Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 5, 1887, p. 2

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is is- r x u 1 i if v thkoradlk r 1 n j- i i ss jy crbkch in acton on the sotli april the wife of mr u crceeb of son due- lu gaelph on the 1st of mar the wife of t j day of a daughter uotamtln guelph on the 8jth april ih wile of mr e 11 bollort oi a son m1lhom4avd tn esquesiiis ou41e 30th april tho wife of mrieotg klnl of a son thb altar hknsetxtckmat the residence of the bffel latter on the 8ttt april by mat j alexander korral mr johtt henuey of acton to ttarbar k daughter ot mr john mcken of ksqnesuig thbqravs ltuvoat uto residence ot her daughter mft aackbon4rhit onelph isabella uasortwood relict ot the lale adtua laiug nwwagaweya agid 88 yea a native olltoxboroughsblre sscotland 1 wit jetton jm f rtss thcbsbat mokvikomxt 5 1887 notes and comments fifteen members of the michigan legis lature are canadians by birth the jesuits incorporation bill was carried m the quebec legislature last week by a vote of 31 to 16 the incorporation of the order is only applicable to the three dioceses oi montreal ottawa m th rivers aroub the be0ond a ahorj epuuo on trout yiiblk moving aybaae ball cornet band jubilosvo 1 i wit uis excellency the governorgeneral and lady lansdowne arrived ro toronto on tuesday evening and met with an enthusiastic reception from tho citizens they will remain mjtoronto for some two or thxeeweeks- r the division last thursday night on the queens county nb election case in the house ot commons was tho first of the session it shows that the government basa good working majority of between thirty and thirtyfive four nationalists oted with the government and five against saturday completed tho first jeax in which the canada temperance act has been in operation in the county of wel- 4ington so far as the south riding is concerned there have been 25 convictions amounting to 1300 the fines were all 50 with one exception oi 100 which was a second offence among the osgoode hall notes the fol lowing appears queen vs heffernan 3 udgment order n ii to quash the convic tion under the canada temperance act discharged with coste this was a scott act case mr d 3 heffernan appealed against the decision of police magistrate saunders and as appears above the appeal has been discharged with costs a if any evidence were required to demon strate the debasing effect of dealing in whiskey it would be forthcoming m look- ng over the record of scott act convictions throughoutthe country in nearly every instance where the law was broken the guilty party was a person who had pre- jnously sold under license it seems im possible for men to deal in liquor without becoming utterly lawless fergus adro fetr well the fishing aeawiu opened with the weather in a most favorable condition the m mtfmthusiastio disciples of the rod and fly rose with tho sun on monday morn ing an lone aud ill made a bee line for the poi id by tho track whore the orowd about 1 orty strong more or loss industrious ly whi tpod the waters uutil breawasttlrno with 11 some cases very fair success its a little early yet for big fish yarns but the crop w ill doubtless bo up to tho average i think 1 he bosf catch of the day was made by th o two cousins who have a good record as amateur sportsmen their joint bag be ng something over sixty fish tl 10 annual spiderhunting season has set in and tho tap of tho tackhammer re- soandi through tho town with tho aoeom- pauioj ouonl of tho busy hqueewite as she si ikes her thumb instead of tho tack nine t mes out of ton with great regularity movin day has been well observed and many families have changed their qoar- ters f r better or for worse the mov ing s irit ot tho argus family might have 1 ecu been by those who looked perch ed cm v load ot household goods wearing his oldest duds and a smutty smeared expres sion vhile many cuss words floated around in th atmosphere over some refractory bedsit 0 or heavy stove j large and enthusiastic meeting of the b iaeball loving ycuth of the towu was held n the hall on tuey evening and a clu organized in due and proper form it w s determined to make it the mostsuo- 1 cessf u club ot any yet organised here and to be the proud possessors ot the champion ship of this and the adjoining county ere the 1 saves fall again a strong nine will be p it in the field and clubs in neighboring towi 3 had better prepare to tremble in thoii boots as wo are going to get there not in tl eir boots though t have been looking for some days past now that the foolish and ridiculous cem stery business has flattened out for a lett r from our old friend pro bono pub lico a tort of triumphal