Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1887, p. 2

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hlilii mum owr i iii i i ftfcbwwn uiribtfi july the bobcrt nlckell ot daukhtet methodist ionago su forrtipwplboblkuiiowwiiil l9l1hlw7uo wife of kova m of a daughter i dtsd lattnxmln acton on the mrt tnty ryan wussetrfjfr arthur lambert aged year and bvti nionuw- 0l kkmsat scott act we unamijtand ut a petiuou praying thursday iliy j i iconsamirtlskvik about one hundred thousauajdollaw will be expended this year by thogovorntaent iii the construction and repair ot north- wat mounted police barracks a report during the week that henry m suulof was killed by native whilo light- iur foraupplies on bis way to rescue kroin bey u utterly discredi inliond tlicre will bo i firoat rathoriur of tho temperance workers ol tho dominion hold in toronto during the exhibition tho local temperance men will endeavor to make it a big success buffalo is trying to raise a fund of 100 000 which is to be offered as a priwi to inventors all over the world for a practical scheme of utili7inj tho water power iu tho niagara luver ccouoteically at or near buffalo careful observers tay the wheat crop in ontario will bo below tho average tho sample is an excellent one but owing to the drought the yield will bo light the root crops arc sadly in need of rain a groat deal of fall whtat was winter killed barley has done well the remarkably hot and dry season which has prevailed in ontario fori month past has had the effect of ripeniug the crops too quickly and as a consequence the shrinking will be very considerable in many localities however rain has fallen at the proper tithe and in theso districts the yield will be excellent whitby has not been lucky in its bonus speculations tho town has given some where in the neighborhood of 5110000 to secure the permanent establishment of railway shops and of an oryan factory each establishment to employ fifty hands and today there is but one man employed in the railway works while tho solo occu pant of the organ factory is a coir it is astonishing to how latd a period englishmen retain their vigorf mind and body we e gladstone long past the limit of three score and ten jfigbtlng and writing with all the energy of ji young man and now we find that his eminent contem porary the octogenarian cardinal newman contemplates publishing a volhrte of auto biographical reminiscences in a fow months we may be sure that thebook cither in its style or its natter will not showuy signs of decadence ex it is expected that the british parlia ment will notrisc before the middle of august tho irish land bill will take some time and it is liiely that there will be a long and an intercrting debate on the egyptian question these matters dis- posed of the members will be impatient to i return to their homes and domestic meas ures which have been avowed to stand oyer awaitingthe settlement of the au-impor- unt irish question will receive scant attention j one of the prominent architects of the city said yesterday the present strike pultkw kj ttu ferx iotaaifcta of 1 clton liuw rwl- pltawahijneteaurnbrual v circulated by the oteljtelm of tlio county in til pfcbahllity the required number o algnatewi for i repeal election will bo secured for it ti a current axiom that signatures can bo secured fornything but that the petition will be defeated when it comes to a vote is much more certain tho friends of the anttsoou party arc it is reportoij inaugurating arrangements for ajnftl and vigorons effort to remove from the whiskey business tho prohibitory moasuro which at prostat rotriua them from logally dlapensingijitoxioation liquors to escape the damning influence of which business the people ot briton havo twice voted and pronounced in favor ot expelling it from thoir borders itnd have exerted thomtolves to accomplish tho strict obser vance of tho law and adopted tho supporters- of the scott aot havo tcnablo and satisfactoryreasons to justify them in concluding that tho prospects for thcoontinuauooof thoboottactare in no wise joopardiued by the present action ot their opponents many reasons might bo sited in support ot this conclusion such as- 1 those who supported tho act in the two former campaigns have with very vory few exceptions stood by it sinco and are fully satisfied that it is jvccomplisliuig all the good results they ever expected of it 2 thoy are individually and collectively ready and almost court another campaign for thereby strength has on each occasion been realized and the ranks become united for future action 8 many more iho previously opposed the aot