Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1887, p. 4

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tmm tetob8dat 3tjiii lt it jm5 folks fei i gently wwk md the om hall dock strike a kneu of thsday that dying dot wtmt cam i howthc hours go bv whether nhhij they gow creeping kothootcsaibutlortpuii bn tiiy bb oomr mm vtm btpoib8- bar little we foot rttl dimples wt from the towta ortrtr gcora we pooping hot eohonjbair tkju over do chair its ttowanss of bckttty infolding i prow my u to her ftngcr tlju that my luiuds arc so tightly uowlug tick tock tick tock you way wait old dock i w foolish what i was saying let jonikcoiids may your minutes play and bid your days go all amaytng oh tiuio stand mill let mc drink my fill of content while my uabo in sleeping as i smooth her hair my lite looks air and t04norrow 1 may be woeijug fifty ykuts ago fifty years ago nearly all the laud west ol toronto ud north of tho grand truuk railway line was littfo save an unbrokon forest- the country of the western pen- insula now shown to be so fertile and in- tiling was then supposed to be little better than a huge swamp bears and wolres were not uncommon visitors toronto had then but 2500 inhabitants today she has over 100000 ottawa had no existence on the map save as the site ol a waterfall 1 now it is a flourishing capital of 30000 people londonthe leading city of the west has also mado wonderful strides during the last fifty years therowere only ten or eleven distinct municipalities in ontario now there arc 48 fifty years ago the mfai number of acres occupied in the whole province did not exceed 4000000 and ol those bnthalf a million were culti- ftcd in any fashion the number ot acres now under tilling is reported at about 22000000 the number of horses then of every kind was 33000 while last yea there were about 600000 after 12000 valued at 51550000 has been exported the number of cattle has increased from 70000 fifty years ago to 2000000 la6t year the county of york possesses at the present a larger population thin the whole province of that day and more head of live stock of all kinds of sheep there was then no record there are now about 2- 000000 and statistics of this kind might be multiplied to any extent y h r 0 4 i which was the gentleman on the adams street car latdr en route u the theater i was on the rear platform smoking lcs i confjss that is bad but then i did it a young gentleman it sup pose be would call himself snch boarded the carabout warren street in his mouth be had a freshly lighted cigar and opening the car door he passed in to depositjis are his burning cigar yet between his teeth he worked his way past the ladies who oomfortebly fiuedtha car and passing his money through the hole in the door he received his envelope and his head on one side to avoid the curling smoke which was blinding his eyes and filling th car be de- posited his fare and cigar yet in mouth came back to the rear platform this yoong man was decked out in the latest style high collar immaculate shirt front and all the paraphernalia of the elegant young gentleman a few blocks farther down the car slowed up for a eoal black man of perhaps 10 in his month as he stepped on the car was a very short clay pipe evidently freshly filled and lighted his dress indicated the the laboring man goingdown street after a hard days work glancing into the car and noticing tho ladies present he removed the pipe from hia mouth knocked the con tents out in the street placed the pipe in his vest pocket and then passed in to de posit his nickel which was the gentleman toledo santfat jusrjtal witajin htmok of 0 wbatawjwttttftoetoite bejfar baywhatawifougointftodof ftm milan at ptytng thttnurtia tatfe vh0 drahkardl are dytag and drunkard are made and all tlw worlds looking to you boy to see what youyo going to do you suroljf have ouwthlng to do boya and what an you going to do with speeches and singing wlthbadgwuivtow your schoolfellows brlugtiifi itoslgnuteptfldgetopr come tell whatjouro going to do boys yes show what youre going to do