Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1887, p. 4

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mwteflrwkftcja j- v r wit tu jrte fuss tnciisnw morxino jvsk 30 1587 der 8phider undjber fly 1 icads in yawcobs shtjrty book a couple vooks ago i voiiflred radefeocru vot 1 dinks per bcoples ru should know id ask dis gooi conundrum too yich vo shodld profit py yill yonindo roiue parlor valk says dcr shpidcr off der fly lot set mc dinking riglidt away und vlich von afternoon r a shbcculator hecooms in unddeals me petty soon lie hat a siltcr mine to sell ludsk roe oef i puy i dink off dcr esberience off dat pine pottle fly dcr odor dayvlicn on dcr cars i vent by njie yorck oudt 1 meets a rraaloiii on dor train who told mo min ft pout she likes dcr dutscher aheutlemaus uud dells me sit peside her 1 says mine friendt lyas uq fly j fet you vas pecu a shpider 1 vent indo dor shmokiug car yhere dhev vas blading boker v ud alsoliat eomediiisa dhey calls icriuuny leedloloker some money id vas snaking hands dhey vaatejraeto try i sapv you vas to brevious t doiid vas been a fly j on central park a alunardtyouns- man says strauss how vas you peeu lnd take mc kindly py der hand fnd ask off mine kitnne he vants to shange a feefty bill und say lees name vas schneider maype perhaps he vas all right more like ho vas a shpidcr mod eiry day some shwiudling chap he dries bees leedle came i cots uie oudt dot shpidcr biece und poot id in a frame righdt natnine shtore i han it oup und near id on der shly i gecps a glub to seud gvick oudt ljbco shpiders on der fly s give tbrm a rhanrr that is to say your lungs also all yonr breathing machinery very wonderful machinery it is xot cjnly the lar-eair- passages but the thousands of little tubes and caviyes leading- from them vnieirthwe are closgedand chocked with matter which ought not to be there your lures cannot half do their work and what theydo they caunot do well call it cold cough croup pneumonia catarrh consumption or any of the family throat and nose and head and lung obstruct ions all are bad all ought to begot ridof there is just one sure way to get rid of them that is to take boschees german syrup which any druggist will sell you at to cents a bottle even if everything elwi hs tailed yon yon may depend tfpon tbg5 for certain s lend a hand when whore today tomorrow every dixy just where you nre- j you have heard of the irl who sat down and sighed tho morning hours away long ing to bo a missionary and help somebody while her mother was toiliugiu tliokitchon aud locking utter three tittlo children at the fame time perhaps your mothor has servaiiis in the kitchen but you can lend her a iiand all the same you can find ft place to help brother ov sinter or friend and you can help everybody in tho house by your patient kind obliging spirit iu honor jiroferring one another bolt-forget- ful and mindful of othevs rtscfims a very little thing to mend a handun these quiet homo ways but if you could see the record the angola make of sucb a day you would see that it villi ft very great thing doyn girls watch eagerly your chance do uot bo cheated out of your happy privi lege it is a rivat noble blessed thing to be able to help a little no matter how httie it may be cholera and all sumii er complaints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon 3he victims before they are ajvare that danger iq near u attacked do licit delay in getting the proper medicine try i dose of dr 1 dkvllogga dysentety cord ni aud you will get imtnddimo reliefi it a ts with wonderful rapidity jijud neve fails ki effect a enrc a ilvink miracle v 1 ly infaut daughter was taken ill with chou ra infantum the doctor said ahe could not 1 ve the ltovereud ym mcwilliams woul 1 not allow her head to bo lifted wheu ue laptised her she was so weak dr fow lers wild strawberry gave immediate relit f she is a living miracle halo and heai ty since that mlimp 7 years our horn e has never been yithont that remedy f from statement of geoge lohuston harivood out east end glotliing store n cullintr attention to this seasons stock 1 do so with con lklonoe bcinjr in a position toplaco botoro my nunieroub ous the most varied and eaivtully