Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1886, p. 2

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b k 1h r- 1 m i r 1 s- i wijiqii sss ttott jmfrm qourtof tsvaay ikottktkqnovkumat 18 law todayithe people ot the doiuiuiou will in oodapuauoe with the proclamation of the ooeraohjenerel athtu a public houday it jit to to hoped that the purpose for which the general holiday it appointed trill not bo overlooked that ot thanks giving to obi hcvenly father for the abuu- font kteeaiktpbettowed npou us taring the past year as a nation we have much cause for gratitude good harvests have been reaped and oartemporal want gener ally have been liberally supplied let us thca as a nation today acknowledge the goodness of god and return thanks to him tar htagrtoioub gifts the judges court for the hearing anid determining of appeals aud for oorreoting errors or omissions from the voters list lot this municipality wjaahald last thursday afternoon mr d henderson baiiker and mr j w elliott solicitor miltou guarded tibo conservatives interests and col allan dr buck aud m e mitchell of milton aoted in the same capacity for the liberal side the names of the follow electors were appealed io 3 added to the lists by the respective politicians and allowed by the judge lujruhmkiw 1 hiram h worden to tuu belter of uivjpkh ilihhn dwri f3f ifflfi afcl vary soolevy the ontario qbnekal elec tions a i j on tuesday morning the news of the disaohjuon of the ontario parliament was made public throughout the province the writs for the election of a new legislature will be immediately issued the day of polling over the whole of the province will be wednesday hh december the nomination will take place except in those scattered constituencies as to which the law othcrwiso provides on wednesday 2nd december ko doubt the govern- meut in their wisdom bad good reasons for arranging the elections to come off at the date named buf we consider it unfortunate that they should take place at that pariji- colar date and business men generally will share this opinion in the midst of the holiday season a general election with its attendant excitement and turmoil will completely disarrange the business of that season and will necessarily interfere very materially with the transaction of the in creased volume of trade naturally looked for ait this time bnt itj seems that private considerations are in these days subservient to political interests land for the next six weeks political matters will enter very largely into the tiioughtsand words of the public generally 8 robt bremner a hiram ryder i a 0 beardmoro j jr larson 8 oi jaraea quantic murennau 8 john kelly cos8e8vatives i samuel j clark 8 louis mcbrino 3 wm felton 4 geo c smyth 5 william walker 6rbjerruyu 7 john harvey 8 the agnew 9 john bwordeuj 10 john anderson ii g g buckwell the appeals rospeotiuk the follow iu names were n6t sustained 1 rev w j pigott 1 w bremnerl 2 wm trott 3 jacob momaster 3 wm mccutchcon 3 william young 1 samuel soper the judge reserved decision respecting the names of george wilson and c l young the name of j w hohues was changed to robt hdlmes and that ot thomas mitchell to timothy mitchell of course the leaders on both sides of politics claim to have been benefitted by the addition to the list rnisthtjhrttlonh tiffii nlli liavo let in when ujiuv lludil trpublen una to pmplpy tuatf spare iiio- protttah y wot id it not be lotiiible toorgnii iie tor the yauti moii especially some j kind ot- v uteri ry or debating society in your last issue yon spokool u reading room j or some hing of that nature now if tlio j yonugijihiplooanhafoiiiid to take un in terest li the n adlun room i atn i sure t hy would t twau interest in a debatlug sooiuy in conn tlou with iu ns i a double beiujlt would to seoui ed ijhe iwjnofits of imoli iv society such is necvkhity of readint in order t obtain infonjuiiim bit tlio diffoixiit subject i debiited ppijtice in speaking kiiowlelgo gained frojm hearing both nidus bfaqnistion ironht forward and othore haebi so fteu nleutionod that it iu uii i neoeast ry to it ster to tlietn agatn it need notbe itrioth a dcbattdit bociuty those that di i not v fish to debate might read or recite or writ au essay from any of whloh exerciser thulre woukl be muoh gained borne may say the people would rather akato oro ic a couoert perliaps the ma jority would hut surely in a place of somo twelve bundled people twelve or fifteen could w foiud io take part in a debating sobietj- bit if an