Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1887, p. 3

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wmr- wm- 1 r4 v v t -r- ll m 3 1 jvit school oiuninc we keep a uufee stock ol school book and jchool supplies oooetautly oh band all ktatoot wawhm clock jawoltory afiti spectacles careiall- repaired osohyhtms jewellery and bwtfowtjp store altos ost tauntv mowuv ivjuttvhv 10 187 crumbs for br partded by the inr thoughtful fr prfw reporters a wctlrcf flood spring is coming valentines me ajiain ou exhibition next monday st yateuna day te sleighing is about over for this aexson the hamilton carnival was quite a luco terser arc asked for the office of r street lamplighter a gravel read between hornby and oakmlle is talked of a february thaw ha had a plaeo in the vuittr pirgramnjethid year a dnttou grocer baa wen fined 950 and costs for mtractfou of the scott act sabbath school convention at gedrfie- uwu on u 24th and 23th of this month air jobu waldte the reform candi date in the town hall tomorrow eveuiiij the county council granted the loime rifles 550 siud jot s50 as proviouijy reported canada will never thirst for peace if she coes to war on codfish sew orlttuu dicaghht a ranaway horse smashed the lamp post at the corner of mill and main street on saturday sir l g matthews has been appointed agent for tbis section for the celebrated wanzer xiamp messrs moore mcfjarvin aret inning out some fine trunks from thoitiew bunch of their manufactory if yon have any items of uej yon would like to have published drop into oar o3ic and let us know it j the usual remarks abont winters broaen back bone and lingering in the lap ti spring are now ru order auauctiou sale of bakerschiutdswill tike place at aguews hotel on tuesday at vv oclock wni hemstreet auctioneer the preston fviwrtss a new local paper published in the above town is a wry neatly pnuted and unusually interest ii journal parliamentary candida lea an- vigor ously pushing their canvass aud the ex citement of au election campaign is upon us indisputably an agent is selling tunieons new map of canada published in toronto this year iu this vicinity it is an excellent map aild welt worth the price asked for it mr bobt nicklin lost hjs valuable driving stallion saturday from inflamma tion the animal was sold for 8250 and was to be delivered this week mertttrg the tine new metbodistrcburcb at bur lington dedicated latweek ost 12500 7300 cf the cost has been paid and the balance was more than covered by sub- scriptious knox church gait has a membership uf 100 j and raised 796339 by envelope collections last year a balance of 18901 over and above congregational expenses was declared ke mr fraser of orouo preached ill jljox church last sunday and will also occupy that pulpit on the coming sabbath lie is a plain earnest speaker and well ttonglit of ty many hccutcbeob the gnelph skater came off victorious at the hamilton carnival winning the gold rpedat and two mile championship and k gold headed cane with the fie mile championship inspector brothers and constable harley on situi day searched the silver creek hoel wm perryman proprietor and coufiicated athalf keg of aoti scott act deverage gtonjrtovh herald the weebsrab3ngs wmcb are principally local and all interesting r a double jointed bid tor patronage mr hfendersotj of acton is the tou- btrvative candidate for halton we wish him aed his opponent mr waldie every success oalcllk star perhaps onrfnend of the star would jike- to see both candi dates elected tbeaisesbor for 1887- at a meeting of the council last week mr doncan kennedy was appointed municipal assessor for the corrent year mr kennedy lias had considerable exper ience with the duties of this office and is competent to prod ace a satisfactory and equitable aseessment poanty orange offlcers i the followring officiers for the county orange lodge were elected at tbe meeting held here on tuesday sol hannant c x w b smith d c m iavidharn8 haplain chaa tylor seoy john p uoper treas john- baird lecturer thoticlrahath proxy cjiawpioit chairman of the boar4 of bdnnatlon at the first meeting of the board of poblic school trustees last