m iter cuelpj d anclthicr jsrpe assor ktiicwcrwcddhjewi sitehr acton or iuterthsih tyt b okth or oveb ctp jay itcir fare to ri sijrrvirjaiicnijjl larkvjeweuetil sv gaelfh plepower fcilpv ft- im t ft viruia ioni ia-7tebws- v to- health ji3rt fej vrli ut aliening j ixrrriiia and foal 4j- cijiies st tis fjonfc xl iacuity cf uk biliousness bys- fauces drriness iipctica ijryafias- k7 dtnsosa of sad gen- psi ihesa a- many k xjuuris tjeh to tba i of buedock fi 03 t iff ebs bfeos mm mm rlibovctl to old stand ster pn has 118ao bordj r3w moracri uid eear- pr- lfalta ckjiiie i j g cw cod- oew tothcse apdedg8 tst i til- rc- cjdnrieiiu t g3 cf tery ptrtcf tfcsici 3hesea3da5e stthkaefwrt ia i jhte sid ijh rxibrjiiia i tf schools in 35jc ar4 meprtsmerasfrtle ccitud m1 rsjwlx say u u tie bt die- tanj2jc jqnjoa tuft- n ical lictiiory dnt b it i ths- urkof siekisd imtj lujlsati b f syt it u nwgsbel ffi frjmjnj vryhek fciif all ircf thy boril 4oauka in ertrj- school e kptciaifn mgttabd- prtpaid cu kplic24ta b co pabuxbcrr 00d tebs pr reueye- oi22iness dropsy fujttbsikg oftheheabt acionyof dsykess f ins o arising 17153 kidnlexs wjslsojijbjlqqik beautirxtlwteddmo and birth- dat presents at ceo hynds a fine stock of watches clocks jewel lery spectacles careful attention given tortpamng dtttp in una weout utro btockcomprjiiij jeweller sutionary books and fancy woods geo hynds acton ont methodist church acton rev r phiujrj pastor koshkntc rowor avsnwo lullic so tvic lftsft am anj feaa pm mndsy sc1iccln dililc class conducttid by tho wstor all conlialv hiod istranirsanit visitors always vrakomo i at- tcnivouhcn at tbtt door it fitting nrc dtolml apply to hrl moore pcw stovtaru tuuksdav 11 ly 14 1887 many minor looms collated by tho ecr thoughtful and alert freo press reporters council meets next tuesday oveninr hear the hum of the farmers binder nutter has fceen dawn to 12i cents during the week the uonu wants a high school buildiiihor georgetown at glenwilliims in this county mr cook has a rooscsq yenr3 old gratre lilies and ribbons predominated on tuisdsy bat not in aotou gait will shortly bo canvassed tor sub scriptions for a ucw town clock haying is pretty well overaadharvest- ing will commence in a few days stratfords assessment this year is f c910 an iucreiise of 332100 the new sidewalks on mill- and main streets arc an appreciated improvement the gait town council proposes to pass a bylaw taxing all parlies who sell tobicco the salvation army dfticers and a fow soldiers attended a jubilee at elora ou t sunday a lare attendance is hopedfor at the agricultiinil meeting in the townhall this evening the friil- rueinailcd to any address ww hojhs gleanings which are mouy of a liooal ohantoter andalinermng s another biro rmittag accident at mrs kennedys barn raiting on tho hit line trafalgar last week messrs allan mcdougail and david dent fell off one of tlte- plates aiid were soriously injured tlioy are recoveriiig dkd ftom his injuries i mr davtd llowman of esquestng who was so badly hurt by a vicious tarn a couple t weeks ago as rcpoitodn tucso bolums succuiubodtliis injuries oajfhurbdfy at md wis oriill oal iho va 79 yoareold v 1 champtonship base bn2i mxtch j tho baso ball match on dominion pay iwtwoou tho oakvillo und- campbellflville lubs for tho championship of hal ton resultedin a victory for the latter jbcore e7 ouly five innings wore played riser otwtering under newmuiacemoat mr robert gibbons has disposed of his itroct wateriug outfit to mr adam cook who assumed his duties on saturday there luvs becu considerable complaint md not without cause of tho dust flying but all hope tint mr cook will succeed in kecpiug it under control st aibaas church tho miuiater expected at bt albans church on sunday for some reason failed to fill the appointment mr goorgo hynds sondoctcd the reading prayer and praise at the morning service arid also the afternoon service at st johns rockwood the usual services will bo held in both churches usstsonday hotel burned inquolph the old great western hotel or newton house in guelph owned by mrsreynolds was homed to the pound at an early hour friday morning the stables attached were alito totally destroyed the promises bad been vacaut for tho past two monthb jlho ongin of tho fire is supposed to have been incendiarism loss about 2o00 in sured for 2000 in two companies cut tho thistles and weeds j the canada thistle flourishes on mauy bt the highways ftnd byways of this fair province and bo do burdocks yellowdocks and many other noxious weeds the law pays