1 1 i i h his mlrmkxii t jit rtoit jm rtss it pcblimtkli- bvkry thursday morning xt tbkp- free press power pjtlntlno house acton ontario f- vc i r subscription hates nj yci- 10b six months joits 1 tmrkkmxtk1te5lt8 i vinnhh in ajtrvic if ot jmm in advance i r vovrwill be charged k6 iapor diacou- il tui alt arrears an iaid fi ilioii of the publisher except at the aoveri risinq rates riv k j i viite mo 1 3mckti wo l li3- sftxw swtt sto0 o lann uo iaoo s5 irur oouuha aaoo 14w1 t00 uo tnu j too aso 300 l si a i tul advertisement 8 cents perliuc tor tb rirt insertion and 3 cents pvr unttior each sab- nmneat iusortion cash th auinbcr of lines rkonsd bv the nutce occupied measured by a sale of solid nonpareil vvrtfradt without spclno turocttoui will be inserted till rorttd and charged accord- nsly transitory adreruwtnentstnutt be patd n vlrnsee charge tor contract silteruscwents musvbe n i no by tun w monday othenrim utv will be tatj joirfsi until the touowlug hpmoork editor and provriator ikso rftrck ttowrll ovitnim a4 xntrct mu tcnfu ik kkwyorj acton store christie co bankerr- alton ontario a gsxiitul itaxklxti iwsixesti w l v 3usines3 directory 11 lowry m b m c i s gradaato of trinity college mem ber of couesje of physicinn and surgeons oilic andl residence at the head of rrolrrick stfoet acton ll ibekxett lds dentist i georgetown ontario r muklslay ld s surgeon iteiitist georgetown ont uses uie a new systaiti of nitrous oxyie gas com nouy cnliev vitalized airv for extracting vth wituoat pain having been iemon- iiritoi- aiid practical teacher in roya c ueu of dental snreons toronto pat- cii- nyjepeadupon receiving satisfaction ri iv ojritioas performed will visit aj very second and fourth vvednesday o mviui ofnce aguqw hotel john la wson graduate ofon- tirio vetonuary college toronto veermirv surgeon acton out ornce in ivsuay- bros boot and slioe store resi- iioiict- ia the reir horses examined as to onl5s anl csrtiscates ijiveu ail eilu night or day promptly attend- ei t terms easv j ihxstonamolkan 1 rbicri solicitors notaries convey aurs dc private kands to xoan oincetotii hall acton k y i jonssrox wm a mclew hootyioaitw 0 apsrovsd notes icounjted and interest auqwed cfn deposits find th puzzle rknndcrttmietlirroivtred to furnish on tlvo tfiprtcat notice in any quantity and at lot- f torn prices antclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrets wood flour ami feed and anything in tho has of farmers housekecn raoseontlactownocesalue tuepowle hi to find a better place tjtan i thomas c moores tobuyanythlucln the abote linos also to fiud out it ton are indebted to um for anythinr pur- chased from him ru books say some area ud he would like the nioney t a mow at j ivvkllutee sdullto notahv lriiuc money to loan oince dats taesday and saturday oio matthews block acton upstairs 1 m mitchell soitcrron cosvcvvscen ic urck first door west of the champion oliii main street slilton money to loan percent i t 1 h iltox allan baird barristers solicitors ac toeovto nd geobgetows- greefinans block georgetown iid jig liigtreet east toronto x t uivx j seixtox ba- j btibd ba didgerow t carson -irkiph- bu si ness collece gulph ontario mhe third scholastic year x beaiug september 1st latronaje drawn from ten states and provinces youifg men aud boja thoronshly prepared for business pnrsuits iradoates eminent ly soccessful as accoununts bnbiuess managqrs shorthand writers clerks salesmen travellers etc both in canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work and courteous treatment characterize the institution ladies admitted to all the advantages of the college splendid facilities afforded for the ac quisition of french and gertnan fir information address i mmaccobmick wtf principal lumber shingles and lath r untiersijnjcd ilcsires to inform the public 1 that helms now en hniid and will keep in tock a full lino of pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lumhir also first aud second cisas pine shiiiylesv lath coal wood hatinginrcliaskxl the coal buniness ot llrc s smith i am prepared tosniuly nil kinds of stove coal i have also a good tock of wood hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered jamks bkown mutual insurance company wall actott ontario thurslay 24 1887 papers ceiling d -and- boirpiilrs ecdrations all new fmm887 ati- days bookstore cuelfll day se impor to the lad lls cheap tw fire ok tmk c0u2tt7 of wellntqtolt estmilishep 1810 head office cuelph es the uudcrgittuiid has jiujt oiiouod atdock ot fancy goods ladies rjirdervtear infants 3l3thing berlin wools c ac and stoiciti a call fijom til e h lies orders taken f of 1u1 kinds of undbnroai at d nue sewiug which will be neatly and promntly executed at reason able prices 1 shop ucxt to hjmd ji wcllerj- store 1 m1s3 ferryman acton