i may the wife ot mr jo ph patton batcher of a son the late miller sl it if t thboradmb thechelvjb sstfftfs andmouiw ot mr tuos fcoruagoawyesr morstso mat 18 l8ot il k m scott outrioba of wrimambwtawmttketp supporters 1 wes and ookushts one brindred and eightytwo persons are kuown it have perished in lie mining dis aster i i auaimo bc ol whom 107 were white t i m and the rest chinese tfte c ustoms regulations pertaining to the e dnation bgw at the boundary linvx n iplained of so muchthe past week ortwb iav been withdrawn in future s they wil only apply to immurraute entering canada rom europe a meting of members of parliament who tja e an interest in the prohibition questio iwaaheldlast week toconsider what action hey should take it was decided after me discussion to introduce a re- solotio i to parliament f avoruigprohibition the irarrant under which win panton was oo nrcitted to jail had in it the clause tjnle 38 ho shall in the meantime consent to ba lamined and to answer oonoerniug tbj anises the prisoner was jet out afur j romising to be sworn and to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the v 4ot he didnt keep his promise rtfonur mri john bell mp for addiugton was taken to the toronto insane asylum on frid y his disease is softening of the brain brought on by sickness mr bell has 1 een in poor health for six months and it is ihought anxiety over the last general election worried him somewhat and ie was unable to leave the house during the cam aign tl e champio in its last issue takes back some of its statements of the week before respi cting the police magistrates oom- jof mr pantonr it turns out that the champion 1 s to admtt that it was hq and that p m loung only dial da duty in the matter the public ha every confidence that the polioe mag istrate will in every instance perform his duti a in a just and equitable manner a the halfyearly meeting of the grand trt ik railway company in london sir her ry tylor said that the time had come to oonsider the question of doubling the trit ks he proposed that they should for this purpose expend this year the sum of ic ttoo sterling and also another 100090 other improvements he said that the l of the grand trunk never were i 1 lopeful as they were at this moment one jot the most repeatedly outraged citiien of our fair dominion is mr joseph barker j p of kincardine in his official capacity he has in compliauoe with hit worn obligation ai ft maglttrtu held scott act trials when itiwas his duty to do so andin variably rendered equitable judge ments iupou the ovidenoe adduced- for thus fulfilling tho requiremenu of hie official commission he has been made the subject for all kinds of such cowardly and vilunous outrages as are peouliar to the whiskiy traffic five times he has been attacked and suffered loss at the hands of the whiskey fiends within two years his office and all his business and magisterial papers hive been burned his barn hat been burned his resideuce has been dynamited he has been bhot at and on the otcning of the 80th april last several shots were fired into his resldenoo onao which grascd tho head of one of bis daughters a deplorable state of affairs is the faot that owing to the majority of the members of kincardine town council being sym pathisers with the liquor business aud its supporters mr barker ia not rendered the protection which every citizen iu this tree country of ours is entitled not only to ex- peot but to receive at th hands of any and all municipal bodies as an evidence of this it mightbe mentioned that mr barker has been obliged at his own expense to keep a night watchman on duty at his reaidenoe eve since last november and further evidence is the ottering ol such a paltry reward for the conviction of the vrouldbe assassin who fired into his residence with intent to kill as is shown in the advertise ment f0und below which is auj exact oopy of that published by the council i 450rswabd the municipal council of tho town of kin cardine hereby offer a reward of wo for the arrest and conviction ot tho person or persons who outiio night ot the 25th lust fired a shot into the house of mr joseph barker vith intent to kill j by order sgdje leslie mayor sgdamwhiliamsonclerk kiucardiue april th 1687 if this body of municipal representative had studied the best plan for bringini themselves into contempt with theirfellow citizens of the dominion they could no r possibly have arrived at ariy more success fol course admitting as they do that th shooting was with jntent to kill the r vjrtuall y place a premium upon lawlessnes i aud outrage and in the plainest manner possible encourage wouldbe murderers 1 9 sttack public officers with intent to kil 1 this is rendered all the more outragwt s when we find in the bruce rfporltr tblt the council of the same town some tine ago pffered a reward of s500 for the convi s- tion of