monday even ing mr george hynda was elected chair- mau for the current year mr hyndu is u oijg ruun but has taken a great deul of iuteroit in matters pertaining to tlie public kchoon here since bis election to i tbe board a melancholy event fmr js haggert of stv thomas who came here last week to attend the funeral otlbjv brother jobuwafi ill and thisroorninj death came list friday he was one of the live brothers ho acted as pall beareis a week later and he is hiinself a corpse mr haggert was forin- erly a resident of brampton bamier fun on the ice the faucydrefcw caruital id the ic rink on monday niht was largely attended and visitor were present from georgetown lunehousetatid other neifzhborin towns there was quite a number of costumers oh tbe ice and spectators werenonterojs in tba prize list there was considerable com- petition bptihe reraltba tiotbeen torwiwi- du r v i 9ttmitumtapmclp the ovy and original tg woan of the rflyfoh timt haw secured the printing up wlittgto at vfgitro that will not jtftnluiminateriali i i a ptty tho iwg tt tcwro oht m wc do nov know wliat dcwi will live jn when the orab oi nnot bo caught the council will rjuin but one wtniplc ot tli workjftw jrftwiir j mow 8 tt act oaaet t four jcraons were tried atj gcolgetowu for the ioutlon of the soott actoupriday at 1 hey were arraignrd wfoeo police imagiati tte young by inspcclpv brothora two of he canes were dismissod and the othew turned intotiuatwn liai been laid in its other cases by- mm inniouv four of niiiali are for second offeuotw thoy will bo i tied next week young j lent ooaeivatjy awoolkuon the i outtr meue liberal ctouiervative associal ion of tins place wis j reorgairiaed at a litrj ety attended meeting in the town hull on 1 iiursday evefiiug ofllast week the officers lotted are dr cjkj htacey presi dent g it buokwejl ylcq president i a e ntcflin secretary the associatiou will bay one or more meltings esth week during t ic campaign apasta realgna i on8bbth last hev a t sowerby who has been pastor of tlia baptist church of ueorji otowu and acton or nearly three years tendered his resignation mr sowerb althoughyoung in the tninistry is an ab e gospel preacher atid has doue ood wo k during his stay ou the circuit he is a nau of eueixy and retolutiou but not bail lg physically strong finds the georgeu wn field too heavy for him for this teas on he thought it advisabjo to take this ster which is very much regretted by his man friends both hero and at -acton- the resi motion will not take effect until lstofmvtfak i miltons civic afadra muddled we oi derstaud there was ijuite a scene in the cconcil chamber on monday night itissak that the mayor adjourned the council bile some of the niembera were writing resolutions to be bronght before the loaid thus shutting orj all fnrther business for the night oue of thd mem bers chs ged the mayor with beiur a party to some underhand hnnkerslidiiii and protestex in vain against i hig action in abruptly adjourning the copncil we be lieve the auditors teport is the bono of couteoti u and startling developments are expeeted at the meeting otthecouncil next monday light atyntv an acto l boy brought home a corpse tbe sad intelligence wns received here from cli cngo on monday of the death of mr thonas lee and that the- rcmaius would u brought hero for interment they arrived c n tuesday morning and a large conoours of friends followed them to their last resti ug place in st josephs cemetery that af ernoon deceased removed to chicago ibout two years ago and was en gaged a i a locomotive fireman on the chicago fe northwestern railroad about a year aj p he had several ribs broken and was inju red iuternally in a railway smash up but i ras sufficiently recovered to return to his w irk in the course of about a month a few eeks ago he was attacked with typhoid feverand this with his internal troubles resulted in his death tom wob a quiet and industrious young man and much thought of by his associates his remains were accompanied from chicago by his wster miss julia lee and mr maurice oconnor formerly of acton i around the world mr john moore sou xif mr thos t moore principal of the public