muy h ml t tdtmxtttm tuonidit mounixomav 20 1887 p0ethy wsilingtoi qtjkbsc marble works sti jttelph john hi hamilton ppoprjleror wholesale and petail dealer in marble giuite alnid eyerytiing pertaining to ceme ery wo k direct importer of 1 11 kinds otgrsnitiand marble rbmymber boys make men when you bto a rakked ttrcnin 8tttiulli wihttul in tlie btroet willi toru hut and knceleas trooborb dirty fate und hnre red feet pass not by the child unheeding bmile upon him mark me when iiohgrov imp litill not forget it for remember boys make men whon tbn buoyant yoouiful s int overflew in boyish freak chicle yo ir child in cenlle acceu is do not in your anger apeak you musi bow in youthful blobbonib seeds of tender mercy then j plants will grow and bear good fruitage wheri the erriiifi boys are men have ypu uovcr seen a grandsirc witn liis eyes aglow with joy bring to mind bonte act of kindness sometimes said to him a boy or relate home might o rcoldue with i brow all olonded when he baid hey were too thoughtless to remeftiber boys make men 1 let ugtiylo udd some pleasure to the life of every boy for each child needs tender interest in its borrow aud its joy call your bovaliome by its brightness r they fvvoid a gloomy den bceking plsewhere joy rtnd oomfort aud nimpmber boys make men ji i orur story two hearlb and a bank iiv as olli contrllllttill i when the reliance dank of the town of n broke there was a widespread consternation in on room scarcely a louie since it wafi iu i i fashionable boardinghouse frank aldensndhis warm true friend ralph wilton discussed the catastrophe it oes not ijuite beggar me frank was saying although it leaves me eighty thousand dollars poorer than i was yester day suppose the words came very tjlowly now i ought to release carrie mapleton from her engagemeut sh is not the girl i believed her to be if she lccepts her release was the quick reply were yoif going to walnut hill this ev ening vno i will write i a kt cck at the door followed by the ap- pearai ce of a servant holding a note inter rupted the conversation breaking the envelo je open frank read tho tinted page and smiling bitterly said read that ralph and lose your bub- lime faith in womutikiud having lately vi quarries and hav tedihe hay qf fuudyjjraiiilc ng purchased the cutire stock l i ami i0 church street toronto viieimsvmrr joiix cacok eci- lcl jjnattobnev iiiinra secured v or inventions ticnrf vfrit ottawa csaka ietr- practice no patent no pay t- ja murray lickssei accnoseeb lr the counties of llalton and wellington oflta left at his residence mlin street ojusite church street acton or addressed loacun po will receive strict jattention teim reasonable notes discounted if dciired iul w j hemstbeet l1cex8ed acctiosekb for tie counties of wellington aadhalton order left atthefaee pbess off ce acton or u my residence in actoi irtk attended to terms reasonable moset to loan ali5 money to loan on the mst favor able terms and at the lowest rates of fret in sums of 8500 and upwajrdfl arohxday 3 architecit gu5lph ost omf queens hotel blocp market sejaare y xflranis ncnan successor to y chappan bookbinder stcaorges square guelph ontario account books of all kinds ma je to order periodicals of every description carefully bom 1 ruling neatly and pjdioptly dons l t of gray and rod gianitu tno inuicnts headstones of alex indor taylor at less irthcr notice sell st in ontario for in- tt hlgli i0o 7 ft all work nud lartiek wanting crosces urn etc than cost i will until prices never btorc knoru btance granite monuinents 75 8 ft i30 0 ftbloo m f i material warranted jimcl iss anything in this hue will do well to call olid see me before purchasins elsewhere as t gurautoe my prices are from jo to other dealers centralcr- meai market joseph patton b utcher to the citizens of purchased the jutchering business of mr ie hanlan barber ijhop 3iiu stbzet actos an easy shave a stylish hairont a good seafoam an exhilarating shampoo always given razortboned and put ip firstclass condidbn ladies and childrens hair tastily cut j p womiek tonsrial artist tbayrsig new suit m brennan has pleasure in announcing that his ti il oring shop in creechs frait store is now open and in fall tanning order and in a position to fill all orders s t f ib t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that he is preriared to teke orders for weaving all kinds ofjfancy bag cirpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress goodh striped or plaid jyill or plain alio bed blankets and hjrw kan acts two yards wide and pvefc 1 and t wnigoaranlee that i whtfivegoctf satisfaction to all farmers andjojfhera who will favor me with their aiwmago tmxcpjbll k i respecttully solid iyour ronage actou nov 20 per cent below all v has pleasure m announcing acton chat he has insures