Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1887, p. 3

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l i sl i r 04 i school openinc the weeks rakingb biiis hil v i ivp inrc- ti of i ill stholii slipplc ins1ll ol ai knidvof watche tivk lewilhrv mid which are piinclikugloonl and all rntensune ic0h is lhlfil lvv11lvd ixv nwns oiin ri i titicrv a- os erin free prwblngb vi one imrt yctykiiitfitf another year ha gono another year scott acl conviction i begun the trtuu adjourucu vatc of win tohii lulling for iiuinioipur elections in robnikoli of tho rrmw hold milton churyod with violation at tho scott act ooor cheerpl new advertisement ijhf artnn vtt 3rrs5 m is v 1887 s 3 r issn- kifil-i- th 1 ivc i avss dinpojed of litot week when archibald inlbraith testified ithat holmd bought lijiior frpni robinson and paid him for it robinson was wxbljftd nnd rosts caom- i v daring robbery near muton a mil rubbery wit perpetrated on sun day evening mr william dixon a farmer within a iwlo of tins town had n revolver pointed m him in inn dwelling by usuppos- i oj stranger ami hi money demanded lie iinessinoanatarin k ll told robber- about twontylho s talking opera house again j llollu u the money he had in his pocket ili lss sold siiwjelvnuircs for i trace of the unkuonm ui newotr agent for acton tutaigav towiisi ha a thmnnj u s utthcd- font is about crumbs for breakfast vi a y the ever thoughtful froe tiers foeporterr is 1- kpiphljp nu f township nas a plmry ivot lroi isr- nrw years ds ixsi moesmg oinh old council net 1 ada v eeute v not unfreiuent on j v to remove to acton ho hah i made himself highly essoined and popular by his gentlemanly conduct aud painstak- j ing wo have riot heard where mr rrrae the present ivsent hert is to bo located mech n is ux11ccted t0 moudav tvenins j enter mxm his duties us nyeut of the g t itailwav at acton lomtm ailmtii new year a cay krin thiayoar hovmr fliiktj junior slethodistpreaoh r liriir yilluo ami llallniufml circuit pfeachwl lata sunday on iho jtockwood cirouit mr kolxut johnson wrh elected trustee for the lchiio section laauwcdncsday wo iiavo not learned who was cluuon at 0- prhifjo on tho fourth liiio laiiniij apprentice wanted at this office to icirn tlo art of priutin t the choral society will renew thir veekly prsctko next wednesday evenin- limehouse people are arranmj for a aiechanics ititiuue and hsw goxtpro- pecti for siscos the customs collections at cmelph for december lis were sltmin increase oi 101 over pecenibcr lto thee vaf of the americiu hotel iuelph was taiel 50 and costs lat week tcvcstoe of the scott act mida uis icoldday slmospherical- r jnti- a untcr of niaai- cid sjll jitti i wkus sections le dch diid oflmaivcdpiovl t ppi v ko church on sunjiy ho i pitvi tire umi u sunday iiet -xi- jimc schaou here will opn next moudav both tho children and the crs sr hvecijoyej the holulavs mr t a bclhny lately couutoji wiii thi iritttvihe 1 cii and ijmej i- kev w c ariiihtriiuik of st androwa church ilillsburtf was recently waitid upon uy a deputation from tho church and nnule tho rooipient of a haiuhomo nold watch lis a token of their appreciation of hia niuiatcrial torvieoa thojamarnck swamp on tho 2ml line on tho lot formerly known us drona corner is being bo chopneil away that the roads in that vicinity mstoad of boiim very un comfortable for travelling uro now becom ing quite tho reverse we learn that the train on the ii a n ws itailway which hist week ranott tho track tliis side of hamilton and which whoti rongined collided with a freight neur zimmerman conveyed mrs ira stewart of south wcntworlh who in visit ing nt tho homo of her childhood on tho old leslie homestead in krin the hockwood circuit motbodistchurch the uew house usrfohow 1 r st rat ton of the lcleruri lis iss pur- tj of tie iiifter- r to i n v- v vitiv riornt otre mucn the i the eptio ris hvi clsrnid of two- or pil tiliir kt ito ii ir ore i inr new iruiev rr chool section iijia times laci kttdv ihsircliced the eii vivlxtf thi will be hailed jntv the citizens for here- the lirst day of the new ear was spent as a quiet and orderly public holiday a j tood many of ourcitizpus occupied tho ore- part of the day in finding their respective j which embraces quite a slice of erin is sidewajks after the bin snowstorm of the bcifij rtnuraured