pkmswtm stht t-it- u i1 l i 2 thkoradlb auxk nw mm m the v juno the wito ot mr b it allan ot ft son habmnox in acton on the 6th ins the rlfo ot mrthoshardiiifiofauaughtej nkwtos in ltmehousd on thovotad junc tho ifc ot mr john newton of a son mcdosaxrtn ssquestng on the 80th may- tta wttc t m r pctw mcdomm ot daughter krrksixxa sidgetowii o the mh juno john krniui tho deceased was one ot tbe pioneers ot tho township of eaqnetihg having purchased a farni adjoining the milage ot cfcoitetowuaud vettled there when that country w wilder ness forknqeteinlmhmlitodwiuthtsaou- iul rv ft cfehient tlh hqdist conference ouria stolon of tti qqjrtpb confer enceatqalt an interestnio mxbtxnq the anneal bcssitm of guotyhcoufereuo wrs opened in tho beautiful methodist church iu tho iudustrious and onterpristng tow ot gait on wednesday 1st juui with about 800 ministers and laymen pre sent the first business after organisation qttmfm firtss t- trrcigait jldrsixo jcsk 9 1687 notes and c0mmknt8 the general aanmbly ot tho presby tcrian church in canada opens its sessions in winnipeg today hon mr bmrc has temporarily retired irom parliamentary rors on tho urgent advice of his physician gtofte sir john maodonald in the house on tuesdajlsaid that prorogation would pro- bably take place on the 18th inst a general exhibit ot canadian products will not be madi at the liverpool exhibi tion though samples of grain fruit and roots will be shown one of the ucatert definitions of part isanship comes from tho r the partisan selects principles to suit his party the nonpartiian aelects his party to suit his principles among the petitions presented in the house on tuesday was one by mr waldie signed by a large number of the electors of hilton county against sunday railway and steamboat traffic canon farrar calls it high lienonsense and canon wilberforce offers a large re ward for a reformed drunkard who was eared by moderation english temperance opinion is as fanatical as american a society to ensure the better observance of tbe sabbath has been formed in niagara falls ont having for its main object the securing of legislation in canada and the united states against sunday railway traffic there were two election campaigns last winter and the campaign of the lawyers will commence this summer they will make more money out of it than the poli- ticians for no matter who gain the protests they stand in to win the shekels here is a good word for the women an english statistician has discovered that married men live longer and live better lives than bachelors among every 1000 there are 30 criminals among married men tho ratio is onl 18 per 1000 police magistrate xobles quarterly re turn injregard to scott act renforcement in middlesex shows that during the past three months 124 informations were laid and beard and 110 convictions secared the total fines imposed amounted to 5500 queen victorias jubilee is also that of telegraphy the firstpatent for an electric telegraph having been issued june 20 1837 a week before tbe queens accession brit ish electricians purpose to celebrate with a jubilee exhibition the development of tele graphy and telephony apropos of surgeons incomes mr an derson critchett tbe celebrated physician of london was recently offered a fee of 935000 probably the largest medical hooo- rarium on record to go to india to treat onexif the native princes j he could not acjeept the offer grasshoppers are swarming through tbe central provinces of spain destroying every green thing in sight and compelling the railway companies to send gangs of men to sweep off the tracks rendered slippery by the crushed insects such a visitation has never been known in spain tbe london season np to the i departure of the queen for balmoral is said to have been the most brilliant since the death of the prince consort the dressmakers were rushed with work the sycophants were happy and the low necked dresses were even lower than ever of the total net debt of canada nearly onethird has been brought about through the- construction of the c pi by the amount chargeable to this source being about 61000000 the intercoioniai rail way cost over 130000000 while the pro vincial debts assumed by the dominion added about 30000000 to our national obligations the friends of the liquor interest must be going mad they surely can never be such fools as to believe that their special trade interests are to be promoted by dynamite