Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1887, p. 2

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mccurnc- llmr iv thkorabxjc in acton on the ttnd itttts tjtie tttte mcclnre of son i the altar iryiwp43 amt m the roehusnco of iba brtdrtj father on the stth may by ltet a sltta of nass4twoya mr ales irvitig jmwenant 1 thcesalon to jonuto k daughter ol sti alex grant actou the grave ju- luwuxoln emesto8 wt the ttnd may u beloved wit ot mr hwdlng aged 8t wmrs paisqijs athlsreeldeneejftatoh in sun day isth may 1887 kt jiiaih prfuglb in the fcywiyoaiof buagc i retail jfm kss xj tncbsbjit mokxlnolht 26r iej87 notes a oom the government telegraph uue ia the canadian northwest it being built wt from bottlcford to edmonton with iron piles i the canadian tacino has discharged in lull its obligations to the dominion govern- mcnu the union pacific btill owes the united states government auout eighty million dollars an agreement has been made between the michigan central and the canadian pacific railways whereby the latter secures an entrance into chicago and will uso the wabash road to east st louis f lorslorne wants the queen utie chang ed so as to make it appear that foe qneen of england is also the qneen of canada this would be a step towards n t acknow ledgement of canadas rights slid duties as part of the empire district meeting annual mwtlngof th quelph distant of tha methodist ohuroh 1 tia quelph district meeting was opened in t n village el georgetown on tueeday lti i ihat at 9 oolook rev dr griffin ot nelph ohairman ot the district pre sid d ou tlio flrrt ballot key j w 8uil- ton b a of- georrctowu wm tiaoted teoetary tawing to the division of the did riot by the stationing committee laat ye r the number ot ministers attending wa ttbotit oue halt less than laat year 1 he businoas of the first day was purely mi listeria and consisted ohiefly in the exi tnlnation ol ministerial oharaoter and probationers for the ministry to the the thirtythird annual session ot the independent order of good templars was opened on tuesday morning at saratoga representatives being present from all parts of thtf dominion and the united states and also great britain the continent and india at the annual meeting of the hamilton methodist district last week a resolution was adopted protesting against che repeal or mutilatian of the scott act and praying the dominion parliament to pass the amendments desired by the dominion alliance as provided in mr jatniesons bill dorics the coming summer the canadian pacific bailway company will upend from a million and a half to two million dollars on the rocky mountain section of tbe road in constructing additional snow- sheds and other improvements to prevent interruption to the traffic in the winter season i the colonial and indian exhibition so the latest official statistics show was at tended by no fewer than 5550745 persons the number is greater than was the whole population of england and wfcles in oliver cromwells time and greater by half a million than the entire population of the dominion today iu the court of appeal at montreal the other day a novel and important point in criminal law was raised it being claimed that a sentence was null and void becanre before passing it the prisoner was not ask ed the usual question whether he had any thing to say why it should nit be pro nounced judgment was reserved thefirbt steamer of the cattat jan pacific line between tie far east and british col umbia left hong kong last ireek the passenger accommodation was all taken up according to a return brought d wn in the commons at ottawa there were 9153155 lbs of tea shipped direct from china and japan to british columbia ind thence east via the c p b between t le 1st july 1885 and april 1st 1887 the ralne of the shipments was 3347562 apparently the liquor interests of our good neighbors the canadians are suffer ing under the restrictions of the scott act and while the abolition of the li xt because of all the signs of success which have ac companied its work is asking more than can possibly be secured the 1 iquor men now ask for a halfway letting own in its restrictions if the canadian parliament takes the course of good sense which all the work of the scott act demands the law will be strengthened instead of weakened and raked up to a better etanc ard rather than let halfway down to the li uor inter ests wishes st clair bepubli an et ous and important question are the mi listen and probationers forthe ministry bli molesinlileoonversauon anddoctrine a leply was given in the affirmative in eah case there were tour young men prisent as probationers and from the ceitifieates they presented and answers th iy gave to the