Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1887, p. 2

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9iaufigciie9tmmskm b3 sv vujk i as 1 jttlmt fm ijrisjs tatnwiut mormso 3vav 6168 ths loah mbtctioh thtuubti to the municipal council uktajt that a bylaw be patted for the purpose ot granting a loan to the firm ot tee mtjniolpal eleo liowtiwrwfttdlnottrowiitiouniy l- si ha manufacturers is boiuc circulated among hi olecton nd mm plowed to learn is being met with general favor this is encouraging aud displays a determin- atiou on the part of our citiaena to advance the interest of ifce town by taking a practi cal step to retain existing taanufaotitftmin the municipality audto euoourage thorn to increase tsijr labor amploymf require- meuta hulioped uiatu rtod healthy majority of the umnu of electors compe tent to vote upon the proposed by law will bo secured on tho petition so that the council may be folly satisfied that the bylaw will ho successfully passed before the introduce tt for first roadinr in regular settion acton b6ljoil ad ptjbllo school board moore v jicgarviu valiae ui travelling day ltlh inst with mt joseph fj thouewi which is still wil meet lor organisation on moiv bhair m reeve supported by cameronr ldwry and wm e councillors asisoon as convenient after organization the new council will some eligible oitiien to till the fourthooun oillora chair the board ot trustees of acton pa school will meet next monday to for the year they will at the sarao time arrange far a meeting for the elcciionof a person to fill the vacancy caused b the declinature of mr d henderson one of tho members elected by acclamation at the recent school election the iwardebshif ftsihrv this oountry it has bean mid that would take five year to getjrjpfteefc of one year ot jnxnlnrupptmi you have got it now ij h wllhiako twfejty years to awing back wo the jm ruta jd if toroiito don notfep upw good nlfna it will be because she will have sadly de teriorated from the high position she now holds cheers thisisneltherabeforra nor a conservative viotory neither a pro- teswmt noracatholiovlotorybutavictory for temperance and right now friends god bless you all and may everyone of you nint-i- popfon and happy and blessed n new year good night 1 i the mtjnioipai council r the business transacted by our village fathers lst tuesday bvehlng feinthe john 8mith organise already there are several candidates in the field seeking the honor of wainiing the wardens cpairdnrink the year in look ing over tho peritonei of the new county council itseems to na that the most deserv ing momberfor theposition this year is mr ninian lindsay thejbeeve of esques- ing mr lindsay is an upright and honor able man and is just as loyal to his prin ciples and promises in council matters as in private lffe he has faithfully perform ed the dutiosof his office both as regards township and county affairs and enjoys the confidence and esteem ot all the elec tors for a number of years he has quietly aj boards and batif factorily occupied a seat in the county council his unassuming disposi tion will naturally restrain him from im posing himself upon the council for tbej own pohing subdivision it seems to na office above named but in oar opinion be esquesina election the election in this township oii monday was the most keenly contested that the township has su for many a day r coming u it did in the immediate wake of tho generalprovincial elections politics were broughtmore largely into play than has been usual on former occasions and the success nf the conservative party iu elect ing thur candidate iu this county gave thorn vim to- work for similar success in ths election on monday they elected drv webster richard giaham and john camp- bell while the reformers weroonly success- ful in the election of ouo candidate johu evaus mr john warren who has for many years been a member of tho towru ship aud county councils was one of the defeated candidates mr warren has- a very largo circle of friends and supporters who regret his deteat and the fact of bis enforced vacatidn of a scat at tin council we have every reason to believe ts to uonlrculated amongst tiitoudlnrimrcliiuor of farms tlirohklidntonjians the united outcs litirouo cmd otbor mniritf w have iu our office nt iiidll tlimtiamls of iwttersfroui appll onuls for fmiiih from all parti of canada all imrth of the united tttatos kurqpo south i africa mill jamalan all thu letters are council met on tnosday avcuingi tteove iu tho chair and couneillora llmi- derson eyfe dud cameron present the thirteenth report of tlio committee on finiuco was presonuid recommending payment ot accounts n follows thos c moore widening main st 8 00 thos eastou feeding tramps c 4 oil h p moore olwiioii