3cm m rt wmwiam r it vl i i- ttthmt mohstso novkmbk 5 185 thk orttario elections thii j datbbiosd u the ontario government tliiditig that tlfescnool meetings throughout theprovinoe ttc place ou december 29th have changed the date of tbe nominations and polling faxtho legislature so as not to interfere with such meetings nomination day is now fixed tor tuesday the 31at ot nest month and polling day a week later ou the th k wit r m lis the scott ac t bow it is working qt bahhur coukty the amctftorblereportthetemperanc men fiaatexa jof the fielatoe liquor traffic shattered a great improvement in bubtneabinareaae in assessable pro- party interesting incidents of the strug gle here j the followiug is a synopaijj of the report of the toronto jiawt special correspondent respecting the scott act in halton which appeared iu saturdays edition its a fair and impartial report of affairs as they exist and is evidently written by au obser- vaut and unbiased correspondent mutox sot 17 the history of the scott act in hal ton is full of iuterest since its adoption in 1831 by a majority df 81 audits readoption on the memorable 9th of xovunber 1881 until the present time the working of the act in this county bu attracted more attention from the friends of the cause than in any other place in this province nowhere has the law been more vigorously and successfully en forced as ne banner eott act county it is frequently held up as worthily hold ing that position the ooorge and un flagging energy ot its temperance organiza tionshave incited many a vigilance com mittee to a healthy emulation and the generous liberality of the leaders and of the rank and the file in the movement meets reward in a widely expressed public appreciation as well as in the snore desir able derivative success which is obserble to halton the honor belongs ot being the first county in the province in which the act became law a memorable costkst many a thrilling incident occurred in the struggle which preceded and succeeded that victory it was the battlefield of the whole province the liquor interest throughout the country was roused and lent its power ful aid jn money and machinations feeling that much depended upon that election within the county itself the majority of those holding official and influential posif tioos were antiscott in some cases violent ly bo and the forty tavernkeepers relying on these and stimulated and flattered by outside support were sanguine of success the other side showed their mettle for a determinedfights no effort was spared the able were willing to spend and the poorer people who could not contribute large sums of money knew the value of their votes and they organized admirably they knew also that other counties were waiting anxiously for the result and that with them to a great extent lay the fate of the measure in those coities they were encouraged from far and near and when on november 9tu 1884 they for the second time declared for the act by a double majority congratulations by telegram and letter poured in from places so for distant as british columbia andthe lower prov- j mces v excellent resclis f it is with the operation of the law during i this second term and with its working at the present time i intend to deal in this v letter the county of halton does not cover large area comprising the four townships of xassagaweya esqnesing trafalgar and nelson the towns are oakville burlington acton georgetown and milton tnecounty town in some of these places the law is better observed than in others bat i am right in taken as a whole the jaw works better in halton than in any county i have yet visit ed- the following may- be given as the chief reasons for this satisfactory state of matters 1 the temperance people jiave always shown a determination to fight the traffic realizing the fact that whenever a victory was gained it weakened the enemy they hold it as a distinct understanding among themselves that- it is not a mean thing to inform against a man who violates the law this last point has been discussed in their public conventions and the conclusion arrived at that they were morally bound to- lay information they have a strong executive commit tee who meet often uy review the whole situation to compare notes to confer on points and questions arising out of the working of the act and to assist the in spector who is a member of this committee in every possible way a constant agitation is kept up to maintain interest and activity at a high pitch and to convince the liquor men that they need hope for no cessation of the enforcement of the law j 3 the liberality of the people they subscribe largely and cordially as an in stance of tbeirxeadiness in this respect it may be stated that quite recently the cen tral