Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1887, p. 4

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v j i i i t i v tuuiwiu uorsrso jess 91887 jtjst po todat- lord for totuorrow and ita needs i do trot pray keep me from atain of in just for today let mo hbtii diligently work andaiwpr let me be kind in wd and deed just tot today t let mo be alow to do my vrirf i from to obey fin we to aacrffic myself just for today t me no wrong or idte word unshinking set thou a seal upon roy lifts just for today so for tomorrow and its hoods i do not pray j but keep me guide me hold me ikird just for today rfes s tho cuokoocup9are full of rain and little elves do bathe therein the straddling spires o beardgras hih swing back and fourth till they be dry for raoonworts bloom and june is here the sweetest month ot all tho year the fallow finches haunt the corn with eongs of rammers dead and gone and every lass that fair to view doth walk with fernseed in her shoe for natures darling june is here the wooing month of all the year awtytt ifinrvih harptt maijtuiiic tor june sntaruf what a truly beautiful world we live in 1 nature gives uar grandeur of mountains glete andooeanbtand thousands of means ofenjoyment wo can desire no better when in perfect health but how df ten do the majority of people feel like giving it op dilheaxtened disoouraged and worn out with disease when there is no occasion for this feeling as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof that greens atfjbft flatter will make them free from disease s when born dyspepsia and liver complaint are the direct causes of seventyfive per cent of such maladies as biliousness indigestion sick headache costiveness nervous prostration dizziness of the head palpitation of the heart and other distressing symptoms- three doses of agut flovrr will prove its wicmderful effect sample bottles 10 cents i try it spring prose sleepless nights made miserable by that terrisfe cough shilobs cure is this remedy for you sold by n mcgarvin croup whooping cough and b ronchitis immediately relieved by shilohts cure sold by xjmcgarvin worms derange the whole system mother graves worm exterminator de ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer it only costs twentylive cents to tryit and be convinced dancer there are some who pay but little or any attention to a cough or cold and say let nature take its course this is just the time nature should have assistance the lungs are threatened assist them with tamarac elixir forhuhe back side or chest use shilohs porous plaster price 25 cents sold by k mcgarvin that hacking cough can be so quickly cured by sbuohs cure we guarantee it sold by n mcgarvin a lady writesi was enabled to remove the oertis root and branch by the use of hollowayb cora cure others who have tried it hare the same experience will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver- complaint shilohs vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you soljl by k ncgarvin the extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people for over forty years it has proven itself the very jbest specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints j shilohs cough and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee it cures con sumption sold by n mcgarvin the eev geo h thayer of bouborn ihcl sayb both- myself and wife owe our lives to shilohfs consumption cure sold by nj mcgarvin tiouttf trj work th apprenuoe a floating dbiataluboat the age inwrfcftff rnlrryheparaon- age apostrophe to tho gasmeter yajfro right iu tho matu english sparrows make tough sort of ghtterpcrcher as it were an apis has a short tallono cxatopu in nature of a hasty conclusion f david killed goliath by means of sling men are often knocked out yet by ft gia sliug ltnteuc wtkmtmjfi- as a matter of economy it will pay ovory household to keep bottle of yellow oil on hand for accideuta and emergencies in caso of pain as a handy relief and for wtttitdtj borus bruisobajidiuluiioa ehh matism neuratgiaquinsy and many pain ful disoasee treated internally and external- ly by it often save largo medical bills soiree persons havo periodioal attacks ot canadian chhjar dyserjtory or diarrhea and liive tqijrao gret niccautiotis to atrd th6 disease change in water cooking and green fruit is sure to bring on tho at tacks to such persons we would recom mend dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial aalbeing tho best medicine iu tho market for all summer complaints if a few drops are taken in water when tho symptoms are nojticod no further trouble will beexperieno edi b b q stood tkt test i tried every known redlould tliinklof forrhcnmatisin without living me any relief until i tried burdock blood bitters which remedy i can highly recom mend to all afflicted as i was henry smith milverton ont fair the after years of suffering persons who have vainly sought remedical help from other sources have obtained the longdeaired ref ief from northrop lymans vegetable discovery andd yspeptio cure whioh puts a stop