1 j- mrccixhuon- if atton on hm eui february the wtfo ot mr vul mccutoucon f a son theoravk tkiin chicago outrwcth rbruary thotnss l- formerly of avion wls4jtw llaoofcrtat brampton on prutmr mdtulug the 4th february janm haggart ajiidwyeav cmntrboa iakevtowve toroutji the srd koy cnarlet darling halton only ton ot d l o and maggie christie aged is mouths ami v5dy laom-auuammencootuliwnuri-uwjproc- it tisir usv ketttoby omuai4tu oik wm lloyd iwed w year and 10 tnonths new market kra ucmilliu prattvule mich- tm the 90th jmirt f cdauapuan min maggie mcmil- io fur many part a uwttbwr 01 too tttnilj of h r j- hu wmtwt apod 95fcan 9bt tmt jfrifress thcrbdat moitmno fkbrtur y 10 1887 opening of parliament the ontario iicgislaturo meets for the dosutch ofbusiueas today the address iu reply to tho- speech from the throne will beuiovedbymruuthrioof south wel lington and seconded by 3tfr evanturelof prescott argus m3plaosd kw oormpondant jtv till obe8 ittspwv fr old sric fe x notes and comments i the tennessee scoato has passed the prohibition constitutional amendment mchigau is to vote ou the question of prohibition thoseuatoand hdase of re- prasentatiyes haviug passed the bill n bis bear and three of his indian associi afces iu the xorthwest rebellion were re ihsed from stoncy mountain potiteniary on saturday we am pleased to be able to announce thi two have at fast secured a cornapond- d towsnmo the petition -wotted- by tfaf derturo of argus last december jrgua wasaraoyajrid interesting writer aufthis removal was much regretted by readorsyas is evidenoed by numeroui ictwt and personal enquiries ulnoo reoeif ad mpectiug the abaonoolol his customary weekly letter of pith an point oar new correspondent will eufloavor to sutqtiu tbe flittering reputation earned by tho ono whose ahoos ho will endeavor to fill we hope these communications will bo enjoyed byjallaud that all will kindly remember that no reference to any personal matter wijl ever be made in malice but that every paragraph is intended fort the general en tertainment iof our readers and also that all remarks will bo accepted in the rood- uatored manner in which they are writteu and iutended to bo understood tbk editor k publlo to tho seiits fd by the long hoped for day of the prohibi- tioaists came on thursday the senate of the stale legislature deciding by vote to submit the prohibitory amendments to the toteof thepeople detroit free pi- canada gays the chicago herald is now becoming populous axd enterprising dependency further in narnbere wealth and ambition the people of the dominion are already a nation of consider able size and importance well said sir charles topper in his speech atam- herst the other day delivered himself as follows he was prepared to say it woald please himiu parliament or out to do any thing to promotp temperance he was pte- pared tomorrow te support the most stribc- cnt prohibitory law that could be placed on the statne book whenever it was deemed necessary by the people xbe senate of pennsylvania has voted in favor of the submission of prohibition to a vote of the people an amendment in favor of compensation in case prohibition wis carried was rejected the vote was an alcaon strictly party ow the kepubiu cans voting for and the demoeratsagajnst if adopted the prohibitory law will be in the ihapejof an amendment to the consti- tntiodof the state pco parliament was over sent from the people with clearer instructions as to policy than those given the membersf the toronto council they were elected to curtail and hedge in the liquor traffic to teach the brewers that toronto is not a at preserve for their sport and we fancy they will teaclfthat lesson thoroughly or the electors of toronto may prove aharsh scboolboard next january citiztn the antiscott act party- in halton county have decided to move again for the repeal of the act in ilay ot angost next mail our antiscott act friends may as well savo themselves the trouble and ex- pence of asecoud attempt at repeal for the good people of our county will loyally and successfully guard and protect the advanced position assumed upon this questjon eight years ago the north west nxranied police are i is said to be rearrued with the new man chester repeating rifle which has been for mally adopted by the british government aatheir winchesters are a good enongb wapon to do the fighting the people oi canada want them to do it woald beonore re- assuring to know that they are well horsed so that in case of further trouble occurins they would not