Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1887, p. 1

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volumk xii xo 4 bs33ss i iii ribluukil hvruy thursday moftnlnq xt tur fee press power prmtinq house actox ontario subscription rates 0l vkvll 1w six wiytuh irts actotf ootakio thubsay jxtxe 9 1887 acton banking coy storey christie co bankerb- cton thjikk nontiii 4sct i anablvin advance it uotuaidiu advance l per vor will be charged sopr4tin- it i a ujn arrears r paid ewwpt at th lilt tllll i itumi ot iho muhlmier adverttmnq rates a gunsrati transacted i e 1 nun ui uuuo q lusor otbhkb 0 ir inch duo j a no 1 uvo 1408 i 140 ahori ontario -new- wall papers xn i banking bcsinkss j018 njotea disopjunted arjd interest d on deposits and tuuusim mosisojusk 01887 poetry ixiati advrtlaminmasmata par tine ft lb fiim mwrtion and s omtsmt line tot ach sub- v tamcttk cash th number el tin reaoom by um space occupied meuand by a v lo of solid nonpareil vlrwsiwrowts without specine directions wul beiiwrrtwltill forbid ana charged accord- a trnuwt dtrthiaiisnuit 1 void chati for contract adtratiuieuuuhiiit lc in ie otioc b y mxn oa itonwiy- otherwise fcr r xrill ivp loft tmrr until the following wk h p moore editor and proprietor- find the undortigi shortest no 1 toil le puzzle i is prepared to turululi on tlie in mi quantity aud at bot- prices firstouta tuic dkdc3 t arrtwisbttrrauk sprue btt atttittlalnl businasa directory h iowky m b m c 1 s m oradnat of trinity college mem ber of college of phicians and surgeons ofcce and residence at the be id of frederick street acton lumber tiath staveshead ing shlrtgles wash tubs churni butter tubs pork barrels wood fic ur and feed r ml on j thing ii tihlyiiie of funncns liouckci vrs or conlmcu re iuwtic the jmulo a to ttml a better plaet tluu thok a8 c moores to bnymiytlilni in tbv above lines alo to find ont u you re i debtwl to him or n thing jmr- chutea frotu h in his books m wmc arc and he would hketljo money boedbes celllng deborations all new for 1887 -at- days b00sst0re cuelph l l besxktt lds dfistwt gedrelouii ontario 4 i- mcklnlay ld s surgeon ja- deutit georgeton u oat uses the ncwsteuj of citrous oxide gas com- monl cajied italueii aifl for extracting tv ih wiutoat paiii having been demon- rr and vractical teacher in royal t hee of dental surgeons toronto pat- i- i depend upon repeivin satisfaction i i i oierations performed will isit rrv second and fourth wednesday w i i vjih otiiie kgnews hotel y i john lawson gradltatof on- uno eter college toronto etrnir surgeon acton oat orn ii k w bro- bit and mi k storerebi- ucice vi tue rear horses examined as to iad-1- a d eetiticte jjneu 1 cilk nuit or daj prompth atteud- ol tj tetustea- johnston a mi lhvn b irr sacit jrnotanes convej- i r ac crfpnate funds to loan otne tovn rtll acton r 15 jourvn w t a mclevn t a iovat bvriuter sjulitob nltikt pi nui money to loan on fi days taesdar and saturdav i r matthews block actoli upsuirs jbelph- business college gu lph ontario mhe third scholastic year x begin b september ut vulrouae drawn from teu states and provinces young men a id boj s thorouglil prepared for baeinessi nruits graduates eminent- 1 suiccesafu as accouutants bumnest managers shorthand writers clerks saiesmeo tt sellers etc botli lu canada and the uiy d states moderate rates thorough piftctical work and courteous tteatrucnv ctaracterize the institution ladies admit ted to all the advantages of the college splendid f cihties afforded for the ac quisition of ifreuch and german for information address mmvccormick s wtf principal lumber shingles and lath day 8ells cheap wellington marble works quebec st ottblph rp doirc to inform the public that ho hat uow ou band aud xill knel lu ftock a full una of lliif and hemlock as well as other viuds ot lumber jlo fnt aud second class pine bhuiglo v ljitj coal wood john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer m maible granite and e cry thing pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kiuds of granite and marble haltirlauh vlmtenttlie lla ufkutid granite qunmeff and hav in purcbaioml the lutlro stock of si aud rod tnnniu monuuieiits headttou8 crosses urns etc of lcxandcr taylor at leas than coat 1 will until further notice sell at prices never laforo known 1n ontario for in stance intuitu monuments tt high ifu 7 ft 7s s ft ano 0 ft il00 10 ft 120 all work aud material warranted fifht class parties wauling an thing in this liuo will do will to call aud see me before purclnuiug clmwbcro as i guarantee ni prices arc from 30 to 00 per ccut bilow all othe dealers one less at homeone more in hbaven one lesi at home 1 the charmed oirole broken a dear face missed dav by day from its accustomed place but cleansed and saved and perfected by grace i onu more in heaven oue less at home one vuico of wokome hushpd and over- m one farowell word now spoktn on the shore where parting comes not one soul landed l more ono more in hoaven ono jess at home 