itoldyon so lett r to put the finishing touch on the do- scn ition of the opposition perhaps he tbii ks they aint worth wasting paper and ou and faith hes not far out the band made a pretty good showing the first appearance this season on monday night the comments on their performance have beeu very favorable wliat they want is a decent uniform an imposing drummajor to head the parade and a little more attention paid to the manipulation of the drum might i sug gest that it would be a good idea to have a suitable bandstkud erected in some appro priate spot where there is chance for people to promenade and then we could enjoy their music better than at present cteat sp i having bought a la an i surrounding country the greatest bargains over hot rd of 8pljxttfftaitk in this lino we elaijm to bettor for you than any onje else m tho trade the tea wo sell you at 25 cents per pound is equal to any 85 cent tea you get elsewhere e a so giifea0 pounds nice bright sugar for 100 j hv t1 bol l we sell tor cash or bo routai baits qmldwai 8oy bulti wg sale of go job lot of olothiug consisting of mens youths boys and ohlldrenh suits at 76 cents on the dollar we are i a position to gi buitl- kelly ice of sale oloing ents pumishlags and jfcocerps new adve vhsements 1 r m ai o the town oj acton iiw 36q 178 300 pants a urge itoek at 131 up thii vl j the iuvoit ehoavoit ftad most rflbienbl qroceries uiu vkuj wire sioo tu wu tnidtf the tea wo sell you at 25 cents pei in additianjto this we are selling new fruit luisins 8 pounds for 25 couts or 7 oonts por pouua oy the dox imor can rely upon getting every artiolo from us at very low prices xt to mcgarvins drug store kelly brjos trade only ho that every oustoimor can rely upon getting every artiolo from us at very low prices bros ne ink for new millinery 4jah fiji jfob hides rrhbttndamrtgned is riwpreifawl to nv ib i m tnarkat p itc for bldos ana hitidp- ubi acton april lh iwhkutlkdgk j bctcjsib w note bh1mkhekn j i that allparllm found notice to trohpasslnkonttfc jltn vark at any time oxeopt whut the athletic dubs are lniktlc iub will 6 prosoeni od acoiiau to law no swimming nuowo l dt ri daymtfiit j hsii a uiiucrmaiiuu nap urn a 1u iijju male by archil aia and hugh fmith in lttvw ot 1 j hmltb td lo 17th april 1867 he hereby cautions the public against negotl- otidg the tineas th ijaymhobeon mopped acton may and w two cases opened today v sssyssj yylv hsat vx sss rs w r b jermyns acton the report comes from london that the committee of the presbyterian church of england are preparing a revision of the confession of faith to be submitted at the coming meeting of the synod it is report ed that the changes recommended will amount to a reconstruction of the creed and will be sure to lead to profound agi tation among the presbyterians throughout the world a similar movement for the revision of he standards of the free church of scotland has been postponed to be resumed after the english synod has finished its deliberations upon the commit tees report a largely attended meeting of represen tatives of farmers institutes throughout the country was held in the courthouse toronto last thursday a central in stitute for the province was formed and officers elected resolutions were passed in favor of reciprocity with the united states and condemning the present rail way rates and classification as being pre judicial to the interests of the farmers the establishment upon a permanent basis of the institute is an important move to wards bringing to bear upon legislation and public opinion the views of a large class who have never hitherto exercised a great share of influence in public matters a slight falling off in marriages lately this wont do if we are to keep the lecord rhow about a jubilee celebration if we ara to have one its about time that some steps were taken in the matter could not same of oar societies take up the thing and do it np in handsome style we are for tunate in having most suitable grounds for the purpose and with good attraction might draw a crowd from all accounts societies ace in a flourishing condition uew members being admitted almost every week they could all amalgamate for the purpose add have a rousing celebration aburs acton may 4th 1887 lidiibs i x call akd lodk through the piles of new dress goods in all colors notably preys electric blue and tans and dont forget to ask to see the 5c printed muslins warranted fast colors butter and eggs wanted r b jbrmyn hundreds mm of ladies visit the right house daily to purchase the new aud fashionable goods of which thurel are about 250000 worth stored up there at present they come to thq itlght house because they can jjeb almost