niii vomm11 xii xo 25 tire ctun rw f nss is ribushiiv kvkry thursday morning at thtf- free press power printing house a0ton ontario i t 1 im tv jtuts r v subscription rates xx six host hs tiiuui xovtus 3trr- invariably in advance if not paid in advance l i1 iw voir irtllbc chttrpcsl no ipor itiscou- inum i ill all rrvars alv yii except nt the plimi of uiciuibluhcr advertising rates srr 1 ylt g mo mo hllo o 10 lolumv- jtwoo s3wwi sicu s700 sf louuin i k u 1200 aso l iirtvr coluwu i auoo i coo 1auo 700 iso o 5tacli 3 3j0o uw t acton bankinc coy storey christie a co -bankers- f actou ontario okwkkal haxklxg raxsacrnd uirstnksis cumsl advertfsewicnk cents por lino for the srs insert ion aail 2 cents per liuo f or eacli aulv m- incut insertion cash the number of hues rockouimby the spue occupied measured by u sile of solid nonpareil aiflrtiuients without specific directions ill ismusertcd till torbift aud charged accord- iugly ttaututory advertisements most in paid iu advance i changes for contract adveniincuts must bo in the office by 9 wa on mondays otherwise t hcv rill be left over until the following week 2c02t8tl0a2isb on apftovs nofjbs notes discounted aud interest i allowed on deposits donft read this -spb0iaii- bargains to tiik- actus- people at h r mookr editor and proprietor tuio didc3 oav i found ontleatgea1 t iho rurcn bt1i cw nrtvipoprr a business directory t h lovvry m b mcj ps graduaiejof trinity oollegs mem ber of collejejofr physicians and surgeous office and residence at the head of- froderick street aston l l bennett lds dentist georgetown ontario ifllhkiiiiilersuiuedlia prepared to furnish a on the shortestnotice in any quantity and at bottom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood also flour and fs8s and anything in the line of farmers house keepers orcontractors necessities i thos c moore -hlblph- bu si ness college dats bookstore cuelph tiiukhhak mobninodbcivdbii 16 1686 aton oxta1uo thubsday decemben 16l88 poetry the stock is full of nice new fahcy goods uonght by mr day fwheu iu england this summer toy hooksj uamks r guelph mat tuibd x berius september ontario j c mcklslay l d s surgeou jai dentist georsetown ont uses the new system of kitroos oxide gas com monly called vitalized air for extracting teeth without pan having been imon- straior and practical teacher in royal colleseof dental snrveons toronto pat rons may depend upou receiving satisfaction iu any operations performed will visit acton every second aud fourth wednesday of each montli oiscc agnews hotel john lawson graduate of os uirio veterinary college torouto veterinary snrgeon acton ont gftick hi kenny bros boot and shoe store resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates liven all calls night or day promptly attend- to terms easv tovs choke liooks 1i1i1lks hand satchels v vvhltixt desks liuessivtf vases audi 000 other things 3t7ita2le for z1sas psbsbntb i johnston a- mclean tjirristers solicitors notaries convey ancers c sprivale funds to loan oifice town hall acton e f-b- johnston wm a mclijan bchotastilc- vkau 1st i patrouase drawn from ten states and provinces young men aud boys thoroughly prepared fo business pursuits gradnateseminent- ly successful us acconutauts busluess managers shorthand writers clerks salesmen travellers etc both iu canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work iind courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college splendid facilities afforded for the ac quisition of freucb and german for information address m slaccormlck wlf principal lumber shingles and lath rphe umlersikueu desires to iuforuithe public j that he baa now ou hand and will keep in stock a full line of hue aud hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also first arn second class piue sniugles lath coal wood it will pay you to visit days bookstore 0ublph yi cloth hall oop blebs our home we come from the fogladen streets of the city from wide windy spaces where the cold baa uo pity fromclosg darkened room or from bleak hill aud mpor to thankfully enter the welooraiutf door and god bless our home 1 we dome from the tights and the races of life from the fioroo diu of voices the conflict and strife i from ilia tempoeu of words that are thun- deriur louu i from the riot uuijuict and stress oftlio crowd ami god bloss our home o snug little uest iu a shelter so cheery o place of sweet rust for the troubled nud weary euoh day lins its sabbath of prayer aud of psalm where the church in the house is kept sacred aud calm so god bless our home 1 no spot is sodear to the heart nor is any ignored by so fow or beloved by so many wheres dear eyes smile onus and kind voices speak i there and we the pledge of the heaven r that wo seek aud god bloss our home yes god ive the home his abundant good blessing god shelter its roof from all evil distress ing