be in the position of the garrison of prince albert two hundred men and sixty odd horses to mount them ell ji they were w6ll horsedtbe prospect is they could crush any disorder that might arise before it grew serious enough to call for the use of rifles- manchester or winchester w hi the poltticaii campaign the campaign is now at its heigh th and meetings are held nightly by the candidates and their friends tbconghoa t the county the mass meeting at milton last thurs day at which sir richard cartwright was the principal speaker was very largely at tended and his lengthy address was listened to with attention throughout mr vyttldies candidature was ably championed on saturday afternoon the h6n thomas whiteminister of the interior addressed a mas meeting of electors iu mr hender- sous intercuts this meeting being held in the afternoon was not so largely attended as that of the thursday previous but it was estimated that nearly gty of those preent were electors mr white made a speech of about two hours in length touch ing upon the leading questions of the day mr waldie and others will address a mejtde in the town hall here tomorrow evening mr hendersou is holding meetings in the lower end of the county this week to night ho is at postville tomorrow at oak- ville and saturday t norval his meet ing at georgetown was largely attended mr thomas cowan whose brilliant oratory is well known washis principal supporter an usual the friend of both candidates are poiitive their own will be elected in qur opinion this will be one of iixe moat dlosely contested elections the coanty bas wnt seen i 0uj tothefact4hat both candidates occupy a similar position in favor of the scott act and temperance legislation the i ne in the cojrtfrt will be one excluaively aolitical as the origiual argus has ti this thriving town for good and all i have been wanejl by the editor of thofiisr pbesb to fill the vacancy to occupy the samo fourlegged stool that he or she occupied to drive the same quill that he or she drove j to stand the samo or similar abuse of people whose temper may be raffled by hewing the truth concerning themselves occasionally as he oreho stood to nso bo same hori rfo plume that lie or sbe used and so forth i have consented and will endeavor to follow in his or her style as far at possible it appears that it is the universal cus tom of late both of individuals and news papers when entering the journalistic arena to parade in a conspicuous place what is called their platform said plat form usually consists of a series of ideas theories which are usually more or less visionary measures of reform platitudes of the blake and meredith stripe and so ou which are called plauks and the can didate for journalistic houora is supposed to lake his position ou this platform and usually is there as long as it suits him j 4 in accordance with all thia it may be especlel that i as the successor of the jiual argus of this journal aud as sulning bis or i should say her nom tit plime should aka construct a platform tje following has been hastily constructed ana may bo added to from time to tiriic as this journal proudly claims to be independent like some of the leading journals of the day so am i also proud to cl4im that i too am an independent coik itive and advocate for this town council that will do its duty to tho t interests aud advancement of the town rtjaxdltfss of croaker great and small il prompt suppression of said croakers the transpurtatiou hanging quartering or 8oine other easy and cheerful method of getting rid of the enemies of the towns progress the acquiring of the driving park prop erty and lake for the sole benefit and use of the town as a peoples parkv- a uniform with brass buttons and a large squirt gun for street corner purposes foi our geuial chieflconstablc i wateringcart on alderman honeys- principle 4 a rink that is a rink to be erected in a mi re convenient locality and with waiting nxim3 not built xn the refrigerator plan the purchase of a piano by the town for tc wu hall purposeti he destroying of the almauack used by thi lamplighter so that the town will no be left in total darkness when the moon dot snt shine bat ought to according to sai 1 almauack the town is now in a state of some- whit jeverisn excitement over the ap- prt iching elections it is the settled con- vie ion that our towu in the past has been sot lewbat shabbily treated in county- mat ter 1 we have been euchred out of the wi rdensbip ou more thun one occasion when it was only right that we