im- if i pi i jr il- mm 1 w tsw ftbraiiey thtwite at hr w ts altar 5 jwbmto missst trafalgar atcbwak meodtnuujlt the ateloadiat mage w ajtk aoq a tta mb m thlbntamoliawlll j 1i rvf fe tool mbi fme of ttm tjpb tjrn1d to llt maboa- thsorayjb wtllumwmlt fidbkborgb 8ot etyean on filth tqtohed lwi wxi jltthi reametm or atrjtoe ladle bltltt 00 thtttth jauuarytsaao wibalt tfim cooain acton on the 1h febrnary hn dtnia latent mb ol mr mltehtu cooper ctduaodtb i jjicrtb in aeton on tiieuukfrbraarv emm savanna tarantaajunter at mr wmt smyth afced 5nonthead ladaj tho ranral iruj take piaoe thia afternoon leaving the mhrmk wittier street it st39 oclock turdhurallromwt t bc1s8at moaxwg fawm l 1887 ik lal n0tb3 and 0ohmbnt8 it is estimated that the expense of the jubilee thantatingsrvicm westminster aboeywfflbesed000 ridgetown wants to have a new county cut bat of kent mad elgm mud ot coarse with ridgetown m the cosnty seat sto fehoury 10the pi iilnturji ml toaiy with the niual ifcrger khw tttal the old chamber pro anted a scene ot tplendor and briututoy amont thoee preeeut were myor howlnd bishopbweatmaxu archbishop lynch dr wild prlpous baron vonflelmrod oolr shaw and all the consuls it was moved by mrmowat meouded by mr pardee that jkoob baxter ot haldimand be elect- ed speaker the choiee wm onamraoas dri 3axter was eooortodjto the throng the lieut iqoifemftr uei mvered h epeeeh itretewedtouieqoeeae jabllee the btwndwrydupate the tiotory 4ot the eololiifj exhibition tninere teeourtes the ooneohdatcd sttuotj higher education prisoa labor the new parliament botkuntta the niar puk the revonne and a bet of new roeaeure partliulan of all ot 4 wwoh will como proinineauy before the country when the legielatare reta into foil working order in ooneindinff his apeeoh the lioatoovernor aaid i troafc that the taftubitinlibon ot tins first aottira ot the new aruamenvmay btoharaoterited by the same patriots care and inteuigenoe as in the case of previous parliaments th4 house on the motion of son 2b mowtit and mr meredith adjoined at 480 ttntil tuesday 1st march the total loss of life by the vermont central railway disaster at white hirer i estimated at 37 all the injured are doing wen the old settlers of manitoba have for- warded to ottawa a petition forty nine feet loufi regarding the eettlement of land claim the dominion govemmeat have decided to introduce the threewire electric light syitem for lighting the parliament bnild- iogsat the ensuing session the medals and diplomas to be presented to exhibitors at the colonial and indian exhibition were received by the depart meat of agricoltureatouawaon6atnrday the dreadful railway catastrophe has di rected attention to top means jumd lor heatins and hghtinfl rabway cars it u the nbirorsal opinion thaterery effortooght tp be made to discover some way of keeping zsqway carriages warm without any part of their equipment being brought into im mediate contact with fire the temperance people of norfolk are wamhgupnd tra need except no quarter a meeting of the exeoutive committee of the county society was held at sirocoe last week tbei presented a memorial to theconnty cooncil asking them to provide their proportion o thefnnds neoessaryfpr carrying oat the ptovisjaot of the sot thecouncil decial by a urge majority to take no action it is now de cided to bring matters to sk focus by com- pelling the cooncil to fumisb the neosesary funds the ontario legislature will heap poaleato for this porpose go in friends- those bardheaded county conncillors bbonld be eat upon they are a dibgrace j toihe ooontry tilsonburg liberal toronto 7b fyhibkey 74 saloons and ti liqiior shops to j be closed a sianifiaant victory at 1230 on tuesday morning the tri omphaat passage of the flaming bylaw for the reduction ot the number of saloons b toronto ended one of the most oxciting evenings the city council hab ever