aud grant to its iumutes the spirit of love which rules iu the house of our father above aud so bless our home god make us unselfish devoted anddutiful meek merry and kindly wise tetider and beautiful aud not only hear when we offer our prayer but hinibelf loves our home aud abides with us there j 1 and so god bless our home siowat bvettlre soliiltoi notajv pcblic money to loan ot j ia- matthews block actouupstairs vj eaitchell solicftoi cosvlyascee c- oi net first door west of the chumplon office main street milton money to loan at 0 percent 8 j hilton allan ba1rd iiarristers solicitors ac tokonto vxl geokgeior otnos creelmaus block georgetown and 6 king street easttoronto hviugiurehasel the coal bus s smith am prpared to bihply ucss of mr c all kinds of stotecoaj illave also a good stock of avool hardwood ash cedar and mill wbod t reason able jrices w and cosl delivered james bhown rnoyercoatljmgs i fa nov u h kck m eltons f plain meltons am shades i moscow ukaveks nap beavers enetians plain fancy woiisteds oufi story the wehklngmans wife fire mutual insurance company of th c0ukt7 of wbllinqioit estahushkil 1810 head office cuelph j shuton ei j- ua1ii 1ja b aix lidlaw co bakuistws a soufltol orrutaz over imperial bank 24 wel lington streeteastv entrance exchange alley torouto john buv g c cra mvntln william luilw geoiioe kutele 1 j w badgerow co uuuiiei solicitous ac oahirio hall rf church street toronto ll -k- ilv ju1ix carstin iici7 patents secured foe inventions henry grist ottawa casada j years practice no patent xpay insures buudings meahaudiisc mauui factories aud all other descriptions of property on thepremiuip note systeno p w- stone onas- davidson president secretary i jofin tailor aeeht j a murray lkensei alctlijkeei for the counties of haltou and wellington orders left att his residence main street- opposite church street acton or addressed to acton pto- will receive strict attention terras reasonable notes discounted if desired w 31 hemstbeet ieiblxio i pause and consider that it will be to your own interest to pat ronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and sur- rounding eoantrvjthat we are again in full rhntutig order and in a betterpositiouthan before the fire to till all orders entrusted to us to parties building 1 lumber will be dresserl while you wait anvfmouldiugs ac made with neatness and despatch n bwe are also prepared to lilhall orders for pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business we feel confident that we can give satisfaction every time so come ou with your order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go wbether shehas legs or no i thos ebbage manager shaw a grundy mttrehffirhtailors oualph wellington marble works qxrjssec st avails john h hamilton proprietor wholesale aud retail dealer in marble grauitc and everything pertaiuiiig to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of grsuiteand marble having lately visited the hay of fiiuaygrauito quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and rod granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cobti i will until further notice sell at prices never before imown in ontario for in stance granite moiiuiniuu ft high 607 75 8 ft u ft 100 10 ft 120 ml work and material warranted firstclass partiss wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see me before vurchasiug elsewhere as i guarantee my prices are from 30 to 30 per cent below all other dealers i acton meit market licenhkd auctioneer for the counties of wellington- and halton orders left attthe feee pkess office a cton rat mx residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable bokkt to loax also mouev to loan on the most favor able terms and at the lowest rates of in terest in kums of ss00 and upwards john day ahchitiict greuh ont oinot queens hotel block market square j t jjiraxcjsx4kan t bxcelsiob bakek rutledge crosson butchers have purchased the business of mr r of public 7 succeslor to t f chapman bookbinder st georges square guelph ontario bread will be left daily at the store of mb johk nelson por the accommodation of customers holmesand solicit a share patronage the members of the firm e practical batchers and are prepared to ensure their customers thorough satisfaction there will always be found on band a full stock of all kinds of meat ac inseanon we have settled in acton tv stay and feel satisfied that by transaotitg business upon business principles we wili wiu publio confidenpe and support rutledge cirobson acton feb 9th 18s0 i acpqunt book of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bojiud itiilin neatly aud promptly done john j daley successor to thomrwoidrjackson money to loan oufjurrntsioperty at c per cent mortgages purchased money oaiuvi gr parties to 5iortgaes and other security conveyancing in all its branches properly and