Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1887, p. 3

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bbiutipulwkddina 4kd birth day premcnts at ceo hynds a hue stock ot watche clock fcwta lcry spectacle rreful attention riven to repairing prop in and see ottr targe stock comprising jewellery stationary mttong tho cackling hous and the crusty rooks and faneyuoods i jhonwlf evl- w j j ofawwhwawwioonviotionot tlrt i recent itrcemhtrtea and tiio business mon i of tho town supplement tho amount by jtaso i lu the biwiug lhe lusty rwter mru oko hynd8 acton out methodist church acton rev r phillips pastor isimk- scrirf lasft and pni snudav vcjuvl uible clam conduct by the patfw ah cordially invited at- i mrnaijow and vjoiton alwsy wlcvw lenlivt njwt the door if itwp po drotrpd apply h i moorr ycw steward bouse wife cackles over carpets and aud ttwnrph yea ttw apting foe sptiugle i mingle starts tho poets brains to jiuklol i iitbo young peoples litomy awooia- 0hrch uuelph will i rvc conoorta in the city hall thin evening rad tomorrow the priucipal artistes are to poake sisters and mias anna howdeu the jfwiiwy atem says of police magistrate young of hal ton if every scott act county had such a police magis f trat there would be no cry heard from any luattw about the8ju act belnga failure a soicutiflo writer tells how water can be boiled iu a sheet of writing paper we dont doubt it we have known a man to writo a few lines on a sheet of writing paper that kept hitn in hot water for weeks hev k w sibbaldof belleville a former acton boy grand chaplain of the j sons of england wul preach the anuual provided toy the x thoughtful pjnm semon to the fiamiltvn st georges thvknpvv mokmso aran h crumbs for brbakfast press reporters t lavs of 4 i- 4p i the new unmet is a reality advertise skillfully and freely milum wants a wee kly market clean up both back and front yard tho old time april showers anf slow in oauiic the bjcyclers are nlicipnti pleasure excursion parties will soon through the lauijl niagara kails has a fairview cemetery the fur overcoat will now tune a mtch j needed rest preparation should soon be made for arbor day thcstrcet sprinkler will soon agau be j talked about the streets are well dried again very i little mud this spriug gneiphites are agitatiujj for better j uiirifet accommodation i georgetown couucil sjave the hiindai doastiou of 525 last week tbe wise merchant ad vertices aud of course in the flip rie tw sidewalks and crasinia are now being camored for by citiaens esqaesing township council paid 112- y3 iii lssc for sheep killed by dogs the asscssmemt of toronto is now said to beninetvone mihionsof dollars a meeting of the board of health will be hd in the council chamber net mon day ctenrn georgetown merchants fractured good ijidav bv transacting business as usual li was falrfday the luicknow presbyterian congrega- lionhas extended a call to the rev mr mckay of eramosa xhe milk business is booming in acton no less xlian four milkmen are engaged in that line this spring the mcdonald will ease tried at goelph last week- resulted in favor of the legatees defending the will a full attendance of the members of acton lodge loof is requested avtbe meeting tomorrow evening sermons having rpecial reference to the kastfer annirersary were preached in all the churches on sunday never inquire of tbe editor for news lor behold it is his business to give it to thee at the appointed tune no less than fifteen of our citizens at tended court at milton last friday in the capacity of jurors and jsitnesses mr w mccraney m r0akville hjs a very interesting atul sensible letter in the laat issue of the canada cithfu ye editor is the recipient atthe hands of mr thoma3 c mporebf a jar of excel lent maple syrup the first of the season messrs moore js mcgaryin haae re- cened orders this week fronr winnipeg for nearly two carloads of trunks and valises acton school trustees are paying long visits to the schools these days are tbe youug iaay ttac lisrs awful nice stand cirl mri vestal has been appointed eent for acton georgetown and rock- wood for sam 1 jones new book living words ft is a remarkable work an interesting letter from lr 3 y seoord of orillfit appears on our firei page it refers to atrnmber of actons bovg of a quarter of be century ago mr frank taylor was by acclamation elected councillor of the corporation of j georgetown in place of mr thos clark re3i2ned on friday last zferam burlington cricket club is anxious to play a series of matches with any club in halton for the championship of the county here is acton cricket clubs opportunity mr james bobertson of trafalgar has sold bis farm of 200 acres being lot 12 y con 7 n s- ttralalgar to morses mot- tied soap co of toronto for 913000 cash good fridav was a beantif