wbksvm -ht- j mctwii 599i wvttbawkifc- s sfr i i 4 vol it ffc xli xo 44 jimsieft 4 l f be jbton w jlwss j is rvbinnp kvfjry thursday mdrnuig j -attot- fsee press power mihtmo house acton- ontario jvo mm subscription rates ui si09 s months tntvcs woxtk srtb lscinamy in dviise ii uotpaidin advance ii iur vor willhacluiwfcl mo paper dlaeon- iiwa till u arrears are mlui pxeept at the t storey christie t co bankers 1 1 outartot acton a gkxkkal uankinq business rjraasacrp ttut aovefttlsmq rates- iltavia ciiaaio v iartor cotvmii oniah i j rnon mo i hud savro 3ftno sueo 609 fco09 4000 13w 3jk lino too oo 330 a sial advtkiaintjsra cent per line tor the fir insertion aud scent per line for each aub- svicut insertion cash the number of lines twvmic1 bv the apace occupied moaattrtxl by a scale of ohdjotrcn specific directions mi vtvortiwments irithont will liiimttpvl till forbid and charged acconw ngly ftausitory advertisements niust 1 paid ii advance chancres for contract advertisciuentsimist iw i n to rnoo bv 9 m on monday otherwise hov will ivo left wr until tle toloring week h p m0ohk kdltor and proprietor- tuic daded mar1ttnna on ileal 0v h inio rrrtiv bowrii w ntpap a mincunwteiufu in nkv van r businsssdlractory r h iowry m b mc ts grtduat of trinity colleue mem bor of collie of physicians and surgeons office and residence at tho bcn1of frederick street astou r w l bennettl ds dentist georgetown outtrio ac- mobunlay l ds surgeon i dentist gcoraetows oat uses the ncv yton of nitrous oxdo gas com- iiiiily caied vitnlizeil air fojr extracting i wilhoat pain having been denton- vtor and practical teacher in boyal c ii e of dental surgeons torouto t- r i- n ty depend upon receiving satisfaction r v operations performed will- visit v cvrfry second and fonrth wednesday ijv n ki osce agnews hotel j oil s lavsox graduate of on- tirio veterinary college toronto veierinarr surgeon acton out orncc lu kennv bros boot and slmostore resi dence in the rear horses examined as to soandness aad certificates given all cills nihtor day promptly atteud- ea to terms easy- m01tsti0afed on approved srwasi notes discounted and interest allowed on doposita find the puzzle 1m1b umlcrsicnud i lircparctl to furnish on tho abortvst notice in any quantity and at bot- torn prices antclan lumber lath staves head ing shlfigles wash tuba churns butter tubs pork barrel wood m anything lu the linr of farmers hoiieclsjtit- ersflr contractori nccessitiot the putxlo is to find a better place than thomas c moores to buy anylhins in the alovo linoa lo to cud out ilyou arc indebted to him for anythine pur- cbamml from hmi hia book aay soiuu are aud be would like tho money bu si ness college guelph ontario mhe third scholastic yeall x bcrins september 1st patronage drawn from ten states nd provinces yonug men and boys thoronghlypreparcd for busiuess pursuits graduate eminent ly successful s accountants business managers shorthand writers clerks salesmeu travellers etc both in canada and the jutted states moderate rates thorough practical work and courteous treatment characterise the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college splendid facilities afforded for the ac quisition of ireuch aud german for information address a mmaccormick wtf i principal -new- p4pl and 0ewdefr ng decorat all new for 1887 at dats bookstore guelph pay sells cheap johnston melea i irrisiers solicitors notaries convey- auirsjrc 3private funds to loan oiticn town hall acton i f b joikstos wma mclkix mow at biuristes soucrrok notaet pceuc money to loan ornit dits tuesday aud saturday urice matthews block acton upstairs ikj emitchell soucrron cosveyasceb ac ovncz first door west o the champion office- main street milton- money to loan i- i percent y uilton allvn baird o barristers solicitors drc touaitp ai geoiktows osviei qreeknans block georgetown ajl 5i king street east toronto t ul ut j- 5hhiox b j bairk da lumber shingles and lath frtlje unuersiuetl desires to inforut the public x- that he baa now oa band and will keep in stock a full line ot pine ami heniloek as well as other kinds of lumber also first and second clafipinfe shingles iath coal wood havingliurchascd the coal business of slrc s smith i am prepared to supply- all kinds of stove coal i have also a good stock of vood hardwood abh cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james brown mutual lj fire iksurance company i import ant to the ladies tb 3 undersigned has jnst upcnc a stock of pakcx goods ladies underveah infants oijothim berlin wool 40 c and soliits a call from the ladle 0 dors taken for all 1 iiids of underwear aud flnew ring which wjllbc loatly and promptly executed nblo pr eea sfopnext to hynds jewellery aetod may 4th 1m mlss perkyman 0ns mm 5o5 laliiiiiiliviaji thubspyl may 12 1887 th0b8dat u omikvim 11887 poetry n aoinit at xeaaon- fetore our church bus rot a bran new man tho raptoa priiohfir oarvlcoiffe near tlm and hunusv bejhfe brikhvanawana i i thought id lute to go and hear