Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1887, p. 2

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xi th3boradlb miujutnilu acton on the mui lust the wlto otmrjoaophtawardouiort ccnwiru krin on the tth inst the wife of mr lachtan currie ot a son mookktiii acton on the 9th insu th wife of mr robert moore ot a daughter rknwood in guelph on the 6th april the wife- ot john hrrtwood of a daughter tb altar orkkn siclkoly on tbacth april at the bap- tltt parsonage wloghmvi tbe miueuoe ot tho brides sisterly rev g c bockj mr a v rn aotf to miss llbbymclieod ot winghain l ixwonaif milojir- at the reauleuce of tho brides fsther john miuor ksu rdnur out on cth april 1887 tax re jtc wright mr ktfwln fnimianassistantinatergeorgkmn high school to miss lisaio miucr as i thbcjraye kkdlroon at guelph on april 6th kllou youngest daughter pf john mid euou bed wood strange on saturday april qth at toronto crank strange ot rockwood aged ci years and smooths mclejln at guelph on thursday april 7th douald mclean colloctot oi inland rcteuue avd6tyears 3 months and 19 days ilcdosaio atsast wou kansas david eldest son ot mr alex mcdonald formerly ot ltme- oonsottypuoia fever aged it yfars iarid 2 months i mcdoxir at but wolf kansas on tllle sard januarv mary jane second daughter ot mr alex mcdonald formerly of ltmehouse ot pneumonia aged is yean and u months tncrsnt mowcisoairii 14 1887 1 notes and comments lv4s expected that queen victoria fliaj ara falls park will be opened with rreaj jubilee celebration on wednesday jane 52nd a train is now ruuniug between xew york and boston which is not only heatled by live steam lrawn from the locomotive but is lighted by the incandescent electric light there is therefore bat one fire in the entire train and that one is the boiler furnace y v nothing displays the advancement that temperance principles have mado of late years more than the fact that in the late political contest the- influence of the hotel- keepers about which we used to hear so much was never once mentioned on the contrary the question as to how the tern- perajiee people would vote was often dis cussed and was supposed to be a factor in theelection st marys aiym we tiavgood authority for the fact that the expense incurred by the opponents of the new cemetery np to the time they got into deeper water than they could wade and were ready to cry quits amounted to 230 the expense to the municipality in defending its interests aggregates be tween 200 and 1300 all this to please the foibles sjnd fancies of an unreliable and ir- responsible crank had 8500 been spent in giving mill and main streets a good coating of broken stone the municipality would have been vastly better served and neigh borly relations wbnderfully enhanced one of the most important features of the celebration of the queens jubilee in india was the presentation of new colors to the looih begimeiit by lady dufferin the 100th is the canadian regiment raised in 1858 during the indian mutiny it em barked for the east in june of that year bnt went no farther than malta subse quently itretnrned jo canada where it remained two years in 1868 it was order- edto great britain and thence it proceed ed in 1877 to bombay it is now incorpor- 1 ated with the 109th leinster regiment and is known as the 100th prince of wales royal canadians the first colors were presented in 1859 by the prince of wales the presentation being singularly enough the first public act of hiaoyal highness i si the glrjjc of friday last does major kerns 3uj an injustice in misinter preting bis remarks with reference to the altorneygenerals bill respecting the ap pointment and proceedings ofpolice magis trates- it reports him as opposing the clause to protect the magistrate under legal process where he has acted in good faith this the major did notdo for his objection had reference only to the proposal to give the bhx retroactive power the globe i concludes with the following paragraph f mr kerns protest gives additional grofund for the suspicion very prevalent in halton that he is a better friend of the scott act when he is on the stamp in some sections of his constituency than when he is in his place in parliament that this statement is wholly unwar ranted is shojwn in the fact that whenever the subject of temperance legislation hab been before the house major kerns has been in his place and invariably given his hearty support to the measure brought for ward he