ol day and much enjoyed by cituens generally the serrices in the churchesirerewell attended visitors to and from acton werenunjeroab ir youmans of st catharines has decided to hold another temperance camp meeting at georgetown this bummer we wish the enterprise of the good doctors success in milton the chief constable tgives in formation against parties allowing animals to ran at large and delinquents are fined in court inetead of having their cattle tc impounded throughout the dominion great pre parations are being made for the queens jubilee and we think acton composed of loyal subjects as it k should not be behind in the matter the easter cards left over from this society on sunday april 44th in st j thomas church chief of police iawscin of this iplaoo cante off with flying colors at the county court judpe armour very- justly coni- i mended him lor doins hiilduty instond of repriminandiug hirn for ver doing it as some would like to have provenj- the mitchell iiiei has opened its 2th olotne the 4rt is an interest- p j ing newspaper is well pruited and evidently i iays its proprietor- a handsome dividend the aloratr wks established by mr davis the present editor ainl proprietor the couucil of the village of george town has at last screwed up sufficient courage to pass a cow bylaw if it is as well enforced as actons has been during tlffi past five years the citizens will event ually rise np and bless those councillors the many friends in limehonse and acton of mr ales mcdonald who removed to kansas two years ago will regret very much to learn of the death of two of iheir children mtpry laue and david the family are doing well in their new home but they feel this loss sadly major kerhs ddgm accompanied bv capt campbell wm of burliugton lodje paid an official visit to credit lodtte jkcjcorgetown the other eveniug some work iu the third degree was bo well done as to earn a special compliment from the ddgm after business the brethren went to clarks hotel where they enjoyed an excellent banquet anothwburtlfcryaumipud on 8ouday rnornmg about uf put three the irostdeuee of mr luther lymiu was visited by one of those raidnlg it prow 1 en uo doubt tor the purpose of plundi r the intruder rot on tiio iwf of titr wood shed and raised the vfindow of the bjjdrobii oooupied by j k bryan a boardo jam w follit another boardorwm roonvnr wiih mr bryan and tie wag awakened by raising of the window andfotfhdtl ftwouli bo thiof in the act of coming into t lie rooi a mr folllt jumped from tho bed ai d in io doing alarmed tlie visitor who bet t a has by retreat juinpiuk trom the roof tot io tr it mr follis says he kuowa tho mm rrell aud that ho is it resident of aotoa com it mr follis kuows tho intruder bo will ho owes a plain duty to his ton a vd fellt w oititeiib nud that is to btiiiig liim to justice kb j the tramp nuisance in his sermon on sunday i evening bn the relation of christ to laboi wh le enlarging ou the words of st pau tb at if any man would not work neither shot id he eat rev r phillips said lo wot id advise the municipal council to take tliis position in tho respect to tho traiip nuls- auce he wonld have a pile of tu mes a nd hammers aud require every trami to ot rn his bread befoico he ate it if this plan wereadoptcti the municipality would bo visited by far fewer tramps and irould be benefitted by the road motalbrokin by the trampn who would then of uccobi ity 01 rn the provisions thoy receive as present tramps are very prolillc their bed and board give nothing iu the weeks bakings which are principally local and all interesting way ol reciprocation and many of thbm return to town about every two montjhs thi- reeve informs us that the council tho matter some teuds to give consideration a p smithapeuvery day on saturday last early in the it began to be whispered around tiowu that it 18 thoy at jet he in practisnl morn from udvart sed to ij the 1887 our first grand dli play of imported pattern fah iii spring haltdwaite o john m bond co direct jhrdtarfire importers 87 io4 wfl rambwm the show us the men show us a man who always keeps his subscription well paid op and we will show yoa a man who will pick music from aharp in the eternal summer land of- song we are not the author of this beautiful ex pression but we admire the sentiment while the beantif nl therein is cot destroyed the hard pan facts are brought prominent ly out a new trial lake tv brothers thedefeudnut iu this suit license inspector brothers against whom a verdict was entered at the last i sittings of the divisiou court here for st0 damages has applied far a new trial he alleges that the jury that tried tho case was composed exclusively of antiscott men and that theverditreiidered by them was contrary to the weight ojf evidence ch-im- jilolt easter vestry meeting