to the torments ot dyspepsia renews activity of the bowels and liver relieves maladies incident to the gentler sex and builds up failing health and strength gives purity to the blood snd tone to the whole system o r lutoahtfumx success it is the duty of every parson whip has ubedlzoscteegf rwn syrup to let its won derful qualities be known to their friends in c unng consumption severe coughs croc p asthma pneumonia and in fact all t iroat and lung diseases no person can ise it without immediate relief three dose i will relieve any case and we consider it tt t duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive atj least to t y one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles wer sold last year and no one case where y was reported such a medicine as german syrup cannot be too widely knosvn askyourdruggist about it sample bot les to try sold at ten cents regular swljauu rsoidbyajl druggists and dei iers in the tjuitedstates and canada a dvice to moiuenb are you disturbed at i ight and broken of your rest by a sick chl d suffering and crying with pain ef cut ting teeth if so send at once and get t hot le of mrs winslows soothing syrup for childrenlteething its value is incal- cul ihle it will relieve the poor little suf- fen r immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery aud diarrhoea regulates the st math and bowels cures wind colic sof ens the gums reduces inflammation am l gives tone and energy to the whole sys tern mrs winslows soothing sy- ru r for children teething is pleasant to th taste and is the prescription of one of th oldest and best female physicians and nu rses in the united states and is or sale by all druggists throughout hhe world pr ce twentyfive cents a bottle- be sure anl ask for ms wlsslows soothiso s jur and take no other kind co jacobs buffalo n y ays dr thomas eclectric oil cured him of a bad case of piles of 8 years standing having tried lniobt every knownremedy besides two buffalo physicians without relief but the oil cured him he thinks it cannot be recommended too highly j j- i l cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in tbjeir action that the cold hand of death is ujon the victims before they are aware that danger is near if attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine try adoseof dr j dkelloggs dysentery cordial and you will get immediate relief it acta with wonderful rapidity and neve fails to effect a cure try tt what shall i do for this distressing cough try hagyardspectoralbalsam it is soothing and healing to gie throat and lodgg and loosens the toughmucouathat renders breathing difficult or painful lgatimficmmxtu a gentleman from montreal writes s por years i have been greatly annoyed by catarrh it causem severe j pain in the wntooal dischare mto my throat aiaery rmpjeaaant breath by a ithor of kasal balm i was completely cut and comfort lo ibe surrtrlng browns household panacea has no eq lai for relievinc pain both- internal and ex srnal it cures paiu in the side bad or bowels sore throat rheumatism tothacbe lumbago aud any kind of i p in or ache it will jnpsturoly quick et the blond and healstts acting jowe is wonderful browns household pan at mi- being acknowledged as the great p in believer aud of double the strength ol any other elixir or liniment in the w cvrld shouldbe in every family handy for u e when wanted as it really is the best r medy in the- world for cramps in the 6 omach and pains and aches of all kinde a id is for sale by all drnggisls at 25 cents r a valiuible uicoveri f p tanner of neebing ont says he ijas riot oiily found b b b a sure cure lit dyspepsia butrhealso found it to be t tie best medicine for regulating andinvigor- i ting the system that he has ever taken b b b is the great system regulator iv eather rrobablllticn it is probable that in the breaking up of vinter we shall have much damp sloppy n eatherjwheil rheumatism neuralgja sore broat aind other painful corofjiaintj will prevail i hagyards yellow oil is the pop ular- hjcnjiehqld remedy ior external and in ternal hse its curative power is truly wonderful ml dnpgert orvelay if we wet9 allowed to look into the future and see the fatal consequences that follow neghwted cold i how differentjly wfrjft l fliitjwawiiiegiaol wm iwi bemfl0ronj trs from whicb she found speedy relief tp which she wtifl wttioping it may provi beneficial to othere many nycians re ommandbibb i would our course be could we realize our danger how speedily we ilobjlswkjaj oore but with many it is only when the monster dijha yostonca iti lapgf upon onr lungsmit we awakwto our jolly wnat follow a neglected cold ltitnot dtsease of the throat and lungs brosuhitisraethm grmpfaoiffaiiydther dtsjbsc like nature it is worsethafa madness to neglect a coldittdit iolly ndi jtbhave some g od remedy available for this f re- c omplaintnopf the ant-efiica- and lungs is bickles anticonsumptive syrup this medicine is composed of eyni melchij ebsv vftaoh wfajijopie btamptionnd other diseases of the longs and chest it promotes a free and