incendiaries who attempted to bui n a small tannery and 925 or 50 for t le breaking ofapane oftlass in any unocc a- pied building this body of manicii al misrepresentatives are jttbtly accorded u u- stinted condemnation by the public at lai ge for their disreputable and we might almi et mrv arqubthbbijcond a word on arb jsi sail match and beautifying the nbrjdbsb that wat arbor day was very faifty tho townspeople gcnerauyi aud i thtfaoppljy ot trees provided by i tli i couooil was bpeduy exhausted sort e luluoky iudi- vi uals who did not go for th ilr tree until at or nine oclock were ex oe dingly wrothj to flud that they were jtot 1 kte the trees being all gone by that llonr the quantity provided was liardly sjtis oil nt especially inj view of tiie faot that ti en seemed to bo ui limit as to the nujnbir that any one mau might take no ou hi told bo albwod to take more than a ojrtifn quantity and it would be advisable for th council next year to make proper regijlajionb gpvernitjf this matter j bought mtf j6blo okclothlog qwislsungft meu i4nodugooantry tiibgrea 6 of 8 igutt bok bttltt if buys and c lildrens suits at 76 onu on rocones theaolurweareijrariuontx tho town of acton j300i 00f7 ml groceries in thi i line wo claim to better for you tfiat any one else iu the trade the w oeuw orvcenu pe popnd by the box oiijiktkkkftiiion inaddltiau to this we aro seling now frait jialslntj 8 pontws xor cwuw give m pit nds nioe bright sugar for 1100 in additlou tothis we aro sel log now prices w for cash or tradl only f that every castorrjer oan rely npoiji netting every artlclo from us at very low prices emjlit beoa n0xt to mcgarws drug store hieellt atperpoundtoji tea dulhernertkby a ik rah tor the m obrien the irish agitator has frved in montreal preparations are being made to receive him at ottawa s first move was made by the loyalists hired all the halls in the city debarring agitator the 0brien committee vever have secured the lecture room of soman catholic college which will betd 200 or300 people obrien is expect ed jin ottawa on friday night and will on saturday evening it is said that the government will intimate to him that hej will be at liberty to discuss anything and everything but the governorgeneral they wilt not allow him to be attacked by mr obrien say criminal action in this connection in referring to this subject we have milch ti the action of police magistrate young in gaoling wm panton editor of the milton champion for refusal to answer questions in the witness box during a scott act case is well worthy of consideration by every inspector and magistrate throughout the country this doughty gentleman first re fused forsooth to take the oath however confinement in the common gaol con vincec him of this error and when again put upon the stand he was more tractfble but h still wished to dictate the style of answei he should give and persisting in this th magistrate again committed him to gaol where he stayed until the defendant pleade i guilty olihree offences whenever a wil ness declines to answer a plain yes or no tj every question put to him by ir specter or magistrate there should be id trifling commit him to gaol for contemj t of court until he comes to his senses th s incipient rebellion that pervades liquor sympathizers must be crushed out stern and promptly toronto citizen pleasure and satisfaction in bearing many to the entire absence of outrage of the character above referred to in t lis municipality notwithstanding j the fict that during the whole of our nine yei rs connectionwith the fbee press we ht ve owing to a conscientious sense ofr personal duty in tbe matter continued to wage an uncompromising warf areagainst the liq nor traffic and since the inauguration of the canada temperance act used the cqlui nns of th6 feee pkess to uphold ft and to en courage its strict enforcement to their ci edit be it said we have never buffered any per sonal or business indignity at the hands of those citizens engaged in the hotel busii iess but have invariably beeu accorded res ect- f ul and neighborly consideration from tl lenj we are consequently thankful that on re lations of citizenship are with the peojleof acton and not with those of kihcardi le the first base ball it at ih ot the season here took plaee in the d iv ng park ou the afternoon of arbor 1 ty betweea two teams representing the nirtlrand bouthj sides of mill street unci resulted in a crushing defeat of tho i score of seven to not l northerners i jalk alxint the cold shadea of opposittounit isnt a atali 6n the frigid ity t present prevai lin in the sunny 8outh they tell uocj it vas a great game and ive been rorreuini eer ainco it took place that i was not ah e o be present but then business before tie isure you know our side says that hot a southerner ever reached hhird base m all their oraok batters went out on hioe or rather four strikes