ueatl done charges low farms and city property for sale list with farms for sale sent to all parte of the jminion to intendiujjpurchasers andir calacj in europe eurapean capitalists wmitiug larrus iu ontario will be sent di- ons throtuh our european agencies flfrnw wanted for oar lists correspbip invited office near the po iontv mzi- the delivery waggon will also call three times a week as usual mrs t stathaitw se blacksmith f i 1na0ton andrew teskey having purchased the general blacksmith v- t to solicits the f the shop t he haklan barber shp mill sttieet acton vu iv siutvo u stylish haircut a good foa aibilaratmg shampooralways s- ilo h and wi n flfs cat r ing business of mn p j smith patronage of all the customers and the public generally horseshoeing made a special feature interfering horses carefn ly shod and enc parent ee hv wobfiex tonrorial artist of the bus will be ness cured haviilg had large experience in the mannfftjtae and repairing of igrioultural and tpacbinery of all kinds as i feel that i can tion in every uaise anprewtebkey dont fall in love with her junius yonr caution comes too late old man im in love with her already franklin bartley looked solemnly at dr junius dale shook his head as if to say tis true tis pity pity tis tis true my dear fellow said bartley the aged mentor of the pair you canuot more afford such a wife than void can afford a steam yacht or an ivorymounted billiard table theres no occasion to tell line that mournfully replied dr dale im qhite aware of it already if i wab rich id marry miss clarke tomorrow always pro viding that she thought me worthy of ac ceptance but as i am only a straggling bung doctor ill do ray best to keep away from her fascinations in the future a sensible decision observed bartley but she is so pretty yearningly re marked dr dale granted and she sings like a nightingale she ought to with all the cultivation that her voice has received and she has such a winning way with her what difference does that make to you said bartley havent you resolved that hereafter she is to be nothing to you yyes but stick to your colors then man cried bartley clissy clarke is nothing ou earth but a society belle what you want is a hopeful willing working bee of a wife one that can aid yon with heart and hand to climb lifes hill you saw miss clarke at the wiufield masquerade last night in white satin aud pearls xnd very beautiful she looked cried the young physician firing suddenly up at the recollection of miss clarkes auburn hair all twisted with ropes of seedpearl and violet blue eyes sparkling with girlish animation did she look liko ajoor mans wife not a bit of it- then be warned said bartley shortly remember the old story of the moth scorching its wings in the candle flame dr date was silent he had promised himself the pleasure of a call on clarissa clarke that very afternoon there was something about the girl that attracted him witl almost magnetic force the tender light of her eyes the sweet in tonation of her voice the rosy flushes of color that overspread her cheeks when he talked to her were all separate attractions and yet he knew that he like the hero of french romance was a poor youpg man he recollected now that be had even said something to clissy about going totle clarke cottage that day it wont do he said to himself t had better keep awaiy and so instead of following the dearest inclination of his heart he betook himself with spartan resolve to the public library ill read up that case on the investiga tion of cholera microbes he thought if a man expects to make any mark in bis profession lie mustjkeep rtosted up in these modern discoveries of science so he disappeared into one of the alcoves of the library with his medical quarto and ibis memorandum book and set to work in good earnest but he had not fairly entered into the merits of the microbe question when the twitter of sweet girl voices from the ac joining alcoveatruok upon his ear oh clissyjclarke said one called for her and she wouldnt come was baking day and there was clisby up her elbows in jlour and spices weil i never 1 said the other with ifgwfij t ob she does all the housework said the first seeaker scornfully like ay hired eenrant eratfjtofine wftwrfmor they keep only one little boundgirl and mr clarke wont woar a shirt unless clissy has ironed it how does she i lud time for her music aud oil painting asked the second ob sbo rises a i dawn i slip says the best time of the working day is beforri breakfast she fnishes the housework sews tot tho family makes all her own dresses dont she yes and her mothers too that satin dress she wore at the party last night was her grandmothers bridal gown made oyer and the pearls were borrowed from miss lay ton it dont i cost her anything to dress shell take the borridest old affair and remodel it within scrap of ribbon or ft