that pathmasters are required to have such cut wn and destroyed before going j to seed what a pity that pathmasters dont attend to snch duties some day ii the world for the balance of the je people wul require them- to do so or pay a fine and costs for not doing so fox 30 cents mr thomas ebbage has his new paralytic stroke engine and machinery in working order in j tbe many friends of mr john hogg wilt the pliniuj mill j iregretjo learn that he is confined to the a tinsmith near exeter has a sign j jioase tbday through the effect of a slight which rcds quart measuresof all shapes 1 paralytjc stroke which he received about and sic sold here j noon yesterday for a time he wis very ih a public lecturer to bo effective must i and the family physician was scntfor ho be nil of his subject unless he happens to rallied during the afternoou and was able lei to walk down stairs from his bedroom to urinflori liquor 4itev bavid 1eddick baof uxbridge j supper he is considerably better today occupied the pulpit in the baptist church i and it is confidently expected that ho will on suudart at3 pm ay c beaiy esqo otnagh hassold a valuable horse sired by imported pro tection fir a high figure mr va mckay au early settler of the rj corcession of taslinch sged 83 vearsdtd cu douday njoruing thcs watts of tie royal hotel gnelpli was fined 550 andcosts for tiola lion of tbc scott act on monday rev markijanbyeached intertst- in sermons in knox church on sunday lie vn ociate ngain next sonday now is jie time f6r people to see that daeiseprcdncing and all offensive rub bish is bnried ont of sight and danger the young man on the lookout for a soil place through a dislike for honest luiri work can find one under his hat- in a cne against wm g fry for violation cf the scott act held at georjje- tcvn zi friday judgment was reserved rev mr bolt son of rev canon belt of burlington its been appointed incum bent cf the parish of ixiwtille and camp- beliviile j when a man gives himself away he is gercraily not worth very much boston pui he is worth less when he gives his irkna away mr james matihetvs new patent fence is taking well ttie fanners all acknow ledge its worth ncd common sense principle o construction actoa kind appeared in their new nni- forms for the first time on dominion day the- boys appear to be the pride of the viuil guciph m iciiri lor anyihiag in fine boots and shoes for cither ladies or gentlemen i can suit you every time call and see my fine new stock just opened w williams stvetal citizens of brainpton complain that the people who have diptheria in their families are associating with their friends a3 if nothing was affecting them ia fire in the citadel at quebec last thursday cost the government 150000 it originated in the temporary wooden stablss when the picket was off duty on our second page today will be fpucd a striking and instructive illustration of the comparative worth of the various kinds of baking powderanow in the market mr li chisholm m pjp has sold his farm of 5w acres in chinguacousy to messr- w b and g wi smith of don- das the whole consideration was 825000 we had a slight sprinkling of rain on be able to be around all right in a day or two guelph mercury new jorynifjaa lor a cantiooi the correspondent of one of our ex changes toncbes for the truth of the follow ing i a youth direct from the old sod i3 employed by an aged farmer in this town ship while they were engaged in clearing dp a small fauow he was sent to the barn for a cauthook and not knowing what kind of a machine it was was nnablo to find it he started back but while passing through j the barnyard he spied a cow that had no j horns and immediately proceeded with her to the field his employer asked him why he had driven the cow down and received i this amusing reply shes a cant hook i i r7b bcdrd again ia acton j the r h baird comedy- company will i make a return visit to acton next week j and will occupy the town hall for three i pigfits commencing on monday 18th inst mr baird supporttd by florence suther land and a strong dramatic company will open with cast adrift or a fathers in saturday afternooiil while places a few miles to the west of us had a downpour a rjood shower would be thankfully wel comed jduriny the queens jubileedemonstra tion in england temperance people circul ated handbills saying remember it yon drink to the queens health you damage your owikt wouldnt it be a good idea for acton cornet baud to arrange for a monster ex- gurse and the screaming farce smith and brown with