Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1887, p. 3

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1 t j essp5a5sbs m we ktepi lane stock of school book aud school snppliaa constantly on band all kinds of wawhea greeks jewellery nd sracleesaretully repaired geo ovsos f j jwuerv and fitatfamary- store acton ost j snmw i w n ini thkwetekbrakinqb w the ctcn free jptlassj i crumbs for br provided by the kvr thoughtful free pren reporters- i 1 r 3 4- i f s polities are lively now second month february yesterday was a wiekardy day john gaoe merchant qeorgctowii has failed snow shoveb have couse into proiuin- taco acaiu the roads were badly wockfd with vjterdavastona h pwelltug uooee are in demand the ripply is exhausted mectinjc of the board of education next mondavjbtnlng mrs tjdancanis continuing the busi- um of her hue husband an ortuge soiree at hornby a couple of weeks i netted 114 a few weeka ago tle brookville li tcrary society was organized the hamilton winter carnival is cer wroly having winter weather anyhow a lanw part of the business portion of braccbridge was bnrned on saturday the baptist concert tomorrow eveu- is promises to be the best of the season the indications are that there will be a good deal of building m town best summer a list ot mr hendersons political iewns will be found in another colnmn david wiiisina baa been appointed accessor of esqneaiog aa salary of 9150 there were 79 births 9 matiai and 43 deaths rmstered in kassagawej x last year sir kiehard cartwrisht will address a meeting of the electors in hilton this evening i actou lodge ioof is considering a scheme for grand queens jubilee oelebra- lion for actou the montreal carnival open on moa- iiv there aro low rates on both the rail- ways during the week xassagaweya council paid the caretaker j iu hall so ft extra work occasioned by ik- hte general dectipn f barclay eso registrar has beeu appointed returning officer for this couuty fur tlic dominion elections mrs lavwoa and miss orrarc highly ijxtn oi in their doeta hear them at the concert tomorrow evening mrs p zimmerman jr of burling ton was fined 50 and coata on monday for violating tt scott act reform r milton had a miniature flood with the recent tbavr a namber of booses and onibcildings were rendered untenatable ksqueiing township council refunded the taies of mrs d swackhamer church- hill 7t5 owing to her indigent circum stances o vefcuists are more warnily received in acton than the misses orr of george- gwe they sing at the concert tomorrow v hon jhoil white minister of thq iatenorwili address a mass meeting at milton on saturday in mr hendersons intertsts- sir a e- sinclair brewer of sarnia lis aaidsnifcil- the working c uie scott act las iiltprbed lh bmhijlondon the lovers of inuic should heir the misses orr mrs mckinlay and mrs warren in the ladies quartette at the con cert tomorrow evening the fkee pbess has been the recipient this week oi i merest iug foreign papers trom mr h t lepage of charlottetown p e lmrs s a secord and mr h stefford which aro p laetpally xtooal and ah itttsmatuik qaanarirootm vuolon srvloes tho regular uarterly oommtiuion ser vice la oontwjtioh vltuthe matljodtit church will bo hed uext buttijuy at the close of tle p eaching wrvioe thof love feast and- lord s supper will take pti ocj halion spring rialr i at neeunr of tho directors of thej hkl- tou ajjrieiiltura bociety it was decldld to hold tlwriuk fair on friday the hind ot awil and tba fi ii air on thursday and friday the 6th aud 7th of oct wrjbiy spo isp of lluv a m 31 ccleuau b aof ashburn wwoocupiedtl aulpit m kuox charoh last sunday or lated a vary favorable im pression amou the members of thocourro ration hets a ood apaaker has a very pleasant delivery and hi seruious avo is a careful student of the i- xaoxohuioh tio annual raeeuor of 1 oouaojtauod of this churohwm held on ttteamy 95th ult ttev ittorrjmiof dvalpji ooou pled the oliair thr wa a f alt attend auoe a statement ot tua reoeipu and ex- pcniluurai fo pnlpit supply dutluk tho yeaf aud tlo unoabt rtiwd tor solieraoi of ohuroliworkwajitjbraitwdhym enwn trwvsurer tw decided mi publish the ainoiullabtaa and the oatnee of a ovideuoq that h i word of god fcoparty ohaagkd owners mtlwiuam brick dwclliua keluy flrqy have removed to uii1mnm1iiiiiliwjiiiiwi