iudepcudant society cannot bo friuod could not quo of our churches urguiio a literary uooifcty in ueurlyovery church there js w choir prac tice 1j8ting u couple of hours or w where a tlm time is spent in social could not this unit bo out forty minutes uud the remain- mm- bchooi books slates j vi reel a0llul ju8t and all school requ ijbv auhox pink line of c o ir ei tt ir i abhivbbj af new jsfcdck faijrcy mom kcluwna albums llilovk and handkebcpikf casks per 1umery msk8 an fc lirt ol now to say iwnt f0hokt thptck l moqarvins drag an 1 stationery store groat chat down derol when besides the ordinary business which would be veiy beuetioial the time could tho tinie spent us a society meeting majob kebns nominated at the convention ot the liberal couser 4 xn i than to exact penlltit iwill recommend that vabve association of this county at muton y w tindjeated their authority that the on tuesday major w kerns m s was the unanimous choice of the conven tion no other candidate was nominated or even named and mr kerns can rest assured that heislhe undivided choice of the conservative party in ealton mr kerns has served through the several sessions of one parliament in the legislature and with evident satisfaction to his sup- the dupp case the decision of the presiding magistrate dehverecl laatprlday the decision ot reeve storey iu the case against john duff for violation of the by law closing the old cemetery whiohdecision was reserved for two weeks was given last friday and is as follows corpantfmrtja duff my judgment in this case is as follows ri viug mr duff the benefit ol his own assertlou that in- irai unaware of the bylaw nnder which ibis prosecution is taken i impose fine of 10 and costs 1 desire to say farther tbatas mr guthrie solicitor for mr dan as also for mr mcarthur is desirous of having them settlo the nrosecu- theni anilcablp ooneedlng the law to laeo and mr mcarthur have themseltes expressed a desiro to conform to their counsels wishes and inas- much as the desire of the municipal authorities is to vindicate the bylaw in question rather be 6p mt iu singing reading etc and the ladici would lend their ever valuable assis tance in tho ubovojl have spokeiimostly of tho youna people but there i no joubt man of the older iicoplo jinowing hie valu i of suah a spcioty would gladly givo their help ajid experience iu order to umko the vfork a success r vours truly auction saile household effects the uudoisluued has beun iimtvuolod w the hev u ii cameuon to nell by public riiptlou at the muiiso ctou ou saturday 20th november household ooodn otc n follows hafrbot tomed sofu hiilibottomoil thslin tnobcjttoni hhlhalw common mlrn hedtad tftmed lounbe stoven carpets nooks fotntoohi cow and cf thcalove in a general htatumeuthliddobk not iiiluiemniiriiimllerarteleh which will lip sold harktoroxmknti at j ofmittj vm hhmhaii btmih of m uno under ciish over that amount is nioutiih credit on api iroved joint uotn kivc per cent discount for ci sh wmi hew street aucuonoer tions acinst xg rf council on application of mr duff and mr mc arthur remit the penilties and stay further pro ceedings in thoir cases i v h stokey j i court room nov 13th i860 we are informed that if any further in terments take place in the old cemetery the highest penalty provided by the bylaw will be inflicted for such violation suit aotou nov loth lwf f you want a uobby airiu dupvbitmimlciiuap go to 0 fyfes aclon scotch knglisli and canadian suitings n great variety tit i lvfos acton ho to j fyfos acton for your cloth ing he ban suit you for price iuality aud stvrc evcrytime kfniig suits and overcoats ul tstrtmo lyloiw prices and made in the latest styles be sure to call and see them at j pyfes acton- kilkshkn yv anted wk uro in want of a few more urntelaiih meu to canvnhs for the sale of choice vnrletles of nursery stock to men who can iilmkc u sucevhh of tho biibtuokn wc chi pay good suarics orcomuilsilou audujvvperuiaucut omployinent wo have many new and choice specialties both iu the fruit and ornamental rlines which others do not handle applv at ouco withrefenccs may dkothkh8 nnihkilymkn h0fhkktellx y iieifek astkav tiamk luhiu tlm premisci of tin- uudeiiiiied ijjt i ton i krin liurius the rnimncr a ivoycarold hcifor ovuol- wiu jilesso prove promtty pnj- exibes und tnko hor away roheutlvennkdy the hilton forge audevory variety of forc well and cistern h j i manufactured by a c bow sail i- 0azv1llb 0i hknts wxrii m we ire on the btlyino- sites mw mm rjjy- fhhts w 6kalit