the usual faster ystry meetiug in con- nectionwithst albans tbnrch was held on monday evening the principal business of the meeting was the reception ot the annual financial and general reports atid there waa to be a procession station various theories were and speculations indulged in character of the show those nbt poitcd supposed that in all probability it vas something relative to the much ta kedatout electton protest hut this did not provi to be a fact at eleven oclock a la rge n im- ber of farmers with their teams veto i ecu wending their way to tho t s freuhtj sheds and there they transferred two air loads of the for famed brant lord fried i hinders to their wagons about seven eu farmers were present aud took j art in tho proccssiou while twelvo others came for theit binders siuce kveryouc baded up well pleased with tlie implement he order ed the bramford company 1 avo every reason to be gratified at the snee fl att jnd- ing the efforts of their popular i gent mr a f smith of acton in placing so niany of thete machines at this early late the business trausacted last year tl rough hib exertions must have been very bttisfactory to the company as wo havoeviry reason to believe it has been to the public after a handsome spread tendered by mrh nith at tho rossin houseseveral speeches were made when mr smith in rcjply thanked them for their kind patronage and explain ed to them the many advantages the brantford binder had over ejrery other biudcr in the market ho said is an evi dence of their worth his firm were new in addition to largely supplying the home market exporting thousands o foreign markets it was a big day for the com pany iu acton laces silksj ornaments fancy qoods etc i will take place in nr showrooms o i i thursday fridiy saturday apru 13th 1 1th and 15th mery a jferv cordial- in vi to all our frieuds t presence on liu davs keep the best qualities styles and assortment in spades shovels rakes garden tools agricultural tools horticultural tools cutlery plated ware agateware ready mixed pdiut antique colors linoleums oilelotlu mats bird cages curtain poles ref rlreraton butter scales farmer soales tools nails looko hinges wire fencing machine oils water lime plaster ft paris iron pipe and fittings hose fishing tackle j snorting goods andamminition plow lines and rope for rack lifters and a full rango in honscvpumishiug wire netting for door or cellar windows building knd seasonable hardware of oveiry desoription at prices which will make us the friends of every economical buyer special prices and attention given to those build- inand ao illustrated catalogue bent on application i j john m bond do 00 tone binding twine best makes at lowest prices gpring sprang gprin ishejre i l v kenney bros proprietors dominion boot shofe store acton j have muoh pleasure in admitting that durin the winter their great twofoot ruleto keep your feet warm and dry has 1 very satisfactorily observed and that their boots shoes ac have been largely instrumental in aocomplishiog it now that spring is here again wkh its wot weather mid slushy walks it is litoro than ever dosirable that the rule should be cbsjarved in order to ensure good health to nil to enable all to have dry warm feet ws have put in a due and well assorted stock hi nil lines of boots and shoe of evdty sort l ii nil as to price and uiillty call at- tothfi front pp all competition we llate ouit leiegant and substantial goods splendid ill quality f j complete in assortment i overflpwing in generous bargains i ijvtjbnty womens andohilorenr boots and shoes bt7bbers ovflrshoss c at prices that always lead to speedy sales oor lowest prices i cdjisistestivrnr coob quality oubtom work and repairinr promptly attended to w williams mill street acton x our ordered running order kenney bros work and repairing department as usualjin ittioti is extended i fuvor us with their r ilt of the above furniture rubbers ac c and can suit and satisfy furniture p 01- purely person l paragraphsrespectingpeople ritbwhom our readers are individi ally cjr collectively aoqoainte d u torn on the election of the church wardens mr john perkins was reappointed clergy mans warden and mr thomas h hard ing was elected to the office of peoples warden which for the past three years tias been very satisfactory filled by mr george hynds the reports presented were favorable healthy and clean the disappearance o the snow discloses tlie accumulated dirt and rubbish of monthg it will be the duty of every citi zen to clean and tidy up his premises and remove the unsightly and unhealthy heaps of offensive refuse a little attention to the matter at the proper season may be tlie means of preventing the occurrence of dis ease and perhaps death besides being nec essary from a sanitary point the neatness and fcleanlineas