f om the arteries enc ling in a little tnft abbui midway from thu outeide opening into i cavityof considerable size which is calle ti the pelvis or roughly speaking a sac vliicli is for the purpose of holding the wate to further undergo purification before it passes down from here into the ureters and i o on to the outside of the body these little tubes are the filters which do their work automatically and right jiere ificherc tlie disease of hcmdney first begins do ing the vast amount of work- which they arje obliged to from the slightest irregi tlarity in our habits from cold from high living from stimulantu or a thousand and one other causes which occur every day hey become somewhat weakened in their nerve force v wl at is the result congestion or stop page if the ourrent df blood in the emali blood vessels surrounding them which be come blocked these delicate membrancea are irritated inflammation is set up then pus ii formed which coueote in the pelvis or sac the tubes are at first partialliy and boon ire totally unable to do their work the pelvic sac goes on distending with thitf corruption pressing upon the blood vessels all the time remember the blood which is entering the kidneys to be filtered is passing through this terrible disgusting pus for it cannot take any other route st p and think of it for a moment do you i ealize the importance nay tbb vital neces sity of having the kidneys in order can you expect when they are diseased or obstructed no matter how little that you can avepure blood and escape disease t it waul 1 be jut asfeasonabletq expect if a pest- nouse were set across broadway and coun less thousands were compelled to go thrai gh its pestilential doors an i escape from contagion and disease us for lone to expect the blood to escape pollution when conslautly running through a diseased kidmy new what is the result whytjhat tha blooc takes up and deposits this poison as it aw 3epb along into every organ inio every f i a i i i inoh of musole tissue flesh and bone from your head- to your feet and whenever from hereditary influence or otherwise some part of the body is weakfer than anotl ler a countless strain of diseases ia estal lished suoh as oonsurnption in weak lungi dybpepsia where there is a delicate atom toh nervousness insanity paralysis brdm wt disease in those who have weak nerviib j th ttearfvutsuoon feet the efeelk of iff jwlio i as urtquirtsjtoitp btood to ket p it bi right action linoreasek its stroke jn numerand force to compensate for he najual stimalas wanting in its e idea vor oontlucl bu fourth ifie sk bpilvii tifjj ihti