eaajr expectoration soothes irritation and drives fh 9 class mo ia butts- y6ihs stilts vj ituwjilvlng tho greatest bargains lu the above over lieardof 400 i first class boys 8uits 3 this is the greats tt olianoe you have ever had to got in grooeries we aire giving the best value of any one inltho trade j 18 pounds nice si igar for 1100 f 8 pounds currauts blioico fruit for 25 oonts kviryihiag in 8u ok sold oqhikily oheap 50 childrens 8ults 273 1 50 clothing dont miss t 10 ohanoe tlio largest htook of hats in the county to bo ml at cost 3 pounds ltaisius choice fruit for 25 cents icton and summer not hats theyre bonnets hat vv sssss 3s bj jilxv jtjh sj v- mi of r b jermkn paid u visit this week to the lending wholesale millinery houses of ontario und made extensive purchases of the vfcry latest stylea almost every coiicoivablo shape and shade is now in stock to ladies may rely on getting as fashionable headgear hare asihey cai in the largest oh ies itis now av acknowledged fact that wo lead m this department as has been demonstrated all this 8iaabd fey the crowds tht throng our showroom jubilee sun nats now in stock ouble the price also choice designs in seersuckers and p parasols from 25c to dlioice goods we offer this week another lot of 6c printed lawns- kemcniber ladies these are scarce goods and aie worih nearly nuts 725 i am showing u line of blajk silk at 300eacl that is worthy of the attention otludicsjauting really dress goodis iu profusiou we would be pleased to show you through railway oornoejkirri oiwt mlxod 74ati ki prcg 1 0 1 am ekpretm w7 ep am k tpruns o aro paw mall m m j tl ro kxpress 2 m pm through ftwtiiii i m ill i5lpm ajseom jl xodl s3 pia na brampton twk ovcxoms taiirs fjolritf west 016 am and 5 wym uolng kmtr10 40 am aud i so pm prideofmevalljey yes pridoof jtbo vauejmbat is the niune of contontnotfour packageii i was tntirelf havo never felt the symp oms since tbi four years ao inlsobofgbt a bottle o of tliu valloy liniinent la it sphug for ui man who sprafned bin an kleio biutly h could not bear his weight on it after using pride of the valley liniment for 2 1 hours ho was hwe to goto work as well as e er and what is the name of that other medici le 1 why pride of the valley csnli and rboutiatic cure that is the greatest known remedy it the world for the cure of catarrh not an inhaler but the medicine is to be taken internally once day it strikes atthe root of the disease and cmoves the cause at once as tbonsands win t sstify that bavp naed the catarrh remedy tb three abbve remedies go hand in band and wl ere can i get them at i a matthews ai ton ont auo at all firstclass medicine deale iu canada i slanu- factured by pbop a m s dokves londokjokt 1 t was pride hired i 1 aces flouncincs swiss musuncs victoria lawns at the right house snd se the allover embroideries they are sold off at half nches wide see tlio kidle- watkina has nrpaced for the warm weather by nporting kuormous quintittcsof ices embroideries bege and ivory tin thfr ier latest stylis stujhalroiio paris brussels zuich and other frencb swiss and colored spanish oriental chanjllly guipure jubilee and eeveral other nu kea of laces and flouucings from fast the very thing for making and trimming summerdjresses the price raucefiom about half a cent per yard up to 285 rich and beautiful designs a large lot of heal linen guipure d art luces in chatmins- patterns bouht bo very cheap for gassi that they are heing theirvalue these goods look beautiful in trimming curtains see the illegaut variety of embroideries fdrdressesin all widths up to 10 in ibnlia t ipos f xtw vima rrvvl vvrlfl poanrtli riwioa fanla na affailnnr nf jia wlisl afa fjtrl viiia ia f l ta is worth hoc look charming girls and boys makes aui prfws ofllronptons corsets then the nwstytrtlfeiboft3ofbeth the british aud french corsets all have an enormous sslerthecarptucnrtetusi of lace and about a soafen other materials more6olid wilhalmost all kinds of house furnishing goods are having an immense fcle see the beautiful mats and rugs there are a boot 20000 worth of carpets in brussels tapestry and allw ol which are selling off at far leas than cost tliejfew carpets this spring look charming and sell well they are so cheap no person should purchase carpets unti they be watkins carpet sweepers cheap a full stock ot ladies french jerseya in various styles very cheap new and beautiful merveilleux come to king street east one door west of hughson street the names on the windowi thomas c watkins hamilton juno 2nd ibb 4 thomas f s are the right house and 0 wat0bzx3srs qpring spring i spring isseib3 kejtne y ros eroprjietors dominion boot shoe store have much pleasmre iu admitting that during the winter their ore it two f ut ititli toj keep your feet warm and dry has been very satisfactorily obs rvcd uni that theirl boots shoes ac have been largely instrumental in accoruplishiti it nowtliat sbring is here again with its wet weather and slasij vyii than ever desirable that the rule should be observed iu order to e iaijvv yoiid