and personal assaults yet the whole of their present proceedings poujt in that direction if the liquor men are wise they will call off theirdogs and try- to be quiet and respectable 7vk the canadian pacific railway company carried out of ottawa last year 75000000 feet of lumber and the canadian atlantic railway about a similar amount making the amountcarried outof thecityof ottawa bjrraij lasjt year about lffl000ofeetoat of a total cut of somewhat over 350000000 feet twothirds of this amount shipped ty rail vent to the united states the dominion government j propose to do away with the revision of j the voters listetbis year and bo save tbeezpehse and irwbleie vork involves tbe lists as fmallyjjseaiast year will b confirmed and contjjoned until 1888 in the mean- oajeoppcvtunitywip be afforded to devise means for binjplifyidg the system and re- docjhg tue coetof iflie franchise act the proposal meets with acceptance and so it hould considering the enormous expense ineirred ia the preparation and revision of bit years list was the election of prosidont for the current your tho roy james haimon wasi looted ujxu tho ieoond bkliot txa duly instaljod into ofiico by rev dr oriiin tho retiring president the rev j x howell ma of seaforjth was the olocud secretary itov john c stevenson grabton and rev e s rupert ma clinton asst sooretariesi and rev w a strdngttan ma llb phd journal seoktary aj good deal of interest was evinced on thetpart of both ministers and laymen in theifirst draft of stations presented by the stationing committee at the close of the first session tho majority ot the changes worejacceptible aud tho final draft station ed the ministers with general satisfaction in no district was there as few ohangos as in bur own the following are the ap pointments for guelphand gait districts the ocelru district quelph 1st norfolk streetjoseph w holmes hugh t crossloy left without an appointment at his own request to do evangelistic work i onelph 2nd dublin street wm 8 griffin dd al k birks ba 0 uelph 3rd paisley street to be supplied ponsonby isaao crane eiora james brolev samuel fear sund ergusj scolling wamillewiuiam willimott belwood thomas g randy ijramosa james walker bockwood francis swahn acton bobert phillips georgetown robort davey geo u copbledick ba david terry supd maude street brockton toronto johnc poperoy ba oakwood nelson burns ma- snpernnmeraries erin and ballinafad joseph markham ar h mckibbon j r griffin chairman j w holmes fii lancial secretary th calt mstrict i lalt wrri c henderson ma ijerlin johnwi german vaterloo b wi wuliams reston vym h hincks jespeler richard c hcnders james w n supd stassagawcya wm birks edh west slmira thomas j snowden i ew hamburg wm ottawell liinwoodithomas j smith lawkesville henry a newcombe iv c henderson chairman r c hen- de financial secretary jar readersare acquainted with the fol io ring ministeraaud will be interested in thiir appointments james hannon fissident of conference to kincardine j w shilton ba to flesherton cl e st ifford mitchell jw pring nissouri kbt godfrey hcnsall henry irvine d ingannon to reside at nile a smith wroxeter james mcalister palmerston g ih cornish drayton wm savago si ugeen the conference at gait was one of the m st interesting since organization into its pibsent constituency business was con- di cted with dispatch tho discussions were li ely and thongh at times unusually ani on ited the best feeline prevailed the even- in sessions were largely attended and the a dresses powerful and entertaining and tie ordination services were of a most in ipressive and interesting character among the speakers at the public services w jre revs dr douglas president vesleyan theological college montreal dr briggs dr dewart dr sutherland dr neliea dr burns dr potts dr gnfiin james moalister e stafford j galloway silas huntingdon sopt of 51 ethodist missions aong the cpr g r turk dc mcdowell s sellery bd j e hutton g a gifford ma r h vaddell bd ana others tbe conference love feast on sunday nc orning was a time of divine power and a iction the ordination services were ai tended by an immense audience and dr douglas delivered a sermon from acts x 4 which for earnestness eloquence and pi ithos was ej ual to any of the previous ei forts of this wonderful preacher it was a masterly discourse on the kind of preach- iig which the holy ghost delighteth to h nour and the wondrous effects that follow