thk cradle wokwtx in acton en the mh june the wtl a ot mr wni woou bricklayer of a luufcht r fkamox in aetonon the 8th june the wtl 6 ot mr j 11 lvarwn morcwmit ot ft danghte ml f 1 it i4 li r i 1 i the altar p v kw- bttvomat the raiiwnc o tlto b lather keckaway on vbett may by y- t o w wetr to n b huuglo m brtdu tefrj idi a watt o w yretr to n k tiuogio wev daughter of 11 sunglc all ot naoagavfoya kmrrot btoamuwos in toronto on tuibvtt in the wot john w toivu nnio oomi ardsoubothot mrwos in toronto on 4uivtt hn tlfekerius charlwk klmiv- ocoud daughter ot jaimes hlcn- the grave c ur tax makers the bu nates of the receipt and expea- d tores tor tho current year ao wills on the dollar matron in krin on tlifeloui juno john wat- ok j r atfod 1 yejr ymwmtk in winchaui ou the 11th juue stephen w ualbralth ot the tinics agud w years allan in brampton on the 13th june june beloved wife ot mr j p ulan formerly ot acton gouaycr 1 jutott jfm k p tnpbspjli morkiso jvxk 16 1887 notes amd comments tho ontario government liasproomu od juue 21st as provincial holiday iu com nienioratiou of her majestys jubilee tho colonial exhibition alter fcipiug out all liabilities left a balance or profit in hand amounting to 9176000 this smn will go to tiie funds oi the imperial insti tute which is beiug established in com memoration of her majestys long knd illustrious reign j the minister ot justice ou friday- in reply to a deputation from the cajnadiau press association said that he would intro duce a liberal bill regarding libel and either matters interesting to newspaper profane tors but ie could not promise any l labon this session i jf v prohibition the prohibiuo ucthon was up for ths ootiiion before lliillumlint laat wednesday and again on monday a spec tal tnoctiuk ot thbinuniclpal ooun oil was i eld on thursday ovouiuk oth inst which v convened by tho reovo to con aider thi finance committees report on the oslii latos or tho current year also tor tho app intment ot a street lamplighter the heovo m tho chair members all present tcuddrs tor lutn plighting from thomas cook aui wm walker were opeuod itwai then moved by john cameron scoondnl by w k smitlt that tho time for roco vltut tenders for lamplighting be wendel until tuesday diet june carried the i inauce committee presented their sixth r port as follows to tite i iettx ami dotnicil your standing committee on finiluoe beg to bubn nt the following estimate ot receipts and ox cnditures of tho villogo of aoton for the current year and reoonitnond that tho saoio bo approved by tho couuoil kxienditure olflctrs smaiutd clerk a treasurer 9 assess r constables aadito rs selecu rs of jurors carets iter of town hull street lamplujbter mr jamiomm foi tho mtlre inhibition of thelimor trafllo tho glrouard exempt i ir from tho opomtiom ot the losolutlon of hinqiulmout of mr no beer and older tho huott aot and 00 00 46 00 10 00 9 00 i5 00 ho 00 414 00 1375 00 in the island of jersey they have learned the potent use of shoeleather in bol tics thetmayor of st heliers recently said that at the last election shoes were bought from voters at 175 the pair and eras at siaeach in some elections that wt wot of live stock has been sold at marvell msly hijjh prices elections pay some people but not the candidates mikixlneof street and sidowalks printing account voters lists iter 05 00 chart ips 40 00 insun lice 76 00 uncollectable taxes so 00 count y rate building fund 157 00 trees and work in cemetery 60 00 boarc of health 55 00 conti irencies including 8185 for solicitors fees and legal ex panses 873 45 the bill ot mr cmjjill toi ihe total repeal of the aot were nil debated and olod upon while tho most nltmunio toniiieranoo workenevor inmiuoil for a moment that mr jamlmonu asohuiou ioum oarrywith the present oompoeition ofi the dominion 1ftruamont and tho worstj onomy of the bcott aot had no ground tojonoourago him to hope that mr cargills bill would pass neithor party would liavo boon greatly sur prised to have seen the wine and beef amendment carried but tho result was a surprise to all indeed a revelation and a certain indication that temperance senti ment has possessed our houseof commons representatives to a much greater extent than they were as a body given credit for mr cargills repeal was sent to the winds hy the handsomo and roabsurinu voto of h7 for and iio against tho wine and beer minoiity ot eight in 168 was increased to 88 iu a vote of 46 yeas and 180 nays and mr jamiesons prohibition resolution was lost by only 12 of a majority the vote beljig 70 for and 112 again jit the result is most encouraging and will induoa the friends tjf temperance to even greater vigjlanoe and to use nil reasonable means to convert their minority in the hoqbo of commons into a good solid work able majority at the earliest possible date tcipf t j for full particulars tiee next issue of the pjpee press and apply to james matthe ws acton p 9 new amhyals- at t e glasgow house s1g24 45 receipts rent of hah and office s 105 00 dog lax j 40 00 stati te labor tax 20 