every thing they require ttoem in good serviceable qualities fashionable styles and feeling sure that they cannot do better anywhere than at these eoormons stores because watkins sales avc so v 2ry large that four ceuts on each dollars worth sold pays a lundsome profit then tho goods are purchased direct fromrthe manufacturers tor the cash down then his arge cash discounts make a nice profit ladies new underwear aud hosiery this week new mantles paletots and jackets this week 120 misses and littje girls mantles put downo less thiiu half prices mines mantles markej down from ftl5j to 200 f rom oj0 to 225 from 350 to 150 from 4i 00 8100 j550 to 1125 there are about 60 very ni to 125 8850 500 from 3 cotton at 91c unusually low frices i to 5100 5550 to 1125 there are about 60 very xsico jlace lurtajns only one pair each pa g2 to do from c0o to s400 from 450 to 800 from s300 to 5200 from 55s0 to 3 00 urt inch grey cotton at 4jc crash towelling at 5c an enormous stock of towellings am ace curtajns only one pair each pattern which are marked down from 400 to 5250 from j50 to from 8 00 to3 00 from 8050 to 400 the value not easily house is the place to best good allwool large lot of remnant f carpets at about half jmoes an enormousstock of fashionable designs in wilton royal velret is iii almost everything known an immcnso ynrjcty of window curtains table damabks nudnapkins board of edtjcation- the board of trustees of acton public school met in the council chamber on tuesday evening members present mr george hynds chairman and messrs j e mcgarvin thomas ebbage and isaac francis minutes of fast meeting read and con firmed the finance committee presented then- third report recommending payment at ac counts as f611ows james brown wood c 9 19 94 geo havill stove pipes 4c j25 j c hill repairs 190 5 24 09 keport adopted the principal reported that the school well was m such a state that the water was unfit for use the property committee was instructed to make the necessary repairs moved by j e mcgarvm seconded by isaac francis that friday 6th instf be observe d as arbor day and that the prop erty committee be instructed to procure some suitable trees for planting in the school grounds carried upon motion the board adjourned the county spring show of horses the spring show came off in milton on friday the 22ult and was generally ad mitted to be one of the bebt ever held in the county the attendance was good and the display of horses was above the average especially in the heavy otaaa there being ten imported horses on the ground some of therri noble animals cliampiw if you want a nobby durable aud cheap suit go to j fyfeb acton hokses and gypsies a story of some sharp trading which resulted unprofltably to all concerned i chuth i oq wednesday last a family of gp3ics composed of an old woman and three boys came to tlim vicioity aud after camping at bwackhammers hill started out on a horse trading expedition among the farmers the first to entertain business relation with them was mr alex lasby who was induced to trade his team with the boys concluding that by so doing he would secure a team better suited to ins requirements the negotiations were completed and mr lasbys horses and a sum to boot were ex changed for the gypsy team the old woman making feigned protestation against the transaction throughont the proceeding and warning not to trade with the boyi the trade being consummated the gypsn left in quick order but alas when m lasby tried his new team at hisfurm worl he found them utterly useless taking time by the forlodk he at once came o town secured the services of chief lawso i and they proceeded to the camp to recov sr the team the gypsies however were 1 10 sharp for them and there was no tra le back agreed to until a 810 bill had be u exchanged for the privilege mr las ty took bis team home determined in fntt re to give the professional traders a wile berth cilvtikll ii the next day the gang found mr jo in arthurs of glenlawson ready for a tn de if it could be shown to be profitable and arrangements were entered into for a trial of their respective horees the gypsies i requested a trial of mr arthurs horsss they were unharnessed and one of the b ys igot on the back of the best one to try its wind in a smart trot rode it up over t he hill and was seen no more chief lew- sons services were again called for 1 be woman was arrested and lodged in the a us here and he proceeded to discover he whereabouts of the horse and its rider chaften ni is told by tho guelph mercury as follows yesterday chief constable lawson of acton arrived in the city and notified he police authorities to be on the lookout fc r a horse thief named geo