tmuel of velvet uutjl youd think it was mado by a french djressmaker i declare i wish had her knlack papa is always grumbling atjout my bills but that aint all do you know she gives bessie layton musio lessons and earns quite a nice little income for herself and she- writes book reviews and things for the newspapers and keeps mr clarke in books thaf way dear me 1 said the other with a yawn who at the party last uight would tliink it humph i remarked theother shell live and die an old n aid see if she dont suoh girls always dc come here are our novels at last let n go the perfumed silken flounces rustled out of the library the sound ef chattering voices died away and still dr dale sat with his pencil in bis hand staring down at his memorandum book it seemedthat the gloomy veil which dropped between him and his future life were lifted in his heart he could have blessed the agile tbngursof these idle gossiping girls clissy tlieu was t o mere butterfly but a true noblehearted working girl he carried back tie pobderous medical tomo to the assistant librarian much obliged fcje remarked succintly got through with it pretty quick havent yea said the assistant librarian yes tvo lad very good luckithis mom- ing said the doctor cheerfully he went straightway to the cottage on the outskirts of the village where clarissa iclarke lived an aprjiecheeked little brother came to the poor in answer to the knock ijie- mrs cleveland uow a mttlk knoijslf olllli who ahkeli to visit iiki1 was11kceivud an incident occurred at the white house on tuesday says the washington fttpubli- can wbicli shows the manner in which mrs cleveland extonds hospitality and the ma tronly kindness which inspires her actions when little children visit her several days ago milton stuart in com pany with his brother and little daughter ettie arrived in this cityifrom his home in liverpool england and stopped at the biggs house the little girl though hav trig seen but ten summers is a very intelli- gent juvenile traveler and took great inter est in seeing the sight of the capital bat she had a great desire to nee tho wife of the american president and not knowing how her object could be accomplished deter mined to make a personal application for the favor she kept ber peace and composed a letter to mrs cleveland r which she saiid she was a little english girl and that as her mother had been presented to the queen she wished to meet the first lady of this country and hoped she might be given the privilege before she crossed the ocean again this she mailed with some misgivings as to the answer she would receive but was destined to be greatly sur prised and delighted on tuesday morn- ing the answer came and when the envelope marked executive mansion was torn open the missive within told her that mm cleveland would be very pleased to have her come to see her that afternoon little miss ettie bustled about very bubily and with remembrances of descriptions of tlio formal receptions which the queen gave made quite an elaborate preparation for the great event and went over to the white house i she told thewher who she was and a card bearing her name was taken in to mrs cleveland what was her surprise on being shown iiiji to bo received in about the same manner she would have been welcomed by her niother- little ettie was given a warm hug and a cakadia1ijtjbilbb song 1 iv joiiinsinib tobonto victonu i vicroiu i a name to us so dear 1 thy loyal jsona it this fair land sendjtorth a british cbier across the ocean s briny foamwe hail thv jubilee l thou knowest that we love thee thy sub jects true an we i cnoncs vict iria to theo froc i loyal hearts and free at this glad time from every cume com 3 shouts of jubilee 1 the sun n 1er set s on thy domains tby flag floats oer ii s free thy colonies lik gems of wealth bespangle every bea i t thy ships of war like buttressas dolend thy honor tr and not a son of his blood for 10 thine would shrink to shod you 1 vic toris to thee etc chows oh i niay tbylifej ouciioble queen bespared from grief at d pain and may the lau 1 we love so well her pro minence mai itain i for fifty years tby loving rule hath blessed usdayby da ah i we shall miss thee gracious queen when thou ai t called away ciiibrsr- victoria to thee etc tfie odd corner suuday schoo superintendent now children 111 mi what heathens are who 1 as been reading about the heathens is folks who kiss and told she was very welcome indeed- breed small boy belfast riots dont fight over religion at a recent mi image ceremony in one of the pro ideuci churches the contracting parties wc re thi ty minutes behind time and the or an pe tied on t oh oear what can the mnttel- bi f a bethel justice vasrecehtly applied to for a warr mt by a father who desired that his son shculd be put under bonds to keep the peace the justice declined to issue the warrant aud told