selected stock ovoij scon in actbn omoib in buying great eavo lias been tjiken to jirociinj tlie nun t fasbionnblc uiul ahistic designs in ooatiosrps aind stjitiisrbs o- wool we tbe uiidormijiied hereby iniiioiliice hint wo will agiiiii- buy all tho wool ortefed at our miiih for which the highest price ill railway time table k m v of in exchaiige for goods mmr o- tlio pamerna tliis season being sneli as cannot fail to gratify the woaror l the latest styles in hats and gents furnishings satisfaction guar antebd j v nuc persons have periodical attacks of canadian cholera dys and the and spring prose shilohs cure will immediately relievo croup whooping cough anh bronchitis sold by imcgarvin a nasal injector free with each bottle of shilohs catarrlueemedy price 50 cents sold by j ilcgarvin worms derange the whole system mother graves worm exterminator de ranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer itonly costs twentyfive cents to try it and be convinced shilohs catarrh remedy a positive cure for catarrh diphtheria aud canker month soldby x mcgarvin a lady writes i was enabled to remove the corns root and branch by the use of holloways corn cure others who have tried it have the same experience whv will vou cough when cshiloh s cure will give immediate relief price 10 cents 50 cts and si sold by x mcgarvin to- mei id dr jd kellos asleins best rued for are not ed mtery or diarrhiva precautions to atoid iug liavto use great disease change green fruit is stir to liriiigon the at- in water coo 3priiig spring kenney bros riprietiri 7 i dominion boot ase sjoreactdn have much pleasure iu admitting thai during the winter their great twofoot rule to keep your feet warm aud iry has bcou very satibfactorily observed aud ithat their boots shoes 4c have been largely instrumental iu accomplishing it now that spring is horeacaiu with ita wet weather nd slushy walks jit is more than ever desirablo that the rale should bo observed in ofder to ensure gt6d health to all to enable all to have dry warm feet wo havo put iu a flue aud well assorted stock in all lines of roots and shoes of overy sort rubbers jrc c and can suit and satisfy all as to price and jaalitv call at i kenney bros our ordered work and repairing cepartment is as usual in runnma order i wo linvc a large and well assorted stock of blankets tweeds flannel stjjoking tain nitted goods etc etc u of in great vaiety solcctid exprwly to supply tlie require menu j the fanners o- loll gamidg- spinning weaving aiidja ct till kinds of custom work iihiki in our usual jr 11 t imd batisfitiitorv niiiiiifi i fcw mftih ilb87 spiuxg jiakdwahe hllnit iht iflsfl whkt jllxfl i7 ivi in i ivxirtsk im am kxprkj7 ki niri i yir j i itftin lasnililoi ii in i tiiiipihjiipiii lirimlimxiiifidl iiin i miil liim jyoin i i il ii m- 1 mixl pm ticniilxirikkloiiiititjiliitweoiifiuo1tli ami iriiniii mr oi iosri miiiii iolnhwfkt4 15 aml ami i il pm tin jollljllmtl 1 10 ii in aiil iiipiii v s 1 if mabljinac summer tours paiaoe st lo rates detroit majckin ac island 1887 johy m 30nd co direct hardusrare imjiorters keep the best qualities styles and assortment in tacls to such persons we would recom- s dysentery cordial cine in the market ill sijmmer complaints if a few drops akeii in water wheu the symptoms are ced no further trouble will beexperienc- furniture furniture ir spades hliovels rakes garden tools agricultural tools horticultural tools cutlery vlutod ware agateware heady mixed paint antiquo colors linoleunih oilcloths miitu hinl cajca curtain jfules refrigerators butter scales larmer scalers wire netting jor door or cellar windows sporting goods and plow lines und npi and a full ranje ii tools nails ijoekr hinyes wiri iencin machine oils water lime lluslr a paris iron pipe and fitti ls llose fisliiim tackle ruildin- and kuasonalilu iiukvure of every ilesuriplinu at pi -for- l buslncmi lrltrr t- milbiirne co tilsonbart march las sirs please ship j at ouce tfihrjee doken b b ritlera best selling meiicinein the shop sold seven bottles fey yours truly c thompson the above sample is but one of hundreds of similar expressions regarding the popu- laiityof bbbr linlrni luranluni that terrible scourfe amouf