posters 2 35 that the defeat was based upon political issues in the main aidetjrby the very strong cenerai support given his opponent ut his is just the man who should occupy the position this year and we feel satisfied that the good sonse of th members of the county council will indace them to tender him the office without much opposition the d01ch1qn elections v iiavts of the united mates kuroj frlca anil jamalon all thu 1 from imrties who hare suu our oilvertlst meats tliusunautlurtosall are invited tooonic toouronvoluuuolpk anid huo tho otter for thunnblvob wo mil fllllug moro farms than auyothirnriiiiicauiulaiindwu ilofy contra diction totlils btatomout if you want to sjhii send us your uiiimranil address uild tbon wo will write to you no ohoruotiulehs asaloleofldoted addrem john j dalet 00auelph0nt agriculturist that the effect of introddoidr politics into municipal aff ails is in this election clearly demonstrated and while incidentally brought in to p ay its part for years the issue has at last growjn so strong that the election was fought out almosv entirely upon party line the following table shows the total votes of the several candidates throughout the township the next excitement will be over the dominion election or rather the prepar ations therefor all reports to the contrary notwithstanding it has not yet been decid ed to hold another session at ottawa before sppeahng to the country there is a feel ing among many conservative leaders that the music might as well he faced xdq as late be the tune what it may fhe iforu would not be surprised to hearisoraething drop at ottawa within the next week let it drop world at essex kbj on tuesday hon mr foster informed some friends that parlia ment would be dissolved and the general election bronht on immediately other signs point in the same direction sir hector langevina statement- in montreal the ame evening that a cabinet council was to be held at once to fix a date for the general election simply confirms rumors that have been current 1st j2xd councillors vbt ibbp polling subduisionk jl l nol ligny 76 koskorral i- 44 no 3 stewart town 71 ko 4 dublin 94 no 5 seventh iiihe- so g ulenwilliami- totals 434 54 44 iai4i 87 8075 38 34 78 hji 84 w 62 57 ioj 06 54 5344911404 iii 1 42 71 138j 53 701 60 36 00 9749 us 26 49il310l357 60103 the connciljfor the present year wiltbe composed of fn lindsay keeye by ac- elamaiion dr webster first depnty- reeve richard graham second deputy reeve john campbell and john evaus councillors j note3 amd comments i much anxiety if caused hy the qaeeus health which is very far from being rohubt the traffic on the new york elevated rail way has in seven years iucreased three fold and is now halt a million passengers a day at windaorast friday henry thomp- bon was fined 9ia0 and costs and sentenced to three months imprisonment for the illicit manufacture of whiskey in essex centre i seventeen of tho new city council for toronto were elected as temperance men and twentytwo out of thirtysix were elected as supporters of mayor howland and his administration inlfte provincial parliament jast elected thenf are among the liberals at least tbirt members and the conservatives ten or twelve whose jtavotion to the cause of temperance cannot be questioned in speaking of the recent provincial elections the buffalo new saya it is gratifying to record the fact that the people of ontario have administered jast such rebuke to those who appeal to religious prejudices as would iiave been looked for under like circumstances in this country an important victory for temperance reform was gained in parkdale op monday by the adoption of bylaws hy large majori ties reducing the number of hotel and shop licenses to two of each kind and in creasing the license fee from 5200 to 1400 and at the same time by the election of a temperance council soup kitchens in birmington have re doced the price of a childs meal consisting of threequarters of a pint of soup and two blices of bread one of which is spread with jam to one half penny the soup kitchens expect to reduce the price of their meals btill further to one farthing this is a great triamph of economy itrliii speech on monday evening in re- ferrmg to the assistance rendered by the newspapers in his election contest mayor howluiabaiiwftnt tt say what a rtorio3 thing it is that we ahonld have had tlese four grand newspapers the mail end tho qioti and the newi and the ttlu gram figh side by aide they dropped h party and prejudice and feelingand wnrkedpi one result the good of the people god bless the press that work like that what good they will do evlery wjiewi i tehyoji tliey have- done a good jitingft tfaiafigt m working together and we wfuseeljjem o every question elections elsewhere