health to all to enable all to have dry wnrin feet we have put iu tint a id vil ntsorted tock i in all lines of bootsahd shoes of every sort ltubbers ac c a id can suit and satisfy all as to price alnd quality call at i i i our ordpred running oritur work and repairing lepartirteit is as usual in ihk finest- watches jewelry repairing always satisfactory ho ij ik vol have ueks blalt01steli is specicles try- the alaska jtliey are the iiest we ever sold r sole agent for cuelph 1 fritiyt ft tpr furniture furi por- j f i i v- ooi- oiv 0 cuii cottag r or aste jnj rf iture large lots of new goous arriving daily new mantlo cloths wev feathers nev-oniameati- meff trimmings ia gooes cf all kinds now oathmeres in blaolr ana ool- orodspeoiallmo we-ffdresaaooas- stevsilkbf new ginffiams newprlala now ohambrs now laces no embtoldorlo3 new mllllaery new hantlcs dijessea mantle pkivij new new hosiery fiats new cents lutui9hingittiigiiificentlbt of new tw3edb worsteds aridbuitings 1 gentlemen sow is your tme to leave your order goods madl up in first- uass style and prices to suit the hardtimea new styles and lowest prices in foot w68ij i- r the boot stock is large and very cheap v ladies gfntlemenwe have a larsebtock purchased fron the beat markets ip theworld undftt the very lowest prices our long experience and siantoe enables us to buy cheap and we wil sell equally cheap b come and patronize tis nicleod anderson co mammoth house ceorcetown kacyards 3f ellqw oil lilres rfieuiatism worm xowders are poassnt to tt ko contain their own fnrativo u a u destroyer ot vrornu you cnii live pt noun it work for ur v this world cap ji llo worfe fetrge suri costlv outfit mi duliy costs youtxothi rwi find out if you av one- h hamktt a- c srneid ctiactaal in cuiicaor adahc a iil niue iuore snoney ui at anything else in tal not needed ou are started free both sexes uli aos any one can barniuitt stire from first terms free keiter not to scud usyournddreas vrise you will do so at d poi tlaud maine a great oauseb human misery on the loss j manhood a lecture on the atnre trrntmenl aad badleal cure of scraii atorrhofo induced by al weakness or sperm- selfabube invplun art tpll emissions impotencyjervous ijebility and ircikxiimeuts to marrit se generally cijdsump- tion epilepsy and fits leptal and physical inca pacity jtcbybobek t j culvebwbldmd the world reaowued mthor in this admirable lecture clearly proves from his own experience that the awful conseqa suces of selfabbse may be effectually removed without dangerous e cal operations bougie i instruments cordials pointing out a mode of cure certain and effectual ljiy which every nngs or at once sufferer ie may cure calli- to tnoosands j no matter what his coi dition may biinself cheaply priva- ely and nut tssthis lecture will yrova a boon and thousands sent under seal in a plain envilonei to any address on receipt of f mi cents oi two postage staihpsl address tb5 ouvterwlu keiical ob 41 asn st sew yoitk nj y rj oaox450 tamarac elixir natures remedy forcoushscolcshoarslnes throat sc lung comdlaintg itarrrlitf positive curl douoix tncatmorc ihcach packaof southern asthma curt asthma and by mail on samptes 25o adohcm fulforo miturtmu rron i bronchitis receipt of price re 3ular size 1 00 f6 bbockv1lle orrr will cupe or relieve t co to- a mcgarlf drug storey all your garden seeds evoy oip6 and package fresh and reiiable- o o i assommen oi- qoati git icdiiafiiarv tad aencallv c ifli v5tytsiw biuousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysrpetas salt rheuj5i heartburn headache and awry species of disease crom disordered liver kidneys stomacb bowels or blood proprietors toporrjo dizziness dropsy filutterflng t of the heart acidity of the stofllaett dryness of the skin tmilburn c0 fijyetbfes envelopes envetopes elfv elopes envelopes enveiibpes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes envelopes evel0ps 1snvel6fe enveloipes the fnekpne68 has just iroceived a large stock of a nice quality of no 7 white knvel0p08 whiiih will bo sold printed in 1000 foat 250i perloooftndin 100 lots at 15 cents per package kvihoniher those prices aro for a good envelope with business card neatly printed on the cbrncr every hubiijepfl man should leave anjordcr hfjmooke fife j3e- -t- lh m m obtjil ajg serial iurariabltin1 j 145 per rear wi liuaed till ssal option of the pn nifacki 1 jjbi i i o e c dnnj hwhcijmiirl iirter columi 0 1 losbsr- j asrtbtasl jdottactsi beroftqoue osce and frederick l l bi jol ieni nv monly oil teth wit airityr and oollee pf r ju njij in an j ojj aotoni of each nwn tohs1 f3 tario veterjnarh ih keanyli dencein 1 soundness all calls i edioi te josi ancers c of efijjp j i bji or oitick mi m e osice i office mail at gecc lniltc 1 t orticesi aud 861 w t 4ijv b ontario gw liifsl jo le j forthe orders opposite to acton- terms desired 1 w ml forthei orders lej or at promptly alsoii ablet terestii tohnl omce souare i 8 st geo acood perio bodnd hel aneas seafoan gfven conditil tasiuyl t

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