Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1886, p. 2

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tfitijfb 4 li tl 1 1 oiwwy of fattobv- your vote and influence ate respectfully golicitod for brbtjcfc as yimir repmcntative for tho peot1ncul legislature u elected ho will faithfully guard your interests by supporting oxiv good efficient mid economical goterriment i thbrsdat morsuodnciimbi 23 1830 ickrhy christmas ou saturday morning christmas will have arrived braiu tho free press wishes its many readers a ilerry merry christmas this is tho salutation of the day the world aroundand we lvpe all to whom it may be addressed will realise the pleasant conditions implied in tho saluta tion to be merry irapliei the capacity to get away for a little from the werry the apprehension the chagrin and the troubles that make up the greater part of life for j ttttfii grown on thi continent 5 v j cattle and oheeeo are etbownflujrijji j expcwlong out of tip british jnafrkja i tuft befigg tatteh ti fljpiii iwribwcrot the american press will ft l prowbly attompt to ueloh ub by taking rtj j canadians why tley came to this coaulry 1 if their native land is what they depicit kvery month thousands of new england- or ooiviewwt to grow lip with the country yk no westerner will assert i that iil theoradlb cukwsox at orowsous 20th december crowaon at a wife i vmliaht itmclavohiaat w fe j mors ou tl wt rjtefy ll sofkhjmclavohiaat tft osidotjoe f the brides parents on the 81 it december by llov f bwauu mr joso ih soper a aoton to ilonin klieabotbrtieondaaagh- tor of mr ugli siolauliliu o ore v sons corners the perhaps- the greater number may people be light hearted aud free in the presence of this delightful festival per haps it is the greatest day of tho year if we consider tho number and dispersion of those who celebrate it and the common haroauity involved isi what is celebrated christmas is a festival of such extended human brotlierbood that it assimilates the world to a family taking in whole nation alities and races- of men as tho various members of it and is none the less effective iu this way for the fact that it is as old as christianity itself as a festival of hope in what is to come we trust that theiresent aeasouwill not only be one of festivity but also ono of true and heartfelt gratitude to almighty god uk all the farreaching blessings which are embraced in the advent of jews christ to this world y the cradleof yankeedom is not worth living in for years canadians practi cally had no western outlet for their youth and houot tlo western states reoeivod a law iufuujujj canadian blood greatly we venture to assert to tho advantago of that section iof the republic wo might say to americans iu reply to such ques tions canadians como to tho united states- to become the most faithful and honest of clerks to baild your railways and great tunnels to manage and super m tend your lines of transportation to ays tematize your lumber business to operate your mines to add inventive genius to the ranks of your inventors to publish your books the largest publishing house in the united states is the property of a canadian to captain your fishing fleets to build and operate boats iu your rivers and harbors to act as foremen aud superintendents in your hives of industry to preach in your leading pulpita in short to stand side by bide with the best ameri cans in tho labors of the day the insult ing remarks of the daily acdkgo home to 40000 people living in jhicago the canadian abroad is still ia canadian and yet he makes a citizen in the best sense of j tho term we do not except any class in our assertion that the canadian colony iu the united states is morally the equal of the best element of the native population the books of our churches the membership rolls of our temperance and religious asso ciations such ea the y mrc a show clearly the high standiugof our compatriots i cutoiult lnoiuuon thomui dooeifi- borj at t heresidence of the brides father by iltev george plowmauj of bever y mr joseph w cornell to miss harriet augusta daughter of tho late win langriu esq fckuatohball wmutks bksbey fi on wednesday aand december at the rosidonoe of tho brides father by rev a t bowcrby assisted by rov alex warron