him biit if i knowd twas fitshiou day with women d r like tanay licters to take my mind in borroon timet id stayed at homo ntid read the soripters cm old and im old ashionod but i notice quiok what isnt decent and i say womon act like geese ii i aping every style thats recent they comb their hair straight up behind and put iu arrers for to pin it a na iris and buug it down in front there ought to be a law arin it i they buy the highust hats there is and mike emlhliher yitwioi trimmiu and leathers f ritttuv out ontil ihey look likeilnjuns mbfe tljanwoooeif i nd buttle lmidrlsaw one vrl 7hp ootildnt sit straight np a minole i say its awful and i hay there ought to be a law agin it vtvirant bo when i was yonng why then the girls at church was worth a secin they didnt dress till folks foot to praise the author of their belli qur gowns was neat with buttoiib up aud down in modest rows to trim urn i mind aunt folly jones declared tliere ought tobe a law agin em but she was ueer i recollect the buunitthiit i got one summer had lace and roses ou the side and so it like tii overcome her for when she saw that bunch o luce with urtiflciul posies in it blie just rullcd up her eyes mid said thero ought ty be a law agin it good cousin plxebe stops and sruilea 5 let thought 1ms taken new direction- ho context twixt the then aud now calls up her pant recollection she quite forgets the modern style that makes the modern woman sinner for clothed with youthful grace again her worn out garments come and win her jjr g iitaitkiw i burlington lair- far- i our story wellington marble works 3uj5bec st quslp2 of t1ik r ain lajldlaw 4c0 sol rj bvritees soucrrons r- oyer imperial bank 24 wel- i street liast entrance exchange a toronto jinx bivjorc c a mirtn mtv geoccfe kjppele b wi jivji l ldger jw 15 a 0iitano hilfr io church street toronto i aii i ciscf atknt inlti grjst ottawa ca5aia years practice ho patent so pay a mu 11iuy xtckssih arcnoxeek he cjaties clhalfcon and wellington orders left onte caurch street aetcnnr amrewed to a ton po viil receive strict mtention t iio jirtt disoonnted it tenii rejspuable desired w 7m h lk acctiiskeb for the conhties of wellington and hal ton orders left ft the feex pskhs office acton residence in acton will be promptly atjtended to terms reasonable moket 10 loasi y to loan on the most favor- land at the lowest rates of iu- ajso moni able terms merest in sdnib of 5500 and upwards square i st george mr it carson iteitrijw ac x iirf joiixcmikon iici atitvkv secured for inventions cotojrr or wslliitgton i kstibuslieu 1810 head office cuelph l r insures buildings merchandize manu factories and all other descriptions ot property on the premium note system john h hamilton proprietor wholelssle and retail dealer i a marble grjiuite aud everything peitaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble havi is lately visited the bay of ftindy granite quorri is aud hatinc purchased the entire stock of gray and red granitinonuihentsfticadktnies crpssei urn etc of alxaudor tshor nt less than cost 1 will iiutikfurthi ucjtiec sell at prices lever before kuown in ontario stance granite mouuments tlhifjh g0 7 ft 75 8 f c 90 9 ft 100 10 ft 120 alt work and tuutcri 1 warranted nretclabg partjies wanting auythi ng in this hue will do well to uio bel are purchasing elsewhere as my pi ice are from yo to 50 per ceif t below all other dealers pw- stfane president cnas- davidson secretary john taylob ajent hljil llo i paufee and consider that it wiill be to your own interest to pat ronize lionje trade j we would respectf ally inform the inhabitants of aoton uiid snr- i rounding ouuntry timt we are again ju full rtinuing order and in a better position than before the pre to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties bnilding lumber will be dresseh i while you jwait and mouldings ac mode with neatness and despatch nb orders for central meat mallet tall and see i guarantee t joseph pat butcher has pleasure in kunouueiug to the citizens of acton tiiat he has purcl aged the butchering business of mr at his residence main street we are also prepared to fill all pumps imstreet on short dotice and from ipiig experience in the business we feel confident that we can give bfttisf action every time 8o comet on with ypnr order and help to roll the ball along jloney makes the mare go whether she has ueb or no tiios ebbage hanaeer john day i architect gdbihow- lofficer queens hotel block market ranges nukan successor to t f- chapman bookbinpbb stjnare guelph ontario r account bookh of all kinds madeto order peridjicalarof every description carefully bound rilling neatly and promptlydone weaving inform the people of acton and desires to k t surroundings that be is prepared to take orders for reaving all kinds of anqr raff carpets llannel sheeting bbiriing and dress goo is striped or plaid twillor plain also bed b lankete and horsebltokeu two yards wid and over and i w u guarantee oiat i willijiyefood satisfactio