change of programme each evening mr baird has invariably pleased hisacdiences on former visits and i with his lengthened experience will have no difficulty in sustaining his previous rep utation adv a georgetown child criminal last week chief constable search of georgetown went to milton with a seven- yearold boy named sullivan whom he left in charge of jailer vanallen it seems that the child placed an obstruction of some kind on the g t b track and was prosecuted by officials of the company who though informed of the age of the child insisted on prosecuting him claiming that he was old enough to be responsible he was com mitted for trial although only seven years of age the lad is said to be an incor rigibly bad boy taxes to be paid in instalments it will be remembered that a recent by law of the municipal council arranges for the taxes to be paid in instalments the notice of the clerk in another column v forms the ratepayers that the first pay ment falls due or or before the 15th august and that ten per cent will be added to all amounts due and unpaid at that date the payment of taxes under this system will be muchlighter to many ratepayers than by the former plan of paying the whole in one sum at this season of the year work is more plentiful and living less costly than in winter and the change should prove an acceptable one the canadian press association a meeting of the executive of the canadian press association wa3 held at the rossin house on saturday afternoon it was decided to abandon the proposition for a trip to british columbia a quiet outing of a few days on the lakes of musko- ka with a day or so at some convenient lake- alums ihtifconi returns from hh veauon and rtora his readers with a bptoribpliue ilpostartous topics back again and doln business at tin old stand after a most enjoyable jtrip d a lew days combining relaxation with business in the land whore tho eagle nb not ttio cornets iudivldual of uut ilk squawks i return to harness onoo more and am again tho pablios moat obedient sorvaut i x yoofew stirring events lvo oooarred dlrig rr itbsofjoe 4hajii h j fady burgu oiof ajcab t bo brijtty as follows i4 this excellent jonrnal is keeping abreast ottho times and has como nut iu an on larfled form nd other improvements iu- olbding an own correspondent at tlje clasbio spot known as tho komers tho livery has changed hands ofiain a bqecessful baud social j wove had anothor fire the band has blossomed forth in nobby now uniforms uow sidewalk where was badly needed lower end of mill street boufh sido tho streetsprinkler got disgusted and sold out and thats all as for tho last tho pioneer in tho busi ness ovidently thqught it a thankless job with as a rowftrd a monkoys allowance more kicks than coppors may i suggest to those goy and festive young fishermen who have a fondness for cool bottled beer that when nest thoy go aflshing with a supply of their favorite beverage if thoy want it for their own con sumption it would bo bettor to exercise a little moro care in selecting a spot in the creek in whioh to place the bottlos to cool it happened not so very many days ago that another fellow and mysolf took a a troll down the creek on fishing intent when we spied a coaplo of bottles of gerjnauys national beverage cooling themselves in the creek and as we always make tho most of a good opportunity it wasut long till we put their contents whoro they would do tho most good just imagine if you could beo tho feelings of the other fellows when thoy returned im ahaid the atmosphere in the vicinity had a dibtiuct azuro tinge about that time to put it mildly more burglary roallytbis thing is going a little topfar woll have to organize a night patrol or ff band of vigilantes or jbometliing or other to catch a few of thcso midnight mechanics if somo were caught and vigorously punished it might be the means of deterlng tjthers from at tempting the same game some eny it is the work of tramps now this may be so i dont know whether it is or not but i do know that this tramp question has never ibcen handled properly here for la town of this size and description we have alto gether too many of tlieso perambulating scamps around and if dealt with in the way they should bo theyd steer pretty clear of this townat any rate after every firo that occurs thcro is al ways a grtat powwow about fire projection and so far it has ended in talk and nothing else this time however i am glad to sco that tho village fathers have made a move in the right direction by appointing a committee to