rft rr i jst i vsfcasw ifotmxo amflt 14 188 xixttuaf proba8xuxzb8 whea h trowua fee moti criee s wattc4ay va gloomy ikiu 1 when his team tell soft and fast bummer showers that will not last when be romp in uoiiy pty boisterous wind and high today whan he sweetland still and grave fair and clearest warmer wave when he oriel with might anuymainy storms and cyclones wind and raiu when bes bright and blithe and kay sunshine breoe- a perfect day t r- ah you look bowrave and wise little probabilities since yon make for 08 our day listen baby when we pray give us only pleasant weather banish frowzw and tears together fotrtv companion oarokn lonoaqb i mtamtnber i remember jtlittdenloni ago tii not laid on in modem style incurious bed and row and only sweet oldfashioned flowers otow freely rally there and make a npi ol glorious tyoonvv 44 perfume all the air along the narrow travel path a the violet ins glows ana oaeph aide a mowball buih and royal damask rose while hollyhocks and touroclock and pinks and poppies glow j tracy nookand corner that garden long ago bmember i remember the hranohing mao tree fragrant purple blossoms oft in dreams i see 1 i more i stand in wonder i see the primrose blow as these are only memries i t that garden long ago 3hw4arvtt f wwlwiittlwmaajmwaja aasssmahsbbaawsbsaabsbiaimaasaasiaasaabba sajspajpsgi mfmgmmt4 he have the lfetiebtiibm j ftrtaila bftltl ftlf 1480 slsrti aia oapi wvai the host assortment of fee lat1 v a 1 i hi i f epithet and application a oeruin dublin jarvey was driviug a very stout oituen whose trade was hat of a furrier and when he set him down his fare offered him only sixpence is that all yere giving me said the jarvey yes said the furrier i thats your legal farejnymananditbu youll get from me so take it and go the jarvey seeing it was hopeless to expect anything more was determined to have it out of him some how bo concentrating all the scorn and contempt be ooujd into his voice and facial expression he said ah go lang out othat yo uoml boaoonstmctor na timts 1 kraut to towra al ltt style sat for 100 groceries cheap aojpouai ibto i sww f ixoo s pound butt jfcrflfl cents a pounds tjutra itsfor 88 oenti kelly knjylu whit a truly beautiful world we live in katfe gives us grandeur of mountains gtem and ocoanafaodthousajids of means ofjoymeht y mideeire no better wmn in perfaot health but how often do fmfajgikt eieople fed bjbegtrtnijitup ifdiioarage4 and vrorn dnt i wheniherei ia no ceaion for ai every sufferer ota easily actncy proof ttatrten jwsloaiawsbvthem from efihon bjasia and iaver caimlaint are he direct causes of aerenlywepeoent of such maladies as bikouspes indigestion sick headache ooefavenesa rtexvoos prostration dizziness of the head palpitation of the heart and other distressing symptoms three doses of avyusi flowtr will prove its wonderfal efieot sample bottles looenfa try it spring prose for lsine baek side or chest nseshilohs porous plaster price 25 cents sold by k mcgarvin j taeaarac is the discovery of- a leading physician and after years hi experiment it is now offered yon in a perfected state as a never- failing cuts lor coughs colds and throat and lung complaints croop whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relieved by shilobs cure sold by x mcgarvin vtkattajtt not a snuff powder or liquid but a pre- paration peculiar to itself easy to ase pleasant in effect nasal balm will posi tively cure celd in the head catarrh and kindred disorders tjat hacking cough can be so quickly cured by saitohs cure we guarantee it sold by x mcgarvin wai ton suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint sbflohs titajizer is guaranteed to enri you sold by n ncgarvio varietdea si leptoss wights made miserable by that terr we oough bhllohs cure is tho remedy forjou sold by n mogarviu 1kf k ikr biutr ut- j t le chief danger from taking oold is its hab lity to looate upon some internal organ as t ie lungs the pleura the bronchial paks agei etol hagyards pectoral balsam looans and breaks upthecold allays irrita tion and often prevents or euros pulmonary eon plaints s lilohs cough and consumption cure is sole by us on a