1k fit r kbwsrtivjjtrani bk autiftjl wfcddtno and berth toatprtobnto ati j cto hyid8 a flua stock of wcbes clocks jaweh lery bpectack careful attention rivcu to repairing drop ra and see ur latjje stock comprising jewellery stataouarv book and vaooy goods j 0 hynds j acton u f lt ftmt rr rtss thctkbivmatmvg3tvrji10iik7 crumbs forbfi provided by tbe vr thoughtful free plttt jrp6rtm8 44y byj iy- liiaitfo wjiwiwwim miiwswifts e prtnapallj local and all inteiuna dust off your sap bucket boys arc at iholrrmarbles agaiu r next thursday it 8jl patricks day ferret out all too dogs mr assessor fourth xtivtnon court next thursday the assessor is well on with his duties council meeting next tuesday evening fine spring weather has boev enjoyed here this week appkrn and ehestnotbroni is the latest color combination l the millinery warerooms are being put in attractive order lor the springtradev- trafalsar township council paid am for sheep killed by dags last week shoot utc doss the streetsvillefferiic says the woollen mills there arc to bo rcoponed with 150 cnipjoyecs the star says a fino presbyterian church will bo erected iu oakviuo the coining summer a teameeiinii iu the presbyterian church oruagh last week was a success the proceeds 60 the annual teameeting in the metho dist church asbgrove last thursday evening was as ueuaa success a very large proportion of the tinners io this section are laying in a stock of ice tor use during the summer in their dairy a letter from an unknown friend is consigned to the free press waste basket the temtndi nacre of the writer wasiiack- inc the carnival in the rink on monday evening was largely attended but there was not much of an exhibition cf fancy costumes- l h mccann of lramosa and c j mcdonald of erin were each fined 50 and costs last week for violation of tbe scott act thera ia k general wish expressed among ratepayers that the council adopt the two- payment plan for collection of municipal taxes tneaeesors throughout the country arexn the warpath and the depreciation iu value of real estate in a short spice of time is surprising messrs kelly erv faave opened up quite siock in clothing and gente furnish- tugs generally- they are iloing a nice busmess in the new lines mrs alex h brown has rented her farm near acton to messrs alex and toha mann for a term of years mrs brown will still reside on the puce owing to the una voidable j absence of several of the members the regular mouth iy meeting of the board of education was postponed until next monday evening the number of votes polled in the dominion election was just five mote than ia the rooent provincial election la the termer therewere 4437 aud in the latter m3i s the gueiph people are going riht on vuh their c p r branch and are now f plying for a charter to estend it through waterloo perth and hurra counties to ooderich the farmers almanac just pnbiished by the dundas staialard is a little volume to be appreciated tbeblank memoranda will te put to good use by those to whom it is presented ilr edward nixon jr of stewart- tjwij died suddenly in georgetown last week of compression of the brain he wos a young man thirty years of age and highly respected- georgetown wctu last week pre sented the village coancil with a largely igued petition praying that no billiard pool or bagatelle license be granted jn that place the prayer was granted john morgan georgetown who has been an inmate of st josephs hospital gueiph for the past two or three years died suddenly on sunday from paralysis he was about 80 years of age iu their advertising space messrs hendson meuae sc co announce their intenfjon to clear out tho whole of their remaining winter stock at large redactions flanuels are reduced 30 per cent read- whatthey bay lome literary and debatin society presents quite an interesting programme- at its weekly meetings each fridry evening it is the intention of the society to hold a concert on the evening of april 1st a good programme is being prepared the very many friends of mr h b jagoe formerly agent of tbe h nwb- mfilton will be pleased to learn that he has been appointed general eastern passenger agent of die west shore railroad with offices at 363 broadwaynew york chant mn it was the milton reformer which printed the ballots for the recent elections it was not paid half price for the work so the fault is vol- with the reformer thai tbey were ot so wretched a quality the ifomtbliouldnlt let its augry passions rise though people will laugh at it ibf flying off the handle so the olobi witli commendible enterprisie has put imo practical operation a scheme by which the people of london have the morning glou tot perusal at their breakfast tables the residents of nearly the whole of the