f as men youll havo something doboys andwhaan yoj puimlng to dofs z lflswtltituiw s aiyovyott s 1 roraithfnllapraylbg and work day by day youll soon havo tho votiks to do boys bo all the worlds looking to you it yipiohter thk cow ilero is a little girls composition on tho ciw a cow is an animal with fourjlogs t 10 tail is longer than the legs but its loot n od to btand on the cow kills flie with h r tail a cow has big ears that wiggle oi i hinges so docs the tail a oow is big- gi r than a calf but not so big as an eleph- a t sho is made small so she can go into a barn when nobody is looking some cows a e black and some hook a dog was h okedonce she tossed the dog that wor ri si the cat that killed the rat black oowi g re white milk so do other jwa milk- a en sell milk to buy their little girls dress- ea which they put water in and chalk 0ws chows cuds and each cow finds its o m chew this is all there is about cows hartford timt vudcbcnagsln liu sib i hope all tho young folks h vo bucccodcd in working out tho fish pi cibletu the corrot answer is 73 inches b jow are somo further qaestiona for tqem ltctnixt my wife and mo my ago did horaas far vxccpd as throe times three docs three but when tcu years and half tvu yvan wo man and wife had been her age came then as near to mine as eight li to sixteen now pray what were onr ages on the wedding day mule qve8ti0n8 what city did shur build and on what river built uid what monarchy did ho found rhe young folks may expect to hear fr im me again uncle bex oi ti pi fu a disrover in xatnral history mother tommy lww re you getting at school tommy firetrate ma ifention the names of somcof the domes- animals the horse the dog the mention some more tommy he goosb the hen and the duck 1es ras thinking of fourlegged animals wl at atnimal is that which lives mostly in thp house but which often makes a dread- noise so that people can not sleep f animals lei people i sleep yes ur phantly the piano- yes loui tommy tri- tcxa sifting a bad job l xewbnrg girl went to a grocery for a poind of saleratus the other day and aft er makiug tho purchase stepped upon scales- with the package in her hand ifby ive gained a pound was her de- lig itcd exclamation and then remember- inj tbaahe had the saleratus in her hand sh i dropped ft in her pocket and then atl smpted to ajastthc weights so as to sb w the difference of a pound after se eral minutes effort she gave it op as a bai job and left the grocery satisfied that no reliance was to be placed in its scales hi idlttmch merckiy i o one can describe the sufferinga cawed by asthma except those troubled with the cot iplainl otic package of southern aei hma cure mil relievo any case double tf tment in each package ft agent is the lady of the house in serssnt maid there are two of us which do you want to see 3l wtdow may not be much of a gardener bat she always has an idea that she can raise orange blossomsfrom weeds from an old bachelors album jts too soon to marry when one is young ind too late when one is old- the interval may profitably be devoted to reflection guest rising excitedly from the table after tasting an olive for the first time itij sorry ldbe to disturb the hilarity of the meeting hut i believe eome joker has been salting the gooseberries green since he had that slander suit pryor has gone out of business brown whyi what was his business green other- peoples it is related that a man left the fortune designed for his grandson to a5i asylum for feebleminded persons because he found the youngster smoking a cigarette he evident ly wanted his relation to get the benefit l the money in the end some men are ever ready to offer a remedy for everything the other day we remarked to onjjfthese animated apothe cary shops anmea struck nsyestcrday vand before we could finish he advised ns hub the affected parts with arnica thk cotkt fflu him to lkatlk in i a railroad switchman had been devoting his spavetime to the study of blackstone and when heeonsidered himseif well versed in legal lore he sent in his resignation to the company