making oneidaya round day and nirht beiore politicians went to consist of brick ivcttoiiaud rock- olectioncerins family visiiinrwas reueral i w morning afternoon and oveninr amoiit the o3er oitiins aut the onns ivsiwctivrly tlio other round includes ixwpic lutuloncw ytlats ctlllsi wollt to tho j roekwooj idcn milln and trewson8 rink or had a jolly slejuh ride r yj swaun tliosuncriutendent in an journahsuc parhamentarians jujcfatible worker a remarkable tvuture of the recent dec- missionary services aro to be conducted tioa contest is the number of newspaper 1v next sunday in the uvcrtou metho- imn returned out u the eijht editors i a churcli by ltov w difho 0 nhss seekiu- eleclio six have scvurcd seats in j oaweya and in the uftcriknu at grewmrft- j c by r thomas hilliard late of i vi-i- j t tttri caiv a public platform i incctina at the latter place will boj address- cd ou moudaycveninr by tho two gentle- j men above named aud rev la k 13 irks j d a of ouclph other churches on the rockwood circuit will also be supplied on t sunday by mr rirks or mr milliard it depended a rochi deal on which side of j politics a man was as to thi lengtli or width of his face lust wednesday and j thursday as election returns wore made kuowij wo do not believe every ono who exhibited such tfi forthe riblo i uiiiout its most devoted followers neither are all who denounce ioi corruption always the itrwitcii model- of purity by all means i lt i upholil ill- uible in its majesty aud ahlinf all corrptiot but have due regard forthinjjs as they are there is too much paru ism which is due largely to readitig oiih one side of the ijiicstiol i kfikc h mr j w mul i vrchs-s-j- ti yvriga thrre v lienor besn lighted i toruterly of acton montreal tes store ie dior road at a jiened out a procerv ti pacaud of the kses rjrj e v clarko of the oivns niw ii creiyhton of the owen sound 7vvi w 1 lulfoar of the auihersibur avi w 1 diek of the kincardine it- festival of s john the evangellalt ou monday decjiih ltso the follow id members re duly iustalie3 ai otticers of walker lodno ijt ci hc a f aiid a m for the ciisuiin year by wbro p m dr frtemau of t loibfe no jlf ceorititowu assisud by w rro 1 m loim shaw w rio p m 1r ieur- sen and ay rro p m las newton liw lro y j iitt w m tltvre hvnds s v i a llretmur j v lo anderson ciial i 11 pearson treasurer wletmey secretary lohn iveihiey sr tyler john keniiey jr 1 1 francis s i i 1 t khib j i fred secord i w t tsumli w hampslure the aiiijual week of prayer the annual week of pra er is iu progress methodist sunday schools stewards lovesveil x- lltfs shins itives our streets d aiiearance hemlock bark i ba aild wife j t0s as fellow- mii aid lac- ry tiiber eordwood stone i jt srrijr ccniu in in consider- sjrquaijtiffcs i ti e i ti pjsa i- n rectipt o late eej ott- ccao trrvii from mrs l 1 1 miid of the stjosph hanlq yvli kin city 7i- nd omaha fronv ir s a st cord iv iifa rust cariina of the season will minaay evening u tiav sacrifices that it inav i lie following statistical report of the methodist- sabbath schools in the do minion and newfoundland recently puh- the subject for the remainder of the week j lished iu the church papers is of ilturest are as follows tojiy jav c lrayw for families that faruilv love mav be sanctibid bus- 2631 j23209 24450 i 247li5fl i iirld i heirs of the grace of life aud training their ciiildreu in the nuture and admonition of j the lord tliat the bltsaiug of god milr rat on all schools colitis universities an 1 sabbath schools jn praytr for missions that the chprch nf christ may recognize the itljry of tho commission to preach mi- the tonitu every crtature and may feel it a privilege to make ivc mercs a tht wiil-b- awwdt1 for ben dresses be faifiuca n-t- mr kelly the imager expects j rr simyer tor nations for the outpouring of the holy spirit upon the uatious for rulers aud all iu authority for just aud espial laws for righteous administration that all forms of lawlessness may pass away and men live quiet and peaceable lives in ail godli- i national sunday hchool convention of ness and honesty for peace between ljl there were more methodist sunday uij mine triee electiii a lurne 3chrol iat vctri mr win imocrc w a elected to tiii the acincy the board us now com- pjtrcf yirsrs ifoseph iai thomas friiicr l wn moort j