Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1887, p. 4

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i hv i ft i n i if u r i i 1 l ilje ttott m tes taxnsiu v montca j marco 8 ljb7 55 j saving mother the armor sat iu hi easy chair between the fire and the lamplights rlarvj his nee was ruddy and loll and air his throe small lovs in the chimney nook cod ned tho lines of a picture book his wife tho pride of his homo and heart bikoa the biscuit and ibado the tart laid tlu table anil atvopod the tea deftly twifily silently tired and weary and weak and faint she bore hor trials without complaint like many uimtlier household smut content all sclfhii bliss above la the patient ministry of low at lst between he clouds of smoke that wreathed hla lips uio husband spoke theres tnses to raise an intrear to ry- and cf there sho ild come a rainy day twould bo ruiuhlty hardirralbonud to say t have sornethiu put by for folks ranst die aji theres furierri bills and pravqatuns to buy l enonch to swamp a roan pnrty nijjh besides theres kdward and dick and joe to be provided frjrwhtnxve co so if i wiui jon ill tell what id da id be ssiviu of wood as over i could extry firo dont tlo any cood id be bavin of sop and bavin of lie and run dp aomo candles once in a whilo id bcjiathfr sparcn of coffee an tea for snvar in hijjh acid all to boy and cider is coodjeuoaifior te id be kind o careful alio at my cloefl aud look out bhatpbowjthe money goes gewgaws is nele8 miter know extry trimwin a the bap of women i i id sell off tho beet of the cheese and honey and egs is as icod uijh about a the money andas to the carpet you wanted new i go ess we can make the old one da and as for the washer an sewiu machine them smooth tonjued agents so pesky mean j yoad better eet rid of m slick and clean what dothey know about womeus work da they kalkite woujeo was bom to shirk dick and edward and little joo bat in the oorneriu a row they saw the patient mother eo on ceaseless errands to and fro tbey saw that her form was bent and thin her eraples cray her cheeks sank in thoy saw tha quiver of lip and chin w and then with a warmth he coald inot smother i outspoke the youngest frailesi brother- yoa talk of sarin wood and ile an tea an tnar all the while but you never talk of savin mother tft winter snaps a lady writes i was enabled to remove the corns root and branch by the nee of hotioay8 corn cure others who have tried it have the same experience where ii eads ninetenths of the disease denominated cartarrah ia the result of protracted or oft- repeated colda in the head nasal balm will jrive immediate relief and permanently cares it is sprinp a resurrection of natures latent forces is taking place like the world ground youjrenew year coraplection invigorate yonr powers cleanse the ohannels of ilife ayers sarsaparilla is tho means to use for thi3 purpose unable to sleep m bed unable to work-nn- able to takeordinary s6rcise from the effect of asthma until using southern asthma care a tarnple package reliered three packages permanently enred is your hair taniiug gray and fallins out halls hair benewer iwill restore it to itiorisunal color and stirnnlate the fol licles to produce a new and lusnnant growth itcleanse3 the scalp eradicates dandruff and is a most agreeable and harm less dressing 1 j uicaiiusci high livinn is unquestionably bad for the livsr but whether from that or other cansc the liver becomes deranged the beat enre for hver complaint or bilioasless is that standard medicine for 9als by alldw- sist3 burdock blood bitters remember b b b is the special trade mark of this medicine nobody but m0th1r nobody knows of the work itrmakoai to keep tho houno torethor nobody ktiowa of tliontops it takes noiwdy knowsbut mother nobody listens to childish wocb which kiason only smother nobody pained by naughty blowb nobody only mother nobody knows of lire aloeplosfl care bchtowed on baby brother nobody knows of the tender prayr nobodynly mother nobody knows of the lohsons taught of loving oiio another nobody knows of tho pjuipnee aoufiht nobody only mother nobody knows of the anxloai feart least darlings niay iiot weather the storm of lifo in after yean nobody knows- out mother nobody kheela at the