Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1887, p. 4

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f i jiiiluj jta jfctttt jtmntsftit moiraixo fox 30 1887 otmielovlb hr fifty put our ow ttrya fltft hath borne oer earth kidmain the name oiktnprow queen beloved with neither spot not itain lour may it bear vict riv name long owns may she ku andior our empire hi oad and firand mayahe new honour aiu tipon our queen our uutry flatf gwa blessing ever reit t with peem and pleutj everywhere her peoples homo he bleat is jod sat the queen 1 or people pray from heuta sincere a id free 6od save onr loved vi toria and crown her jubile t a knjoyufb what a truly boautik i world vro live in mature gives ua grand sur of mountains glens and oceans and t lonaands ot means of enjoyment we can desire no better when in perfect health but how often do ihelmajority of people t 1 like giving it up disheartened diacourajjod and worn out witt disease when thei a is no occasion for thii f eeling as every nufferer cn easily obtain satisfactory proof that oiwis atgtttt flotctr will maho them free from disease las when bon dyspepsia and liver cdrnplaiut are the direct causes of qtjbskt 4- so no advice to wives 8oreatyfive per oent of biliousness indigestio costiveness nervouspi ostrtion dimness of the head palpitatio i of the heart and other distressing syrup lonis such maladies as i sick headache three doses of august flor will prove its wonderful effect sample bottles spring prose sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough shiloh s cure is the remedy for you sold by k n cgamn croup whooping cot gh 4and bronohitis by shilofs cure immediately relieved sold bv n mcgarvin the whole system exterminator de- worms derange mother graves worn ranges worms and gin s rest to the sufferer tt only costs twentyfh e cents to try it and be convinced forlatne back side c r chest use shilohs price 25 cents sold by porous plaster n mcgrrin that hacking cough cured by shilohs curl sold bv n mcgaxvin the extraordinary iopularity of ayers cherry pectoral is the use by intelligent peop i xt has proven itself th j very best specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints shilohs cough and consumption cure is sold by us onaguaraatee it cares con sumption sold by x mcgarvio the rev geo h thayer of bouborn iud says both myself and wife owe ouj lives to shilohs said by x ilcgarviu sudden liable to attacks ol croup swollen glands rheumatism neu ralgia and similar tro ubles are very liable during the winter and prompt remedy there can nothing excel yellow oil i nevei out it says mrs hepry dobbs of bern dale out will yon suffer liver complaint guaranteed to cure kcgarvin secured by shilohb price 50 cents isasal byn mcsarvin a lady writes i was enabled to remove the corns root and brjanch by the use of holloways corn cure tried it have the same thomas eclectric oil case of piles of 8 yesrs standing jiaying jtried almost every kmwijremedy besides two buffalo physicii u but the oil cured him be recommended too 1 lighly have some foundatioi i one who has tested it pectoral balsam is a cure for the various t caused by colds whii at this season of the 10 cents try it to ft tank do try remember that you are married man aud not to a god bo prepared r lm perfoctioiib anticipate the discovery by yonrhdaband that you kre only i womair if you wore not he would hot oro about you ouoo ir a while let your hutbanll hav tho last ord it will gratify him an t beuo pmboaiairlomtoyou bo reasonable it is a great deal tjndor sc mo circumstances but reasonabl o women are rare be rare remember that servants aro mad ot the sajno material as you aro it littlo joamr grained rhapa but tlio bamo in ess intials try and forget yourself as to yo ir hus band forgot that you married him md re member hat ho married you j lie wjll then probably do tho revorso lot him read tho newspaper atjto stable it is nnscciable but then it is only l u after alu and ho likes it let mm know more than you do fmoo in a while it keeps up his self rospe at and you will be nono the worse for ad that you are not actually infallible read something in tho payors beside fashioil mtcs and society column i have some kiowlcdgo of what is