tr robt jlx warren oditor and proprietor george- town vrrow to minnie daughter of j j a ar call at iiq and ijiimlsfljtllit itjt6jf0 fancy drtisi gtools ov all uakub mattlll th avi iutdks manlingsottoman oords melto is b s tkssey etq of qeorgetown thlldravil tituj ih markham township on tho lth december mary ann beloved wife of mr jiune traiv fttfeiv 71 yearn and jl months j j deceased was ia devoted christlai find leaves a large futility i new advertisements 8teeu s 1r vv clikavku tu tbo urtjnibom uf luu bubbcrilnt o ii0t 18 con 3 en8lnn oil or about tiio unit kit ootouor a roil after rising two years ow thoownarvllliho rovo property pay ex- immih and take it kwav j altkxslhowt ksmiiniii- lo otli 1w civery cheap an wmenbb btook ol mkns womkn and cii1ldhkn linliuijlvvhak mknfe top sh5tt8 and cardioan jac at iowehtlh10rs tapestry i brussels axminster wi liwk kisi a link 1f suciias wlutk illev navv lilub anli red flajjeubj canton ftannel8 winceys cottons corfonaueh ciietophs t weinjj yabns gloveh hosirry ac as r as any othklt hi 0kl perfect kitting suits and ovkrcoats made to ordkk at ill ices to hlit is aitookrlkh ouit stock complete an1 jest ttf iyik plrb milk for all card of thanks iuie undkksiosed ilosi jl hearty thanvsjto his m i his for comuiuiicod in li rim to uxpitis iuy oiistouicrft for uielr liboru putrionio niuw li tho milk business iljclugliowjih a liettcr ohi hon than ever to oupplv tho wautb of tlio liubllc their continued suttori is nsiioctf ully soliiiitid milk lmre nnil repifarlv delivered i i j wm irnnfy 1 tuy ouu fifty c farm produce taken in exchange john ortrnirji in this country we are neither office t ml u lllllie tors i seekers nor office stealers bat citizens f ruva i a ooohtrj- as democratic as open to the beneficial induoucea of the age tts the republic founded by washington behave ourselves hut because we do not band ourselves for a raid on the offices we i am of no acconnt fnericaii9 dailv i u which i will tniilniu pu liouiiuatiou jay 1 anj qi no account amenvans uauy j incsiiaidiituforttviuiuitlpaltonho laih j vl is vnrvgestiemkn 1u rioi new yciir actou dec kaltiilully von n nili lfv hkniwhson- notes and comments there is a great deal of comment respect- ing the enlargement of the valise and trunk factory and the value of thebusiness to the place many expressions- favorable to the granting of the proposed loan are beard tbe matter will no doubt come np for consideration at a public meeting after the holidays i in another column mr d heiiderson who has been a member of the municipal council for the past ten years announces that he will not be a cmmlidte at the fortucomiiig elections he will give his reas for this at the nomination mr henderson has during his lengthy term of office been a faithful and hardworking member and when not elected by acclamation has almost invari ably been elected at the head of the poll yerfly it beenib as though the town wa have to go abetging for councillors for nextyear for it seems that very few are anxious for municipal honors ainattempt has been made to orgauizo a liberal temperance union in acton it is to be ran on the sarue principle as the georgetown one ilea in their abbencer and without their knowledge or consent are appointed officers in the union and having ncdesire whatever to be inxonuect- ioa with it they decline acting and this caused disunion in the union a man of the presumed intelligence of mr j gordon mowat ltu organizer ought to be heartily ashamed of himself in fact he ought to be severely dealt with for making so audacious and tyrannical an attempt to interfere with tho liberty of respect able citizens herald canada s position express regret that certain nationalities 1 for thociisuiut year 1 us to thank thuulietor i iu ioi flnit f i a forithcwmpfcfliuerul bupport in the- vf at n this country fight for privileges and n n verv chriftiijs aui iroiarotis concessions on race grounds canadians do not do that sort of thing yet their ex- j hibition of true citizenship receives no commendatiou and their native land is i reviled whenever tho scribblers of the press are vouchsafed an opportunity to turn n j the stream of vituperation canada will however go on aud pros per in spite of the gibes snarls and ill- natured