makbh mathltfaiis mmtliiige kto aoton aud pkicwi ajlkws8ehkikw mens womens akd 0htltrbk8 lndkftwka men shirts anbuakdiciin jackets ar lowkht pk1w s top vvk nivk ah fise a xink ov fuhp s t 3 i m 3d suoh as whitk gkkv nav blub asd- rujo ytmnm winceys comoks cqttonades cretoxfc hqsfkby c ascheap ah any pth m towblwnt er8t0kejuv w pbrfkct flltfng suits akdoyergoattt mjtleto ojrd1sr at prices to beryftody lv groceries oub stock is complete try our fhtycenr teas farm produce taken in exchange c3dox cawtos flanselb yabks olioves hi trade r and we your v attention v -6o- kenney main market bros to the pkokt with x- sot be cndeksolu ielson street fine stock of new pali coods wheat peas and oats m fall foods manutac hirers ery want etn be wo willpve market iiticea for all eotjud marketable train delivered at our wttrc house at acton e nicklin t son sakgjxlsr purely personal porter hejeagenueman who poeseesee i p withwhom the respect and confidence of all who are personally acquainted with him aud has for many years resided in the county the temperance qnestion receives bis support and the convention was fully aware of bis prodonnoed principles in its favor when be was chosen as their standard bearer dom1hion dissoijtjtion it is understood that the dominion par liament will be dissolved immediately the writs have been nuuh out and it is believed the nomination takes place on january 11 and the polling on january 18 oumra fret pre our readers are indivlduauyor collectively acquainted moses gates was in town on tuesday- mrs w worden jr of grimsby- is vis iting friends 14 acton dr h e webster of york mills visited former- friends hero thjs week the fbee pbzss had a pleasant call ou toesday frorihjdr james bradley george town s mr a a worden left last week for parry sound where he will spend the winter inotes and comments- the issue in the coming ontario election io this county will be a purely political one as both candidates being wellknown tern- perance advocates there will beno non- political issues to divide the vote in the nominaiion of none bnt prohibition candi dates the county sustains her previous re putation for consistency on this question and the political conventions recognize the fact that none but prohibition candidates need apply during the past week six of brockvilles hotel men have received summons for in fractions of the scott act and all owned tue earn like little men and paid their fines they vera joseph galleua second offence 1 1100 joseph p mervin mo f two 50 michael m glade 950 b williarns 950 and a mccarney 950 since the act ci me in force there have been 9600 collected ii fines in brockville and there are more k follow the hotelkeepers are said to t informing on each other what better a mid be expected of them independent else where will be found- an interesting 0 jmmonication f rom one of our young men t sspeeting the desirability of organizing a 1 ierary society with a view to the mutual inprovement of the young people hers our opinion respecting this matter is well nown to our readers and is quite in sym- latbpwlth alpha in the matter it irould bring the subject to a successful issue no doubt were a meeting of all inter- ted held to considejl the subject the bee pbess will be pleased to announce any tjieeting for the organization of a society of the character referred to we apprenend that if the election act is i 0 be complied within the coming provincial ikctionsthe votere lists of 1885 must be 1 ised inthis connty at least on that occa- i ion the consolidated election act pro- rides that 4be list of voters to be nsed at iny election of members for thetiegislative assembly faau b that winch has been retimed to clea of the peace ane paonth before ibw 4sae ol the wrtt unit wckelectton thero doe not appear to be any amendment to qam proviaion and if nothdoiuweaa in many counties the of 1886 will have to be wd instead of of 1886 this wm no doubt be a to the new- vdters for whose t jit is clairoed the coming a ajraoed atju early date gywainwd hut week on a port hope mr noble mclam two weeks visit to friends in and norwood mr james a prentic asst manager of the p m w tel co yamiltou spent a couple of days this week with friends here mr alfred atwood of this place left on- tuesday last- for london eng he sails today from quebec per ss- pitriimit of the allan line messrs d henderson x mcgarviu robt agnew and ir stacey were the dele gates toi tho conservative convention at milton 6n tuesday miss jennie cgarry of montreal the