guarantee it cures oou- stuiption sold by n mcgarvin i are far lsuaaasaaamir khrbmatuai eroourefrom your druggist a bottle f ha yards yellow oil and use according to directions j d cameron of westlake ail alje cape breton was cored by this ren edy after all other treatment had failed it may be taken internally for coughs colj is sore throat etc etc c atarrh cured health and sweet breath seci ired by shilohs catarrh remedy prj oe 50 cents nasal injector free sold byn mcgarvin hilohs vitalizer is what yon need for coj lstipation loss of appetite dusauees ani i all bymptoms of dyspepsia price 10 anil 75 cents per bottle sold by n mcgarvin itylei ever beat btpblc of ojothihg im theoounty ee for yourselves sbiftilaoolorilwidwlxitfl tiryebeap toliiididvwtebblrtifdriomtttb la fact ve have iou stook of create ffttibhlaw la the pwmty gqeioceries groceries j awrtthinc in thli dipartmont vor ohop our foodi m m tw ploiio4bi 1 j- pais grand tru ik railway iftd 7jam tman 10 fib e in tnitfuflli bxp 007 v m e wi pte ijome- choked rou butter bltos jomtf wubt kxprow 1255 am kxprew w am tbro express iuvxn mall a bsspni ivwhh iu sm403i njtfdlptt 1 lhfcbfiot5xprflibilm nfttstopwetireo otfelph and toronto tihk orti oc4nswoiu0j0ttnl go ng bast 10 40 a ui ohlhu uau s and 6s0jm and 5 20 1 in has been vevj bu8yfor last conplebf weeks luirkiug and putting into stock case after caeoot new and fitswnablo pjpds suitable ior spring aud summer wear am many ere tie noveltiofljthat may befirand among the many lines whwih jufibia crowded store having vjougbt them i ft the very best markets and on the best terms custoiners may lookout tor bargains fv tf flmi fflfif pride of le prlilo of tlio vinoy that is the name oc tbs inodicine it cure 1 tieot dyspepsia- first lbdgbta gamplo pneksco for 25c then nvft packages for 41 and baforo i had takra thp he content ol tour jmck o 1 was entirely jrel have never felt tnoijnptoins since loiir years ago that wait x also lkuht a bottle of pridb j holera and all summer complaints arc so jnick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they art aware that danger ib near if attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine tr r a dose of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cq dial and yon will get immediate relief it i tots with wonderful rapidity and neve fails to effect a cure j liter years of suffering persons who ha re vainly sought remedical help from otl er sources have obtained the longdesired relief fromorthrop lymans vegetable di scovery anddyapeptic cure which puts a s top to the torments of dyspepsia renews aci ivityf of the bowels and liver relieves miladies incident to the gentler sex and bn idsap failing health and strength gives pn ity to the blood snd touo to the whole system mrs agnesblack of iorton ont says for five years i ha vb been a sufferer from dyspepsia and indigestion i tried one bottle of bardjoekbloodbitters and was get ting better 1 then bought three more and it has cured me worms derange the whole system jlother graves worm exterminator de ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only costs twentyfive cents to try and be convinced keaurkafele there have been many remarkable cures of fleafnesa reported from the use of yellow ofl the proprietors of this medicine have a large number of such testimonials it is the great household remedy for pain in flammation lameness and soreness of every description and can be nsed internal ly and externally cc jacobs buffalo ny says dr thomas ecleotric oil cured him of a bad case of piles of 8 years standing baying tried almost every known remedy besides two buffalo hiysicians without relief but the oil cored him he thinks it cannot be recomm too highly dress goods a tremendous stock to select from in all theleajlngniakes iwdjshades aud ranging from fl to 75 cents per yard the leadmg uade8 this soason are greys peacock blue and tans this department is worthy of tie attention of ladies wanting fashionable garments tritominks correct and prices low mllmhery the display in this department is simply immense and embwes every conceivable shape in 8traw chip and tape goods- the new shades