ffiifs 3ut0tt is pcbtitshicr every tuurstjay morning j at tk- frtt press power printinq house acton ontario v- subscription rate xt vtin 100 six xosmi wots thkrk months 95 ct livriiblv inadvauce if uot jwld in atvanc iiorjir triltbc cliartfixl no paper dieon uvul tall nil arrears my pm except at uu on ottuc pnblirtier advertising rates u om- ojlaran- half column qurlcr oohiuin- saidiil ss00 von 600 j ajn a uo 30o aoo luo m 1 i ee i 3 cisaal4ilrcrtisoiniuii cents ur hoe tor thfr first iuwfrtiou and 3 cents pr hue for ch sftfe strtat insertion dub the number of liuw reckoned or th spam occupied measured bv a le of solid nonpareil advertisement without specific directions vill be inserted till forbid and charsed accord iuly transitory adveruscraentsiaust be paid in advance changes for contract advertisement almost be in office by 0 km on monday ottierwis thcr will bo lfi over until thefollowum week hpmoore editor end proprietor iio badc3 py fourtft on file m 0 v i nio rftrcn rowru con nrwspopcr a- errtbtes barettq 30 fcatractsiuaf be storey christie co bankers acton ri ontario sism 4 imxral am1q m tttaxsactttf j- f sroibsr f notes discounted and interest allowed on doppeita find the puzzle omklerttlm nkyvyok 3u3ines3 directory h lowby js1 b m c f s gfidutof trinity pollege mem her a collet of physicians and surgeons odice and residence at the head ot frederick street at ton lv l bennett l ds dentist georgelowu ontario fl n a c mckinlay l d s surgeoi x dentistgeorgetown out nses th- lie v system of nitroas oxide gas com wanly called vitalized air for exarnctiiv teeth without pujn having heen demon rtritor and practical teacher in roy a college of dental soreous toronto pat ran tny depend upon receiving satisfactior u nay operations performed will visit acton every second and fonrth wednesday of each month office agnews hotel rflihx lawsox graduate of os tario veterinary college toronto yttennarvsaneonactonont oma lu knny b ros boot and shoe store reai dence in the rear horses examined aa to andnoss and certificates civen all cslu niht xr day promptly attend ed to tprros easy flarr uaaarmigued is prepared to f urnmi on tile l aliortoet node in any quantity and nt tot- torn price flrtclaif lumber lath staves head ing 5hlngleswa8h tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood 1 flour and feed anvauyiliiiig in th un of fartnsw hooeliooi- rs or contractors neceasittos tlic jpuule is to and a better place thsn thomas c moores to bay aay thing in the above linos also to find outifri fhawd he woali like the money wuli papery illi axe idtlebtsi to hiru rornnvthine pxir- blni his books aywur arc and he li ii- bu si ness college ouelph ontario lrawu tohnhtos mclean b rrister5 solicitors notaries couvey- sneers see b private fnhds to loan i ornct town hall actouj v f b johnston w- a siclcvx t a mow at rikkiyrss solicrroh notaby pvblh- oikjtoload ncr matthews bloch actou upstairs r mttcbxll third 8ch6latetic tear ins septetrber let patronage frooi ten states and provinces toting buu and boys thoroughly prepared iur basiueah pursuits gruduatesetinuent- iy acccsaful as accounlanu business daiiasrs shortlmud writer clerks salesmbn travelleijsetc both iu cunada na the united swtes sloderalo rates itioroofih praotical work nod ooorteous vreatmetit characterize the linstitutiou ladiea kdrnitted to all the advantages of the collegei splendid facilities afforded for thp ac- misitiqo of freuth aud gernju for ihfonnatiou addrea m maccdrmick wtf principal lumber shingles and lath f iho ni dersifintd deirca to inform iie public that be has now on hand and will kep in stock a tall line of pine and hemlock as well as eat other kind ot lumber also first an class pino shingles i jith goal wood havii purchased the coal business oi mr c 5 smit 1 1 am prepared to supply all kinds of stovo c 31 i bare also a cood btock of wood hordwt cki ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prjces wood and coil delivered james bkows solicitob cfstttajicebi ac oitici first door west of the gimiiipion o3ice main street- milton money to loan sis per cent o hilton allan a baird barristers solicitors ac- toeosto axi geosgetowk ot nceo creelmaa elock g eorgetown aud so king street eaat toronto v t alios j sriitjs b 3 bajci u b ailaidlaw a- co i bik213tees a jojjcirobs omcii over imperial bank 24 wel lington street east entrance exchange alley toronto r joax baix q c c amaribs viliim liitiiiw gko8e kappieix i b adgerow a cakson baebitksatliw acj i 1 ijiiurio hall 0 church street toronto gwbaikieblwm- joun cenon1icl co protrcattobet patents secured fob inventions henry grist ottawa 0ax aha 20 years practice no patent ko pay- hre pw 1 second a wutual i insurance company ottot of vstjltwfitos established ifwo head office cuelph inserts buitdiugs merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions of property oathe premium note sj stern stone president oi uas tavid8on secretary john tayliob aknt ti a murray llce-veex- atctioseek for the counties