committee made a draft oh the county it was apportioned among the towns and villages according to the standing plau and was collected inweeka time they were farther exceptionally faforcd by the local government who seldom refused them kny request they made perhaps owing to the fact that the representatives sent to both houses of parliament are strong temper- ahce men the whiskev tbade shattebeu i still another reason for the successful working of the law in this county is found fin the fact that the local hotelkeepers do not seem to be prosperous in business and cannot afford so much money as formerly and as money from outsiders is not given so readily as heretofore it is more difficult for them to keep their forces up to the fighting point the law is administered by a police magistrate for the county who is a salaried officer and was appointed be fore the change in the law which refers such appointments to the recommendation of county councils he is described as being fair and judicial in his decisions and a bringing much experience 4o his work so mnch for the causes of- success a fixe exhibit iu the towns or rural districts the law u not mnch infringed of the towns actonand burlington are considered to be observing the law fairly well the drink ing if any be done is carefully concealed imrng 1886 there has not been a prosecu tion in either of these towns although they have been fairly well watched oakvilleshows a reduction of one in the number of hotels since licensing times there are still foorjtaverns and liquor is sold morenrlem in the town the effects are seen in occasional drunkenness but the effort to stamp it out has mucn promise of success r in three prosecutions straight eonvictkms wereobtamed andthefinestell jhaav i t caisbt the itiiatdeaiekk itfa no difficult matter ttf get liquor ii georgetown and it is believed the license brewery in town contributes t the drink jng facilities milton has been always tbi inoptdifucttlt pbtee itribe cfluhty in whljjt to enforce the act it is a small towp wifl four nofeta but the tuppoft the oytuefrm these receive from a number oounty officials and from a local paper alleoed lo be oofocted b th coanty ottrk and oounty ttiaauror baa made tto struggle against the traffic bitter one it is how ever jw wall boauiatd thai open drinking aoros toe bar u almoat outtrely abouahed the alacrity with which proeecutloui ate started and the tenacious manner in which they are followed up haifasa the tavern keepers very muth and as convictions in- crease they lose heart and as a consequence many ot their cases the quarterly return to tire oovernmeut tot the last half year bring out a point which ought to be of interest to inspectors the return for the first quarter of that period reported five conviotions the re turn tor the second quarter of the sarao period reports fourteen the iuerease is accounted for by the tact that a charge ot perjury was preferred against a hotelkoeper from which ohargo he fled the country and other hotelkeepers and witnesses taking warning gave a more satisfactory evidenoe tukuorojantv during the scott act regimp many ot the hotels have changed hauds and tho more recent owners are not so bold iu vio lating the law as were the old licensehold ers au of tho latter who are still in pos session have been fined two or three times inr fact nearly all are within one conviction ai gaol without tho alternative ot a fine this rigor is paralyzing the traffic and as a systeta it is completely shattered prink is being imported into the oounty packed in crates under the name of glass in kegs asbutter and in barrels as vinegar und in small portable quantities which arc used in private houses i ubvctllsts licenses one thing on which halton is to be con gratulated is the fact that there is no license for retail business in the county seven or eight physicians ot the county signed a ronndrobin stating that they- did not require liquor for medicinal purposes and that there was no necessity for the dtpoggiata licenses to be continued ac cordingly they were not renewed last year nd now with the exception of the two licensed breweries the traffic is completely outlawed in the county halton has had a small share of the round of outrages and threats of violence common to scott act counties effigies were awiuging from the telegraph wires windows w6re smashed and t bun and stables were burned for the barn outrage the incendiary was sent to the penitentiary for a term of five years these offences were put down with the strong hand of the law and now the only serious obstacle to enforcement is iuntrustwortby evidence which as 1 havesaid has also received a blow in the determination to prosecute for petjury the most cordial relations exist between the temperance people and