qaeen of elocutionists will give one of her humorctas pathetic and dramatic 01- tertainnients in a shortly miss hattie jelley of mt forest is one of the btaff of teachers of acton pnblic school reengaged for 1887 we congratu late her on her success in aeton ml- forttt rvp r rockwood news ftbui ouf own corepmidtnl 0nr taxes for this year are only 910 mills on the dollar miss jennie gerow vibited for a few days atd l schultzs last weekt dr dryden atteodedthe annual banquet of the toronto school of medicine held in the rossin house last thursday evening between eighty and ninety signatures to the boyal templars of temperance pledge have been 1 received by the white bros up to date i the sudden death qu monday of mrs james watson daughter of john ramsey eden mills has cast a gloom over the whole neighborhood mrs robert anderson- of isdeu mills while coming home from a neighbors had the misfortune to stumble and break her leg last wednesday pight ten dollars was voted to the credit of bey f swann pmw by the members of the aotjw lodge as a slight mark of regard these hard timetf last friday even ing the eramosa board of health met on monday afternoon at the centre inn when the annualreporte of hugh black obair- man and br dryden health officb were- received and adopted jc wood nov 16tl 1880 the cradle wvfcos- in edeu mills on the l2tli nov itt c wife uf james a watson of a ditushter stillbon li lvpoinmxat ijmeliouse onthouli iustr the wife of mr harrj de lapoi- rdavin of a son gakrox at hraudon mauiiowi ou the 5ljh nov the wife- of mr arthur l chmeroiiof i mii j i tee gbave watmjs at ldei mills on the litlinov martha luniiy iveloved wiw of lames a- watsoniigl 32 years new advertisemonts private boarding t isukkskinktjoiii ncrciiunuxlau- o j nmnbit of jorclrx mks stakfoku j lowbi aviim- actos rilokal rpiiosk who sixg and other who oivj desir- x oua of learniug are iuvited to joiu the above society mieuibcreliip fee io cents only no fur ther fees for ensuing three mouthn practice every wednesday eveoiug tu the town hall at hotlock the fjeuernl public in not admitted xv stark secretary farms wanted ijxakmsvvantkd for thi nkxt isbuk of our cauadiau karuf advertiser which is to be circulated auiougat iutemliny purchasers of farms tlironaliout caniula the united states kuropc aud other vuutrisi xxo have in our offifce at guclpli thousands of lctkru from bppll- caiits for fkrine from all parts of canada all parts of the united states europe south africa jamaica abtl- other countries all tho letters are from uirtles who havo seen j our advertise ments tlio8ewautingtosclareiuvitedtoioino to our office in uuelph aud sec the letters for thomscltes xvojare selling more farms tlihu any other ftnn iujlanada aud we defy coiitrn- diction to this ftateinent if yqu want to bkii send ns yonr nuine and address and then wu will write to yon x charge unlus a saleis effecttil address j john jdaley 4 co guelph ont for thsc wl iwc an now receivjug a very larffo stock of s our bo0 and shoes are purchased from the best qualitv we have a flue assortment aud your evi some flue lines of trunks and valises othmp revived direct from the manufacturers ordered wtukyb makt a specialty of this department 0 ml guarantee wtisfoction to all customers itepairing done with neatness and despatch kenney bl08 dominion house h priulcuco stud aibrctliotiglitjiualfe tlitiirftli bel are unbrokeii while goods urc james stirton lds r dkntist tpuellb 4bca opposite post office quelph vitalized air rt v smie bsoi8teb m fcipiktm mat 1ra5a1e ofhonsehord effects the propsr 7 of rev d b gam- tfon at the manns actop bale at 2 qclock wnbemstreet aucttoneer wbjntbsnav nov 24th sale of stook and mte the property of david ir west half lot leoherib painless extraction of teeth artiflcla once fit 1 teeth guaranteed perfect in oppear- d tuft fine gold work n spoeiolty all operations strictly firstclass appointment maae by letter j the independent lallgrest it the i ablest best religious and literary 1 newspaper in the world one it thq ablest weeklies in existence pall mil ffaxette london england the uost influential religloirs organ iri the8tates7o london -tig- clearly stands in the forefront as a wey rthgious magazine hhdfaiscaoo timet philadelphia itisftrlfclcrlous sjdu0atjqnal sglemtifrc abt stoby financial in8jkanue 0st3 stwsififbiek h c bthi fflths sbtmdntf lfubal s0koavt803o0l hasc lore and abler contributors than any jreepfjja contemporaries v it btands in the front m t oqourpugnj and every person