goiiif on foreign ountries be a companion to your husband a wise re an and if he is not try to make hint become your companion raise his standard do not let him lower yours seeds attiflo tutting we if ho is loojt out for your wqlls it bee liues more and more evident every year thai much of tho sickness prevalent in the ccuntry is attributable tq the wator by cardial btudy of the matter it is found that in i ine cases out of ten typhoid fever originate s in families whose water supply is from e well into which impure water comes this maybe from the farm yard and quit s generally such is the case for some yei rs the water in a well near the house m ty be pure and wholesome but by and by the soil between it and the barn jjard w 11 become bo impregnated with pouutioi that au unhealthy quality will be imparted to itand disease will result from its use can be so quickly we guarantee it natural result of its e for over forty years consumption care happen colds sore throat early spring as a feel safe to bo with- irith dyspepsia and shilohs vitalizer is you sold by k catarrh cured health and sweet breath catarrh remedy injector free sold -hrf- x i ir seedif seeds seeds re having n6w close tnem out at cost prices r very latest here at thek season f double an open lrllrr messrs jt milburn co nov 25th 18sg i wisl i had nsed b b b sooner which would lave saved mo years of suffering with erysipelas from which i could getrpo relief until i tried b b b which soon cleared iway the itching burning rash that had so long distressed me mrs edward romkc eastern passage halifax literal lo know mr3 iohn siddell of ortpn ont was afflicted for years with contraction ot the bronchi d pipes und tightness of the chesl she wai cured by the internal and external use of i agjards yellow oil this remedy cures rh cuiratismneuralgia inflammation congest on and all external and internal pain after years of suffering persons who have v inly sought remedical help from other sc nrces have obtained the long desired refief fi om northrop lymans yegetable discbviry and dyspeptic cure which puts a stop to the tnrmentsofdyspepsii renews activity of the bowels and liver relieves maladi a incident to the gentler sex and builds i ip failinghcalth and strength gives purity o tire blood snd tone to tie whole system choice d b jrmyu paid a visit tliiii week to the leading wholesale millinery llouscjn oioi est styles almost eyery conceivable shnpc aiw slmdc is now in stock toj ladile- tylcs almost eyery can by 1 be crowds that throng the purasc is goedf welwrjia be pleased to show hundreds of ladies who siihg gasping sufferers from asthma receive quick and permanent relic by using southern asthma cure sold by druggists or by n ail on receipt of price i others who have experience c c jacobs buffalo n y says dr cured him of a bad ns without relief he thinks it cannot agoelte what everyone baps must be true or at least and every- says that hagyards prompt and reliable roat and lung troubles rare alwaysprevalent ear f k f cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their aetion that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger is near if attacked g the proper medicine kelloggs dysentery get immediate relief do not delay in getti try a dose of dr j cordial and you it acts with wondei fails to effect a core sadden db appearance my face was covered with sores arising from bad blood by the use of three bottles of burdock blood bi iters i was completely cured r e sinclair of port bur well out offork f for two years i vras not able to work being troubled with dyspepsia one bottle tf burdock blooi bil ters relieved me three i bottles cured mei as veil as ever john a rappell of farnibville leeds oe ont i v boc persons have periodical attacks of j caijadiftn chera dysentery or diarrhcoa i and luive to use greai precautions to avoid the diseas changs in water cooking jiindgreen fruit is su to bring og the at i4sf tortwhperbhibwe would irecom- as being the best me licine in the market for all summer comp ainte if a few drops j are taken in water w ren the symptoms are i noticed no farther tr mble will beexperienc t- ul rapidity and neve housi is the blacc to go nice brussels carpets at 50 b0 903 and the very best