may rest assured that his con stituents in halton have confidence in his integrity respecting temperance legislation the temperance in the schools- tli 3 temperance reformers will be glad to let rn that their proposal to teach tern perai ce principles in the schools and in form the young as to the character and effects of alcohol upon tho human frame is liheb t become law in spite of prof gold- win smiths remonstrances the bill auth irizing the use- of empsrance text book has passed through committee ther s may be considerable room for dis- ensai n between the two schools of medical scien lists who are at loggerheads over the question of whether alcoholic prinks in moderation are injurious but there can be nc dispute as to the broad fact that the use o liquor produces untold miseries and as th s line between use4ndbuse is hide finable it is best to be ou thefsafe side nobody in sound health was ever injured by abstinence while the notion that liquor is necessary or beneficial has been the ruin of thousands no hairsplitting over scien tific- technicalities and disputed points which do not affect the main issue ought to sttisd in the way of temperance teaching in the schools toronto xtics the georgetown herald and milton lie- former were considerably annoyed at the dundas standards reference to the fact of their practice of interlarding their local columns with quack medicine advertise ments in retaliation for the fbej pbess copying the item the editors get together measure up all the reading matter in their respective journals including the large portion of each edited and pfiqted by to ronto editors and printers and then parade their extra inches of foreign matter before the public endeavoring to have them be lieve it to be their own production they cannot however delude the public in the fact that the whole of the fkee pbess read ing matter and all is carefully edited and printed in the fhek press office at acton while only onethird of the heralds and fiveninths of the reformer reading matter including quacks is printed in their own offices gtbe balance being printed in a to ronto of ice from the very same type and secondhand matter as does duty for scores of other oneside papers the reading public of today when they subscribe for i local paper expect it to be such i very truth and express themselves as quite capable of aeleciing such toronto papers as they may desire ft messrs j x bhaite sou of berlin otit arethe largest button manufactures on the continent j thirteen men were fined 50 and costs each in the county of brace last vreek for violation of the scott act i county coxrt the customary pair of yhiite kid moves presented to judge armour the spring sessions of the county court- were held pn friday and all the business on the docket was concluded that day judge armour presided there being no criminal cases for trial on the calendar the judge was presented with the nsqil pair of white kids r the case ltossell twlawson an action for illegal arrest was dismissed with costs the defendant who is chief constable here having in the opinion of the court only performed his duty i mcgibbon mil ton for plff j a mowat aotou for deft in the libel suit of j h mccollom eeeve of milton against brothers white publishers of the reformer the jury re turned a verdict for the defendants after having been out only five minutes lount q ci barrie j w bowlby qc brantfprd and j dewari county crown attorney for the queen sliilton allan and baird for detts mr shilton is to be congratulated upon his sdccess in this case by a nice point of legal diplomacy lie scoured the case writhout question for his olients two or three uon jory cases of minor im- portance also came up for hearing i umonofpresbyterlanlbmirimiltoii last week rev robert dohie whose health we regret to say has beep failing for some time past handed in hisj resignation of the pastorate of st andrews old kirk presbyterian church a meeting of the congregation was held on moruay when mr dobiesj resignation was accepted and he was voted a retiring allowance of the amount of two years salary mr dobies resignation having led to a movement for a onion of thej congregawonsof khox canada presbyterian and st andrews churches revm c cameron pastor i of the former and boston church esquesing also resign ed in order to facilitate the proposed union which itis probable will be consummate chamitim i yi bat hath it profitiud f the fiwspmss oongratulatei tho