the in spector who ialimplioitly trusted by them our ed so events argus wlekliy not1b his op nion ol ujrawi allmnppii kuomvaxlji pllpffpsf pppsl the cradle at toronto on the 18th inat t james l lltighes of a daajl ter s rf va thboravk mcdoxai iu nasskiiwoya iu na tha mart llttlo towji was greatly honor- hey saf last week by two important i retir to the vimt pi that disci 4o ottheinamorti 1 wigginsyep moses oatus and tlw formi tion of a branoh of that most iuustdous organisation knbwn as the liberal temp iranoeu uion jave thenmrk whether the visit uf tho embryo weu til er seer had at ythlng to do with the forma tion of the abve mentiaued brauoh or not remains to be seen at all events they iwrth took place outho same day if the tncoting was held iu the hall attaol ed to the bossin house and was graoec by thei presence of sorae less than a doxon 1 heuejve of the tjljinii g lights of the town who have chiefly attui ned their pres ent degree of jshineuess by tho absorption of light hrughi the bottom ot a tumbler eifneers rcro elected in cluo form con sisting of a president two vieodiltob and a sec rbary treasurer thelrtuioh is to be know i as the acton branch of tho afpre said liuioh it chtot object wing to fight the b jott act and todrink nptliing btttpuro uimuilteratcd liquor iwatir of course to bo us id for the- purpose of ibhitiuu only in th fsconneotion it is to be hiuoercly hop ed tli it at least borne ot the members will ubemortjfor this purpose ill an hitherto oonbiderlng tho fact that froin this out they arejnot scipiwsed to drink aiiy 1 ibernl temperanco forspooth libtrl jviiijicaiho- under such outward guises of respectability does that hydraheaded niou- 8ter tronjtdriuktthattearfnl reef on which mkfvr an honest mans hopds and life yea hish cry soul is wrecked steal into our midst encouraged and patted on the back by men who should know better and arc c apablo of better things a i was rnuoh pleased to road alphas letter in last weeks ibbue and trust it will be uie means of storting u literary or bet ter still a debating society it is of vast benefit to any young man und thosealsoof inqr muture age for tint matter to be able to skak in pubicaud to speak rluuntty and inte ligontly should the occasion arise at any tiraoaud i kuow of no more efficient vay in which to attain such a desirable knovlcdge than a debating i society i bay the oftrepeated but obviously absurd i a u bating societv bcciube one that is cali- charce that the introduction of the scott actnvust havals detrimental effect ou gen- l 1rary society verj apt to legener- eraltradejs quite exploded tho case of j ate into a inero reading room or a weekly haltoix business has increased through- i meeting for ordinary social chat iuto which out the county georgetown and milton j m t inevitable gossiping may he especially mentioned in thojfor- r mer town it is generally admitted that trade ihat and scandal will creej to8iqfinw son of mr rotrlqnptt aid aged fijyears ii months and i lay new advertisement 3 tkn er8 vvam d ilknukkmwmbojrn i until tiiowny h julvwl by ijlio umluri am m ji kov lor thu unof the hkatlugrliik for flic romtngwinter f iohn cjltmj the 08rd hkirkrastkay 1ami ukiithu luelnlmis of tho midortiyntjcl j lota con i kriii durintt tliu sumviori a tvoycarolil heifer owuor will ploaso ppivn timiiorty iirv iiiiach and take hor away hohkkt kknskdy atl of thanks mhkvnukilhiunbudehiltnlmreiutouxpielit i hu hoartfolt thankh to hh maiiv kind i iluiidh ami iiolkhbom for tuotr cheerful olid mi ronilttliigatwiitlonaiilvory practical owl ac naiitnblonbhluulltiiliiriiii u10 10iib illllcbl frod iluiont which 1 nui vorr thankful to nay i have entirely reoovcnxl tiioho ninny klutlnoh over be itiuioiiihcrixl by mrn maim anil wltubtefli1 litnru allan m actounovjiilvil lbw klutlnobioit will myserf tnn tax tolili tors n0t1 e pilkfollkctok 0v taxkh tor tin elliallty lllll of actoii will be in muui- tlio council tlmiulier mi monday 29th december ti receive taxen from ratepayers all taxes are now unpaid will jiloaso en on the lav named without fail mit collktov whose i nettle artijh nov stirl lhi fanners inttitut 3 fv thliovklceus ax1j mkilllehsof thk farmers luhtitnte of tlio ounty of tor thu i liuld i eserai bfsiskss siul thu liubliu wuvrallv- hurubv give itotlui hint h ntudttii for thy rloction of ofticoru nlove iiihtltutc for the coiiilnt yonrwill in thk town hall milton on tuesday 7th december 1886 tlriii iioliiokl ijt a luw sttvmlitiice in lkke4 for tamks hkauliiy llvsldent georgetown- nov sltli 1kv r liruw for has om ttae wt with vrudep ia tuoht aikotlisltiousi while orttic n i j arc unbroken wliil godiflie j ib m ej s s jlitte wl ile ttiovo ti6 tinio to look anil wp the- time to giye that jarful tttiou i desire thoy all shall livo