tlie preaching of the word at the con ci usipn of the preaching four young menj j t legear henry irvine j ii dyke aidea shaw were received into fall ci mnection with the church and ordained u the office and work of the christian n inistry after having taken the vows in ci mnection therewith a verj deep spiritr uil power was manifested and retained tl irqugbout the entire seryie in the eveuiug rev dr potts occupied tl ie pulpit and preached from john iii sc g ving an eloquent and powerfnl disconrse a 11 the services were seasons of great powe a id refreshing the question of college federation which cicupied bo much time iii discussion at last y mrs conferences was considered from i p radical standpoint rev dr potts tbs 1 ducational secretary made an eloquent a jpeal for loyalty to the scheme and sail t iat if all were united ultimate success was rear at hand he reported 8165000 as already subscribed towards the 8450001 i e detailed tbe steps already taken and th e c ovemment action stating that what i s i ow needed is the cash and urging libera i y in supporting tbe confederation schemi 1 plan of dividing the- amount require 1 a mqng the several conferences was explau etived oii trial dirln the yuur and after difcting for loviundromovaia there u net inoromto of lritaiie ojiiexional fttttdi are nearly i it in afaiicc otjutyear ttetporease in tho missioning fond bclnj 474 v a resolution was moved uondemuatory ot the ruunlug uf pasgoiigci trains and steamboats on tho sabbath unit urging tho necessity ot putting forth every powiblo effort to secure a strict oobcivivuoo o tho lords day tho resolution was oarried unanimously the next couferenoo will bo held at sea- forth opening on thursday 1 t jnno conforouco adjourned ou tuesday after noon m notes among tho ministers of tho ouolph cou- terenoe wq find tlie following namos salton pepper sellery and mustaird gait is as hospitablo a town as wo havp iu ontario tho oitireus are invariably kind and courteous one of gaits most enterprising and buo- oessjul merohante it mr tliomaa chribtie formerly of acton ho is doiuja fine trade miss jessie mcgregor formerly of acton has for years been the right hand supporter ot postmaster quarrie and i occupies an important position in the maguiuceut now post office erected by the government last year miss jessie is a universal favorite with tbe public the pin manufactory of mossrs mo- gregor g our ley co tlie only one in canada is an interesting industry they have 21 automatic piu machines which turn out 800 pins eaoh per minute an aggregate of about 3600000 per day it is a busy place j the immeuse machinery aid safe works of messrs goldio a- mccdlleoli with their 250 workmen form an important section in the back bone of gaits commercial status it is a firand baaiuessfor thp place gait is indeed the manchester of canada with iu scores of iroti wdrkilig shops and foundries its variousfactones and works it is a booming town it has gas works electrio light fairly good streets and side walks good water power fine churches and public buildings pleasant parks commodi ous schools the whole of which are built on the rock its a solid town wo tho undorsignod hcrobv announce tlnlt wo will again buy all tho wool offered at our mills for which tho highest price in or in exchange for cood wo have a large and well assorted block of blankets txweds plannele stocking tarns f knitted goods eto eto in groat variety aolecttd cxire88ly to supply the rcquiromoiitu of the farmers sea to teclei golden lion gijelph -o- hearty resoltjtlohs supporting the police magiitrate and the inspector of the co inty the following resolutions vere passed at the milton district meeting of tho metho dist church hold in birlington last week this dibtriot meeting feels in duty bound to take a bold stand against the un manly and contemptible isrusade being made by tlie antiscott act 1 eaders of this county against police magstrate young such is the expense to whici be is being put and such the vexations anuoyances to which he is constantly subjected for the purpose of intimidating him in his work as a government officer and evidently with the intention of driving him if possible from the office he holds and which ho fills bo weu therefor resolved that we the ministers and laymen of this meeting pledge ourselves to staud by this respected and efficient officer of the government and of his county in the discharge of his