Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1887, p. 3

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mr 3 beatrrittllvsrkddihtt and births dat frwwtntb at ceohynd a fine stock ot watches clocks jewel lcry specucle caretal attention fcivan to repairing prop inland see onr larjfc flock cmprittug jewhry 8uuonary book and fahoy good i geo hynds actonont methodist church acton it tl 3 tv rev ri phillips p 8t0r kcriilnc hotter avcmo ruii- services ymor i p- 8wday wm v eoruustcd by the all covdullr invited strangers 4 visiters always welcome at tentive ushers lit the door w sittings are desired appiy to h voore lvr steward thouspvi jljc mmt jm fress mpsikoma 181867 crulib for breakfast provided by the prw em tioughttul tm reporter vegetation is making rapid strides oil the pate hinges and prop art the fence acton is as neat and clean as a new pin bow j guelph is tohave a qaceus birthdv celebration 4 h i mi ui- tii itb floir at 1 wheat are advancing slight ly in price the sax itary inspector will call upon you next wek the labor of the sturdy yocman has begen iu cunet the law u mower has commenced its summer sou again the sn ill bcy and tho base ball are very cor f picuous the sclocl children enjoyed their half- holiday on i irbor day actoniorgetown and milton observed last friday as arbor iiay the weather has been wonderfully wann this week for msv bat i i c til in be au iof lioi khet libiic test i- the j fenl tbe m lsl i eroin fronj t lailh are roar 1 12x30 fixed jfoot have ice- as i more one will of tbe i vre the toronto and kingston presbytery is in session at brampton while a bicycle club may o on wheels the base ball club wdlgo better ou runners scxt year 1s is leap year and a iratrimenial boom may then be expected the brickwork of mr selwoods four 1wuh li young street is progressing ripadir mrlc vi havens of limehonse has sold lushoise and lot tomr james okeir for ss50 rev ur scott oi bufiysion bridse x y preiched m the disciples chapel ou monday evening the gjcorcetcwu fireueu are to have new coats j mclcod anderson 4 co have secured tee coutrsct everypius tliat is canadian in weatherbas been carried out to perfection thusfar this season mr john waldies expenses in the recent election amount to 5270 mr hendersons were 1919j a gain of 782 in 187 in the population cf berlin is a good showing and 69592 in value of property is better still knox- church gnelph has vpted for an oran both the congregation and the session have decided in favor of it a contrast palmerstou with a popu lation of 1834 has a debt of o3000 acton has a population of i2c3 and a debt of 5565ck -f- joretotni paper mills are fifty years eld and liave heed conducted for half a centnry t ndcr the one firm name wm barber bros mr t h harding crocerhas just complete 1 festtlcg the interior of his store in ajneti s block it now presents a hand some nnrea nance i the council has corrected the irregn- tie vlantitifj ot t trees in fair- vcvr ctnttery complained of by plot ttibuted and pw 163 to mr t h jm ot cjlenwuliani to assist wm in thelomot h barn which wm fired ome months ago by supposed latlboots van dale tolice megietrete young hu iuetruoted bia ettorae to enter a euit fotlibol against davia w daiupball and wiuiam pnton editor andjptoprietort ot the mlltou cham piom tor cetuin libelous articles which ap which appemd iu a recent date ot their paper on mtte stat somebidy hu tbreieuod the liriu jtioei w th a libel suit the last issue the editor t sows that there is no leqk ot pluck in hii composition he saya we have made enquiry into- the matter end may state j or the information ot onr teller that we aw prepared to back up every in sertion 1 rot on your libel suit a ocrti iu youug married mau iu town whose dai y avocation renders it incon- enicntto latisfy his natural lourings to sustain his old time reputation as a buo- beeejrul fiswrman went out fishing last suuday at i succeeded in catching so trout in one ot t to streams running into nassa gaweya a shamed to take them homo on sunday ai d thus acknowledge his fracture ot the sal bath day to hie good wife who would bo f hooked at such doings he hid the fisji ri t up early the uoit morning went to tr e pond tor an hour or so and returned rith a fine string ot trout for breakfast wrongdoing will come out you know thi weeks rakinqs which ire principally iocal and au interesting volanteei i attention the members ot company c halum battalion lorhe rides will meet at tho drill shed ou friday and saturday even ings to commence their annual drill auy recroits ho desire to enlist thould apply to lieut john aguew bather have a box of nfoe lettuoe the georgetown utritfd says a nice box of leitnco from the garden of mr u townsenl was presented to the utmm this week wed rather have a box ofuice lettuce hamilton sjtcetator where is tho schoolbo this time bro iltraul perhaps the schoc 1 teacher conld take a lesson him self with profit kight aim broken the ol her day while a number of little boys wi re engaged in play on church street oneof thetti johnnie fojkes was ao- cidently siioved backwards off tho side walk an d falling upon his right arm sus tained a fracture of one of the