gray who it is alleged had stolen a horse from mr 3c bu arthurs of acton a man was detailed to assist lawson to search for the th ef during their travelling about the ciy g eo beemer implement agent who had dri en in from the country met lawbon and m the course of their conversation the lal ter mentioned what he was on the still ho it for beemer told the police that a toy answering the description bad ridden i ito i the city with him from mre langfoids hotel on the eramoaa xtoad and bad got out of the wagon at the wellington hotel nssatnta aassmamtmmim mm hamilton april sot d tow els ycrj cheap yard wide twilled grey cottons ana white cottons at an immense stock of heavy cottonades and canadian tweeds fot summer pants very oheup striped and checked shirtings in kxtraordinary good value just see the sheetings tickings pillow cottons whi to and colored quilts heavy twilled cottons for nigljfc and underwear the qualities are good uuil them carpet materialls and window fixingi stores are one door west of hnghson street ox king 8trekt east i 1887 brussels and tapestry carpets just sec le damasks nod napkins bemcmbervthe ihcnameb on the nindovt s aro the right house and thomas c watkios lost lu irorietor acton imivin fakk mmie undersigned hereby liotific all horse- i men and other i interested that the half mile track in the par c now in firstclass con dition all desiring oinrive or train their horses therton can now obtain admittance koaaon tofisheb8anuotheh8 the public wli pi io take notice that tuning on my pond tni t season is entirely prohibit ed as also trespaasiig on the property in any other way any per ton or persons violating tbe bore will be prosecuted to tho full extent of tbe talf i nrvdehsov aaton april 27th i8s7 is 33t house and loth vou male r he undersigned liters for sale that desirable property on th north east eoraerof willow ana agnes streets tue property comprises two lots tn good locatlg i on one of which is erected a frame dwelling an 1 stable there are a num ber of fruit trees an 1 a good well on tbe lottu terms reasonable pply at onca to iji speight salesmen wasted we are in want if a few more firstclass men to canvas fc r the sale of choice varieties of nursery stock miss intimates to all the to men who can make a 3 5 tff ceo terj pp toibtawng i stotk cofflpriains botfeindfnyl cqh methodi n s3 38 m success of the bush ess we ain pay godd salaries or commission and irepermsuent employment ve have many no ana choice specialties both utbo fruit and orn imental lines which others do not handle ac ly at once with references 6ay bbothbrfi xcbikbyllei b0cbebtbfiky fancy goods underclottiing pfibeland ladies of cton aul viunity tbat she has opened a stock of fancy goods berlin wools c in tbe store lateljnoccupied by the iat thomas duncan underclothing of all kinds in stock and made to order on short notice stamping in all designs promptly executed prices will be found reasonable the ladles are invited tecatl miss ftteelaxd ictou slav itn 18s7 important thomas cttikiasrs a number of the hotels vere visitid and at last their efforts wero rwarded by ouo of the searching pnity seeing their game on macdonnell street at ance keigt dooley and chief lawson were notified mid they arrested gray as he was entering tuc com merctal hotel lie bracelets adorned his wrists ui short order and ho was conveyed to chief raudallu oflice and pbtced in the hands of lawson and then taken to acton grays mother anii brojlier cre arrested and locked up on tliurojltiy usht at acton for having taken part in the tiiiispctton this is tiie same fkmily that relidedin the western part of th l city and v0re an ested by chief randall ribont li e ir or so io for crookedness in the diiposiug of a quantity of silverware and other article hince their bhort isideico near acton a great number ol have taken place dishonest transactions chief law boh says he intends to exterminate uie jjan if it can bo done cuipthi iv a magtbtratea court wab appointed for 7 oclock saturday evening his worship reeve fyfe aud w h storev j p were on the bench w a mclean was there as coonsel for the prosecution and a mowat for the defence the parties met before the court opened and agreed to re- turn each others horses each pay one half the costs about 812 and his own lawyers fees the case was consequently dismissed jion or dont trade horses but if you must trade give the gypsies a wide berth not a remarkable loss after all this isthe way an exchange discourses on the man who stops the papei after you get angry fand stop jour paper just poke your finger in water pull it out and look for the whole then you will know how sadly you are missed a man who thinks a paper