00 sale f cemetery plots 75 00 rate of seven and threetenths ii mi is on assessment of 181430 1324 45 manitoba is moving with the tames following the example of some of thaolder provinces the legislature has passed an amendment to the mamcipal act giving to all lemales who are property holders whether married or not the right to tote at municipal elections this is bot an act of justice women who pay taxes should have the same rights as men if way reports front the northwest as to crop prospects are extremely favorable present indications can be in any depended on there will be a bountiful harvest with the prospect of ncli returns for the labors o the fanner and a ipeedy deliverance from the thraldom of theopr monopoly manitoba should go ahea 1 this year more rapidly than it has iatterl y been progressing in the general assembly at wi inipeg last friday correspondence was lai upon the table of the assembly from the hurch ot england in canada asking for co opera tion of the presbyterian church m caniida with a view to a nmon of these den mina- tions the assembly expressed satis faction with the correspondence and appo nted a committee of thirty with the model itor as convener to confer with a sinola com mittee ot the anglican church the delib erations of which are to be reported to the next assembly ttat the ly broken reciprocity of unre- there seems to be a prospect old party lines are going to be ba on the commercial aniou or question so far the advocal stricted intercourse with the united states have been principally strong protectionists who were probably conservatives the mail and the globe are alike in five r of the scheme and several other stronacc aserva- tive journals are among its upholders on the other hand the opponen a f reci procity have been principally the m inufac- turers and their organs wuiim i u wink and beer tojte in 1885 when mr smalls ame sdment in the house of commons in favor of light wine and beer was voted upon the iivteion was as follows against the amendment 56 for the amendment 78 on monday when a resolution to the same effect proposed by mr g iron irdwas before the house the vote stood j against 138 for 48 if that represents the true feelini of the house on temperance questions and we see ni- teason to doubt it the adv ance in temperance sentiment betokened by such a vote 13 as marked as it is surprising it was not the general opinion vvcarh bound to say that any such great advance had taken place and the news will be all the more welcome to the extent it wi a unex pected the strong resolutions of some of the religious bodies lately in session doubt less bad much to do with the strength of the temperancefot i 1 the mtjrphy cas a few weeks ago during the proj ress of a soott act trial at oakville nicholas mur phy barrister df toronto who was acting for the defendent misbehaved himself in court end the magistrate ordered hit re moval from the court room an alteration ensued and murphy entered a case before a bench of magistrates chargini the police magiptiate and inspector wi lu assault he succeeded in getting a coup e f parti san 4 pg to sit on the case a id after several sittings and adjourn ne its they 4javea manifestly nnjoftt judgment fining km young and inspector 3r there 15 each and costs jthe dute has been appealed ud there is y teawtgh that uib jadgmeuti will be fursuifttily quashed lb of potter weekly for wnicn are obtained now in thjeden mills creamery loll operation and torn out 800 and 400 prices gop 81624 45 tc provide for the town hall debentures and nterest due for the current year a rate of tv o and seventenths mills will be re- qms te and to meet sinking fund and in ters t under the cemetery bylaw a rate of one lalf mill wsl be required a further rate of nine and threetenths mill i on all the rateable property of the villa je will be necessary to meet le de- mat ds of the public school board for nrc t ns will make the total rate of assess- mec t of the municipality for the current yeai twenty mills on the dollar which tboi eh an increase ot one mill on the rate of 1 8c is tvo mills less than that of 1884 v ur committee in ptesentmg the report beg to state that circumstances over which thial council have nocontrol have obliged your committee to place the rate one mill in advance of that of last year as the metnbers of your coijhnnttee are ratepayers and will have to do their share in meeting the increased demand we need hardly re mind you that we with other ratepayers regret that the additional mill was necessary in regard to this matter yoer committee beg to state that the council have very little control of tho illage expenditure indeed only in the contingent accouut and that of the streets and sidewalks can they exercise their discretion and even in these with very limited power for ex ample the contingent account oi this year is largely made up of law expenses incur red through mexcu9ablo and shortsighted conduct on the part m certain persons who brought action against the municipality daring a previous yar