at 1 nicetapestry ctrpeu at 35 iso s5 40 45 fioe and on up i croseleys v best good llwool carpets a yard v id at 79c aiid on up to tlio best borders at ltalfprices for knliriag carpeu union yard wide carpets from 40 up large lot of f emoants of carpets it about wolf prioek an enormoussloek of fashionable pesigos in wil od royal velvet bmsseu and tapestry carpets just them carutt materials and window fixings in almost every thing known au immenso variety of windohv cartaius table dumasks aud napkins remember stored are faq door west of huglibob strtjot on kino stkkitt eapt tlic names on the nimlnwr are hd riuljt house and thomas v wntlthis hamiltc d april 30th 16s7 gteiag qjttingf sp astonlfthlng surrc it is the duty of every person who has used b mcheets german sgnij to le t its won derful inalitie8be known to their friends in cuung consumption severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact alpthntatand lung diseases no person can usi it without immediate relief three doses nil relieve any case and wis consider it the duty of all druggists to resommend it to tl e poor dying consumptive at leabt to try- me bottle as 80000 doze u bottles were suld last year- and no one oese where fairly vas reported such a medicine as the ge ihau syrup cannot be too widely known akyourdruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents regular size 7i i cents sold by all druggists and dealer in the united states and canada 1 ai ce to mothebs are you disturbed at nigl t and broken of your rest by a sick child s iffering and crying with pain of cut ting t seth if so send at once and get a bottle f mr3 winslows soothing syrup for ch idren teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers tl lerc is no mistake about it it cures dysehiery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels oures wind colic sof bem the gums reduces inflammation and gves tone and energy to the whole systen jmrs winslows soothing sy- rup i or children teething is pleasant to the tai te and is the prescription of one of the ol est and best female physicians and nurses in the tjnited states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price iwentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mna winslows soothino svbup s iring suits and overcoats at extreme ly low and take no other kind prices and made in the latest styles be sui e to call and see thom at j fyfos acton i kekl and comfort to the safrcribg b owns household panacea lias no equal for relieving pain both internal and oxterr al it oires pain in the side back or biwels sore throat tthetfinatisw tooth iche lumbago and any kind of a pain r ache it will most surely quick- jen the blood and heal as its acting power is wbi derful brpwtfa ilousehoidpan aces being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of oaf other elixir or liniment in the vorjd should be in every family handy for use w i en wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps lftithe stomj ch and pains and aches of all kinds and h for aale hy all drngjrjitsjitjfien a bottle com mion boot all tjeim in all lines o all as t j price slnd quality call at boots and shoes of every so rubbers vc our runnibr o wa ordered rcler work and feet the runejst ipvo thexow olndj fashionable goods owhich there are about 230000 wortli stored up there at present tliy come to the right house because they can get almost every tbinjjlthey ret nire there in good serviceable qualities fashionable styles nnd feeliug sure that they cannot do lietferauywheru than at these nnrinous stores because vvntkins sale 8 are so very large that four cents ou each dollars worth sold pays a handsome profit then t lie goods are purchased direct from the mainfaclnnrn tor the ensh down then his large cash discounts make a nice print ladies new underwear aiiflllosierv ibis week now mantles paletots and jackets bis weiki 120 misses am little girls mantles pht down to less than half prices misses mautles marked down from 4 50 to 20tfr6m 5f0 to 225 from 330 to llofuromoo to 125 0 to tl00 1500 to 1125 there arc about f very nice lace curtains only one pair each puttern whicli are marked down from 400 d 52 50 frmn 7j0o to 8500 frorf k3c2 to w fromti00 tn 40o from 450 to 9u00 