i to all farinen said others will favor pie with their patronage t kltchjell- w h rutledce the butcher deals id everything in tho meat line wholesale and retail no city establish ment canj be found better stocked at all season g rphb an easy beafoam given win the lie ac t conduct business itossell and is prepared to tame in a utrahforwarft maiil er ha mig had large experience in the bubi feel that 1 can guarantee all cuntom ers who favor me with their cperfe t satisfaction kinds of meat fresh andl ty fish ac in season wilj in suck i r spectfully solict your esijeeined pat ronage joseph atton kov cflh 18rfi 1 a bfandred pounds j the two clerkp employed by jutnes maltby the jeweller ofttojalton were sitting over the stove one raw mid rujmy spring morning trying to amuse themselves in the alienee of a customer the door of the inner office opened sud denly and a tall gentleman wiib gray- tirigcd nioastscliti and goldrimmed glasses come out j their employer beidg in feeble health harvey chapiii was the manager uud the two clerks walter brooks aud dick crane stood iu wholesome uwe of bim mr maltby wishes to bee you lioth said mr chapin ratbexrafely the young men exchanged puzled glances aud followed mr chapiji into uie jofflee i mr maltby sat ht the desk his face was paler than usual aud his brows were contracted he pushed buck his white hair with nervous ogitutidu as they entered an unpleasant buwntss ymiiig gentle men he began abruptly his e js were fixed with peculiar sharpness on walter brooks the young jiinn embarrabud by the sudden scrutiny flushed slightly and mr maltby nnd the manager exchanged glances briefly then the old gentlemen went on tapping the desk for emphasis mr chaplin has made the startling discovery that some of our most valuable jewellery is missing that department i more especi ally under yeir charge brooks have yon observed it he had not patronage good ton -bight- dthefknt 01 all competition we ptace our elebnt and substantial goods no qiestionable goods of- f rd to customers atanyspricow lowes prices and square dealing is my motto ne tpal convinces ontbeae points cash a iways paid for cattle i tbfehi thest market prices paid for hides and shee skins w h rutledge -oo- splelidid in quality cqmplete in assortment 1 overflowing in generous -ix- ijiens womens anduuldkens qbots and shoes irtjsb2r3 ovjsasso 58 c at prices tiiat always lead to speedy sales panlan barber shop mtti 8tbeet actok i liavib astyluili haircut a gooc1i an exhilarating shf mpoo always rjioped and t in firstclass skolxlapsaddshildrenb hair tastiljr- c ift- i j r i l wit to mill mpi on be nd found once removed his sharp gaze from him aad walter grown more uud more coufuswl beneath it was conscious that his voice was not quite steady us he responded everything am certain of it since then mr maltby was safe lost night sir i unless it has been taken bargains i quality bepairink amsii a slapped his desk impatiently dont avoid the point it wub taken since uieii the question i put to you was had you discovered it mr chapjn too was regurdiiij hiin thoughtfully even dick cranes round blueeylim growu somewhat suspicious walteiytsjpter coming and going t had not be said he was aware that the shortness of his reply seemed to his hearers like sullen defiance he wan aware that mr maltby had darted another significant look at his manager very well said the former gravely and paused something must of course be done lie continued presently and since it is desirable to avoid publicity and since as mr brooks suggests with a half smile4 the theft was obviously com- mitted jinqe lasieyenipgumr cjiapjn and i have hit ujxsn the plan of night watches strictly ampig ourselves yon brooks the jeweller being in your care partict- larly will atchtonight crane toraor rowjnightjirnd mr chapin the next we canihardly f lil of pbtaiuing a cine in this way and i j ffetonhhdponritl8 as an iucjntive4a hundred pounds cash down to the man- ho discovers the thief if meai tiroethe old gentleman oon- cluded witt his eyes fixed nport tlie senior clerk ifr visll if the offender be among onraelves ii wilt have an opportunity of replacing the articles in whioh case it being th6 fil st occurence of the sort there willbe no p akmpw ipq may y walter ooks asjie got himoelf out of the room ft it that he was quite a different person iroft tbe light hearted boy who had entered it he ep o the window and stood look ing oht ajtjjt ie druszling rooming wretched- he pdicklbraiic with an awed glanco at i him had betaken himself to jbe ibaok part of the shop he might as well have bait inso mauy words vou are a thief said walter to hiniself growing helplessly wrathful at the though i who would as 800077- he felt a littiid laid on his shoulder mr chapin was looking down at him kind ly through his gold- rimmed glasses dont take thi too much to heart my boy he said earnestly i wont say the old gentleman hasnt some nonsense or other iu his head about you i will say that i believe lies