iraportint duties byj attending when vc possibly can scott act triah by furnishing any evilence we may beejable to collect to help bin in bin woikof la and order and in every possible way crying down the onreasonatle and wicked crusade being made agaiusl him and the laws of temperance by the liquor interest of the county resolved that this district meeting give expression to its i feeling of sympathy with inspector brothers iu the expense to which he is being put and tbe low and cowardly course purned towards him by the liquor interest of this co inty and we would assure mr brothers lot only of our sympathy but also of bur willingness to render him all the assistance in our power iii the prosecution of his lm rffurmrr roll garding spinning weaving and in fact all kinds of custom work dono in our usual prompt arid satisfactory manner j newt on fe sons limehouse ovuliu juuo 2nd 1887 homo one iiub blundered thats it somebody more sanguine than discreet overbought tho fault with a great many people in business well in this case it exactly suited our occasion our first purchase of embroidered dresses was com pletely cleared out we were open to buy the other party wanted to sell tho usual result purchase closed at muoli under re gular price our customers are to have the benefit honce the great display of tho most lovely embroidered chanibray and zephyr drestos you have over beep same way in misses and childs sailor hats wo sell you a nice hat at 25 cents that 2 weeks ago wo got mo for hundreds ot them m stock see them ful duties summejr silks wc were shown tlio other day by customer a miserable slim- py thing bought atooc and advertised as a great bargain if you dont admit ours to be worth loo a yard more well give it away we sell a beautiful lino at 35 50 62jc wonderful how cheap laco and em broidery flouiiciuge are this season wc ha vo just received another lot of our mar vellous 50c wide flouncing dont need much talking to sell them t5veeds and cloth sstacks of them mens wear boys wear coarse and fine low and high priced bul good valuo every time this department is rushing right along all tweeds cut free of charge aud fit warranted prints what a stirring up our t great print sale has made in the trade grum bling to the right of us grumbling to tbe let tjof us but not bycustomerb they are gctiiug the benefit and are pleased still about g0 pieceb left at 7j aokl regularly at 12 cents cream nuns veilings ut 20 and 25 cepts very nice havo just come to hand new advertisements fm i money wanted borrow ou building and real esutto s7s0 or 81010 t six nor ceut interest apply box iikf fiikss ofrice acton if yov want rpo buy or sell nroiierty rent lioiiscs etc etc i try n small eavortihouicut in thu kiiuk iiikhh adyoruionieuts ot house to jct houses hor sale propvrttrwantta roperties for kato nscrtetl at the low rates apply nt i fwcknessomck fm sale valuable village property being villagu lot nuuibor 20j north west of mill htreet in tlin villaco of acton the sbovo uosirablo property will bo 6old at onco on easy terms for further particulars apply by lotterto smith citrik8hakk urrtsten cobouri ed ir poms for sale ihje uuderigiicd has for rale a quantity of x good souna round cedar posts apply u thomas cook to actos village ikopektv fo it sale i uble i tho village of acton house and lot on church street xvill be sold ou vcr- reason- tcniib apply to hp mookk wl salesmen wanted k arc in want of a few mora firstclass won to canvass for the salo of choico varieties of nursery stock to mou who can make a succcsh of tho business wo can pay good salaries or commission andgivonennanent eintilnymeut we have uiauy now ami choico specbiltioa both n tho fruit and oruanjuntal lines which otbera do uot immllo apply at once with references may urotheb8 xuuabitvmrn kocbesteb n y e i and the taking of voluntary bubecrii t iokis was proceeded with guelph confei c nee baa froth the first been favorable 1 3 c allege federation and oh this occasion tl b t iembers sustained their former position l i a loyal and practical manner tremendot s t qthusiasm prevailed and in sums rafigid g 10 to f 500 an aggregate of 810025 was sal esribed and notes given therefor withil s bout an hoar there seemed to be tl e s etermination that the just proportion f t ie amount would speedily be forthcomin vhe utmost good humor prevailed anl scasionally a verse of an inspiritinghym l v as sung tbe report of the