from 9300 to 8200 from 85w to 3coj fom s800 toso00 from 8050 to 8400 yard j widt twilled cotton at tj 30 inch grey cotton atlje crash towelling at tic an knormnus stock of towellings ai dtowels very cheap grey cottons ai a white cottons at unusually l w pricrl an immowo slock of heavy cottonadcs and canadian twccda for rmejliiit ery theap striped and jliecked shlnitiux in kxtmotdidary good value just see the sheetidgs tickings pillow cottons while and culored tilts hevyfwillea dttons for wight and underwear the qualities are good and the halite pot easily equaled itenember the millinery mantles and mantle cloths are very stylish patterns and the value excellent mind if 3 xl b 8feds seeds seeps a laige stock of turnip parrot and mangle seeds and er not hats theyre at jermynsj itis now an acknowledged fact that we load our showroom otoiitario and made extensive purchases of the ijasjiitiiy rely 011 petting ns fashionable headgear it this tifptirtniciit uh hn been demonstrated all pride of the valleys yes pride of the vaucy tliat is the nameo the medicine it cured me of dyspepsia fbp i hoagbt a sample package for c then frffe packages for si and before i had taken tte cbntentfl of four packages i was entirely wen 3w have never felt the symptoms since tbst 1rsk four years ago i also bonght a bottle of prbs- of the valley liniment last spring for my hfee43j man who sprained bis ankle so badly he coah 1 not bear his weight on it after using prida of the valley liniment for 24 hours be was able to s go to work as well as ever and what is tbtm naioeof that other medicine 9 why pride of th valley catarrh and rheumatic cure that u the f greatest known remedy in tbe world for theenriyi ot catarrh not an inhaler butthesiodictoe fi tii be taken internally once a- day it strikes attarf this jubilee sun hats now in stock w e of jr ibis week nnotllcr lot of 6c printed lawns kcmenibcr price also ehoiiic dejignsin seersuckers and prints from 25c to 725 i am showing a line of black silk at 300 each that g00j in profusion ltdies these are scarce goods and aic worth nearly rtby ot tho attontioii ol ladles waiitiiir really you through jltv 18 wo 33 criqitdyiirsrasr visit the eight house daily to purchaso is hh3e3 0 kenhey bros proprietors s5h0e store acton have mjuch pwsurc iu admitting unit during tbe winter their great two foot rule to keep yourlfect warm aud dry lias beei very satisfactorily ohserved und that tlicir boots shoes ac have been largely instrn nental in accomplishmu it now th it ipring is here again vrilli its wet weather mid sliuhy w than eyer deiiriblo tliut the rule slmild btj observed 111 oriir to eusiir le all to have dry warm mind if you wantgarpets the ry a see the c wtkixlsrs we have put in ilis it i mire yowl hfallli to tine and vill assorted stock fir and 13 i 1 1 suit and satisfy kenney bos ritairirig e qparttnent is as usual in tohes jewelry rbpaiihg always satisfajctpryv sptecfidus try the v have bkkm disalpointe alafja- they weaver sold 1 is he best l iavac33aitul i sole agent fjpr cue ph itu re cfottage prices whfch will jrlstonish ydu tintekjt caiiilicn r3 for- ct- xnr furniture e at fully supplied witl evirythinp pessary jin tliia v department il a 8peicht manacer lar t railway time tabltt grand trunk railwa oomo bast hixod ffi ft tn kxprom 710 am pktnmall 10mi avm thfdubhpxp007 ntn acfom osoptn chicago kxpremdoes natstopijetweot and toronto flpikffwejygsgj kxprctgbsjj kxres igjj tbrokxpressilm hpcclal jimp on t1mk olcjyosix ilakn oln went 0 10 am and 5 20 pm oping east 10 40 am and c 20 pm i i olu stn the root of the disease snd reraavea the causeats once as thousands will testify that have used tbe catarrh remedy the three above reme go band lb hand and where can i getmh at l q matthews acton ont also at firstclass medicine dealers in canada faciured by vaav a il bhbieves i londoitiolft1 m yellow nil rheumatisrvi i freemaits x70bm powders are pleascnt to trjax contain their owa 5 purntirc is a eofo cure aad elicctml m cestioyo ot worsiciu children or adnte ri ynilcinliyeatnonieanirmiikc more moneyfil i ijljotborkforur than at anvthin else to this world capital not needed jyou art f started free both6oxeball eges arrponeeanis do the work large cxnings sure