theological questions put by tho chairman there was ample evidenoe ot marked ability and great promise of to ure usefulness dn the morning of tho 18th the ministers ax d laymen met together the prominent te itnre of business being the reading of the reioru from the several circuits and m ssions of the district the reports from e ch place was verygratifying and showed marked advancement in the churchs work b th as to membership and to the various f t nds rev j s colling of fergus was elected t represent the district on the stationing c jmmittee and rev f swann of rock- wood to the sanday school committee the various sessions of the meeting were c laracterized by painstaking investigation a id the whole proceedings were marked by tie chairmans customary ability and dsspatch tho guelph conference will open the 8 ssions of its fourth sitting in gait on tednesday june 1st at 9 aim the con- f irenco is composed of an equal number of e linisters and laymen acton was honored by the election at the district meeting of two representatives asa hall esq and h p moore editor of the feee pnesa a very important question inow before t ie members ot the conference and one t lat can only be answered by the ballot nd that is who is going to be president c conference the bev dr griffin of rnelph filled the chair ot goderich last 3 ear with dignity and ability and presided c ver the interests ot the conference during t lie year with deep interest and discrimin- i tion the dr makes a capital executive c fficer and carries through the business of the sessions with a vein of hnmor that i ever permits any part to flag or become nil in him we have the material for a f rstclass general superintendent prominent among those spoken of as dr cirimns probable successor to the presi dency is the name of rev james hannon of saugeen we were glad to learn from a recent communication iu the guardian that mr hannon is fully restored to the use of sis voice he is one of the most popular men in the ministry of the guelph confer ence and has occupied some of the most important stations in the work for a dumber of years he was chairman ot a tlistriej and in that capacity discharged the functions of his office with marked ability j and wjjn the esteem of all lay and clerical whenstationed in the town of st marys he was afflicted with a serious throat trouble in consequence of which he was i1 obliged to desist from preaching very much to tho regret of the people of st marys who extended their sympathy for him by practical acts of kindness after two years rest and two more of hard labor on an indian mission he has fully recover ed the use of bis voice and la this year ready to resume his place in the regular circuit work be has been invited to the pastorate of the methodist church in the town of kincardine and has signified his acceptance subject to the action of the stationing committee from all we can learn rev mr hannon is likely to be tbe choice forpresident of the conference for this year boott act in halton the prewnt gonuliioh of affairs unfavot i able vo a repeal the milton rriun says the men in this county who havu been keeping up the agitation ogniupt the boott act aro evidently not satisfied with tlio present position ot thing everjtliiiik tliey put their band to hufuilwl tbe iiibonl tem perance union diod a iiialural death liko all others of its kind tho sly scheming to get the magistrate and inspector removed by lying reports etc also failed f and now they threaten to briim on a repeal vote bnt so far no effort haa been made to get up the petitions possibly thoy are feeling their way very carefully and dont want to be harried it is the opinion of a fcrge number of boott act people that the whiskey organ in this county has by its opposition to the law driven away tome of the organs friends and made supporters for the scott act we know some hotel keepers who blame theorgau for getting them fined unintentionally of course by pointing out where the drunken men were though the organ always iuoreasod the number by im agination the abuse heaped upou the magistrate and inspector show that bitter disappointment at the nonsuccess of their schemes is causing all this rage which is but the begming of the end tho last scheme is to bring a legal bully from the city get another man who understands practising at the bar to set the bully up as tbey call it take the bully well primed up for the occasion to the magistrates court to try and frighten the court by looking very wise using classical language which he only understands and showiug that contempt which a drunken man always shows for sober people the scheme will not work nor defeat the law then the last state of the organ will bo worse