western peninbula now receive the globe about as early as tho people of its own city tbehafl bpecial train for the work of distribution exclusively i day by daydxmtestiroodyoomei to notice proving that cept as a means offietting rid of money without any jsiwe return fence pasting and rock daubing are not a success day by day advertiser return to tbe newspaper fold with tle of ltow plastered tiieir greeubokai pr whatltcoiu tlwrooeut pmheial nkotioii uipeutos wero aa folo s aor kerus ordinary cxpcuim jill 00 iiereonai wtpoiubs s3 total 14409 rjreuokordiuary expense 138619 nerttualeipeuics s5a58 total a batch of edibryo toentists at tho lafe cxan nation iu oouiidcttou with tho koyj 1 coll o of dental blilrtteoui toronto tho j illowi ig passed their primary examination y o i l cook eden mills d claik gne pb f a shannon form crly of aotn w k n winn kassa rawea nud i h allan mount fprest passed his nni 1 oxatninatiou property oh iges hands mr wm 8 raokhjoner has sold bie brick dvtcuitifi ad l it on xoung and wollinfttou btroou to mr lohn kounedy of ksquesinn who jutends akiu up his rcsideboo iu acton mr f wackhamcr has purchased tho dwelling u mill street belonging to col allan aa i purposes erecting n brick front thereto t ie conjitir summer ontario aluao oonvenuon the aunual oouventiou opened at to ronto yosterda aud continues in session today tho i yonatf mens prohibition club are makibg arrangements for holding a grand banqufet for j the delegates m the pavilion horticultural gardens this oven- ins tho dedrativci arradgeoienta aro to be particularly attracuve aud will exhibit trophies of artitic vork from several ten peranoe scciouhs several actonians are attending the ijouveituou the bwnlokllnbsute wound up the affairs iu coniieetion with tho pstato of the late b w ntcklini esq have been finally settled tbe court has paid over to tbe beira ct legal age the respective amount due it em mrs sicklin has pur chased the brio t dwcjling and bakery and the blacksmith property twolols ou mill and main stree a beloukiug to the estate and consequent iy retains the family home as her own ii 4s valuable and desirable property evangelizing u e xfoung men i uow woald his scheme jpf iho ypuun women of the v illage o ayliner work in acton they avo formed a society the object of which is to better the moral con dition of the young men into whose society they are constaitly thrown the vow a younj woman takes when becoming a member is that she will not associate with a yoadg hian w io partakes of tho iiitoxi- eating cup frcjueuts billiard- rooms in- for dulges in tobabco in any form or uses up his poetical profane languaj e or slang serious tobogganing accident a terrible ao adent ooenred on the tobog gan f slide 6u jradleys hill on monday night miss s irah jbenham was rapidly descending tho slide vhen the toboggan misdirected n ade a dart sideways and came with fea f ul force against a sharp corner of a thr k cornered post her body was terribly m tngled one leg being broken in three placis and frishtful injuries sustained abou the head drs todd and freeman were soon in attendance to do what they could to relieve the sufferer who isin a dcngepius condition georgetown herald esquesmg agr cultural society a meeting 61 all interested in the holding of the annual exhibition of esquesng arri- coltural societ r iu actou tbis fall yi be held in the tow b hall on friday evening we understand that the directors are will- jog that acton should have the show tbis year the master will be taken into con- eideratiou at tl o meeting aud it is desir able that both ho farming cotnuiauity aud our citizens be well represented mr alex waldie expre ddent of the societywill be present end wl 1 give all necessary infor mation reepecti igthe exhibition and matters in connection tliere with a rismg yonjj 5 minister rev james argo of knox college preached excel rat sermons in knox church last sunday in our judgment it would be a wise coura ifor bur presbyterian friends of knox churcl to seoure a young man of mr argbs star ding as their pastor j he is an earnest pres cher has had ample edu cation and hie izpenence in country fife is not in any wist theoretical siriargo will graduate in a tew weeks we believe a call to acton would be very generally acceptable to tl e tnpmbers of the congre gation mr mdill is at present in cbirge of the presbytenan church ballin ifad will preach next bun- day i deathoftlioirassomervfllesr on thursday i afternoon ard march mr thomaa somei villeiiif died at his j resi dence lot 21 a m 5 tisqaesing about two miles bebw acton at the ripe old age- of 80yejars mr bomerville was a native of the parish of c arstairs in the county of lanark scotia ud and was bom oh the gth of may 18k5 