are now among its strongest sup porters than have been lost by the deflec tion of an occasional disaffected rater 1 during the coming campaign tho scott act will have all the leaders and prominent supporters it ever had and many experienced workers from other points 5 whilo on the other hand the anti- scotts have lost a nnmber of the moat active and influential characters who bore the burden of the fray in former yoars g halton being the banner county in the adoption of the act on the first occasion and one of the first where a repeal was at tempted on the second occasion the whole of the wealth and strength ot the liquor intercstsof tho province were then cen tralized here 7 now the liquor party has its own battle to fight in nearly every county 8 the frequent and repeated outrages upon officers and supporters of the scott act which have been perpetrated by the friends of the liquor traffic during the past three years have caused the withdrawel of any sense of sympathy which might have been felt by the public for the hotelkeepers in the loss of their most profitable portion of thuir business viewing all this the friends of the scott act have no fear of defeat they will at once organize for action and will meet their opponents prepared to sustain tho measure which they believe has accomplished much good in the county by its provisions and with the united determination that halton being the banner county in the province in the adoption of the act will uot be the first in this broad dominion to vote for its mmtsttwjnkft tw aniteak aivtabruw onwedneiday evening larjto gather ingwmbbledib knox ohurph to give aft jtpresl ti ot their eetoero to tho rev m ccarieron bdwhqu to assume the paston te of krsox church hsrriston lawyer elliot ooouplefl tho onulr mrv hugh campboll road the following address and k r 0 p troatcn presented mr cdoiotan with a voy valuable gold watch j awiikih i jiet tn tllmar sir tho i icnibcrs rnid adherents ot boston and kuox luirch congregations unquoting ami milton as well as your juany friends in this vlclnltj deslro to avail tbduuoltioa of tho oppor tunity rhjoh your resignation of the pattorato of saldtourtogatlous piwuta to record in tho form ot ttils atldrcsi aud presentation tliolr good fflu anil tho oitoomlu vrhlcli you are hold both as past r and neighbor during tho eight yoars you h o beeu auiougnt ua waniniau otot thoao yuan not forgotful howovc r of tho fact that this was tho nrit mold in whlc i you were appointed to do tho ussters work aidof your cautostjaud untiring endea vors to bo a fatthfui nilulttcr in tho chirgo of which on wcro aulgnod islso tuoriloaauro aud profit v o hnvo derived fro ih havuig social inter courto with yourself and auilahls wife you will permit us to say that you have socurod uiot cm of those ot uji who haro had tho priviloioof knowing you and will lmvo behind very m iny grateful friouda and many pleasant redollo tlons j it is with pleasure vro congratulate you ou your co ii to anothor ami more lmiortaut flold of labcr irfacro yon and iyour family will iho followe 1 hj tho boat wishes of those uuougat whom oubvcbiwut thopnjt oight yean for your cc titlnucd bucccsr atidt welfare wo h po aud trust that your labors hi your new cl argo wiu bo suoccsiiful that your life may in a long and useful one and when it li our father a will to call us home may wo all meet in tho 1 ottcrlaud whort an pastor and pooulo reunite 1 it will be our joy aud privilege to rrnijo llm throughout eternity vh hath rodoemod u by his precious blood 0 u behalf of the congregations j w luatbiuni wsj cauuwkm mr cameron acknowlodsed the address and pi cscntatiou by a happy speech rev mrdiy ma added a few appropriate remar is the good wishes and prayers of hiscoiigrogationgowith mr cameron to his ne v field ot labor cartinjnoii ti k twklrth ix liithkktsvlmk itr idfu oriil wltll whicjfjp ahktlltby wkikl maatftd with judsmnt and ability wooustock daily lhtlj nkl jiu flkw thk actox pnkk pi its iithet- pul shod in very large town hut it la ono of tho est of inn local exchanges fypograiililosuy it tisttt alwayi boon ttiiiong hie model nowhiiahors it ontario ttnlooal iiowb f very lull ami oarofi lly ixlltei lu all rcupectn tlm kiikk iiiksh in jus isgod wit i luditnient and ability it isgmtlfylni tliereforr tooo hist so roally oxuolloiit s local iiunianr is apiiroolatml by the oonimunlty among wlilc j it u elroulauhl tills week its editor mr moan in ftiuiouucliih uio appiarniieu of tho unit nun her of uio thirteenth volume is shlu to preaei t his readers with an oiilorgud mid huprovod shuv vo oougratulato hlin and uio cnjlo of aeton aiidylolnlty