of rjalton and wellington orjer left at his residence main sweet oppoiite caorcb street acton or addressed to aton pio willreceive strict attention ternn reoaable kotes discounted desired if vj7m hemstreet iiicessec accmoneee for the counties of welliurtori arid halton orders left attbe fbhb pbess office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms roaaonable moxet to loan also money to loan on the tbost favor able torn and at the lowest rfcies oif in terest in sums of s500 and upwards johydai s abchitect gktrh oxt y oxtkz qtteenshotel block marketf 6ek0 square j j tmrancis ntjnan j sucoessor to t f chapmaii bookbinder i st georges square guelpb ontario on eh rt notice and from long experience in the business we feel conudent that we can give satisfaction every time so come on wi h ybnr order and help to roll the ball along money makes the mare go whether she b s legs or no thos ebback manager w deals a 3 account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every descriptioncriiliy bound ruling neatly and promptlr rjone weaving ii mb t mitchbii desires to inform the people of acwrt and burroundinrs that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fancy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress goods striped or plaid twillor plain also bed blankets and horse blankets two yards wide and over jgl k and i will guarantee that i will jjivegoc satisfaction to all farmera arjd oil lew wi will favor me with their patropag i j t mltcitelt no -and- boiljoens nq decorations all new for at- 1887 s b00kst0ei cuelph day sells cheap 1 c3tjeiiph tilpu of ml thousdat mobnino makoh 10 1887 i poetry i 8pbinq is 00minq hang the skates on the attio wall altta for spring mid summv and fall i no moris gliding swift as light over the runners keen and bright no nioro rallies for winterjjbys of sturdy rollicking nolny boys on the glittering shining ieo clear and solid and smooth and nice with starlight beaming downho ho i up und away boys horo wu go hide it swiytlie coasting sled- in the garret over the shed you ooiild jtailoy it alroobt drow a sigh to itself as if it know no more speeding overhe snow down the steep to the glen below no more storming the snowfort wall a brcatli of spring has leveled it all but hip hurrah for tho bat and ball marbles tops and tenuis and all bring your boat and rejoice to see tlid rippling lakes bine waters free bring your rod and bo glad to find no ice the bubbling stream to bind hare and hounds oer the oouutrv wide who wants snow on the green hillside spring and summer and autumn fly days and weeks and months go by with uever an hour sod and drear to blythe young hearts the livelong year and when the beautiful days ure past well weather once more tho wintry blast greeting with skates and sleds again old jack frost and hitf jolly traiu the t pi lulling a ton iranch gampbeh house i j heac quarters for the leadincr piarjos and organs dovo the celebrated music honse piano and organ trade with great success inj this locality parties decline to purchase n tirsitclhss pihno or organ should not fail to examine the goods or correspond with tho prbprie r jomolban quelle st quehib wellington mamie works qt7kbs0 t qublp2 with nice covers he looked abouit tho welllined shelves 11 1 dont read mtjoh ho said igtlets ill soil these booksibavo a kind of a ven due of em and tie piotura id rather have a little snm in bank than such rnb- bishv i i meanwhile mrs bettino paid an express man to take aw4y the things she had secured audoautiously sat upon them be fore the misers door until they were safe in the wagon v then she went borne and nursed poor little tiny as though she liadbeon a siok baby for some days rejoicing when the girl felt able to sit in tho parlor andto see youiigmay t very soon a little ring on the girlfs finger told the story tbiey were engaged very soon thoy were married and began life in ii little fourroomed honso with as much hope and faith in a happy future as the wealthiest young couple could havei though when the simple furnituro had been bought may had only ten dollars left in the savings bank no more was put found it hard to patmoro will ydu open it iimr patmore- an old lawyer who v was present advaucpd and the rest crowded about thira tho parchment was indeed the last will and- testament of the late kd- mund spioeriand- it was very lbriof it left everything to his adopted daughter christine hafl i in vain the miser rayed and swore ho could do nothing the auction was of conrse at an end and the bynipathics of ojl present wore with the youhg people today they live it tho dear old homo rich and happy in each other and tho big bible has tho place of honor if nathan spicor hod kept it out of the sale this story would not have been written and jootico nevor would have been done tho heiress you dont feel sorry now that ahefs l it all do you asks mrs bettino and there is no need for robin may to answeri 1 ledger f l make your homes attractive usjjo otjk story bxijoj pkuse