bcblrsotoxireeve dr richardsouri councillors wi g nelles geo allen l lowet atkiisou geokobokn reeve w mclepd coun cillors jos barber jr dr todd a d thompson thomas clark miltos mayor 8 hannant reeve j h mccollomjcouncillors j hunter j p roper john johnson r stuart i andrews g a hemstreet m conway j lindsay d mckay nissagawkyj reeve jas meazies dep- reeve d wheehhan councillors peter savers j korritm john marshall gcetph mayorltcol mcdonald bbamptos mayor thomas miluer ebk towssitip john w burt reeve james kirkwood 1st deputy reeve geo robinson 2nd deputyreeve peter mc- gill and thomas tolton councillors ebajiosa reeve john mntrie deputy beeve josephjiletcher councillors john black james motjueen robert hamilton toronto election nearly as duch interest was centred in the mayorality election in toronto on monday as in the recent general elections add the result that evening was looked for with almost ak great anxiety the whole country seems pleased at the news that mayor howland has been reelected over the strongest man his opponents could bring in by the decisive uiayorallty of 2277- mayor bowlond ia mayor howland still and the people of toronto have dared to place their city upon a moral level higher than that of any other city of its size- on the continent it was an overwhelming monumental triumph an emphatic un mistakable expression iu favor of mor ality temperance and honesticivic govern- iient f i when the complete returns had been ascertained and mayor howland entered sbaftsbury hall where thousands of elec tors had gathered to greet him the vast andienco roej laud as- with one voice sang praibe god j from whom all blessings flow and reverently and feelingly the wellknown old doxology was sung by thousands of voices in commencing his speech mayor how land said ladies and gentlemen and friends my speech lias been largely made for mo by thai wonderful spontaneous out- burat of thankfulness i thank god that the honest m n and women of this city have looked the issue squarely in the face and shown to every city on the continent that the evil element in toronto cannot codtrolit mm lmcipal matters applause in my nomination spewh i dw the line on wliich the attle was to be fought aud on that line the coutest was carried on the victory ve havowon oday is worth more to our cl tildren than any other legacy we could leavi thorn i do not feel at all proud if or my self for i have always hev lieved that me i were nothing i comparison with principle 5 1 rather feel humbly see 4ng as i do the prinpiplps i represent towerjug ahov i me and recognjzipg thf y have bee i asserted h such i jf to bawjtr ewtrawiilf tfta tr mm llepovt adopted moved- 1 by joseph fyfe seconded by john cameron that tho- treasurer bo in structed to issue hischeque to nelson mc- garvin for the sum of eightythree dollars and ninetyono cents being balance on hand in cash derived from sale of cemetery lots in now survey as per hgreemeut bo- tweeu this corporation and said nelson mcgarvin carried moved by johu caincroi socpuded by joseph fyfe that the treasurer pay wm hemstreet tho sum of two dollars being twothirds value of a lanib killed by dos ownersunknown carried upoiu motion the council adjourned to meet on tuesday evening iitu iust a popular weekly the detroit yoininereiafjiiftyrfiwr is one of tho tew old established weeklies that is constantly iiudinr to tho vsluo of its col umns taken in connoctioii with our own paper our readers would fiud about overy possible requirement in the way of current reading a brief summary of the contents of a detroit lohimtmamtfffrftstr show3 the following attractions the first page has a column or so of firstclass poetry and about six columns of wellselected reading matter mostly of a iinmorous oliatactcr pago two is the- story page page three is a most interesting department of the piper tho sitting room where at the round table are found letters and con tributed articles from all wjio desire to ex press their ideas in print it is really tho subscribers own page pages fonrnnd fivo are the editorial and news pages and give everything of interest iu the worlds doings for the week while the editorial columns show a fair and independent treatment of subjects page six is the young peoples j pafee and is quite as interesting to oldas to ycjunjt readers page seven pi ves the tteeks market quotations and mast he invaluable to the farmer producer merchant and busi ness man generally page eight is the farmers page and gives a vast deal of prac tical information on agriculture poultry etc wellselected or original poetry ap pears on the second third sixth and eighth pages as well as the first and lovers of verse will find all they desire in each works issue of tho detrjit conmercialadmrther