should have hac it we have been done out of the to fnship show in spite of having a better cla in by virtue of position and bo forth tha a the town to the south ot us it must iu fairness be said however that we did ha e it one year and then it was univer sally conceded that it was the best ever heli u xow however i a in glad to see that things generally point to the belief that our town is to be honored by returning the next member for halton to parliament there seenas to be a strong probability thai the proprietors of the satchel and tru ik factory will erect a building specially for the pursuit of their business as soon as the coming season opens the petition ctrc ulated for this purpose has met with a rnoi t gratifying reception by all the prom- inei x- men of the place the enlarging of this industry will nee ssiirily cause a demand for more bou es and already several parties are tool ing for sites on which to erect dwell ing which they may rest assured will not ion remain vacatit the manufacturing indi istry is the backbone of our town and sbo ild be given alii the encouragement pos sible acton seems about to j enter in a gres ter degree of prosperity-than- sbe now enjc ys aud i am sure bay readers one and all rill trust this may be so a ton fcby 9th 187 anoun board of edrjcamon tho butlnou trwouoted jbjr ihonew 6f soheel tnmiixlmr urat mooting theboaidoftruiuolof aotdn school mstou mouday fcvuninb 7ih fehy members of tho old board present messrs j k meqarviu dr lowry and goo hynds messrs thomas ebbogo aud isaafrni els the new members subscribed declarations of offloe and took their thqsocetaryiu thoclmir moved by j e mcduryiu soooui or lowry that georgo hyudi be apiwint od chairman for the ourroiit year caitied tho seoetary vacatod ami mr kyuds took tho chair minutes of last lueeuug read ami con firmed moved by j e mcgarviu socondud by i frahcis that tho obainuau dr lowry aud tho mover be a oommltteo to strike the sttudiug committees for tho jearj carried tho ooiiimitteu row met and re wked as follows fisancnw h lowry j k mogaryiu and george hynds pnoieurvw h storey thos k isaao francis and geo hyndn beport adopted tho finance omnuttec prestutctl first report rceommeuding timtthe iollow ing accounts be paid j municipal collector tuxes ou school residence 1 10 the treasurer iutercst 1 36 h p moore priuting and holding eleclapiii 125 allan munn irepairs 1 33 domiisio lecti thewanzer p 3skir7iir lqo ittaulmtwori hifflllton ow sp new bbnge their i73i report adopted the annual abstract of the receipts aud expenditures of the hoard for the current year was presented by the treasurer moved by j k mcuarviii seconded by isaac francis that tbennuhl abstract of accouuts as yreseuted to tho board be nub- lished in thefiuikputebas usual curried the board then adjourued limehou8e news ffumour wen cornmimlnit miss miiggie bigger of liuefph is visiting frieude iu ijitnehoube mr it kllis is visiiiut bur sister mrs si huinberbtoiu if newtonbroik the missed immmdsjiiof toronto arc fu und earnest consideration only support such measures as now visitiuy at tlicic lionf iu linteboubu tolisi tuiil sirus kennedy of limehouio are busily ciigugel manufacturing baskets williuii snyder lias been engaged jtllis winter rininim a onmv plough through the street the men haouuw eouluieucetl worki in the quarries everything indicates a busy season for the lime busiuesj one of our oniig men is anxious tojiave his boarding houe cluingifl to one inorc j convenient t ihc ixirracus where iev will keep tire on all night for him i bobby burns our violinist who has been on u visit during tlte past three weeks through the vvesteiu countiesfor the benefit of his health has returned looking much improved j t kllis uml ii kduiuiidaou ate now the two rival clitoker players of the village both are under instructions by mr hobt dallas win 1 1 olitici happen to come up the board is laid aside and then itobl bti- comes quite uritty the limehoiise odd stockings have al ready organized their club for the next ftasou ilurry letoideviu has been ap pointed president harry lluuks they can getaway with georgetown or atrj- other club iii the county this summer mr gieyson who haslbeen a resident of this village during the past ten years has disposed of his property and left here hut friday with his family for manitoba he has always been a kind and sociable neigh bor and we all wish them unbounded suc cess in their future homc i the ltev mr wallace hab been holding special services during the past week iu iiimebcusf