1 chill as the earthborn mist the thought would rise and wrap our footsteps round and dim our eyes but the bright sunbeam durteth from the bkies ono more in heaven oue morn at homo this is not home whero cramped in earth ly mould our sight of christ is dim our lovo is cold but there where face to face we shall be- hofd w ih homo and heavou one less on earth its puin its borrow and its toil to ahare one less the pilgrims daily cross to bear one more the crown of ransomed miuiu to wear at home in heaven oue more iu heaven 1 anothei thought to brighten cloudy days another theme of thankfulness and praise another link on high our souls to raiee to homo aud heaven 1 pbi read cried go or to the one moro at home that home where separation cannot be the home where nouo are missed eternally lord jesus grant us all a place with tbee at lion u in heaven snowing hard aud i remember the boy shaking the snow oft his cap and colt be fore he oamo into the hall the message was this trains stopped by tho suow ojuinot come today 11 provoking 1 said missus as she tho words aud she looked worried al 1 day the next aud the next the fifth an d the sixth thoro was no news at all qn the seventh another mossage oamo suowiug still impossible to eonjic till the storm is over and ou the wedding niormltg anjother with these words storm over will come on frldiy now wednesday was the wedding day mid how my lord went on postpone the marriage he that could not be could he not her was it impossible he went stution and foundrthat it was iu came buck in a fury but that did no good the church was closed the minister went home tho guests were notified in a great hurry and my lord was in a fearfu fury he looked more than angry he looked frightened and it is unlucky we knew to postpone a wedding j however friday came and with it miss maria she looked a little better than when biic weut away and the first thing she asked was how lord follypod took the delay you may have lost him by it llaria said inissub solemnly hes in a dread ful rage j mibb maria looked as if she did liot care about his temper aud wouldnt mind his loss but she said nothing ive sent for him sho said come i suppose but the nobility of ao not used to such conduct tho weather behaves to suit them i suppose said miss maria aud just then back came the footman my lords compliments and hed drive over at once and i looked ut miss maria and saw something in her face that nadc me feel like saying i ob what is it miss maria what is the country school and the par mers boy hou europe our story lord pollpod s smith o mitchell m soucrro convitiscui ac j i firt door wet of the champion rz mansireei milton money to loan f ser eea illlton allo a buh1 birnters solicitors iu to onto op glo iltovvn j t creelman s block georgetown a 1 1 3 j king streleaat toronto j hiiton bv 1 1htu 1 v pnrcuvd the coal business ot sir t i am prepared to supply all kinds of stove coal i have also a good stock of ood hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able pnees t ood and coal delivered jamfs brow x central t meat market j6seph patton mutual fire insurance company oi thf 3 aduerow a carsox itj it- r i 1111 itlvw ac v church street toronto cotjntr 07 wslungton urrvnubtb 1810 headoffice cuelph b as pleasure in announcing ens of acton that he has itchering business of mr is prepared to conduct a btraitforward business l k1lai jol cm n lliked o lor indentions i ulilol oxtativ clnvlv luic o patent no iay j v murpv il 1 a lll ru 1 or tue cyuntio of llltou and w elhuutou or3r left at his residencemam street opposite ehurch street cton or addressed u acton po will receive strict attention teth reasouible notes discounted if desired rpi hemstreet lianmnocrnnftu for the counties of wellington and haltcm orders left at the feee phes office acton or at my residence insures buildings merchandize manu factories and lt other descriptions of property on the premium xote system f w stone cnas davidson president secretary john taylorauent hello i pause and consider that it will be to jonr own intereat to pat romze home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and nr- utcher to the cil purchased the wra rossell a the same in manuer xlavinp had large experience in the busi ness i icel that i canlgnarantee all custom ers who favor me with their patronage perfect satisfaction k all kinds of meat fresh and good and poultry fish 4c in benson wil be found in stock i respectfully sohct your esteemed pat ronage joseph patton acton nov 8th i88f notice to creditors in i jit maatlk op jdbert mcpherson sp hrcf4srd vtotlc ih hereby blex pursuant to un the provisioiib of chap 107 11 so and 10 let chan 9 out to all creditors aud others having claims against the estate of robert mc pherson sr late of the township of esqaesing in the county of haltou gentleman who dud on or about the twentieth day of april ad 1hs7 trt deliver or smd b iiost prepaid to mal- hlock po colm mtplurson bcotch lllock po the admin iterator of