m matmrm wrdma and day mtssrat at ceo hynd5 line stock watch ckjoka jewel kr gpectack careful mitaamoa grvui tofeprmr- prop it mid ac otfr iarve tock rompritiug jewtftery stationary ikifika and fancy v wit mbo btkds acton ohtv sit it methodist church actcn rev r phuxipsu a8tor tuvidvncc ivowcr ii tv4sc sf rvkcs loai am and vt pm suuday kol ixv itibtc ctaa comluctwt lv ik jtor ah oxtilv invited nlrncr anl sritdtora lny aewmitt al- uliv unborn t hip door it aire urd apply tohirmvorv prwstrl tiuitsjxv mokxixrt jrski 1ss7 crumbs porbrbakpa3t j tided by tha vr thoughtful prew repsrttr njht dclightwther water cress are now plentiful i the rty fnn geu the hellebore counetf sneeung next tuesday evening iacrossje meeliug tonight at sewn oclock the board of kjucaiiou will meet ubxt monday evening i the late rains have made the farmers and gardeners happy opu iix exercise iu thi splendid june weather is congenial to all fifteen to twenty minute sermons are the class row most appreciated a preacher should wind up hi dis course when he breaks tbetiiread of it mr james robertson has opened a lumber yard at the c p r station hornby l the annual crop of fluff has been abed by the silver poplar the past few days its aruisancev building operations are in full swing in acton just now t building is booming xll over town s crowds corners rutondj celebrating j rtmme it ltaiiiuion day this yfcar by a jubilee 3 tth month of totagaiu jtcool is aeulity at su to 94 tjeuts hnrnd h up to iv cent in t it thomas holiday wur iotire being arraugod tor i oardeu partid and lawn iala ore iu the new future orot johool i itouda hvt ig piciiio on tin 1st of july i jkpitaph tojai editor u wo lies ouo who never lied bef wo i teud lot tl oflke i lamplighter am tasked tor by tl e council flacroaao is booming again and tho boy are eugaged j nightly pr wtice j 8ome kramoi a farmers o mplain ihat i thcii barley has b n nipped i y tho frost j ft wo right c iinot mako i wrong nni lew they aro slow and tie lutu atje imskiut -4- lot of fiiio c ittle were t hipped from j rockwood last we iriccs nxngwl from hjci tosc r t 1 1 j tho new fron in the trtuk and sat- j cbfli factory jtivoa it a dectdmly improved j appearance faii exbhaiike iska s w jat shall we i 0i vfitli the warm wcathoc f v put it our ice imts james kyder u in ildiiy aluew biack house on tl e corner youiik and arthur strecu j i 4a little bifflsr sprinkle jmr water- carter please latnre can beat you all hollow when she ties mr wm brown of esincsin raised a fine new baru i ist saturday about 200 meu aasisled at t le raising l5tr arch amnbcll ia ready fortho bricklayers to phccefl witli lis new house on mill and well ngbm streets y- our bockwo id enrrespon lent has tak- en holidays it u hoped 1 is much ap preciated epistle will now be renewed j limehouse sparks ure anxiously looked for week i iter week by many of our rekders wjll citueu phso renew his interesting week y uotes the paris c auncd has d mated 8100 to uw nanaimo scmujie stfterers the disaster left 39- widows and 106 children without means c i support i theueen recently presented 10000 i poor children pt london will jubilee mugs j at hyde park it was die biggest collec- i don of happy lit tic mugs on itxord the sal vati army bai a full pro- larracab last iivening they bad an ice creai l social a jabilee a christ ening and a fai swell by captain topharo alley city dakota seronl imon dinoustration two mount forest boys weie fined 9 iii crts last wcfstfor disturbing a slva- l it army metting v the lufferii tf has again chunked f i stable in conne tiou with their sale stalles uands seneca it is out of the traces for from the we learn that old acton boys jh ue hclldoxcnth tirte i our re3ct3 will pcruc viih interest j ile article ii this isnen commercial j luoubyv h storey lvi tho hastbalists trll ui that it is uu- riisclle to expect a puyrr willdo curve i jitihfiig wilhoat soiue crookedness ijcv r phill is attcudinc confer- j tloi at jalt biueru il be hold next i siiiidiy inoruiu and tviitii as usual j gutiph coufvrtnce oitiel its annual i xivn t gait yesterday morning over j ro miiiistets and lay delates are present mr a w- greens new residence cor ir cf west bower avenue and main i sinxt will k a verv ueat edifice when j i completed j acjon will require to bestir herself or the celebrations in the saroonding tillages and townships will handicap her proposed jubilee for the 21 june mr hairiltiu of wycliffe coliege jireucbed in st albans clnrch last