qiretf- i een jit to mogarvins drug 8toe whioh 8pedially for them clothing of all kinds and qod fnelsh qrooeries at lowest rriolis ukinaey has sold his lot aud house at the eorner ot church and frsbericlt street to mr peter bayers of nasi gtaweya for the um of 1000 we understand that mr 8yers inteuds erecting a brick front to tho build iok aud has i iso in coutemplatiou the erection of auotl er brick bouse thawing out the pump bun a small l ad tuba down fjsr enburh to rest on the ice and pour hot water through it by thi aid of a f annel at the top the hot water ions at ouoo ou the ice uielta4t rapidly the tube by its welubt settlins as fast a i the ice melts and pquring the hot stream light on it it thai hot water is poured i ito the pump without a tube it will hot r taoh the ioo but remain at the top being lig iter tlian the cold water below nearest thi ice grips carnival lumbar this the publishers say will be j the finest publicatiot ever isued from their establishment ho sptial features will be cartoons in five c ilors with rold borders the doublepage o mtrepeiqe being one of j w beoicourbsh est aud funniest concepts subscribers to gr p set this carnival num ber free to othe s tho pfioo will bo ten cents it will e dated february ljth get it address j rip toronto j the old mare is dad news items mu it be bcaroe in guelph tho daily hera d has the following everjone in and around eranaosa knew the old cream mai e owned by wra forsy- the blacksmith a mccanns corners she is dead her owr er after having her in bos po for hirtyfottr years aepcler- ated the work thi t time was slowly per forming by pnttin a bullet in the animal will the hamilu a spectator please hoto that the herald st ics itself a city doily and not the country w ekly to which such items are invaribly aac ribed by certain lofty minded dailies j the montreal car uval the carnival i lumber which is being issued this week b the montreal hihcm will we believe co amand a most unpre- eodect sale as it if publubed at the estrc- mcly low price oi 1 5 cents or two copies for 25 cents all ree by post it is to contain 24 pasesj literally crowded with excellent colored pictures and engravings of the principal scenes of the carnival correctly as well is beautifully executed the idea of pending two copies at such a reduction is a capital one everybody can afford to buy one oopy to keep and at least one other tpseudtpfrieuds at a distance mm property sold at a good prioe messrs enicktin k son guelph have disposed of their speedvale mills in guelph to mr d zimmerman of st catharines for 513000 this is cunsickrable advance upon the price paid by them a coiiple of years ago mr a e kicklin has taken a position at the bes4 of one of tho depart- tneute of the canada glove works and there is a probability that mr edward kick- lmandfamily return to acton next spring in qase they do decide to return to their old home they will be cordially wel comed by our citizens bapustchnrch concert the concert to begiyen in the town hall the subsoriben to all charoh obieots at theew vwtlmi mrisiint lyea the old board of mttmr ware rejiltoied tho- congretlou jidpeat an early dato to save a pormanent pastor settled over them kind words vtom aoompetaat judge some time ago the tuanagsroi the dun das standard invitod tho fnes pbbbs to exchange samples of printing executed in the job nrlkting department this invite- tlou was complied with on our part and mr w j watson the manager who hu bad lengthened experience in the priuting business passes judgment thereon in last iwuo ot the fitontfaniv in the following complimentary words it may be rather late in acknowledging a new years gift that one prises highly but better late than never i have bean so busy that i bare nothadtitneto do eo before this the gift was a paokago of samples of the job printing the actos fkg piiess ot which our friend moore is the energetio editor publisher and proprietor his work in this line has already won for him a more thau local reputation and deservedly sq the samplos seut albeit they are the ordinary commercial work of his office are marked by excellent taste and first class press work where colon are used in the muno job the results produced distinguish mr moore as an artistio printer of no mean order and i do not at all wonder that the people of