school who left here about two years ago for australia returned home last friday during his abseuee mr moore has made a circuit ot the world and is now justly credited with being quite a traveller he went from acton to australia na kau francisco and honolulu while in the antipodes lie travelled through south australia new zealaud anld new south wales l here be went to batavia in java thentc to borneo westward to singapore india hong kong china was next visited after which baukqk siam was made his tem porary home from bankok be returned to singapore and spent between two and three months in the british hospital thero suffering from a severe type of malaria fever when sufficiently recovered he j turned his face homeward and vieitjedi su matra ceylon aden iu aribia patsed through the red sea culling at sualdm africa thence up tbe sues canal called at the egyptian port thence through tbe mediterranean sea visiting malta and gibraltar the old atlantic was again reached and in time loudon and liverpool after sixjty one days on the mighty deep new york was- reached and our young friend was thankful to set foot on terra fir ma in america again the excessive heft of the countries visited has told ou him and be is not at nrosent enjoying the best of healtji i tne baptist church concert the concert given in che town ball ast friday evening by the georgetown baptist church choir under the auspices of the baptist church here was quite successful both as regards the attendance and the programme rendered the glees and an thems by the choir were well rendered the muse orr m their solos v duets and trios sustained their excellent reputation won on former occasions and our citizens nave just as flattering remarks rnake of their singing as ever the duets of mrs mckinlay and mrs howson and mis i warren and mrs mckinlay were each well reuderjd and much enjoyod jthe ladies quartette by the misses orr and mesdaroes mckinlay and warren was one of the features of the programme the several parts were exceedingly well taken and their rendition elicited repeated applaugf the recitations by miss smith were gtvm with considerable elocutionary eijfegt tlie roattorof the readings of masters gant and tompkins was better than their ran dition the colloquy by j misses beasey tompkins and mcrteriaie iin tjie temp- tation representing inexperience pleasure and religion was of a very interestmk character and tha moral lesson taugli-com- mendibh j 1 the audience was well pleased- with the programme througiiout and the gebewl v jidict it that the baptist chufch georgeto w has ackoi which it may wfel of 6aurdtiy hon thoii white mlnur of jllfe interior paldaoton ajviilt a rot to milton where he wdhiad the alactor of llw eoanty iu mi rendirsons bshalf lhat nftertitjon a rood rriinh of nti linibhore wasipeut iu a critical inspection 8 he roods manufactured by messrs w h storey a son in lie canada glove iworks he paid close latteutlon to tho various probestes of tnauufaotafing in the several linos and was much interested iu what ho saw in connection with them this was tho first visit of the hon minis- ter to a glove manufactory and he express ed himself as muoh surprised at thb mag- nituaoof tbobuuiiicwund tlm largo assort intmt of goods nfanufactured ho was well pleased witlfdiik visit and tendered fitting compliments ito messrs btoroy a son for the oxcolleut business and promises oontrollod by tliem fearful r r disaster a passenger train hurled sown a precl- pice and passengers are crushed burned and drowned wmtk riveii jckctkuc vt feb o the- moat anpauiiig pailroud disaittcrwhioh ever happeucu within the bordors of nejw kngluud occurred at about 230 oclock this morning on the central vermont railway at tbe bridgo which crosses the white ttivor in tho township of hartford uboui fonr miles west of this place by it four heavily loaded passeuger cars filled for the most part with pleasure seekers en route to the montreal carnival were burled wllilt ruuning at full speed through u bridge over and over down a terrible rugged rooky gorge 75 feet into the darkness striking at lat wi ih an awful crash upon the bleak oarrcu surface of an ioebound