aud consider that i t will be to your own ihterestto pat ronize home trade we woild respectfully iuforn the inhabitants of acton and sur round ng country that we are asain in full ranpn g order and in a better poaitiou timu before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to us toarties building i lumber vvill bedresseh while yon wait j mouldings ac made with i eatuess and despatch- n ji we are also prepared to fill all ordenjfor pumps john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer m marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct i importer of all kinds of granite and marble h rutledce the butcher in everything wholesnle and retail mint in the meat line no city establish can bo fonnd better stocked at all 18 having lately visited tho bay of furjdygriinite quarries and hnvin purchased the entire stock ot gray aud red grriiite monuments beadstontr crossed urns cu- of alexander taylor ai less tbau cost i will until farther notice 11 at prices never before knowu in ontario fcr in- gtiicco granite inonaiient it high 8g0 7 ft 7s 8 ft 90 0 ft 100 10 ft 1s0 all work and material warranted firstclass particn wanting anytlilng iitbisliiio will do well to call an lsei niobeforeporiiasing elsewhere as i guan utee my pnees are from aotosopercoutbcloiv fill other dealers tt- fcetl meat market 1 questionable ioods of fered to custc mere at any price lo cest prices and stjaare abflf i dealing is my one trial conviuces n these points cfth always paid for cattje whrutledge npi ehanuln barber shop 4 miiil stbbet aictos an eisy shaye a stylijh biaircut a good seafc always razors hbriea in firstolass tton ladies and childrens hair tastiiycnt 3 p wojtfw tansotlalartlst joseph patton btjjtchei has pleasure in onutfui icing to the oitiswns of actou that ho has purchased the butchering business of mr vvm rpssell and is prepared to condpot she saihe in a straittorward bnihess manner ff havinf had large experience in the busi ness ifeel that i can guarantee all cuitoni ers who favor mo with their pat ro a ago i ierfect satisfaction ah kinds of moat fresh and good j and poultry fish c in season will be j ound in btock i respectfully solid your esteemed pat ronage joseph pattlon aoton nov 8th 188r new blacksmith ilfk3ton x axdkew te8kev having purchased the general blacks mi th ing businees of mb p j surra solicits the patronage of all the ciifltoraers of the shop and the pnblic generally horseshoeino will be made a epeoial feature of tbi boai bewr interfering borses carefully sbd and cured r having- bad large experience manufacture and repairing of agrioi itural implements and machinery of all kinds as well aiof general work i feel that guaranteesatisf action in every ease andrew tesjfeleyi tin vs fortune i t 1st uwv kyti 1allafi well said old mrs bettiue three days after the funeral of mr edmund spicer well there is no will then may kono can be found said the young man she addressed i liavo searched everywhere mr spicer must have de stroyed it if he made it hes mode three since 1 worked about the place said mrs bettine he loft all to his second wife once she died then he gave the whole to the little boy he died too then he left it to a society but ho cot an idea it was a hnnibrn and i saw bim burn that will then bo adopted tiny christine halls her name when her mother a widow died and he said hed made hiu will for her a year ago told me so mrnorris made it but he is doad mr spicer kept it himself i know well ive searched and hunted so have you and now that child wont have a penny who will it no to that old nathan bpicer hes the next of kin said the young man and now mrs bettine ill let you into a secret im clad tho will can- not bo found because i mean to marry chriutiue hall if 1 can get her to have me well if you dont astonish me said old mrs bettino shes a real nice girl and pretty but i should think youd be sorry she hadnt the money if yon do make a match of it cant ypu see that if i courted an heiress i should be called a fortunclmnter mrs bettine said youug may mrs bettine sat down in tho great arm chair and looked at him some folks might say so she said but la what of that she wouldnt think it she would no more think it than i would at all ctents no- one lean new said young may and i shall beg her to marry me at once there will be no need of any postponement meanwhile take her home with you mrs bettine you shant losebyit mrs bettine drew herself up if i do go out to days work and laundry things at home i guess i can have company now and then and- i suppose mr spicer will let tiny have her clotbe9 any one else would give her a fow hundreds anyhow he wont she shaut need them ill work for her said young may well mr may yon seem to feci sure shell have you said mrs bettine and i sort of think she will poor tiny in her black frock was think ingjust now of nothing but the good old majo who had beenjher ruardian so long she was glad to go homo with kind mrs bettino and to be tucked into the- bmall bed in the