sun day inorums and cveijinj he ii stn carn- ct and acceptable minister i it is faid a votn lalv in towu is so f ry teudvrliarted llict rise refuse to pare f tlc jjutjes for her mother she eays rhe j u afraid she miyht injure their eyes tle georgetown herald mian has pa r- iatd 3 fcfe in which to store his wealth iiire s tv ctiar in connection with the lsce hence this large expense tit- bivbw submitted to the ratcj y- t rs of petria recprtly nsiih irnson to ixna ienm of f000 oil public buiiiiiuls was carreil by the decisive rira- jin of mj the wiiard oil company save free eoiicfttstifiue ftreet ecry evening last week they had irje uudicuccs and suc ceeded in flcodiiis the coantiv xvith their iu that city mrjc cury bua line have opened mclagan ol imr fc rmerly of tin thb weeks rakinqt whoh aire principally local ani in a qotemment dontjftot messrs w 111 storey a 8on of the canada olove worka bjre havo just ro ceived a good order from the muitia do partmeut for their justly celebrated i mili tary buck gauntleu tho doves ure tor the use ot thi t northwest mounted police this with a previous order filled tome niuuths ao amounu to about moo0 worth oettlng- the jubilee issue of grips own library will be out uext week it will be a book of 82 pages with piotures on nearly every page evory picture to appear is either origiual or is being specially reprodnocd tor uui issue and thoro will be t great dc maud for itlt will bo for sale at all book stores or can bo bad by sending lj cents direct to grip office toronto a rruiuaaa errand i a deputation consisting of mcasnt david w ainpbel wm panton j h mo- colloin and j d mogibbon waited on the ontario government last week asking for tho dismissal of the police mogigtratoi bat did noti meet with any success panton hawked n petition round town if or the maghiratea removal but to his aurptuo got only a few signatures ntformtr journal says a was in tho jolty on a lare livery 1 ff gents furnishlilgs ano or first class mens suits- 41 youth8 8ult8 wo aro now giving the greatest bargains in the above ever heard of 400 3ij0i this is thegreatest ohanoo yon have ever had to f et clothing dout miss the ohanoe in groceries we aro giving the best vaiud ot any pie in the trade 18 pounds uioe bagar for 9100 first class boys suits- childrens 8uits i the largest sbosk of ii its iu the county to be sold at coiit 0 pounds currants choice fruit for 25 cents 3 lonnd eaisius everything iu stock told equally ohuap bros aetonj v patent medicine- rovr lut one for june came to hand fruit proapc ots the st catharines loading fruit grower thursday and informs us that dot in many yctirs has he observed the prospects for a large fruit crop better than the preseut ho fiavs the in his orchard he haa already observed tin young pears well formed and mauy of his apricots are aa large as hic kory nuts he believes the peach crop is now beyond danger and will be prolifie another set tenoe for a jail bird hirsm 8r lith was arraigned before his- uouor 3udie miller yesterday convicted of having stolen a watch from johurelvea of nelson and breaking into tho house of itobti t sim pson near oakvillo aud steal ing clothinj ho was sentenced to three years in the provincial penitentiary at kingston smith baa already put in ouo term at kit igston one in the reformatory at penetan iuisbeno and one inho central prison at 1 orouto cvjamjwill the press it the industrial the ln ustrial exhibition committee have arranjed to erect a building on their grounds fo tho exclusive use of the press the buildi ic will be 30 x 76 feet toioclade separate r onis for the toronto dailies a messrs gnnmiugs drosj- rnom with de8k vmng jonrnal- its a n staurant ivutory aud other csseutials md the exhibition architect has been instr ictcd to design albuilding which will meet these requirements mr h j hill the anager aud secretary announce that the exhibition committee purposes giving a d uuor to the presfs on september- latlj- j earning a reputation dr e a hall a native of hornby js wiuniiij i or himself a reputation as an oculist iu recently operated on u lady patient wlio had cataracts on both ecb aud had j n blind for four years the result wo 3 that her siht was restored the paisley adrottiu says the operation was a vei y delicate and difficult one the obstructk n being taken not off the papil but out o the eyeball behind the pupil dr hall is a careful physician and is making n arked progress in bis profession the ame icon agriculturist as a daily during