statistical committeb showed that the church has made ei couraging success during the year they fsportod that 5354 members bad been n colonial prosperity englands duty to devielop iher colonial resources- j growth in canada i t mr badenpowell conservative member for liverpool has au article in the current furtiwjldhj itecietc on ifty yearsbf col onial development in this article he speaks of the very prominent part the colonial empire is destined to play in the future of tbe worlds history it would be wise he sayb to look rather to the develop ment of the colonies tbftn to tlio bettering of foreign markets for the disposal of eng lands increasing surplus of ptoducts growth ix caxabi he points to the great growth in british north america especially in canada where there is a great timber industry and where the fisheries are practically inex haustible he indicates the mineral wealth opened up by the canadian paciticrailway tlje large fertile area awaiting cultivation and says that both soil and climate aro suited tojthe productioa of cereals and the support pf stock mr powell says it is essential to promote the freest and closest commercial intercourse between all parts of the empire j cobonul kxtkitpniftk the opening iup of new territory and the development of untouched sources of nation al wealth are proceeding apace chiefly be cause the colonies have at their command a surplus of capital and a population over- flowing from the mother isjands the great growth ol tbe mower country would have been far otherwise but for the accom panying growtil of the colonfl empire and the marvel lous growth of the colonies would have been stunted and retarded but for the fact thiit they arejthej economical counterpart of the thriving mother islands i boating shawls in if w shades very elegant and sure to plcabe in different sizes and prices another sacrifice line a lot of pure all silk mantle brocudoswere offer ed to uji a bargsiii webojtighl them ut u owct price and how ofierto our custom ers at less than original wholesale prices and still make a good profit on them e buy right also miss isiuid childs parasols to please the littlo folk from 20c up really very mac kin ac t summer tojurs palaoe steamers low bfttea soar trtpa par wmk i detroit mackinac island ti flt cuir oakuad boon xatta i snrrwmkdaysrtwma detroit and cleveland bptauieaada trips dttridgm our illustrated pamphwct8 bj toot tickjtlfwt or mtm ei b whrrcomb qmipw actrl detroit ft cleveland steim niv oo i pctrorr mica the foliowiug conversation took place al the we invite tlie ladies and qentlcriien tif acton an pay us a visit and wcjaitiie responsibility aelvesof aesufing you fljat you will be v paid ouv sipek iaiyefy attractive tli i season both iu ladies aud gentle mev8 ooods o during the tiyotnojiithg of ju fare to nnyonef rom action oirocliwood goods on saturdavs or gioooi w the i 1nuieserl school i strange tfutrvetus if ilttlr lew stenl m tat i rockwood to upon our- ell re- is ne alio july wc tvho bujt orjh ally other daj we are offering splendid valuu in silk8 and satins dress goods ourstock il yarpfts i very lai ourstobkol iiiys jiuthing isi compl from 130 up j d williamson re and wcli assorted etc iii every line antl sizes 1 887 sphinx iijtit o co vakje shall return t lie i500 worth ot of theveek at millineby e lege t church guelph co 1887 m john m bond ifc direct hardware imlporteig m keep the best- qualities styms and assortment in fok the dusty weathelt einen carriage ings very nice goods at a low price just received i every department crowded termjpcaah no credit guelph the other day e r bollert 27 lower wyndham st guelph ox telephone in office webster in various styles orbladlno wiuand without patent index pv prohibition f ems tc have taken a firm hold of bansai three fieneral elections have been held in the state since the adop tion of the prohibition constitution aud iu each case the peppls have reaffirmed their decision agajhiet the manufacture o sale of as a beverage b 1 electin legistatiires pledfietl to the support of the amendment at the eleetiowin novernper j t proliibititm was the paramoant issue aid tbo verdict of the people was in fivor of i t sgoto t fyfes acton for your cloth lagi heqau i ait you for price quality and style every time the utsst edition has 118000 w rd and 8000 engraviogs3000 mare words aud near- ly 2090 more engravings than foand in my other american dictionary it also