spent althoogb it was an ordinary session of the council everybody knew that no other business would be discussed but the tern peraos question towards i oclock it was almost impossible to get in or ont of the chamber the people were content to get etaot ing room anywhere inside the door among these present were abontflfty ladies prominent temperance workers clergymen saloonkeepers workingmen and others anxions to hear au enthnaiastic debate the fall council of thirty six members and the mayor were present the following is a esplautttion ot the cbangeelgcted by the pairing of the bylaw there are at pre- sent pi tavern saloon and beer and wise licenses issued intorbnto the bylaw limits the ntirnber of tatero licenses to be issnefl this year to 150 and raises the total fee from 9300 to 9350 there are 64 shop licenfees for the sale of liquor and the bylaw limits them in the f ature to 50 it also raises the license fee from 300to 9550 the bylaw was adopted on a tote of 30 to 16 it will come into effect on the 1st of may dilibsratb buxqidx aoeorgetcwntottntman bhdsbial ha one of thoae ocbjncmeh japnot rare and yet f osjouhinublitook place near georgow refer to the cue ot a reapeeblei indua trioos yonug mwv ephralm barnes wlio dellborately took his hfeby hanging in thf barn of his hther mr barnes who re oently nrehaaed and took possession ot the farm owned by mr boot a raid oy qwrgvwn tho sad dooatm performed while the remainder ot the family were at ehnrchi sabbath mormug the grand mother aud one little brother only ramaih ed it homo with ephraiiu the brothers were in the barn ephreim having m plow line in hit hand sa3 to his brother that he was tired ot life mid was fjolug to hang himself the little fellow didnt believe it until lie saw his brother go up ou the 8oaffoltl fasten the ropo to n xlb anadbnblinsprepaio to put it round his ncclt uetbeiiran to tlio hwso and- told his grandmothciv who said that ephrsim wa only trying to fool him however the little fellow still iusisted on it being so and the old lady proceeded to the barn where to hor horrjpr alio saw the younsmanhaugincbytheneok but she was unable to reach him to resohe hint from hla self assumed dingetp and by the time help attived he was quite dead the neighbors were notified jand word sent to the father mother mid family who were well nigh distracted on being iuformod of the sad and unfortunate ocourrenco t oanses of the oommission of thb rash act are not known differentmmors are afloat but they only amount to ooujeo- ture it is probable that the yonug mans mind was in a state 61 despondency over matters whiohperhapsnb one but himself would be able to explain the sympatiiy otfrieudb and neighbors is with the be reaved family in their nnspeakablo loss ktrald worms derange tlie whole system mother graves worm xterminato de ranges worme and gives rest to the sufferer it only costs twentytivo cents to try it and be convinced t the cemetery suit the longlookedpor paxticnjars of the case presented at last statemeht of claims v ii monday the corporation of thifl municiptlity received thrdogh their coun- sil a copy of the moch talked off and long looked for bill of particulars and statement of claims in the cemetery salt institntcd on tine 1st of april 1886 the plaintiff claims i that the establishment of the said cemetery upon the land within the said tillage may be declared illegal and that the defendants may be restrained by injunc tion from proceeding therewith and from authorizing or permitting interments there in 2 that the defendants may further be restrained by injunction from farther maintaining or continuing the eaid nuisance to the injury of the plaintiff the plauitiff farther ehutna the costs otifliiesnil i thvplaintifj proposes that this action should be tried at brampton itconnection witli ia statement- the plaintiff eaye the dwdliflg hoase