at the chrutmis examinations of the i iiis i raee coiicrvatoryof music two ca a son of threv i y lucas n3 a so of dr fortier took first and ecoid prizes rcsiectivev rev div i jucar f m liitive ct thi- count v number of sunday schools scholars iu the schools officers uud teachers total officers teachers and schol meetiuin class aud members of j the church 31iwb converted durinj the last two i years in the schools 21107 liaised during tho year in schools for missionan purposes s207iw7 j raised during thu year for sau- day krhool kid fund 176300 increase of schools during the 1ast year 112 j increase of scholars during the year 10785 llcreae of odicers and teacher 1 during the year lhlflj in the melhodint sabihtli school in j acton there are scholars i 134 j teachers and officers t amount raised for s s purposes last vear s 71 74 tho won hi or november jimt pashed whs a lone way tho heaviest busiucsh month wo imve ever bad at jto now in tirdur to hnvo december main- til 111 tllft hiiiiiu ratio of inoroneovui last year and wo have to make it a big month to do bo i am tunliln n orand saobksaft sale at which many very startling barniiib will booltcrud to my ourunier wo are khik to mako it a kind citrnival month at no j7 at which there will be a rovelatlou in n tacks of choice and seaicnablo dry cooda at inuoh below rcijlilur priced people nay montiy is ecrco well jl wnut ft lot of it before january 1st and i am jolng to nvako it au object for you to carry away ray surplus dry goods and leave me tli cash when i say so you well know i mean it if i can ac complish my purpose there will be good char all arouurl my friends will have cheap dry goods and i will have the liioucy ud bo all require merits will bo met remember besides my own very attractive btcckl offer a laro portion of my treat purchase of the tormito wholcsalo bankrupt stock at 55cou the dollar nobody in toien can tmtfji thai jtibt to mention a few things splohdid frond allwool dreeitroodh ar 12jc former price 2i and 30c scotchtweed u inter cloths m2f for mer price 250 iadieavdo skin manlfe 2 per eedl under ordinary prices j fur goods ofai kluds iucluiiiugcaps capei rriiiiiniujjh etc at slaughter prices all kinds of paucy woollens at clear- iiit prices ladles seamless luderelothing gents heavy underclothing hoys heavy tnderelotliinsr nil at low prices fancy gimkis for chrislmus pucsejils iu yrout variety cilkyp 1tilj cyh lr 1 k llenvs iermeily with jd wihiuuisoii it co is now in my employ and will yive his many friends from aeton mul vicinily his bst ntkiithm e r bollert i 27 lower wyndhairi street cuelph ont telephone in office right to the front ik ailmlktition wk tlate oclt elegant and substantial goods i oo splendid iu quality complete in assortment the majority votepor j waters bros l christmas jakds new yeauuards huistifasipkesents- noveltiks a lino assortmout of the noted florentine stationery will armo in a few daybv- itames lictpns autists materials v the best as usual watebj3 bros thi einturo f allerv neiir the post ollicc guiilph it -j- centra l meat marketl joseph patton butcher has pleasure in announcing to the citizens of acton that he has purchased tho butchering business of mr win rossell and i prepared to conduct the same in a fitraitforward business manner having had large experience in the busi ness i feel that i can guarantee all custom ers who favor me with their patronage perfect satisfaction all kinds of meat fresh aud good and poultry fish c iniseison- will be found in stock i respectfully eolict your esteemed pat ronage i joseph patton acton nov 8th 168n holiday season wia i-ol-are- i will jay any jeisons fare from acton or intermediate stations to goelphr and leturuiwlio buys o worth ofgoodsoroverat my store 26 lower wyndham street this will hold pbpdas long as the holi- dayseiison lasts manufacturers st0k of silks bought at 51c on the dollar overflowing in generous hhgdiiis ii r our reiucnt li i from theslatstical report to the inter- rcspectively rev l ntifc is well known u nations srmairijan 9 sermons thy king dom cbiuc math vi 10 j an acton boys prominepce m art a it afall times affords tho fhkk press pleasure to note the success attending schools and officers and teachers aud scholars iu the dominion of cankda and newfoundland than those of all the other protestant