throne kbove to thank the heavonly father for that sweetest uift u mothers lo nobody can bot mother o pkudibitiov avd rourint the antiliquor question isastrongplink in the political platform and ono safol to lay hold of all intoxicating beverages are safest when let alone oven in niedioi tie burdock blood bitters is not a bar bevene but a strictly pure medicine reliable for disease of the stomach liver liowels kidn ys and blood and will not aid iumakingdru lk- ards c c jacobs buffalo nx6ays dr tliomas eclectric oil cured him of a bad case qf piles of 8 years standing having tried almost every kuown remedy besides two buffalo phyaiciaus without relief but the oil cored him ho thinls6 it cannot be recommended too pighly i good vtme the best recoinmendation of anything is its popalarity where it has been longest knoirn through the dominion of canada tberb is ho mote gffectnal medicine for congbs colds hoarseness sore throat bron- chitis and asthma than hagyards pector oj balsam for sale by druvkists cholera am3 all summer complaints are so quick in their aetion that the cold band of death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger ia near if attacked do not delay in getting thopropor medieine try a dose of dr j dkehoggs dysentery cordial and yon will get immediato relief it acta with wonderful rapidity and never lails to effect a euro be feaucd o fol nero fiddled when romo wsb burning many nowadays seem equally indifferent to danger by the manner in wliich they neglect illhealth if taken in time there is scarcely a chronic disease which burdock blood bitters will not eradicate by its purifying regulating powers alter yeajs 0 suffering persong who have ainly sought remedical holp from other ourpes nave obtained the long desired refief from northrop lymans vegetable iisco very and dyspeptic cure which puts a dtoy to the tnrmentsof dyspepsia renews f activity of tbeijowels and liver relieves maladies incident to the gentfer sex and bnill up faibng health and strength givs pnrity to tho blood and tone to tho whole fitatem some persons have periodical attacke of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrlma and have to use great precautions to arjid the disease chauge in water cooki ig and green fruit is sure to bring ou the it- tacks to such persons we fconld rttcc m- mend dr jdkellorrsdycentorycort ial as bciug the best medicine in tho mar tet for all summer complkints if a few dn pa are taken in water when tho symptoms i to noticed no further trouble will beexperje io- fed i auosthikoiak8 i while my husband wa trading in ft rs jhe camo across nn indian who was taken to his lodge to dio he had inward pai as land pains in all bis limbs he gave some yellow oil internally and applied it est r- ually and cured him it also oured t iy husband of rheumatism and i find it vaj n able for congbs and colds soro throat ot jmra a besaw cooke mills serpent iriver ont dangers or liclay it we wers allowed to look into t fntnro and see the fatal consequences thjat follow a neglected cold how differently would our course be could wc realize o lr danger how speedily we would seek a cum bqt with many it is only when the tnoost st disease has fastered its fangs apon o ir nngs that wc awaken to our folly wh it follows a neglected cold is it not disease of the throat and longs bronchitis asthma consumption and many other diseases f l like nature it is worse than madness o peglecta cold and it is folly not to ha re tome yood remedy available for this fi d- qnent complaint one of the most efijc i- eioasmedicines forall diseases of tho thro it and lungs is bicklea anticonsnmpti e syrup this medicine is composed f several medicinal herbe which ejert a mc wonderful influouce in ouring co i- sumption and other diteases of the ian s hd cheaj it promotes a free and eas y p coloration soothes irritation and driv le disease from the system ilatd from 75 cents to s2c0 at fyfee if yon want a nobby durable nnd chep duit go to j fyfes acton advice to mothebs are yoa disturb d at night and broken of your rest by a sic k child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so eorid at once and get a bottle of mr wmalows soothing syrn for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little