the yardmaster met him one day and said well johnnie i see you have been ad- mitted to the bar tfes replied johnnie i have been successful in getting through all right and 1 will hang out my shingle as a lawyer in a few days i suppose yon will soon be heard from in the courts of the country defending great criminals v no siree replied john 1 i shall can- fine my practice to courts that hear evid- reaoe in divorce matters for in that court i bekeve i ahah be empitjantluccjegsful- because i haveiiad so mucin experience m oncouping a voed let as a cure for all summer complaints i hig ily recommend dr fowlers extract of wjf i i strawberry having often used it with the best results i have often been thanked for recommending iu william haw aw aster ont aiasal bajn deafness caused by catarrh is quickly relic ved by nasi balm headache caused by catarrh is quickly cured by nasal bal n faxatics talk about tomperanco faaatos f did not lutheran fanaticism vtoteslanize europe dia not wealcyhin fanaticibm re call the churches to purer faith ant more hoi living and cannot the bui of rights stand today an iroporiahable monument to that fanaticism whicbeiplodea the false and conning sophistry wrapped op in the divmc right of kings that the fanaticism uimtgos favors and which is now liupir- m tbe prohibition boat to move forward isdd strike down the old dragoo of the oentunes may heaven baptteeeveryhome and heart and with a pentecostal volnme jc anbwbckey itntiuam ittue j crrat tiati used a great deal of doctors medicine for kidney complaint during five years was getting worse all the time until 1 tried b b b i took three bottles gained in weight frorntl30tbl591bs i can highly recommend burdock blood bitters to be a good medi cine thus testifies john walton of springfield n b a fir r long year i was troubled with liver complaint for a number of years finding no cure i tried b b b i took four bottles and am per fectly cured strong and hearty mrs maria aakett alma ont the devil gave a hermit the choice of three great vices one of which was drunk enness the hermit chose tqis as being the least sinful he became dronkand com mitted the other two 8tflblivtioriu immediately mn 3rp whibping cough auh bronehitts a naaai injector free with each bottle of i hiloha cajarrit bomody vprioo 60 oenia fold by n mooatvln worms deradge tho whole ayattua i tother graves worm exterminator d ingoa worms andgivearestto tho luseror i i only oosu tweutytlve oonbi to try it and teooutmoedd -i- shtlohs caurrh bomody a positive care for catarrh diplhoria taid cansbr onth fjojd bn j laiady wtlt waaltaabtelto remove letirnb root andbrawbhby tho use ot ilollcwayauorncure others who havo tried t have tho sarpo expericnoe wl y will you cough when shiloha cure will f tve immediate rolicf price 10 oente oj cd it and 51 bold by n moqarvin fo dyspepsia and liver complaint you hkve k printed gurarantoo on overy bottle of shilo ib vitalizor it never fails to euro sold y n mogarviui th extraordinary popularity of ayors chan y pootoral is the natural result of its too hi intelligent pcoploforovorforty years it hat proven itself tho very boat speoifio for dolds coughs and- pulmonary com plaints are yon m ade miserable by indigestion constipation dissiuess lobs of appetite yellow skin shiloha vitalizer is a pos itive onre sold by n mcgarvin bhilohs yiialircr ib what you oood for constipation loss of appomte dlszlness and all symptoms of pyspopbia price 10 and 73 ceuts per bottle sold by n mogarviu c c jacobs buffalo n y says ur thomas kclcctric oil cured him of a bad casoof piles of 8 years standjug having tried almost every known remedy besides two buffalo fhysiciausv without relief- but the oil cured him ho thinks it cannot be recommended too highly i cholera and all summer complamts are so uick in their aetion that the cold hand of death is npon the victims betoro thoy are aworo that danger is near if attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine try a dose of dr j dkelloggs dysentery cordial and you will get immediate relief it acts with