which action this council was obliged to defend and against scott aot trials aoton and qeorgetown contribute 1350 to the publio exchequer in two days on friday last p m young held a court iu tho town hall here for the trial of mr robert agnew mid mrs john bennett for violation of the scott act one charge for i econd offence was pre ferred against mr agnew and three for first offence againet mrs bennett three witnesses were examined in each a ad the court adjonrnod at vi oclock to t some at 2 pm at two oclock court having reopened ifr shilton counsel for agnew agreed to i lead guilty if the magistrate would make i t a first offence the magistrate rev ievved the evidence in all its bearings concluded f hat it was perfectly satisfactory and mi tosed a fine of 910q and costs mr shilton ave notice that his client would appeal in the case against mrs bennett her onnsel offered to plead guilty to one charge u case the others were withdrawn this vas agreed to and she vv as lined 90 and iiosts brothers tho inspector for the rosecntion and shilton georgetown for he offeuce in each case the audience in the court room was or- lerly and attentiu tlironglidut and those present must have been impressed with the tind and courteous bearing of the magis tratein the examination of witnesses and tho entire absence of the overbearing con 3uct- so msidiuity charged against his worship by a certain journal whose mission seems to be to briig this and other laws into disfav or at georgetown on th pittman and w g frj 100 and cohts wo wish to call tho ateutioti of the puhlie to th daily acuiditions our tock is receiving which are rapidlyjbriuging it to wo have just opened hste o the highest state of perfect n s throe cases of w iilitliisrieierz their desire put the needless expense with reference to village ratepayers to the street and side walk account last ears estimate was only about 100 anc the committee of this year are obliged to place their estimate at nearly 400 and this amount will not nearly satisfy the demands made by im portunate ratepayers for sidewalks and crossings another matter to which we might refer ib the necessity of additional expenditure in the construction of a new drain on mam street as on this street there are several cellars which are flooded with water which can find no exit in view of the fact that considerable expense will be incurred in the construction of a drain sufficient to meet the case your committee would recommendthat the council early take into consideration the most equitable mode of providing funds either by making a special call upon pilose whose property is directly benefited for the whole or part of the money required or by using that col lected upon the whole rateable property of the municipality passing from contingent and street and sidewalk accounts to thobe of the town hall and cemetery debenture accounts we may remind you that these are entirely beyond our control they were created by councils of former years whose action was sustained by the vote of their rate payers and with the legal matter previous ly referred to are legacies bequeathed to thevorthy council of the present year by thoughtful forefathers in office l t there are other items to which we might refer that are beyond our control such as county rate insurance also the salaries of village officers we now come to the largest demand that yonr committee hajie to provide for viz the sum of 1700 for the support of out public schools winch is another item to which we cannot object nor over which we can exercise any control indeed we feat that a farther and more serious call will be made opou the cbuucil to provide accom modatlon for tho ever increasing school population wewill not invite trouble hy discussing this matter prematurely hat dismiss the subject impressed with the fact that multiplication which is taught it theory in the school room is practically carried out in the pome before closing your committee wouldre commend that thelcouncil at once pass bylaw to provide lor the payment of the current years taxes in two instalments say in the early part ofsangust and it november we bfheve this division of thf burden will beto the interest of the village less irksome to many and agreeable to th wishes of the ratepayers generally allot which is respectfully submitted moved by w 1 lowry seconded b john cameron that the report just read be adopted carried the council the n adjourned irsday william were each fined counit council tho following i i a rj iio mis of the busi uess transacted to thecoiuty council at its june session oakville tnd georguotvn hih schools were each voted t o0 150 was votel to tin milton model school for the current ye the assessment rolls of t lie sev cral muuici pall ties were equchzed ai d the rate struck at one mill on tbq dollar judge miller j sheriff clements tors to hear the no 5 esqnesing containing a full range of the very latest styles and novelties new dress gboods in the most fashionable shades and the prettiest range of trimmingsevcr shown in acton