the continuance of the great dairy an 1 tattle show held in keiv york city in day the amtrieaii aitflctiltttrid montiily isuued a daily paper of eighteen piges on the grounds e very morning at ten oclock escribing the scenes and incidents 52 275 i60 1 oico fruit fur 21 cants and summer not hats bp o re bonimets vvviviji- r b jtermtns r b jen inyn paid u visit thia weelj to the heading wholesale millinery hbusca of ontario and jfiade exteisive purchase of the very latest btylea almost cmegvablo ahapo and slmdo is now in stock to ladicsmay rely ou jeettingab horvus they can iimhe largest oil it lis now an acknowledged fact that we lead m tliis department as has been sensori by the crowds thatthrong our at owroom r jubilee sun hats now in stock kcmember ladies these are scarce rooi we would be pleased to show yui tjhrough tlica ictpria guelph mt-r- i suit on his liands with the i depntyattonn y general of tiie province as prosecator acton is a i ively place jtstnowl with be wholesale nanufactureis busy tilling audfehippiug largeitiders and the bustle pertaining to the jhuildiug lioem the towu presents an animated appeal auce j when geuttemeu bet ha ts tbey do not mean cheap straw hats tl c winner nom inates the loserpays the bil is if some ot the recent election hat bets nre paid at all hvc oeut straws will evidently have to fill the bill why doesnt miltan nuke some effort to secure telephone connection with the outside world telephone connection would be mncjh appreciated by outsiders and no doubt by residents aa well a little enterprise would accomplish the desired end j the liueph 7ruw says many of the milliners i nd other ladies engaged in the dry goods stores are strongly protesting against the pr iscnt system by which they are compelled to work on saturdays till very near the time when servile work is a sin arrangen leuts have ben made where by the torou o papers fori weston mai- tou bramjito i orvalgcorgetovn acton bockwood g lelpb and places on g t 11 west will leav toronto at 415 a m ar riving at plac s named from three to four hoars earlier than formerly id6 you know that th most valuable kind of information is found in our adver tising colnmts people who never rcud adviertisemen ls make a great mistake aud lose a great deal of interesting reading matter lteful the announcements each wo offer ua week another lot of fc printed lawls ouble the price also choice designs i n seersuckers and ppife parasols from 25c to 8725 1 am jhowing a lino of black silk aft 300 each that is worthy of the attention tt choice good9 dress goods in prolusion fashionable bsadgear denioiistvatcd s all tl 1 and aie wortl ladies wanting real i y nearly ir b jbk3icz3sr laces fl0uncinc8 swiss musuncs victoria lawns at the watkins luts prepared for the warm weather ity importing enormous quantities of laces embroideries flouncings spotted muslins etc beoe and ivorv in tho verv latest styles and m akes in paris brussels zurich and other french swiss and belgian towns just see the c iunrta snanlah oriental chantillv fluipuru ubilee and several other makes of laces and flouncingb f roiui inch lb 42 inches wide they just tht fsiimanea immer dresses the prices range f torn about half a cent per yard np to 285 see the all- wh and beauuf 01 designs a large lot of real linen guipure dart laces in chummgfmmn bought so very cheap tor cash that tbej theirvalue thesegoods look beautiful in trimming curtains see the elegant variety of lmbroiderus forbresses in all w mths up to 40 winn i cmj a lot of verv nice double widtl french dress goods are offering at 45c which are good value for 57c and another lot is being sold off at 00c w lunrh hfwv km ha 8e 10 l4c 15c 1730 85c nnd on up to the very best the drels goods are in enormous variety in the latest jdesigns and colonn mnt4 l en collars cuffs and embroidered underclothing for ladies and mines- undefcotling of sand iky cheap ibsieryud glov s of nearly all kinds for all ages and sexes vv in t nu p r the latest styles from 5 up to 35c tho colorlig are new and beaatifal and the alue i of lace and about n dozen other materials inorb there are about sotooo worth of carpets iu br iskcls tapestry and sett well they re so cheap no person sh ould purchase corpete untd they see watkins carpet hv eepers lhea styles very cheap new and beautiful merveifleni come to king street east one door west of hughson street thomas c watkins hamilton june 2u j lob lagtjfftek replete with seasonable illnstra- ti on- stories and