for nhiiiu the knrk ill kshliaudoiin uiuoh- upon suuh vvldttiiuos ot proslivrlty acton should bo an proud of thu kurx 1iiiikh rin tho klun 1iihhn neenm tube of aetoli p pooplo ot acton aoed net bo ashamed oakviuh 8taii thoactou rmin iliksh cniiio out last rok with a partly now dres and eiilnrgcd to doub royal it was tho liritnl tiuinbur of tlio kltli voluine thovrojirlolor mr h 1 mooro now turuh out oh uont and uuwhv it pnhir as any unit comes to our exebunge able slid wo eoiigratu- late him on uio proniwrlty which tho eulargp- ineilt ami- other liuiiroveiutmts indicate tlie jwoplo of acton need not ho anltamed to ovna iiowspaicr of such ataiidliig as tho kiui iiikkh more ihittcr to bit elbow aud more oncouragu moiit to improve is nil tho harm we wish our eotem tho oivategt stride yet iiunims stalilallll tho ltlth voliiino of the acton kiiki iiiihh wih begun last week with a couiplcto new dress of tyw and ail enlargement from huveu to elglit columns ht pngo with a curresiionilliig ilicroa o hi tho lougth of the columns thlsis tliugrostet atride made by the kiikb 1hpss and ouo whu h glvoh it rank lii point of kuo with any of its ha 1- on confrerca moreover it is tho protthit and most complete village paper imblislietl in cana da actons cluteus are to lo congratuatid uikiii mr moores enterprise i adding merit to merit jtbnf rkw mklilllnv the atton fhki 1ilkss whluh enjoys the re putation of being the best prln m country jiaj or in uio province a week or two ago ndded mult to merit by tho addition of an extra column qach of its four pages apparently tills lmproto- ment has boon appreciated by tho business mini of tho village as its advertising patronage seeiis tohnvedevelnihsl pnnuptly nod proportionately 8uch iaiwr a the f 1 would lo a credit to muth hugur place limn actou fix- vll mm fi w v i vr l 1- 1 jlllkkryand parasoig athalfpricje duritgjnly i i and august at r b jermyqaacton ajiscrinir and sainmefoddfl will be sold reduction i i order to olettr for fall arrivalai dont jubilalje but como early and s tho bargains m at big rbjermyn in the bnildinf trade has stopped the cir- culatnofawatw0000throhglwutie on wuh y0qr mp gentlemen god will defend the right thk uv ox ffklors dluvixti city fully that sum would have been expended in the erection of lare buildings this season bat for these troubles those buildings will not be put up this season and that sum will not go into circulation the building tratfesmen are already feeling the evil effects ol the strike and next winter they will fesl it still more the banks and business men generally are also bring injured hal in the cityof atlanta in georgia the meet violent antiprobibitiokists were loud in ptophesyingthat prohibition would not prohibit the pnblic are fastbecoming of a different opinion mr jnlins martine undoubtedly is lie is a leading citizen and formerly a wine merchant of that city when the law making liquor selling illegal went into effect be retired to hishomeand was always glad to see his friends on a recent sunday two guests of mr martine were arrested as soon as they landed npon thesidewalk in their pockets were found wellfilled flasks it was upon evidence trabnes this act and such contravention thus secured that mr martine was fined j j d proved byoath of one credible wit- five hundred dollars in the city court and i oess before any jtjstice of the peace having sentenced to a term of thirty days im- j jurisdictionwitbinithe locality where the prisonment and bound over in sums of two j offence has been wnmitted the offender thousand dollars each on several charges ha incur a penalty of not less than one the re was great fun at streotsvjllo on twclf li about fivo oclock there waa a regular donnybrook fair going on the hotels were rushing business drunks woro very u imeroua iu ono place on tho street two men wero fighting in a buggy ouo bad the ot iicr in chancery land was pounding his fa e to pieces the horse iu tho mean time andered in its awn sweet will and fell in o a culvert the fight never stopped then i lot ot spectators got on tho horses neck fhilo others unhitched the animal in a liar room a drunk took a notion and let blfze striking three unoffending men one after tho other a drunk could be seen accusing a man of calling him a liar while the offender pleaded innocence with out avail it wonnd kip with his being struck one of the f innicst sights wax three ueu fighting oil he street each for htmsej f they wcro said to ho brothers r and ai old feud the cause of the row two mon were noticed talking in a store all at once tl icy clinched and mode for the road i nearly doubling up a man who stood