an ferer immediately depend upon it mot i- ers there is no mistake about it itcnns dysentery and diarrhoea- regulates tie stomach and bowids cures wind colic softens the guin3 reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the who e system mrs winslows soothing sj rap for children teething ia pleasant 10 the taste and is the prescription of one f the oldest and best female physicians an nurses in the united states and is for sal by all druggists throughout the worlc price twentyfive cerfts a bottle be sure and ask for mks wissifowa soothino stcrr aud tako no other kind spring suits and overcoats at extreme ly low prices and mado id the latest style be sure to call and seo them at j fyfov actou fkommamtom in a letter from james irwin v creek manitoba he says i wa taken ill last summer with a very severe pain in my back byusiugone ootjlo of hagyards yellow oil i was completely cured yellow oil iso cures lumbago rheaniatism anifali xterual pains u ncl and coiurori lo the buffering i browns household panacea has no equal for reliovinir pain both ipternsl an i external it cures pain in the side baos or bowels sore throat kheumatibu toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or acho it will mostaurely quid en the blond and ileal as its acting power is wonilerfnli browns household pai acea being acknowledged as tho greit piiin reliever and of double thej strengti of any other elixir or liniment in the world aliould he in every family bandy fojr use when wanted an il really is the boi t remedy in tho world fur- cramp in tbs st imacli and pains and ache of all kinds and is forale by all druggists at 25 centb ajbottle enjoy ufa what a truly beauful world wjj live in i nature gives us grandeur of mountain glens and oceans aud thousands of mean i of enjoyment we can desire no bette r when in perfecthealth but how often d i the majority of people feel liko giving it nj disheartened discouraged and worn ou with disease when there is no occasion fur this feeding as every sufferer can- easily obtain satisfactory proof that oreen auijud flower will make them free from disease as when born dyspepsia and liver complaint are the direct causes of seventyfive per cent of such maladies as biliousness indigestion sick headacbel gostiveneoe nervous prostration dizziness of the head palpitation of the heart and other distressing symptoms three doeef of august flowermll prove its wonderiu effect sample bottles 10 cents try itj ii fjdiqestion of tic ircii dkhsrotia of tha dlt vmiwtl by tiitweonipln i is aflvut it do h the eclitre llfo tbo mifioli iliiitlukiy tleitiilges j mllinuerlls vvlkiliihyhiiut puymichtuln i mvnlhk- lis ik0m niv lnimlfokl uii u4y of im soiiotivthlit they 1 1 a itetiernlly ntlvd nninrcnud ns fa il xmilmulcn for the various forms of tlyi opho dls oiad u in h incillclim iliut wl if rcmovo ttn piitimry emic by rout or luff i o stomach irvcr kidneys nml bowelil it healthful coinlltloii any other tichlm it is as uc- icsh n nit eflovt would bo to ih n ke a watcli keep tlmrs by simply gliding it i case when u had u brokon ninlmprtug aye puts aw the best niedlclnn to cimplub tbo ihettry work ot clcanslnr itlraubtlux m risivlnj they are nr thorough in th ir purgative cftect thn imy others vii nv not violent tn thelt ittlon exer- tiso ii pjiwerful inmtcnuo loi good upon i oihor vliiil oixnni nil y ell as tho liiiuolx littd oftevtllnily ilairlsh discciif iov hlllousnoss jnnnd loll nnd other cvh i of hcpnlh jiuii ii no iviiiu- oiomii a aykum 1ims ineyan isllcjioy in regulating tiic dl hon of ilia greatest value tin inoit crithxtl slngvs of exigence i k ti i i i i i i and constipation s pills rldmu diseases alto tprlus fruit dlnoitlers of tbo dilu tive fuuetloun m id mo not only exceed hurly painful it themtclvct but inivv syiiiptonu such m dropsy nnd itliou- iiiutlftm which oroof tho gravest vluirnc kri tho work of the kidneys is tho liurlfvlujr of tho blood when tluough tllbcnso tlicy ccimo lo tlo thin prompt relief must bo accorded to avert most scrlou consequences mcdklucs that hill their pain bv dulllug tbclr sensibility or tlmt dtlttmlnte them to unnaturnl actlvlly do lufllillely more bunn bun good to rc move them to iipbiui tho kidneys must