they changed khera three times the others found theh one pitcher quite effective is there any ot ler game you una of the south can play 7 lamghvdtoknov tut the base ball club has been orgajiissd ih proper shajw and that it looks as if it would be run this year jn a way that na es it a pleasant thing to belong to it so tie of the members devoted a portion of 1 rhsr day to buildiug a backstop on the gn ur ds it is a service able structure and ot ie that was needed they shoald now provk e benches for- the players a scorers talle and erect a neat grand stand for tbe e cdaiivo uso and bene fit of the fair fiexwlio should be admitted tree to all the games thii to the uso of the stand perhitps it may not be gen erally known that tho now club have discarded the old uutucot the clippers and now desiro to bo kiovu as the pastime b b c- of acton 1 his is not altogether a nice name but its au jmprovernent ovorthe old one and is appro iriate fairviow cemewrybids fair to be the chief promenade of the citizens this sum mer who do not care to go far beyond the town judging by the crowd that visited it on sunday last t ie jcemetery is a place the town should be glad to own and when the lots are laid ut more particularly trees and shrubs labtod and other im provements made t e shall have a jburial ground that will be far arid away ahead of anything in the cc unty some of those who own lots in uio rear portion by all odds the most pictnreique part of the cemetery and the pf rt which will n t repay time and ubor spent on it havf already commence 1 the work of improve ment and the reiuli is most gratifying the lots aud walki surrounding them have been properly grac ed trees planted pud so on a fine view of the town and surround ing country is obtained from ue high ground new advertisements beos mp cash paii fjolt i1i0e9 the undertigned u now prepared to pay the blttnest market price fo bides and sheep skins acton april actblfl87 w i butledgb butcbsb 8help a81uay tbavbd to the premises of the subscriber iotes con 3 baqaestas about the middle ling lambs ana an aged ewe witb the owner can have the same by ofaprnva ngeriyandpaytaf maroaiiab7 notice to tkb8passebs xtotice iiheroby given tihat all parties found in tresspassing on the driving park at any timeeioept when the athletic clubs tzamocacr wul be ing wul swimming ated acccrding to law kb lowed during daylight bllcber tchooli strangers i 4ntreobr if titttll ew steward j 5lj tbpbsdi i w b b r proprietor note lost the glasgow house o arc we wish to cnll tlie atteiitinn of the public f the ckuyaoqiuitiois onr t is recciv which rapidly bringing it to tho highest state of perfection ttthe undersigned has lost a note for 817x0 x made by archibald ind uuch smith in tavor of pj smith and due 17tfi april 1667 herbereby cautions tbe public againft negoti- oting the same as tbe payment has been stopped acton may 2nd 1887 acton driviau fake rpbe undersigned heretfy notifies all hdrse- x men and others interested that the half mfle track in tbe park is nbw in firstclass eon- dition all desiring to drive or train their horses thereon can now obtain admittance season tickets supplied upon application to pmith proprietor w wo have just openetlthrce cases of jildiji stierft coiittnniiil it inu ntugo of tho veryliitjmtatyle iiihliiivelties to fishers ad otbebs he public will plea on my pond this notice that ashing n is entirely probibit- od asalsotrespassing onl tho property in any other way any person or persons violating the above will bo prosecuted to the fall extent of the w dhdebson acton april 27 1881 uousk an l lots foe sale p he undersigned offers for sale that desirable x property on tbenortjheaet comer of wulow ami agnes streets the property comprises two lots in rood location on one of which table 111 new tho most fashionable ghaclcs and the prtjert range of triiiining ever shown in a the councils doings the work proposed in the first bep rt of the committee on streets and sidewi mcs the council met on tuesday evenii g the reeve in the chair taembers all present minutes of last meeting read and firmed ths finance committee presented their fourth report recommending paymdnt of accounts as follows i johnson mclean cemetery legal expenses 8 10000 wcassells cemetery 110 00 cbobinson cemetery 10 00 james grant 201 maple trees 1 20 00 thos easton meals for tramps andprisoners t 11 40 i j151 40 moved by wh lowry seconded by canadas snpremacy among the colonics john cameron that the teport be adopted carried the street and idewalk committer presented their first report statiug that they had inspeeted the streets roads 4c and recommended that provision be made for the following improvements new sidewalks from agnes to mill 8 tret ton main street four and six feet wide from trunk factory to presbyterian church with crossing on main street six feet wide from main to willow street