Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1887, p. 4

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m p r pabintsh children make your parent happy make trrem sihr instead of ib for the mournful hoar ot parting may b vejry jry hijth children iiiise your pareuta happy many griefs they have to ber and tbay weary noath their mordant can voq not then burdeua haro children make yoor parents happy prompt obedience cheers the heart while a wilful disobedience pieroevlikb a poisonod datt children make your parents happy on their brow the lines of care deepen daily dont yon see them while yoor own are smooth sod- fair children mike yonr parent happy for beneath the coffin lid all too rooii their faoemintliko shall for evermbra be hid cakes por everybody a downtown baker who prides himself npon the quality of his cakes advertises tins for too pretty girl angel cake for the palist poundcake for the dyspeptic stomach oakc for the laborerback cake f for the agriculturist hoecakcj for the redheaded girl giuger cake for the chiropodist corn cakc for the beavsrbonro cake for the impecunious man short cake for the paragrapher spioe cake- winter snaps mother graves worm exterminator is pleasant to take sore and effectual in destroying worms t many have tried it with best results falthfal j r faithful of stroud ont eays he buffered from quinsy for several years until cured by hagyants yellow oil which medicine s a specific for all paiufal com plaints wlty go limping and whining about yoor cornswhin a 25 cent bottle of holloways com core will remove them givo it a trial and yon will hot regret it f a8vertria i iried all the doctors in this locality for liver and kidney troubles which i had for tears with no benefic four bottles of jsardock blood bitten cared roe saa lecittej allan leslontj avers cherry pectoral is recommended by physician en great eminence on both sides of the atlantic as the moat reliable ramedy for colds coughs and all pultno- nary disarderd it affords prompt relief ko family should be without it ta star boaters if yfciu suffer frum headache flizziuess back ache biliousness or humors of the blood try bardock blood bitters it is a gnarnteed cure for all irregularities of blood liver and kidneys health is impossible when the blood is impure thick and sluggish or when it is thin and impoverished such conditions pve rise to boils pimples headaches neu ralgia rheumatism and other disorders ayerii sarsaparilla makes the blood pare rich and vitalizing well hpakea t 1 i can recommend hagyarda yellow oil very highly it cared me of rheumatism in my fingers when i conldotbendthem ida plank strathroy ont a mehicine for internal aud external use in all painful complaints- l john hays credit v po bays his s was so lame for nine months that he could not raise his head but by the use of dr thomas electricqil the pain and lameness disappeared asp although three months has elapsed be has not had an at tack of it since cauet be excelled i have pleasure in saying that hagy aids pectoral balsam cannot be excelled for coxing colds cough and loss of voice it cured jny brother completely 80 says ira mcnead of poplar hill ont regarding this reliable remedy amos hndgin toronto writes i have been a sufferer from dysepsia for the past six years all the remedies i tried proved useless nntijl northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic core was brought under my notice i have used two bottles with the best results and can with confidence recommend it those afflict- ed inlite manner to lout kmort 31r richard bowe of barley out was afflicted for four years with dyspepsia two experienced doctors treated him getting discouraged he tried burdock blood bitters he states that two bottles cured him he is now doing heavy work and as well as over some persons have periodical attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea and have to nse great precautions to avoid the disease change of water cooking and green fruit is sure to bring oh the attacks to such persons we would recommend i dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints if a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be xperi faced mineral rolsoju nothing but pore extracts from plants and roots are nsed id preparing mcgregors long compound the modern and now popular remedy for colds cougha bron chitis croup asthma and all affections of the tbroatlnngs and chest all mineral poisons and dangerous substances are avoided which renders it safe for children or adults sold at 60c and 9100 per bottle at dr mogarvins drug store llesrejora speedy cre when we say mcgregors speedy care is the only perfect enre for dyspepsia liver compuinie indigestion and impure blood wo are teluiieplftm facta of which hundreds upon hundreds can testify who ave been restored to perfect health by- its use wo wonld therefore advise you temgly if yon are a subject of any of the above tzonbla to ire mcgregors speedy 0wirialahiheawn6ed ft u sold ia tend 8u0 bottlos si or megarrin have yvo an old 8uw ouiburnbrulse ruotehti ko u si or faea if ao sheds is but ono cure hantoly mcgregor a parke oarbojlc cerate if your but try it iv will convince yon it costs but 9c at dr mogarvins drug store cholera aud at summer couhplaiuts are so quick in their action that tint oold hand of doatlt is upou tho victims before thoy are twro ui8t daiiiicr is near it attacked do not dohy iii acttiuu the proper modiolno try a dose of dr j d k11orb dysentery cordial and you will got immediate relief it nots with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect cure the lt year litte after the above year is ended there need be 110 person suffering from rheumatism neuralgia toothache headache lumbago or any acute pain if they only purchase a bottle of fluid lightning as it cures in stantly pain cannot stay where it is used the name is fluid lightning sold by dr mcgarviu druggist krlanilmrrh the smrrrrlac brow its household pauacea has no equal for roliejvinc paiuveth internal and external it cures pain in the bidoback or bowels sore throat rhuumatistn toothache lunihiigo sud any kind of a paiu or acbe it will most rnirejy quick en tho dlood and ileal as its acting power is wonderful browns household pau acea being acknowledged as the great paiu reliever and of double tho strength of any other elixir or ltuimenl in the world should he in evory family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world jfor cramps 111 ihe stimacuand fains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all pruggists at 25 cents a bottle vvramffvd ttmtttnutettanivfanam w irilitwtife ayers sar8apa1illtlata hon f jhwitt cxmuyor of lmnll iv wmiwtrtitr metltclno iaclcntwcilly and ctstato seiuilor wy that thu only f ho ecnuhw honduras tor- irepnratloh of simwpnrina hut hmhw to llow dock mandrake phi soollllli v t muin lodh ot potashlum and iron igd vliov limlluiits of great strength loinl iraitvo virtue avers sar8apariula lii liivrtifmod hynml linw metvcdlllio 1 mirfiiiiudi comracndailon of im w laiiiilblnlhc united states andl00 000 frillies thrrtlghout ibe world aylr8 lahaaarilm t 5 tho only mood riirlfler tbst has gm liuxl amlrottilillho cmilliknceot the pe nriropkal couttu when aueh njcul ihiii are lnjrret dniand ayers iar8aparilla is ills moid impular blood purifier onions iiiloiuul is in nlnctcnthh of thentedl- oiinsolkti ef the bout olnsx of ainer cun knglldi ii rradii and danish vcsisols ayers jarsaparilla contains i 0 arsenic and no aloes ris do inauy fits ly called alteratives foisted unanlhe ui edullty of the public ayer8 sarsaparilla has been for ninnv vchrfirecomilzjd as tlm bct a terutlveiuiatoulo modlol io iu nil clvtllbw i couutriea f f ayer4 sarsaparilla promptly vjkivwi from ucncril delilllty norvoii r rotrtiod and derangeuicat of the vaui8hdiu aycr8 8ar8apar1lla ghvcbi radical ems of all niiiluillc ari liur from hie ihioi of scrofulous orcou laskms plseasesor- the corruption of memiry lit the kjjmcui ayers 8arsapari tla is endorsed hv themedeal protcsoji nnd rejrularljr prescrllied by iroany ncidliis praoiltlomr what trur merit will b tile unprecedented salo of boschtts oef man sgrvp within a few years has astonish ed the world it