secure the equipment neces sary for an efficient ladder and backet ser vice as an additional protection i against sre now this is all very fine but what on earth do they mean by additional pro tection what protection havb wo got now id like to know nothing i simply nothing- unless of coarse you include the town hall bell which i3 furnished with a rope that always breaks when it shouldnt why in the name of common kense cant thoy put on a rope that wont break a chain if need et is absurd to bay that a girl could brak the rope if it was as it dught tp be by simply pulling on it another picnic at the koruers on the 12th this affair is reported as being ery mild compared with the last one and lit was noted that the individual named gallaghar was not on deck angcs real estate change mrs jane- b cameron has purchased the residence and grounds of mr paul jarvis onmill and guelph streets which adjoins i her property on church street she will uot take possession for some time yet mi jarvis intends shortly to romove so the west i cursion for civic holiday say in about four jport town will probably fillthe bill fer tho present year tho proposed excursjion will be pleasant and will be one in which all the members can participate it wag stated at the meeting that the committee would bavo to report at the annual meetings the association to be held at the rossin house in the second week of august the very gratifying result of their interviews with the ontario government on tho libel laws and also as a promise from the minister of justice at ottawa that they might expect some amendments to the libel laws next session jof tho dominion house weeks ft would we think be well patronized mr ilobt agnew of tho dominion hotel wis fined 50 add cost3 at george town list week for the violation of the scott act by a member of his family first offence cobourg people arc to be fined if they do not cot down the grass and weeds in front of their premised homo acton pre- mists require the application of a little of this kind of law a farmer faid one thing i dont like about city folks tbey be either so stuck up that yer cant reach em with a haystack pole or so blamed- friendly they forget to pay their board the harvest in this section is unus ually early an experienced j farmer of aliis vicinity bays that he has nfyer known the wheat to be ready for catting so early as this in fifty years bailey is also about ripe j v look well before yon tick ought to have been the motto rnunidg in the mind of thp plymouth 111 farmer who tried to kick en of his cows on tbo nose bui mus ed fire and impaled his leg on one of ber bonis clerk to employer what shall i mark that new lot oi black silk at em ployer mark the selling price ten aliil- lings a yard clerk butit eost four shillings a yard kmpjoyer v dont care what it cost i n belli tfduss of cost burgltrsaptfatfake fifitlnfghtrisiu onkohdaymbrnihg whenthomercliaut itailoring efitablishmcnt of reeve fyfe on mill street was opened it was found that burglars had visited the premises since the sbop was closed on saturday night upon examination it was shown that a suit of ordered clothing a pair of pants a bat and beveral smaller articles valued in all at labont 930 wero missing entrance- was effected by removing the shutters from the west window in front aiid smashing one of the large lights of glass one of the ihop j lamps had been lighted to ensblotbsthietes to pursue their inyestigations bore taking their departure the shutters tfefe replaced in their usual position a stiff brown felt hat somewhat worse for wear was left behind no wftisfaetory oloe has fceen ascertained within a few nights tbef rosidcncesrae jbrif a win gurney have also been- visited bat nptbiog of yaae is missing j knox collfije monthly has been en larged to gl pages and now appears as tho knox colltijt ilonlhhi if prcfbyleriiiii ilaijazine it has an able staff of contribu tors and is a most deserving publication parties are out from guelph arranging with farmers through whose farms the suelpbv junction railroad will pass for the rightofway aud all other arrange ments are being made for a speedy proso- ution of the work of construction the picnic in the new park in eagles rove at crewsbns corners on the 12tu was not largely attended it was however vast improvement ns far as law and order are concerned on the orgio held there on dominion day western papers are having a good deal to say these days of a woman living in kansas who died because of the extreme loneliness of her surroundings full