and cross ing on west boweravenue four feet wide from main- willow street on church street three planks wide lengthwise from main street to hjluds jeweilry store on mill street six feet wide from main street to opposite entrance of driving park on mill street three planks j from t b crossing to yohngtreetf prr mill street po be raised and repaired thre jfossings on church street a cui ng street and general repairs rain from west bower avenue to the colonial exhibition evident from tbe outset the report of sir charles tnpper on the canadian section of the colonial exhibit h is an exbausiiveone he says of the i o- minion that her supremacy among t be colonies evident from the outset becai ne daily more imposingly manifest and viae freely acknowledged at a meeting of 1 be executive commissioners for the colonies held on the 24th of july sirfrancisdil on bell tbe distinguished representative of new zealand described the canad an courts as by far the most varied end splendid this frank avowal from he antipodes only expressed the opinion of iie world here assembled the benefit we most reap from onr efforts of last year n ay no doubt be- measured by the sdrprise i ad admiration our aohievetnents have gaix ei it was not surprising when the openinj of the exhibition dispiaped canadasachu ve- mentsiii every department of civilization in such a manner as to astonish manyo en of our own people when she asserted aot in wordsi but in visible deeds her position as foremost of the dependencies of gieat britain that the enthusiasm and intej est of greatbritain v rere iprofoundly excit sd j that revelation of the worth 0 their j id- sessions in british north anjirica c me ntpn them aj sometbing splenkid and in- jbosected ths total expenditure u on tj canad section was fstlflof wl ich j 981 was lor iristaliation including de- corations and trophies x26oordismji ltl- ing 274 for freight and 477 for l iff obtained from i would suggest that the circular plot near the entrance gates should be kept mown smooth a handsome ornamental tree or two planted in the centre and flower beds made the paths should bo properly cut out aiid the grass kept down the side of the hilkaoing the rear portion might be terraced and rnstic seats placed at intervals in slibht alcoves as jit is al most impossible to drain the tivo small ponds they might be cleaned out to a cer tain extent thosjj bushes most of tliem not all and rushes cut away across the narrow neck dividing them a wire suspen sion bridge might be swung which would connect with the rood coming u at the main entrance gates in short pilges might he written on this subject and atj im rat tling ahead a lutle too much mubt stop there is one thing more however and that is i have beeu idld that a gang of cows and young cattle were observediu the cemetery last week now thats got to bj stopped lot owners dout want a crowd of cattle rushing over tlieir lots and undoing all the work they have done cattle found there shenld be promptly impounded theyve no more business roaming- around there than they have oil onr streets by the wayi8iaking of tlil blreets 1 trust we are not going to be choked with dust tiiis sumriier for wunt tf a stieet bpriukler theria wus talk enough last suni- iuer about one sifter the time it was most needed had passed uwoy and t is to be hoped that some enterprising citijstu will take the matter up right away parasols parasols i i iu a large range of iuulitiesniki niakeiltlnc whichvvim8itiv insure iheirsalv- ipn is erected a frame dwelling and stable there aro a num ber of frait trees and a good weu on the lota terms reasonable apply at once to i j a speight sresflljw anted we are in want of a few more flrstclass men to canvass for the sale of choice varieties of nursery stock to i men who can make is success of the business we can pay good salaries or commisiion and give permanent employment- we nave many new andlehoiee specialties bol3 n the frait and ornamental lines which others do not hndlo a jply at once with references uf bbotheb8 tf obssbymen kochsbteb n y- j t fancy goods dnercottiin miss f eel and t iobt provided 1 vegeui 70uth fence i acton i haxunwi i ruelphj celebration flour i iyvpriee i jctatsa you next ftbelab begun in i the lav summer sol intimates to all the la that she has opened astl of acton and vicinity ickof i i coloiv i new ieersuckeis in pretty designs and new scrims and curtains ot all kiude new lnces embritleries buttons qinghaiusuu musing great value in prints cottonudes and shirtingi our cretonnes and carpets are the correct thiiigat the correct pncet fancy goods berlin wbols p iu tlie score lately ocui5l by tlie lato thouix i uuneou undorciothiij of all kinds li stjc uud made to oraur on sitorc uutico stamping in i ull designs prouptiy uiecated prices wid ibe- i iouudyedsouaulq rue ladies are invited to cau i v miss peeelakd ctonmftv iiitl837 