commrmtb of chicago newspapers and ahtibritibh newspapers generally uncle sanvas is confidently asserted will never forcibly take canada iu out of the cold tbei american braggart was taken care of in 1812 if occasion demands that highly successful fail ore can with canadas assistance be repcatedcvafajilmrt cat chicago haltoe nominations r c3ooxi3 ivtht tbade t wbhtartmday k tlniofl r hemp f y string and ooboa buws and ivlats prices ekf raoitoinary o- evehyuouy wk as kifukday deuejiber 4m and wiij run for 0lays ollfci great oaupkt sale regarding this a aie we would imply say d6n neglect this pppoiitlrnityufseofiitnoanal carpet at little cost hjnote the roflovlnij phicjb l 200 yiirds brussels crp475c former pm 12 r i if iuif 8 not hli 1 nu1shs01 loo m v 301 17 wo bavo tapertry aomt c0c roc 85e santa xmah yards of tapestry carpet 75c worth 00 j jooo ftp 50c 26 eeftta grand value so ent bnisselfl ontfail to eec thk fin nelson m i iryan beffkinshaw co ikt-st- watches jewelry cuelph repairing always satisfactory jl i w e 1k o i 0- wht ontario n iiai nils i ii ii speatjjclibsi trv the viaiikfv we o far1is vitei lsk wantuu vok thk nkxi isskb x olpur caimlian trnnu advnrtiscr which is to be circulated ftiuontt lutuujing pmelmwrs f forms ttirsuchcrat canada the united states euroiic andoaneii countria avo havo iu our office at ouelpli tliousanns of letters from appli cants for farms from all iwrts of cuada all parts of the united statev eurojie south africa aut jamaica all the letters- are from pattieh ffh0i have scu onr oilyertiv- raents those wajitinf to sell are iu vitod ticoino to our office inciuejph aud oc tho letters for themseltps worv helling liioro farms than any other tlrw in llauailu and irq defy contra diction to this btatjiuient if you want to srh i your naxnaa send as your nainaaud addrc write to if on address ks aud then we wiu nocbargemiltwasaleisettected john j daley co quelpn out 72000 copies i er week sworn circulation daily aud sesf family neiuspapbr in canada ktaili5iij 42 vits x wcelilv free tress at the court house milton cm tuesday i sheriff clements acting returning officer presiding the following candidates for the j pcrutanriil enlarxemekl ontario legnjattire were nominated- l a loiprotemci1 major rkassnominated bv dhender- t i yp son acton seconded by dr freeman j king ofjweejklies milton r tuk dk bcck nominated by r g baxter burlington county warden seconded by liobt harper korval speeches were make by the caiiqiflajfs and by messri laidlaw and white after free lr ess i l tht agricultural department huyicahauire of tho frto 1ress linji wab up to important notice r is- nelson the clothier j- j is now show in u most ooiupluteatisovtiueiit j of new aud choice feu iti rigs tro wseri ngs 4j and overcoatings j i in nil tue newest designs mid iu the most t- legniit patterns liotli in f roroign and domestic ilaaufacturo hoeslubbeh ppcpc to svalses flln v are tht lest iihm or tjcild b balvage ol 9 aent for cuelph leadihg w w l arek x9 bootshoe storl s guelph 1 easons thcbsdai progri thursday l bristnaal cbrishna 1 christmas 11 monday 2tf monday gjtj tuesday 28l wednesdsjj wednesday friday 31st i saturday if monday r crl provided cserstttais is oojiistg- aud with it a large assortment of new goods ofevery ftascviptio noveltua of iill kinds fancy aud silk handkerchiefs fancy wool goods call early tmd secuic satisfaction assured anod choice i ney lines 1n- which the meeting was adjoarned elected by acclamation jyyjigif drc 21 col clarke speaker was reelected for east weuington today bvacolamatiou for the ontario assembly certain newspapers in chrcagpcaaneyer refer to canada without sneering at her position her institutions and her people a day or two ago tho chicago daily newt alluded to the dominion as that obscure plot of ground that half frozen strip of land ou the north and of the american continent that suburb of the united btiies and that no mans land what marvellous ignorance finds a place in the sanctums of our chicago contem poraries these flings at the prosperous country tdthe north are probably the work of a man who hasnever stood on canadian ibil no mans land is it we can tell this flippant scribbler that canaavis the home of a race of people as hardy as pro gressive