his section feel pleasure in supporting his office it must bo a pleasure to them to do so inasmuch as he produoet in type things of beauty whioh as wo all know are joys forever we esteem very highly the above remarks and will bo pleas ed and no doubt profited with a budget of theskimfanf job room productions m purely personal paragraphs respecting people with whom oar readers are individually or collectively acquainted t mrs z a hall of penetang visited friends hers this week mr lachlsn kennedy loft lost week on a visit to friends in montreal miss lottici armstrong of toronto is visiting friends in acton hot r pbillips visited friends at gran- tou hi6 former circuit last week mr john vaisonl of gfcudinning man is at his old some on a visit for a few weeks mr c l youn of guelph visited friends hero c n monday fie left for his perentalhomi at oakvule the same even ing where lie will spend a few weeks holidays mr briggs icrossen who for some months has resided n ith his brother mr w g crossen left in saturday to tske possession of a grocery a id flons and feed business at stouffville mr john fi barber gave a very interest ing rehereal o his experienco during his recent trip through southern earopc at the congregational i church georgetown one evening last wee miss libby mclcod who baa for some time occupied the position of forewoman in mr a w greens knitting factory has removed to iiigharn miss kate lawaon succeeds to he r position in the factory bev t h peiitchell who preached in knox jhurcli here lately has received a hearty and juaniaioui call to welland port and nort b pdlfam there are two fine churches md large and wealthy con gregations prior to his departure from elora rev p l spencer was presented by the royal templars of temperance with a beal cap and pair of gloves and mrs spencer was the recipient f a got 1 cup and saucer from tbu bmwi of hope mr wm lee who was employed for i hereon friday eveuidg bt the choir of me time iu the kjt end clothing store las rt lmed from perth and opcued a custtui tilor iop in the premiat vacated by klfy bros tu v alex frastr of oroiiy- who yrealtd sennouin kuox cliarcb mi the ccayion of the lust sacramental siervicem wilf occupy the pclpit iiext sabbath and idso the following sabbath messrs kelljfbroa have removed to the premises next mcgarvins draft btore this shop has been refitted for their busi- ness it looks neat and tidy clothing has been added to their former lines the mount sorest sepnrtaentaiice com pleted its second volume last week friend lambert understands how td produce a tidy and interesting newspaper and the people understand this hence success marks the progress xi the rep the newmarket era has just celebrated itfe 35th birthday anniversary the era is crammed with interesting local matter every week it is one of the oldest weeklies in the county and enjoys a prestige second to none the enterprise and considerate judgroeiit of it pioprietot i g ijackson is a guarantee of continued excellence and prosperity f the three men who were arrested st berlin some time ago for stealibjj freight fromjbe grand trunk railway have been sentenced as follows henry hobmeier to two years and three months in the peni tentiary thos dillon to two years aud henry heyd who pleaded guilty to receiv- iiij tome of the coodsknowing the same to have been stolen to foqr months in the central prison an exchange says rlid you ever pick up a paper in a strange town and see a large showy advertisement without think- ing to yourself or saying id your neighborj tbatman must be doing an immense business or forming a resolution to visit that firm at the first opportonity tbew is nothing like itr and when yon put an ad ve1isemfeut in a paper that its readers wil regard you in a similar light persian lamb caps the best quality at low prices also black astsachans good and cheap at j fyfvsr r- scotch english and canadian suitings in great variety at j fyfeactbn the baptist church ceorjjetown will hi all probability be one cf ill most enjoyable of the season the prograiiikie will em- brace vocal and instrumental liinsic in glees male and female quitrteties trios dnet aoil solos by ihembcr3 of the choir a pecial featnrewill be the rendition by the ladies quartette the four leading parts are taken and the ladies have the reputation