tilfruimjc health in large jfcssortiiieiit the very latest ties and ielt tints sii ikundricd shirt h a clxiite range of straws uhciin see our 60 cent while 1 aotou may 11th 1887 j we have jivliich iiust he the city 1 v i added to our already large stook a jloice scleetiou of- ileus aiul boys rcsady made suits e sold reonrdless of price we liftve the nicest tbing in boys suits ever displayed outside notice is hereby iven that all residents of acton are requited forthwith to clean their iuiiaw drainc varla mid ntvnc ttb ts aliunts cellars drains yardspig styes water closets uidthertmt buildings and piemisos and ro- nove therefrom all 4iet filth manure or oher substance which may endanger the publio health and to have ufcsauio completed at latest by the lgth day of may next r which day- the sanitary inspector will commence a general inspection and furtjrr take notice that tho section of thepublii health act irohibiting tlie keeping of hogs btweeu theisthnfimay and thf 1st of kovenlber except in pens at iast 70 feetfrom any dwelling house and 50 feet from i any street or lane wijth coors kept free from standing water and isgnlarly cleansed and dis- tufected wulbe strictly enforced j hpmoobe chairman board of health acton april 18th 1887 s j jiiuiics and gentlenieii give us a en igive you satisfictidn i we uio siitisticil that with gootts iful iric risjlit ve can henderson ivcrae 8c co fairview cenaetery anolb purely personal paragraphsrespeoiiit people with whom our readers are individually or collectively acquainted irt was adopted y v h lowry seconded hy bobert wallace thst the ooancil meet as a court of revision on tuesday evening 8rd may carried the cemetery pommitteowoiingtructfld w sbcurethb necessary number of ever green trees for planting in the celhietery- ctiedi- l council then adjourned mrs m bricker of listowell is the guenofdr mcgarvin hiss rogers of toronto ib a guect at themethodibt parsodiige j mrs johrj t brown of tordnto visited friends here during the week w e brooks and family are about to remove from miltoii to british coiurjibia mra rev james broley of elpra spent several days during the week with acton friends j the many friends of mr john kelson sr will regret to learn that he is now cou- fiued to his bed ho has been lin til health for some timej mr whjrant of winnipeg visited his fathers home here mr grautj was en route for maine ashcre lii company have been awarded u fuiliyad contract of some extent i mr ortiai keuuedy of arry fioond jias been electled chairman of the board of thcehse commfssioners bf that district tom will do his work wetf jaiaiye iitinir ber of applicfttiopb for lioenseefhave bceii refused i ihkpublieis hereby informed that fairview 1 cemetery is now open aud burial plots are for sale in all parts of both the front and reai sorseys the lots tor the most part are 12x20 feet in bize the price for lots has been fixed at the uniform rate of five cents per square footi and of course those purchasing first will hart a better choice of location at the same price ps if they deferred their selection until the mors desirable lots have been secured every on who purchases a lot paying cash therefor wui receive a deed free of charge and a copy of ths jtsgulatlous ifiovernihg the cemetery a ments have juso been made for those who to make two payments one half cash i purchase balance in one year with six per cbtot interest tbe cemetery committee wul li rapidly as the revenue will warrant it have all the walks and drives properly graded and kept in a neat and tidy condition and do eperythinf reasonable to render the cemetery fbeautifu attractive and picturesque those wbo deafen to beleot and purchase plots bhould apply to ur k b cook the caretaker i aobefhfyrb actonrapril 96th 1887 m mt0hes jewelry the finest 1 repairing always satisfactory j -ir- xt voolivyenekmlhappoitbpxm v- lv h r- v- xry tuh i ar thoy are the beb we ever sold solo agent forcuolp alteration sale commence ix -o- oar bnsinem having irjoreased to snob an extent wo have found it necesaary to l imrgeoirrpwimisea to dooble their preeent sise by taking in the store adjoining no 46 king streeteast we do not aebuwi possession lor a few weeks but as wesnteridmai oxnnvejbonainthetwoatoreawemure4uoe6ur stock ftuy one half ey department has been gpne over wigoo redtoed she ftemerly 10 and lajc now 6jo v dross goodb formerly 25 and 80o now 15o colored bilks formerly 85o and 11 now75o ifftljotfiqoinpw 87io v r cte formerly 60 and 60b now 0o beamlem hom formerly 40now25o frilling formerly 10c now 5c fringes formerly 18o now 10c j tapestry carpets formerly do now jop brussels carpets formerly f 125 nowi03 wool carpets formerly boo now 66c j hemp carpets formerly loo now12j p lr ebb 8peal faoiliee for makipg amlying chttpetsori short notice torol- rtti m street cast hamilton s ffijjjijiilmfe- hvsi aswairsvi im ilsijsjt