from ftrit- lurt cobtlvontut and terms free better notvr dtli code you uotliingtoseud usyouraddjtailj anil find ont if ju aro trtsoyou -jrtn- do so at if h hiilkt a- co portland ifalne i a great gausot human misery os the loss of manhoo i 1 ircfbrc on rticxafbretreaimcntabil rntllml enre of seiiiiual weakness ojj sperm- 0 atorrhora iudncedby selfabuse involuntary gi emifrious irapoteney xervons debilfty ana imif diments to marriage generally consnmpl tion epilepsv and fits mental an j physical inca- 5 laityc 6yb06ektjctjlhvetlmxui the world renowned author in thisadtairabte lecture clearly proves from his ovrn experlehce- thatithe awful consequences of selfabnse mar be rfiectually removed without dangerojisbtdrgi cal oieratious bongies instruments rings or coials pointing ont amode of enre at once rertin and effectual by which cvery 6uffarerg no matter what his condition may bo niav cure i hiifrlf cheaply privately aud radically t5this lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands i sent uncter seal in a jilaiii envelope address on receipt cf ionr eeutvor tvo stamjis atidrcfs to any postage a tig suvrofrrsii helical c9 11 ann strkew yoek n y r pbox45is p orc great iiots of sewg1 arriving daily q new isaatlo tloxha jtevployorb i jiqtt feathers new ornamoits newtrijmmidgs it gcow tf rll mads i new oadhme eb ia blacfe and col- fcpeciallino dut a millhiofy- made np in firstclass style reason able pkick8 jwcdc ins nnd mourning orders attended to with punctuality and despatch new coltjoiiadcs new deiiiuinsneiv tickings new cottons new smill wares- wewhosieiy and iloves new carpets new to new readymade clothiua new hats newuents uruishiiigs ilagniacent lot of new twseds worsteds an5 suitings g ib time fc leave yp or goods made uri in fir class style aind pnceb to smt the hard tiines new styles and lowest prices in foot wear 1 p 1tot7 dross goods now sillts hotrsinjliams new 2riat9 iow 0hahrays how laces sivr aabroideries how llillmery itqw 24antlcb he boot st6ck is large and very cheapt ladiesugktlemenwehajve a large stock purchased iron the best markets in the world aiid at tho very lowest prices our loot experience and standinc enables us to buy clieap and we will sell equally cheap come and patronize us- mcleod anderson 00 mammoth house ceorcetown mcgar yins drug ste acto otaeic your garden every ounce and package fresh and reliable fo o- 1 c a large new assortment of t i i paints oils varnishjes paint brdshei coal oil canadian dd ameribar itogatnjs drug aad stationery store aojtoa fjatuftes iplemedy f0rcoughscold5hoarsenes triroat sc lung compiai nts instant reliefposmive cur dousik trtatmifrr m cach padluss southern asthma cube instan- rcucr for asthma and by mail on samples 25 woncsa fulforo bronchitis receipt of phltfe regular size si oo co brockviulc ont ibvji every fdtce pbe8s actc os b veab tjjvarlably ii 5jli5permrj tiuaed till alq option of the stack o te column- half column q larter coli oie inch- usti sequent i reckoi ealec icnangesfo in tbepfnee i bey will be id bui tj h be1 c ttohs li el tario veterinary li in kenny dense inthj soundness all calls i edto ter xohnsi barrisb aucers c o e f b jo bifibistfl sol omct- office maid at 0 percea s hlttc ti owlcbs j aid 86 putario g wflad ple he j 20 fearj j a for that orders 1 oppote to acton j terra 1 desired will cure or relieve biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas satt rroiny fteartburn headache dizziness dropsy- i fluttering i 4acdm ofthejskin and evqty species of disese t milburn co 8sfena envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes- envelopes envelopes envelopes m r envelops thefbekpnesuasjust recoivod a large stock ofa nice quality of ncj 7 white jta envelopes whicli will btf sold printed in 1000 lots at w 250 per 1000 and in 100 lots at 15 cents per package remember tfccfe pcqb are for a food envelops with business card neatly printed on the comer every husinoss man tshould leave- ah order hipoore fr for the ordersl or at promptw alsoi able terd terest iij y j1ra1 st jed l accoi perfodif bound t an ead seafoai given xmdii tastily desin surrot i order cirpe dress aho t yards ani vi 8tis wul vl 7 vi i -i- v

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