buildings merchandize mann factories and all other descriptions ot property on the premium note system f w- stonej cuas davidson president secretary john taylor ajfent paiise and consider that it will be to your owti interest to pal ronizc horne trade we wonld respectful f inform the iiihabitunts of aipton and hoi rouudiujiwmntry that we areagain in fu i rknmn order and in a better position tha 1 nc88 i feel that icau guarantee all custom before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to era who fa vbr me with their patronage us- to patties building lumber will be dressed while you wait and mouldings itc mat e with neatness and despatch n bvwe are also prepared to fill all orders for pumps on short notice and from long experien se ip the business we feel confident that ve dan give satisfaction every time 80 coi ie on with your order and help to roll the bi 11 along money makes the mare go whetb er she has legs or no thos ebbage hanak r klrjiih freblinebb to fnnk hundred bew id- ed the admirjers of sim pbice three cents flirt she had loft the that hud made her so attractive alden and had acquired 1 oring charms that dazzl who followed wherever she led bat alone he was list ibs weary ful rcgrotaqda dreary folfrcproaih for ler wasted life it was four years after the bright toer wooing that ended with he fail of the reliance bank wh m ruwell boyd attaohed himself to tlseefirpoi maple ton suitors and sitnned himst if in the sw et- nesb of carries soft blue eyes a idgraci htnilo it was all the per rector of acting but the childlike freshnes 1 of miss ma de- tons blonde beauty bad r ot jdej arted nnd hor manner was wont to i uit he r style being a millionaire rt bgell joyd never imagined a woman con d play with his heart and was graciotsly rssdlvipg to place miss mapleton open the throne of many a wistful damsels ambition as his wife when ralph wilton came to conway where they wero all possingthe joly woiks he was yery cold to miss carrie but flint friends with russell boyd whom he had known btfore the eld 9r bo d mads a cool million in army com tacts so it befell that one di y sa nnterinf in a ahady grove carrie maaletou came end ihnly upon the two reated npm a fb lien lou exchanging confident 0 slie could not ptibs unseen co she drew back t little jjust us llalph wilton said j j i oh no doubt she will accept you the mercenary little flirt i suppo 10 you n jver heard how she jilted alden 1 o you 1 rere in europe at the time j frank alden i misiedlhin yes lie is not a society nan jubu at prcsont goink in for hard worl j thought his father left a hundred thousand was in the failed miss hat in pon all his from i he ird she neer spent poor but note had frank he gathered and wm rossell and is prepared to conduct the samo in a striitforward business manner having had large experience in the busi- perfect satisfaction all kiuds of meat fresh and good and poultry fish vc iu season will be found in stock esteemed pat- joseph patton 8tb 1880 -lught- tothefbont of all competition we place 0ub elegant and substantial goods -oo- splendid in quality i complete in assortment i overflowing in generous bargans 1 1 ill2 he is showitig itaood twkkd bvub at sold elsewhere for 15 seotoh tweed suit 17 18 solljelsiiwhebe f0r23 and 5 4 1 pine worsted suit at 020 sold klsewuerp at 25 gentlemen wanting a firstclass g aod- fittiag coat etc may rely nppn beingst ltd in every respect hy leaving their orders jvrth the clothier mens womens and chmjdrkxs- boots and shoes et7bbse3 ovfirshofib c at prices that always lead to speedy sales- it was a brief note stating that in cofise- juence of the failureof the reliance bank and the changed circumstances thereby in volved the iwritcr did not consider it pru dent to abide by an engagement made under nit ro f u voluble auspices mid so re leased mr alden from his promise slie mifht have given me time to act the purt she nuticiputes said frank hastily scrawling a reply ho ends that chapter had the gcnlletnahin hisaiiji hftrfrbcd clairvoyant powcrn ho would have veii in tho handsome drawingroom at wiliiiit hill u little figure piciug up and down and a sweet matronly woman in close widows weeds watching the pale agitated fuce he would have heard a clear voice pain fully shaken say mamma i wrote tofraiik i do nt think he really cures about the lifty thous and dollars- grandfather banks left me but since it is all gone 1 thought it only honorablo to write to him and- to release him you will lute more than that carrie when i die j hoshl hubii li never want it but 1 am glad ipapas money wus not in that horrid bank still the other was my very own and frank may heve olmted on a rich wife i misjudge him dear if he allowed the loss to influence him who took your note 1 james he has hud time to go and re