tuetat and effectkof tho said dc- ceasod on ur about tlip fifteenth day of june j r inform tne iniraoiuluts u mm rounaiuj coulltrv that we are again in full alw it7 their thmtlan names and surnames w that was all voucould exp running order aud in a better position than t addresses and description the full particulars t ul o i of their claius a statctuoiit nf their ocenuuts couldu t help being suaky and tow i ii h pro npt in acton will be terms reasonable attended to moskt to xoan alunioueytoloanon the most favor able terms and at the i lowest rates of m- tere t in saus of 9500 and upwards john day abchitect gcklph ont ofict queens hotel block market square before the fire to fall all orders entrusted to as to parties building lumber will be dressed while you wait and mouldings ac made with neatness and despatch x b we are also prepared to fall all orders for pumps ou short notice and from long experience in the business wo feci confident that we can ghe satisfaction every time so come on with your order and help to roll the hall along money makes the mare go whether she has legs or no thos ebbage manager and the nature of the securities if any held dy them accompanied by a statutory declaration v erii mg such claims nd further notico is hereby given that hnme diatcly after the said fifteenth day of june a d 1h87 the obsetb of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required and the said administrator shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to ant person vboio claims shall not have been received at tho time of tho distribution of the said assets m ucolm mephekson heotth block p o administrator ksquesuig mov i4thlhw -right- p rascibndhan successor to t f chapman bookbinder guelph ontario ht georges square i recount books of all kind9madetoor4er periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly frnd promptly d mhe haslan babbeb bhoi- mill stbket actos an easy shave a styhsb hairen a good seafoam an exhilarating shampoo always given razors honed and put in flthvs8 condition ladies and children s hair tastily cnt j p wobbbk t artist mb t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that he u pep ordersjor weaving all kinds of jfaney u carpets flannel 8batmg storing nd dress goods striped or plaid twulor plain also bed blankets and horse blankets two yards wide ad over and i will guarantee that j wiluveoc4 satisfaction to all farmers aod others woo will favor me with their patronage i uraofiiale new suits m brennan has pleasure in announcing that his tail oring shop in creechs fruit store is bow open and in full running order nd in a position j to fill all orders j tit he is showing goftllj- tweed suits at 12 0lld elsewhere for 15 scotch tweed dljit 17 k 18 soldibibewhebe fob23akd24 i flnej worsted suit at 20 i sold elsewhere at 25 gentlemen wanting a firstclass good- fitting coat etc may rely upon beingsuifcod in every respect by lbavingtheir orders with 3fi3tftfan i the clothier f to the front of all competition w e place our elegant and substantial goods oo splendid in quality 1 complete in assortment 1 1 overflowing in gj onerous bargains mens womeiis andghildres boots and shoes rubbers overshoes 0 i at prices that always lead to speedy sales oo- lowest price8 c01jbistj5nt witit i good quality jukitom work and repairing promptly attended to w williams mill atroot acton ell mum if i had been hung for it i couldnt hae hdped laughiug missus roper was so set up about that fun lie wasnt much to look at a slim little man with ton colored whiskers but us soon as ho came along she began to feel us if the world was turned tonsytuny my lord polly pod was a sayiu so and so to maria last sunday my lord polly pod admires that flowerpiece of marias so much my lord and my lord this that and tother until i was sick of it you see i waited at table and ehowed folks into the parlo r and was always fixed up and about up stairs so i knew more of it thaf cook or bridget aud i took a dislike lo him at once hi was so i run aud splehinaud he took sueh airs and then i did admire to eee mr tljomtr tilhuan go about with miss mans he was a fine man if you wanted to see one and us good as he was handsome butjou sec inissus having ionic into property when her uncle the n it soap man died got sty huh and forgot ui hbont thetallmans und missus thought maria ought to do better for herself ind alien my lord polly pod wa introduced she broke off one match and made nnother i dont know how she did it by sheer scold ing and nagging 1 guess miss maria was awfully afraid nf her ma aud 6he thought mr tallmau took his htoux too easily as perhaps he did aud tne let pride gut the better of her love rich well they said he was so rich that he could buy half the country if he wapted it it couldnt be money he was er if that was so and if he loved her could expect he colored and as the wedding day came on uhj ins presents showed his generosity really you are too generous missus say to my lord madami said he