parasols new seersuckci 8 in new scrims and cu s demon p 81 and thefal exhibition a meeting of all interested in the at proachlnj exhibit ti to be held in aotoi this fall and of course all our citizens an all the farmers in this vicinity are interesi ed will be held in the town hall on frida y evening 24th instj for the purpose of mal fngfurtherarrangfraents fortheexhibitjoi a large attendance is deajrable u i pointed nrbilra- if school section the action ot the of esiuejiiig in of said school parasols in a large range of qualities and marked at prices which will positivelyjnsurc their sale pretty designs and colors irtains of all kinds new laces embroideries buttons ginghams and muslins great value in prinia cottonadqs and ssmiirtings carpets are the correct thiii at the correct prices ou cretonnes and in labge assortment the very latebt tie ami felt lint- also a clioicy range laundricd shirt we have were d ippeal againet council of the tc vvnrblp regard to the boundaries section i the warden wis iustruted to make such arrangements for the ma iitumunte of one joseph wood who had his legs fioen and amputated lasrwmtejj now in the common jail of this count as her hinks proper bylaws to pro vide for the principal and interest on hamilton 4 t orth western and credit valley i ail way debentures wore passed council udjourned to meet on the first tuesdsj in kept mher purely pellbonal paragraphs res eating i eople with whom our readeis are i idivldually or collectively acquainted llev u plnlli8 visited toronto confer ence on monday i mr junior wilds of ew york is here visiting his fnm ly miss emma youre i isitiug friuuds in toronto and an mh mr r e nelson f guelpli isited acton friends th s v eck f miss vinnie a orton n spendinu a few days with gheli h friend s mr anson fimith visited friends lp hamilton dunuj the wek mr and ifn w i keniiey visited friends at kilbride last ireek dr robertson of milt jn left on a trip to the old coun ry last veek mrs thos eistou viiitcd friends in to ronto and west n lhis w eek mr fred tov usend of parkdale visited friends in this vicinity tins week mrs col mm ray 61 issquesing was the guest of mrs s a seoo rdjaat friday mr j t mdjabeof arthur is visiting friends in adtoi i and vj inity this week mrs c lopo of cn ss valley califor nia is the guest off her neice mrs m morton v messrs alpxj and villiam waldie at- tended the feobting ol halton fanners institute httkltlion ti suturditj mrs afnod llaultute of toronto who haa been the guest ol 1 irs a o biard- mote for some time returned home lust jridaytvpningj messrs alex j mau l jonuld mantt and peter mon ah eft oi ruesday afternoon oa three months t ip to bootlund the fbke ptuss wishes tlieni bun vvyage ejbljdrm which must he old jegrjrdlcss of price we have t the city parasols i ot straws cheap sec out 00 cent vvhu ade3s added to ur already large stock a choice selection of mens aid bos kcndv u ladicbsmd gcittlcncn give lib a call wc arc stuistied ihat with good- and l rices give you satif faction henderson mcrae co i i i deals iu everything in the meat line wholesale and retail no qityr establish ment can be fonnd better stroked at all seasons no questionable ccods of fered to customers t any price ie nicsw thing iu bo js suits over diitphiyii dc suits d outside right wo can w h rutledce east ijn clothing store the butphej i 1 in calling attjentio to this seasons stock do so with con fideifjce heing iu i posi the most varied and cai lowest prices and square dealing is my motto one trial oonviuces on these points cash always paid for cattle the highest market prices paid for hides and sheepskins w h rutiiedge tenders wanted mkndkmb wu be received bv tb e undersigned j until tuesday evening flst juno for the huildlng of the fouowlngsldewalk 0 feet walk on stain street rroml lilt to church 0 feet walk on mill street from hyuds store to main 4 feet walk on main street from trunk fac tory to presbyterian church 4 feet walk on west bower avenue from willow to main 8 plank walk on church street fi qui willow to all above will be mode of new material ex cepting oil west bower avenue vhloh will be of new scantling na old plank auofpr laying street crowiiibb arid for excav ating laying ana filling in about w yards of tile fewer on main street tenders will be received for tl0 whole or any artlon of above work the lowest or any ten- er not necessarily accepted plaui ana spwinoahodb application to any ten may be seen upon johncambkor a u btreetoommisiioner aoton june 11th 1887 parties wltthig to ppuneotpri vajte drains with lumx sewer waitdeaie trake application toibe etrpet commtirtouer at once in buying fuhhtouublc and oauty ebq jdhh j dgley co real estate dealers there is a very large amount of farm property continually changing hands nearly all of which is handled by the- firm of john j daley co who are well known not only in this dominion but also in the united states arid europe mr john j daley whose portrait heads this sketch succeeded messrs thorhpson 8c jackson two years ago in the royal