in the way the twelfth tas celebrated in proper style in strcctsville and dont you j fprget it either peel ildiiiirr and the i scott vet is not in farce in strectaville i cither strange isnt it that such a state of thiu 58 shonid occur under thclgrand old j crook act perhaps the champion will rise an i explain the whyfore of this thus- ness lifformcr j bevised statutes chapter 183 intituled an act to begolate travelling on public highways and bridges contains the fol lowing clauses providing against fnrious driving on the public streets section 4 in case any person in charge of a vehicle or ot a horse or other animal used as the means of conveyance travelling or being on any highway as aforesaid is through drunkenness nnable to drive the same with safety to other persons travellidg or being upon thehighway he shall incur the penalties imposed by this act section 5 xo person shall race with or drive furiously any horse or other animal or shout or use ady blasphemous or indecent language upon thohighway section 10 in cases not otherwise specially provided for if any person con a charming sheet it is iiraviuton kxpukrx we are in receipt of the jubilee ismie of tli aiton klikk rmss and a charmiuk sheet it is as well ns coiiiuiviiiorntlnk the jubilee of tier majesty the kiikk l anjnniinces its tlilr- tccntliycarihy an ciilarkciucnt of it sheet and by other improvements have the neatest and 1 laer in uie lrovhue graphical beauty nii wit wl h uio propriutor ahuiidaiit stiecew for 1 moit than abr jast ot fhmriu eomiiik nu enlarged thought hint it wm til rwiuirtineiits of lie aetou may bo said to nudsoiuifst weekly news- it u a model of- typo- is enter n bicjn u ruo the times the actus fur 1 iishihisih anew year by tolioxtos womkltfli iufwtii anlncjrease in the city s assessment tins year of twelve millions and iiniiroved yu lijsd to if ijot ahead of uie own bit tho latest im- irroveiueula show that ilrothcr mooro is hot sat- lsne1 with keeping abroastof tho times but mut liwida trot aheaid wu jcuiikratlilate our cotciii uhui its fiienasj in xiri1 itr hue npihtr aiiie and prohlkrity ioii may she wave bo ui sides are prin ted in ac too too miitunmiajii irfist week tin- arrnx fltiil jlils iclubrktixl its tliirteeiitli birthday put on n now drrts nikl cameout enlarisl aud improved keirally its ennriruiat publisher turns ouk one of the ut priiitcl nfrspiikn in the province and loth hides of it are printed at acton t x iist wock each nlscribor fir thei kiikk iiikhk wssiireseiit- 1 with a lithographed portrnit of the queen lu coniuiliioratiouif her ajetys jnbih one ot the liveliest and most readable iiiiaitos 1ianshii that tasty anil spicy lcal newsiraper tlie fiiki 1jikks of acton celebrates its luh year jhy eomiuk out iu au eulareeil form offouraildltiou- al coltiiuus tlie k phas tlio wiputntinn of be ing 0110 oftllo best printitl locsl paiicrs lu tho 1nuntry ami wo always find it mio of the liveli est and most readable iof our xcbaiikea hro moore has ourheartlo congratulations ou lib prosperity hi abbcrtiswrw tts sow astray cthayki from uio prmiiiht u o srfrned iot jrl con 3 khqtletdl ki middle of june a larfio black now years old ally iiiforjuntloii which the rocovorv will lw tlinnkfully reci ivod tr j 3hnhton july bstli 1w bkick for rsalk any quantity of kirstclaaa itpd from llrlck yards lot 13 3l oiluifiiacoiisv near mount lleasai t llveretl on the train or iu acton ft impt on exhibition at tho kimr pakm of ico john a majltix ilox m july 15th 1ks7 tho iliuler- atidut tho alwnt three will lead to rick at klin i fl lino west hrkk do do uricka acton i brampton cash forjhides r ukdkluiulxkd is iiuviuk a slid micvp skins at thulmmt u for caah at moores cordovan tann robefc llobes of all kinds tanned to order satisfitctor itiauuer j wsi acton july tth 1mw hidew calf arkct prices iry acton ill till most hamoay james stirton l dentx8t touclls block opposite pott 0ji vitalized air ds iccguclph to the superior conrt- 4kiuj jnore than twenty dollare in the discretion of sneh jdife t n- the 011atellw cake an application was made on friday at osgoode hall before chief justice wilson by messrs osier q c and walsh to dis charge from custody the prisoner james bennett who was confined at orange ville for assaulting a scott act official undobstruct- ing him in tho discharge of his duty the conviction was made by poljce magistrate gray and was complained of on the grounds that it did not state 1 the time of the offence 2 the place of the offence 3 that the prisoner had elected to be tried summarily and further because the con viction purported w be made for that the prisoner had plaqed