these few little things are really not worth mentioning between people of our wealth and misbus langhed certainly i have three hundred thou sand dollars said she but you must think me poor with your millions oh not for an american answered he but pray never speak agaiu of the few pounds ive spent a trinket or two a fan some laceidon 1 but really there was a splendid brace letall diamonds rings pins the en gagement nng blazed i bdeh lace 1 why a queen couldnt have bad finer though poor miss maria hardly looked at anything every now and then some jewellers wagon came tc the door with some present newer and finer than the last and misb maria got paler and thinner all the while at last she asked her ma if she might go down to jlakwood to see her cousin ellen who had a spine in her back poor thing and couldnt or wouldnt go out muoh and her ma said tes if shed not go to the tallmans and she answered mother i should not be ashamed to see them and i went with her to- the station take ears of yourself miss said i as i left her in her seat in the cars nothing will happen to me sally said she things happen to those that want to live after that i hadnt muoh heart in help- lord lollypod did come iu- leas than no time and mies maria took him away into tho conservatory to explain matters she said she that hated so to be alone with him always aud then there came a ring ing at the bell aud i went to see who it was for though the man opened haaoor 1 always took the card to miss or nissus a bill for missus said peter i should like to see mrs ro er said a young man with an envelope in lis band and i showed him into the i eception- room and called missus after that not one ring but twenty one young man after the other one after the other and then missuss voice so loud that i could not help going to the door i bills for me i heard her say i owe nothing what does this mean is ive always paid cash the country school is preeminently the farmers school in it the great majority of the farmers of today received their education aud in it the great majority of those of the next generation will rbcoive the whole of their schooling i is the country school doing what it should for the farmers boy is it giving tothe boy who will remain on the farm that kind of an education which will be the best preparation for lifes work what is an eduoation for why should a boy spend so much time in the sohool- room the purpose of a boys education is to fit him for his work whatever that may be tho education given in a country school ought then to fib the boy to- be a successful farmer for that is to be the pro fession of most country schoolboys what education does the farmers pro fession demand the ability to read write and understand the english ian guage and to make readily all the ordinary numerical calculations connected with his business this is all some say that a far mer needs and this is practically all that rrany of the schools supply bnt is this enough shall we set the standard of education for the farmer at the very lowest notch shairwe iu this way say that the poorest education ib bufficient for the far mer we certainly do not think that farming is the occupation for which the poorest education is sufficient give the boy opportunity to become acquainted with the things around him put the study of soils plants animals etc into your schools ask your schoolteachers to give instruction of this kmd domund of them that they know enough to give such instruction m the right icay if you will demand only the best of teachers for your children you can have these things taught to them but if yon aro willing to take year by year the young and poorly prepared teachers the work will not and can not be done you will have to pay roundly tot such efficieut teachers but will it not be thebest economy iu the long run for are they not to lustruot your children for their whole lifes work a tin i a a j iciiltm hi im june hwswjeet is the reward tig hit a htt e thing to do t lend a 1 elping hand to o le who s tumbles on the roacl ai d has m t power to stand and if a stm le touch ot ours can health and hope afford arid joy impart tq ono sad near t h iw sweet is our reward tie but a utile thing to speak a tender wjordof obeer to e ootbe and calm the troubled soul 0 ipressed with doubt or fear it ie not mucjh to turn aside street solace to afford at pitys call the gift is small y t great is the reward the seed we scatter far und wide a long the mellow field wil find a lodgment in the soil a id rich abundance yield aiii everywhere the lovingheart ay east its preojoas gold yet feel no lack for it all comes bock increased aundredfold ho t rich the recompense we win i or favors slight and small ho v little canst we have to fear 1 hat we shall lose our all an 1 yet how many miserlike heir precious treasures hoard from day to day give naught away 4nd miss the sweet reward joscphint pollard honeymooning jj good housekeeping- if ever your wifes lioiieymoon devotion to