fev i1 il j- 5 fib lf vj is m n puggm iii 999 p7 r 1 isrv- s juttsm jfrcejpmsi -g- mother grave worm exterminator is plettmnt to ttke lure ud effectual iudw- pp irismab lsi r fewsmvfwf fttr best results soreotiplo truth x coittittije4trow ttret igvi 1 to vrovnl the impure blood through tins ob struction causing paiu palpitation or an outpfbreath feeling unnatural as this forced labor is tho heart must soon falter bewining wxker mid weaker until one day it tnddt nig jrfop mid death from apparent heart disease is the xerdiot but the ntcdiol profession learned and dignified call these diseases by high sound iug names treat them alone and patients die for the argnvt iuy txtriyimy mote death tattt tfertaf jmit constantly addnir fuel brought from these suppuratiug pusladen kidneys which here in our washbowl are very putref actiou itself and which should have been cured first bui this ia not all the kidneys have to do for you must remember that qjujii adult takes about seven pounds of nourish ment eviery twentyfour hours to supply the waste of the body whiefi is constantly going on a waste equal ta the quantity taken thi9rtoo ue kidneys have to sep arate from the blood wiih all bther decom posing matter v but you say my kidues are all right i have uo pain in the bajk mistaken man people die of kidney disease of so bad a cttaraoter that the organs are rotten and yet they have mrcr thry had a xtl nor tin ca why because the disease begins as we have ihowii in the interior of the kidney there rtrrrurf fwncrm of knhj to con vey the sensation of paiii- why tbis is so we may never know when swrtonsider tlieir great work the delicacy 4f their structure the ease with which they are deranged can you wonder at the illhealth of our men and women health and ions life cannot be expected when so vital au organ is impaired no wonder some writers say we are degenerat ing dont you see the great the extreme importance of keeping this machinery in working order could the finest engine do even a fractionjd part of this workwituout attention from the engineer v ijout you see how dangerous this hidden disease is it is lurking about us constantly without giving any indication of its presence the most skilful physicians cannot detect it at mines fbr the kidney thtmln tahtiot ccxamiitrtfby any meaus which wo have at bur command even an analysis of the water chemically and microscopically re veals nothing definite in many cases even 1 when the kidneys are fairly broken dowu thenjook out for them as disease no matter where situated to w per ceut as ahown by aftejjleath examinations has its origiti in the breaking down of these secret- ing tubes in the interior of the kfduev 1 v t humh itlah vl was troubled with liver complaint for three yearatried many remedies bntuevcr foutid any that has done me so much good as burdock blood bitters lames llig- gius east templeton p 1 if pooplo troubled with oold would take ayerf tberry pectoral before going to church or places of entertaiumuut thoy would avoid coughing greatly to the com fort of sjioakors audliearprsj tho pectoral wouderfully increases the power ami hex- eility of the voice v thrrlgklwn the only proper way to oure a cough is to loosen the tough mucous or phlegm that clogs tho bronchial pipes this is why havyardft pectoral balsam is the most buccessfuliremndy for coughs colds throat and lung troubles fluid uabiitijg thero nit but few that have never suffer ed almost intolerable paiu from toothacho neuralgia or like acute pains to them buekan instaut relief as fluid lightning is an untold blessing in- time of trouble no disgusting offensive medioiucs to bo taken for days one application of fluid light ning cures s ld at dr mcuarvins drug store then 1 ofbla- likell there is no ne remedy offered to suffer ing humanity srlioso use is so universally and frequently required au hugyards yellow oil for rheumatism neuralgia colds sore throat deafness croup imnbngo j aud aches paius lameness and soreness of i all kinds when ihtenially and externally used pale woebegone invalids sufteriiig fron poverty