bluepapered bedroom over the parlor and left to cry as much as she ohose meanwhile mrs jettine iutorviewed the miser fought for the for some books with and begged hard for trnnk for an umbrella tiuys name in them a little bureau and a rocking chair which had been bought for the girls own use no no 1 old nithan declared the furnitoor of tho bonpe is the fnrnitoor of the house unlebatbe gal has got papers to show ob papers exclaimed mrs bettine he gave her leave to choose what she liked i beard bim how i dont see it in miser there aitit kuow of any legacy theyre hers any i- ii the i can atookings saein iti tine givins ap the that light said the any will i dont of fornitoor produce it if jou do nrodncoiti i wonjler you dont keep her blurts and yon said i mrs be t- attleat lost why yoor oouflin meaiit ibe child to have overy- thing r if he iid why djidnt he fix it so said nathan a wiuji easy made besides what he meant is nothing 10 me ive no nee4toinbf mi v he watohed mrsjbettinewhile she re moved trunk bundle and umbrella to the poroli and looked the door behind her thats a very grwping woman he said to himself i thought shodtake the whole library rwa got nine good books to it the youuff couple biake both ends meet love kept them happy but clients did not make haste to present themselves christ mas approached- without matters bettering themselves and it was on ibe twentysec ond that little mrs may glancing at a column of a rnomifig paper burst into tears and cried out oh my dear nathan spicer is going to sell poor pas books all of them at auction on christmas eve i the library of the latejkdraund spicer esq what a wretch just like him my dear said young mayj now tell roe is tliorc any par ticular book you would like me to buy for you we can go to tho sale and bid forit it there is though we are not very rich the old bible i shonld liko that if it is sold said tiny it seems like one of the family somehow papa used to read me the stories and show me the pictures when 1 was a little creature and every night he read a chapter it always lay upon his desk perhaps old nathan would not sell that it he docs it seems as if i ought to have it ill take the bit of money out of tho barik said young may im as anxious to ret it as you be any other volume we can managa to get knocked down to us too as you say books seem like members of the family it was ivery imprudent for a young man who might need a ton of coal or a barrel of flour that winter but his wife only thanked bim with a kiss and on the evening of the auction she counted every moment until leaning on her husbands arm she left her new home behind her and for the first time since lidr departure revisited the one which had 60 kindly sheltered her orphan childhood the auction was held in the library the books were piled tin orderand neatly marked and numbered for the auctioneers convenience catalogues were handed to each person who entered tiuy glanced at hen the bible is to be sold she whispered it was bo strango to be in that room again that quiet room where she had spent so many peaceful hours and to see it so altered old nathan spicer in her adopted fathers armebnir the crowd gathered there the auctioneer with his hands in his pockets looking about him waiting for the hour of sale quite a little crowd had come old friends who desired to secure books as mementoes of the dead man they had liked tj much strangers who hoped things would go off cheaply some who only came for curiosity at last the auctioneer provided with a kitohen- chair on which he perched 4wnself begat the sae a family bible said he a fine edition elegantly illustrated with family records solid old binding perhaps how- over it is entered by mistake do you wish to sell the bible mr nathan spicer your family bible sell away said old nathan v one bible is enough for me i dont bother that much whats down is to be sold mri prang tjhe auctioneer nodded how much fortius bible he began a rare old family bible once the prop erty of a distinguished fellowtownsman a perfect copy beautifully illustrated how much for the bible some one had bid dollar jday offered two another person three then people saw that the adopted daughter of the late owner was trying to buy the bible and courteously left off bidding nathan saw this his face changed and heslipped out of the room in a minute more his hired man stood at the- door and went on with the bidding may did bis best ten dol lars were offered by him the man cried twelve may iu a sort of fury cried four teen he drew on the weeks market money perhaps he was throwing away the chribtmaa dinner bat hesaw tho eager look in tinys oyes the auctioneer sas it also the hired man turned to look ac hib master who gave a nod that said good but in that moment the bible had been knocked down to may who advanced offer ed the money and received the book nathan uttered an expostulation bnt the auctioneer said coldly a sale is a sale and took up the next lot meanwhile tiny had taken the bible into her