churches taken together tae ijtr free trnilc the reduction o internal revenue anil the tuking off of revenue stamps from pro prietary medicines no doubt has largely ijcnclitted the consumers as well as reliev ing the byrden of home manufacturers th oreend cmyif ii ie t ii a i foriiifcrridfciit or nativesof ourtowuanj itii noiniiiy for christian ptoplv j w congratulate our old friend and school- 1 i an eight page paper pub- j fellow mr james g hill upon the follow- nt- njej cents ptrryearby the j in complimentary reference to his artistic try of saratoga j skill the item is taken from ti- v iiitnl sprites n y it leplett with choice j svtovomwrrwujycofrostonameraberof j jnoeially k thia the 0 ease wi aiijunt fliirisuijiuicliig ririnaiihyruii as the reduction of thirtysix cehts per grapher at 47 and 19 monroe avenue hasl dozen has been added to increase the size been located at his present place of busi- j of tho bottlks containing these remedies ness but a comparatively short time yh thereby giving onefifth more medicine iu the 75 cent size the avijwt flqxrtr for crviar iiteraiure aud enjoys a circulation whose staff is writing from iietritmr f nearly 3- yxrt copies fret- stun pie copies j g hill the justly celebrated artist photo- pphtd to any xddres purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted ajr geo mcgarvin and warner lirciey of flora visited friends lierc rev v b cameron visited the session of the presbytery of sarnia last week mr albert moore and miss moore of uxbridge visited actoayfriends tbif week miss augusta speigni of markbam is the guest of her brother mr g c speight mr and mr v p christie of toronto ir eie guetts of mr i henderson over new year mr donald mctavishof stayner visited friends in acton and vicinity during the hoiidair- mr j j mes a matthews of oraugeville spent a few days during the week with acton friends 1 lie college boys leave this week to re- time their studies ih the respective educa tional institutions mr a c campbell of the irki pucbs he lias neverilieless largely increased tho business done by his predecessor in the j dyspepsia and livercomplaint kind the rembrandt style of nnishjir hill- lias gone j gmnan syruj ror cough andlunroubles far ahead o any of hisbrotherphotograph- have rhaps the largest sale of any medi- 1 cincs in the world the advantage of in creased she of tbt bottles will bo greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted in every town and village in civilized countries sample bottles for tou cents remain the samejeize mcnm avomkxs anu childrens boots shoes ettbbees 0v2s202s sec at prices that always lead to speedy sales i lowest prices consistent with good quality ouutom work aucl repairini promptly attendetj to i w williams mill street acton iu london these good arc the most wonderful we ihiiili wc can safely say overmen on this continent i have tiie iinest stock in the cityto select from especially in colored gold setts gold and silver watches rehembeis the pliue w a glark 20 lower wyiidham stguelph lovells gazetteer and history itethe i a very soavr motvoillour satin at a giad dominion qf canada vk ari- selling 69c lino of brscadgd satia at 50c soavr slact g os 4raia ailts at- 70c a laiifcent line of colored flushes at 5c dress 400ds wc are also selling heavy caalimpre all the latest styles iu liouele pnnania foule serges t x i t dress goods rixtrfi width at lsc very heavy worsteil uiironnl ladies suitiiig allcolors at 20c in freneh dress goods habitcioth c at very low prices g qur dross- rnalter miss toddiisprepared to execute all orders for dresses in her usual excellent style j i j d williamson 8c co arojilcrrrjjttotlic ccntrid v psti a li r r ul i isircyr of vrma i- cjil a o tihjii ers in thiscity nnd already become known videly lti connection and justly tooaatherc is no coliceivable finish that can compare witlj this the effect is most pleasing aud the work a decided advance over any of the kidd we have ever seen and tchim is the credit due of giving them th prominence thev so riehiy merit anyone who has ootseeu them should call at his studio and take a look at these real works of art st albans s s christmaa tree the annual chribtmas tree and childrens entertainment of st albans sabbath school was held in the town hall last wednesday evening and all the children