lie will continue tbeui the present week with the assistance of the rev mr argo and the rev mr grant both of toronto communion service will be held in the church next tf uuclin two of our noted bports drove to george town the other eveuing to get partners for one of our partitsr they returned without any one of tjiem seemed to take it to heart but the other was heard to remark that he drowned his sorrow before leaving georgetown we hope they will succeed the next time crnrajs county of halton gkktumkk having received the unsolioited- and nn- aniinous invitation of the reform party of the county to become their candidate for the house of commons i have pleasure in accopting the same and shall from this tlmo to tho oloso of tho foils take overy opportunity of jnakitic your sersonal nc quaihtance at pilblic meeting i aud other- wlsd j my plhtfovuij shall be to y remote such logislati6n only ns will toiid to make this canada of ours a happy united and pros perous country to that end 1 shall not favor any theo retical changes in the tariff which would disturb either tho burinesu of tho country or its manufacturing industries tho finances of tho jountrj should re ceive careful attention and every judiciqus effort to econonizo oxpejudituro will flnct in me a warm supported i believo large savings iu cxpeuditure can be effected a portion of which could and should be applied to a reduction of the postage rate from three cents to two cent so as to place tho correspondence of cana dians on the samo level iu that respect as prevails iu england and the united states ou the temperance question my thirty years record is well known future legit- j latum uii tliimuestiou shall lifve my otirc- uinl i shall i believe to the best interests of tho 15555 custom tailor wtbtf ii u tox x u has opmfad a custobi tuor rjliopm tlln itpt jp y ttot t8 sioro reoentiy ocoapidd bv kelly broil miti f li jrv wo is proparod to make uj clothing of all klm j in tho latos ittylos anl most workiuanliko manner i j y a lino of samples pt worstodsrtwoeds otc in shon by mm and good value sec- tired for all jcustbmorbj the orders of farmoro especially ilt soli- cited clothes cleauwl and repaired i william my aetou feb liud liw7 no iciiiinhcv no olobc no jimoke no 0dor iostuycly noneuiiloslvti never guts beat- 1 od hums any gralo of coal oil kvarjilamp guaranteed without interfering with tliji llftlit can put on nursery attachment beat water voll otfrr inaki ui iiml coffee avter stew eti j- i the pleture gallery gualph is the boht place for tile laf est styles and boot qualitylin mouldiugs boom anctplcture frames oh paintings teel- engrayiugs statuary eel- cornice poles from 00 cents- window hhttdes spring rollers brass rods for short blinds j abtij3ts materials oil colors water colors brusher crayons canvas drawiug papers tc drc l- g matthews i1j ailxl ioll ai ton am vk1si l li waters bros publiq webtinos il eftkdt ot d heljersonu the liberal- lm native candidate vor tiik iocs ox commons- at the following tl oosn ill puam brookvill 38a turdaygtli february in the t wn tiatl gkoltcetrouji onday7th ffclruary i in tnetiwu lall buklingtfj n t iesday 8th february i inthetjwn 3aii bronte wedue day 0th february in the o rangi hall p08tvillb thursday 10th february in the idwribbip hull oakville friday 11th february n iuthel4n elau kobvaf f sa imfdai 12th ilebruary in t noar thd post office omaghj mniay special be fair ondiii country fain opposed to the preset t dominion frnnclrise and instead thereof wouls pre fer manhood suffrage with voters list and provision of winter goods mammoth house georgetown in fv sile of millinery mantles dress coods vsincoys registered i or reinijvalsj purely prsoai parigraphsrogpecting people withwhom oar readers are individually or colleotivelyacquainted st mrs j b watsou of borlin visited friei ds here last weefi m r and mrsp cvfleury bf stouffville are usiting acton friends r m issra ged mcgarvin and vv wissler of e lora visited fr ends hrb this week mr tb speigljt of toronto spent a oou i le of days during the week with friends ben i 1 v mr peter lee and family who removed to s sipio ny a little over a year ago are aboi t to return to actou m iga gassie speight of marhbam who has- jspeat several eeks wth tier brother mr cc speight land other friends re tun ed home ou man day i persian lamb aps the best quality at lc w prices alsojblacit astraopans good and cheap at j fyfes i bcetcb englisb aind canadian suiting jaci mt variety at j fyfee acton sbigaepmipgjipigg 1887 hampers