you turns cheerless like the old of the moon dont return to mrs read them pins hed dan think hotel uri- all to be 1 heard it a conspiracy for everything 1 the lady must he very forgotjful said one of the young men certainly we know mrs rorjer has al nays bought for cash said another and wo liked to have a bill with so rich a lady so responsible a lady said a youug jewish man perhaps if i mention that mrs ropers future soninlaw lord pollypod ordered the things to be paid for tojtey roper will understand lord pilh noil cried uiisatis inrniug white 1 aud bhe took the bill and uloud bills for hie nugs aud given miss maria for tho bracelets the fan the lace bills for clothes and jewelry for himself for everything you of a bill for board at a great other for carriages and horses- settled by mrs roper i see how it is said the man from the hotel turning to the others this is a swindle and mrs roper is swindled worst of all if her daughter is his wife he told us madam that you like many rioh americans were glad to pay for a title in the family and that we were to come to you the day after the wedding which aint come off thanl goodness 1 cried i jumping op and down vithljoy just then came another ring at tjiebell a gentleman very fine and elegant who bowed low to missus and said can i speak to you alone and offered his card lord pollypod was on it mibbub bowing and walkingjiuto another room with him said lord pollypod i dont understand and he answered madam i fear that yon hkve been de oeived by an impostor a servant of mine who robbed me and has travelled in this country under my name i your honeymoon treatment of her dauh rush home from business at the first pos sible moment with a basket of fruit and meet her with a kiss and a caress dont compliment her taste in dress the neatness of the sitting room nor the appetizing air she had breathed in the diningroom put away these boyish habits and command her devotion by bringing home on yonr face the cloud of a days business be late about it too then try to hnd some new fault in her and dont let her forget one of the old set taboo her virtues and praise other womens call her you and if shes hard at work from 6 am to 10 pm growl because she hires the washing done and if she dares ask for money insist n knowing what sue did with the 25 cents you gave her last week and then if she doesnt prove familiar with the points and pedigree of your partys candidate for congress laugh um her and tell her how stnpid it would be to let such a disinterest ed creature vote dont count sixteen hours a day for you and the children any thing bnt wonder why she doesnt read the daily papers and the reviews and take an interest in politics art music science history and the labor question let her split the kindlings build the fire tend the teething baby and broil the steak then when she can get you up to breakfast yon sit down and grumble till she cries finding i the steak either overdoqe or underdone if you have to kill truth for it if all this devotion on your part fails to twine her arms about your neolr find a lot of fault with her to the childreu and turning yonr back to her in the evening perorate your efforts for tho day with a glowing eulogy on the beauty taste culture and housekeeping of smiths wife now hus band what further excuse can you have foka chilling time at your own fireside 9 a cinder in her eye i beg yonr pardon madam said a swbet faced girl to a matronly country wc man yesterday iu one of the large rail ro id stations but would you be kind en ugb to take this ciflder out of my eye ai the girl poko sho removed her hand- ke rchief from her face disclosing one cf htrejes which was very much inflamed tho kindhearted dame was not only at xious but willing to asbist the sufferer ai d for several minutes she worked hard to find the objectionable mote she was u t successful however audthesweetfaced gi 1 thanked her pret dy when she inform- ec her that no doubt it had worked its w iy oat and that her eye would soon be cdnfortabk then l hey parted fifteen it mutes later the wo nai from the country k mt to the ticket ofl ce to buy her ticket er pocietbook was missing while be- n oaniug her loss she discovered that her v atch was missing slscs and a further ex it ninatiou showed t tat her oldfashioned h eastpm likewise wis gone she suspected tal she had been the victim of a thief bnt b lejdid not connect v ith the affair until sltion with a policy otihoerpmladdma hulutui good sense good sense is not a merely intellectual attribute it is rather the restllt of a jnst equilibrium of all our faculties spiritual and moral the dishonest or the toys of flieir ownpassiou8 may have genius but they rarely if ever have good sense in the conduct of life they may often win large prizes but it is by a game of chance not skill but the man whom i perceiveiwalk ing an honorable and upright careerl jnat to others and also to himself for we owe justice to ourselves to the care of onr for ing with