small bones the httb fellow suftereda good deal but is doing wi 11 fashion able wedding atjuelph thcrej was a fashionable gathcrrniu kt owner ih last week rojulatiou of gait has iucreased it t georgei church on tuesday to witness the weddiuj of mr william g a lamb of the firm of williamson lamb tea mer chants toronto and miss beverly dixon youngest daughter of the yen archdeacon dixon c f that city the ceremony was perfonr ed by bishop hamilton altr which t reception was held enterp ie actoired the lewmarked era says the way some of our western towns take hold of the ma ter of tree planting would scare the life out at once friday and re4i of some of the eastern old fogies vmr to en- o 46 aakin i every 7fc rll03 x70 einc last yirar its present population veingo its assessment being 1657- b3- an increase of s9ocsi mil on has corpemtiori jobbers who tht jifjotqitr charges are employed be cause they vote for the inemt crs of ibe council who engage them most of the prejudice against labor is caused y laziness it is hard work to work ht rdand there are young men who would e xner borrow than labor th j cemetery presents a hiuch more attract ve appearance since the trees have been planted therein several hnndred dwarf e vergreens are jet to be planted pa is out has get a good example for the res of the world by imprisoning a man for thii ty days for allowing a livery horse to stand all night in harness in an open shed vjithont food or water aij interesting base ball match was played iu the driving park on arbor day between nines from wards number one and two the game resulted in a victory for ithe former iu a score of 7 to 0 kev dr torrance of gnelph preached in knox church last sunday in his usual elonept and impressive manner rev g coull 15 a of valleyfield que will occupy the pulpit next snuday o le of the busiest places in town is ebbaf es planing mill this establish ment ias the contract for supplying all the boxes and necessary woodwork for the trunk factory nd it keeps a good staff of workmen jumping i mr ebb age has just put in a fine new resawing machine 4a meeting of the committee of acton branc h bible society was held on monday eveniag it was decided to hold the an nual meeting abopt the ltof june to be addresbedbybevt wjefery of bramp ton in the meantime tbe collectors will proceed with their duties iu order to se- chre the greater bucceas lady collectors have been appointed cine day last week a party of sports men from georgetown spent tile day in nshii g jnione of flie stream in nassaga- weya and met with considerable success they put npat one cf the hotels here for suppler and while discussing the meal their theirj fish disappeared the days sport for livery ng and other expenses cost them about 11000 and they returned home with empty baskets after all and th y would be ready to cry bankruptcy the reve of acton proclaimed the 6lh of may a public holidsy nested that th6 day be spent in plantinb trees oii the streets in town the counci supplied trees free of charge to citizem j teach rs examinations- cane idates for any grade of non-profes- sioual ertificatc must seud application and fee s2 for eaeh examination to the p s inspec or milton riot later than may 24th blank forms should be obtained from the inspec or as soon as possible 1ollowing are th dates of examinatlous ii cfass 4th july 9 am iii 12th july 9 am i c 1th july 2 pra i a or b 19th july v a pi 462t a proi jfeskive industry referring to the speight manufacturing co tha markham economut says this establishment is doing a larger business than 1 1 any season since its establishment in 183 j orders for buggies waggonslahd rollers street busses carts ac are beidg second from maine to the great north west the local trade receiving the most prom it atteution sixty hands are em ploye i and are now working over time to keep ip with the orders anot ler compliment i friend moore of thefrre pram stole a inarcl the profession when he sent speci mens of job jirintiug to the colonial esh brtion last year and acton has every reset n to feel proud of the distinction con- lerre j upon him not only for having tho only printing office in canada receiving a bron seiedul and diploma but for being cape ble of executing fancy job work that will tjear very favorible comparison with our i arge citips kiewmarket era hall on battalion lome rules akwjmiodjoai the grip publishing company ot tor onto have oommehocd thoipibuoauon of a new monthly porlodloau entitled grips own library tbi first number is made up ot ktoa sjnrngs from i glp ulng oomio pieturea and oomie readtng selected from the pages otgrjp it is printed ou fine calendar paper and at the price ot ten cents is a credit to the publishers and will no doubt meet with a very large sale the second number will be entitled jubilee jollities to be issued june 1st and a very large edition is boiiir prepared in anticipa tion of an enormous sale narrow fcsoape from drowning a child about a year and a half old be- longinr to mr john hitching xkassagaweya had a narrow escape from boiug drowned lasttriday two ot a neighbors ohlldren woro playing with a small express waggon in whioh was seated the little child