of the bloodbilious sufferers and those whose clrculatiouutdepravod should use without delay jyorthrop lymans vegetable discovbry and dyspeptio cure the celebrated blood purifier whioh stimu lates digestion increases the nutritive pro- perlies of the blood and expels impurities irom tho bystem no one need fear cholora or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial ready for use it corrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action this is a medicine jfcapted f the young aud old rich and door and i- rapidly becoming the most popular medi cine for cholera dysentery etc in the market mineral olou j nothing but pure extracts from pluufc and- root are used in preparing mcgregor lung compound the modern and uow popular remedy for colds roughs bron chitis croup astluna and all affections of the throat lungs and chest all miuera as you value health as you desire loug l prisons and dadgerous substances arc avoid life free from sickness and suffering give 1 e which renders it safe for children oi these organs some attention keep them adults sold at 50c and 5100 per bottle rvkry fek80n 18 imtkilkstjtb yeis pills cure acidity if the slomnch and flatulence yellow fcund cedskln knorvaqon a id languor rlicuraatlo and neuralgia piilus blck ilewacl es and nausea chronlojdlsixeulou to costlvcucss amcmla caui ed by dyspcpsmt torpidity of tho obstructed liver heart dficost i induced by constipation apoplectic tc ttdencleaiuntlarly originated relaxation o i tho nervous system torturing sic oplessuesfl from indlgcsl urn i nflnmmatloi i ot tho costlvo bowds clogging auildoterlorntlohot tliokuliicy pain lulhowdcrs ami back indlgesilon and coustlnatlou liver cpmplalut and biliousness in ksowiso that low vl reality eruutlc 8 kin eruptions caused by constlpaliun costlveiiess wd pain in tho bowels u ilc acid po lson in tho blood and nervousness physicians and patients siiy aycrb pllla aiv ono of the bert im odes for billons deriuigiinents hint poksess dn wm pe8ciorrcoiic ayers pills nro active searching jctunl but not griping or drast pitok j m lockk cincinnati 0 ayora pills arb far nipcrlor to t ilch havo fallen under my notice tfoemutosi nm iork pkpspfftl shb5s msmmmmm east end 0lol king stor i xx b railwaa time table lllil hiv ht tttrtlttmttwtnt a liirgi and suitings j- the ileaeng clothing house- t trrntinrn nrm n nrtrntttt m nvrrrnrvr lllo ayera pills orb adapted to nil disorder which cnnbo cured by tho judi cious nso of n physic dii m vi j cconnkili montpelfer tf ayersphlb i nm usluc in my yjm- tlco and and them excellent dit j w lljnowx oceana w vet vfled tho costivo liaoit una vnwiv iinprovcdl my general health ev p h hviiuiwi atlanta oa avers 1iuh have cured hlituinii ism u no nclu pc isou lu luo uiovuj i i jn oi v rnshesnnd bolls caused by coustipatlou and kldnoy troubles urnong my crew aud knfccblcd s ght and nervous tremois t loy did away with niy iffwv ia 1 captc mueller mr felicia mentaland physical depression aguctsu symptoms from indigestion n unseal dlulncss and foul breaui youth and iifce troubles of women inaction ofitho secretory organs looseness of tho bowels loss of appetite an j furred tongue swellings symptomatic of dropsy there is too form of disease caused by ludlgcstion constlpauqn that does not yield toj thelt beneficent riowcr they mimulato the digestive and asslmilatory organs strkiigthcn the machinery of life and havo lib drastio or wcakbniug effects anv ond who chooses to enquire will tfind la his own commurihy ninny willing witnesses j o assure him that the best pills in the world for cure of all tho ailments consequent upon derangement of tho digestive functions arc wellawmtcd hliiek of tvell ami voihu1 and overgo atindsi adapted for full ami whiter wcir at jlyfki also evcivtliing iibw in hats oips undlerclothinc sliing nuubnry4ivi geiillemaiisciiiliplete outllt lirtiliorl verv i haviiig nil my luiclilluii if ktil it- fti m pills invariably ciiro nu of headache jonjj stell gefnumtttirn ayera pills havo cured mc of ixx i- jation of longstanding kivu iasteltly iiockfpnt 1 ayora pills