than the first wool wpoii i wol tho undersigned hereby announce thut wo wll again buy ull the wool oherod at our millsy for which tho highoat price in or in exchange for goods o o- wo huvc n large and well assorted stock of blankets tweeds flannels stooking yarns knitted goods in grout variety selected expressly to bupply the rctiuirotnent of the farmers etc eto o o- roll carding spinning eavidg jjlrwilliam obrien has pul licly boast ed as far as the province of juebec was concerned he and his colabon r mr kil bride has carried pubbcopioioi i with them if mr obrien really believs that his agitation in this province has p rodaced any each effect he is laboring nndei a great and unaccountable delusion tbe leople of tbe province of quebec have given him no reason to believe that tbey are favorable to his mission or that lord lat sdowne has been lowered in tbe least in the r estimation by anything that he has said mr obrien has surely more discernment and intelli gence than to interpret mere u lerance into favor and agreement montreal star me caegills effort though young in parliamentary experi enca mr cargill the receitly elected member for east bruce is n t afraid to attempt feats in the way of legislation from which older politicians v onld shrink the hon gentleman had no o ner arrived at ottawa than be undertook o solve the liquor problem nor was he 1 mg in reach ing a solution he required rat a bheet ol pajicr and a pen and ink with which to write the words the cam da temper ance act is hereby repealed i nd the thing was done mr cargill can nq w boast that bo has introduced the briefest and perhaps the most objectionable bill evir submitted to parliament there j little danger of lie measure pusing the house of co unions may reject tbe prohibition resolut on about to baoflertd by mr jamieeon bnt it will jjarllly risk theadoption of a fa ill to weaken much less to repeal the local option law mr cargilts first step in the held of politic is by no means a fortunate one it is uninvited and there oau 1 little doubt that it will be a failure jfaj l crop reports the report of the bureau of industries for may complied from information given by 660 correspondents haa the following in general the fall wheat crop is tar from fulfilling the promise it nave of a good crop when the snow came on last fall bnt there lias not been nearly so large an area ploughed op as was last spring and many of the reports speak hopefully of chances for improvement the drouth has been severe in the western part of the province the unusually fine weather of the first part of may turned a seemingly late spring into a really forward season pastures- look green and vegetation generally is away ahead of expectations an abundant show of fruit blosboms is reported and notwithstanding tbe destructive effects of an ice storm in february the orchards have on the whole come through the winter in good condition the reports are general iy of a hopeful character in western ontario ploughing and seed ing operations were commenced about the luth of april and owing to the excellent condition of the hand an unusually large area was sown during that month in the extreme eastern counties snow lay on the gronnd so late that field work did not fairly begin before the first of may oats pease barley- and a fair extent of spring wheat have been sown and at the date of the re- portotbeir general appearance was satis factory the drouth alone giving rise h a feeling of uneasiness though the long severe winter and back ward spring have affected tbe condition of livo stock unfavorably in some cases the outlook for them is encouraging throughout the province generally the quantity of wheat held by farmers will barely suffice for home consumption and in tbe st lawrence and ottawa valleys many have bad to boy floor in some cases farmers have held wheat for a pro spective rise in price bnt they are now sell ing the supply of farm laboreig appears to be fully equal to the demand and tbe rate of wages for the working season is very nearly the same as last year forest fires two thousand people homelessa man burned to death makqc4ttk mich may 22 full detaiu from lake liuden shows that fully 2000 people are sufferers from the fire john casey was burned to death marquette was visited by a heavy rain yesterday afternoon but it seems to have been local as it is reported dry and hot generally on the peninsula the total lois is reported atf400000 welcome rains throughout tho country have extinguished most ot the forest fires in wisconsin and upper michigan r the public halth at a recent meeting of the provincial board jot health held in toronto it was resolved that the education depart ment should be notified that