which by the way was established iii 1861 the publishers offer a special inducement for suliscribers in their twentyfourth annu al premiums january uth consisting of 940000 among 100000 subscribers and also offer other privileges to subscribers all of which can bo learned by sonding for a free sample copy addresjs cuiiimerrial-atlrer- tltkr detroit mich money to be made it is said that dull times are not known by tbeagents for the great publishiuc house of george stinson 4 co of portland maine the reason of this exceptional success is found iu the fact that they al ways give the public that which is keenly appreciated and at prices that all can af ford at preseut we understand their agents are doing wonderfully well on sever al new lines they need many more agents in all parts of the country those who need profitable work should apply at once women do hs well as men ex perience is not necessary for messrs stin- son co undertake to show all who are willing to work not hard but earnestly the path to largo success it should be remembered that an agent can do a hand some business without being away from home over night aiiotbir advantageit costs nothing to give tho business a trial and an agent can devote all his time or only his spare moments to it btlnson coguarantee grand success to all who en gage and follow simple and plain directions that they give we have not space to ex plain all here but full particulars will be sent free to those who address the firm their full address is given above if chicago newspapers now delightin ab using the dominionthere was a time when their abuse was not sent in thatdirection and that was tho hour of chicagos sorrow when she lay crippled by a great fire hun gry suffering and almost rained how quickly the dominion sprang to her relief old residents well known among the list of good samaritans who gave freely to as tare the sufferings of chicago in those- days of woe canada stood second one of her cities subscribing a sura that represented a dollar for every one of its inhabitants when a neighboring state that js one of chicagos best customers was devasted by forest fires the appeal for help found about the readiest response in canada in ten iayaithatji clothing etc in such enormous iianhties that the chairman of the relief committee atpjorhttronfcle friends to cease sendins contributions liganderi hsl liot askel their tliouuhtj si neiglihots to empty their wareiibuseaj for thefcnelit of tbe suffererri 611 both of these occasions chicaen joiirr american 100 columns aud 100 fititftivlngiin each turns 4blhyear v 1150 ft tear heud three scont stamiis for samplo cohy enlln or iqrtunnaiid ireuilain list of the a1 wtili il h turc unrllmcnt ofneur obods orfivery d8ciiptioii nplvjltuipfiihlciifab 3autaiid st 1 k hanpl keircbiefe j v i faivcy wool 0pode flflfiw uk in gents fprnishingf and olukst annbkbj aonniltonallhiuomcmin thk wpatn address lublisheus aflehlcvk aghicultukiht i da vio w judp president 151 lronuwnyiewliori james stirton lps dkntlst tovbiib block opposite poat office guelph vitalized air ladies ft rents i of every quality clieiip also 14 new btocibf ladies kid glpvest o- mantle clotlis overcoats li pkofusrokjit pricks touuit the times pai pjl ess extraction of teat h artjucial tectli cusrauteed perfect in apifcar- 1 nnee fit arid use kae gold work it specialty 1 all operations strictly nrrt class appoiritiiiuiils made by letter so cjknts v 3 grip office toronto sn jiktkivi thr i christmas and eleotio nob oforip u tlic paper tiriii to 1st hvllhnt or send 1 anil reeeivo the christmah aud eiikcxion kos and tho iapcr to july 1st 18w iucludiug choke of the two premium plates lending conservativciricttdidbrcfonnits adthcsf theqrip printing and publishing co jo and kront street west toronto 72000 copies per week sworn circulation dntlraud weekly freo lret beat family newtpa in canada fstahlfsfrpykakh as new goodti nre arrivin oo- flannels that cannot be beaten for quality and price and the laluikst st0ok or drttss go0ds 0fvery vuriety iu towii avith triiiniiiiijjtj to matoji our millinery department is complete in every respect mcaeions chreagn jpiirnalistti spoke kindly to fliir neuihorsi we iaf ift fair treatment puciiitseahle permnnrnl knlnrermrhl i vit improrrmrnl j f page weekly king ofweeklie8 free press london tlic aehcultunil department ifi uolet featuru of the free prosk btlnp always up to the times and conducted by persons practically skilled la farm work bytclcrrarh tterhone mail and correspondence up to the hour d 1 of publication m 2 ji special uarketdepaitmcnt hj agricultural department ijn fc sermon by dr talmnge js 1 p cap tal story always kunnlngir 2 ingenious pnzale column humorous ftcading j 5 t nid our large stock must be clenrel oiij