particulars aronot given but it is suspected that she was an oroployee in a store which ididnt think it worth while to advertise mr w h storeys fine family monu ment and the individual head stones havo been placed in position in his plot in fair- view i cemetery they present a very handsome appoarance and are a credit to the wellknown wellington marble works guelph j hhamilton proprietor a clean floor bright window glasb shelves freefromdnst arid tidy counters give au air of freshness to astore that ibcap tivating the american grocer finds that this is the exception rather than the rule the employment of the force one hour every week in cleaning and polishing will accomplish wonders the following cpr telegraph offices were opened this week quebec abercorn champlain village dcscliambaul t cowans- ville farnham bedford ontario berlin blashville baden clarcdon shakespeare petersburg stratford new hamburg parham verona port dalhousio port colborne the bev d hunt has arranged for a cheap excursion to manitoba on august 17tb tickets good to return within 40 d to winnipeg and return ijsototurtle tllotintalns and return 35 as the party is limited to 150 people tlioso wishing to take in this cheap trip should write to mr hunt at millgroye without delay a novel way of getting oven with ones creditors has just been tried a winnipeg i photographer a few days ago exhibited a j case full otphotos eaoh labelled with the name the address and tbe amount- owed febsonal pabagmphs raspoothag visitors to and fro with wt ou fre press readers are acquainted mr james wildb returned to new york oh wednesday mr p maddook spent sunday at his old lome in guelph the reeve and mrs fyfo spont sunday with tnends in toronto miss anna matthews was the guest b guelph friends over sunday mrs l 8 butlin and ohildren returned home to st clair mioh on tuesday mibbos maggio trotter and may hay spnht veek witli frlendaip guelph miss ida grludollbf guelph is jthoi guest of her grandfather bailiff ilpin- stroot mr charles davidson manager welling ton mutual firo insurance co guelph was in town on saturday mr joseph crowsoii principal of qrayou- burst public school has been visiting f riendb here the past week mr and mrs anson smith and mr- thomas brunt attended the salvation army campmeeting at elora this week mr and mrs geo tubby at one t me residents of georgetown aud lately of parkdale have gone to dakota eram mr j ausmau of the toronto ivohd wife and daughter were v guests of principal moore a couple of days this week mrs w h hanson of bowmunv llo and two children spent two weeks very ploasantly with acton friends and retur iebt homo last week mr tuos somcrvillo returned fron a prospoctiug tour iu manitoba and the north west on monday ho didnt al in love with tho country t rev geo h cornish methodist- minis- tor at drayton ont formerly of lwcfcr wood has received tho honorary degree of lld from rutherford colloge north carolina us mr mulcolm moffat lute of tho royal scots fusiliers who has been in active service in british burnuili arrived in acton last monday to visit hip sister miss tena moffat jlev j w shiltou b a preached his first sermons iu the methotist church ilesherton on suuduy moruiug aud even ing last and oreated a favorable impression rflcsbertou j fraiirr mrt d e cook formerly of georgetown out has been promoted to the position of chief shipping clerk iu johu b goulds wholesale grocery house chicago csiim- dian american i mr j e mcgarviu returned from new york on suturday the excessive heat experienced thcro during his visit effected him rather seriously lor ho lias been con fined to his house since mr and mrs andrew warreji aiid child- ren of st louis mo are the guests of john warren fisq they are making a tour through canada and will go to the sea shore ria st lawrence mr thos t moore has been suffering for several weeks from an injury to bis right leg sustained while playing base ball the ball struck him and the bruise lias required considerable attention ltov mr bevau formerly rector at harriston ont aud well known in acton i will return from england where he is at present living and will succeed rev mr geoghegan as rector of christ church west flamboro mr a hemstreet of trafalgar who was injured recently at the ruising of mr williamsons barn is not we are sorry to say making as moch progress towards recovery as might be desired he suffers greatly from pains iu hit head champion the many friends in this vicinity of mr and mrs h t lepuge nee miss mskgie moore will regret to learn that