bo cleansed their inflammation allayed and their fttrcngth restored ayera jhus dothl more effectually thou nuy other their llurolio effect is not less marked and bcncdelul ttiiin tbclr purgativo xwer not only do tlicy nt ouce by n moving tlowc frco tho elofgel and rouso tho tor pid ornnn but their contlnuouo effect when taken in nmnll doses is to ivgaluto the uiaulitucry of life and bestoro health ami vigor for all tho several arjctles of piles mid for t ho inunv cutanoons dlsordora producctl by blood inipnritles thrown lino tho circulation during attacks of com sttpnf ion no cure is w quick and casv m ayekspilfj which froe tho bowdsind uld nature dlsortlcrh d thorough 1 to by their live futiv- wotnm in he who lives l tun nlnj ars pilii 1 1 mrpmc tliv nml llml thtiii excellent dn jw uhowjsjoivrtmn ii 17r oivvtjf the bettciniirii tor bilious i iiuvniciils tlianvoivcfldlt wm tiiksbovt zoncorit v ii aetlvo eareiiliit nnd rittual but nt irrlpln or dramic-phpi- j 31 iocki ciiiciiinuli 0 as a nilld and thorough ptiftatlvr ihoy mnnt 1 excelled j o ijhomrson vi- rvft tvt learns and who learns lives adapted to nlltho disorders which can bo eurihl bv tliojiidklous ttsbof n phvilc dsam ti c ivvllir co a safe and reliable catharticjdk w c kino iicncer juch they have entirely corrected thocostljro habit aud vumlv improved mv geiiernl liehlib bev f b umuawkattunt bettor thnn nnv other cathnrtlc m p stmmeiiow 1nffm texan i the best cathurtic medicine in the world a ws pills prtfpabfn by analytical cliomlsts ixvkll mass ptiid by iill dniis has pleasure m nevy suits to the front brennan -theklneftt- watohes eleblry repairing always satisfactory r o ik you iiavk bekh whaitoistbd in spectacles try tho alaska- tiuy are the best wo vol sold r savage 8ole agent for cuelph th great twofoot rule i kkkp yolk met warm- vxd- dry onsen o my ad- it is not bad and often i follow it it brings nieitrailo and i havo miide many fa dollar through it for trudo you bco comes right to me wholbyeas andoccttiisof it and truth t tell it paysfiiio well and thus i make my pro tic ah pray mako no mistake we are not ahv we are very wide awalc this journal and i the undersigned bog to intimate that thuurc- pre pared to supply all hues of booth and shoes in i th hitcst styleo of tho bcrft material for the least fnonoy and thtt they have a largo stock ou hand 1 barguinswill bo given equal toaitythifig offered either in acton or elsowhero for tho next thirty days come and seqnro them our fine sewed and pegpred work g wkix knows repairing neatly and promptly done a call is solicited dom i n ion boot sh0e8tbrrt kenny bros mill street 46t0n i i cleaeing clearing east end clothing store in announcing that eong shojp in creechs fruit is now i ipen and in full miming ord ir and in a position to fill all orders jho is showing good tveed suits sold 1 lsevvltere for scotch tweed suit 8 his tail i storo isold elsewhkkkkor c23 ai fine wotrsted suit sold elsewhere at 2 gentlemen s- tt si 2 r sis ir26 of acl compirritiox we ptace ovh elegant and substantial goods oo splendid in quality complete in assortment i overflowing in generous bargains mrnb womensiand cliildrex8 boots and shoes hu33h3 ovesssoes o- at prices that always lead to fpcedy sales lowest prices cokbistest with- cood quality wanting a crstchis good- i fltliing coat etc may relv upon beng6tiit6d in everyrespet by leaving theirotc era with buutodl work and repainner bbennan promptly attended to the clot w h rutledge t3io butcher deals in lev rything in tho itinat line wholesale and retail no city i-itablisb- mf nt can be fonnd better 3tocken at all see sons ftp questionable coods of fer e i to customers at any price lowest prices and jnuaro dealnir ii my motto one tila convinces ontbesjpoiiits cash alway 3 paid for cattle n has opened i erjw williams mill street acton mmm eures- rheumatism feixmafs worm powders jaopioasaottotrko contain tbclr own oavutie la a sato euro tuiu effectual destroyer ot worms ia cjuiiu tn or atlalub w n nrtibtge i ew custom i a bb a custom tailor shi store recently occupied by kelly if is prepared to makeopclotliingof in tho latest s ylcs and most wor manner t p in the oh rlld all kinds iiiianlike a line of sampler of worstedsj etc ib