resulting will much en hance the appearance of the premises and increase the comfort of allconcernetl the attractiveness of the town will also be im proved and outsiders will not fail to take notice of it the cradle the altar the grave why do people advertise births marriages anp deaths is a question sometimes asked because to be bom to be married and to die are ihe three most important events that happens to the individual and because theinterestof the community in tbe three events is second only to that of the individ ual himself and because the advertise ments of these events may furnish most important evidence hereafter in coses of disputed succession to property as a matir of fact there is uothing more inter esting in any paper than i jbirths deaths and marriages column it contains news of interest to everybody a foolish errand messrs p w campbell win pauton j h mccolloih of mifton and b gbax ter of burlington callpd on tlie govern ment on saturday lastj to see if by sotiie iv means or other they could not get he week wulawer very weu for next lrl i mr travers of toronto was good friday acton was visited by many fcjrnier dents on good friday mrs w shaw of guelph wan the guest of acton friends tliis week mr chas knees of milton has taken uplbis residence in toronto miss martha kennedy of georgetown visited friends here this week mr w t 8myth left last week for british columbia on a bnsihest trip iu the interest of messrs w h storey the school teachers spent tie holidays ont of town mr moore in aurc ral aid to ronto miss jelley in mt threat mahoffy hi toronto and miss nelson mr and mrs john colquhoupof iassa gaweya will celebrate their wedding anniversary on the ifat of may the former is jl years of aje aid the latter 92 the numerous friends of mr w ji mc lean barrister will be pained miss dorhind in i 5 which f bnt we are if rajd tlie easter efigs will re- iluire to be newly laid t the poipt edward school board ap points two of its members each month a visiting committee whose doty it is to visit and inspect the scliooirand report at nest meeting of the board mr jas ford of trafalgar sold to mr k pugsley of toronto recently 120 head of fat lambs they are said to b the finest lot of lambs owned and fed this year by any one farmer on tbe continent of america the flock includes 00 head of wetherjainbs jti the death of his father mr collector of inland revenue gu sod event occurred last thnrsdt y mr l p snyder who for fivs years has occupied a responsible position with tbe j b armstrong manuf act irinj guelph left on mondayfor syracuse k t where he has secured a gool with a well know firm of engineers the many friends snyder in acton will wish him his new position our own parliajie wished it so they wanted to make the ouspuutionaslargeandinfluenljalabpaieible and asked some other gentleman to accom pany them bnt did not succeed nothing more cheeky or ridiculous can be imogined thanwm panton and dw campbell cauing on the government they were the very men who did fll in their power to defeatitlielist refonin member for thb cpunty who represented na iu that house the depntatiort did inot get what they wanted bntcame honie we think ft least a little wiwrj iftoraijw the business transacted by ac tons legis lators on tuesday ever ing council met on tuesday evei ing members all present reeve fyfie in the chair minutes of labt meeting rewl ijmd ap proved mr r b cook caretaker if ifairview cemetery made application foi a part of the nnsurveyed poitioi of the cemetery for gardening purpose s moved by councillor lowry councillor cameron that thn committeefce instructed to pre pani a lease of the unoccupied portion of tl e emetery to mr r b cook upon coniitibns and terms as they may arrange tbe subject of planting trees cemetery was considered th committee will give the mattpr their at tention the street and sidewalk conmiftee will make a tour of inspection next make arrangements for tlie i uospus im provements tho council odjouiiied at9i0 lim cdttage jlt e rf bollert 27 lower myndham st rlelph oxt itjndertaklho or castle prices which will astonish you funerals fully supplied with everything necessary in this department gallon speight james stirton lds dkiitist tovella block oppotite post office guelph vitaij zed air kitaa pai n less extraction oft 3th artificial teeth puaontftilxrfcct in arnoar- ancc fit and uo ll le rold work n n eclalty all operations litrictl first clasn aiiointmeiit uinfl bv letter the huttoli force pijmp and eve ry variety of ii and cisteirn soisr- acton j a speight manager force we iirojst manu actnred by a g oasvtllb ont is aoksts waxikk bounsali o leirn of mlean co i n situation mec lanical f mr success in watches w a the jeweller watches lias ou hand th silver linesji stock atches in thej city to and r to