he married miss jane fraser also of the parish of carstaira and they emigrated to canada in the year 1833 mrs somervill 5 died in 1869 ason and a daughter mr thomas somervilloi j who resides on thi brown homestead near aptou and mr i jane kennedy yridow of the late alexar der kennedy lof lot ijnext farm to her gir hoods horn survive hem the funeral to k place on saturday after noon and co isidering the exceedingly stormy dtfy wa i largely attended a successful ii dstitatioru theannuaiiiieeiingof the ouelph and ontario invest nenf and savings society held in gaelph uhiwwfli feby vita at tended by shaiolioers representing over 28o00o of ithe societys stock itbe result of the yeirjb dj bi ptiat be extremely gratifying hot only to the aharehbldors but alsp to the lepositors and ajll othejrs in terested in the piaspentydftbe company the reserve fu d now snoanta p thejband some sum of 8tp00 the total aasete are 10124955 1 bingi5972ai20groaterjtban the previous ye ir and to keefcpacej with the increase in the other departments of the business fle shareholders authorized the directors to qetheremwnapojt dlst ohorehwsupday wer largely attended tho btroiohs preached by rev w h hinpki of prcstou were full of tat and muolifcpwolated mrhinots it a wmparativoly young inau in the ministry bat ho oocupios a prominent plaoo amoug hlsfoflow ho has groat natural ability and a bright fnturo lies be fore him tho locturoosi monday evening was quite sucoossful then was a fair attendance tho novel subjoet mnd faddles wus ably liaudlod hyuiolcoturorii hib matter was good and ho presented iu welt ohoten order the various phases of life thoieoure was dolivered in pleasing ora- toricjalstylo and tho audiouco was woll ontcjruinod ev ii phillip occupied mr hmoks pulpit on sunday death of another prominent bramptouian brampton isexporienoinga sad diminish iag of tlio ranks of its prominent oitieehs by death last week wo chronicled tbe de mise of mr milner the mayor of tbe town and today wehaveastmilarlyaadduty mr alexander diok registrar ofleel county after a lougaud painful illness died at his residence in brampton on wednesday evening 2nd iust mr dick was ono of bramptons moat substantia and worthy citizens a man of sterling- integrity and unalloyed priuupleagentlomau in every seuse of tlio term llo was a native of batbgatcj bcotlaud was born iu 183 aud came to cauada 82 years ago ho taught school at no j2 chiiifjuacousy and was afterwards principal of the east end sohoblsj woodstock with the publication of the petl banner began mr dicks resi- denco in brampton and that jeormtl was ably tiditod aud flourished under his con trol ifor nearly tweuty years in roiigiou deceased was la presbyterian mr diok was appointed to tho itegistrarship of peal in january lf banding over the good will and plant of the paper to his j eldest son deceased was in his 51th year and leaves a widow aud six children three sous and three daughters the widow aud breaved family have our deepest sympathy in this dark hour of aniiotiou and trial argus the second tells that spring is in the air and phllosc phizes accordingly pbom qatto grave tho season is fast approaching whenthe spoony jouiil man takes particular cure to oil well the hinges of the front gate aud see that the family bulldog is securely i chained up lie not the bulldog polishes knowledge and rehearses sweet speeches and telling attitudes in the privacy of his dwn bedrooni and plans all sorts of jolly rummer excursions for two present indications go to bhow that our spring crop of new lovers will be largely iu excess of former years several of our callow youths aud oquk men who have hitherto bcorncd any idea of tho touder passion aiiid who said theyd be shot if ever theyd fall in love have been shot and fatally wounded too by the tendor darts of the little blind god cupid it will be in order for the owuers of property wherein is situated lovers walks and that sort of thing to provide seats in shady sequestered nooks where under the umbrageous ebado jsf tbe sugar maple instance our local turtledoves may 7v rcfs sf s vvftf yrt we have the largest best and cheapest istock of clothing in the county omejndeelbr smrti in oolmlaisiwteviry cheap t v y ft tbi out mioxtinont cf thi ltt ityli v spuadld la f sit lura the larsrest stoekiof ooai jpurainhioff ia tie qvtavr cheap chbaf m 1 btflrttiioff in twl ftttdoholoe kellv bitos apttmoat rovy cheftp chep our 6flo4s art ftlistt we will pay cash itor some choice roll gutter kellt bilo the gkreat tmrofot rule keep ytiuirfeet wajdi a xi i observe iny ad it is not bad and often i reuow it 1 brings me trade and i have mado many a dollar through it por tnlde yoo see qomesrirhttoine whole seas andoocuu30f it and truth to