are heliotrope louis ix madagascar rose de bawriuand jabelin blue rips mounts ribbons and gairaes in these and olhershades miss strioghara bos chargeof this department and will bo pleased to see all old enfitbmers and many new tine mottpstyle andjtoasoiinb prices staples white cotton grey cottob d w sheeting iu white and grey pillow cotlon tickings shirting cottouadesi tabiingji in white 5rcy nnrt turkny red prints ete etc butter dnd eggs wanted r small wares corsets bustles hoop skirts gloves hosiery handkerchiefs ehibroid- ories collars caffs laces and buttons parasols from each and one hundred and one other lines 7 50 cents to house furnishings carpets in tapostry union hemp floor arid sfnir oil cloths jcurtains in laco white and cream scrim madras mublin and persian stjapery cents furnishings f the latest hats ties collars cuffs shirts suspenders and clothing at very low prjecs r boots and shoes of cycry description in mens youths womens misses and childs ladies dont fail to see tho ballon or lace kid boots at 105 worth 2p groceries xew fresh and oboap invalids and eplcnres buy tea from me because they know thpy get pare vocolored japan prepared without theuse of chemicals -j- i e rjpmtm thomas w watkins has returned to the right house s lorae persons have periodical kttacks of ca mdian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea anj i have to use great precautions to avoid th disease change in water cooking am i green fruit is sure to bring on the at tacks to such persons we would recom mend dr jd kelloggs dysentery cordial as jeiug the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints if a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are not iced no further troablo will be experienc ed i inioalikibg nccs 1 k the datyjof every person who has use 1 jbwclttes geridahflyrup to let its won der r qualities be known to their friends in curing consumption severe crt op asthma pneumonia and in all hroat and lung diseases no person can use it without immediate relief three dos s will relieve any case and we consider it tl its doty of all druggists to recommend it t the poor dying consumptive at least to t y one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles wer i sold last year and no one case- where fair y was reported such a jmedicine as the qertnan syrup cannot be too widely knovn askyoar druggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents regular size 75 cents sold by all druggists and dea era in the united states and canada bbb- asesiseof amtj bib b i should not think it right did i not give my testimony of what b b b has done for me 1 was troubled with bilions- ntes i took one bottle it gave immediate relief i can recommend it as a sur cure for biliousness minnie smitho ont spring suits and overcoats at extreme ly low prices and made in this latest styles be sure to call and see them at j jyfes acton i bsfcm bbb inwofldniceraer my hosband was troubled with dyspep sia for more than four years two eiper- ieneed physicians did him no good we got diskiotrraged until we read of burdock blood fitters he jook onr two bottles and now iefag well as eyerfaiidlaoingheaty work all the tune mrs bichard bowe harleyont b b b haseured the worst casfeheonio dyspepsia the extraordinary popularity of ayers chy pectoral is the natural result of jto mugpeioyfdye it hm proven itaelf the very best spaeifie 1c colds coughs golnary wnv ayiceio moniebbi are you disturbed at n ght and broken of your rest by a sick chili i suffering and cry uig with pain of cut ting teeth if so ssnd at once and get a bptt e of mrs winslowf soothing syrup for ibildren teething its value is incal- cnla le it will relieve the poor little suf- ferei immediately depend upon itmoth- ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysi ntery and diarrhcea regulates the stoo lach and bowels cjures wind colic sofk ns the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone arid energy to the whole syst m mrs wifcsiows soothing sy- rup for children teething is pleasant to the j iste and is thajprescription of one of the idest and best female physicians and nurs in the united states and