oitl- mub o acton upon the fact that at hutth annoy ng cloud which tor a year or mora has be m hovering over their heads in oon- neotioi i with the hew cemetery haa been totally dispelled we have new from the first d mbtod that the machinations of the clique which endeavored to overthrow tho deoiskn so emphatically recorded by the public in mtiy 1888 and reaffirmed at the municipal elections bt 1886 would be de feated it would have been scandal and a disgrace to representative institutions had a paltry minority been able by the resort to technioasubterfuges and quibbles to defi t the popular will tho trouble and anuoyanco to which tho citiseiis goherally and particularly the counc il havo been put by tho intrigues of a pesiferons schemer hacked up by a com pi ratively few supporters will we hope bo mo ro than oompensated for by the corn plete restoration of public confidence iu the le ahty of the position assumed by the coun til and maintained by them and tho faottlateverypurchaserofplotsinthooeme- tery i i now secure from farther annoyance then is not the slightest doubt that having spent upwards of 1200 in prosecuting their case to the extent they did the opponents woulc have proceeded with it before fthe court i had theyrbeen in theeruallestdegroo hopeful ot succeeding in their desire tp defea the wishes of tho majority th manner in which the present and preceling councils have performed their duty iu behalf of the municipality frej quenlly to the incurrence of personal ex forlife ttu what nt nvui they be to pense and inconvenience is a tribute to f n tooch tbis t0 tho their fealty to the public weal and renders snpei duous any expressions as to the readi ness iteiur civic representatives to face the dime ilties of the tasks met in their official capa ity iu the effort to f secure good and eqib ible government for the municipality an 1 the wretched farce is ended what basil profited anybody nothing the work of the municipality has been disar- rang d unneccssarj- costs have been laid npoa theratepayers the will of the ma- joritj has been thwarted for the time being mucl annoyance has been caused and mud bad feeling raised pity the men at the u ittom of the affair could not have been nam d and brought before the bar of pub lic opinion it is better however that they tiave not been for breaches must now be he aled and the old mutual feelings of good citizenship engendered bu t what of the supporters of the nonen tity l rho fathered the scheme of opposition aftei their brief season of revenge where aretl ey now as a party of opponents they aredjad the injunction is decomposed toge lier they sank into the depths of ob- scny as a function and as a party arid now lie poor self deluded crank has neither follofer nor sympathizer r scenq has changed it was ever thus arqus the fiecond again spndi ah hw up t a mdralltlsi en the duties of ohil ire i to the com- munlty and 7ioi veraa prepared ro et 1urolars several matters that lavo come uudur my notice lately in connection with tho tnoral tone or rather an of it of our children ot today ha i rathor forcibly brought before mo thegr lat need there lis of a system of diroot uii practical moral instruction to be inclu led intho oourso of study pursued in our solioola both public and private p why this so hlgl ly imiiortaiit factor iu the education of ou r c illdrcn has been and is so muohjieglojtl hiis always boon aneugiuato me by tiis morl iustnio- tion i mean instruction is to doing right in the relation of mar with man instrurj tion respecting the ooim on duties of life what tliy aro and jhe to do them i hold that in all these mi ttors all pupils ot public schools especially ought to receivo inttructiou i of course the puijpo o of public educa tion is to prepare the w ng for tho life thoy are to lead society an aot allow each now generation to grow up ig mraitt unawaken- ed unfitted for useful aid successful life and so it takes the youn into its schools and teaches them anc ought they not to teach them what the- n oat need to know audjarepare thenvmast lireotly and efticii ently for lifo as thty will find it and is there auythiiir more important in life as they will find it than pi ictical duty doing what is right betweeri ru an aud- man if they are not taught this jtpw are theyflltied mp rising generation bolter kudu our schools some will certainly learn the lessons of duty from wise gobd and godly parents but bow about those y 10 are not so hless