u without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of coughs colds and the revefest lung troubles it acts on an entirely different principle from the usual prescriptions given by physicians as it does not dry np a cough aud leave the disease still in the system but on the con trary removes tho cause of the trouble bealvthe partfaffected and leaves them in a purely healthy condition a bottlo kept in the house for nse when the diseases make their appearance will savo doctors bills and a long spell of serious illness a trial will convince yon of these facts it is positively sold by all druggists aud gen eral dealers in the land price 75 cte large bottles advice 10 mothers- aiv you disturbed at night aud broken of yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain et cat ting teeth l no send at ouco and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates ihe stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rap for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by ail druggists throughout the world priee twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mbs wlvulows soothiso stkctand take no other kiud daazcrs afprlay if we wer allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow a neglected cold how differently would our course be could werealize our danger how speedily we would seek a enre but with many it is only when the monster disease has fastened its fangs upon our lungs that wo awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold is it not disease of the throat and lungs bronchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases of like- nature it is worse than madness to jieglect 0 cold arid it is folly not to have some good remedy available for this fre quent complaint one of the most effica cious medicines for all diseases of the throat and lungs is sickles anticonsumptive syrup this medicine is composed of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence in curing con- snroption and other diseases of the lungs and cbest it promotes a free and easy expectoration sobthealrritation and drives the disease from tho system unilcan live at nouie and mako more money j i 111 at work for us than at anything olsoiu 1 vw this world capital not neoded you are started free both sexes all ages any one can do the work- largs earnings sure from first start costlv outfit and terms free better not delay costs you nothing to seim us your address and rind out if yon are wueyou wul do so at once b hallett a co portland vaine xmas presents sin this to yotir memory paste it la yoor bat v geop it ia your iliad oaalfc it on the we3x c c speight ha now in stock some of the tastiest and most attractive goods for the christmas trade in flush frames gilt oxide em bossed and kobtic piuturo frames and mats oil paintings easels ottomans mirrors ic- th nit has ever been shown here frames of any kind plain orfancy cheap ir expdbsive promptly made to order or call aid see c c speight the mm force pump and every variety of forcoi weil and cistern manufotttre4by a 6l c bounsalj lvi j iloreal lnstfhs booir in cleniwliig the blood rind expciuug klionous matter from tho system is ayers sarsaparilla mntdm fox j tho 4 liindljwntr nmv fprnwr of mlmttx co mm credit hi euro ot scrofulous humor uud dyspepsia to the thorough yurlrl- cutlonlofhlthlootlbyr ayirs sarsaparilla warren tklarfhexamousivew 1or lattulonl testlflett from ms own knowledge that for cure of liver disorders oouu bait rheum and various result of high living tllcro is no mcdlcluo equal to 1 ayers sarsaparilla iiiaam fllllmps tilotw f nttcfits the euro of ileredltury scroluu in three generations of his fomll by ayers sarsaparilla tiiosncook wat sfmereoujltqm was cured of no vcre eczema and rescued from a rapid decline by ayers sarsaparilla the si8tkhsof cnawt5f doixlulttvh mass vouch for the alterative mnl curative virtues of ayers 8ar8aparilla jon j kyan philadelphia 7r professional baseball player was cured of rheumatism by ayers 8ar8aparilla d 1 kerr jbiff ffprlnp ohio tcml- flex that bis son fifteen years old was cured of catarrh in its