is for saje by 1 11 druggists throughout the world prio twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for miis wraslows sooxhtko sxbup and fake no other kind r a lady writes i was enabled to remove the i 6rns root and branch by the use of holl iway5 corn cure others who have tried it have the same experience v i est andcofarort lo the burrertng irowns household panacea has no eua for relieving pain both internallandj exfcei hal it cbres pain in the side back or 1 owels sore throat rhenmatiami toot iaahje lumbago and any kind oj la- pain or liche it will rhost surely qulcl fnflisblood ahdlieal as its acting jower is w nderf ill browns hopsehold pai- aceaf being acknowledged da the gteat new french dress goods indian fonle bress goods snd busks knitted honeycomb wraps and an 1 mriienie shipment of c loves and hosiery from tho foroign makers stylish xew costume cheeks navy grey printed twiuedcricketing electoral and saxony flannels new silk and cloth maritles new embroidered table covers iti sateen plush and tapestry new embroideries allovers american laccs jubilee laces l f flonncings in black and the latest bhades oriental laces in the latest french styles carriage wraps turkey red table covers 1 orcboa lacesmaltese lacesj yak laces widows fronts shirt frouis gapzes in the latest makes itnd colors hat dress and mantle ornaments in beautiful styles t n immense lot of new dress buttonssdfa covers tjndertvear of nearly all kinds for children girls boys ladies and gentlemen new braces cloth that will stand he wildest boys likeleather antique laces tidies abfeautiful lot of fine scotch gjinihorns pocket handkerchiefs from 3c up to tho best silk toilet mate quilts damask crumb cloths damask huqk and crash towels an toweling cradle covers j silk plush ifew gold and silver braid chenile rouche trimmings black and tfaerew shades in beaded cord new hud stybsb english and american hats parasojjl in flew stvlefl vmbrellas galon bagled trimmings wall screens colored sheepskin mats victor shade rollers new and stylish brussels ootpew great sale of c8rpelaand honpe furnishing goods of all kinds usually required about 20000 wom of carpets in brussels tapestry allwool and twoplytjnion selling off far leas lhan cost prices just see the charming new styles of royal velvet wilton crossleyls best five framo brussels tapestry allwool and union carpets selling far cheaper than ever the of hughsonlretet opposite the park the names on the windows are the right house and thomas cwa right houso is ou king street east one door west hamilton april 5th 1867 s3 watkins t- eat end clothing stored in calling ieittentipii to this seasons stocki dp to with con fidenpe being intli i position to place betore myhuraero is customers the rftpbtvaried aiid cftreially selected stpek evssr seeu in actolj m ilubuyiuggrefttcarft lias jbmohabtevhitd artistic been taken to procure tbo most ns in towsje3xjrghs a1xjd stjitilstgs mi ll to gratify pain reliever and of of aiy other elixir boltle mm gglf aiivj double the etreneth or i liniment in the worl should beiu every family handy fox awv r wanted it really is the ieift reme jyin the wbrld foi cramps finfhe fltdm yk and pains and aohea of all- kinds and lis for sale by all druggists at 25 cenhi the patterns this season being suchas cannot fa the wearer tlie latest styles in hats and erents furnishings saisp action guibantepd t k o dry goods an 9 carpet dealers i i the finpf- h0pefubnishin department we invite specinjl nttontion to our immense stock of house furnishing goods co tisistiug of curtains curtain ma erials cre toines piushes tabl c qayeipyoij stock of brussels tapestry vx6vldiqr carpets whicb we are offering iit veiy low rnices mckay brothers 18 king street east ham i lto n h of the valley ltnlniifflk last hpyingfor lnyhirett man who sprained lid ankle no badly he could not hear his weight on it afwrnsiog pride of the valley liniment f ar 21 hours he was able tip go to work as tfell ai ever and what is ffioi name of that other me heine wliy vride of tho valley catarrhandhh umaticcnre tbatistbe greatest known rethed r in the world for the cure of catarrh not an inhi