of j j vrm op stjbpilbiy tiom i one sear s 00 wo year 5 o three yeafk t 00 four years km five yera m isisi sittlpsbitt hit if von wish tq rohsoflbe for any apwerflftwspapew j bend pi stal card for a free sample copy ana trig tqgnbsbflbe to r r newsuaoers at loi pjieef t jots than rfinl5fpen15itr h srm wa xetwi i great bargains in watches clocks- i jewelry- silvekwaue w aclark successor to wis smith- having purchased the bankrup stock lately owned by w smith i am prepared to give tho acton people a benefit inch as has never been dffered before being a practical watchmaker from the elgin valch laotory elgin 111 and well known as a wprisman in the city i eoarantce satisfaction cr money refunded personal and prompt attention to repairing all work warranted k member tle place w a clark 2l lower wyiidham st jguelpli yourfsiuit m brennan 1 has pleasure in announcing that his tail oring shop in creechs frnit store ibubwopenandinfullruunit n order and iu a position to fill all orders h he is showing good twei5d suits av 12 soiukrsexvhkne k0r 1 m r p s ii m isr m wliile tlieyxc tile time to look and xvc the time to gixe that desire they all iball have acton 1 f fcvery description aottare of the be supplied rot best isr ten sm ea etui att mitjoii o- 4 xvjiich we scotch tweed suit 81 sold elsewhere kor23 anb 24 fjne worsted suit at 20 sold elsexvheke at j25j ir qeutlemen wanting a first oluis good fitting coat etc may rely noon heiigsnited in flvoryeapeot by loftviilg their orders with beennan the cloth er be that as it iua this seuson iiuds us tar better prepared iii elvicry particdh wants than did buying tinie a year ago and xvc aueiuot axvar lbund us lacking either in r to meet your that vou then pr sf ym 00- this yean buying time surpasses ail other buying times in the sjize ojf our stock in the assortment ottered you iu eyery departinent in the i m exjelle p- eis manhood how lgt how resit rerj jostttnliliiihed ahew edition of tie otest ontxrer- ical cure neb iu- aiital to mar- ray and xnal ex- ibie essay ears suc- jlmbc and physical incapacity impeuimcn riage etc also coxeumptton ep fits lnduoea by seuinaalgence or travatfanoe see j the celebrated author in his odrai ekiarly demonsjromfrom a thirty cmtnjl urmhce that thbalarmlnaeoflseqnenees of tetfawse mar wofosly ofiedgjinthj a 0 ftmodoof cnst wespepetflnab5 eemai by meanslof whloh every auherer no iwendhpnnia7jn5ay cure iulu be in thr hands of eveiyyootb and every man in the lai sent under teal in a plain address poetpairt pnrooeipt il tint ratjik mat hi mi i po m lillfe ix you nce of our goads 1 f is and in the 7 lowmbss gf0wr prices -00- liotter facilities ahi an increasing trade are the things tfiinl come and see to rejlp the 0 to what extent you may be benefitted at thieiadeh heasonable prices have done it- and benestlt remember our famous 50 -joj- iii firstclaes goods iaud thcicmt11o crumbs i provided by suyiievah plenty ofij finemoonf if yqu wait for i knox church 1 mrrrobtv number of sheei thesporui bright andearljl in the mil festivities dont j the society like that therajwaii yesterday sky achargei song of thfloldi ioaoia this has i to make things comes meservhenj are shipping toronto afunny excl is beginning to j i woodshed mr j ill ij and confe matthws fiie marl ite fourth rolo local affairs mwirsg theuiarnjmna arnoa creinhartj fined wi scojtact on milton is s newboildiogsl peritjbramf aybiing crfenlzed at membership of 1 the jrl hi announced week has tfaile the holly i tare in colors is the london jtwfl i the reader limehonse will correspondent again anniversar methodist chu and monday present mr chadesl mills has kind erihwtern h lioatiou ffessrs jfrel new- roueaf milj weeks they chopping vthe tender supplying the p j wood two fejet been accepted thebro proved its edi h kea isan et he issues a in 1 thekni inan bros ingersoll for a pf 112000 with sir john j chapldau hon hon thomas mass meeting a inst the people abolish fences dences caun same it wo timet the last court for the chamber last t of the whole y cases heard exchange macksnzie of ajbansiurcii ingatlloi fa st johhv c oclock whena m hands with moe is developing sy tion the asp ion are evident cipaiityat mrljri mata has a very obliging thexjfntaand personally sevi bims roy fcollejiate i head faster of ifarw8tndff souooljmaaoof tant jiaater nieaded innne gent teaf w house ol 64 fr goods jjjfrioe ngfclarfil nerveifleux poj jfprltsojpet fwd dt pauj jlqtjb ip0i yfcvfe

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