magazine j illustratbdr iuiobs maoa2ise during 1887 will coutiiiu a novel of intense political social and romantic interest entitled narka story of russian ufe by kathleen omeaba a new novel en titled april hopes by w d howeim southern sketches by chjuileb dcslct wai- vfii aud rebecca hakding davis illustrated by william hamilton gibson great ameri can industries continued social studies by drk t ely further articles on tho hall way problem by competent writers new series of illustrations by k aabbky and alvhed paksons risicjflsbyk v ok aud other at tractions t harpera periodicals peryeiur haupews siaoazink hauphhs weekly 11 harpers hazak harpers young pkojihk harpers franklin sycau rarv one year mnutnocrm hahpbrs handy sfcrjks one year 53 numbers 15 00 postage free to all suhhcrlljer in the united states or canada i oo i 00 4 00 00 till 10 00 xho volumes of the magazine bujjin with the numbers for juno and december of cudi year when no time is specified subbcriptious will be gin withtuo number curront it tinio of receipt of order irouud vojuniys of habpkifs mauaziuk for three yearsback iu neat cloth mailing wli bo sent by mail postpaid ou receipt of si00 per volume cloth cases for binding so cuuts eaclijby mail postpaid index to hakftivs maoazinu alplmhetitul analyffcand classified forvoluiiiei 1 iu 70 inclusive from june 163q to jimp st3i one vol trh cloth hi heinittanoes should be uiaue- by poatotfiuc money order or draft to avoid ehaiice of ijsk neipapers ore uot to copy this advertispnjent withont faf jprif ofderj pf hjfiifeb bbotbbrs almrcsf hnilii a urtjtietfi sew verlj from one constituency to another 1 oiir xorthwest territories should be if free home to actual settler and all deal- illjis willi speeultttive corporations wlioull cease i if elected ishall enter the houe as a loyal supporter of the reform party i hnt whatever the consequences may be vill pre fer country to tarty and nil assist the government of tho day in maintaining peace at home aud dignity iu onv dealing with imr lieiehbours i desire to aim at higher aiid broader views of public duty trusting that my fellow electors will sxpport mc in this di rection with a hearty vote t am gentlemen your obedieiitsevant 1 johywaldik 138 milton january 31 st men it ments l nl del itrtilteilt ii a i thik- ulanee v iur winter gnuiu wit arc holding a forced chsiiiur ove coats blankets flanhe cloakings hosiery s underclothing ladies and cents furs robes tweeds readymade clothing hornby m uida tlia ora lge all thegraigeilill the orange i all campbell ijil e tuesday loth febv in the 1 enipi ranee hall lowville wednesday 16th february in the tempi cumminsvjlbe februaiy in nelson villse thursday 17th febrnatytn the township hall glennvilllamr friday 18th feb in the tei ip n nee hall all the above neiti pmi except tho ie t which are to be pell ugs will be held at 8 jmagh and lowvdle it 2 pm sjk cloves and all class 6s of 111 publie can rl in effid u junn i akmilunl ie in liril we liavuuuiiii liurkinii to -h- luiisentoe from iuh ordkuk dinfr and nmui nhig 1 halton elections ii ireitinggiuiiiuc bargrins in 11v mantlf and dei hr iiixl of ml ii winter goods i be nbove giinac as av are irking onhr mxl are turning 6ul stvlixli milhiervj and gar ivicuy fllkssgkis kasmakixo depart- hiervj and gar- dhvlss silks d ulotiumi depvrllsientls rs a specially come and ialnli our sp l-avbd- iciul korced sale touiuiciicipop 8tbj at 10 a ra benefit ofagieat sale of my io merj 14th februarys in 14 th february in ntirce hall wednesday the hall 16th mr waldie is recjpctftilly invited to be present he queen s5 tm gent v hiei saturday january nnd until further notice i shall gie the public the sweeping clearing se stock of plain and make money by saying it mcleod anderson co i i- r fancy iolorcd dress goods ipuncy tartan i c loied silks satins and meryeilieis j lain colored vel vets striped tlojoreil velvets color ed plushes i trip d fancy plushes- etc at a strai ht aa discount of 23 pep cent the goods will he sold at the iaarked irice and the discount taken off the tyil t ius 16 yds colored b ucle at 40c l 40 less 2 chopls in igalrjtl o- if the rhtimikn iiriyihlj-r- sthuul 1iuoks pens pkjmgils latks papkk dopy books pravlnj books scribbling boo kts oruiiy iithir tjcliooi neuesaariesse3d them always whfiie to the free audluilependeut klei turs your vote and influence are respectfully solicit a hbnbes0m i a p your renrenhutatiw in the house of commons of canada if elected i will faithfully ilisrlinjrjv die ilulies of the responsible