in the great conflagration at charlotte town pei their residence was destroyed by tire i a portion of their furniture was saved partially insured w williams las just received oni of tho largest stocks of fine boots and shoes for indies and gentlemen ho ever had in the shop your inspection is invited prices are right the following conversation took place at the guelph the other day custoiikii i have decided to purchase an organ for iny daughter one you lean recommend and should wo agree as to stylo andtprice you may call it business fuoriiietop thank you sir i will try you you mummmm i rftj i- and suit you in every respect aro particular as to the make of organ purchasej i sell a great many bell organs ccs i want a good organ do uot care whose make it is but there is a ma i in this town advertising liimself the sole agent for the bell organ though you se i it fiiof ha ha ha no honest nan would advertise himself to be what he well knows he is not i have always bo lght and sold bells organs they are made to sell and i have no doubt if you take a dozen or two but you can buy the orans as cheap as any other man can buy for cash they are an enterprising firm ccs i thought there was something wrong when i see agents selling the organ everywhere 1 go piior nothing wrong only the result of strong imagination on his part just as a small grocer would imagine himself sole agent for all the sugar manufactured by redpath co i as usual the customer purchased a bell organ from j c molean of tho temple of music i piano notice 27500 j 27500 the man of art since the exhibition the boys have been paying op isome threaten jrbjjjatifc- r jthefiith volnmo of the ctfinada oueni 4 if 4 toronto tne orgjjn of the pomlnion wloefbrthe total suppreijon of the jljiot iraffie has jjist i bee ii opened tie jifwis awyedlteqiijjnd i a loyalsuppoft- jolstbe oanse it represents under- the jjifcnagement of mr- f- 8 hpence it has tfipirogfos8 and is now neatly prfeted iultbtpjvn estliibineut it is a credit to the alliance splendid double rosewood veneered upright piano witball tlio lnteetrimprove- mouts french repeating action equal to uny ordinary canadian piano warranted for five years at- j 0 mcleans quebec street guelph xasytolcse kjta8naiipwfe price 60 ctt and l0x if not obtalnablo at yoor drag gtsts sent prepaid on ioccipt or price ai hnt futpobd a co brvckvlllc nt j4iyivv i 1 1 rtoi mem di3r oewis pbre i i the qiontcat bargnitis xn onrth i white ttnd grey cottons sltirf iuga slieotig8 denims cottonndosand prints special prices to those buying cottora by the web j v i- s call aiid look through and we will satisfy you tbat wc will give qu i5etter uabgaifs j than you can obtain oloewhere- irvfp rsi i kelly boos next dooe to mgiarvins drug store ps goods solp for cash or trade only hsh v monday july 11 1887 steam is up our great jubilee halo is making things hum the extraordinary reductions in price area great attraction oootls aro goingoh fast and piles are being reduced speedily beo the fonowlng price hit in i frmtb lawns and muslins 1 lot zephyr chambrayb reduced from 25c to luo 2 lot plush striped fine chambrays reduced from c2jo to 25c h colored spotted swiss lawns reduced from 37 jo to 25a 4 white brilliantb reduced from 15c to 5 5 black and white printed lawnb re duced from 15c to 12c i 6 colored oatmeal clothe reduced from 20otol0c 7 colored brocaded lawns reduced from 25o to loo 8 cream and gold canvas cloths re duced from 30c to 15c 9 fine american beersuckers reduced from 16otol2jc 10 madras nets reduced from 50o to 35c and from 40o to 27 jc 11 ginghams reduced from 15c to loo 12 american print robes reduced from 1 75 to si 45 i 13 great sacrifice in white all over embroideries reduced from 60c to 40c from 75o to 50c from 1 00 to 67jo from si 50 to 95c from 8200 tol 35 14 colored all over embroideries at exactly half price roduood frorh 81 00 to 50c from 82 00 15 grand range of wide oriental floun- cings at 50c per yard 1g linen prints reduced from 12jo to 10c 17 grand special line of prints of regu lar 12jc goods at tjoper yard 18 printed muslins at 5c 19 plain striped and river check white lawn at 5c 20 swiss spots and checks at 8c10c and 15c worth 12 15c and 20c 21 white embroidered lawn dresses i reduced from 84 00 to 83 00 and from 85 00 to 81 00 gent8 department 1 line halifax tweeds worth 75c at 50c- 2 line navy serges at 40c goo and 60c cheap 3 all wool canadian for boys wear cheap and garments cut free of charge 4 line summer underclothing at half price i line summer knitted