cannot survive without his weak support ought to go off and stay a day when he comes back half his friends will not know that he has gone and the other half will not care a cent and the world at large didnt keep any account of his movements you will find what you cannot endorse hi every papei kven the bible is rather plain and hits somo hard licks if you were to get mad and burn your bible the hundreds of presses will go on printing them and when you stop your paper and call the editor names the paper will still be published and what is more youll read it on the sly a kabtillon i fin my wife has been a sufferer from liver complaint for many years i am glad to be- able to testify to the benefit icceived from burdock blood bitters as well as in the oass of my little boy whohad glandular swellings j s miller 77 victoria ave north hamilton ono bib b rognlatos the entire glandular system btjtifying the ce w etiery to the kihtor of tho fill v im h dear sir i am pleased to observe that the council have the caretaker of fairuew cetneier busily engaged in planting trees and ihrubs in the cemetery nothing tcudsjrrore to render anv property beauti ful and attractive than suitable tiees flow era ac planted with talc to my mind however th enretaker ha glvtu ileo two point sn tabic tree mil tute in planting rather nomtal coicidiratiou i urn cor lain the goil tot of tli inembir of the ceiiieteiy coiiiinitltc tuiuiot allov tliem to overlook the fact that many of the mopli phtntcd bic be n of an inferior and n regular ijuality mid tbe supports ex hibit a distressing lack of uniformity the evergreens too uie trimmed up rather tin- naturallv uud present altogether too naked uu appearance we all desire lo have tho cemetery a beautiful place of rest for our departed lovcdoues and it can easily he made such the terrors in the planting should be remedied beforo it is too late by the personal supervision by the committee of the caretakers movements i would suggest that they give the matter tbeir brcfeksst5kt3ebht3bt5ts6k rtt feeflkkeeslskksearkk cccoocccccccccc c c a n3 v tj v ts nj v ns tj x x hi c c cr- f j cb r oc a xr oc a a xr t j v j v y y i f r careful attention oil arbor certain the caretaker will their day and i am be thankful for superintendence uutcad of leaviu upon bimthe total responsibility so will we a i yours respectfully actok may uth 1887 central ploi 0h c 1 gl o 2e ffj si lra r tj7 5rra c s camiidates for auy grade of nonprofes sional cerlincate must send their applica tion ftlld fee for each exarauatiou to tbe p s inspector j h 1eacai uol lain- than mav 2lth i liloi k forms liould be obtained from vac i iilui us soon a possible folowiii dii the duts ii class 4th 7 ii v i a m ill class ijlji july 0 am i class uth julv 1 p m i cli a or b 19th july 1 milton wpst april 2sth w- east end clothing sfore o- ln ctlling attention lo this seiisons stock i do so with con- tideucc being in tt positim to place before my numerous customers the inottt vitriud and carlully selected stock ever geen in acton in buying s rent euro fashionable- am artistic tlesitjhs lias been taken to procure the most in gqtilsrgs ailstd stjithstgs to the ladies itie undersigned has just openel a stock of fancy ooops ladies ttndehwe ar infants clothing berlin wools ac c and solu its a call fromthc ulu s onlers tikeu for all kiudnof aii3erweariiiilttaesiewmgxrhich will be neatly aud promptly suctited at reason able prices shop next to hjndb jewtllcrj store miss perryman acton maj lib ih departmental examinations 1 887 a in til public hevlfil 1 noriokihherubvfnveu that ill iesijeuts of achin rre required forthwith to cliiu their cellarn trains vards pis 6tjcs via er closets andoberout buihiorus auj preuirjs and re move tuerennu all dirs tilth manurs or iilhcr substance nth ina diuiansor tlie publie health aatl 1olinc tl csiinccuuiplctetlatlatebt by the loth day of may next ou wlneii day the sanitary inspector n ill c mmence a general iuspsction and furtb r take nohc s that the section of the public health act mihiurrlug the keopmg of hogs b tweeu the j 5th of mav and thl6tof november esceptiu pfns at least 70 feet from ouj dvv lhng house and j 1 feet from auj street or lane with boors kept ree from standing water and rgukrlj cleausd aid dis infected will be strictly enforced h p moobe chairman board of health acton april 18th 1s37 proclamation t o- meat market i joseph paitton butcher has pleasnrje m untiounciug to the citizens of acton that he has the patterns this season beiug such as cannot tail to gratify purchased the butchering business of mr win liobsell and is prepared to conduct the same in a strattfeunard business manner i h wing had large experience 