the father that his son would iuot injure him even if he had threatened to do so i dontj know about tliat said thef ther hes a migtty bad yesl clissys at home said be but shes fijtng a chicken for papas dinner and then shes got my trousers to mend clissy caut come up stairs i but dr dale laughingly pushed his way across the threshold ill come in and wait baid he and in five minutes clissy came in look ing even prettier if it were a possible thing in her calico morning drobs than she had done in the white satin and pearls on the evening before how he managed to speak out the dear est wish of his heart dr dale never quite knew i he had prepared a form of words on the way but they vanished utterly out of his mind when the eventful moment came he could only remember that she stood before him in all her fresh young beauty like a human appleblossom and that he loved her but after he had ler hand m his one arm caressingly tbrbwu around her waist he told her of the morning occurrence until then dearest be baid i looked upon you as a sortof unattainable luxury a star to be worshipped afar off only i knew that i was nothing more than a vilr 1 age doctor with more ambition than prac tice for the present at least but i feel that i may venture to hope will you run the risk of sharjng my soanty fortunes clissy willingly 0 liuius she answered look ing up into his face with her frank blue eyes and to tell you the truth she added smiling alittle shyly im almost glad that you are not a rich man because- dear i shall be so glad so proud to help you a little in my humble way so they were married a few weeks subsequent to their bridal frauklin bartley married an lieiress- its like bartley said doctor dale he always looks out for the main obauce at the end of five years however frank lin bartley catno back to his native village a moody aud disappointed mau his money had all been dissipated in unwise speculations his wife had returned to her friends minus her fortune a young niau married is a young- man married ho quoted gloomily 1l exoept perhaps in dales cjase he seems to have grown rioh by degrees and he is liappy too even in the obscurity of a country physioians life thanks to my helpful little wife said dale with a glance of pride and tenderness towards clissy who sat on the doorstep with two chubby childreu playing about her knee we have worked together clisny and i and our reward has not been withheld from ub 8he was quite dazed at this but it was onty a preface to more graciousness that was to follow her hostess entered into contersa- tion with her ireely and took great interest in hearing all about the childs home and homo folks she was then shown ovr the white house and given thounusual iprivi- iegejof being introduced into the private apartments of mrs cleveland where she was entertained with every expedient that could amuse her she was shown pictures flowers and told about everything in this way two hours were consumed and when the little english lassie wont back to her hotel shecarried with her two photographs of mrs cleveland with her autograph on eacb and a picture of tho president to gether with many wishes for her good fortune t she recited the incidents of her visit rap turously and her father was so well pleased by the honor bestowed on his daughter that he forthwith cabled the circumstances to his wife in liverpool who in turn com municated it to her circle of lady friends all of whom united in sending a return message expressing their appreciation to mrs cleveland for the f aver she had shown the little english girl and assuring her that she would henceforth occupy a large place in their affections and that they would always think of her with the same love they bore their sovereign this cable gram mr stuart embodied in a letter which he mailed to mrs cleveland hast evening and which also expressed his own gratification at the hospitality tendered his little girl one of the mo- 1 humiliating experiences in a mans life is to sit iu a dentists chair and nave him bo e up six or eight incbs3 into ifche head wit lout noticeably interfering with the brain winch was supposed to fill thetipper storey a western paper speaks of dakota as a summer resort when the thermometer in that part oftlie counta reaches 120 de grees in the skide we should saythat altogether too much summer resorts there for comfort two little bays were discussing the strength of a bei than a fly sifloueof them well said the other pull but when pushes i guess ymll fall back every time i duuno how much he can he backs up to you and 1 he cant pull moxf why a pittsburg man went out of the liquor business gems of thpught v no virtue is acljuired in an instant some virtues are only seen in affliction we waut uot time but diligence lot great performances cultivate forbearance till your heart yields a fine crop of it y one