wonderful rapidity audrneve fails to effect a cure after years of suffering persons who have vainly sought remodical help from other sources baveobtaincdtbclongdesircd refief from northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure which puts a stop to tho tormented dyspepsia renews activity of the bowels and liver relieves maladies incident to the gentler sex and builds up failing health and strength gives f purity to the blood snd tone to tlie whole system owhvwlsteb ohiww iriki lii 4iit li r t r t w ttit mssssshak j 1 a f tsss 35 feifv tho groutost bnrgniiih on oar iiigbbhcotingh doninis ii ill white und groycqttons s qottonnc ob aud prints speuial prices to tlioho bi ying cottons by tlio wou iirt- citll nod look through itnil wo will satisfy you tbitt wo will give you jietteil bargains than you cau autaiii elsewhere kelly bos next jx0r to mauvin8 drw stoee p3goods sold for cash or trade only thonlhlng snrrrm it is the duty of every jicrcon who has used rvkiii urhmn fiyrvji lo let its won derful jnalitics ho known to their friends in curing consumption severe cbcighn croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseasei no person can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80xj0 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported snch a medicine as tbe german syrup cannot be too widely known ask yourdruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents ltcgurar size 75 cents sold by all druggists and dealers in the united states and canada 17 so 21 in drier and lolbr felnl dyspepsia is dreadful disordered liver is misery indigestion is a foe to good nature 18 the human digestive apparatus is one of iq the most complicated and wonderful things j in existence it is easily pat out of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hours irregu lar habits and many othor things which onght not to bchave madet tho american people a notion of dyspeptics but greens august flower has done a wouderful work in reforming this sad bubi ncssand making the american people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy remember no happiness without health but greens august flower brings health aud happiness to the dyspeptic ask yonr drnggist for a bottle sovpnty- five cents j monday jiilyll 1h87 teamjsup i our uroat jubilee kale is liiakluc thluga ham tho extraordinary reductions in prjceroa great attraction goods aro going qh fast and nihs are boltig reducod spoodlly sco tho following price list in j prints lawns and muslins- 1 lot zephyr chambrays reduced from sue to 15o i 2 lot piubii striied pine charlibrays reducod from c2jc to 25c 3 colored spotted bwjbs lawns reduced from b7jo to 25o 4 white brilliants reduced from loc 10 5 5 black and white printed lawns re duced from 15o to 12c 6 colored oatmeal cloths reduced jroin 20o to 10c 7 colored brocaded lawns reduced frpm 2i5otol0c 8 cream and gold canvas cloths re duced from 80o to 15c 9 pine amoricaii bwersuokcrs reduced from 10c to i2jc 10 madras nets reduced from wo to 3jo and from 40c to 11 ginghams reduced from 15c to 10c i 12 american print ilobes reduced from 1 75 to si 45 great sacrifice in white ah over krabroiderics reduced from coo to 40c from 75o to 50c from 91 00 to f7jc from 81 50 to 05c from 2 00 to si 25 colored all over kmbroidcriea at exactly half price reduced from 1 00 to 50c from 12 00 grand range of wide oriental floun cing at 50c per yard 16 linen prints reduced from lijc to 10c grand special liue of prints of regu lar 12c goods at 71e per yard printed muslins at 5c plain striped and itivcr check while lawn at 5c swiss spots and checks at 8c10c ami 15c worth 12 15c and 20c white embroidered lawu dresses reduced from 91 00 to 83 00 und from 85 00 to 1 00 13 14 13 mcleod anderson co i i iavo quite a large stock they jnrc arfxiqus to got fid of and if pricesarc an object whiclishoiild bo wjulinvb cut down a nnmbcr of lines in stimmdr goods which we uro oiicriug nt extraordinary low prices suiiirnermantlcssiiid jackets in silk aiid cioth great drives from 50 cents up sumnier milliiicry