by somo means the oxpress booamo upset and tho child was thrown head first into a pond at the edge of the road tehe other chil dren ran to a blaoksmitb shop near by and ravo tho alarm and help arrived just in time to save the life ot the little one whioh was lying on its faco in the bottom of the pond at ter some exertion it was resus citated and i now as well as over settled amicably by arbitration tho trustees of 8 s no 10 erin are about to build a now school house and owing to alterations in tho limits of the brctiion it was deemed advisable to change the location giving tho school a more cen tral situation as to the particular loca- tioji jto be selected a difference of opinion arcw between two of the trustees and the people of the section a mooting was called to discuss the matter but no decision was arrived at it was theu decided to settle the matter by arbitration and messrs d henderson acton john warren esques ing and j j craig the p 8 inspector were appointed arbitrators ja meeting was hold by them in the town hall acton on saturday afternoon when all the pros and cons of the caso were heard and con sidered thie site desired by the people ou the farm of mr donald mcdonald ho- tweeu the 4th and 5th concessions being the most central for all concerned wsb chosen by the arbitrators and we under stand nearly all interested went homo sat isfied the erection of a ueat and com- nrodious school house will now be proceeded with arbor day a docldod success arbor day was right royally observed last friday by our citizens as far as plant ing treeson the streets is concerned the council supplied between two kud three hundred trees free of charge and many calls were made for a supply by citizens who failed to arrive bright and early quite a number of people went to tho bush for their own troes and altogether a fine lot were planted at the public school tho day was ohsorved with a will by tho children and their teachers there was an army of hearty workerasome with hoes rakes and brooms engaged in cleanidfe and beautifying tho school grounds others with spades and forks trimming and planting trees and thus they accomplished a large amount of creditable work under the superintendence of principal mooreduring the forenoon at eleven oclock the members of the board of trustees arrived and lent their aid in com pleting the good work all was finished at about a quarter to twelve when the children of all the departments were called together and a few words were addressed them by messrs j e mcqarviij exchairman thoa ebbage chairman property commit tee- i francis aud h- p moore secretary of the board complimenting them noon the excellent work perf orruei by them during the forenoon end encouraging them to diligence in their duties and to tbe build ing up of character to sustain them in the busy cadres of life upon which they would all iu a comparatively few years enter at the conclusion of their exercises mr mo- garvin proclaimed the afternoon a half holidayfor the children to enjoy them selves as best they cosld this announce ment was of course hailed with delight by them all the school grounds are as neat and tidy as a new pin and they contain the finest lot ofhealthy maples in town in various stages of maturity there are now eighty of them varying in age froin twenty years to two or three the public school grounds in acton will eventually present a very handsome and attractive appearance and around each tree will cling pleasant recollectious to the pupils of each succeed ing decade iiiiksbfiisk guolph april 97th 1887 bolltrlk27 lower wwidhsm streotl v seeing is a long etep townlras knowing thats the rosion we take eaoh seaion so much pains with our millinery display the mlllinbry ffirade is a peculiar trade its the moat difficult tblug in tho world to make up vour mind just what material what shade what shape the crowning artioloof dross is to bo you oant do it until you sea whats to be worn what the arbiters ot fashion have prepared then a perfect rovcllitibu dawns upon you things yon havo uover thought of suoh odd com binations such jim oraok shapes here a bunch of tlowdrs there a dab of ribbon a delioate bit of lace a plume or bunch of tips stuok or the queerest and oddest shape or framo imaiiiiablc and yet the whole prodkoiog perfect harmony a triumph of tho milliners trt something strikes your fanoy that you had never dreampt of and so the groat question ot what shall i wear is settled in a moment our opening of last week was without excep tion the most successful we have over held more roods sold more orders taken more congratulations received and more visitors entertained than ever before but its only tho beginning as the tlrbt few buds are to the full blossomed tree so was the display of last week to what it shall be as the sea son advances novelties every day more goods greater variety of loveliness the attractions in dress materials con tinue our shelves are loaded no need foranyonoto go abroad for their dresb material or dressmaking wo give you tho height of perfection in this line novelty of material beautiful blending of trim mings aud garnitures the very bebt talent and experience in designing