wrong tjnave perfect faith in you brooks and if wo dont clear thib up in less than a week im much mis- takeu r walter looked up gratefully m why the maliiiger went on reasur- iikly you may be the very map to solve the mystery aud get tbehundred pounds a liberal offer by the way it you are in nocent brooks and i believe it you may deiend on its coming out all right cheer up j i walter pressed the baud held out to him hileutly the onexpected kindness had sbuiehow brought a lump liito his throat ho was hardly surprised that mr malt by on his way out should hive passed him in silence and given some directions to dick crime contrary to his usual custom ho was not surprised when he went home lo dinner that dick- who always made a point of starting with him should have gone oft in an opposite direction with a muttered reference to an imaginary en gagement it was the sight of u little blomlehaired timckiiitohhed person struggling with a dripping nnibrella at a windy cornerwhich broaght him out of tbe bitter reverie into which he had fullen in a twinkling the umbrella was furled and iu his possession and susy ford was safely ensconced under his own clinging to bis arm and looking up at him laughing you saved me from a watery grave she declared gaily why walter whats the matter to whonv should he go with his troubles if not to her bhe had promised to share them all someday a day in view of his modest salary and her portionless condition presumably far away into whose ears could he more properly pour bis woes r but as be recounted the events of the morning to the eager girl at his side he found himself omitting instinctively that uupleasaut feature mr maltbys sus picion how could he tell her a hundred pounds 1 busy repeated breathlessly oh walter it would be enough she stopped timidly to help us to settle down said wal ter patting it practically 80 it would dear and tbe thought was so cheering that he almost forgot his unhappiuess and chatted comfortably with his little fiancee as they tradged aloug through the rain 1 do hope yojjll discover the thief und get the hundred pounds walter she said half kughiugly as he left her at the door thiuk of the chairs aud carpets it would buy i it yis iho thought of a trnslluiriook she gave in in as hiie said it from hinder her rubber hood that kept him from going quite distracted that dreadful afternoon or so he told himself mr chapin treated bim with unchanged frietidliueds j when he came out of the ofhce once or twice ou some small errand he spoke oheiful word to him aud him with eucouraging tiuduess to dick craues uucoueealed amazement you watchtonight bioous said the manager pleasantly as be started off to supper well let us hope youll get a clue and tbe money f busys very words the jouug man felt a gleam of hope iu spite of himself aud a glow of gratitude toward the manager it was teu oclock that night when the lust belvted customer had dro iped iu the porter had departed and wa ter was left alone- i he turned the gas low aid sat down near the stove the room was growing cold 1 he dropped his head into bis hands and tried to think of bometbingf cheerful of pbige theee cens onl er mr chapin contiiihod but flatteij myself that i know air hohesttnai when i see one the sight of the young roans euiot touched him- he took off his glasses an rnbbea hte band across bis eyes look here brooks in a mattej6f fadtapd tone were making two idiots of ourselves and all about nothing wheres the good in having friends if they dont stand by you get on your hat and go home and dont lie awake worrying about this business either it will come out straight enough mark my words 1 i oil im all right im going directly and before walter cod id utter a word of all that was in his heart he wae hustled into bis overcoat in a friendly way and into the street the rain bad ceased the sky was clear and the moon was coming up walter stood for a moment hesitatingly- and then turned up the etreetiiot in th direction of home for be felt strangely un easy j after all ho was deserting his postt should be not have restated the managers kind persuasions and remained it was this feeling an unreasonable one be told himself which caused him when he turn ed bak at last to ignore the short cut he might have taken and retrace bis steps he could take ia look at the shop in passing and satisfy hiniself that all was right 1 his thoughts as he walked briskly along were full of the strange events of the day he almost ran into a late pedestrian or two in his absorption he wa brought to himself by the know ledge that his rapid walls had drought him in front of the shop and that a dim light was burning there he pulled out his watch in bewilderment and consulted it by the light of the moon it was a quarter to twelve no it could not be mr chapin he must have gone longkgo he felt his heart beating fast and his colour forsaking lira as he laid a noiseless hand on the door and pushed gently it was not fastened it opened silently and he