childron m ly be speedily cured by dr fowlers e tract of wild strawberry all forms of r iii bevel complaints nausea and yoioltiiy inm an ordinary dianhcrafb the vsfff se ere attack of canadian cholera can be st bdned by it3 prompt use- it is the best r medy known for children or adnltsbiifferj in from summer complaints cottage or castle at- price which will astonish you m after years of suffering persons wh h ive vainly bought remedical help fro ot her sources have obtained tho longdesir n fief from northrop lymans vefietabl discovery and dyspeptic cure wljich pnti j a stop to the tnrruentsolyspsia renews a tivity of the rowels aiyliverj relieves aladies iucideutto the gentler isex- and b lilds up failing uealthaud strength gives p irity to the blcod sud tone to the whole stem i asal baliu the only medicine in the market that will immediately cure cold in the head and permanently cure catarrh hay fever ctc when you cannot rest from asthmatic troubles southern asthma cure will at once relieve double treatment in each package for dyspepsia and liver complaint you have a printed gnrarantee on every bottle of shilohs vitalizer it never fails to cure sold by mcgarvin mirarnlou mv miraculous tire was that i had goffered from kidney disease for about two vears was off- work all that time a friend told me of bbb i tried it and auxbappy to say that i was cured by two bottles wm tier st marya ont are yon made miserable by indigestion constipation dizziness loss of appetite yellow skin shilohs yitalizer is apo3j itive cure- sold by ns- mcgarvin tle extraordinary popularity of ayers cberry pectoral is the natural result of its nse by intelligent people for over forty years it has proven itself the very best specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints shilohs yitalizer is wiiat you need for constipation loss of appetite dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 cents per bottle sold by in megarvin at a nero wedding iu georgia recently when the words love honor and obey were reached llie groom interrupted the preacher aud said head that again sab read it once nio sos de lady kill ketch j de fpll eolemnity of de meaning ise been niarrid befo c c jacobs buffalo n y says dr oiaib kclectric oil cured him of a bad nf g years standing having known remedy besides ttians without relief d him he thinks it caunot tended too highly naiurc make mmke js own remedy fos bowel complaints a- morbus chobcramps voniitiiw ictiiiess cholera infantum diarrheca iutery and all diseases of a likfl nature onng to the summer season is dr avlers extract of wild strawberry nicircau be obtained of all dealers in fnedicuie aslonlvliins hurfesn- it is the duty of every person who has uked bochtt germun syrup to let its won- d jrful qualities be known to their friends ii curing consumption severe coughs roup asthma pneumonia and in faqt alll throat and lung diseases no person an use it witiiout immediate relief three oses will relieve any case and we consider i the duty of all druggists to recommend ii to the poor dying consumptive at lea6t to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottljs ere sold last year and no one case where airly was reported such a medicine is he gwmclh syrup cannot bo too widely mown askyoardjruggist about it sample kittles to try sold at ten cents reguhr size 75 cents sold by all druggists and dealers in the united states aud canada itei1 ami comfort to ttic snffirliik browns household panacea lias bo qual for relievinc pain both internal and jxternal it cureb pain in tbe side back jr bowels sore throat luieuinatisn toothache lumljugo und any kind o a pain or ache it will mostsurely quick en the blod and heal as its acting povel is wonderful browns household pi n- icea being acknowledged as the gr sat pain reliever imdof double tbe strenttli of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy lor use when wanted as it really is the b ist remedy in the world for cramps in the stiinach and pains and aches of all kini a and is for sale by all druggists at 23 ce itri a bottle anvick to motieiware youdistnrled at night and broken of your rest by a sick child buffering and crying with pain of cut tingteeth if so