before tbo iniddh of january tbe puhlic will realize tifiti ffe snaps to be had at the 0lasg0w house obtained in nh other house in the vieinitv lrcticnl illustrations jif men anil tblugs appear from timcio time jtjst the thing forth pmily every uiemher of the household eagerly looks for it each week- l la iuxe it p apelt iii clubb of four auci upwurds7 each i 512000 in l to aoents the most libtilhidiiceinciitsever offered in caiimla to partkuottiiig upclubfcfertuovch- y free prens soird foriicopy of our iroiiiliun list and bee the inducement we are offering sam pi o copies free on application addreet fltekluess plistino co ijoxdo cakapa money to lie mado cut tliihoutaud return to w und wu will nend yon free soiuclhiui ot rioat value hud import ance to you that will shirt you in business which will briuc you iu niiireiuooy right away than anything else in this world any one can do the work and livo at- home either gex- aliases something now that just colon money f ar all workers wo will start you capital not nifculod tliia is ouo of the fiemjine imikirtuut chances of a llfotinio 1hose v bo are ambitious and enter- jrisiu will not dolay grand outfit freej ad- irchstitrki co atiusta maine otjrjboot anb shoe slkck l iho very large every line benig folk ispecin is greeted to our valuies iu mens and boys long jtott ehoicii fitcck of qe00s itoviaar abw eemomber -ci- jbies on haixd i hottcm priced low a ipeelal line tf 2c teas that are houni tho famous 60otm- t t weaving mr t mitchkli pestres to inform the people of actonlland surrotfildings tlmt he is prepared tolake orders for weaving all kinds of fihioyieiig carpets flannel slieetins shirting fundi dress goods striped oiphtid twillor plain also bed blankets and horse blahkete two yards wide uiid over and i will guarantee that i willgivegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their patronage 7 mitchell t christmas brennan suitisj has pleasure in announcing that his oring shop in creechs fruit stqre is nowofon and in full riinninj order and in a position to fill all ordors fine worsted suitit bold lsewderb at 25 wanted i- permanent positions waihtiteed with salary anfl exponbcs paid any de termined inan can succeed with us fecul iar advantages to beginners stook f pletenolndingmanyfastsellincspeoia outfltfree address at onec name this brown mbothbbs hukbeittmen uochlibtia kyj holv ebs t i he is showing- good tw bed suits at wuerk for 13 scotchtw 3ed suit m t sold elsewrjerb rxin23 and 24 tail 12 18 20 gentlemen wanting a firstclass ood- 8ttinicoatjgto4uuyrolyupouboins8mted in every tee ppct hy leaving their ordersj with b nan the clothier ooo ii i ii 3 cfewf ill d well ureat clearing sale tv dfays of dry goods uegimar pk1cb 17c w1m 8b jsoiu foli 20c 1 ii i it kegulaje prifi 32v25 wuil btssold fok jl5 t 100 90 k ik ii a reduction of from 10c tc hosiery a reduotion a disootint of 10 mentioned above mb cau tjnoolored japau fruit 31 li2 lbs clio 25c 3c jc 45c s- j he pkr yaw 15516 17c l2n 21c 2224 25c 22128 29c 32jc 40c 42c k 4l9 peu yard j s3 15o will h made on every piece of uriherwear cloves aiid n r j grey vam 45c pevft colored arn 55o per lb ringerinr yarn skein per gent will be fi to purchaser of any dry ooodsul tea 45c 18 ibstyello sugar si j ro knt 17n- n 411 f celsew raismsfl- chwce christnias fruitscheap y ii orumi povlded todajj nowfp guelpiij elora trafale literary 1 ftoaerj hpw yrj rlasti tuesday etjf 4meet monday eyi appr learn the thecl weekly limehc mechanics pecteforsu tnerco ordeeemi ofwwvover thos guelph was for violation j mondajj ly speaking cipal aspira il itev jp th puipit it j will preach thepul mondays teachers see -mr- with tbe or chased land 1 soil jsirt 0nr car very liberal c their kind appreciated the coll thi week three all tij taxes in foil mr panll elected for tlie boanl ij l warren a mount ij trie light brill witks6sfa 4elcie the rti at all ui j has pnrchs pjopertygufe jairrice an there theexc an animated mill and fact andgraiu are i ablequantite thefijfj copies of the donald man ii kansas city mrslsa thenrstl ihelei in the prizes will races fcc an interest at the i laitweekj till the vacanj posed of me ciimeroh au at the c paris franc canadians al uud a son of second pri lucas of hative of tl a copy j nonsectariail is received lisbed for twj ilarioii trel springs christian lit of aearly 35 supplied to i paragraphs ottf g messrs brbley ot el rev c s jof thepreifc mr alw tjibria4cev misaaugii tlwoeatofcl mr and werefjuesti mrdooa friends mi holidays mr jame spent a r acton friend putoe their si tional insth spent two tij friendsn ml atattaiiel i dlnakh i last week oj i e friends c iere bfwiul irwwsar jvv3hvfril i3 tojj gtonwsea i r 8thmtoiktk

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