wont form by ayers 8ar8aparilla amhrrs whitmore bruritnetck me retired seacaptaltti was cured of n cancer by ayer8 sarsaparilla mcleod andisbson imcolllbub anp ubabkjts in- i mjijinerri iwan staple and fancy dry goods making ordered clothing readyrnail clohlri carpets and of our immuho stock that it was purchasbdbeforo the recent advance in prices that the public will get the advantage that wo tried to esuel ourselves and succeedod in securing a large variety of stylish attractive substantia cheap goods oilcloths through kxp0 w baj1 wo beg to inform our frieiai aiid thji public generally- that wo hove 1 his season a mostcorhpleio stock jo all the different departme that wo have impttrted snd purolram id direct from the manufacturers the mbst of these low prices is is in llrsl cijihh working order ti10 a lemntioih of a myriad f uulmpeachablo witnesses might m cited were it ne iry to prove the nlmo t miraculous cures effected by this only really effective 1 uood purifying medic ines ayers sarsaparilla nfraredby dr j c ayer i co i analytical chemists lowell mass sold by au drussh is price u six bottles for fco if are gorgeous 0urta1l0rin is al turns out magnificent garments m our milflinekjv hiipcrb and jn large variety our dressmaking i a large and beautiful stock of dress goods and dress silks 10 ktjlect frorr our mantle hatbials lerviceable and cheap depahtment erfopt fit a large stock oftwccds coat iogsaud overcoatijugs to choose frfn it is linpossiblo for iistocnutneintejnur pood or pnrticulnrire tbo different prices tock of serviceable stylish and cheap gooda ne but wc giiarnntoe a lafco stoc goods are to ho sold for cash or produce cash we are convinced it is the proper system to do business and enables 06 to compete with any legitimate business in canada mcleod goods arriving almost daily from the at the fvight hotjsj thij following- -g-0-o-d-s- have bkek marked do w to about the sales arc so very large at this favorite bouse that watkins 1ms bcin fcendiiiglorders weekly to the kuropenn american ami canadian iniirnfactureii for supplies thin werkhe ban leceived nw dress wihkih new bilk plush new lace cuitis new flamieln new flaunelemlroiderits stair linens gray cottons s linings h mall wares etc the following goods havo been inaikcd hiwh io abuiit half their actual vhie cloths tnninke boys overcoats boys jcivey suits ulsiercwbsj cloths for lining giiat abd buffuht llohts ladies aiid mixses fur capen manmes dolmni dtruliithiug urcak trimmings ete winceys at various prices and cnlors just e and higher prices of melton chilli dress goods he 18c 25u and higher rictaijall tlislinieres and merinos the blnck crapes iu double ti elite andqundruphi nitikgit hey aroiicb heavy uiouts uud couitolds crapes al all prices from soc to 14 the flannels are ttia ltmc fiaiiitls the 18o allwool firay flannels and the higher prices bimight for prompt cinh at tlm lowest possible prioes and are sillingoff at fully ont spiiiij owing to the crothious advance in the price of wool it hns rien fr m 2j5c krts lately walking gul a very large stckk of blankets coutracteil for last july at id prices all of which are felling off n their actual value hamilton december dib 1885 ffffffffkwkffffkf f ff f at an immense reduction under 1km sedsonf piiiti tobtigpiinii ff nibukcts chenp uilt audcumforttaa at estiuindinary lew pricun fur kiiuh nwu surcieeahlouddh iovs hosiery slnyos hihi ntckwinr j try niu b0kriur jjnorts iitiiionsuipiokd ip iiuihimn the qnaliiles are so prooil the pnlterns si beautiful thepfiefs so chirtp a furnishing ihvayt kot on hinil from the cheapest hemp to tlo hirtitrnssuisiiiid cirpor svefpers idccoratid window blinds itiilleid stnir iodsvmitiiug linoic sinir damasks luce smyrna haw silk gold luilmsscd rriqis llmisu unci cheni mi king sticet kast one door west of hjughson street thinaifteib thomas o wat3c1its 1 1 ffffffffkffffhfffffffefffffff f ff s f east end clothing store fffffffffffffffffffffhlffffffffffffffffffffffpfffffe i t xx ttrrrrttrrtrritttrrnttrr ittttttrn r rrittrri rlttttrftttttttttt after 12 months trial of str dtly anderson co 765 