guilty not because be had committed the offence the con viction npon the grounds taken wasqnashed av j36ht 0xths thlm pbotectivk oik fihhkkies the crews of american schooners arrest ed for fishing in canadian waters gloccksteb mass july 25 a telegram was received today from us consul car- leton at sonris kj i stating that seines and boats with all the crews of the schooners col j h france and argonaut were seized yesterday off tlie east point of p e l by the dominion cutter critic it is said the vessels boats were close inshore with tlie seines set when the cutter ap peared the vessels cleared out and es caped the cotter bat before the botecoald escape theylwere seized it is thought the vessels will be seized before getting home as thoy will have to put in for assistance cujamity city the s thomas time says the daily recurrence of accidents in this city h v ibavid dewara milton scott act violator arrested in toronto j david dear who does or did run tho i and vicinity aggregating no less than 27 commercial hotel atllilton has four cou- daring tlepast fortnight recalls the cog- victions hanging over bh hcudforsoottact i nomen of calamity citj bestowed upon violations in that town sir powars com- j it last yr tr whatever the cause certain bined offences entitle him to an eight it isthnt the neighborhood of st thomas months sojourn in prison ilia last con- j has more than its fair share of accidents viction was over a year ago ever since wlnle a large portion of the accidents of there will be a nunprccedeiitcd increase in the city of toronto assessment of pro- j perty this year last year the increase of ten million dollars in the assessment wu tho largest ever recorded the city assess ors bave only been at work a few weeks but they have already rained information which warrants the statement by uie heads of the department that tho increase in the assessment this year will ba greater than ever and will probably reach swpooooo which would be an increase of 912000000 oyer last yoars assessment with the rate of taxation at 16 mills oh the dollar an in crease i of 12000000 to the assessment means an increase of 9102000 in the citys revenue from taxation fatal kalltvav acciiikst the dude of the st uini tlio attok kllkl i71kks ller lu tho couutry biruulsy last week by a form printefl from entl simply immense isfuli and plenty of ilialilews the pro vin clil press tlie nattiest ne clelnxtetl its uiirtccntii hariuin an ciilargvil no v lyjic h lotjks e readlni matter flikk pmkkbs iol io may it co on rely ofcmic ag met with a bad accident betwect bockwood and killed a force was chi t- k freight wept tburiidfty night atbadeii while guelph the train the dude of the lovlm and iroier neat spicy aitd ably edited niiaiiit the actmi fiiki im llth year coities to t from a 2s to t2joliun always been a uvat s ably edited tountry ne towii and iu lui ucv vt sl sikcer44 dnauelally 1 tijikf 1kiv thlsii oniin aularled 11 sheet tibomiukm mii tlieattos fiiki 1111 has lieen enlarged to tho fiuib pitiyih is o uuwslest of our vhaui i know thatft mooifc l success in spttlkt uturo k utl otb brightest wd ne viest of exchanges is has ctt- uterinx ukhi lis it is and litis ley cleirlyprlnted and a enxlit to any 11 wish it prtiloiis- tvise 1iai i new dress aa ibe klxecftiio liberal titof il 0 hridhtest and 1 and o are pleased to is uirjctlii with buch the 1 inner keott act while ruuninjj iftto the yard at u2ibit giue struck a cow throwing it the sidinr whence it rolled on to k again derailing seven beef cars her freights the cars were not damaged but brakemo11 hitching broke ipart but it left gnelpb at 12po j onty of ontario all riijht station the ei against the tra and 0 much was tb own from the top of the train and thetrack was badly torn up but of men were put pn and everything leared by nine oclock next morning the midnight express west got as far i s petersburg andthen had to back up to 0 uelpb and go round by htirrisburg the fait express east the same morning also ha 1 to take the same route kkns hatciifii 1iy thk iihtt 1 s lt la that time however it is said he lived for the greater part of the year closely housed in bis hotel at milton inspector brothers has never been able to liytands on dcwar and satisfy the laws behests he has carried a warrant for dewars arrest during these long twelve months lint never a chance be got to execute it on thursday he heard that jdcwar had passed thronge oakville on his way to to ronto the inspector lost no time in reaching the city he had his warrant backed by a jp and asked inspector ste phen of police headquarters for assistance in executing it 1 policeman