gave me now iliij ami rigor aud restored my healtb ions uzarus v joh ns jv b ayers pills ctirdl ouimlgelfciujcoii stlpatton and ucnduclics m vwvron 152 state st chicago 111 i j pyfe aycrs pills cured of liver loniwahii vspcpsiii and neuralgia p h hot kits eejauorc brown co i ml kstft pills linvc cured me eufiriiv mrs jlaky a scott jortlantl v ayera pills cured of rhrumatuui s si spencer syracuse x y ayers pills piiepajred by or if cayer co tnafyticalcfiemh lowell jmwi sold by all druggists grand trunk railway ooino kast ochxtiwkot usml m a m kprfm j247 n n kxprcm 7 vi am j kxprim vi n n juan mull 1j m am i tbk kith s lil irt tlitcnigh kxp 5 47 utn i mall j 5 1 ji i hcainiu40ni hiiriiilj 4jtileagoexprciiifi1oeiuot8topbutjveuiiiiipiii md toronto titling wcdtli lj ald arid 3 jojutf hilii-krst- kmoani undiiaijiiii j alilan 2lne rqyalmail steamships j iiliil fotlie above liiiisl iiin prepared to nivo the ihiiiortl hon in kit wiiikniiuisliip nnd 1iitc mantles milllinery dresses in good condition and thus prevent as is easily done all disease warners safe cure as it becomes year after year better enown for its wonderful cores and its power over the kidneys has done and is doing more to increase the average duration of life then all the physi cians and medicines known warners safe gore is atrne specific mild but certain harmless but energetic and agreeable to the taste take it when sick acs a cure and never let a month go by if you need it without taking a few bottles as a preventive that the kidneys may be kept in proper order the blood pure that health and long life may be ysor blessing y hh wabxekacb 1 hey to the ijne when you have a log to hew hewitsquare and fine do the best that you can do r hew to the line let the chips fall where they will follow the design keep the plan before you still hew it to the lint knots and knurls and crooked wood weary hand and spine all your work may yet be goodf hew it to the line when a countrys earnest men solidly combine truth and honesty will then hew to the line vain and foolish theories sober minds decline faithful work surpasses these hewing to the line so for all our needs alike- yours as well as mine able bands will fitly strike hewing to the line v that our faults mayfade away while our virtues 6kine let the voters while tneymay hew it to the line jje tkce watkins goods hav jlcton out thk llnksltr watches jewfelry repairing always satisfactory ii vol ihvk lltks lisairhntji in j specta i try the alaska they are the lust we ixkx sold i- b savage sole agoht for cuelph aiid dresis gcoods silks etc thja shortest j seta passage average time 8 days two of which are passed on thif hivcr mid gulf of st lawrenoe aiaon octbuer let 1880 j medicated i fxtn for everyone why go limping and whining about your corns when a 25 cent bottle of hollo- ways corn care will remove them jiv6 it atrial and yon will not regret it the best venbiutub the best combination of blood cleansing regulating health giving herbs roots and barks enter into burdock blood 3itters w purely vegetable remedy that cures diseases of the blood liver and kidneys j joseph eusan jbercy writes 1 was induced to try dr thomas liclectric oi for a lameness which troubled me forthret or four years aud i found it the bes article i eter used- it has been it blessing tome j- he iiresor ai parke tjnrlmihc cerate have you on oldsorejuut burn bruis corn bnniou salt jjlhcum pimple blotches rough hands there is but one cure namely mcgregor 71 or face if vatuea carbolic cerate it it will convince yon at dr mcgarvinb dnlj cholera morbus en mps and kindro i cotoplainte ann ma te their appearanc j at ihajkuae titue as tho frnitoucnmbers jnelon etc and i man t persona are debarred from eating tba e tempting fruits but they need not abstaiji if they have dr j d cknrdialandtkea fe it cures the cramps ai wurt manner an efkf disturbance of tltj boweli m u you but trj- it costs but 25o store llogga dysentet y drops in wate cholera in a r is sure torchwk per at dr mcgarvins drug store mrurrgars sprcdj for- when we say mcgregors speedy curt is