ed of course itis easy to say and assume that bomeoiib will sjtieidto it parents churches sabbath scb 1b or somebody but the question arises t o they alas the evidences jthat in many sasos thoy do not is too apparent the objections tha people would and do raiseto this system of practical moral i xstructiou iuour schools aro many and manifold and want of s aca precludes my entering into these and successfully con- fiting them which las i consider is not ty any means difficult i will just give the crdinary and most com non one which is tt you would enter iuto the old battle round of sectarian stri e with all its nasty c oncomitants aud arous 2 the prejudices t sually bitter and nam w of the various churches id like to 1 now why- is the i iatinction between vi tue and vico a de- lominatioual differenc only dertainly i ot the idea is absurd here is a list of sul jects compiled by a prominent and eminent writer and thinker c n these matters whicl could and should le taughvtosoholars jol every denomina tion undver the suni the preservation a health temper- nce honor hbnest tlektiowledge ofptfr jighte and their equalite tke reciprocal c uties the duties of thd citizen to the state bedieuce to law jubticp chastity respect iit the liberty aud repntatiou of others for ontracts and for propejrly the proper de- f nition of lying calumny and the libe a few years ago the schools of to ml 1 ranee fell out of the h unds of the romish church and into the lauds of men who 1 new or cared little a xui religion seine c f them were atheists infidels and agnos tics but mark this they immediately aid that the nation must not let mora ih- t traction go by the board because of the lemoval of ecclesiast cal power- and so t tiey provided text book i on personal social tud civic duty and tbose text books are t sed today in the scht ols of france and i o in this fair land of ours text books of i lorality should be pre arcd and so bring i racticalhelpiiear totiiose who are grow ing up in aj world so fu il of vice as oursls today another marriage o record surolyour sjmart little town is bo md to make a great natrimonial reputatio l for itself in this ear of grace let pliced couple health us wish the newly and happiness and tirust tbay will dwell t gether in peace and liurramiy to a irceno ttempt at one th tteiug caught and had dagc and yet another 1 urglary or rather ah fellow came near he been i guess hed liavebeen a sorry lop iiug specimen of a e two inmates of the enter had done with that perchance this ame tramp that week j ing continues well liceraau appointed 1 urglar by the time t l oom he endeavored 1 iim it has been sai may have been the eut aburglaring las if this sort of tl fiave to have a night r organize a vigilaiico committee the local hardware men viill benefit by the de lpaud for revolvers an il ammunitionj should a burglar or borglars attempt ijo enter the argus domiiile im afraid theyll get a rather wirm rooeption if we wake up at the righf time i can shoot pretty straight mysoll though you- might i iot think it and mrs a s an adept at ehyingaflat iron or handling a skillet as she condition of sundry household effects end myself on divers testify she can u udle a shotgxu too and theres our dog cangerous after dark tha little argus arouldnt count much in a row of that kind occasi jns can amply though they art gooc the neighbors sayjfso harriet be 3ches f uietly at her home who though youug is at the squeal at least argus mrs harriet beacher utotye is living on- purest street in this city her heal h lemt ins tbe same as far the past year a though she shows ithe t sect of approaohini ae 1 teing one year c ider than her brotln ir the ii ite henry ward lieecher she recei ired the announcement cf his death with en iupcaiir 3 and manifest- ed no sign of breaki ig down as was feared nring the last vist to this of the jate ebry ward beeohi ir list i all he express to his sister his belief jf aiiproacliingi th and that be e uticlpa ed it would bo ijt apoplexy hart ord tlus- j rif yon want a nt bby shit go to j pyfe ac std we durable and cheap on in great variety ot j fife r effects produced by ayer nothing else it fclrengthens and invigorates sufforors from onorvutlonj lunguoi weakness und mcutiildopwsdlon it has an almost magics i- effect in curing eruptive and cuttucous u sordors it eradicates from the 1 lood tho taint of that terribly destructive disease heredi tary scrofula it expels from tho syi torn