overshirts at 01c worth 81 00 line mens stiff felt hats reduced to 25c mens white vests 25c mensbrown duck overalls 95c mens snmmer scarfs 8 for 25o io mens double and twist cotton socks 10c per pair or three for 25 11 men and boys tweed suits at re- duced prices 12 linen alpaca and seersucker coats cheap special sale of 200 plain and braided jerseys at 33 13 per cent under regular prices como to tho great jnbileo sale 5 7 8 9 e r bollert j 27 lower wttndham st guelph oxt tklkfhone in ornck mcleod anderson co have quite a large stock theyare anxious to get- lid of and if prices are an tibject which should be wo have cut down a number of in summer qoodawlnch we are offeriug at extraordinary low prices summer mantles and jackets in silk and cloth great drives from 50 cents up samnier millinery we arc cutting to the bone i hats from 5 cents up feathers ribbons ornaments and all kinds of millinery extraordinary low r paraspl8bcing cleared out re gardless of cost a line of dress goods atlo cente worth 25 cents at 15 cejis worth 80 cents an immense stock of magnificent dress goods very cheap muslins and laces for dresses from 6 cents per yard up checked dress silks 25 cents checked all pure silk dress silks 35 cents worth 0o cents a line of black and colored satin merveilleaux 60 cents and 75 cents worth 8100 and 125 i black gros grain 75 cents worth 125 prints for 5 cents and 7i cents worth 10 cctitsjand 12i cents we are going to ciit goods to the bone to reduce our stock inspection invited remember qur millinery dress making and tailoring depart ments great drive iu ginghams seer suckers andcrinklcs georgetowsr june 22nd 1887 to the golden lion guelph we invite the ladies and gentlemen oi acton and rockwoocl to pay us a visit and we take the responsibility upon our- selves of assuring you that you wilfbe well re- paid our stock is very attractive this season both in xadies and gentle- mens goods o- duriiig the two months ot june and july we shall return the fare to anyone from acton or rockwood who buys 500 worth of goods on saturdays or 1000 worth any other day i of the week at the we arc offering splendid vfflue in silkrs and satins j dress goods t r millifflryfe our stocks of carpets is very large aud well assorted i oursfcock of boys cloihing is complete in every line and aiest from 150 up i j d williamson co cuelph j 1887 spring hardware 1887 john m bond co direct hardify are importers grtjeixi o keep the best qualities styles and assortment ih east eid clothing store j o in calling attention to this seasons stock i do so with con- fidence being in a position to place before my numerous ustdmers the most varied and carefully selected stock ever seen in acton in buyiug gieat care has been taken to procure the rjaott fashionable aud artistic desigtts in i i ppatihstgs spades shovels bakes garden tools agricultural tools horticulturaltools cutlery plated ware agateware beady mixed paint antique colors linoleums oilcloths mats bird cages curtain poles refrigerators butter scales farmer scales wire netting for door or cellar windows tools nails locks hinges wire fencing machine oils water lime plaster a paris iron pipe and fittings hose fishing tackle sporting goods andamminition plow lines and rope for rack lifters and a full rangejn honseifurnishing building and seasonable hardware of every description at prices which will make us the friends of every economical buyer special prices and attention given to those build- inc and an illustrated catalogue sent on application john m bond co bo tona binding twine best makes at lowest prices see qiaij iirijb- ifor the wnttrz 1 1 prints 6a worth 10 and 12c ladies seamless hose 121 worth og- new battern seersiicfcers 12 a worth 16g tapestry garpete 87jg worth 60c mckmt bi0tiepps 48 king 8treet east betiyen hughson and john streets hamiuton tlntpatterns this season being such as cannot fail to gratify the wearer the latest styles m hats and gents furnishiags satisfaction guaranteed j fy fe acton the finest watcher jewelry repairing always satisfactory r it von raveieeiisarroistki is sbe 3tacles try jthc alaska they arc the best wo ever sold t to famters sole agentlor cuelph tfireshers tlseon your j4aohinery only th wllknown peehlbss oil q raf ts fvrtnri atief have been awarded it during the last three years wrvrvijjj i try also otir peerless al8 for your waggons and itbrsrs powers these oils are usetl and htglily rccororneiped dt themode fivrin guelph frivhvers ask for tlieiii nsenoother- f cl sawruecrocer co tororvi 1 fcsss