solid at once and get a bottleof mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it mo i- ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates he stomach and bowb cures wind ctlic softens the gums reduces inuammatnn and gives tone and energy to the whole py- toj the oldest and best female physicians ind ale id undertaking- funerals fully supplied with everything uedekbary in i uiis department call on i the friend- of every economical ituver ing and an illustrated catalogue sent on application bo tons binding twine speciil prices and altenl john beat makes at lowest prices- k i r xucjx- i xxxlxl iiniiiiillili for ruck lifters lloue lnrnihiii ces which wjllmukc us ion given vo those bnild- 0t awry wfc dy sws detroit and cleveland bpou16i uy dmlng j ta t an our illustrated pamphlets mtm nd fcournon tidiett wffl rnnacw by yhur lidutattat ord m ei 8 wh1tc0mb gtnl put asint oetrott cleveland steam nayi 0ff detroit mich 1 1 can livcatiimueaudiiakc more money at work for u tlnui rti niiyljiijl el v sisworiii cknital not nectal you art started free jsotli sexes all w- anvonocau ilo tho work large earnings sure from firs start costly ttrlns liev 1u delay am ouco art costly outfit nnl terms iree jseucr no lay costbyoii uothingto sen ub your addresi ij tind out if vou arc vifi yon will do so al ico- h haixett co pojtlaud jlaine sd bond co free to boom curtain department we will cive from now to jiiin 1 yijheery pair of urtains over s2 a brass trimmed csirfaiii polo free and with ci ry pair of curtains over 4 we will give a riass trimmed curtain pole and pair of chains we secure possession and commence alterations of the store djoiiiing if king st j east onjuiid 1 beforccdmnieifcin alterations we desire to reikc our jitosk as much as possible und are offering large reductions iu every department gt j a speight maacer to ifarmefsi and thresfiers use on your macbipf rvjofily th wellf oown r r t mttt at sj v been awarded it during the last three vears v mliljxxjg ft1 our cr3o886for your wargdiib and horse powers these ouipjsed and hiuhly recommeudi d tit tho mode limqiielpb farmers ask rtvmhzt fe manufactured at queea city 0u riby- sattl1locer8co 5 t -1uc4ut- to the front r ok all comietitios we place 0l elegant and substantial goods w w torcinto oo system mrb winslows soothing rup v for children teething is pleasant the taste and is the prescription of one nurans in tlie united states and is for i by all druggists throughout tho wo price twentyfive cents a bottle be shre and ask for mis wissmwb sootiso btbui atftlaao no other kind splendid in quality complete in assortment overflowing iu itiiciousbuiaiiis ss womens and jhlukexs boots and shoes e7bbsr 0vsr3s0es c at prices that always lead to tweedy sales lowest prices conkistknt with good quality cutitom work and the btrtchb lealu in everylliin- iti tho leavline wholesale aiid retail no ity establish- liipnt can be found bettgr todked at all seasons nxsionablo goods of fered to customers atahy price t lowest pricek mid bijimre dealiiil is my motto one trial convinces cnthewpoiiits cash tflways paid for cattie the hiliest market prices paid for hides aud sheepskins- whv kvplkdgki- v repairing promptly attended to w williams mill street acton jambs 8tirt0n lds dentist tduellb block opposite posttiffice guelph vitalizfid air the plclure gallery guelph wjatbbs bros who wkltk 1 burnt out monday hight 2 t have temloi to i a y nelles olidbtand l it- whert they ard preparing to sacrifice theif tnamencious stdck weaving 1 tll t mitc desires to inform the people painlessextractioij of teeth artificial teotb guaranteed perfect in appear ance nt and ubo fiiiu gold work a specialty all operations btrictly llret class appointments made by letter surroundings that he i pepared to take over 400 picpes carpets to choose frorr over 5t pairs curtains to choose fron otcr 100 pieces oilcloth to chooe from over 50 desitns iu curtain poles to cljoose from 0er 30 dctigijis in window shades to choose from over 300 table covers to choose from special facilities for inakil mckay over 810 pieces 1ihils louhoosj from over goo pieces dress odds tvflinosctrom over j00 dozen linlm and childrens hose to chnrw from over 