of singing their several parts in excellent style the programme will be interspersed with recitations of an interest ing character au excellent entertainment is guaranteed a full hall is expected lone literary and debating society we are pleased to learrij that the younk people of the public school section which surrounds acton are taking a lively interest in literary matters and having abundauce of time at their disposal through the winter months are likely to give the matter closer attention than their civic friends on wednesday evening last a society having for its object the social and intellectual im provement of the community was organized in lome public school and is to be known as the lome literary and debating society the officers elected are presi dent d johnston vicepresident miss a mclean secretary w lasby treas f worden critic mies s b smith committee mikses a kennedy b mc dougall j mcmillan and mr el town- send the society will meetiu tbe school house every friday evening f i halton teachers association the annui 1 convention of halton teach- ere held at milton last thursday and friday was well attended the programme was more than usually interesting and the discussions were entered into heartily by the teachers with profit and edification to all dr meleuan of toronto waiprssentl and hislivelyand practical addresses were much enjoyed aud highly appreciated the officers for the current year were elected as fol- iowb ipresideut robt coatesj burlington victprekident heury grayj maton sec treas el harrison georgetown we are pleased to see mr r coates iu the presi dents chair formaqy years he has faith fully performed jbe aranoua duties of secrai tary aiid to his efficient fulfilment of the duties of the office the association is largely indebted fprftesuccess mr coates election to the bcesfdtnoy was onaniinoxu i i ft i limehouae news from uur men currtu ftntltnt miss jenun scul of rocwwood is a gueat of mrs win ilobiiison misa best ie iublie of ueorgetown is ttl in liiuebouse f toronto has beeu a j t ellis for tho en rink oil the pond is skaters the lice is now holding revival kvery better than gold so tluilv is u cold takcu tbut not infre quently cue is ut a loss to telhwhen or j peet iteaino go twilly if helped a uttjci but every cokl that comes u liable to ttav it may lisiipch just at a i time wheuitrom other tuuscs tho- lnorujul strength of resistanco in tliesysteut has beeu lowered a little laattentiou or delay mf give it a dsngcroul onco become mid tho work of dlhtodemetwill be very dlfflculu the ilmplo cryw or cptd in the beud ma tuaii wvetep into a catarrh and ti i hah indeed exceed ingly likely so to do that wh ia the caxo liovldenced by l faetttattaven penwns out of evory jjni n nmo1ittboav lantlo and mid- i aukllt dto stntcs have catarrh in a severe form prit h decs not lake that turnlm itttlolcoutfh hint j nt flrrt but un annoyance h almost certain to beeomo dry bard wckfe and cpn- rtuttly iwutrentiworbiffin wakli hours uhy bun 1 ut a loss to telf when or r it bus orlglttutfu and it propo toex- titviiio ueal tu sfetiy f une pornsslstn bjpa t niy cnuou or ueiay way m boteilsie of dlhtodgraent will be burs banlb4n sleep an ayers lag in waking id momentarily weakening tho patient tbclurjnx votxl cords and touslln bocoiiio lillluuied tho inflammation extends into tun bronchial lubenlttryu aicoc1 and brombftln atjth siidemilrat words that the doctor chllca in hbout that time will two tho trouble koet on work ing down the n ij e on w h f o iif h i ii i tubes to the wntnn t huikntiiil mately threatening pulmonary consuroi- 1 tlon or perhaps tho inalttdy iiwrtimm mttlectoralffi about at unwise a thing as an ordinarily sensible person con do is to neglect iittrenngqbim cohhibt cough and tntotnyco k ti u chance to develop lnbnyjpf ibwio svimf and when itcomaa toawrealroenrof i children lllitfmhu tfcctkvm- to bo feared from colds and eouglw msv bo avcrtwl la llio vert otilftt by hie numlnlirtniifon ot ayktre cnitrrv 1kt- toital a medicine ineffably ixuiucint which alleys the cotighjng roothcs to re freshing rest atitl bring buck liwtlfli tbo folio medical science has producedno cither anodyne expectorant so good as- aykmb chrkrv pkctobal itls invaluable for diseases ot the throatmu lunss i prop f swketzkr maine medical school brumxpiek