turn i hear 3iis voice now it was a cold trembling hand ihut tore open franks hasty note and blue eyes dim with tears rea i the brief contents you are quite right when poverty comes in at the dot r love flies out of tiie window an old proverb suiting our case to a nicety that was all he heed not have insulted me said carrie angrily that is all a mans love is worth then she sped away to her own room to hide her bitter tears for she loved frankj alden with her whole true heart i i suppose he knows papa left every thing to mamma she thought and tht if she marries again or is displeased with me she can leave her money where pleases jand frank alden i with his heart as full of bitterness paoked av trunk and joined hip friend ralph wilton in a journey to the west to invest the remnant of bis fortune in a speculation pajtrimony speculations soured tim womankind she- rose and 80 was 80 he did the bullj of it reliance rank and whet that mapleton coolly wrote to him sideration of changed prospect and the rest of it she relented j hpn engagement sho 1 lou dont meiini it i do 1 1 was in his rosrn when her scame of coarse he released per but it eeems to me money in the bank nonsense i sho hals freely as she does now awfully out up about it up what was left of his joined me in some western that will eventually tun out veil in the meantime he has opened a re tail dry goods store at n j didnt hurt him then 1 didnt it hardened and bet him to railing against all shall we walk on j carrie crouched low behjiu the trunk of a great tree as they passed u but when the firm tread died away hurried homeward sho would tell her sec ret h er resolve to no one but mrs mapletou at the sudden desire for daughter i am homesick inajmbaj she urged we will have no visitors at for a month let us each other aud russell boyd oh bo will forget me in tweutyfour hours but wheu fairly dettljed in mibb mapletou discover ed a ciencies in her wardroba thst mnst bs eap- jilied before the saromer gut sts arrived 1 thought you diilalljyo ew york hisr mother saic sir youare roinj home with me to ion cheon he went of course he did and carrie married him hut never mea sured calico in the store for mrs maple ton bopght and furnished a home for the young couple and bettledflfty thouand dollars upon her only ohrld andthees- tern speculations turned out a mine of wealth bo that the- stove was given up andl frank alden had bis time fully occupied in the care of his mcnv and many invest ments f and one flue day meeting russell boyd as ho was engaging eteamer passage to europe for a wedding trip ralph wilton took back something of his barsh censures of carrie mapleton alden and told tl millionaiie the true story of two rieartsfljdd si bank a hsr qnie vas but in her co walnut home and uarr e but i wont a lot of shall not be bored with thejhimnamtoa will drive over to n- ploie she had found out w litre the of francis alden was situated and directly to the door pale as she entered mr alden her face wan very the store asking for litth prised little her old hundred lome deft tr shopp things hill pt ug in you i store drovo here and there eighteen different telephone girls em ployed in the hartfordoffee hajve been married during the last three ears to some of the bqb2criber on the line it 13 a womans voice more than her looks which catches ou is it true that when a wild gooses mate dies it never takes another asks a young widow yes but dont worry about that the reason it acts that way is because it is a goose she i dont see why women should not make as good swimmers asmen he yes bat you see a swimmer has to keep his mouth shut- t as a general rale the man who matos extemporaneous speeches can give yoa the manuscript if you want to print it conductor of pullman sleeper to porter you want to watch that passenger sam i think hes crazy porter what makes you think so boss i conductor because he didnt insist upon havmg lower berth in the middle of the car a wicked boy put a placard on the batjfc of a carseat which contained a lovesick couple one evening last week oh the erie roid it read we are just married an agricultural editor says no animal can fight and eat at the same time he has evidently never seen a traveler at a tenminutesforlunchstand at a college examination what is the best jnsulator asks the professor of physics poverty- the household says the- coming girl will walk five miles a daj she will be sure to get here then j he who readily breaks with a real friend is unworthy of one two things may be said withra good deal of positiveness nothing good ever succeeds unless somebody is willing to make a stand alone for it and nobody can properly be j called n man by which we mean also a woman who is not willing to stand alone if need be for righteousness no matter what ridicule