80 dozen kid oioves selling at soc to choosj frin over 20il pieces icinliiiineries to choose from over 200 ladies colhiv to choose from g aim laying carpets on short liotictv brothiijrio 48 king street east between hughson vnci johnstreetsi hamilton pride of the valley yes lrilc oi tliu villi y tliit i the name 6 themciicjiie ir cnrcl r- of iyii fira lljoiiluii 8vujle imknj lo- tki tilto packagci for 1 iih liufiiu 1 iialukeii tlic lontlnts of fr auuams 1 vas cutitiiy vetl have never felt tiie syipiis si tiit wts onryiiiia- 1 1j ijirht boiij of pride oi iln- viilky iiiiimciit ui iiiii jr m hireil mail vhosirairei hisituklcso iiliy liifouw not lir his wiht on it viii rii itio of the aniiev lidiiuent f jl hiis hvs aejo tl- to -v- us ivrl us evir alfiv hut is tle niiitiitiiirmehu why 1ni of tljo vnily catiihiiiltlnvniii imv l1ij uilfe lxnvt known rinjiy in tht voii i fov tlic cure o catirrh not an i nil iter but th mtiiiiue is jo be taln iiitrnaly oiee a nay it strikes attlle root ol the tisso rni 1nrivcs the ciuse lit once us thouiainu will test tnit havi usid tbe oitarrhtoiieiy 1 h- tiii-i- iovi veniilies go hand in iiiiil vud vh- re eu i ot thonk at i 1 mntiilkwb aeton out also nt all unitclass meiicflie dcilcrs in uiva maiiu- tatutcd ijv ilsov a 51 siialnviis foxaoxoxt x stnmsr mxzebqwstm a- t- li v i balbiiggan marino and fine cashmere wm and 8f6r 38 40 42 ind 44 inch chest measure meeino dnderclothiko at k25 per suit aropicar2 pcr-iti- b tjcitroscr ov worms in ciidiecor adulti o llid cctitiit their orrtl bcfasuro ttd filtcieai grtjnsriz merchant tailors cuelph i great causaof hmran mlseiy on tin iossii makhood a tcrtiir ii ti lul atitjcit ml ttllhivl riie nl iii v s or nuii- atdrriuij illiiiel ly si-li- vlrc liivfihuitirv llnrssifiis tin nivns debility and iiiridiiuiins in miitia yeuirallv foii-uiiip- tuii hpiliiisviuul itiv mfutiiau llhvsiwil lucu- pa- iyye ilyltofkililivekvrllmti tlie world iviiuxvsirl iuiioi in tliisiulmirnllik etii unvly ilini s from i i is m u peiiiliec thit avfn eheqni-il-e- if sellabuse taiiy un ileriily leinove 1 wiiiitiil iaigerous sulhl- cal tiiniralinu lourtir instlumilits riu-sjoi- eoiiiils inmiing out a inoe of euro at oiiee eitiiiiiiit flleotual hv vihith every siiilefer no matter what liis eoiniitiiii may be may ctiro himself vdiiiiplv privately aliltilicrllv i linfe initiiio wiioimvrilkiitjtiouiiicls illli tliotihamlk t sunt mi uu- sal in avl iucuvipe to ijuv iiiilvctii on ieeiiit of four eenti or two postige itailijis aiihess i- jzfa aultirvcllltvoiical co 11 vsjrtskiiv voia n y p o hox 150 co to mc3tailyis drug store for all yoiir garden seeds bay ounce and package fresh and reliable tiii ti- alahgk new absoktment of paints oils varsbe paint brushes c v oi canadiah and american the finest watches jewelry hell of acton aud orders for weaving alt kinds carpets flannel sheeting dress goods striped or plaicl also bed blanket aud xiorslebjankets two yards wide and over and i will guarantee that satisfaction to all farmer aiid others who gri favor me with their putronago t mitchell ifrjettem mi of fancy kag shirting and twill or plain iwillgivejood repairing always satisfactory 1 i villi h r ilklin msalumiintl 1n spectacles catarrh positwe cure sori 0atahbh gives immeiats relief roit gold in head hay fever east to tj8e kot a snuff sowfler or irritatin- liquid prico b0 cts and 100 it not qhtainable at your drug gists sent prepaid on receipt of price address fulford co drockvillo onti the key to heal try the at ask a tiny nrcftlie hem we inii s liil t b savage soljeasentfor uelph unlocks all tho clopged n venues of the bow elc kidneys and liver carry j iugctff gradually without wealtenins tie uystem all- tio impurities avdfout humor 1 hg eeitetions at the sain timo ccitoitir aavt- of tu btomatili ciiu ilcvcvsnte- popsia ilttidaoles hk3inc33 hearfjvtvn jofiiiraucn xiynsj of fiieikir juy tiintnrs or vivien- vtutociicr si jheum eryfjipolr ci-o- fiuttcrir c tho llodvt 7yrvvsnss and crc-n- eral dcliit rl iheso and many otlrer similur conplaita yivld to the happy inflnrnee c 3ijpjoc blood rrgvtesa t julbcltx d co prerlctoir tomato i 4 u rvt m c 1 yi i v

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