thisbeusoiiiiudaub tar hotter prepared i it wonts than did buying time a year ago and vv tbiiinl us lacking either in assortment i halton lb sertrejii ttock ill tlio iisijoitinvnt was never more lively and the ledger shows gooa balances ou the right side in a large number of houses in hilton there was never before in a corresponding period so much building as during last summer the announcement is made in the town coun cil that the assessment for the coming year on assessable property will bring a larger revenuo than the largest arnouut collected in the last ten years tlje fow persons in social position who still support the traffic do it covertly and find themselves isolat ed from the popular touch white the straggle for supremacy his closed the tem perance ranks and has in a great measuro educated the ratepapers as to the power and independent use of their votes argus is lectured why not organize a mock parliament we could get perhaps same of the coun cillors to take a hand in and give us neces sary points ou the management ac and if 41pha1i himself would only pose as prime minister we could get along swim mingly im- sure the thing is worthy of a second thought friend alpha and 1 hope to bee yon float the scheme with reference to combiniuu it with the usual weekly choir practice that wont do there are many reasons against it want of space prevents giving more than one which is the church is emphatically not the place for that sort of thing at all the hunters one and all who started the independent the lahcieslv the ablest the to est religious and literary newspaper in the world one of the ablest weeklies iu existence pall alall gazcttr london jingla id the most influential religious organ in the states 77ie sprrfat m tomlon hity clearly stands in the forefront as a ilsrhrl -00- 2sl1 w which i- every particular to nicet yoir eiare not aware that you theln or style be thitt is it may thin years buying time surpasses all other buyljng tunes in the size of our ottered you iu every department in the r exeiilence of 1ur uoodh and in the lowness of our prices c 1 httter facilities andan increafeini trade are the things tli vrcukly religious tnagaiiinc mumfiii tumt philadelphia it is a religious lit are to reap the benefit ii on behalf of the j out so blithely in search of game and gore on thanksgiving iav came back with verv dkat hu etdioir girls we again crave your- indulgence as we have no other medium of approachiug j b bag argus bat through yonr columns if it is not criticising our letter he was will he please tell us what word in the english language expresses the meaning of his remarks he says there is nothing to r criticise and then again says he and mrs argus laughed and roared and laugh ed it cannot take much to amuse them if they can laugh at nothing if they avoraged one wretched little rabbit apiece its the outside those two particular liimrod that generally hunt iu company and have been known as the long and short of it weiit out m the after noon i caught a glimpsof them as tliey returned iu the dusk of evening and a more sorrylooking couple yon could hardly im agine not a feather not a bit of fur absolutely nothing to show for their tramp ialtlv scientific stoilv joijitkai kixamia1 agriccltcltal insultasck sinuayschool it lias uioru ud ifblor contributor than any three of its contemporaries it stands in tlio front rank of jouruallsui ainl fverviurson of intelligvueo khoiim read jt tkiims ok srnsckiltion one mouth x kl ouo year throe months 75 two years four months loo three years six months iso four years nino mouths 2v five years semi postal curcl for a knee riainple clubbing list if you wisllljlo subscribe muraziues or other newsliaiwrs at 1 imblisbers iiriees or any lss than the tn dependent rsi brontlnnrw vorh baegais i f iou 7 ou m 111 xi and we were well nware that tlie r was save barked shins wet foet aud a liberal i left out of phraseology bat whethcritwas j plaateriug of swamp muck from waist to f a typographical error or our owii careless- i toes they looked as if they had been mired j like that fishing quartette of last summers 1 i i atiiirs notes and comments it seeins settled that ilayor ilowland will lw a candidate in toronto for tlio tocal legislature mr ilowland will not couie out as a party catldidate but will carry the prohibition banner a very interesting letter regarding the working of the act in halton the banner ness we are unable to say we would not attempt to coin words nor even use a word we did not know the meaning of much less not know how to spell anyway we thought it too small an error to mention ueally wc thought mr a knew that it is a note of upstart greatness to observe those triflies which noble minds neglect wc suppose his remark about the digni fied 1 piece