and making up all continue to usbure our patrons of r the very best our parasols and sunshades an- materiln of good value this season al most every cjusg f material and valuo to suit any and eveiyhody by the wnyjdm ou have a look at our pluwh brwiadtk on grenadine grounds just the loveliest goods for light spring wraps or bolmanettes you could imagine and at a very moderate price if you haye not and necil anything in that line do so while the variety lasts mcgarys drug fjtore actfml ositario i k vs i all your garden seeds every ounce and package fresh and reliable f a large new assortment of paints oils vaifnishes paint brushes c goal olli canadian aud american hoqtvins drug j and stationery store aotoa 1887 spuing halldwaile 1 88t johm m bond co direct hardware iiaporters i t so keep the best quatkie8f3tyles and assortment in siudos shovels rakes garden tools agricultural tools horticultural tools cutlery platod ware agateware ready mixed paintl antique colors j linoleums oilcloths mats bird cages curtain poles refrigerators j butter scales furmer scales j wire netting for door or cellar windows builliu and setoittihlo hardware of every description nt prices which will rflake us fie friends of ery uminnmicall lmyor spooial prices aud iiltentie iveii to those build- iilif and an illu tratcd catalogue sent on applicatioji john m bond co bo tons bindiagtwino best mukes at lowest prices tools nails j locko hiiiges wire fencing machine oils water lime plaster a paris i roir pipe aud fitti ngs i hose fishing tackle sporting goods and aininiiiitien plow lines and rope for rackiiftirs and a full range in llomo furnishing envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes enve10be8 envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes cheap envelopes tho fiiefrness boa just recolvoda largo stock of a nice quality bi no 7 white slopes which will be sold printed in 1000 lots at bnvo os which will be ited in 1000 lo 250 andln 100 lo conte per package per 1000 and in 100 lots at he member these prices are for a good envelope with business card neatly printed ou ibe corner hvciy business mau sh mid leave an order h p moore summer undercl0thin lace curtains curtain nets striped and plain scrinisi well our space is riving out come and see ihc we have a special lot in which we can have yoib35 to per cent in price e r bollert 27 lower wyndham st fuelphot telephone ik office jambsstirton lds 0bstist tovells block opposite post office gnelph vitalized air o i i balbriggart merino and fine cashmere j shirts j and prawer 34 36 38 4c 42 and 44 inch chest measure j merino i uberclothingr i at il25 per suit shaw i 3ktjisrid merchant tailors cuelph jil watches- watches waclailk tke jeweller cuelph has on hand the finest stock of gold and silver watches in the city to any person from acton or intermedi ate stations buying 8500 worth or over at my store l will pay their fare to and from guelph my- repairing trade is increasing daily for i give personal and prompt iatteutaonto repairing satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded w a where wih we gba to make otjit sprixg purchases painless extraction ofteeth artificial tijctli sliraritecil perfect in apjar- ancefttivnd le ilno gowwork a specialty all 0crittonsntrity firt class appointments made by letter wanted aesmen permanent positions guaranteed with salary and exsohses paid any de termined man can succeed with us pecul iar advantages to beginnera stock com pleteincluding many f ast-sellingspecialties- outfit free address at ouce xanio this paper bllown umothebs scnskhvmis bochestebnt to grtjjeiiiia all things considered we cainot conceive of any better place when we get to guelph where wltil go to then to the 5 7 v7ynd2i ut- guepi the wanzer lami 60 candle power ht ttaaser ss co manufacturers hamilton oat 84 oavolcl st clasiffw t ie guelph mercury says col allan act n of the lornebifles has ordered mr h t shaw artist to painl portraits of of the marquis of lome and the princess thing is working satisfactorily and it is louise fortbe lome rifles the col so desirable that the rev gentleman will sed kev j h hilts was summoned to his home at streetville from here last week to the death bed of hie son jo3eph leonard who died on wednesday morning he was about tweutyfivo years of age and left a young wife to mourn his sudden demise thefollowiug complimentary reference to rev j s colling a former pastor here appeared in the just ibsue of the fergus advocate kev j 8 colling has received a hearty and pressing invitation by the fergus quarterly board to remain as pastor of the methodist charch for another year the congregation is increasing and every muik admired mr shaws artistic ability tha he gave the order- the lome rifles 13 o ie ol the finest battalions of volunteers in tie province and the credit of this is due in a great measure- to the energetic and pop liar col who takes the greatest pride in 1 is men and possesses the confidence of offii crs and soldiers alike fir it impressions 1 he first thing that strangers note in coming into a town is the condition of the striata if they are straight olean and baia good walksthe stranger is favorabh iro