poetry for the children it is a gem send 15 cents for a copy to russell pub co boston i at the fergub division court an elora bailiff was condemned to pay the balance of a rent debt which remained due through his failure to make a sufficient seizure to liquidate it- barmcrssay that the late rains have done a great amount of good throughout the country vegetation has taken a fresh start and everything betokens that next seasons i crops will be large children playing with firecrackers las week started a conflagration that destroyed the residence of mr thomas a farmer living near tranquility brant county loss 1000 mrs thomas was badly burned j the residents of the east end would like to have the tiree lamp ou street removed to the corners of arthur heel and queen streets at present they are situated some distance from the cor- nrs of these streets the queen never fails to send 5 to every new english mother of twins her majesty means kiudly and hair raised a numerous family of ber own bat it is questionable whether or not twinraising should be encooraged a o picayune pjf the council of 1887 desires to have uiemselves immortalized jp the eyes of citizens and travellers generally they will continue uie sidewalk in the g t b yards to mill street and connect it witb the town sidewalk there thetl t b is evidently too poor to give their patrons this accom modation r the reminders of summer days nave been with as do ring the week the bat- ehevs have already opened kg hole in tbeiriee houses the soda water and ice erai8 men jostle against ns very nemer- onsly the thermometer rises to the dignity of ninety degree in the shade and a igb a breath of north wind has already r bee jj a 1 04 f fvjiovt who have enter affectionate and from their city week and tra le with men prise enough to advertise about tl is time the c ountry auts and cousins begii to receive highly perfumed letters relatives who have been too busy to write all winter they want to know if the farmer man has planted any of those nice fresh eggs we had last summer and if the dear old cow lias begun to seon the fresh butter wanted 500000 pounds of good clean merchantable wool for which the highest price in cash or trade will be given we have a large stock cheap of yarns blank ets ilanuejs cottonades shirtings and general dry goods for which we shall be glad to trade tor wool or soil for cash acleod anderson co i georgetown ont i spring qpriritj qprixiy a btioiig company j the streitsville woollen company ha been incorporated under letters patent with a capital of j120000 amongtbe incorpor ators are jw t keely thomas lailey h w darling and w m angus all of toronto ijbomas and rfohn joseph lang of cumgwbod andg ai cosof peterboro the cresoent lacrosse olub reorganlzedr- the jm ting for the reorganisation of the crescex t xacrosse club iookiplace dri tuebday chibg and jras well attended the officer for the year t-har- fouows- isiskjfcai honorarr president h p fower lredibdrhtaoey itpm h- j lawaon v 8 8retar g g bnckwell trfeasnre rf p worden cajftain- jlawsbbl commtti ee of management j header from da to day ad presenting illustra tions of he various cattle aud farm im plements as premiums were awarded them iiycry number contained from thirty to forty enj ravings- etc etc it was rather a uoveltj for the veteran american ayri- eulturitt now not far from its fiftieth birthday jubilee seleb ration poster 3 are oat announcing that the people o esqoesiug will celebrate the 50th anniven aty of hor majestys reign by a monster picuic on the 21st jun to be held on lot ic con c near stew irt towu one of t le features of the demonstration will hue procession of the old sjdeutafy militia ifficers of the township the retired officers md men of the volunteer force who ker ed at the front in 1600 all other retired oluntcera the old settlers of the townshi 50 years of age and upwards and the children of the public schoolb an address will be delivered by bev jas alex ander f a mnsic games etc will take place a id an enjoyable time is anticipated worths laborers who never strike then is one class of laborers who never strike and seldoracomplain they get up at five c clock iu uio morning and never jgo back to bed until 11 oclock at night they work w ithout ceasing the whole tlime and receive no other emolument than food and the pla nest of clothing they understand something of every branch of economy and labor from finance to- cooking though harass d by a hundred responsibilities though driven