of composition v a 1 meant for sarcasm what a struggle he must hftie had to get it off and how relieved his over charged brain must have felt we would j just remark here for the edification of 3ir county is given elsewhere in this issue a that the said apiece of composition did all things considered the law is working most successfully there thanks in the main to the intelligent zeal of the local temper ance men toronto jinv in a recent editorial the wine ami spirit jtfview says prohibition sentiment is alive aud active in every voting precinct of the nation it has assumed the proportions of a great political issue its progress threatens the annihilation of the liquor trafle as a legitimate calling these are facts too patent to admit of argument pretty strong admission for so bitter an opponent of the question not evolve from the brain of one wl occupation is teaching the young idea how to shoot nor does she wear the biggest hat in town we would just like to know what his occupation is that leaves him so much time to take note of what the ladies wear if we might judge from his past writings wc would say his chief occupation consisted in snubbing mrs a and admiring himself we sincerely hope little as do not take after their dear pit if they do we tremble for theirf futures we are afraid whoever taught his young idea how to shoot did not teach him to shoot very straight as the large hats are the only tilings he has hit yet and we presume that is on account of their j size this seemed to tickle him so he had j to give them another shot last week he did not hit the mark however this time readers the necessity of subscribing for a whoever informed hiiji thatthe birds had j family weekly newspaper of thefiistclass their beaks tied upmost have been out of such for instance as thi intkpiniknt of the county and come home rather muddled o oinic aiiti ee to what extent you may be benefitted at the loath reasonable prices remember our famous 50 at bive dpij it and i 11 rs iu firstclass woods ail fccnt tea -o- iumr wasted 5reat bargains in watches clocks jewelry a sllyliltw are yo our readers wecanifbttoo strongly urge upon our w a olaletk successor tos ssutk haying purchased the bankrupt stock lately owned by w b smitbl ftruprepared to give tho acton people a benefit snoh as has never been offered before j be ing a pragpigal watohjiaeer we think in someofhis previous epistles he makes a remark to the effect that we worship the goddess fashion we would just like to know who but the men foster such a worship we always take particu lar notice that it is the most stylishly dressedlady who commands the most at- tention and respect from the male sex if he doubts oorjword just let him go into a- ballroom or crowded street car and see for himself we quite forgive mrs a for her little criticism she would hardly dare htye an opinion of hef own ridiculous or otherwise we do not write whole columns about nothing please do not crowd out argus to give us a chance but just suggest to him that it would be more appropriate to sign himself miss nancy -a- j ose pptns qsxfm actou nov jjsrd 1880 stoves one large box and one parw evolve cheap 8 aseeord new yorwi were we obliged to select oho publication for habitual and caref al reading to the exclusion ot oil others we should choose unhesitatingly vv imltpmdent it is a newspaper magazine aiid review all in one it is rellgiousra literary an educational a story an art a scientino an agricultural a flnapcil nu a jtolitical paper combined it has 12 folio pages aud 21departinents no matter what a per sons rehgion politics or professiohi may be no matter what the age ses employ ment or condition may bo the fmtependeut will prove a help an instructor an educa tor our readers can dot ni less than to seud postal for afree specimen copy or fortliirtycents the paper will be sent a month enabling one to judge of its merits more critically it yearly subscription is 800 or two years for 9500 address thelndeiiendenl 261 broadway new york xjityv persian lamb caps at low prices jalso brack and cheap at j ipyfos ai the best quality astrachans good just publtiihed a new edition of dr culver- weuacelebratedssshyou tho radical cuie of srekmatx ubhuia or sciniiial woakness in- voluntar seiniual libsses impotency mental and physical incapacity impediments to mar riage etc also consumption epilepsy and 1its induce by 8olfluilulj4eubo or eexnal ex- travaguueo 1 tc the colebrvtod author in his admirable essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years suc- cesaful uraot ice that tlieolaruiingconsequeuceb of selfabuse may be jiidlcauy cured pointing out a mode 1 f cure at iuce simple certain and f vu wf11 vv 011 tu 1 effectual by means of which every sufferer no from the elgin watch ractory