any personm acton r intermedi ate stations buying 3500 wrth or over at my store i willjfajj their fare irom guelph my repairing trade is increasing daily for i give personal and prom it attention to repairing satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded w a- clark the wanzer t h washing eminent thn t and lung surgeon will nexb visit acton at dos inion hotel monday 1 6th may 1 887 seconded by cemetery arried in the new 3 cemetery on md lfcps caabki thkoat cubed listen to w h 8 orey esq of the firm of w h storey sou ac n glove manufacturem c dbjvabhinotok 2 15 yonge st toron to heab sib i aas ira you i feel graiel ul for the radical cure you have affected in x ly throat trouble and tboug i i dislike having my name appear in connect in with the teatlmc nlal busi ness yet having re ard for such as arc similarly affected as well as lavingadesire to recognize the results of your treatment i make a depar ture in this case 3 tier to my acqualn auce with you i had saflere 1 for two years from repeated attacks of catorrhi 1 sore throat each sneeaed- iug attack belngmnreprolongedand violent than the former at thse times i had vie ent fits of large uan titles sough the best leal skilluvailkble including a m ich noted speetallst and tok almost everythi ae known to medlolne witbo it experiencing a i article of relief iiost tprii g i went to eur ipe the change did me goof but on my return the old trouble was renew x3 seeing you ad ertlned to visit this place it lought i would cc nsult you although i confesi with not muoh 1 ope of re- celvingauybenefl however i was favorably impressed with yo ir candor ana raiol vedtogive your treatment a trial the result i am happy toinform you is t complete dure and one so marked in its chaiactr as to surprise both my self and my friend i from the fust yoar modi- cine seemed adapl ed to my ease and tjave relief in two months i as entirely well and have so continued during the most unfavorable season of the year ton i it at liberty to make what use you please ot this etter and i shall be pleased to answer any enf aizies relative to iny ease yours very truly j wmtobfx 5q candle power b mwauzer a co mantfacturors samilton ont cuelph of gold and lamp we hadnt to do it profits but it w could make morenioney by allowing oiirbiisi ness to run on in tne usual way with fair cannot be our i g003ds were all bought before the change in our business was arrauged for so that although our march sale far exceeded our most sajnguiue expeotatious yetonaccouutofnurheavy 8pnng purchases we have not been able- to got the stock down to the required amouht consequently the change in has to be delayed another month it jpo entry reduced before the month is out largest stock are any inducement to and get the benefit of our j 0urbusiness j is hard to bring down stock iu the face of spring purchases coming in but now that the goods have all or nearly all arrived if the pnblio support us as well in the month of april as they did in march our stock will be buffici- cheap gtoods cburteotts attention aud the rscotch tveed stjipj si 18 the public they will come straight to the lion xo chimhev ko globe no sinoke ko odor positively nonexplosive never getb heat- i ed burns tiny grade of coal oil every lamp guaranteed without interterisg with the light can put ou nursery attachment heat water boil eggs make tea aud coffee oyster stew etc lg matthews i soia agest yon xerox ant vicixitv new suits si ivi bresmnan haslpleasure in armounciug that his tail oripg shop in creechs fruit store i is now open and in full running order and in a position to fill aubrder8f heisshowiul gol i tweed sul ts at sold elsewhbtfll5 great clearing sale to b6isrisrde on mbntli boiiger ave find it will not be- necessary to oh ee toreduoe stook as the larger part of our goods are already reduced and all kew good have been marked at sale prices new goods new qpods belduced prices reduced prices aliour goods to be cleared j d williamson ist co cuelph sold ebsewiiekie foltspo and 21 j flinie woiisted stjit at 20 sobd ehsewheke xt 25 geutiemeu wanting a ii stclais good- fitting coat etc may rely u on being suited in every respect by leaving tjjieir orders with beennan the cl0thier 5o to j fyfes acton ipg he can suit you for and style everytiino 1 ljj a au hye at noma and mi ke mere money wo k for us than at this world capital uot started free both sexes all ajes anyonecan do thfe work large earning i surei froui first start fcostlvotitflt awl terms- ree mutter not and j once i delayi6ost8you nothingto sen 1 us your address nud out it von are wise y u willjdo so hh aiajetta co tort 12 for your cloth price quality mything else in needed you are aud slnine- m i v 4 3 tlkj ij 1 i ma f i j tm mi 4 toissgm

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