wc arc cutting to flic wo ne j h nils from 5 cents iqv feathers itibbons ornaments and pilli kinds low of millinery extraordinary dress and 1 con is pur isols being cleared out re gardless of cost a line of druss good at 10 cents worth 25 cci ts atl5ents avorth 30 cents lu immense stock of magiiifieoliit 3odds very clieaji muslins iices for dresses from 6 icr yard up gents department 1 line halifax tweeds worth im at 50c 2 lino navy serges at 40c ioc and gou t cheap i 3 all wool canadian fur boys wear cheap and garments cut frco of charge j 4 line bummer underclothing at half price j 5 line summer knitted ovcrshirts at 61c worth si 00 g lino mens still felt bats reduced to k 1 mens while- utu h alen bruvvn duck overitll wu 0 moiis summer scarfs 3 for 2oc i 10 mens double and twist coltorl riocks 10c per pair or tlirco for 11 1 men and boys tweed knits nt re duced prices 12 linen alpaca and kccrsuckix coatii cheap special sole of 200 1lain and bruiiled jerseys at 33 13 xr cent under regular prices come to the great jubilee sale checked dress silks 25 ceiifs cheeked all ilire silk dncss silks 35 cents wjorrh 00 cenjs a linqol black and oilorcdjsatjn iferveiileaux go cents and cents worth 100 and l2o v liiaulc gros worth 125 grain 75 cents i lriiits for 5 cents and 7i cclifs worth fq cciits and v2 cenfs we are going to cut ioods to the honeto reduce our slock j inspection invited j 1 j luiiiesiilieroiir millincimr drcus- niakin itmr ttiilvrihg oipai iiients r great drivfjiu jiiiirliius seur- 8tiikeraiid urinklesj- georgetown jurc i2id 1s37 1 arr yost 4oing ivtrarrlt dont forget a supply of that dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it isasoper- ior remedy for sea sickness and a positive cure for all bowel complaints induced by bid water change of diet or of climate whether at home or abroad it should be kept at lind in cose of emergency im uool stepvte james mcmurdock writing from kinsule says li b b as a remedy for diseases ofthemljod liver and kidneys has an ex cellent reputation in this locality i have qsed ii and speak from experience as well as observation it is tbe only medicine i went and i advise others afflicted to try it a heuree r danger the frequent source of danger attending bowel omplaintsdaring the snmmer and fall is 1 he liability to cheek the diarrhoea too jdenlyt dr fowtors extract of wild i itrawberry will not do this riln flammi tion of the bowels does not follow its use as is too often the case with power ful opiates and astringents it cures prompt y and in a natural manner croup whooping cough and bronchitis iimmetotely relieved by shiloiis core soldbj n mcgarrin that backing cough can be- so quickly cured tkbhuohs cure we guarantee it soldbj hmcoatvin cat rh cured health and sweet breath seeorca by sbhovs catarrh remedy price cents nasal injector free bold vmulegarrui if will yon suffer with dyspepsia and i4t6 3omplauit nwhs vitalizer is gaaran eed to cure you sold by n ncgan in s i f- i 1 asaftssv 4 best aatt lentrerl le he imrrerig browns flbusehold panacea hasno qual for relievine pain both internal and xtemal it cures pniu in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago nud any kind of a pain or ache i it will most sure y quick- enthc blond and ileal as its acting power is wonderful browns household ipan- aeea being acknowlfjdged i he great pain believer nnd of djjqbje the strength ofxany- other elixir w in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted ns ii reolly is the best remedy lb th world for crmnpe m the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and isforeajo hy nil drugmslu at 25 cents a bottle advice to motiikiuj aro you disturbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send kt once and got a bottle of mrs winslowi soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poorltttle suf- ierer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach nd bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole kystem mjcariftnstews soothing by- rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of tbe oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and askfer mas wtssipwb 8mtutno 8xbcrmdtakenoothfirkiud 7 i t ii i tiij thi clve tjif ui n chane that is to say your lungs also all your breathing machinery very wonderful machinery it fsnot only the larger air- passages but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading irom them j when tjbeso are clogged wd cbockod with matter wbibh ought not to be there yonr lungs cannot half do their work and what they dp they cannot do well call it cold ooogbj proup pneumonia catarrh consumption or any of the family throat and nose andhoad and lungobstruet ions all are bad all oug t ku ttot ridof there is just one sure way to get rid of them tbatii to take boseheea german byrop whfeh any druggist will sell you nt 7a cents a bottle liven if evory thing elpe has failed you yon may depend npon this for certain e r bollert 37 lower wyndham st cruelphoxt east end clotliing store in calling attention to this seasons stock i do ho with con fidence being in aposition to plaoc before my tiumeroos customers the most varied and carciiill v selected stock ever seen in acton thbltb wiwue a gieo in acton during the summer montlra a rnioioc boot 4 fihoe stored kcnncybros t good opportunity for jntendibi chasers as wo have a large sloclfo and goods most go prices are reasonable dont forgot to see the 3 great shows ii viz quality cjuantity and sty have the jumbo stock in town anijf that we own our goods at the mlrh the proprietors will not in buying gieat care has been taken to procure the mot t fashionable and artistic designs nf ooatijstgs tbowsebiitqs i j a1jd stjithstg-s- l i the jattcnis this season being such as cannot fail to gratify the wearer the latest styles in hats and grants furiiisiiidgs satisfaction guaranteed t jfyfecton thk finest- watqhes jewelry repairing always satisfactory- ii voit have been disapi1ntki is sbectaigles try the alaska thty we ever sold are the best b 8a vaehfe sole agent for guelph to fcirmdrs and threshers us son your macnmery oily the wehknown si cafi70u ysav 9 gold und llbr parni i v manufactured feeeless oil mpi3 alls aw it during the last three years 7 try also our ocrloss axle s3caso for yonr lwi i- tin- oils groused and highly rccouuiieudcd ul ihusiode itr asl fofl lirin hso iiootlicr- tqaei city oil wtojrsv u samuel rocers co toronto tixkiuoite is orrick 1887 spblxdr hahdwalte john m bond co direct hardware importers gxjej3lfbe keep the best qualities spades shovels hakes itrdvn jnnli- agriciiltnral tooih ilrliciiltiirist cutlery plated ware agateware heady mixcl piinl antique colors linoleums oilcloths mit bird cages curtain poles hefrjigerntprd butter scales farmeroalfi wire netting for door or cemar wiudoirs styles arid assortment in tjoik nuilu ljckii hinges wifo keuuiiig machine uils water liiucplsstor a paris j iiou lipe und fittingb r- hose fishing tackle sporting goods nnd uinmitiition ploiv linos und ropb for ruck lifters ritd a full range in houso piirnishiug building and seasonable hardware of civy desgriptipn at prices which will malib us the friends of every economical huyeri bppcial prices midiatteution givcii to those build ing arid ah illustrated onurdcue sent on application j john m bond co t0 tone biniding twine best rhabes at bbwest pricefe sifieciajp jdtfi pob the wbbz prints 6c woith l6 and 12c ladies seamless hose 12- worth 20c v- fi new pattern beerstickers 12 e worthi6g tapestry tjarpts 7jc worth 60c mckat 48 king street east between hughson and jbhn streets hamiltjqn wo invito 11 io i bcucf j liklies and gentlcmeiholactoh and ttqckwdod to pay iisamsit iiiid wo talcothe reapopsihijity upon our of assuring you that you will be weli re- iid o in- stock is very attractive thisj season- bdlh in ladies and gentle- mens goods jiiring llie lare toaiiyoiio i goods on baluii the railway grand trunk ll oodba0t oftl jthtod 743am eipreis j pass mall 10 00 am i tmvs through exnc 09 pm mail accom j m iio mixed q chicago express docs nofrstonteia and brampton tikb otrclouso marts boi ng west9 15 nm end 5 a p jn