in which he resides is situated within the neighbor hood of the said land within the said village so beisg converted into a cemetery and the eaid cemetery is nuisance to the phuntis and his family aud injurious to his dwellifcg house and property and un less the defendants are restrained by the order and injunction of this honorable court the defendants will establish the said i cemetery whereby the air and the springs and weik of water of the neighbor hood will be polluted and rendered an- heeltby and mjurioua to the great danger of the pl and hie family and his property will thereby be rendered ol no valne to those who have no knowledge of the situation and surroundings of the property above referred to or the circumstances which induced dieplaintiff to institute tbe eaeie itlo claims may perbape have on their face rather a formidable oearing i to our oitizenfi iiowever ewuw indadhbg the op- ponedttlof the new eemetery the details 9f these particalars will be the subject for eoneidcrable amusement whether the claims are tenable or not the first court havingjoisdictionwiuhftveanopportunity tooermmefottlieconrftil is prepared f nwhtt uiey have attest been given the epporfcunity to have the case finally settled aithftearhtnossibifldate acres in tto1fflcem6j fusonreyaiid lhbowjtoeipto ibei lraeaatpreserbeingiisod isissoi1 tion f pakt kcibiblp vtotick it hereby given that tho uuderskoed il who fur some time were engaged in cusi- ness in actou as general merchants nndor the firm name of marshall ednndsn have this day dissolved piu tnorship by mutual e usent stephen marshall harry edmondson h p moore wiwcah aetoa february htli asst -domix10x- general elections 1 mass meeting c- to the residents of acton anico of hjalon ladies and grettle en as proclamations both in t htic8 and trade feave lately beetf and still aro the order ol the do we- have cbnclnded that now is the time fbr us tpbpea1c and prbclatm to ihe peopre that we will in a few weeks- commence stqekta cing ard in oijder to tnake our labors lighter are prepared to clear out the whole of pur winter stock at very low prices figures which vill attract all who desire really good goods nt small cost wo believe iii advertising but only in advertising facts the most luccesstiiljttrpis are liberal adver tisers if a merchant has a bargi in tbofter we believe it pays him to make it known that is what we are doing just tiowrbnt to in sure permanent suecess the gnodi ndvertised rnuetin everiy cabe be as cheap and good as they are representee to be in print otherwise flo globe no ko chimney positively nonexpw8lve l0 j it will tell soouor or later against the public have known the glaigow house aof long and al way found it reliable arid prepared to meut that they will depend upo we hayc a mgneymak tke house which misrepresents s fulfil thd ofters of every advertise- n our ktatemeiits now hb before si grzsdt- forall aiidit is to ngr soheme buy where you find enormous stock very be8t quality alm08t unli mited variety every hinc bought anjd sold at lowest prices o- the mukidpalooonch i scokh bngliib caaadlah v- j- a ij j celuiicilniet on tuesday eveniug bsrs present jfyfe reeve iu tho cbiiir and councillors cainoron lory 8mith and jwallacs minutes of last meotiug read and con firmed tlu lollowinri tendeiv for tic office ol caretaker were presented lathur lymans 814u per year thomas cook kt 54 per lamp giorre wilds 130 per year 3foved by john janicron seconded by boh rt wallace that the tender of george wilds for the lighting of street lamps be accepted and that his duties commence on ijth instarried a fcom rnunication from christopher hob- inson counsel for the corporation in tlie cemlstery case accompanied by a statement of claims of the plaintiff in tlie case was readi tfe following r esolulion waprcscnted whereas a statement of claims in the abo o case has been nrceived