the redding fixings 8he was to come home on the fourth of the month deeembet it was on the eighth the troddinjt was to lake place minister ww told and oompany invited cards out foi the ceremony in ohuroh ajnd for the reception bnt on the fourth a message came from miss marty it was lord pollypod and the only living person who has a right to the name and then missus with such a look goes ofl into hysteric and i see a kind of struggle iu the hallr and tnern is the man that has called himself lord pollypod in the hands of the officers he had expected to be mar ied and off with everything three days before and no wonder he was frightened al the delay of the wedding but to tbink of how it all came about 1 how poor mietfell en marias siok sister who hadnt been out of the house for years should have read in the i papers at what hotel the real lord polly pod stopped and that he wab married and had guessed this one was a swindler and had got thomas tallman to investigate and how miss maria bad known it all when she came home aud had made it up with her old sweetheart as if thered never been a huarrel it was like a play and i say again i laughed like a good fine missus had to pay some of the bills to be sate bnt she had lots of money and my miss maria is happily married to mr tallman at yllger am oeorge-j- onr cnaracter t manb of oar passions is a more dignified repres entative of his maker than the mere child of genius of such a man we say he hat good senbe yes but he has also integrity selfrespect and selfdenial a thousanc trials wbioh his sense- braves and conquers are temptations also to his probity hii temper in a word to all the many aides o hjs complicated nature now i do no i think he will have this good sense any mor i than a drunkard will have stroiig nervef unless he be in the constant habit of keej ing his mind dear from the intoxication c f envy vanity and the various emotic ns that dupe and mielead us good sense risnol therefore an abstract quality or a solitar talent bnt it is the natural result of th i habit of thinking justly and therefore see ing clearly and is as different fi pm th sagacity that belongs to a diplom itist o attorney as the philosophy of soor ntjss dii fered from the rhetoric of georgias i ce ilhuetf cents the sweetfaced girl after she hadaconver- r their products gooderbam fc worta great distillery tbrns out two products whiskey and will during his recant visit to toronto hord lansdowne was taken to see the e plendid fat caitle that are fed on the swill- vhy did not the diptiuers show him what i he whiskey did for men as well as what ha swill did for c ittle they dare not i inhibit the results of the consumption of heir staple manufacture vo no hide- iwaythe famished babies cover up the nangled corpses lock up the maudlin ot and raving mar ie draw the window surtain across to shut out thermnedhomes ind the heart sickening scenes that make briefs missionaries almost hopeless i sleep out of eight the product of the whts 1 iey but exhibit the product of the swill so bhat his excellency may be able to speak well of i this great industry toronto citizen parliamentary language tyod may say that a man is inot wedded to the truth qr sometimes suffers from a spirit of ex aggeration 1 or occasionally finds it difficult to confine himself strictly to actualities or is unfettered by the four corners of hard m atteroffact or is a past master iu the pleasing art of s realistically romancing i or is partial in describing nature to bor- rowing from the pages of romance or is much given to an artificial recol lection of misleading statistics or cannot distinguish the false from the trde with a bias toward the former or has a distinct liking for the utterance of statements of a misleading character but you must not 1 no fou must not you really must not call him a liari a happy father mose fcjchaumburgv junior has gone info business for himself not far from the cloth ing emporium of bis father l few days ago colonel yerger was urged by mose sohaumbnrg senior to pur chase a winter overcoat he deolined saying ybur son mr bchamnburg offers- me i t the same sort of a coat for si less besides he says your goods are uot reliable ishjotso said mose clasping his hands with delight as a gratifying smile passed over his features les thats true vvelil veil veil i believe mpjebonvas fool but now i see be has a fine bead for s yot a proud fodder i vas slftlnya a pizni tt catarrh cured health and sweet breatj secured by shilohs catarrh imedy price 60 cents nasal lujeotor froe sold by n mcgfirvini i lownecked dreaaeb this discnssion about wnekeddxe es ia going too far saidmrs pinkoheek yes replied colonel applejack its gornjg farther than hxe dresses ido jjtou horrid man l jsaia tbi lady qt course i meant that tike topijb of evening dress is too much discussed l l responded the colonel there isnt enough of the evening dreffl i to ipake much of a fuss over

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