ooldg east10 40 ajn anil 5 20 pnj enter the dr of tl but will offer as a iacrilice the big a hi price who each day will be l around the ring by the cahiqnerss figgers who has been especially v ly us for this seaseik greatest show or wo have au immense assor boots shoes slippers c and whfi circus lasts yon will bargains tfi dazzlu tour e and make your loose change leap forj it will pax you for coming you afford to tnisa it admission f domlioxv boot shoe si main street acton ma umrfier tbursl paliace st lfr poir trips per wets bstikea detroit mackinac isl etjfrsue qnboyraa alca t otccao 5z3i 2clei lort 1 6a cto oaxuml gona fimna sray vvcci dsj-ircarsaa- detroit an0 cleve specislsasilsytripsiiciiiujjalsadj oub 1 llustr ate o pampti sats ana eteimrton tlchets bjol to fnt by y our xikot afiei fax sddzaas e b whitcom3 nl pwt aguii detroit cleveland steam ntat petborr wca vflf i cau ni nome a zaako mcreh i uu ttt trork fcriis than nt snjthjngjs tbifworl-i- cnyital not reeded kithd frw uotlnmrcall ao anyjg do tlic work large caniiurs sure fra start ciuvoutiit nnd tcmsfrec jik dcuiy cast you nolliicjlto sdiul ufivm nnd find out if you a r ka vrn- vat- dpi oucc if 1ialiktt co irrtiulkl jiaill v 3fssl pride of the valli tcs rricc ol ibovallcy that is tbcnail the lucdiuino it cured me si dypjiepsia bm i bought a sample packufio for so tbcnit packages fori eua bforo i liad tytes contcutr of four packagps i was eutnclyx have nevctfelt tho syniutoms since- tbssil four years age i also bousnt a bottle otj of the valley liniment last sprinsfor roy t man wlio sprined his ukleeo bfidly 1100 not hear his irciglrt oil it- after usiug ft the valley liniment for 21 hours he go to work as well as ever and name of that other medicine vhv rrido ats valley catarrh and rhomabttic cure tht greatest imown reined iathe world for thee of catarrh not an inliiller hut tho medicinei be taien internally once a day ii strike root of tlib disesee and removes the c- once as thousands rii teslify that havo a tho catarrh remedy thn tlircc above rcmo go hand in hand and where can i get os at l g matthews actou out alsotij firstclass metlicine dealers in cimada factnredby pbof asfshniere8 vj xoxdok02lfj gjglgfgll piifil yjrtobm powders aro pleasant to toko cotttolnthrfrowl fnrsauyo ii a aafojuro and etbctatl dejrjvyer et muna is cltudron cr hava i -o- wo iiioiithsot june and july wc shall return the oiii acumi or eockwood who buys 500 worth of iiya or 81900 worth any other day of theiveclc at wc arc oileihig splendid value in it v ilfe aw satins l oiirstock q ourstoeico jrom lp ui a great causeof human misery onthklossof- a lecture on ibejrniapftieatturjf radiealjiiuro of iseirnnal wtatncss or kp atorrlioja indnccd by souibtisa invojiu emissionfi lmivotoncy nervous douilityi iapediiaeutbto marrsiiso gcucrauy cou hon epllepsvaud fits moutrfl and physical pacityfcyb0bbkxjcljiiyeavt5iitii tho worlilrciiohnetl aiihbr inthlsadiuirl lectnro clpurly proves fromiris own oxiieru that tun awful conoequcnecs of selfahuso r bocffoerniiuy removed without dangerous bi cal oimjxationb bougies iustriuijent rings- cordials pointing outjnodo of cure at or certain ahcffeciuij by which overy suffe no matter whathis conditioi maybe may cii himself cheaply privately and radically fcalhls lecturo will pnjvo a boofl to thousandlj and thousands sent under seal in a plain envelope to an7s address 9n receipt of four eoujs or two postt stauips address tjioijulyonreu kffdieal co u iss st- keiv yobk k y p o llos i dress po0s garnets ju very large i aiid wtfjitf88orted boys jluthing k complete in ewry line itnd sizes piaryilllsdlt ife apwii iwiiuhiji ihtmjh dousustaeatwskt ix each packaac southern asthma cure ktoi ncunrroh asthma and bronchitis k by mail on receipt of price samples 25c retsijlar size 100 raroi fulforo l co brockvlle 9fr elixir w natures remedv co u6riscc lc5haar5e r0jt a lunis zgmplcint- v5rfrif fbe 6se ini tina optu aa wul ngli strel ermtj lirof givel v ofe bovj will mtcl jm oir w fol or sssif m wulm

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