ler hnttbo medicine is to bo taken internally on c a day it strikes atthe roptof the disease a id removes the cause alt onto us tbousandfl wi 1 testify that bave used tbocatarrh roftjed v the three above remedies go hand in hand anc where can- i get them at b ma7tthbws acton out also at ajl fln tkslass modlclnedi aler in cruals man fadtured by pboi a 1 sbkievefl t lojfpokjoxt i are picmsant to tlha cctnin 1 parcuve li asno bsirr diuettall destrejar of wa ii ciuj cu or attniia m wanted opernjanent positibns guaranteed with ms7 and expfinses paid any dei terpained man can succeed with ns pecil- iarj advantages tobeginiicra stock com pleteinclcdingmauyfast-s6lingspecialties- outntfree jr atldrcts at oilce insiuetltti raperii t j biiowx hroth15hs koiseuvmek hottjeslejt st ilaaefl ojtjtib pred agtq5j 8iifl obttab uj thbjiel tuvkriably in i erresrwiu till 411 i of thetpub eeacfi ouvcolumn v mil dolumn qnar r column j oae j ncjiuf ioaibaladte flrt nsertion an i mtt at insertion recki tnedlythe i sealc of solidkoq advertiseinent will be inserted t uy pransttor n advance changes ior in tu office by bey will be left beroflfomee office and frederick st lk l mm m m pqsmve cobe catarbh gim gold to head wayfever easts to tjge kot asnnfl powder or irrltalbisxqnld prijce so cts and 100 if not obtainable at yonr drdg gists sent prepaid on recijipt of -price- address fulford coj brochvjn ont m i 8auesh1sa waktkj9 large lots of new goods arriving daily h wre aro in want of a fow more firstclass nicu j to cjinvfiss for the srlo of thoi o varieties of nuraery to wen tho caii mate a succfcss of tlmmusiuess re eui pjiv good salaries orcopiiuissioa tndbivcjrrjiiiniit einploymcint wsllaye many new andchoico- sjieciauics bdqt ntw fruit- and ornamental jiues whiqii others do nit handle apply at qco with references i i 3fy hbotasbs j cbsrnvmen hochestenx y mulrigah agrlgultlirlst 100 columiisaud- 100 knsiuvintfs in taqh issul 4thst3ab 5150 a year seiio three 2cit stamps for sauijile coiiv euglisb or german and lremhina lit ot the oimist asd best aoiacr ltripimioiacaiiik- th jvojirt address plbl jshers arsricas- ageujciirraiist daiv ju i rai president voric f new drosa goods newsnss new criasftanib nov prints wew ohamhray8 nourlaoes ite w smbroidorles new miuaery new mantles 0 sforkantleqiotfts nowflowes i new peatjxer3 kow oraameats f newjcrtamiagflj ia g0 it all kinds- b now oashmeccs in blaofcand col ored special line i great bllfs prls sdts t i melass 8tyldkeasf3nable pltlcis wedding and mourning orders attended to with punotdauty andestdh 0 rerairing always factory 077 i if you iiavb dklkid jfialtoiis fv in sslrs sttillglikmii t1- r l iiii v try tklimiitiiuy eauesvv li y 3 afintlemln now is your time to leave your order goods madvup m first new styles aud lowest prices in foot class style and prices to suit the hard times wear the boot stock 18 ar ce and very cheap ladies gfntlmenwe have a lar stock purchased iron the i markets m the world and at the very lowest phoes our long exper lesce and it j enables us to buy cheap and we will sell equally cheap ex and stand comj and latonlzj up mcleod anderson co mammoth house ceorcetown tmlmmm selioprs in againt till cillxdilex requlbt 8ch00l books pens pencils 1 slates pa pee j opy books drawing books u x- sgribbtng bocks any other bohool eoe send them always where they get what they ask foi 6f good reality and at reasonable prices and tbatrphvoe in i drug an mmrns sfoei j jlawjyf bakkifeek i drricb hjitie ricbjkr offiemami ftt percent s iriltonv salt rheuin hearnbuiuv headache tmilburn co the heafljt i stomach of thekin e titising bzood proprietors the picture gallery guelph i waters brbsj is tbebest place fori the latest styles i and best quality in moujfdingskoomand pibture frames oil pamttmgs steel kngiaings statuary oet i m onx liv cent window llra88iodslorihort oornioe poles shades spring jl blinds artisf a mateelal ollcolors water oloflb brushecrayous bdraw4ngp watek bm wajftbcjl m orrbmsugij and 8king8 wt allik aini ontario hallj io rff mkyeaisil m alctji m rwthjbicou orders leftt atfiatf l a 1 alsomonl ihle terms tearesiiinsu tohnpj t qeorgel bound it r i