aud whereas itwill be necessary iu the interests of the corp jratiou of the villaco of acton to defend snet action therefore it is moved by john can eron seconded by vv lowry and resolved that messrsjoliniiou 4 mcleaubo reta tied on behalf if the corporation as loca solicitors and also that c ltohiuaon aid w cassels be retained as counsel on behj if of the corporation carried c uncil then ftdjouriioq limehouflo newa froi t oar men correxpdjtiloit ia bb bella brown 4 now visiting friends in s pnnt forest cipt steve marshau who has been stat oned in montreal dnrinc the past nine mot ths is now home for a few weeks rest 0 le of our belles had the rmaforton6 to fall into one of the cattle guards last week a fi tend who is always ready to lend a heij ing hand tp the fair sex assisted her out- t be lost cliiilie has at last returned it has been reported that he is now dealing in hj fles i i r henderson the acton candidate for the honso of commons is to hold a meet ing uere on saturday c nr friend john has not mnch use for his ait horse at present his attractions are now near the g ttttjstation 1 inaehonbe wonld now be tho better of a bw itat for crippled horses coeofonr overgrowh youths seeras to bav 3considbrableattractioninnassagftweya it 1 aabeeg reported he started on foot sat irday night with a pound of candy and a cl ty pipe hut lie has not been heard of siiwe v- 1 wo of actons yonug men were present aimiparty here last wev tliey werayery h impressed with some of our belles oniof them who voro spec na son e notion of starting a tannery heie imesai1ifniimtii t bey are always catching cold iu the bet 3 place a smo particle ba m in each noat at nit ahwrib wel e over the wridfieof the iioseana let jns kne ff bow they are in ifbe morning f j a mokb meetinkof tlie lileotorb of acton meoi- m vicinity- i ii tho i ntf rcat of 1 iftiib6 ioentsfwif iyiwv tho liberal oonxvtive gaalidate for halton will ha hold in the town hall acton monday evening february 21 the uieetini will be afldrcseed by mr henderson and otlieri a cordial iuvitutioa it extended to all the place to i find these nt the ulasuow v housb afjfron god savji the quefix 1887 haltpeirs weekly ilttjstratep and there you will find wc ciiiihot enumerate our n all our salesmen will be pleased desire in our numerous lines remember our henderson hahf u wettjliiiialuiaiuli its ikuuiou as the leading illlurratoil uewiipcr in atutrica and w hold upon public ettaem unci confideuce wasn4 stronger chcu at ibc jicut time beeld the pictures hanrkns weebxt always contains instalment ot oue occasionally of two of the best novels of the day fluely illus- trauid vitb short stories poems sketches and poiwra on important current topics by the most popular writers the care that has been suc- deasfiy exercised in the post to make hibpekb wniiitt a tae ja wou as a weloiine visitor to erory hbnseliold will not be relaxed in tbo fotare haepbrs periodicals v peryoar harpkn hi 00 harpers magazine i 00 hvhpkb8 bazalt 4 00 hakpehs toukg veoplk 00 hahpebb fhanktin square lib- bart orio year52 jumlierailo 00 babpbbb hand sebtes ono year e nuinbor8i 15 00 postage free to all subscribeis in tho united states or cnnala the volumes of thb weekly begin with the first number for january of each year avlien uo time in ineulionecl8ubeerlpuim8 will bfe gin wltb tbokuiabercurrnt at iimc of reoaipt of order bound voluuies of harjkfts weekly for three years back in neat cluth bluliug will be sent by mail postage paid or ljy oxpres free of sxpenbs jrorldbil be frisht doos iprii excobd piia dollarver volnuie for 7c0 pervoluuie clotbcajtei for each volume suitable for bind lug will be tentby niail postpnid ou receipt of eiioeicb heinlttaucos bhouul hi mnoo by rostdffice filoney order or draft to avoia chance of loss newspapers are not to copy tbu advertisement without tbo express order of haiiib k