what hatred be may incur a frenchman advises any one who isun- happy about any thing to go into bis room aud comfort himself with a good cry he says that groaning and crying- will serve more than any thing dike to allay grief and tells of a man who oi85- reduced his pulse from 126 to co in the coarse of a few hours by giving full vent to his emotions orlando i didnt see you with miss brown at the concert the other night no percy im not calling on her any more i cant tintil she retracts what she said the other week ahtwhalt did she ay well she said i neednt call any more the great trouble with you john is said a lady to her husband who was suffer ing from the effects- of the night beforei yon cannot say nol learn to say no john and you will have fewer headaches can you let me have a little money this morning no snid john with appar eht ease l i nm answer all day long she 1 eld my question inner heart shunned my eyes that craved an answeij moved apart touched my hancl in goodnight greeting rosier grew sbbnld heave to- norrow f- early then adieu bent her head in farewell courteous onward passed while a cold hanc gripped uvy heartstrings held them fast still i waited sti 1 1 listcued i r all my soul trembled in the e es that watched her as she stole up the stairs wit mei sored footsteps but she tarhed where a lamp in 1 razen bracket brightly burned showed me all th glittering ipples i ofherbairj veiled her eyes in violet shadbwa i glimmered where curved her mouth in sett compliance l as she bent toward trie from ijhecktaky railing where she lent ah ray love 1 0ne white hand wanders to her hair slowly lifts the ro ie thst nestles softly there breathes she in it i heaitmjr answer i shyly sweet and loves messb e mutely flatters i to my feet beltraw an ev1 inings fun magic table by vvtiich ages can be infal libly told there is a good deal of amusement in the following table iof figures it will in aleyou to tell how old the yonng ladies are just hand this table to a yonng lady apdrequest her to tell you in which column or columns her age js contained anfttidd together the figures at the top 3f the columns in which her age is found and youhaveithe great secret thus suppose her age to be 17 you will find that number in the firt and fifth columns add the first figures of these two columns here is the magic able 1 2 i 8 16 3 3 y 9 17 5 6 i 10 is 7 7 7 11 19 9 10 12 12 10 11 11 113 13 21 13 14 jl4 14 22 15 15 15 15 23 17 18 20 24 24 19 19 21 25- 25 21 22 22 26 26 23 23 23 27 27 25 26- 28 28 28 27 27 29 29 9 29 30 30 30 20 31 31 31 31 31 33 34 36 40 38 34 36 37 41 h 37 38 38 42 40 39 39 39 43 51 41 42 44 44 62 43 43 45 45 53 45 46 46 46 54 47 47 47 i 47 55 49 40- 52 56 56 51 51 53 57 67 63 54 54 53 58 55 55 55- 59 59 57 58 60 60 co 59 fil 61 61 u 02 62 62 62 p9 63 63 63 63 a s aukee trick she 0 lowest prices consistent with cood quality oo cutitom work and repairinpr promptly attended to m williams i mill street acton it had been a snmmertime lovemaking oontipued legacy from n fortane but you live wait please there ie no change my style of living because mamma is very rich but her money is her own to leave to me or not as she plea ies the fifty thous and dollars was mine and when i lost it i thought it only right o release yon from your engagement to a penniless girl i never knew tintil a fei j days ago that- your fortoue was in the sanebink and i had never c ven beard you had a fortune said franl eagerly i knew youw mother was rich and that yon had a lifetof ease and luxur r and when i found myself a poor man i meant to free yon and i antibipatec you but you un derstand now carria said pleadingly i understand niw was the grave reply and i am glad to do yon justice but i am still but a joor man lc ving you with my whole heart i dare not abk you that ended in binding these two hearts to- to leave your splehdii i home to s bare my getherj and mrsjmapleton hoped carries grief would be as shortlived as that sum mer of love but she was grieved to note that the girl seemed to grow hard in her resentment she was more than pretty though very slender and fairylike having a pure blonde beauty and fascinating nanners 1 f j it was the first season she had been in society when she met frank alden at newport and gaye bim her pure yonng hparti i but aftjer wards 6he lived for- four years in a ywrteiof gfyety and enjpyed the un- e iviable reputation ot a totally heartless very limited means you do loveme yratik ah carrie it ha i been my bitter pain for four years thatjl oould not cea se to love yon i heard of yon as an heiress a belle of your oonqaestsv ur eauty and i tried to harden my heart 1 o the merceneiry wom an who had desolate i my life be t in my heart of hearts alt the old lpve lived to torment me then i will not i ake my rele ise