tho baneful itolson of mercury whfch is as serious as that of scrofula j it purities mid wgencjates tho ilfo eur rent polluted by the corruption of cdn- tiujlous disease it stimulates tho rccrc tho removal of all topi blood ami makes it now j rich linu pure it restores health to sufforcrs from thin blood and impaired vitality s sar8aparilla and by so perfectly t it saves by its thorough purification of tho blood rroru bheuiniutm bheumatlo gout and tubercular consumption it euros scrofulous affections of tho liver and kidney mid their symptonu udjdrohy s scrofulous cuturrh itching and tho purulent softs caused and improves the complexion allies the poisons left in tho system by djphthorla and scarlet fever and restores mho debilitated patient to perfect houlth and vigor it is hi short an unfailing remedy tor all disorders t arising from impurity of tho blood whom bucu disorders have not become so deeply seated as to bo beyond all human aid jaundice it cul humors byscrh it ch it ucui advantages that ayers sar8aparilla po86e88crover all others it is coimwsed of tho most cftlcaclous nlteratlve diuretic und tonic drugs known in pharmacy tiniona whlclt- uro tho wuulno houdurns hiiruiirlllu yellow dock stiningla aud the lotlldes of potas- niuiu und iron it is a highly concentrated medicine scienthlcally and honcstl r compounded so s to secure to u the 1 ighest degreo of itetlvlty and perfect untfo rmfty it has received tho hoarty endorsement of tho lending mou in tb medlcul profes sion who rccoguizo it as a standard phar maceutical preparation md prcsoribo it in their practice it contains no pouauuw miumls or other dangerous drugs t lie uso of which for temporary effect in tho luairy cruclo nnd cheap mixtures sold us alteratives produces effects on the syntcm oft on worse than tho disease thoy art oflercd to cure it costs no more than any otheli but would still bo tho cheapest nlokl-purlf- ing medicine in the world oven wi its prlco ihree times greater slnco it ts tho only opt that docs rcal dr j c it lias been beforo tho public i6r nearly forty years and bus constantly grown in popular favor both at home and abroaduntil thcro is liardly a pluco in tbu civilized world where it has not a host of friends rando so by its marvellous cures it has been used in and approved by at least 4000000 families in tho united states and 7000000 throughouttlie world i women lmvo cspeclnl reiiioiis for com mending it it hos proven its jiolcuev in eurlng ohstluotc dccplyscutcdjtuul luiigtanu ing diseubch caused by vitiation of tho blood it must not however ho ex pected and u uot blaliued that a single bottle will cure such cases but patients hliould persevere iu tho n je of this remedy until a radical cure is effected it is the only bloodpurifier that harwoh nnd retained tho coufklelice of the people of nil tropical countries where such medi cines arc much required it is tho only medicine of its class tliat bailors a a rule havo nnv fjilthln and they are right s sarsaparilla ruepaited bf ayer co analytical chemists lowell mass sold by i jl druggists price 100 six bottles for 5 new advertis ements house 10 let oft sell at tho corner ot west liowur snect anulvto donvm acton aprllotli 18k7 for silk tl aliood skltvickaull i ortlerfor sjirliit work foi ale acton april 5th 1st v lace ii utains ki2we1 t new advertisements avenue mill miiin u mcdonald eap ousk iiliirinie klilo choaip x n wuhshj hk muiltitigilwl will uiijiitake to luuujry laco curtains of all kiwis ud finib theiil as good uu new at reasonable prieeh apply at corner oiiutcii aiiil krtdcrlck btrcct mlts p till itstok acton april 12lli 137 rmeeplstkay stllaykd to tho jircijiiftct the subscriber lot c con 3 erin ou or oi out the middle of december two yearliujjcwcs otvnrcan have the same by proving property nml paving ox nonbcb ipaac yytih krin apri jud 1h8 j 1ftoi waxt u tliu lavorite home jouriinl of kttintl a inurl iiui kauiilies k very whore oud the only doily illiistnitodxcwiiiiuiier pub lished in the wprlit it circulates in every state and territory of the inlou it may be found ou newbhtauds in every largo city the vast body of its 9iilkcriber are people of wealth and culture no other daily published iu nnw vork city iias fcojarge a mall circulation f po buy or sell property rent housen etc etc j a try a small advertisement iii the fitrj- m six u0lvs vyfiokly issued is sold for half the price op its p try a small odrertisembu is vvdvertifiemonts ot hoitsc