dnothens aureiwttawbr bothbbiicwyojai ns tattdiahibll toka f tot fllnttoitf jpurtoe i tlie great ttstofoiga feale keep your feet warm abtj lry ittractionj goods and bargniiis ibv all any special offers but jf jyou vill to sliov yon anything vou may tot smokerkbodor 1 ever gets ntke- cd bmasanyirwdecfcoarqll i eteryiamp gi arantesd w tbout interferinc with the ugbt cm put on kmsery attaehmenv hat water bou iggs make tea and cohee oyster stew etc ilattifsws bole aoes t fob acios a id vfciloty boou and aobsssts ovssj sobs jko at prices that lowest o- famou cno- obseirve my ad it is i ot bad auci often i renew it it briigs ino trade- and ii have roads mauy a dollar through it for trade yon see j comes right to roe whole seas and oceans of it and truth to telh i it pays trie well i and tbns i make my profit ah pray mike no mistake we arelnot shy t we are very wide awake tbisjoarnalaud i s 60c teja mcraea the undersigned beg to inliinate that thoj are pre pared to supply all linos of boots ai s joes in sie latest styles of the beat material j for the least oney bind that theyjidve a large stock ya hand bhrgainvwill be given equal to anything offeietl either in acton or elsewhere for the next thirty dayiv conie and secure them our pinesewed and pogpred wrk iawei fwows j repairing neatly and pro nfiptly doie a call is solioited dqmi 1 0 n booti t sh 0 e s mfte sbjknr laos i mxl street aotoh j tte broisy fsthe besibplape for the latest styles isild best quality in moaldiukb boom andpioture frames ou paintings steel engravings statiiaryj eotl f gornici peavfrprh 60i cents wiiidow shades spring rollersj brass rons for shorit blinds f gazetteer kndlhijtory dominion of can da in nine vol rmesitoyal by oucpmwatei colors brusheroraypua canvisdra ring papers 4e ifcuir i f the jost pfaee aii mk isii3sisiiwsd ifiiskij wbfewiwfeabhs rro be commenced whttever ajswaicjeut cob volumes 75x10 to tl o frovlv co of q starlo or to ouebeo eig50 to e brnh mflck m to nova 6cotlajs1150 british columbia e90 to priijce edward island or to jtortbwest eritbriej s30 j bi pbjoyl 190 tojw vea jfep vleaii aend foirprc speotiit oflnmvlllij 1 mixage and pt bz4sbss montreal august itl 1880 r hagyrs 1 cures rheumatism x33ifjajrs fisi areplccntibtnko pisisuve tim pkftrfr t wijnaftlb clukien or a dolt irnlftw ft ryv- p liliiiiii irfoi refto tewfeal the halton i andjeveryvaristyof torco wi ami cistern i- j- tr nufactureo bv 1 e is a c bounsall oasvilli htaobkiswastbd jambs stirton jjids vitaiaiip atr os lmjiri pai i 1 lessxiiitjgn fmteeth artlflptavtceth guaranteed perfect in antwar guarou anoefltttnd v allopesatloris apppintnientbtuiai 2 mpeo ieuy first clasi debyletf m everything i the meat line wholesale and retail tfp cityeetablffi tter stookeq at al mentcan be seasons no questionable qoods of cashlwy8 iak fnr ihle m mimt- wh htlbdqe right- ebant of all co pfititionwb place oce i- j elegant and substantial 6oods mo splendid in qikality complete in assortment fe 1 orerflowiogin genet jtijbargoinb j i r-is- mesv wiojies aid alwgyg lead uo- prices fosssktexr wfru cool quality outitom work an i repairiior promiitly atteided to i mill street acton oailnkess shoes to speedy sales watches tfjewieiy uelph has on hand 1 he finest si k of gold and suvei watches in repairing batisfaction money nifnmiod to my per oh fronjacl 4 o intermedi- ate stations ming 9500 worth or over my repairing trade is renrio orthg sh p in creefeh ianow jpenandin ord ar and watoi the gity ir creasing daify m guaranteed j in annouudl ig thai h taill a s fruit brl j fjllranning v toibllalioiters tt- ha isaho ing- qood t veed stjitg at sold blsjlfbre oaitjon 0tt els 5vk8e fph2 iilb94 pine w irsted u1 geutlemei wanting s fitting coat li l m elsew1iuk 3 at very res epthy leayin mhefr orders clotthier the mgmi s 12 for 15 r at po fab 1 firs classi good- woijnayrel upo i being sotted with