stepped in a tall form startiugly spectral and al most indistinguishable in- the faint light was bending over a plateglass case at the end of the room and walter baw the gleam of gold as the dainty rings and pins susv of mr chupius kindness and svm winning the patby of the pobibility of hundied pounds a footstep whioh had been coming down tbe street stopped just opposite the door a key grated iu the lock walter rose to his feet with startledhaste took a btep forward and ran almost into tbe arms of mr ch pin himself did i frighten jou said the man ager rubbiug his feet on the mat patting the young mans shoulder arid laoghing well no wonder how diflmal you are to be buret he added in ja jplly way glancing aronnd the shaowy room i was feeling rather blue walter responded he could have embraced his4- companion in his sudden relief bat how how do i come to be here said chapin more seriously well ill be frank with you brooks if i had come accordiug to the plan proposed by mr maltby this morning i should have come in quietly at the back door taken np my 1 stand behind that group of btatuary and kept a very sharp watch on yemi proceed ings there there jyea the young man turneda horrified face uptn hm re member that was his plan nst mine you can judge of my faith in it f 1 om tbe way i it contained were removedf rom thejr satin- lined cases he watched motionless breathlessly us the eager hands lifted the glittering things seizing this mi replacing that and thrtbting the selected articles in an inner pocket with very onghostlike deftness asnjddeu misgiving crept oyerliim the man before him was tall and strong if it should come to a hand to hand encount- er4l i the munjiad flnisbecl he bad put thp last shining trinketintohis capacious pock ethd had closed the showcase softly and he lifted his hand to hutton his coat with a strangely familiar motion whioh caused the young mans heart to stand still he caught his breath with a gasp- he clutched the door weakly it was with a great effort that he kept back a cry of con sternation the face turned calmly toward bim was the mild complacent bespectacled count enance of the manager yalter6 senses seemed deserting him he stood gazing at the apparition from his shadowy corner with only a half appre- i elation of all it meant his faculties seem ed benumbed perhaps it was the flood of wrathful in dignation which swept over him at the thought of the dupe he had been perhaps it jvasthe thought of susy and thehundred pounds which roused him to the realization thai something must be done however that may be tbe manager coming slowly toward tbe door with a placid musing expression found himself seized in a pair of strong yonng arms and j whirled through the open door of the intifr office heardthe bolt slipped sharply and f sqjdto himbelf after a period jof deeply unpleasant meditation that he had rather overdone the benevolent business it was not- without an effort that mr maltby sitting in that same office a few days later despatched the porter with a summons for his senior clerk he did not find it easy to own himself to have been so amazingly in tbe wrong as the late events had proved him to be he found it so distasteful in fact that hie simplified matters by omitting all em barrassing details as mr chapin will not resume his c uties mr brooks he said with rather a grim smile 1 have concluded to offer yon his vacant position youre young to be sore but ill try you yea yes thatll do as walter at temp tedto speak and by the way j believe the reward i offered goes to you 1 j tyl of whioh gratifying as it was to the young man was totally eclipsed by a word or two from little susy ford that very francofl ridley havergftl jn the vineolad rectory at astley wor cestoishire england this noble j woman first saw the light december 14tb 1886 here her father william henry havergal went out before his people for morej than a score of years he was a poet and a musician and after his death bis mantle fell on his youngest child prances outwardly her childhood was one long summer day but underneath this j smooth surface thre ran a current of ubresi a desire to possess the peace that paaseth all understanding these unsatisfying thoughts were ofien called forth by asermojlabool or more frequently by a lovely sunset a gentle breeze swaying the boughs id- the forest or even a delicate violet peeping through the shadowmottled grass the one great sorrow of het life jwas the loss of her mother when only eleven years of agei into the darkened chamber of death she crept many times during those sad lays drawing aside the curt rins she raiiled tears and kisses upon the dar cold face half expecting to see the iovjely eyes open and smile upon her or the pile cheek grc w warm under the caresses lavished in it it was not until she saw the al procession wind slowly out of the rectory gate and turn into the churchyard that she realized that she was indeed mo therless oh mamma mamma i mam ma i ue wailed j in that desolate