tell 1 pays me well and thus i make my profit h 1 pray make no mistake wo aro not shy ie arc vory wide awuko this journal and j i the uudersigued beg to intimate that they are- pre pared to supply rii linos of booth and hhoeb in tho latost styles of the best material for tho least money and that they have a large stock on hand bargaius will be given equal to anything offered either in acton or elsewhere for tho next thirty days gome and secure litem 6ur fine servrecl ana pegged work is well known i repttiriug neatly and promptly done a call is solicited dominionbootstshqestore zemn saos jfill street acsdn the finkst- il watches jewelby 0 repairing always satisfactory h if ik vol ave hbkn w6a1ji1ntk1 is spectacles try the alaska they arethc beat 1 we ever sold john wl bond fc co direct harferae iinpprtter8 ip- watching uho markets daily for clioioest and most moueni goot aud bjiy over tiie world from the manufacturers direct for chsb our stook of ers maiiy ueuts to intending buyers oar assortment ia sitnplv immense in y- j shelf and heavy hardware building hardware iron steel mill supplies woodwork carriage topsj and trtmmlng9 jron pipes arid fittings k lamp8tancetooth8aw8 cow ties etc etc wo will be happy to give quotatioiis orsond an jllust ated catalotuo for building hardware or other goods if required call and see u ko trouble to show oa r- btoot or premised j i johnmond farmers and threshe use onvour mitpliinery otiiy ftie welikhojwni o ofif h mwn a i ft have beeu awardod it during tiie kstthre yearn y uujjij miualjb try algo our peerta8g aje0r8aswfr your- waggons and horse powers j manufactured at queon oity 0u vtqtllb by 1 8amuel rogers c0 toronto mm mm mm m all i nducc- 3q- rs oil b saviage 8ole agent for gueiph -right- tothefeont of ul toupetl tick we waok oult legant and substantial goods oo i- i splendid iu quality u complete in assortment i i overflowing in generous bargains jambs stirtoldsj j dkntist j touells block opposite post office quelph vitatozeid af the country fenc wd gilded the ro ip cetjiliauywfshj t cootinhed the sfliate places and bow their bnsibesv l away from tbem capital btoctft ittf xmderatood ovfev that the oew icfe fill fintbe allpttfd to tlwptefetiebflfeholtosprorat and any offered to tbe k natf pubho the society isibowtp6pin wj ffi jfnvwuihhcobt1nhsoceee iverte bill and coo to their hearts content and whisper sweet nothings into willing cars under the tranquil moonlight tbofagh some of them would rather fair luna did not shine on such an occasion being slight ly jealons of een the man in the moon when yon see u young man roaming in the gloaming with a fair charmer on either haul it is an easy matter to tell which is maehed ou biro ab the classic phrase runs in ladies college or seminary language she snnggles up closer than the other and looks up into his face with a sort of duckicathunderstorm expression overy few seconds while tbe other doesnt signs of spring on e vpry horfd those sable scavengers of the farmyard tbe crows have returned from their winter quarters we may now expect our local sharpshooters to polish up their rifles and other armb and layin a good stock of am- minition we shall iu all probability soon see the long and the short of it taking their early morning and evening peregrinations in search of fcoro and game more signs of sprinjj the haso ball enthusiasts amongst us aro waking up and making preparations to organize a club fr the approaching season they expect to do great things especially as their batteries and minor players have been puttiug in lots of practice during the winter in the paternal barns there is no reason why wo should not have a pretty good club we have plenty of good material if only proper- ly worked up there has been some talk about the married meu getting up an or ganization of their own but i think it would be better if they pooled issue wih the younger members as one good club is far better than two not as good and besides their valuable assistance would be of great benefit to the younger ones i have been crebibly informed that tho masquerade cnival at the rink on monday evening last was u grand success the ice i bear was crowded with a motley throng in chaste and elegant costumes and a deiightf ol time was spent by all present the bjand was there in force and discoursed sweet imusic in their wellknown style from grave to gay from lively to severe so wags the world and so runs the parttgraphists pen it is to bla felncerely hoped that the presant year orrac wi not soosuh a wholesaletakiug olo the prominen roen bfthis continent as the preceding one atuq time in the history of americi was witnessed such a number of deaths if prominent men its the year that ia iast already this year is the