contalt s a vilo- graphical dictionary giving brief acts on- eernlhg nearly 000o loted- persoht tothss features we hare just added gazetteer world i contoiuing over 25j00d titlebr briefly describing the countries cities tojvii and mataral features of every part of the globe webster is the stihdahd authority 1 with tbe 0 s supreme court and in tho govt printing offlce and it reeommtiided by the state supu of schools is 3ff states and by the leading college presidents of thu united st and canad the imlifjh wneg lvis tho bcit dic- onaryomnelbnguage n qmrterry btnum london says it is tho best practical dlctlogsry extant hh ollonttt wjjhiihwa li it u the wostperfecfcworitwthekiiid tlk toronto fflnb oantta ivii its place mbnmrmfiys ihsrccognlwd osjp55ts5sroitaiting wordbook of the engl language a oter the world it is an lntaidable companion tn itery school crotomkk i have decided to purchase iiiu orjan for my daughter one you can i recommend and should vo agree as to j style aiid price you may call it business pnoruikton thauk you sir will try and suit you iii every respect are you j particular as to the make of organ you purchase i sell a great ninny bell orgatis ccs i wants good oruu do not care whose make it is but there is a man iu this town advertising himself the bole agent for tho bell oian- thouyh you sell it pnoi ila ha ha no lionest man would advertise himself to be wliut uu well knows he is- not i have always nought and sold bells orgaus they are made to sell and i have no doubt if you take a dozcu or two but you canbuy the qiaus asheap ns t any other mati oau buy lor cash they are an enterprising arm crs i thought there was something wrong when i sec agents selling tlio organ everywhere i go piior nothing avroug oiily the result of strong imagination on his part just as a small grocer would imagine himself sole agent for all the sugar manufaotured by redpath 4 co a8tiblthe customer purchased bell organ from j c moloan cf the temple of music7 jteiti oftoaribiaa i pages and pllaatloa snringaeld m ill v s a ert piano notice 275 oo bplbhdid double llosevil veneered uptif lit piano with all the j itiist iinprove- nieuts troiiclr repeating aitimi equal to any ordinary canadian puuo warranted fori live years ay trtietjduelph s27500 j toojs i maohn i frou v spades shovels rakes garden tools agricaltnral tools horticultukal tools cutlery pjated ware i agateware ready mixed paiutx antique colors i linoleums oilcloths mats bird cajes curtain poles refrigerators butter scales farmer scales wire netting for4oor oricellar windows bqilding and seasonable hardware of evelry desc the friends of every economical buyer special pric iug and an illustrated catalogue 6ent on application t0 tons binding twrjae beet maes free ifree nails ilinges wire fenciuj e oils water lime plaster a paris peand fittings isiing tackle g roods and amminition ei andrope for rack lifters ull range in honseifnrniehiug niptiou at prices which will make us prices and atteutien given- to those briild- john m bond co- at lowest prices dttectij inganj syrup bawl free i to boom curtaiii department we will give from now to june 1 with every pair of curtains over 2 a brass trimmed curtain pole free and with every pair of curtains over 54 we willgive a brass trimmedjcurtnjinpole and pair of chains we secure possession and commence alterations of the store adjoiuin 46 kin st east on june 1 before commencmg alterations we desire toredacc our stock as much as possible and are offering large rednctionajiu every department over 400 pieces carpets to choose from over 5c0 pairs curtains to choose from over 100 pieces oilcloth to choqsefroni oyer 50 designs in curtain poles to choose r over 30 designs iii window shades to choose from over 800 table covers to choose froml special facqitiosifor making and laying c3arpetan si oft notice mcka broth king ui ove sco pieces prints to choose froml over gq0 pieces dress goods to choose from qveriop db7en larties and chudrens hose to choosb from over 80 dozen kid gloves selling at 25c to choose from over 200 pieces embroideries to chooso from over 20 ladies collars to choose from 48 king street east between hughson anr y hamlito qtiwber wijbeolcltsinq bal b ngan m erl no shirts and 34 36 38 40 42 and 44 inch chekt measure fine gas part srs jlqhn streets hmere erecu drwers jbxtba vjlxitjs merino undepagiuof hlna at i25 per suit tn meljjritfldz merchant tailor cuelph l