he aye88 cirirfty prctorat affords more relief in cases ot whooping cough than any other medicine dr arthur y cox st juotfts mo 1 have used avitha clikrity pecixv ral in ray family for 20 yearn it is a wonderful remedy for throat and lurtg oumues l iarrbtt texcuut tex mv children have taken ayerb chbrry prcrditat for coughs and croup and have found it give immediate is the ouly medicine that can be relied won to break up a cold and cure acoiigb and is invaluable in the treatnwbt of alt affections of tho throat aud lungi are samples of what people say who know it i find nothing eta so enlciicioiis u aykb8 cherry pectohal livtlio treat ment of cbldaandxobgna rami have used it in croup asthma uml inclilleiit consumption with greut t-uccchm- dr j h wilson centervttlc iowa my wife troubled with violent cough ing hard and dry tor 8q years got m low i thought it wouid kiil ber she took ayisrs chkimy prct6hai uml u enurely cured g m caitb freudi campmtts j several membom of my family xuitcrcil neverely with influenza au wtre cuitir bv aykrs clikilitv prctoiialilll fnw days the best remedy that cn lo lnul for coughs and colds u aykiis chkiiiiv pkctoral- m sargext lainu hau 9- aviv white cqtocini wm will orter their cttrtpmers commencln a fri y morniug janaary 28tbjw hire cottons at about f x sir regular wr u ia in x a- price wo have 4 spepial lines to 5c firi price this cotton we guarantee to bo better than any whileasle iiuees are selling attbit price today t next prioe 73 g this cotton is usually sold at 10 cts per yard biitwt bough 4 ken have decided for the coming year to show tbepeo letbr nave decided for the coming year to show tbepeojlotbep ultlonwe ire nio8etl good goods cheap oat this line will go at seven and ttoeerquartei i ents per f ard next price 10 c this hrono of the finest cottons wa havo handled for jjadles wanting somethins choice it is a be utlf nriisj has that bright linen finish that you so often n relief followed grcoo ioiceu by cure m8 mass j de ayers cherry pectoral prepared by 00 c analytical chemista lowell mass forsaiebyandrugglsu joayb yott so oiten aeo that it is not difficult to bpjr a white cotton at 10 there is no white cotton iu the trade as good as houses sell no better at isc i next price al- this cotton is a wonaeirful line at the price ve do hit iutend c2 ju special aboat it as it vjll speak for itself when in ask to see our whlte cottons at 5c ryan berkinshaw co guelph p sour motto good 3ood8 at refitted for a i u utifola with hi eryi b at co cften lie lot chespj and as wo st t low a time i just the oottou ee ropn i in thread and priced c ottons we know bnt wo i ire confident that sb than 12jc and some saying anything 12 price goods i at oye jersey 8uitt immense quantities of about half i pric at tme many of them at far less than half thwr value just see the piles of ladies knitted wor lieu scarfs clouds 8bawlsa alexandra jackets with y iselling off at an immeuse loss bo as to clar them out which arc selling off at far less than half prices m many cases ladies and misses mantles and ulsters marked down to half pur trimmiegs marked down to half trices a great variety of them on hand short jackets in the very latest styles selling off at and under cost prices curtains and curtain materials selling off very cheap ladies man tlo iud ulster moths selling fir ladies misseb men l now visiting hjer frie miss katie kiiu guest of her brother past two weeks the limehoasc o vcll patrouized wit in good condition rev jlr sliiltou meetings in the methodist church meeting has been well attended johufxewtori son have commenced operations at their factory again they had been closed for several weeks for stock taking the torcrtitp lime co started last week burning lime there has been no wood coming in of late for the want of sleighing they have now somn two thousand cords in stock but will require as much more to run them through the season john marshall one of our esteemed mer chants has purchesed one of mr ezra besseys fast horses he willnow be able to attend to all his tnsiness in town he will as well nbtforgnvto make bis regular tnps to georgetown when tbo sup goev down i the mechanics institute has been or ganized here in neutous hall the first meeting was attended by a large crowd the bev mr wallace gave an interesting address