tbe board had prepared clauses amending the public health act so as to compel householders and local health authorities immediately to notify school teachers of tia existence of any contagious disease in the family of childrpnbtfending school and tbe board recommended that teachers should be pro vided with blank forms for recording oases of sickness with separate blanks for 1 absent sick it names of pupils absent through the sicknesa of others 3 date of receiving notification 4 name of disease 5 date of certificate of recovery and re- admission to school with the name of physician certif j ing c inquiries by teach ers regarding suspected cases and results 7 general remarks also it was leclded to recqrnnend that the act be changed to provide that when ever it is contemplated to erect any church school theatre or other public building the plans for heating and veutilation should be submitted for the approval of provin cial board of health a nurrjber of addi tions were recommended among which were clauses providing that ajiy inspector of a municipality should have paer under the medical health officer o visit cow- byres and dairies and forbid tho delivery of milk wliirh he suspects to be in an un sanitary condition and causes regulating the iuspectipti of slaughter nounes and providing that occupants who wished to analyze the water they were usiug should bear theoet thenbves if the water were found pare aud that the ownep hpnd bear the cost if it were found impure j and in fact all kinds of custom work done iu our usual prompt and satisfactory manner a bank president dead mjr c f smithers of the bank or men treal passes away mr smithers president of the dank of montreal died at ins residence montreal yesterday afternoon mr bmitliers was ljng looked upou as hifh authority in ull matters affecting banking and his opinion on financial matters carried gieat weight he was born in england in 1822 and came tocanada in 1647 to accept a position in the ban of british north america where he remuined jfor eleven years when he en tered tbe service of tbe bank of montreal in 1870 he wjut appointed to tbe important office of central jnanagerof thatjnstitntion and in 1881president which post he held at the time of his death go to j fyfes acton for your oloth ing he can suit yon for price quality and style every time i notice to creditor in the 1ia1tka op robert mcpherson sp deceased totice is hbheby given pursuant to jl tbe provisions of chap 107 uah o and 10 vict chap 0 ont to all ceeditarn and others having claims against the estate of kobert mc- phenon br late of the township of eftquesing in the county pi halton wntleroan who died on or about the twpbfiflth day of april a d 18h7 to deliver or send pyppbt prepaid to mai- colmmcphsraoo scotch plocvi p o fbs admin istrator of tbe estate and effect of thf said de ceased on or about the fifteenth day pf juno a d 18w their christian names aim tor uames addresses and description tbe full particulars of their olain a statement of i their accounts and the nature of tbesecuritiesif auytheld by then accompanied by a statutory declaration verifying such clainii and further notice is hereby given that imme diately after the said fifteenth day of june a dmj tje assets of tbe said ilereused will be distriuptpd awftngbe parties entitled thereto having regard ojnytib tna platais of which uotice ihallbave beenwaboywucuu and tbe said administrator ihall hot le liable for the asset or aiiy part ttftteot to distributed to any pcrn whose clalmsshall not have boon recelwattpe ttpie oftlie distribution of the nnlri naififg uausowiicvnmw hcoicn dlocx f 0 administrator bsqueting may llth 1887 newton limehouse oh guelph april 27th 1887 lower wyndhsm bltllerrs27 street seeing is a loug step towards knowing thatb the reason wo take each season so much pains with our millinery display the millinery trade is a peculiar tiade its the most difficult thing in the world to make up your tniud just what material what shade what bhape the crowning article ot dreis is to be you cant do it until you see whatsito be worn what the arbiters of fashion have prepared then a perfect revelation dawns upon you things yon have never thought of suou odd com binations such jim orack shapes here a bunch of flowers there a dab of ribbou u delicate bit of lace a plume or bunch of tips stuck or tbe queerest and oddest ihape or frame imaginable and yet tho whole producing a perfect harmony a triumph of the milliners art something strikes your fancy that you had nevor dreampt of and so the great question of what shall i wear is settled iu a mcfraent our opening of last week was withopt excep- tiop the most successful we have ever held more goods sold more orders