a wl 7loatim express ut w sm jileg xi mm vviq iimi thro bxpres 1 j m pjii ifxpcoss kxytm ailwa aojsa wkf l255nui 17 nm sofippni cblclfekxir3oc fet011 botjyu ounlpb and toronto wmkokci0hfxfjttlfh uawi wenf0 10 nan ftfis- i iw oblus bant10 0 oiiu nnibiiv- oblug bwtt10 i iuj and 0 jjpnb v mbdigatbd jd ps9 hwapgtonmdrtl kiiithent throat ami lung surgeon will next visit aibtori at bbmlklon hotel monday 1 7thjanuary i fif87 diskahks tseated catarrh of tbo head and manufacturers catallllll ov masvea11s stakw 0 mekj dr kwasliingtoii tliront aniluug surscoii toronto j i pear kir 1 aii i1luscj v ciuiny entire sntutuctiou t thr vutt of your pt- mctbod of iuhalatton which tins cured iieof a very troublesome forut of citurrii in fuct all the usual remcdits failed to cive mti any rcliuf but your treatinout from tbo first gave me great ease and in a few moutijs eutiijoly curea liie of ajnost annoying dieflkt i can bonotly reooniuioud ne short jackets and ulsters merino ifn the 8c 10c and 12ic winctya the l2w wool di ess gooiis the black and colores ind beautiful black nliuartiiond value be sine in seotnc these flaijnels and the rent of the slock have bein foiirlhlesit tlian they caubesold for net picr toluc per lb in the london ma horse blankets far less than eyer before see tin indies aud ueiil aiih the lyrls id ihpnrii llc crtjiif dcrve fptoinl id almost tyery ariicle iiccessitry fr hon w ltun cariietf beautiful 1 mais rnffip fluor odcliiths tabic oilclotlw window cfi tains mirt ihe slorr i t t the leadinp clothing ffj8e jt j a iaro md wcilaajtjrted tlock of tweed ami vyurbteil i tapestry brussels axminster rugs a umori hemp string iindooca id matb prices extraordinary sulf ijprgs anjd overcoatings adapted for fall and winter wear at j fykirs i au livcrvthiiignew in i hats caps underclothinc in short overythiiig iiecitsary loa tjeiitleiaans eompkle outfit having all my ultentioa devottd totheatxivi lines 1 am prepared to nive the utmost jsaljsfhclionin rtit workinaiiship ntul lriell j j fype actpn ont dolls sleighs kid gloves andi corsets jpo be given free for next two weeks commelrging deo 13 a rlibis6 dol sifcjlojhmjr aw e1d gloves free with every purcijasebversst a good dollar corset free with every ptrrchaseovergb immense redtnc tfon satje now going oj 48mhgitmti east hamilton vlr -a- yotfr v attention please jeniiey brofe main street acton to stock hp kites st5s i to the pbostwith a- fall goods o- we dn now receiving a t ery in rtr stock ofnew fibdiu iif evjary description otir bootk md sboeii are parciasol fromi the best inaiiutftcturirj iiial ttro of ilie best qnality ve hayei fine apsortiuen amljonr eyerjy wrtntcaii ho supplied soraf lueljitesof trunk nd vallbon htthdj jreiielveij sllroot fibuitbe inaniifactjtt ers idrdjered worktrvo meie a speoiiihy of tliis departmenlt apd guarantee satfifsctl n toiall cflntonieifc h repafilogdoira with neatness iiiidtleapntch j-kiliic- ii ws p i fe5 wj start today run for ho jaysour ore saturiluydeoember 4th anixavjll c carpet sale regardllfg this sale we would simpl say iiont neglect this opportunity of securing an al carpet at little cost ps- xoti thk k joo viiiils brussels cnrptt joe t 150 250 jiic ollowino pricks imer piice li kle 100 yards oi 173 i50 wo liars tasastuy down to 26ea is sraad vaiuo boat fall to sol ou 50 coat erussols- 0- ryan berkishawi c cuelph throatr6ataitbal ucafntsa chronic asthma audconsuiniition aipo lo bora throat enlarged toueik to nlpse removed coke kaflv conseitatios lironcbltis 5 of voice pin of tbo rare any who may bceftffering ns i va ful consideration ypur truly geo ciouiidlntr- repnscntii oalt andw fl- stoiiky asos vctou head oflicck213 vonj st for particulars lo your skill- tunicir jtobto write tapestry carpet worth 1 50c 10 71 ontarios lv genui real ubwes spectacles and eyegusses v t ie okly- ne english apticles in the canwan mantfat iehbles are kept in stock tests hi e given to ptiichasots to prove their spotia o tlleno icopmineiidaliohb iwvgllt to be sumciout o prove their ouaiiiies ut if further proof is needed call oh t vbf j ars0 general sttrei4noit f mj