gty he is now the l principal owner and sole manager of tho most extensive and most systematically con- duicted real estate business in fanning lands in canada mr daley purchases a largfe arriount of farm property having withia a few months time bought six farms at an aggregate price of 4085000 this firm have the best and most complete system of conducting their business known which can be easily observed by any practical person in looking over their books ana reading and examining their letters pamphlets etc and more par ticularly when mr daley briefly and ably explains the system which he him self has adopted i 1 they have prominent agencies estab lished in europe ias well as in ca and they have thousands of applications for farm property from all parts of canada the united states and europe and many from the island of jamacia and south africa 1 the canadian farm advertiser pub- l shed by this wellknown firm has a very large circulation throughout canada europe and the united states and the sales ejffected recently through this med ium are unprecedented in the history ol reaf estate transactions in farming lands in canada 1 the firm are well known for their hon orable and straightforward system of doing business and have thus secured the full confidence of all with whom they have transacted business they are active and energetic and highly esteemed in commercial and social circles de cember 24th 1886 the above portrait of mr johjr j daley and the business notice and sketch of his firm in guelph are taken from a book entitled tu industries of canada which has been recently pub lished by messrs m g bixby co of toronto for the purpose of showing the industryrimprovement and enterprise of most of the principal cities and towns in western ontario and- also for the pur pose of giving sketches and in somt instances portraits of the most prom inent and reliable business men in the cities and towns i and the following is taken from th guelph daily fcrald newspaper of the 30th of april respecting the success of the real estate firm of johit j daley co of that city who sell a great many farms at very high prices a similar notice appeared in the guelphzt mercury of the same date the wellknown real estate firm of john j daley co hare already this spring posted upwards of 8200 sealed letters besides over threequarters of a ton in weight of other mail matter prin cipally ihe canadian farm advertiser thtsj gives some idea of the extent of the firms business they now have in the neighborhood of 1000 1 agencies estab lished and are making j preparations to establish several thousand more many of which are to be in europe for the pur pose of placing their canadian farm adttertiscr in the hands of intending buyers and in getting them to come to western ontario to buy farms placed in he firms hands for sale those wishing to sell their farms should write for terms to the firm john j daley co guelph ont ion to place before my numerous customers fully selected stock ever seeu in atiton great artis i the pattern this the wearer 0- 0aro hasobeen ill designs taken to procure the mott coatilstgk atstzd sttitilsrdrs season being such -o- as cannot fail to gratify the latest gjtylefa in hats and gents furnishings satisfaptin hjakanteed j- fyfe aoton to farmers and threshers ube n you r mhohmerv only the weftknown peerless oil fc9 gold ly ed klsr jw1 if during the last three years manufaotumdat jqtiftea pity ou workl by samuel rocer8 6v c totontp u h was1iin6ton m d l r 6 ps eminent ithroat and lung surgeon will rext visit acton atj dominion hotel thursday 23rd june 1887 qne day only catarrh throat cured a few of the many who have been successfully treated by nr washingtons new method su mckelvy kingston ont t catarru and consumption john mokelvv kingston out catarrh mib a hopping kingbton ont broucbo consumption mr e scott kingston ont catarrb bead and throat mrs jno betram harrowsiniui ont catarrh throat janiesmattbow8p mastci cton out ca- tarrah head and throat f francic horlin out ciitanli head tuul tbroaji miss neata eby hurhn out uulafgod tonsil v wing p m coninna chit catarrh bead henry scott berlin ont jtbma mis p wagner near bertin onfc catarrh bead and throat jji kerciior btp jncob s ont catarrh head kna throat colin caujpbell pt edward ont asthma jameb btatev button ont catarrh wm supjanakor rodney out catarrb josephsimley port qrauot u s catarih bad form w h slojey tl of storey son glovo s er washington is the onlylhroat and lung suiccon in cauadft f i tout meth f7j itilflic i schooh lv f- t h iht tn 1 6ri provided bel the i oak celebr the goclphi mr bmof the cckistol paper the able evening bevj edacallj and at the andch well the new btreebfj toesdayj wasshorl mr i proved t alii areab etchu ne claimed the ttr each we mrj roenui hrapr queen i weati chants his mxl oft left att 34 ii th pnlpitt oocupiti george li for the be he attend wj has soil onehij the geetplj fancy agenc kelly on jut of the i tisingj forthf a mr anothj large he is i i i while weref other was aboul m 3r- sit