river where tho souls of at least forty human beings went out to their god from tho depths of rushing gurgling freezing water or the lurid glare of tire and amid the night pierciug shriek and lieartrender ing groans of thirty to forty more creatures who live only to drag out a weary existence burdened with woe from the loss of loved ones aud criplcd in body and limb the accident is supposed to have been caused by a broken rail near the bridge the thermometer registerd mow zero at die time and those rescued bad generally no clothing butthek nightdresses the total lossof life is hnjdiowiihut tue latent estimate places it at about forty killed add as many injured right only out of thirty- ninebodies recovered have been identirled most of the corpses being burned into un unrecognizable inasb thesceuo was one oftlepiosl appalling in the history of ratlrpad acqidenth mhbmssh vi xv vk mm n zsmmemmmmm nijsiwm-i- i iiiti y srat prices which will astonish ycjii i oalljon speight son o- undertaklna funerals fully supplied with everything necessary ih this department use on your mohjnery only tlie weuknown assa mssmism pr im iei najt oif lloqttivins orugiiifafflffi vstt fcav sjiifik riviv ft rrx t u i -x- iiiismii wpzfz ir actok j a speicht m1nacer thresfiers peeelbss q rtnf fi lutpn a 1u im been awarded it during the lassthee years u wuu mbuqup try alsb our fwrim axle orme for your waggons and hone powers manofaotared at qaomx qit7 work by amuel rogers k co f oronto l v dominion r xjljii j iznr ill wmge repairing thejflaesrl xl refitted i s jewelry always eat ef actor y 0 it youif 61kkn jiisapfoi stkf 1st try the alaska 14c- we ever sold b aalii ride to cuel 4 i-or- is a and 9sat bob one motth ire the best soieaeen for cuefph hp this u january fotli we commenoe our amriui cxej biso sale op wnc te goons are chance buyers from acton and georgetow n can have a freoj aasageto gnelph eturn by purchasing five dollars worth of good f at our store this offer good ever saturday i iisadina boot and shokj3tore i w mclaren at company niliv auvftiifcivlcwts ft gheat event tliisycas carnival in montreal is at tracting t loiisunds of prominent people fron all parts of the world lord tans- downe is to be inatteiduncc trhilo many men hers o president clevelands cabinet have signiued their it tention to bo there witl i truly wonderful enterprise the pub- lishtrs of iho montreal star have every year piiblis bed a carnival number of the star which has astonished the world and mad the jnbliehiis of other great lllus tratd papers ipok aghast this yearthe quo ns jubilee year the year of the great est aniivtj is likewise the year of the grea3t star yet produced a pap r thiit will be prcstrved asnn historical worl and descend as an heirloom from generation to generation it is impossible to di scribe the attractions of the carnival stat tliis ysar it mark3 uneraofprogrefa in il ustrat d papers perfectly amazing in its pissibliiies the carnival j number of the istar ins forty mammoth pages with fivo ixqmsste plate supplenients the most artic tic anc the most interesting ever pro duce with any paper on this continent the ppt r looks as if it conld not be sold for 1 s than two dollars and yet the price is otly forty cents which can be sent to the publishers montreal it is auro to be d maud at high premium to bring out i leas on the subject of illustrated papers the i nblish rs of the star are giving 1000 tn sh priies as follows- 91 50000 ca ijh prizes tlie pub ishers of the montreal star offer sum of one thousand dollars for to the residents of acton and co of helton liajhes ax1 ge and btill arc the order o the tho pestle for s tlemex s proclamations both in politics and trfldebave the day we have eonclnded 4 lately beeii hat now lis malce our 0or wmtpr who desiio tihe time for us to speak uul proclainilo the people thai we will in a few weeks commence stocktaking and in ordel to labors lighter are prepared to clear out tlie whole pt stock at very low prices j figures which will attract all really good gepds at small coal we believe in advertisi ngbut only in advertising facts the most r successful firms are it eral adver- tirtera