thbettlgfe use on your maohmei y mty the wellicribwn bl iimifmmsm ien awrded durttigtho laatthreflyeara wajjgonstfd aorfoi 3unufaottireq atqja oljifduo ifchy fivi fru im iis uouryjijimi aajlorowlbrlypnjp pride of the vallev facturod by pbof a m sinuevksi i london ont hosur lost how restored just published aoiew edition nf drfcnlver- wells celebrated eeey ou tbo radical cure of spkumatoniihoia or semiuaj weakness -in- voluntary seminal losses isipotencv ileulal and physical lucapcita- impedjueuts to -mar- riofip etc nlso coxsumniojr epilepsy and frtbsntluced tjsclfincinlfenco or scsuav ex travagance ac i thocelcbratel author in bis admirable essav clearly dcinonstnitesfroni a thiity veare buc- cessful phktipe that tho blnriiiiiiconstiuunceti ofselfrabiiscjiiay lie iadieallv cured pointiuc sut h uixlt ot cure at ouco aiuivlc certain and etteetunl i means of vjiicli caerjf sufferer no platter what his oouditioi nwv l mov euro himself clicaply privattlv ndrailieallv irfmlils lecture shbiilil lit lin the bands of every youth ami every man iu the laud soutuuderspiliuo plain lenveloiie to auv address i03tpail rect-ipt- of four ceiils or two postage statuiji a4tboss the ctutmvell k osicl co 41 ann st nkvr yobk it y p 6 tiox 450 i t l shr i rt m i m cj m h i yea rriiloof tho valley that the name of the modiciuo it cuiwiiueof dyjijepiia first 1boujjhta sample ruickage fofisc then flro i paeksses for i iial boforo t iid taken the conteubvof four packages iwas cntirbly well have never felt tfio syniptonia si ice that was four years ago i also bouilit a llottjo of pride of tho valley liniment last soring for my hired min who spraiuod his aiiklo so h idly ho could not bear his weighton it- after i sins pride of tho valley liniment tor 1 boura fie was able to go to work ab well as ever and what is the name of thatother xtedicine prile of the il valley catarrh and khoumittib cure thatisthe greatest known remedy iuthn woitd for the cure of catarrh not an inh iter onttbomeiiiue is to be taken internal y oneb a day it strikes at ths root of the discao and removes tho cause at once as tlibrnhnds wtil testify that have usel die catarrh reinetiy thirtlironaiiobo remedies co hand in han1 aud where can i ce tham at ltj matthews acton oiit also at all i firstclass medicine dearers in ciuada jfauu- i working clftsses attention i we are now iiro- aredtofnimah all classes with cmulovmeut at noiuo the whole of the time or for their snare tunc business new light and profitable per seus of either sex easily earn from so cents tb japereveniutt and a proportional sum by 3i- yofeug all their tiuib to the business uovs and girlsoorn nearly usfaiuclias men xuatallwho see tuia niny beitcltbeiraadrcs tiiiittlstitholiuki- ne to such as are not well aatisfied wo will send one dollar to iav for the trouble of writing fall partichlars aud outfit tree address giohoe stinsos f co portland alafue in a the key to health t52 au the dogged jvenue3 of the porvreia kidneys ttndldver carry- ingoff grodufllly without weakening ths fjwenv toi tho irhpraritiea arid foul umncirsof the secretions at the sam fajoa cpgrocung adjlfy of to oww uring bilioueaesa drvo ppffl hoadaohefli ihsairtesfj j gonstdpatioa ijrynspj w s itomsaa of tssts jwadlcei j salt ehoirra ssi ct wwortrottbiiess arid gov xs kv hose aria inac v3 livkjtl f af ia yu tivaviibll iji irilvtl ibritjtiill oiiiinu of til v i out cibiml hvlf cihimjf q i irtr cjj uiij in c u ll 1 0 omt ils3ri serjnriit ius reittonoi bl gialeof sol a ivortisil ill beinl rniy traif in advan of changi ill tifl osi 1 tlsey willb thispil aiitrtctis i jbsr of coil office frederick f l lbl a roiix o tirui veterinari in fvsnnyl dencciii ej soundness edta td tohsii 15 irrta aaers m bin olttcerji ms s orice- officsj mai at cjjerca s hilt4 aad8i w t axljv b usj ontsiio ivb oat he jo- ei ml for the oitlersll opiioaitel to aotoir teraiii desired i alsojj abl ter terost i tohj qfirii are i sqiia f st accol peri bouud r oh honl per ce ouaiedl saoantj proper ivin willi d j cffibiiekv i fir i- wautiij free tion ii

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