as godfearing as any on earth pjt is a land that can fairly boast of having tl public school system inferior to that of r no other country it is a land that pds- i seeses artificial waterways constructed at j a cost of 40000000 which challenge- the admiration of every engineer who examines them it is a land that claims to have the largest single line of railway in the world the only real transcontinental j road iu america that no mans land has a municipal system of government as i much ahead of that of the united states as the american municipal plan is in ad- vance of that of mexico that 5 half frozei strip ofjand is the fourth mari time power in the worid and tho head- qnarters of the second largest steamship company in exisienee that obsiure plot of gronnd is larger ttian the tjaited i states and tlireefirorth3 of it is fertile lan4cajof bappotting at leas three hundred inillions of ibnlb the five i niillion people of that y uo mans lajjd juhi on earth abft t archin and ito fiendish aceom- j conooniitante ata nnlmown ftinfrf land pro jey afjftjf aad a bear in the book market people generally liave supposed that 77i litrary jrtrnlulion brought the prices of books down to the very bottom the sup position was a mistake alden has recently made a reduction all along tlic lineta reduction so great as to be a startling sur prise to bookbuyers and an amazement to book publishers he says contiuued re duction in cost of manufacture aud a continually widening market warrant it ho saysstill lower prices are possible if purchasers can be sufficiently multiplied it would seem as if lie wore bound to make a customer of everyijone whocan readl j tennysons enoch arden for 2 cents i guizotstrauco 127 fine illustrations rc i dnccd from imoo to w50 and so on 1 adinfiniiam a novel scherhq which he has recently put forward to tempt booklovers j is a v provident book club which secures each member a s600 library for install ments of 50 cents a month or a large library for proportionate payments his new 64- page alphabetical catalogue is a very wonder in its literary attractions it and particulars of that club are sent free to any applicant address jons b aldkn publisher newyork or chicago thu tltuoji dud conducted by liorsous practically ohillcd in farm work bj telcrupb telephouo mail audi correspondence up to tho hour zz f publicatiou j special market department z j agricultural department j cd 32k sermon by r talmase s h capital btory always runnlnrr z j ingenious pnaste column co z humorous reading 00 j 1nictical illustration of jiuii and tliiiijjs uppcar from time to time tost the thing fob the family vtlf cj d t t cj t at t f d j kvory nifuilier of tho houscbojil cugorly alu x u x iilj u ei 1 1 k5 lools for it each wk large 1 papek in clubs of four and upxvanla 7v each aen- alioou in pjttwums gives awav to ailio most jibiral induceuients ever o canada to parties jottiug upclubsforthojweek- iy free press send for ncopy of our prduiiuiu list aud bee ulu iuducciiieuts we ore offering sample coptet froc 01 application address fkek 1hksh ilustino co i jjonuokasada jlom cold medicated specialty k- pants j the clothier 99 wy ndh am st guelp a g en t 8 f u r n i s h in g s r and ladies gents fujrs ieafs in another part of this issue we present a large advertisement headed tho giant of medicines it goes without saying that h h warner co have educated the people of this country to the belief which is rational aud well founded that a vabt majority of human diseases originate in improper action of the kidneys and liver that improper action allowing the blood to become filled with uric andlithio acids or kidney and liver waste which iutlarae and irritate all the organs and thereby produce bo many difiereut dibcaies heaoe a reme- dy that will correct the false action of the kidneys and liver and neutralize the acids of the system very naturally cures all the diseases caused by this excess of- acid in the blood at this holiday season no present woiild be move acceptable to any suffering friend than a case of a down bottles of the wonderfully effective warners safe pure the proprietors do not ask yon to believe what they say jtmt frankly tell yon to write tobose whose tesunwnials are published and tomk your friendi