position and ilyiin- utmost to guanl your interests halton elections x john waldie meetinbis acton friday evening february 1 1 a ham v as bevei campbellvijle 8atifrday afternoon feb 12 at poun oclock broqkvili 8aturday evening feb 1 2th at half past 8eves i decgi e they get what they ask for of good q lality and at reasonable prices t nd that place is ajftd stationery store ont aoton tiie gr0at twofoot rule vii nuy r keep yol r jpmt2t waiol obaeve my tad it is not bad and often 1 reuew it it brings me trade and i imve made many a dollar through it for tnde you see comes right to me whole seas and oooansqf it and truth to telh it pays mo well aud thus i rriake my pntit ah pi ay nake no mistakp we t re not shy yp an very wide awake this journal and i- 1 s the nassagaweya meetings wjlhe ad esaed by p on giielph artd oiber lings will jresaed by p sutlirio esij mipp of 1 rjibctyssipi invited tsmisrmtmiiiaastaamivsi ibniwiemtsurt wm o- i tho uudorsigiied beg pared to supply all lines the latest styles of the cl1iabing repuiniig neatly audi promptly doue7 a cull is solicited to iutiiuate that they are pro of bootsani shoes iu best material fcjr the least money and that they have a largo stock on baud burtfalus will be given eqial to anything oftered eitbei in acton or elsewhere foi th next thirty days come and secure them our pine seweri and pegged work is wkili known 1 dom i n iqm bqotshoetore zfelty bhios mill street agtqlsf est b cjlothing store h clsaeing 20 ydi culorje less i this should be it is well kiio times as matiy as any hous tomersknow t tivcattraction my adyertisen ent assortment is disiiount net or sjlkat 5cl3 0o disount 3 75 i go- 44 0 net 11 25 an immense attraction u hat i carry thiec ihai ilsotne dress goods i u i lie city my cus- t lat the comparative size of fliy advertienint with others in thetradeiji j inlicetoli of therela- of the stocks for while is the smallestmy- fhe largest i do hot believe in spre id tagle advertisements in any case ihd during this great bale i am giyi ig a vay the profits and therefore cannot a lord to pay several hundred dollli i to the printer the general public is joiugto have the benefit and kavefoand that a simple statement alwiiys uifices to draw at- attentlon to any specialty we make- tp addition tohiiw special rfduc tions of from 10 to 50 per cent have been made in every other department tu the house i am overstocked have too many uoods an 3 go they must i want to takeiniitl ast j20 january and february the quiet months of the year and prices are going to he made it w enough to make business hum copieto no t for bargains strictly cash fro credit telephone and lei ter orders prompt- ly attended to iii order to olear ut thereniahuler of winter stoei i have determined to offer the balance of ast bosian lamb aud a8racha cips woolen shirts ciardlgan jaoketa ud under clpthin aso at coat f iip owmmoqmnjxlr3rb t greatly jreduccd prices fprj cdsh no v js tps time to bvv at tailor fpr cash i gcobjs jqhaitosn at ohll pbicesi ance fit and use fine all operations strictly ft appointments uialti b ltttor weating 1mb t desires to inform surroundings thai orders for weaviup carpets flannel k m jh gold work a specialty rt class aiu horseblankets two j4t itnrrj k ttiei e r bohgi 27 lower wyiidhamstreetr cuelph ont telephone ut o itpice jambs stii ton lds djbnrist touellg block opptsiste fast officeguelph i vitali2ed air painlessexircctioh ofteeth r artificial teeth guarai iteeil perfect iu appeal mitchell the people of acton and lit is prepared to tuke all kinds of fancy- flag shsetingv bhirting and dress goods striped tjrjplaid twill or plain also bed blankets am yards wide andovr and x will guarinteb that i willgivegood satisfaciioh to all ar iers and others who will favor me wljljth iti patronage t mittaiell w wo o j-th- paderpi very tiea ing jouni t pari i ousiy pti citemenjt usip 1au of can iiijthij aud well hr driving s tioh t4 was to b the hiigtou 7300 of balarvce j scriptiom tkio of 1005 coliectio over am wtsdi vt- in knox occupy t heisaf thought emcc off victp winnin cliampii i withtht ius hariey daekb andcoui act bev itia whlol aboub mr j seryative lurp and success of kiesj elites elei thie kt a n m dt munioi mr kei iehce wit cornpete eqriitatljs county the orange heldb m w l chaplai boper thos chaij mtfa phiiioa inmr map fori a voung interest i schools- board j ameian mr j cameh of his h thisrno he jwas as jpall liimself erly a re fimbn hie f on mpnd visitors lipiehou there w the ice tfie prue petition edlns m h