elgin ih mfttter t his condition mav be may cure and well known as a workman in the citv i himself cheaply privatelv and radioally i guarantee satisfaction ormuhey refunded i itbijieoturo bhould be iu the hands of personal and prompt attention wing savlsot to any all work warranted remember the place i address postpaid on receipt of four cents or two postage stamps address tho c ultomrell molioal co uuelph 4i ass si swobk x v ro box m u the ol asgo w house r sgol aiytim i vajah altms avntkd koi thlj nbxt khvv whicl la to beuirculatedamoiikstiutcndiiilfpurchaserr of farms thr hichout cnuiula the vnite1 states kuroivo aud other countries we have iu our office at tine jih thoukitmls of lotters f roni appli cants for fa ms from hii parts of ianadit all parts of the 1 niuxl statos knrone south africa jamaica au 1 other countries ah the letters arefrom par lies who have seen our advertise ments tho io wanting to sell are invited to couio tbouroqico nguelphaud see the lelterb for themselves wo are selling more farms than auy other ftrm iu caiiotlo aud we defy contra- i diction to tlia statemeut liyon want to sell seud us youi nuuie ami address and then wo will write to you no charge unless a saleis effected address john j daley co guelph ont fhe r ami examine the kau stock ok fajslcy dress- goods is siateltlals au uk all makes mantlingottotnari obfds ad vkices manhood how lpst how restored j meltons cvsry cheap 1 ax immense iitockov mens womens and isfallduelits undeltweak mens top shirts and oardjigan jackets at lowest prices we have asifhne a link ov such as white g key navy blue and red flannels cantbs flannels wikcbw vottons gbet snes toweluncj yvbs8 gloves hosikry cv as cheap asanyther stobe ix the rade w a clabk 26lower wyndham st bargains bargains bargains 3ylo3sa2 begs s 48 king street east drees goods luc formerly 25c prints 5c formerly 10c ginghams 10c formerly 20c embroideries ue j formerly 10c ladies hose 35c formerly wa childrens hose to formersy 15c parasols 30c formerly 00c spotted muslin 15o formeryme ladies collars 5c formerly 15c we are making extra samples gent on application hamilton brussels carpetstou formerly 1 tapestry carpets i5c iormerly 40c union carpets 85c formerly 00c allwonl carpets 63u formerly 83c hemp cat pets 8jc formerly 12ac china mo tiuga 25c formerly 88c lace curtjalns 150 formerly 2 curtain p les comp leuvoqo formerly 75c stnir liods 76c fon lerly if 150 per doz inducemoute inorder to clei ml utooji dress goods prints sosiery aiovai florseti riiou 3mlwiderii trot4s swvtlajs iftrpett ctthi4i ooyiiiiwww blinds stlr aolse j c a aro aumarked away d own lb price in roaoy onses leiw tliriiii cost perfegt fitting suits and overcoats made to order m ait phice8 to suit everybody t k lkpehsold ix groceries ouii stock is complete xsp we cannot try our fifty ciest teas ci farm produce taken in exchange john nelson keney bros iiij street actoi fwifock of hcw fall goods mi wckay brothci 148 kiutt street iittt bevween hnghiioiwn joli streets hflmiftoii 1 iif luiwriori dbnohwith neatrtcssnff fj ie ii o- our 1 hi1 lug ft v 5 gt w pall goods of every aescriptid stssv- b manuiacturew ana are quality wp have a hoe assortment and rouilowy want can be supplied jdmsssuiss reived direct from thw ugssicio fesiiilgiiibffl 109 dominron house tbis i tl pectedtbr the jewel seffl j complete yet seen election thcksjtl crtj provided iiid thanl quieiiy 7 alargl stone here mr ij about coma therel be seen in thel breezvunt about i into acton i a good guelph lo- tthej goodawri moni tbjs year atoroj this week io season tarkey christmas innings a goodl out skating several of tl the taj home at 1 oy to recei hirsm pringe has for violatiot a fine 1 in wedding ceived at th r xoonel isbntitifii merchant h tise thei other ma the pi hills is 1 about 58x36 the whole i already 1 a class i organized chtircb rev sir number gof willcorameil bev openimti s millbankai mr george piisd the pu acceptably lost oi street act which was gold brooch on tjbe road j overcoat leavipoattli the vylfich arj kicked bis on jiataesnic loose was was leading v bone of thei teethvcerel wasbadlyt tr lowry h daily impr halton ameetiugl be held by in milton farmers ge in the instj under its auj much practl farmers npol and itt suc remoyed to i mjr p- j f ofhisblacssij teskey left he has accepl large shop smith and eu nf the peopld many ways changewill 1 prospects taeharves local hap j this week tl tinubus audi oat by thei scarce bntj market mn vwthprosp interests shotguns atj hares liken thsmuhic council m only busine was the adoj tionmove hy john- fines imp duff for violl upon the ter letter a gut tins council thejbeey saturday an withanurnb lyenjoj anewip the site of i and a new sv iards intll weatera di vil tyifeaepl be built mill