arms mothers and fathers who have sons and daughters growing up do not qlways rea- lizoasthey shold the great necessity of making home not merely a place in which tlibfr children eat bleep and ajo clothed but one iu which they find positive happi ness and eujoyment in nine cases out of ten where you see a wild youth or a giddy girl go to their homes you will find them cheerless unattractive or perhaps actually disagreeable the nature of youth is excessively rest- iosb it has a longing for action and excite ment ambitions more or leas vain and always the irrepressible desire to know t broader life repress these natural in- stinots and you will be sure to throw them into any society that- in a measure will gratify their lbugjnga your sons do uot fjo to the public barrooms at first for the taste of the liquor which they have not as yet acquired they go for the gay com panions they find there tho influence for good or evil that a mother has oyer her sous the control that she exercises over their destinies is a grave responsibility throw open your best room to the children in the evenings havo books and a maga zine or two even if you put away less money stimulate their ambition and invent occupation and amusement for yoar children give them games aud endear yourself to them by sharing their jbys and plays eucorirage them to be affectionate slio stood in the midstbf the jeelring crowd with featnres dark v itb won and eyes defiantly bollly proui and skirts nedraggloi i and torp and some ywitnen prayed and irdwned and etpsed their iea s with a and somb men pi ied but m jre round and laughed at t ieir alike to har both pray r aid jeefr with clehched hand flloiic she stood with neither moan nd- tear as uiuteyibscnlptnn ditfmo when tlirotigb the twi ights falling mist a child ihut could ht rdly sta id cimo forth and onjiei clenched fist he placed- hnvthiy hi tid at33 the fires first lit by lie irtlens i by thoughtless womi n fiinnet were quenched fbr the fioodgi then at touch of a babys jhafid nelly f worse thau 3aall adreat danger whicjh menaces suspioious publio i f ty that- do not with formal coldness starve them for want of caresses imcridan ajjwctif- ttirul for marlh be ifcui i medi al allow beware of it corn doctors who dont extricate corns ear doctors whoaflvertisebare cures for deaf nesn lotteries of all descripti6ns which are a delusion and a snare lawyers who volunteer their nervices for charitable motives laud schemes in florida and elsewltorc which give homes away the lightningrod man who is wiftug to take yor notes for work performed bohemian oats whose manipulators are extending their operations in various directions v englibh sterling cutlery which is advert tised by bogus companies at very low pnees fradulent employment bureaus which guarantee permanent employment if you pay your initiation fee i medical institutes whose professors ad vertise themselves andgreat cjufes through the country generally j magnetic appliances which are advertised to cure all physical infirmities from dis ordered brain to a sore foot broken and bankers who send you print ed circulars guaranteeing fortunes if yon invest small margins through them bogus detective agencies wl ose represou- tatives work for a small cousi ieration and are as liable to betray you as io serve you- bogus agricultural newspi tpers which have a nominal subscription price and are published to circulate description of various wares m the mails under the head- of secoudclasa matter amer can agrimlr turiit ith d oit anl to the boys j boys are you lookiug out for yourselves are you saving all the rponby you can are you using yourspare time to the best advantage 1 have no doubt hut yon all would like to make your mar t in the world and become influential and respected citi zens but whether you obta n the object of your ambition or not lies within your selves of course it costs a great deal of selfdenial and a vast outlay f brains and muscle but the reward you will reap in after life will more than compensate for all your work if you are economical in tl e use of your money the time will come w lien you will have an opportunity to strike but for your- selves but if youhavenft saved your money and are not ready the opportunity will pass on to some one else never to re turn again so boys be side awake to your own interests see hew you stand see if you are on the right road to success if not get these as soon as possible if j ou have fast companions giv them up at once give balls theatres a d the like a wide berth spend your sp ro timetn jm- proving your mind take u some useful and interesting etudy and ai tho cud of the year see bow much youihive gained by 11 you have spent so much for ity she said buididlong for it bee diar lioinontfo7yonrsdf twhue the old blue bookmark 1b here i worked it for papa when i was niue years old and see sho tjrned the page and gavo a little cry- see robin 1 what is thia soroetbiug lay between tbe leaves of the book a small piece ot parohnv6at