aud neigfaboni wjurfc eytbisk dfjtbis gwt remedy tijis ovshorr grefit i tr oordenco in he favembf the public on which tnejr reoitoo beccqmrot vbtf morttttof vbiafiffifffysiti nwhih6t0nhdlcps0 emlucct lhrout aild ijung surgoon will wxt visit aotoh itdbmmipn hotel mond ayv 17th january 1887 disease asthma at d oonsuinption also 1s6f vifh bore ibro it jenlargid toosilrt polypus of the soto reiwefl v com baiujyv coustwatio- fbki calaeil h ojf maszyeaw syanblko cuitlju dr n wa ihlugtou- throat and itiug surgeon toroflo dear 811 l am pleased to express wy outive jjatisfactk u at the remits of your new method of jpb wbich has ourexv itio of a very troublesbi db lorm pi catnrrli iu fact all the nsaal ram edfes faued tbgiveii iuiy rjhof but your trea ujent frouj tho first gvdnjif gfbai eujw and in ft f w months entirely oured roe o a inptt apnoylbg diteass i can oonostly rocouniioiid aji vwj my bo safferlug as iwa to your skill 01 every quality cheap so k new stock of ladies kid gloves pia tliis to your memory j v paste it la yoar bat eecp it in your mini totalis it oajtao wall c orrpeight has uowiu stook somoof the tastiest an most attractive goods for tho christmai trade in plush frames gilt oxide era- j bossed and rustic picture frame5 and mats oil paintings ewels i ottomant j minora itc that has everhoeu khown herel frames of any kiud plain or fjauriy pheap or expensive promptly made to order call und see ccbplilght maiitle giotlis oirercoaits ik profusion at pim1 to suit thk times weafjngi 8mb t mrrchbll desires to infdrm the people of acton aud burroqndings that he ia p orders for weaving all kjudb pf jaucy ra carpetsv flannel sheeting hhirtirig und dress goods striped or plaid twill or plait also bed blankets and horse blattkets twj i yards wide and over and will guarantee that i wiligivegool satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their patronage tmitchell took 6f dres gciops of ovuy vuriefiy in town with triimuiugs to mitcli j our millinery department is complete in bve ry respect vnil more mom y lll at anything else n ww this world capital not needed you a o started froo both soxes ull ages anyouocm do tho work iiarfte earnings sure from flret start costly outfit and terms free butter ubt delay costs you notbluy to soud ub your address and fud out if you are wlsoyou willdp so lit once h haijayy co po maiuo j llnlirvf cut this out and rettiru mintt u8 sand you free lltulll i somethlugot rreutvahieaudiuipott- anco to you that will start you in business which wulbrlngyou in moro nionoy right dway than anything else in this world any ono candotbe iv9v thjsladne of uip gepulne injiiortttutchaiices of a lifetime xhoso who are ajnbltfqus and eutor- nrislnb will not detey grand outfit freo ad- drcss taue co augusta bfaipe oo- and thk lakok3t- aw ew o- flaiffpls thatrcannpt be beaten for qualil i and price ti clods are arriving and our large stock inuilt be clearei out before the middle ot january tlie public will that there are snaps to be had at the ilasaow hoxje j i obtained in no other house in the- vieiiiti 0 -oo- i i tention r r weave uow pre- earodtoforolsbau classes with employment at omo the whole at the tlmo or for their spare per- lomo the whole fit time busujess new light aud profitable sons ololthoirboxie4tly eum itroiii bo iiita to glrjs earntioy ftma6hwith4tulwho leirt weftaddkosslimttasi- hlsotfer nwoutiirtb6twell sanartflt see this fi s laie every iiiie being full pociwlttoutiou is yegted to oqr yalos iu meua and bos lipi g jiobts if -iqi- a ohoioa btoolc of aaoqsbxsb en aaaa at bottom 1 lowing n ipecial uae of 88o was taat are j hiuu ttisi thegodi he keeps j a snow wouji h tersami an made da- makes at 4rhei in the refutation i itfeaj being to pii i fat man i it is rid gift that m and good i dot litl dings wiuilj the week tbl been fined selling liqu orangj gusou 20l byhisdaii s ktj drayton j purchased dewar miss- has i tr at hid report of tl 3iessr put in afii roller mill power wh renev are cominf for its hoi ter and wd ifldney h the with each i most attrq far the u laps in ad j tefianconl erecting oj county doubt foil happj pectaney i xhricewe ijonng t iauclgla editpria ranee an hasuowi pearancej among lo

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