taken more congratulations received and more visitors entertained than ever before but its only tho beginning as the first few buds are to the full blossomed tree so was the display of last week to what t shall be as the se son advances koveltios every day more goods greater ariely of loveliness the attractions in dress materials con tinue our shelves are loaded no need for any one to go abroad for their dress material or dressmaking we give ou the height of perfection in this line novelty of material beautiful blending of trim mings and garnitures the very beat talent and experience in designing and making up all continue to assure our patrons of the very bst our parasols and sunshades are materials of good value hub season al most every class of material and value to suit any and everybody by the way did ou have a look at our pinsh brocades ou grenadine grounds jnsi the loveliest goods for light spring wraps or dolmanettcs you could imagine aud at a very moderate price if jou have not and need an j thins in that line do so while the variety lasts new advertisements iioabdekk wamkd few boarders cad ho accomiiiodatod at no u association block bower avcunu i mlttvmiijsod money named f po borrow on building and rrl citato tft x 1000 at six per cent intel st apply st fnrk iuehfl office acton yaoor box viliiageikorkktyfoksale ik tho v mafic of actou honso and lot on cliurcb btreut will bo sold on varv reason ablo tcans apply to h p moope t oats fob sale 1uk umlcrklrucd have for sale a ifustatly of oulk at their hi ore mouse lu acton nitykiiln muhowy wanted immediately tvfs smart intelligent giru for glove and mc- casln laomns wustbji handy with needle and machine apply to 1 canada glove woiiku arrox ifyor vait to buy or eell nropcity rent houses ettj etc try a liiualf advertiwincut in the fhkk pibbs advertisements ioi mouses to let houses forsalc property wautecj properties foil bale inserted at the low rates apply at 1 fiiek pavmt off itp s salesme wanted vitk aro tu want of a tew more ftrstclaiis men y to canvass for tho sale of choice orlctics of nursery stock to men who can niake a success of the business we cuu pay good salaries or commission and giveperuiaucut employment we have many new and choice specialties both n the fruit ana ornamental lines which others ly all ouco with re mai brothers kpitsuniiiles jiocbestea n v i j fob malb i valrja5rjp vulare pjtppekttt l kino village lot number su north wcit of mill street in thr villre of acton the abovo desirable property will bo told at once ou easy tonus letter to forfurtucj particulars ajj t bmith cklikbhank liamfcters cotyourg mmillliiitlr wantfcd tcndkhs will be re in el by tlm clerk uutil friday eyoqlqg mhjyjth tor tho fbcp nl where 1u iste go to make our sp ij txfksu plimhases jr to grtj5riiiii all things considered we better annot concaivd of any place when we ge to guelph where will we go to then to the lion s it 7 wyaiftfta ht- aaolph 84 qiyold st aiaigtyy all now you have struck it the lion is thfe eight spot 1 t i i there is the place where the largest stock of the best gpods at tbe loweet prices in the country is to be found pl by laniplightcrfortlifl village of acton lars given upon application to j e mccabvik fartlcu- v1ijaoi cjlerk lace curtains ouitaln kets striped and plain sicrnus avcii our srmcc is riving out coirje nul see lliem wo hae a special lot in whkh we can savej you jo to oo pep cent in price i notick to trevsimsskbs- ersiened heifilj notify all ivhojij j all 3mh unders may couc iy part ot tin ifv t lifal e r bollert 27 lower windham st i guelph ont telephone in qjtjee webster in vsrlruf styles of binding with and wit patent in the latest edition has 118000 wordfloml 3000 engtsvings 3000 more words nnl 12000 more engravings than found in nny nilu r american dictionary it also contains via- graphical xhotionbry giving brief focin i on- cemidr nearly 10000 holed persons tothcie features we have just added 1885 a njsw grogto k o gazetteer a 1 containing ever saom titles riffly describing trr hnd ho conntries cltles ttotip describing natural ffsj of every part of lho globe webster is the 8takbar1 huttiorlty ffltli the v 8 supreme court ami in tlm govt printing office ana is reenmn k u iiy tlio state supts of schools in 36 strt nnd bytholeading college presidents of tho juitcd bti nnd capnd the lofldop tto8 wy hiatliedtstdio- tjondry of thlanguas the qnartoriy hertewj lond l is the best practical dictionary extant tli qatontta eni mostpflrfectworrt says it tslntneeilgbestmnk but hew york ihlmto i t uti9rooiiiefil pxlbtlng word i i fchtyy g the it is anlnvaluable- l it is reco rnlzed book world wpjy school pbwgfiand lab pniicrti pnbusber t andateyetylwresj teitlnwnllwnnrepitt