iressed if the yards that line tbe btr lets are neat and well kept though they ma y not be expensively decotste the im- prssion of tjhe thrift of jthejpebple and the ba nty of tlfa town helps him to decide the qu stion and say i will settle in this toi m the officials of the town have their wc fk to do in ordering the streets kept netaud clean and the sidewalks kept in repair the citizens have their part to do iu keeringtbeir dooryardu dean every peboalias a work to do in making the to so presentable and they should not fail io tbenr doty this is the way to attract st angers tplour midst and raake olthem yfo wonder if all our citisjens tqrnk of this v bis way clear to tho board comply with the request of 13 ao0d reasons the following letter to the point at issue appeared in the guelph mercury of tues day to tlte editor of the mercury deab sib i beg to submit seven reasons why the scott act should not be repeaded 1 because it has aiot yet been thorough ly tested 2 because it has never yet been repealed and guelph will not be the first to show the whiter feather 3 because it is only temperance law we have on our statute books 4 because it is aetep in the direction of prohibition and our people are too pro gressive to step backwards again 57 because it is a wholesome terror to whiskey dealers the man who violates its proviflionsis a crijminal and he knows this well enough to dreadtbe consequences 0 becaose it paces the responsibility of the liquor traffic upon the shoulders of those who ahouldibear it the people have ho partnership in t 7 because thej traffic is wrong and we will have none of it yours etc j bcon gulelpb may 16 nwsshin6t0nimd eminent throat and lung surgeon will next visit acton at dominion hotel monday 1 6th may ifi cataebh throat cubed listen to w h storey esq of the arm of w h htorey son act on glove manufacturers o da washington 21 yonge st toronto peab bis i assure you i feol grateful for tbe radical euro you have affected in my throat troubleand though i dislike having my name appear in connection with the testimonial busi ness yot having regard for such as are similarly affected as well as having a desire to mgnue the reenltb of your treatment i make wdepr- tureln tbiscase prior to my acquaintance with you i had suffered for two years from repeated attacks of catarrhal bore throaty each succeed- attackbeingmc ur at tht aud woul m feellnoals medical skill available inoludlng a much noted specialist and took almost everything known to medioluo without experiencing a particle of reuefj last spring i went to europe the cnange dia me good but m my return the old trouble was renewed seeing you advertised to visit this place i thought i would consult you althobghl coufess with not much hope of re- oelvinbanybouoflt however i was favorably ftunrobsedwlth yourcandoh and resolvodtogive lug tbe former k being mora prolonged and violent than at these times i hod violent fits of couahinff aild would discharge large quantities of inuohus feeling alarmed i bouaht tho best no chimney no globe no smoke no odor positively nonexv losive never gets heat ed burns any grade of coal oil evcrylamp guarai teed without interferng with the light can pi t on nursery attacbrqnt heat water boil eggs make tea aiid coffee oyster stewetc lgmatthews sole aoest foe acton am vicrxitt nevi suits ahnow you hare struck it the hon is the liieht spot las pleasure in announcing that tiis tail oring shop in j creechs fruit store i k no w open jaud in f nil running order and in a position to fill all orders he is showing good tweed suits at 12 sold elsewhere fok 15 scotcrl tweed suit 17 18 -o- there is tkepjlace where the largest stock of the best goods at the lowest prices in the country as tb be found soldelsew cfne ieeuied adapted to my case and gave relief in two months l was entirely well and have so contldueddurlng the mist unfavorable season of the year you are at liberty to makewhatnse vou please of this letter and i shall be pleased to aflawer any enquiries relative to my case vours veryffuly whtobt the lion sells the regqlau 8100 mervbillbusatin at 75 cents the lton has just had theie graud millinery open ing and is showing one of the finest assortments of hals and bonnets in ontario the lion does the fin est dressmaking trade ln guelph and keeps he largest arni most stylish a- sortment of dress gbods r th eltons lfjobtationb far exceed allot her liobses west of toronto and is the only house havm a resident buypjl in the qld country i j d williamson a co cuelph fitting coat etc ere for 23 and 24 fine worsted- suit at 20 sold el iewhere at 25 gentlemen wknting a firstolabbgood may rely upon being suited in every respect by leaving their orders with the clothier the mfet gallery uuelpti waters bros is the best plac for the latest styles and best quality in j mouldings room andpictur frames oilpi intings steel engravings statuary ect cornice pole i from go oents window shades spring rollers brass rods for shor r blinds j v- artists materials i pilookjrs wat wcolorsjljfubher- crayohfi tianvas drawii ig papers 4c ac waters bros pear the pobtoffice i u skissi

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