heart there was no room for any word but that one mamma though the earnest longings after eotne- thing better than earth couli bestow were ever present it was not until jfebruaijy after she hod completed her fifteenth yet r that she found that blessed rest for which she had been striving i so great was her passion for unselfish ness that her sweet sabbaths of rest only came when she was confined to her couch by sickness j j wlieii by the burning of a lttrgepublisb- ing house she lost her appendix to grace and glory she recognized that god had a turned lesson for her to learn in re signation doing olcl work instead of taking up new thy will be done was to her a song and not a sigh often there would be a stop put to her work by the withholding of the gift of song she says the master has not put a chest pf poetic gold into my poasessiooand said now use it as you like but he keeps the gold and gives it me piece by piece jtfst when he will and notnore my king suggests a thought and whispers me a line oi- twjrflhen i look upand thank him delightedly and go on with it tell it out among the heathen came to her like flash being suggested by the title hymn of her prayer book consecration hymn was written in a thrill of rapturous thanks giving when dear friends for whom she had been praying came trembling to the mercy seat year by year she came to realize more fully her closing words ever only all for thee her wish to glorify him every step of the way found abundant fulfilment in her peaceful endurance of the intense sufferings- appointed her as well as in the triumphant death that crowned her victory over the last enemy more than her consecrated life could have wrought her precious memory will accom- plibh in all the long years to come she being dead yet speaketh temperance thoughts at random strung i say the twentyfifth 1 well then i shant be half ready list tdk the rbee ctess beware thebowl though rich and bright its rubies flash upon the sight an adder coils its depths beneath whose wreis woe whose sting is death there never was u stricter temperance pledge than that of solomons we think it sufficient to say drink not but he said look no t on the wine the color the sparkle the very sight of the intoxicat ing draft is enough to awaken thd appetite in some men bo thatit becomes necessary for them to make a covenant even with their eyes the distillers brewers etc issued a pamphlet to rehearse their grievances they circulate tracts deliver lectures en dow newspapers to write down tempeiance and prohibition give free diiukp and in fact do everything but preach they wr perhaps boon do this too for they call lager beer the gospel of temperance dr philip brooks never uttered a truer word than when he declared that if iwe could sweep intemperance out cf the country there would hardly be poverty enough left to give healthy exercise to the chuitablfl inapnlses a saloon can no more be run without using up boys than a flouringmill wiqiout wheat or a sawmill without logs the only liuestion is4whose boyeyonw or mine our boys or pur neighbors in the fight against the whiskey saloon its advocates must yield its opponents mm m have followed it out he added with a langli walter returned his smiling gaze with eloquent eyes his maujt sensations the ahook of this disclosure his powerless anger and bis great feeling of thaukfuluess to tbe mau before him made it impossible for him to speak 1 i dont protend to be a character read- wit and humor why should not ducks be allowed on doc tors premises because- they make such irsohal remarks a clergyman asks can a man be a christian and at the same time a saccessfol business man he caiy if he advertises largely v t a madame said a gentleman to a lady pardon me but your tair is down and yours sir replied thefs lady indignantly is coming out tn durnys history of franoe writer says the first king of franco was cannot patriotism humanity and reli i pharamoud an imaginary being whjo never existed he was succeeded by bjs son my dear fellow yon ought to go to enrope ion dont know how mnoh ohange and rest the trip affords oh yes i do i know that the hotel porters get the ohange and the landlords tho rust gion forbid come over at once to the right side whioh is the strong side the whiskey men are making a greatj deal of capital out of the announcement that five hundred jugs of whiskey were taheri to atlanta the day defore christ- mas men will soon get tired of such as thai and sonly bids oaks will indulge int coming ings men of families wall not care to take ed the ngaof whiskey home to their wives and j children the jug business is a bluff game the that wont win where there is a treasonable amount of intelligence it is homble just because it is the nature of rum to be horrible the saloon is simply murderous when it kills a man it does wbat it is its nature to do with the aa- loon wfe should ha vo no more truoe and should do no more parleying than with hyena it is to be rooted qut crushed annihilated