if a merchant has a bargain to offer we believe it pays him to make it known- that h what we are doing just now but to in sure perraaneiit success tjhe goods advertised mast in every case be as cheap and good as they are represented to bo in print otherwise it will tell sootier or later against tke house which misrepresents the iiblc have known ithe glasgow ilpuse so lngj and always found it reliable and prepared to fulfil the offers of every ddvertisje- ment that they will depend upon our statements ho ir as before we have a grtzeajt- iters containing carnival star to exceed in popular in teretlt the resent i8ue ahd thrtcan be sufficient ideas sold at the same price 000 ud plize cash j 250 rd prize casii 160 any conpetitor suecessfnlor otherwise will ie pah for any accepted idea irrespec tive f the i ash prizes la p l1gbtek a ppw utions fortheoft co of lamplighter for he village of aetoi will be received by the un i iraigned until tue iday evening 15th ibruarj pec ted acton applicationn mu it state salary ex- r particulars give i by applying to jolaoeclbah ebruary 7tb 1887 w t jnitiedce tlie butcher deals ii everything iu wholesa e and retail nc mentcai be found bette to i hjelph wanted no queetionabie rared tocusiomers at any price lowef t prices and squt redealing is my motto cashi 1 ne trial convince i on these points i dways paid for ca tle w h autiiedcre bight- theeront of at h competition v b place 0uk elegant and substantial goods ob- splendic in quality cdmpl ejbe in assortment overflowing in genei dtfs bargains i i iftr mens womens moneymaking sgmeme 11 -i- for all aud it is to buy where you find l enormous stock very be8t quality almost unlimited variety everything bought low and sold at loweit prices -00- tlie place to glasgow and there you desire in our numerous wva4at- thje toiler i cuelph lias 4t ban 1 tlie finest stock of gold rind 1 8il er watchep in the city mrr mmsmi fori repa mobi i remember 18 find these at the attractions t vjltfiud goodsatid bavgaink for we cauiiot euumew te our niaiiy special offers but call our salesmen will be pleased to sho7 you anything you may uies o -oo- all i if you n w bopts andr b7bsbs otsajhobs ftei at price i thai always lead to speedy sales -oo- lowst pricef rcomglstkt nn coop quality ob- jutttoin wiftk jtuald repairing promptly attended tor mill street ne-w- suits i has pie isuite iu anuounci lg that his ta lj orini shop in creech s fruit store ii nbwopen and in f ill running order and in a sosition to fill allore ers i will our jpamous 50ctea henderson mcrae wb oommbnob ouk january 8tookaeino sale today stoc- any prwon from acton or intermedi ate s laitioni jbdjwng tboo worth or bvir atmyswrtll will pay their fare to and fromlguelpu m repa ring trade is idciebsing daily give p rsnal and prompt attention to ring 8atlbfacton gnaranteed or yrefuhdid ii ii w a clakk i 01jb qrpct bjspartmf nt befug one of tbe most important br nches ot on bnej these goods wo aww liwrtttday best brussels c arpetp as ckean oroerl ana nher thh u w coraforteraniarkflddowntoooo worth stfo comforters marked down to wssmfsskfel flijavy wool sumd 1 dn to oojfh 6 wtofllsto fte fcco 8qli i ffne the meat line city establislr- stocked at all goods of- andlcmtdbess shoes wiliiams acton i he is show ing tvveed suitsvat sjold elsjewhebe for 15 scotch t wised stjtit 17 ii i8 etsewebk f0 l23as6 24 worsted fluit at 0 sold elsevvflkltjat e5 jteut omen wanting aistclas gocd- fltting i ioat etc may rel upon being suit d in ever r byleavhi j their orderhwtb the cvothier i nan jw4 ofefs kp ofperliaps obpr than any v pin el id wetnnn ll 1 1 itt sale we 6 mmenc5e ot jtooktas ttjaoketa marked r5 iojfmerly 2fi0 in o tbe prices of tspistij and ttrrfw now ilwe arcprepsrtd at ajl t mes to ipeetnny ndnctions mjein canada we bold in sleek u6y 2pj picb i f qnantity 3tolo ibis we e pjeprmd to jy tnpoiliy cidpels ul e brbjfte c hfelsut lilt j lendjd nauer patjteriis 37 cuatop not- mqulr jaflift i uf ore spjfipg wood saye ers 48 king street east hamll joe uorth ifl tb 45c beavj lades sltavcuti wmb reduced january sale today sfi v m sit m rsw

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