the only perfect cure for dyspepsia liver complaints indigestion and impure blood we are telling plain facts of which hundreds upon hnudreds can testify who have been restored to perfect heakh by its use we would therefore advise you strongly if you are a subject of any of the above troubles to give mcgregors speedy cure a trial and be convinced it is sold in 50c and 100 bottles at dr mcoarvlns drag store jferiiprovf b dollar upon dollar is frequently speut on the faith of recommendations for articles entirely worthless not o with mc gregors speedy cure you arc uotasked to purchase it until its merits are proven call at j k mcgarvins drusj store and get a free trial bottle and if not convinced it will cure you of the worst forms of dys pepsia liver complaint etc no matter of bow long standing it costs you nothing sold in 50c and 1 bottles sec testimon ials from people in your own town rrmmuiconifori in ihr surrrrldr browns household iauaeea has lib equal for rclievine pain both inuinul and external it curek puin inthc side back or bowels sore jhmal khuunialism toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will moststirelyijuipk en the blood and heal ai its acting poter is wonderful brownshouseliohlpau acen being acknowledged is lliefgreal pain reliever ond of double tlio strieiiiitb of any other elixir or liuiment in the world should bo in every family haudv fori use when wanted as il really is the bent remedy in the wqrld for cramps in the t omach and pains and aches of all kind and is forfsale by all drugeiats at 25 cents a bottle i proiiiiikutiiiiioig ilie rcilist medical discoveries by the maucureg it lmsellect- ed mcgrtgor speedy cfire leads the van subjected to the mjnntest chemical analysis it has been found jto contain nope of those injurious jugredients characterizing the worthless specifics daily offered to the public kvery ingredient possesses a pecul ar adaptability to the various complaintt for which it has been compounded apd its efficacy is being established byitestimoninlb hourly received we are therefore jconfi dent that we have a preparation which we can oiler to the public with t be ausurance that it tyill be found not only a relkf but an ahtoliik cure for dyspepsia liver com plaint indigestion constipation aud im- puro blood free trial bottles at j e megaivlnadruu store 31 m hat trie merit hilt uo tl e unprecedented sale of bosclttet cer man syri within a few years has astonish ed t lie world it is without doubt the safest aud best remedy ever discovered for the 8 seedy and effectual cure of coughs cold i and the reverent lung troubles it acts m an entirely different principle from the usual prescriptions given by physicians as it does not dry up a cough and leave the disease still in the system but on the con- trarj removes the cause of the trouble heli the parts affected and leaves them in a puely healthy condition a bottle kept in tie house for uge when the diseases makitbeir appearance will save doctors bills and a long spell of serious illness a trial will convince yon of these facts it ispoblt vely sold by all druggibts and gen eral dejers in the land price 7ct largi bpttles been aoughtfor the cash when goods were at the very j lowest pnices and rthey are being sold at cbrrespond i ngly low prices llaiuiltuii novtsmbur lib jbbt llc i a hi tlieri is jll u6t0uitlling rt 8h tor all kinda or avoveu ami knittt season is the last one that they can possibly get their supplieiit the annda the united states and eiiropearc advancing tlieir puces fourth dearer watkius godds havo been bought for the cash wli old nt correspondingly low prices in addition to the grtnt bargai large lots of mniitles dolman ulsters paletots fur capes slioit stances to far less than half p rices just beo the immense vanety o mg low prices tho blanket i never were so very cheap the i i pricc9 hundreds of pieces jf grey flannel at icbs than evcr ixfm nt less than ever great pile4 of dress goods t prices nover befon goods the luc kinds the 184 ttuil 25c allwool french dress goo to cuefourth more than they are being