on ppncai a ft o misbbiak 4 00 pnblube is the place coucern that hkliing ehsotlng rclon it tlidr prem fe are prohibited to comers all wbo trcupps irfter tho appcarnut of this notice will be j law win mcdonald john warren a j mwiu john bliaw esquemng slav lltn1887 rqietuted acrordlng to i i a mtloijld john gordon jtobt haimuvtin jaiuts kickell fancy goods underclotiiin iutiniatpb to all tbe that she hau upbuad a ies of actgp aud totiltoi miss pfibsland vicinity fancy goods berlin wools c thomas jin stock aud made to order on short notice stamping in t will be t nil desigus promptly ej found rwouabio thb acton may nlbsy xccutod priced ladies ate invited to call 1887 splkg hakdwabe 1887 johm m bond co direct harch are importers gtjeixjdpih u- keep the b9st qualities spades shovels rakes cm den tools agricuuurai tools houiculturul tools cntlery plated ware agatewftre beady 5jied paiutj antique colors linoleums oilcloths mats bird cages curtain poles refrigerators batter scales farmer scales wire netting for door or cellar windows wanted salesmen permanent positions ruuranteid with salrr ai expiases paid any de- termined man oau succeed with us pecnl iar advantages to beginners btosk com pleteincludin many fast- sellihgsptcialtieb- njethjfappr outfit free ncbbenymen iw0t nbcub court of btebhv revision alio court of revision to revlso the assessment roll for the village of acton for til p year lffi7 was o on evening and wiluo hold in tbe cc chamber in said village on friday 27th hay at eightj oolook p m of which altpersor s interested are 1 ereby re quired to take notiise and govern tlemselves aocordinnly dated at ac ion i hi igstb day of may 1887 tbjicgaavin plbbh mhe harlan bakber snjop mill 8 heet acton an easy shave a stylish rurcut a good seafoam an eshih rating shimpoo always given razors honed and put in- f rstclass condition ladiep and ouildrcjns hair 87 astily out jiansif fqrjsor j if you want a nobby durable id clieap suit go to j fyteb acton i 1 hrfyit 1 ca-sate-t- a iteration sale commenced printt formerly 10 mid 12jc now gc dresa goods formerly 25 and 30c now loo coloredsilks formerly 83c and 81 now 75q velveteens formerly coo now 37jo corsets formerly 50 and coo now 40c seamless cotton hose formerly 40c nov23o frilling formerly 10c now oo fnnses formerly 18 now 10c tapestry carpets formerly 9c now 75c brussels carnets formerly il2o now105 wool carpets formerly 8oc now 6oc i herau carpets formerly 15c now li special faoilitieb for making and laying carpets on short notioe lolj-u-sos- mckat elothetls 48 kinq street east harvulton x the 1ion sells tuk ftegul 1 00 meuve1lleux silln at 75 cents i the lion ii s just haf thbir grand millinery open ing and is showing one of the finest assortments of hais and bonnet glx ontaijk thk lion does the finest dressmaking trade in guelpii and keeps the largest nl most stylish as- soimientol dressigoops the lions imporitionsfaju exceed all other huu8es wesr of toronto ind is we unly houfce having a uesident jjuyek ixrthe old 00un1ry i i i j d williamson co cuelph stylesand assortment io tool nails iioqks hinges wire fencing machine oils water lime piaster a paris 1 iron pipe and fittings hose fisbing tackle sporting goods and amfninition plow lines and rope for rack lifters and a full range in house furnishing building and seasonable hardware of every description at prices which will makens the friends of every economical buyer special prices and attention given to those-build- ing and an illustrated catalogue sent on application john m bond co tyo tons binding twine best makeeat lowest prices our busiuess having indented to soth an extent we have found it necessary to en large our premie to double their present stye ly taking iu the store adjdmtii no 4g king street oust wo do not pecuro possession or a few weeks but as ne intend makiui extensive alterations in tbe two stores we must reduce our stock fully one half every department lias been cone ovr and goods roduced in price summer tjnpieolotbing r balbnggan merino and fine cashmere shtrts and drawers 84 36 38 40 4 and 44 iclicliest measure merino unriejtclothikg at i25j per suit bbatrrmrj dj aflnestocl lety spect topaimift stock compi books and 11 oeohylf meth rev johllc service 1 school x past itrangenf fcentiteuber usftttngi few steward the nierqhant tailors cwejph l p n 1 crumbl leffilde4 b the i tbecso lastweek glencoel at six ocloca milton j y a u valued it waterl i country i ganlsea j i asj tiie list luxuries basket on sato j- te othej new and the merj against tift publishf ottawa format with pr up onlr thtffj tbebia and tb t i within sistentlj when tbis tort i aecoij r 1 l i r l

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