111 the busi ness i feel that i can gnarjintee all custom ers vho favor me with heir pationage perfect satisfaction all kinds of moat fresh and good and poultry fish 4c in season will be found in stock i espectfully solict you ronajge josepih patton aitou nov 8th188fi esteemed pat- botmmariuimftiucarvmst sitl t mitchell des res to inform the peer le of acton and surroundings that he fs prepared to take orders for weaving all kinc s of fancy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting und dre is goods striped orplt id twill or plain also bed blankets and h0rse blankets two yards wide and over a id lwill guarantee thkt i will gi vegeod sah faction to all farrners and others who wtill favor me with thear patronage t mitchell the wearer the latest styles in hats and gents furnishings satisfaction guaranteed j fyfe acton spring qpring qpring is here -ol- ab oii jdatz in compliance vnlh the requisition 01 a number of citicens of this muutcipalitv i hereby ap point aud proclaim i friday 6th may a public holiday j and request cithsens generally to observe the same by planting shade and ornamental trees arraugenientb hare been made for supplying trees for planting on the streets free of charge a targe quantity will boon hand at councillor smiths livery ou the morning named i this holiday will offer a good opportunity to those desiring plots in foirview cemetery to make their selections t jlttfe kbvvf acton apru 27th1897 t fairvlew cemetery kenney bros proprietors dominion boot shoe store acton boots shoes 4c have been largely insti umontal m accomplishing it now that bpiing is here auain villi its wet weather and slush v walks it i than ever desh e tiiat tiie f ghoqld b observed linorto wtt b tome all in all tq s dry we have put in aline all imoa of boots and shoes of every soit rubbeis o tc as to pttce und quality call at ensure good health to and well assorted stock and oaii spit and satisfy kenney bros nnms wk w v rtmeut i pp u8urt in 35totice r public inlierqby luroruied that fatrviev a cemetery is now open aud burial plots are for sale in all parts of both the front and rear surveys the lots for the most part are 12x90 feet in size thelprice for lots has been fixed at the uniform rate of five cents nersquaie foot and oi course those purchasing rrst will have a better choice of location at the sam4 price as if they deferred their selection until itho more desirable lots have booh secured every one who purchases a lot pacing cash therefor will receive a deed free of charge and acdpy ot the regulations goyerutpg thfl cemetery arrange- meuts have also been made for thoso who prefer tp mako two payments ono half cosh it time of as jpayi purchase balance in one year with si3cpiir cent interest the cemetory committed will as rapidly as the revenue will warrant it have all the walks and drives properly graded and kept hi a neat and tidy condition aud do everytbiug reasonable to render the cemetery beautiful attractive aud picturesque those who daijirft to select and purchase plots should apply to mr k b cook the caretaker 1 joseph fkfe i i t reeve acton apru 2gt i f rbv e itesidenc pnllllj services 10tf iinoolftsobibi pastor at slrng aid vld testfyettihersattbi l ratings are dtf pei r steward mjt mi tnvmdir m bbumbs f til 11 co si r ded fjlie draymeij splendid otatoeaarei uncil meeti tjow theres laej enmne ball weclp jlitte fish pr sent the boys bi se s 3ns bath spring movi body is busy arthur men 7 rno now the stores clwedavgocli boating fit tt e favorite paetl potatoes k le mes s milton has v bleb is prov 4the ctirrei dbtjr ih have jin halton 1 tjrfed 461 birti dpiths jgeorgetov e town ha pletedt- 4all of mtcl iaro the pri vile am until 9 p the onta tklditislisb bp iy3rons birds i c c speig jiriipsted to ful who have framj a couple ambulated i a t saturday the milt hpre aro some that vicinity acton coij tizens on mon ent music wag andnch square guelph ofj 7fjtv by 4i morning there isi the sign over extracted witi 10 cents a hi mr wm i o matphedt i id ward l smiethmgov the wa es many of th c icte3 to t lanagers get acious vear is 18j4 un increase rill he mado messrs pitman of cl pm loan or violation i were udjonra there if bachelor hugton fr impsession what others among j queens jab renfrew and a bail save the q4 the cli of north wl milton on recjpr of ed an inb from i that some outside of i blakely o and costs i refused tiri lssir weekj fa foj physic in dogs nan gestive n animal is i and stealj a taste hjial in fctitvie the gen matter 1 been i ever represent ttiebke as to place andgena oolumhs mann fjlkk pi george able ond evejy y in- any i fyfcbij 5-

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