for sale property wanted pi operties for sale rivalsc6ualus tho latest news and market re- fiiijkpiwss oiwci iportsftndisacijuiruigaphenomenal circulation lkss advortiseuiants ot houses to let houses 1 5f a u the largest firstclass illustrate leprbif inserted atthr low rates aply at llotsi anu lot po 8alk the uikilprsiguud offers tot ale the nine kioiu ed dwuhinc and lot on young utrccu at i firesent oconpiediy himself t isacomfortablp toubeingdod- houeein gdrxl lopntton and n ill ho nia for a reasonable price tonnsand particulars made known upon application on tl o premises williams n kamhhaw for sale 1ioise am lots the weelcl graphic there is lordly a 1ostofflce in the initeoktiteg vhorc nt least a few copies are hot received ek b each week by subscribers it embraces the best features of thk dmlv mpiiic pictorial and literary for the preceding illustrated l i as tbe time to buy soring goodsps at haud and tbeectesity for such makes itself more n round to sec wheite thoso articles most sittted to their taste can be eompletfr oo apparent fieople nattfral ly begi n to look bail with this point in vilvr re wish to anhouoce that the glasgow 3 house hasiqceived the largest consignment of goods ever brought iuto acton by any retjail house tbcstock is not only large but well selected and varied aid no paiusj has been spared to make it -oo- s goods this depurtmeflt hu been clpaely atteuded to and comprises a wide range of all the latest shajlesaud styles inboukhys albat ross ci cutiis jerseys fancy checks and stripes etc u large assort ment of bliicks ijiiplam and brocaded our dress trimmings and buttons caii fully sustain 3ar reputation iu thatliiie and are bought to match every shadejof goods we have the very latest in than pick your patterns at mo vejflf in 1 arge rjuiab titie i rk yl v 3 i therk is no belteh medium for advertising from time to time we ishe spodial kditioiu illustrating the industries and business oppor- l tunitics bf citiestowus and localities through out the country at present we are preparing r california edition of jpoooo copies q a v what a large assortuient of prints is the exel everyone whp glances at the stacks of this material in light and dark patterns to unatiou ot our store be had at prices within the reach of everyone latrjes you cannofc better once as they are already coramencingb v- millinery spring opening satujrday 2nd f phe undersigned offers for ijale that desirable j property on tho north east corner of willow j vgouta wanted to canvass for sabscrlutioub iu and agnes btrects the property comprises two every part of tho world to wliomn larce corn- lots in good location on one f winch is erected minsioii wiu be paid ajfraniedwclling and stable there are a ntiin- t bjr of fruit trees and n good wx11 on the lots heudfltninple topy tjerins reasonable apply at pnee to jaspeioht coniirlsiii sernioni and cbn iiifis delivered in toiionto and elsewhere noted evangelist with a fnili iccoun written byliimself a copiot s introduction bv the bev john potts uu this book also contains s rmons by kamw small especially his soulsti ting temporance sermon from the press tot lie pulpit or do- liverance from uondtigo a- biographical sketch of his life with a unci v executed ou gravidg of this elonucnt nrcat her the workmanship of this vi dumo is oxcouent lur ratrsaud otheiiufomiatioii addiehs ting words rjthe ameriqah graphic i ol 30 41park place ny sam p jones own book r 2200 wwil iiiiulimusv say- send us s1q0 and we will wail you norths lsewhereby the i phiija musical jorhxal one vear we unt bf his life i five every subscriber sioo worth of slieet music selected from our catalogue as a premium and publish in tho journal during the year ruusio which would coat in sheet form a20c6 posslblv more thus every subscriber receives i2u worth for ijl00 tho journal jh published month ly and coutaitir instructive articles foil the guid ance of teachers and pupils eutcrtaiuing musi cal stories an extensive record of musical events from all over tho world aud sixteen pages of new music in each issue making it tho most valuable publication of the kind in existence uo not fail to subscriboat once t address p a north ft co nq130j8 ohegtnutstree philadelphia pa it is no mean production cheap aud bulky form wide margin an little reading clear readable- type tnirtyhiue complete ser mons with eleven full page illustrations inter spersed some of them specially prepared for this work contains