folded t fat and sealed with ia red seal the young lawyer seized it and readwhat was written aorw the back e it is the missing will 1 be said jux boys and grocer see how it worksuiiptewcan keeper of the employmeu t office im ofraid the trouble is with yon mrs prim ifoave tned german irish and house- keeper tee but they ire no good my neighbor has an excellent girl shes a bwedenborgianj send me on 9 from sweden borjf chicotf jbttrrm the brompton hbapi al for cois in ijondon reports that over out of eyery hundred victims of codktipation or consumption is one fjour eases and the ixbbvo re port goot what has often beeis eaid in during thohi8t eight years trohblcs aio not only the jet than half of the cases consudii of ninety ccit of every inudred mon diseases they vt ho havo position made their cl lims investigation and their proof have discovered a specific for and stealthy kidney di leases become so provalciit rc son us couvihcing we have recently received fresh supply of their w jnderful they haye challenged 1 he ion and acienco to inve stigate investigated and those who are admitted the truth f their they claim thstninet per cenjt comes originally fron fnactie that these inactwe kid leys to become filled with u ric acid this tifife acid poison i 1 the disease through every organ thereis enougltuiic acid the systetti within tventyfoi kill liaif a dozen men this being a soienti ie fact only ordiuarywisdom to see active kidneyis must hi ve upon if this poison is no remov every organ if v the bowels liver become inactive we know but other organs help them kidneys bocomaconsti mted the warniug comes ater on when it i too late bet auso the remote from the kiduys and are not suspected to b out of v organs that arc wet k and unable toioaiftt tho at acks of and tho diseaso of ten i akes the is treated as a local afflictiqn reality tho real cause of the inactive kidneys too many medical men fit day hold what was i fact go that kidney disei sp is cording tothe medi ihes their code efencethi iy ignore cause of disease itself and givi tion to useless treatui of p they dose the p ltient morphine or with sal ts and hoping that thus nati re npay ease while the kidnej away with inflammation decay and the victim evetatu the same quantity of bjood through the heart ps sses nays if the kidne fs are blood soaks up this liseise all through the system pie the claim is made th it warner the only known si cures 9q per cent of lmman cause it and it alone is tble the natural activity o ithe nentralizo aud remove the kidney poison as fas as it ia ifihis acid is not 1 omc ved activity of the kidne e and produced mjthe sysu m dyspepsia conbumj tipnl headuehe rheum at sm potency and all tho namelesb delicate women if he i is separated romtb bio xl formed these xliseae as in oases would not exit t itonlj requires a particle virus fo produce that vil poi6onoti3matter f rom all through the systetjn lodged at different weak destructive although mdre if it were possible for is kidneys and how quick r th through them goes to th i and other parts of the this deadly virus with it all without hesitation what has btated iu advertisements in that the kidne s are tho organs in the body j they may regard thibj vertiseraent and refuse io that is a matter over whiol control careful mvestigati itself are proving beyond a organ is in fact more i other m the system aa a and as such should he closel the least sign f disordered stmewomon liandiwc rk bpeued oneltl umptives people consumbtives ao inacti e kidneys nojtional dis- to prove columns kidney of more ptiou but other corn- taken this elaborate that they terrible ch have 3 wise and them a idvertising prjofess- theyiave frank have statements of disease kidneys thetblootl oison that bl ood dsvelbped in hours to olher continue kidaeys 4ilmenta be- to maintain s and to iric acid or formed- j there ia in- 1 here will be pf rsij sis apoplexy disease inf poia mous irte a boston lawyer reoeptly in a witness who was givin an old kvflys loss of mind she look as i am looking at instance itnws wei vatssnthke wmmmmmm t jerk turned 33 an un it requires effect in the system it ruins stomach or itj at once if the dormant and often effects aro those organs rder- tiseased uce thu poison form of aud when in trouble was the prenaut twentyyears iojcurahle ac horized by- the original their atten ocall effects quinine physics iare the dis- tovaste ulceration and perished that passes tithe tod- diseased the rad takoa it it is that s safe cure f with ally tbit ngh t ien se m 4 hiart pm innionia diseases cs matter fast as it is majority ot aid- poin ts of smallpox die lase and the te kidneys passing beoqming i is equally disguised see into the blood passing and lungs carrying wopid believe often been i hese columns important im heirt sys en m wt ijartnie as an ad believe it but we have no i and acionce c oubt that this mpoi tant than afiy health regulator watched for dotion met hu match ig ividence about iawyer didl yoi jow fir yes quite i i