on the benefits that might be de rived from the institute the officers elected were john lindsay treasurer and secretary isaac ne ton librarian com- mifcteo h lepvideman nr- lindsay and john newton jr j citizes limehou so jan 31st 1887 mineral pimi nothing bat pure extracts from plants and roots are used iupreparinjjmcgregors the modern and now colds obughs bron chitis croup asthma and all affectiohsof the throat 1udb aud chest all mineral poisons and dangerous substances are avoided which renders it safe for children or adults sold at 60c and 9100 per bottle at tr mcgarvins drag gtoro off at less than costt dress goods arc selling of at from 5 to 10 cents per yard leratbsn they are actually worth knitted woollen underclotbin and boys at far less than their yalue just see tho flravy can id i an and jnce fine scotch vtdol underclothing the prices are down very low j aneffo nous stjnck of flannels grey white scarlet navy cardinal orange aznhne striped and check shirting flannels and beautiful striped jersey flannel all sellipg off al they- are worth 8eetho dress goods in black and colored most of them are very superior french makes nnd french dves warranted fast ooloij ycry much less than their value there is nn enormous stoclf ot blankets quilts and comforters selling off very cheap abnnt 35000 yards ot 3 i y cottons nmt sbirtiugs received lately which are selling off much helow their value tickings diioks denims drills cottonades ami 3lieetinps in bleached andnnblt j shed at very low prices cheaper tliau at any former season an immense stock of canadian tweods mantle and ulster cloths and boys overcoatings and litiingjs for f robes selling off at far iras than their value new table napkins cheap a lot of very extraordinary lung compound popular remedy for nice goat 8klns for kobes very oheap see the blankets thire ie an enormous i tnk of them selling off cheaper than ever before the velveteens ip black colored and striped for desses and trimmings are offerlne at ahig redaction silksj satins at exceedingly low prices for firstnlass fashionable goods mill nery is cvllineofft a great reduction pattern hats and patttrn mantljs aivort an enormous stock ff carpets in hemp twoply union allwoo tapestry brussels velvet pile and wiuon linoleum floor oilclothji msts sweepers poles in brass and wood window shades embossed and by the yard at unusually low prices miud the 6tores are on kiug street eas son street the nsjmea on the windows are the right house and himilton january 18ft 1887 nt fiust anniaj gm1 aki discount r b jermyns salb at s and nd without sleeves and tnir lalp prices- and are ladies anil mlesas mantles sd aout onefifth lees than i hey are selling off at brrwlios and merveilleux i w iv at almut half price itu mattings carpet one door west of hugh- 9 extraordinary x goraraeucirnj on aud continued untij stocktoking which will hev early in febraavy th j whoie of ray will be thrown jii the market at prices which mii9t slow iti find tig- out where the genuine bargains haltdn the time of year such a gold m oppprfeuuity of obtaiuing y dor wi iii your owii prices ladies- iqk obntsi stock ot spriug forouedolltti i the year has now arrived wjienrmy remember i have tbe largest stock stocfc astonish as wett as please the closest buyers the people of fjliis cduntry are uot are to be had and the masses are getting them everjj lawful bus iuess tjlpy ai the dry goods hosb stockraiis- be reduced bt dress godaand furs iu acton tho and tylea aud luuge from 5c up- to 50c a yard forsbfeyerydeacriptioij up to 5 per yar i positivelr the furs must go have over 5j0pl0 worth of new an drkbbby u veirabf tevli iciil will be slaughtered in order ib male rom for ik tud summer clothing which willaitive in march i i 1 i mwgbj and bonnets will ba sold at coalj aiid a titrrotitit qp 25 ppbofent allowett ou u departmeut ad 8hobf3 at prices iive me a call- aud you will conettlt tdafuif retweiiiber 1 g ive si x your mi interebts mfyjmm housekeepers tttidjothera will hot have foi from itabbit to soj cfct sea seal fur i 1 h j t pounds of good tea equil to any x t fe i 1 i i a m ws y0 another long ress goods are in 1 11 the leading makes rh s rfi w 20c r big oash scales in this i 80c lea iti towt t i jermyn m iiilli wm2jfwftzw

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