scrmom tomen only and to women only 005 pages illustrations etcjlthti frontispiece a beautiful steel engraving of ir jones all com bined in a handsome extra e lglish cloth envor only authorized subscriptlc n edition nnd- can only bo had in tbis bection frc m mils j vestal areitforactou e b not got uji iu a margin and vorv but is printei on good paper f il north co 889 chegtuut rtiiia- ilelphhi pa keep everything in the musical i- o alltheforoigi llanos and oiguds b line sheet mubic miibloliookb all the foreign and american editions pianos and oigaua by the bestiknown makers sold on liberal iterms i catalogues sent on opplicntlon mention this paper which wo do not wibh i net i 8 actod to ctunde iopo worth of made oirercoats all first class goods to carry ovqr until next winter the coat now is the timo to secure good bargains fl above will be sold at shawjt grundy merchant tailoks duelph farmers and threshers use on y bur machinery only the wel lknowri 4ac8dtej 1008061 em81he pbebless oil 9 gold medals have been awarded it t try also our peerlesb aggorib inajhoree powers theso oils aro used and highly irm on elphi 1 armors k foe them use ho other manefmtbredaffte9q during the last three years i axl9 crxoftbe for your reoomcuended at the mode samuel bocer3 dfsspiimllk co toronto this department will be open for o saturday aprilt2nd the inspection tt april customers he departnient is uinierlhie i ble upei vision of miss smith who has spared no pains in bri lging this branch to a high state of jierlcction we predict a pltasant fsur prise for bur patrons in mijllinery tliis springs- o gents furnishings ofxare at trouble in tlxis branch of our busiijcss h receiving a great dea our hands this spring we have gone to cdtisiderable bringing it tip to a stil higjher standard of perfection than ever we are showing a splendid line of gents fauiidif ed white shirts at 00 cents with collars and cuffs at a correspoudingly low hats from 100 upwards pocket haud figure fiistclasb hard kerchiefs and gents latest iu silk ties underwear ajfc little above cost carpets the very we wish to particularly invitean inspection of our carpets as aye consider they are equnued by none in the county in price and pattern a wide range of hemp ftom 10 cents a yard up to 35 cents and beautiful tapes ry as low as 40 cents u o- es etc our staple stock is complete and we are prepaid to otye i ejccellent bargains in cottons shirtings pueksgottoiides linens and cretounes a wide range of boots aud shoesa a fresh stock always ou hand beatjtrttji v tjati cm a due stack of lery spectacles to repairing drl stock comutisio books and fancr grohtnds method bbvb i reiden inwis setvlces 10 school 230 bltj i pastot btrauers and vil tentive ushers at or f sittings are pow stewrd of groceries j farmers and others citu be- supplied with firstclasl clover and timothy 8eed for cash frffei0m i thewibxxmbl provided by tfal the aiw bba advertise i milton want clean up bod the old time coming the bicycler pleasure excursion through qe lati niagara cemetery the fur over needed rest preparation arbor day the stregt tl talked about the streets j liftle tnud rri gael phi tea m arket occoanr georgetown j donation of 2 i rthe wise mj course in the xew sidfcwii being clamored i esquesing t j3 in 1886 forsh the eaidto be ninetij a meeting he held ki the day evening georgejdpvfnl friday by traua it was fair day i tbelinclmq tion has extend mckay ojfier the milk bu xo less than forj that lih this jthvwi gaelph last s legatees defe i afuljatl actonlodge lj meeting torj rsennon6 hi the kaster anni all the churche never inqul for behold it is thee at the app r so less th tended fcourt atj capacity of ju mr w mq haa a very inb tlie la3t issue 6 ye editori i ofmrtbdina lent maple sy kllessrs 5 ceiyed orders t nearly twba acton sch visits totlie i ytnjugladv teaj ard 3jrs 3 agent for ac wopaifgrisa jworda jit is jral secord of 01 pace it refej boys of arju r t- j elected cbunpl 1 georgetown i resigned on budii play a series pfdtonfprt ereia act mrlia has sold this i v cop it hi b1 tied soap co j hgoodj nxuch eajoyei services utt i visitorsjto i v jkiyou deei4eiob wish this success in milt formation i torun jtlarj ihconjiu impouniled i a j thbug in the mat ithjbe week will i but we are inire to be tliejpj points jtwo j vising yisit arid inl nestrieetiil mh ja mr r pu headof fat theflujst yewbjriidj ameria fthe

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