showuiby him and good vp urep for all emtomers the orderaof farmers especially cited clothes oleaned and repaired willia 4otonkeb 2nd 1687 lor rtbe halton force pump i and every variety of force well and cistern manufactured bv tweeds luc sec- is toli- 11 lipe i t in order to clear out the remainder of winter stock i havb determined to offer tho balance of p tej jrr g oti3stgrs atgleatly reduced prices for cash persian lambwl astraoban caps woollen shirts cardigan jackets and under- clothing also at cost pi ice for cash nov it thf tlsik to bcy j fyfe tailor g 03 cuuiced at oic fhice i mill street acton special forced sale of winter coods at the mammoth house georgetown o in order to uifttta clearance of our winter jooils we aiv lnldii a forced clein sale of millinery mantles dress coods winceys ladies and centsjfurs robes v tweeds readymade cloaklngs clothing overcoats hosiery blankets cloves flannels end all classes of underclothing v winter goods o- the bound ie public ciiiiifly inpoltinkgcniiiiicrjaigniiib iiji the uhovoas ijoodsw to cftrci a caaiaucc a c bounsall oasvillsomt- 63f aoisth iwasieii ujetod deii sinsrt j wo would intimate to our customers mid the general public the arrival of a large consignment of imported woolens scotch and canadian buitinas surpassing iu beauty of dtisign mid quality of texture any of our arsvious importations v i tho tailpriug dsparimeiit for gentle- men is under tho supervision of mr shaw so long and f ivorably known and in addi tion wo have what is known as our boys prdoied clotlnng department at tho head of which is mr j w olarae an osrly cr from our putrpus is solicited yonrs faithfplly shav7 grundy i guelph i to farmers and threshers ufle on your m4ohmerv only the wellknown bbsless oil our millinery mastle and dressmaking depart- ments nrr m urtolams working nrdcr and are tufiiiiic out stylish millirerjj arid gar incuts wc have an imfuiibostpck of milllnerv dress goods dreiiy silk aud cloakiigs to liocse from t- 1 our ordered clothing department is a 1 wed- ding and tiiiianiiug orders a tpecialty come and patronize our special forced salt and make money by saving it i mcleod andersoll co furniture furniture for e ov castle -at- prices which will astonish you callow spbigh son acton j a speicht manacer -o- undertakljsrg funerals fully supplied with everything necessary in this department iix a oojjj- jyiilidaljib h ve a ib during the last three years p w n n tr also pocrlaes asle grease for your waggons and horse powers manufactured at qieea oit7 op work by j 8amuel rogers co toronto jsssfewhs smsst ettase i mm and akippver this advertisement when you are reading the free press- wo desire tocau your attention to two bpecial lines the first line is prljats 700 uleoes to cltooao fcoxoi ptioeb bogla t 6c per yarfl the second line laorotoaaofl flttavaaftlmmoase ranaro pf taeae seoaa bsleadid va1u r at 12io per yard o- mckay brothers 48 king street east hamilton vjpt oo0p5 av carpet dealeug tsiwsssasbsri grand trunk railway 01f mitbii kxprefik ialw mull tbrouli v aceotn clilcatfo and toron oolug v going enb 1akt 7i5a 710 n ioy in 0lf7 i mil iifrao kxpri ixilr thri 5 mnil oivrirkm i iin in o i7 a m i iiicf21li m 1 1 tiinii iil mji j tu ifttfoijtiv dm lull flill tflili an d 3iilini pride of he valley yos priil iot tbd vi hoy that is tho tfanic of the medicine ft sort- lino of dyiipcpslr first i bought a i auiplo jpuskace for so thcu five iiackakcs for l and before 1 jiad taken tht contents of four jibickifies i was ontirely woll hnvo never felt tuo symptoms since that wm four yoare nio 1 bjijo oulila bottle of tride of tbo valley lfalmen but spring for my lurerl man who sprained bis ankle so buiiy he could not bear hitweibhtioii it afterofijbg hrmo of the valley lluimout fof ii jiours heas able to go to work as pell as ever ami what is tho name ofthat otber mcjbctne whj pride at tho valley c atarrh and juih unioilc cure that is the greatest kbownjremh iu the wortrl for the rure of catarrh not bn inln er but tbo jlcdmue is to be taken fntcrujilyoiic a day it strikes at the root of the disease an 1 removes the cause at ouce asjtboiisands will testify that hare nsed the catarrh remedy 7 he three above remedies co hkuil in hand and fbttre