you are mine boand by yoar ptomisii of four years ago i will come and measure cal too injyour store for yot if yoa will but i will intlyergive ypu up jagain getybur hat now the young people think there is no balm in advertisements while the oldmks think its very hard to have two fools in the family a young man advertised for awife his the e the clerk told ftufiwered the advertiefcmeflt her and bhe found him tlitere aloie nnm t very gravely but with perfect coirtesy he greeted her his facjs a shade paler at sight of her 1 i have come she said steadily hut withdowncast eyes to oiplain a mistake i made four years ago t his heart gave on 3 quiok suffbeating throb but he waited for her to speak again when the keliaoci ibank failed she lost fifty thousand dollars a y grand ather and my entire pued well 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49- 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 88 59 i 601 61 62 i 63 vp3 a sixfoot ye nkee seated upon a load of jbrooms- drove his team tip before the door of an oatabfishi lent where he expects i to fiud apurchastr jumptug from his leat he entered thn store and the following colloquy took p yankee ckn i sell you a loa4 of brooms to day mister dealer no dont wantjauy yankee b itter take eth sell em dog cheap dealer d brooms yankee i youll take tho nt want eip got enongh if dol- 1 tell yon what ill do ot ill let eiii go for a kr a dozen yo u know theyre worth do able that the dealer s roked bis chin for a mo ment as if in eep thought and ther re- i dont want any brooms wouldnt spoil the dinner j an old war veteran who had been through half a dozen campaigns and was not very particular about what he atj was invited ont to a swell dinner party he sat almost directly opposite the hosteesand was pain- f ally consoious that every noye he made he could be observed by her i suddenly at the height pf the festivitiisf the veteran cameaorosaa caterpillar in fais salad a furtive glance at the hostess disclosed the foot that she too had diecoyered the em barrassing circumstance it was a oritical moment but the old soldier was equal to the occassion without ohapging a muscle be gathered up the the caterpillar with a forkful of salad and swallowed both the look of gratitude which he- received from his hostess a few minutes later warmeclthe very cookies of his heart in due time the story leaked oat and when somebody a3ked the old campaigner how hekedcaterpillarj salad the reply came like hotshot ijci you take me for a man who would spoil dinner party for a little thiug like a cater- puler the landlords little v7ay jte what repairs wil you inake if i tal the houso she asked after looking it all over whylmaam ill be very liberal but what vyill yon do well ilj see that those two panes of glass are put m fix this front step and7 about tie painting j ill promise to look for painter and ask him how much hell ta ice to go over the house one coat and if he responsible party and his figure is reason able and the weather holds good forpai it ing why ill r saysupposei put hi thiouqw window lights and let the pai ajt- inago i as told yon iat i dont mind making a trade with yot i k yankee that sort of a trade dealer v ell ill take your whole load at a dollar a dozen and pay yoa one half cash you taki 1 the other half in trade yankee- so yon dont mister 1 ybnu charge me sm ban allfired profit on the other half thitl might come out at the little end ott lie horn dealer o no i pro nise you that you you 8halliw e the goods at just what tbey cost me yankee wall mister thats what 1 call sonar d alin its a bargain and he camrnenctd to unload the brooms is a pile on the si lewalk when he got tbn ragh he walked in o the store there you are mister four leen dozen which i caloiuate makes just 1 comin to me dealer y thats right thereje money no what goods do you wan t for the other 97 yankee wall i dunno yoa see imis- ter i haint mnoh posted in your other truck so i gi less ill take brooms il the j troubleaome spiders spiders ore one of the- great obstactis to telegarphbrs in japan filling the trees along the li ies these insects spin their webs betweei i the earth the wires the post the inbnlator 1 and the trees when ihese webs become wet with dew they eons titute a good condn 3tor and lines are found to be in connectioi with the earth ihe only method of obviating this inconveniaioe is by employing brooms of bamboo to brash away the wi bs but as the spiders are more active than the workmen employed in this workt bediflicnlty is not less seirioos anadlsa illuate the cantdian olimate is partidularly productive oi cold in the head arid catarrh kfiaot catjarrh toaylis more prwaleni than any 60 er disease the disoovkrv of ntisal balm places within the reach of all i a certain me ins of ciirv j- tvife