sold for an enormous sto germany auftiia aud great britain the ulaukvts arc linniensd markctand the assortment ii euonnotislv large a shipment of lit lauly and arc offering very cheap tho millinery 1ms a great run and the value unsurpassed he carpets oilcloths linoleums i great dress patterns and remarkably good value the hugs mats mattiij uperior value the ticking shirtings donims ducks drills woolen aud cotton yarns aid carpet wvpsflre all firstrale value thiamascwtkinsrs on kim trett east thonnme is goods and sale silk 1 ocudi t tbl tuvorhe htiiif i lie ktim kbow tllut tdis preeut astonishingly low prices all the manufacturers in nl the stocks to be imported next spring will he about one- i goods were at their very lowest prices and ore bciug s he is offering iu all kinds of goods he has marked down nckets ladies grey merino uuderclothiug in most iu- 1 uudercjotliing there are enormous stoclis of it at astonish- els in all colors from liho up arc at fabulously cheap hosiery ond gloves forladics gents girls and boys named for such good jualities just see the 12j6 dress is and all the higher prices they me world from one fifth k of new wid stylish mantles and mantle cloths direct from y cheaper than last year the cjiiaikties are the best ju the uutifiil silks satins mcrveilleiiialidsilk plushes imported bcofrusc the styles and qualities are fashionable and good co smyrna raw silk and chenille curtains are beaufififl indow shades curtain poles aud carpet sweepers are oltonades canadian tweeds grey and white cottons ilemeiuber the storcb arc one door west if huglisou street n washington m 0 t g pso emiueht throat and lung surgeon i of illiiiitu v of il kinds f thu la est diiis imliidhil parjortumiture bedr jo and everything eiae tl is frniri the cradlii b ooffi of all we will supply all heuisu drawn by a wi manufacturers stock of silks by our w all in her j ima wo have just received a puiulinsi ol a th6 crimjle to the qrave j 8peight soist furniture aaler3 and xjadertaksrs acton having ciccttil a line new showroom hiivc jiil reicivid a mwaiid vvelliissortcil rucv m suites bureaus sofas lounges tables chairs rockers bedsteads and cradles my fuily rotpiirus in the furuiturc line hiring their jon thegiave and wc ciu prepaid them for the grave for we havo on hnmra large stock of is iil sizes ifil all otiu- futieritl fnmiiiliiiig iihmtest notjee and most ruiioiiablc tunus a iirsl rlas matched team for hire 1 j a speight manager lock vvili next visit aotpn at dominiqn hotel monday 13th- december i utskaskslkivieiiatarrllof the head and tliroat catarrual deafness clironic bronchitis asthma and consumption also loss ol voice horo throat enlarged tonsils loljpus of the nose removal coiik kvuiy cossntation fbe ittaiiiih oi mavv tjimlih stanwsli cvbki dr x washington tpnnt and inng surgeoii torouto l i j dear sir i am pleased to exjireb iuy entire satisfaction at the results of your new method of iubautiou wbioh has cured mef a very trouuwown form of catarrh in fait all the usual renicdteo failed to give woiuy elief ijnt yoiu- treatment from the siotgave mbgreat ease and iu a few months entirely cured mf of a moat annoying dieab i iu honestly rqcotuinend auy who may be sufferiug as i was to lour skill- fuloonnldoratlon yonrs truly geo golllhstt represents c iiatvbitt gait iand w ti stouuy 4 sox a stou head offices 215 youge st toroqto write for particular oojxv m r waters bros the b laurakc is spectacles uno eyeglasses bought at 51c on the dolla rcsident buyer iu loudon i cun safely snv hesejoodu are the most wonderful eversetn on this cut nent i wu ihiuk we wi au1 bikklixg vfe3y hesv7 kcrvoilleuz satlk at 6be ai8na lino cf brosadoa satin at 50c hearjr blaoi qtos toain silsh at 70c a kagfnlflcont lino of oalorod plubhes ai 75o dhehs ood dress lods uru auo kelliug ueuvy jubiii ipro xtiu width at ion very heavy uihgoiiu ludits suiliiij all eolotv at t0u i the latest tylps in french dress ileal pebbles arisjk genuiueuess they nio preiident aud vicepro the college of physicnn laval university t he scotia c these but if further