were present tho programme was very i fraterualuj character short addresses be ing made by revs r 13 cook of tho bap- tist ehurchvt h peatcbell of the pres byterian church b phillips of 4he meth- knt u 3 odist church and w j vigott ba the peat two or three days this week h incilnbeijt of sl albans the addresses friends in markbam i gpiritqa charfteer and intend- a valuable present to vr lubw ed t0 ccoara thc cldren t0 hves lr ihk of oakville ws the reeipient i devoted to the savionr who has done so last week of a gold watch at the hands of j much for all in due time the curtain roae the frills of the methodist sabbath school land revealed a beautiful christmas tree there of which he has for a wimber of laden with prexouts handsomely decorated jis been the efficient superintendent d illamiuaahl with numberb of was farmers institute candles kvery scholar was presented by tin- farfjrs institute to be held at t the superintendent mr georjb hynda harliwtoi on tlu- 19th anj 20th iusts j vyith spmo appropriate ift accompanied premise- ui e try interesting one or by an orango and bagof dandies the littlp -niorc- of the profewrn of the agricultural i follis allwent home happy and wearobnre i- inelpli will k prosent an in j the fnenda felfetbut in dqjnk jtfpvt ju stitutc will also bo lld at ffrawpkjg on aocomplwhin ttiifl rwultihat wey 148w ttre 17tb aud lif wwlw u vto itats from 7 cents to 250 at j fyfes if you want a nobby durable aud cheap suit go to j fifes acton scotch englishand canadian suitings a great variety at j fyfes acton i go to jllyfes acton for your cloth w he can suit you for price quality and style every time t wk are in want of a few more firstclass men to a salesmen wanted jnt canvask for the salo of choice varieties of nursery stock to men who can make a success of the business we can pay good salaries or commission aiid givopernianont employment we liava uiany new anil choice speclaules both iu the fruit aud ornamental llnex which others do not handle apply at once with refereucos may hbothebs nluiskllvmev itochestcll xy r b first axxual grkaki discount sale at jerwiyns coninieucing on december and contiuued until stockjtiikiug wliich will be early in february the whole of iuy k id nine volumes royal 8vo he commkxckd whenever a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication sabscrlptiou to the nino voliiuiea s- 7500 to the iroviuco of ontario o- to quebtc f 1250 to new brunswick or to nova scotia s1i0 to manitoba or to british columbia t950 to priuce edward island or to northwest territories 950 jjach proviuce to have a slap please seta for prospectus i john lovell managerguai pcbubheft montreal august 1th 1s80 i r will be thrown on the market at prices which must astonish as we slow in rinding out where thelgeuuiuc bargainsare to be had i halt on dby theoraule b iiennasrln acton oh the 3rd jnst tlw wife of jlr 3jj brennan of a daogbt4rv mrxcen in acton on the 3rd inst the wife of mr john miller of la son 4 sale register bitcbpiv jiurv btustock aii implom- fiauitho promarty of adam cook aqton sale atu ocioxr win bfljtwi i for trod i as please the closest buyers the peopleoi this tmuntry are not hid the masses are getting them every lawfuibushiuss day at the goods house the time ot the year has now arrived wheu my stock must be reduced housekeepers twiu otheib will hot have lor another long year such a golden opportunity btobtaiuiug your waith ut your owb prices ladies remember i have the largest stock ol dress goods and furs in acton the diutit woods are ih all tho leading makes and ftyles aud raugo from 5c up o 50c a yard furs of every deictiptiou from rabbit to soutl8ca iseul fur trhdiuings from 20e up to 5 per yard positively the furs must go r qbnts i have over 50100 worth of new and nobby overcoats which will be slaughtered ib order to make irjoom for the big stock ol fcjpriug aud summer clotliiug which will arrive in march j- 1 millinery trimmed hats aud bounets will iesold at cast aud a discount of 2o vw gmi allowed pij all cisli sulci iu this department i gboqb boots a a at prices to suit reraerjfibcv i give six pounds qfgoorljfcu 0tuul to hliy 0 tea- 111 towil wiollttf rvt mo a catl uwi ytouwillcoiijtrttli your btfb iitttss j mi i tilt youf 1 jermyn 1 m im

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