grim reap sr death gathering in his sheaves and the h st to go was that eminent divine the rev i enry ward beeciier of brtkmyn who on t lesday morning last passed peace- fully awa to the ltfia that knows no ending ajiovs mens womkns asdchilukkss boots and shoes to2z3 oveassoes c at prices that always lead to speedy sales i uo lowest prices 1 consjktekt wiiu cood quality j ioo i j gutitom work and bepairinr j promptly attended tjo w williams i mill 8treet acton pal n i ess extraction ofteeth artificial teeth guatodteclvorfect inapnear- auce fit sind use find gold work it snectulty all operations strictly first clahh apiolntmeuts mado by letter new suits ca deui sins v we would intimate- to our costomens aud the general public the arrival of a large consignment of imported woolens scotclt and canadian suitings surpassing iu beauty of design and quality of texture any of our previous importation the tailoring department for ceutle- men is under the supervision of mr shaw ai long aud favorably kuowu and in oddi tiou we have what is known as our boys ordered clothing department at the bead of which is mr j wclarke an early call from our patrons is solicited yours faithfully shaw grundy gtjelph -ghang- i i in the business othe j m brennan i has pleasure in announcing that his tail oring shop in creechs frnit8t6lj j i4 st m v il 1 36 j is mi rate s h -4- is nowopoh and in foil rttnning order and in a itosition to fill all orders j pureljype rsonal of thmtaere tendered eoffloew of the societyandthoe protlbeers gueiph paragraphseespeoting people with whom our readers are individually or collectively adquainteft major w kerns 3ipp was in town dn monday mibs minnie brolcy blklora is- the guest of acton frionds w h young esq pm has recovered from his recent illness mr b e nelson spent a couple of days this week with friends in acton mr ivm auld who removed to toronto some time ago is doing well there mr thomas blair and miss blair of kilbride were guests of acton friends this week j j mrs eli snyder of ouelph spent seyeral days during the week with friends in acton j j mr and mrs vm firstbrpok of to ronto were gtiests of mr w ef slorey anc family last week mr james freod father of a t iveod sdi or of tbe hamilton spectator died ie- certly at seattle washington territoty we are informed that mr w j erick for sometime forepjan of the sajtchelfa story hoi o has been ongaged as mjanoger of a larje factory in jpiuladelphlo eniplcying to lands frsm thv ilerctfry guelpn markets go to j iyfes acton fosyour cloth ugt he ian sni you for price quality and style svery time sprit g fluitsand overooats at extreme iy low pri see and made in tbe lateststyles be sure u foall ana see them at j fyfens acton lie ib aluaviu goui twkfid suits at 12 aolu klstwukre tor 8l5 scotcit tweed 8uitil7 li 18 80l1 etjsewukkkkoka ajiost fine wokstkd suit at 20 solukloewheak at i25 i gentlemou wanting a fhsuoluts good- fitting coat etc may rely upon beingsaited in every respect by leavingthoirowerswith buennan cloth 1 wj v3 now under way flour boiler flour stone vrhitewbeat ksd wheat 8 jrlng glasgow e arley cits bye ifiay z ibsraw per cord t ggs per doz t e utter dairy packed sitter rolls c bceae i dtatoes apples i i ork i ides arool february s3ra i6s7 a io to a 36 1 90 to 8 08 0 77 to 0 77 0 70 to 0 79 v 0 77 to 0 77 0 so to o ss oaotooas 00to0 6b 0160 to 0 66 8100 to 1000 3 00 to 4 00 i 00 to 4 60 015 to 016 0 is too it 0 18 to 0 80 ou toojs 0ww085 0 60 too 75 s 50 to 0 26 5 50to6 00 0 0 to 0 98 owing to the contemplated change ii our busi ness it is necfcssary that pur stdck of should be neduoed to 30000 60000 during tie month of march is 3 fl m ull harked down all waolar fr l lady writes i was enabled to remove h icornsf root and branch by the use o h lloways corn pare others who bi tri it have the same exrenebi mm the jeweller gueiph has on baud the finest stock of gold and silver watches in the oifcyi to any person front acton or intermedii ate stations buying 500 worth or over at my store i will pay their fare towd from gueiph jjy i my repainn trade is inorbasbip daily for i give perajnalanoi prompt aitenpno repairing satisfaction guamteea orl money refunded 1 w a clark this sale is sticih a grand baricejto et fcarg ains every one within a radius qtvso mile 3 of gueiph with ordinary fbresight and ifrtellielnce will take advantage ofjlt far qoods at half price fur capes at 100 and up factory cotton at 3 cents and ur drsss goods at50o on the 1j00 splendid tapistry oaipets at 25o mens suits at 395 and up ladies cloth jaoketsitl00 and up these bargains are to be uld at th i qrand old stand of the lion gueiph tnasamodthejtest for 30 years v poas all down tp slauglitertiofis j d willi amson oo down 1 tes