proof is n auk the onlyr genuine english articles in pt in stock tests me euoni mended by and ttsl ident of the aledical ass s and surceousof queh resilient niiil ex recommendations ought eded call on the canadian market givea- to purchasers to prove irnonials have been received froi ieiation ot canada the preside o tho jlean of the medical fiou prehuhints of the medical conncil of o be sufficient i o prove their aoe it jb pears on general store acton cat worsted headquarters roi b00tss110esrybberstrunksvalimisf leadlhgiw mlaren ttc b00t8sho storl aguelph their i the kit lty of hovji picture gaielry guelph fur a ft mil alitferiait oil ami- water color grayous canvas driwing pajerbruhei oil paintings steel engravings chromos c fkamhs of all i k tndfj mouldings ropinaud picture j ruiceand airline iiles spring rollers a id win- tloirshudes frciu oqccoir plete pancyqoods- siiiiaile fo wedding audbirthday presenis eb vtsilnim cun have tbeij pictures frapied while in the city so luring them wiih you to waters bfiosj tlio picture uiillcit nenr tlie plistotlice weajsi m iy m i tchjkll desires to iuwriii the people of acton iud aurrouudirva that he is prepared to take orders icn weavina hll kiuds of fancy hag caifets- flannel sheeting shirting aud dresaiooas striped or plaid twill or plain ahfoedbiankets and horsobldnkets two yayis wide and over abd i will guarantee that i wilgivegood satisfaction to 11 farmers and others who will favor me with their patronaw t mitchell w tss ijps r 3 mm m v35 qui litres yr- galesmen j peiaanent positions guaranteed with salary and expenses paid any de termined man can succeed with us peculi iar advantages to beginners stock com- pleteincliidingmttiiyfasttselijnglpecialtiesi outfit free- t address at once inaiiiotlii- rlen lulovs likotheus ntilslymn holksrkllny hrtytuh in boncle pauoinu fonle serges hnbit cloth c at very low i rices d gp oureircssmalcermfss tf ld is pieparcirto execute alt orders for dresses isual cicqjllent atylov i j wpjvmspt a fis bftbi goods f amd useor your maohineryonlr the wellknown jpbesless oil v thresher six gold til edals bee f warled t the last tbirevw or jtr tj f peerleas axloftroasofqrvour waggong and howe povere vbm f manufactured i0n oltytou voifks by samuel focers co toronto vlil wkli jb kvllty iseh i 1 shh pfthe p3e38 9v agto m 8ui nk vkail tain in variably in 4jsicr yearhl liniic1 till ai of tliep acj oac uolurau hlf column jairter colau oan inch casnal adver tint insertion f heqaent insert reckoned by tnt ecnleof solid nl adiertisemeii will be iaserted ingly transit in advance changes for in the office bl they wiii be ictl this pap tertlxtngborfl jtntracttnimrl 3usi gradl ber of college office aud frederick strl l l benl ac mel dentil new system monly called teeth withoatl strator and roos mayc in any dpera 5 acton every i of each montll tohnstsl barristers ancers 4c office ef bjohni birektess offkk matli m souc ofwce ft office main tj at 6 rwsrcerft hlltoni okficbcj uudtsbsmg base okfices i ingten- street alley toronu john mj srtiuirl f wbal bmuil ontario hall v w raixakiul datentsi hiinlty 20 years pri amuri j licl for the count orders jhjlj opposite churi to acton po terms reasoif desired w m he1 tjnlock9 all the elosgetl ivaiiisi of the bowele kldneya and javdr enrryr mgoff rnidjtiajly without weakening tho system all tho impurities land fotl liudoraof the booretiona aj the mv- fapw corrooting aoijity of thi btomaeh curing elhcueaeba irj- epftift hoadaoheg i utslncfesi hewtbnrn cbnsfcipatloni pryncgt of the skinj 3rojby rljfinoa x jmon jaundice salt pheiur myptiab soroftila pluttorirg oi toa heart kervojisness afod gct- eral debqity allthdse aiid mam other siniilaf compteaats yiem to the happy in of v taroat i vmbwk covft4rwor temji li lor the goaul orders left ai or at my promptly att also monev able terms a terest in sue tohnu offkk ii square dlrais succes st georges aeobautl eriodicabi boqna bnlil suo percent 1 oaned lor pa security propjarly i farms and l witb f j ddnftiuloh to ealated in h wa notions thr pama waufi dence invited gtjelpjbohl