can i ret them atxo matthews acton out also at all flrttclassmolicino dealers iu canada llauu- facturea by fnor a m ssnikteb losdokojst a lecture to you rig man ox tnnlopr or manhood i lrelnrr nn hie alnre trrntnicnf nnd bnllcal cure of frcminal weakness or sjitrin atdrrlicoii indncod by rtclfahnnc involuiitety emissions j linpotencv fiervous debility aou impediments to sfarrfpsi gcnrrallyj cousump- tioli epilejiayanfl fits mcitil an i plrsicalinca- pal tyiciy rob i kt c c l ve r vtkllmd be world renowned atthor in tuiiadmirable lecture clearly prov sir mi lis own ixperienco that the awful caiibetjueiifir of self imiuscmay be effectually removed i hont tanproas surgi cal opcratioiib boiifjies iistriirientb riiiys or cordfalb ppintiug out a noilr of cure at enco certain and leffeciual by which every tulfcrer no matter wliat bis eon himself cheaply private fisfthia lepturo willnro bdditliouhanrlb sent under teal in a p address on mceipt cf four staujpi- address tadoaltervcll 11 nj ft rv7 tc bf k iii may he may euro eiid radically i a hool to thousands y t ilu oivtope to any tentr ov two postage sffliicalco p o box moral guide reetlm now id itow form plants and bribi prices or eacb tnis foc ma rtnu aad the w emu mat- erifr sent ai zrrre one me fiwim coofl frph sns fm refrt to the- tnilllnn of irto etrdfe btrreiv vice sans jfoc 188 xwr plaies tions wtlfli tiuvf contai of na ttoetablzs wnere fliauy eriaiaiiic 2 colored bunorens of iljonrt- md nesnr s pajrtjb linf- so tianlenlns- and cuikir la4 ov at n an-lliojtrat- zat aiibe flowees tsd zrnvr wih ii- s i i5d con b procnrm 1tb li fr on receipt of is dfouneo from toe firn tpi in a ranimor woo in riat this wori we s knn bave piaotpd oar sajfiltdcitlffrm seedsman itocbesier n y saiifcsij a as itlit xxtk are in vrurjf u fewo fir4ttlas imu toituvis fj- tbii salle of choice vnrietier ltn vlii can iiake c- ituvis j- tl of xuiserj stoc to success of thetmipcii we lvd piv ioji salaries orcomuiicaion audsivpcitiinent emplovnieut we have liiajiy not and ciice speciaiti both u the fruir and prnaiueutal lines whleli othors do uot hndle apply at ocoe vntii references mav beothehs nrnsekymesi kocukbiep n y american afifllculturist 100 cohmilic ami ico euyiaunsin ach issue 45th year iil50ayear sent three 2cout ttamp for fiwple copv euklishorgortnniil and irtmiiuui list of tho ldet and lli3 r voisicilt no wontr address publisheiis ameiucas- davidjcwf president 7i jlroailwaj xov voru ltai ltntcuicvii attuicuiririst v- will cljfre of relieve biliousness dyspepsia indigestion i jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache dizziness dropsy flitteta of the heart acdityof- rn the stomach of the skin lapd yovary spaeies oi disease orisin from-l5- stoma t hildttrn j co vary spaeies oi disease urisingi disordered li mi kidney ua en bowel 5 or blood proprietors toronto ery guefph bros the picture gal waters a the best place for the nest quality in moiildinw frame3 ojl paintings sicel knavidgs statuary ect ycornico poles from fii cents window lades spririf rollers brtiss rods for bliort blinds artists canvas drawing atcht style and ugpttiiiiiupistiiru mate1rials oil colore water colors j irusher crayons papers itc ac waters eirbs nes r the post office 1 i m i volxl kver1 free pdi flsti vtilti lnvarlsul ii poefcl tiatij tillj motion otti bpac one ojiuifll hmf cjlnnf jiiartcr i on rncb cisnal ut first iusertil biqueatiu reckonedtbl hcale of sol adwrt vrill be in iuly tra in advano changes itt tlie offil they will hi this tcrtlonsi tntrscusi w i ber of coll office frederick l a irevsystc monly cal teeth with stratpr colleise ol rous mayl iu any ol aetpn ev of eiteh v taril veterinaa in kenus dence in t soandne aucinl cdto t jbi barristf ancers oi efb k bu1k omce 3 si m onicel osice mi at 5 perc cjhil1 office aud 80 i b ais ornci lington i auey t john wiuj b adil ontario i g f m 20 ye for thej prderijj oppositj to auwl terra j desired w for the i orders or at promptl i i also i able ton terestl i toil tot st gad sj aoeol i- i periodij pound 4- f m mi wf desirei m snrroui orders r carpet ub dress 1 is also b im yards si v i and mm i satisfu k will fa f-jp- r v vl 4 m fh- l m rwpcsirxjr

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