and worried though re- proacbid and looked down upon they never levolt and tbey oonnot organize for their own protection not even sickness releases them from their posts no sacri fice is leemed too great them to make and no incompetency in any branch of their v ork is excused io essays or- hooks of poeins are written in tribute to their steadfi stness they die in harness and are supplanted as quickly as may be these are tlie housekeeping wives of the labori ig men j -ol- kennb y bros proprietors dom in ion boot sho have much pkadre iu admitting that during the winter their iieat f wo foot kulo to keep your feet warm and dry hah boen very atisfatuirily ohsorved unit that their boot shoes 4cj have been largely instrumental iiaccuuipiithing it now that bpring is here uijuiii with tt j wet v either uu j si adiy walks it ia more than ever desiruhlu that the rule should ha obsen cd in order to ensure good health to all to enable all to have dry warm feet we iwv e put in a fine aiid well assorted stock in all lines of bots and shoe of every sort kubws ac 4c and can suit audsatisfy all as to pricoaul quality call at kenney bros our ordred work and ffipairinj l epartmeut is as usual in running ordejr wn h h t1ie finest watches jewelry neckwear in abundance cheap prints- cretonnenjand sateens by the i is good the corbet trade is perfectly euormoui i there aio about solid with almost all kinds of house furnishing goous are having an immense- sale iskcls tapestry and allwool which are selling oft at far less than cost tbo ne jii m e nnr1 fkv im woflrttife fnttipf rvc pptwhi pficnn a full fttnn tb ev carpets a full stock of ladlt he names on tho wine ows arc the t tbioivras o- wttikixdsrs right house see the beautiful mats and bugs tins 8pi irg i irench jer eistore acton ik ohiriniufr- leys in various ight hoic anil repairing always satisfactory 1 1 you spectagles try the b worden ltobtert lawoon and geo htathtm nearly i ii the old players of lost season wille fon id in their old positions and a number ol sew players have joined the crescents the prospecta are that we will have astiong team to pnfc in the field practice iiill ommeuce at ouee o if ave bkim isa1f01ntk1 ik la8ka they weeversad are the best savage sole aent for cuelph furniture large lots hf new gopds arriving daily novmatleolotlis kowflwors new feathers nov omaiaeiits jtott trimmings in goods kinds tfow oashmeres in blaok and col ored special line aasat bargains cf all dcolj new dress floods htarsis now eintrhama new prints new oaambrayb new laces- itolw sanrolderies new millinqiy new uantles m ymm i r rh furniture mrsl jlillor uemstreet of cleveland ohio is visiting acton friends mrs hemstreet was for some years a resident of ac toil iff its primitive days la fcwj tof the oldest residente will remember when fier h isbahd opened the first grocery- be ftre actnwas christened fyrtjysixijyeaa ago ind called it danville j grocery mrs lerdatreet is enjoying remankably pood 1 lesiltb be wealey kerr of rtiokwood metc with j avpaibful accident last thursday hen ountedhis bicycle and started out to srttljistwonelbui tedl gone ar when the machine upset and mr kerr was thrown heavily to the ground he n ceived some severe bruises about the face j lnd wjll be incapacitated for a couple of wekk yottage or castle i for- iat prices which will astonish you funerals lundertaelna- fully supplied with everything necessary in this department call oh spefghi dresses mantles and millinery mofle up iu firstclass style reasonable p1uces wedduig and mourning orders attended to with punctuality eiid despatoh new cottonades now deuiuma new tiokings new cottons news nsu wares new hosiery and gloves new carpets new tugs new keadymade chthing new hatenew gents furnishings magnificent lot ol new tweeds worsteds indsuitings gentlejuen now is your time to leave your order goods made up in firsts class style an prices to suitthe hard times new styles and lowest p ices in foot wear the boot stock 18 large nd vert cheap ladn8igfntlemenwehaveal large l markets inthe world and at the very lowest prices enables us to buy cheap and we will sell equally cheap come and patronize us mcleod anderson co mammoth house georgetown as stock purchased f ton the beat oorlong experience and standing e j- fls ia m 1 ivsjijj tji isp f n mc drug storei all your warden every ounce and package freshand reliable o o- j i- tsf a large new asgobtfment of painty oils varniel8 iint brushes j j a spelcrtf manage t r m i i iwm fi