ungrateful man does an injury to au who stand in nee of aid when the best thiiigs are not possible the best may be i nade of those that are wealth may oi may not be within tby reach btit what matters it since virtue is ever at thy cotimaird sow an act auc you reap a habit sow a- babit and you re tjroharacter sow charac ter and you reap destiny cojuragemay te virtue when the daring act ip extreme when the danger iijd extreme fear no is extreme vice mikeii watch or paddy honey wjill ye buy my watoh whats tho price ten shillings and a mutchin of the cratur is the watoh a dooent one sare and ive had it twenty years and ft hiver once desjiyed mef well heres yei tin and now tell me does it go well it goes faster than any watch in connaugbt mahster ulster or ijeinster not barriu dabliu bad luckj to ye mike the n yeve taken me in 1 didnt ye say it nivr deaavedye sure and f did nor did i i for i niver depinded on iilvflfjf ex i i yt a 9yrold boy sig led a pledge a month or so ago and when told by his mother that itdnt amount to anything replied it may not r but if ad had signed- one when he was 9 yean old lie might have amounted to sometrling what do you think i hear that smith has sold out his saloon ssid one of a couple of middle aged men who sat sipping their beer and eating a bit of cheese in a smitbfield street saloon last friday night j yes responded the other rather slowly what was the reason i thought he was just coining money there the other nibbled a cracker abstractedly for a moment and then said its rather a funnystory smith know lives on mount washington right near me where he has an excellent wife a nice home and three as pretty children as ever played out doors all boys youknow the eldest not over 9- and all about the same size smith is a pretty respectable sort of a citizen never driuks or gambles and thinks the world of his family well he went home one afternoon jast week and found his wife out shopping or something of that sort ho went on through the house into the back yard and there under the apple tree were the little fellows piayiug they had a bench and some oottles and tumblers and were play ing keep saloon he noticed that they were drinking something out of a pail and tliat they acted t psy the youngest who was behind the b u- had a towel tied aronnd his waist and w is setting the drinks up pretty free smith walked over and looked in the pail it v as beer and two of the boys were so drunk that they staggered a neighbors boj a couple of years older lay asleep behind the tree my god buys you must not drink that he said ai he lifted the six-year-old- from behind the bench wes playiii sloon papa an i was a sellin it jusftlik s you said the little fellow smith poured ut the beer carried the drunken boy ho ne and then took his qwn- boya and put th m to bed when his wife came back she found him crying like a child he cari ie k down town that niglrfandboldcutfiis susineas and says he will never so 1 qt drink another clropof liqupr toidtaino about it ayd she broke downcrying while she told it those successc s are more glorious which bring benefits o the world than such ruinous ones as i re dyed in human blood he who decide 3 in ny case without hear ing the other sid sof ithe question though he may determir ejustly is not thferefo just he couijd eun errands mamma- stid a little fiveyearold boy i wish jesus lived on earth now ilwhy my dai ling because is lould like so much to do something for h m but what co dd such a little bit of a fellow as yon arc do for the saviour tho child hesitated fora few momente then looked up ii to lus mothers face and said i why manm a 1 could run on all his errands for him i so you coulc my child and so you shall here is a glass of jelly and some oranges 1 was go ng to send to poor old sick margaret bj the servant but xwiluet you take them it stead and do an errand for the saviour ior when upon earth he said inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of one of these j e did it unto me so remember ohildren whenever you do a kind aot for my body because you love jesus it is just t he same as if the saviour were now living in the earth and you were doing it for him adaias birthday there is a que stibu which 1 fear it will be diffioolt for y iu to answer naverthe- less i will ask it aud if you do not fjnd the lauthority on wh ich to base ai answer i shall exouse you when was adam born according to s ct of the english parlia ment passed toi istablish theoate of adams birtb he was born oct 28 14004 bc it is not knqwn th it any portion of his family eclebratea tlio cuy- t h t- this is a true not smith fsrbi av-omwj- story but the name was b wkemdw ibeiug complel ty brokebilowa in- health 1 was induced rt that valdable remeay surdwkbjtmlite mo feel like am rw man restoring me com pletely to healtl i geo v potor nfpa- nee ont m i 1 hi i maja3 t-