vaugbau of inspector archi balds staff was detailed for the work officer voughjui went jo union station and wftsnotlonginfindinghisroan dewarwas arrested as he was about to step aboarctfcbe 420 train oh the credit valley railway he was locked up at police headquarters and was handed over to inspector brothers the next day and lodged in the county jail rev mr parker preached his last sermon iu london ou sunday before ping to brooklyn course are on the railroads which london escapes having but one through road and a couple of spurs still we havo more than our share of accidents in the harvest field on tho highway and npon the farm the j cherry tree seems to have got in its work j with alarming frequency no less than j seven accidents having occurred from falls from these trees a st thomas daily j paper without an item chronicling an acci- dent would be a curiosity lniufai0m8 jnly 21 a novel sight was witnessed here yesterday as the result of the hi h temperature of the past tjhree weeks some time ago a firm received- a consignment of eggs packed in boxes after the usual manner the eggs were placed in blorar0 and yesterday morning tho con signee opened the case when the lid was removed tho low call of chicks sounded in his car one entire layer of joggs was j found to be hatching put and in a few j minute after tho eggs were brought to the i light fifteen well developed orphans i picked their wily through the sh ills an i other layer began to hatch out at out noon and it how looks as thougu the entire con sifinment will hatch j kxeoltckmknt of thk scot kisoktox ontjuy2c jlleat xavax rkv1ew losikur jnly 25 the papers here coh cor in theopinion that the reviewwbicb took place at spithead on- saturday was tho finest display of naval strength the world has ever seen the paris figaro says along time must elapse before it will be possible to again witness so sfiperb a collection of war ships england may justly be proud of tbereview it waa an imposing manifestation of her strengthand wealth whiting have issued a writ at the in stance of the provincial secretary for the sum of 80162 demandec from h13 county of prontenao for tlie enforcemeit of the scott act and which i had nfubed to pay i charlie kinsman aged about 12 eldest son of j h kinsman was drown id in the grand river gait on mojidoy afte moon by falling off a small raft ho bsxj beei using to float himself around tho river r body was recovered half an hoar afterwards act messr 1 britton scotch knglisn end ci in great variety at j fykes act n are yon made miserable by indigestion go to j fyfesactonfo7y6ir cloth tetoj tam of nppetlto ng hocansuit yon for price quality aud style every time yellow skin fjbiiobs vitallzer ijr a pos- itjvo cure sold by nmcgajrvin bm x uniting up the pole otl hogiessivenoss wikrilllh times last sreek thu arms flikkpikss climbed tip tho iole of projrreskivei ets and placed tho pin one notch higher and by tbo lie it aud lean ap pearance of the paper niid the amount of inter- ititllik rcadiilit mattere intalned lu its cohumis it would be hard to pln e it any higher huecqns bro moore painless extraction elf teeth artificial toctb niarantocj rfnc mice lit and uso flue hold work all oiwratiouii strictly flrstcjaiui apjioiiitmeuts inado by letter in al puar- a speiialty village pbop bry acton and speyslbe poh sale pilk cndkusfoxei onirs f or mio ik x 1 main street acton oil which is cn coinniodious dwellin drivii g iioum mnall orchard cistern ac rrocr prone rtv also the kpeyside ikist ofliel pro acres adjoluliii hi acres of or hard erected a flrsthiiaks drulliukuil a eood oknlni for a profitaluu ir- 1 ull iisniculsrh uimu apnli cation id voir 1st of octolieror noremml tvruis caay applv at fma 1ukhn or to i jamesfoxkly tf t no is cree tl a and si able a ve y dosl rable ilicrty ilon village of acton 887 taxes fo r i ratepayiirb akk hereby notified tlmt of taxes for the currenl 011 tlie be year great pleasure in cofcratulatibg palmkiikto tklrol aph i we have rrcat plensii e in co ifrnitiilatiiif the actou fiire piihss on the improved aud enlarged style in wliieli it bus coi iiineueei i the 11th year of its existence o0011 irieiid siooro and that thovertlsers may eoi ipel you to make more enlarneimuits is ourwoikt wisli 1 or you j may it meet umoundoj success xiaiikdail newsy neat paper aud the thirteenth year of liaud enlarged and otli syanlla iii tlioatton fhkk ihkh i has nl ays boen n spicy mr moom richly loneres hhw ess may it i unbounded is tlio hunil iida wli li hard work and kood buillieas 11 nude it wjnal to any vl iikuilu luee of ontario cmntox m the acton fhkk piik 1 ast vveel oueoiuuieneiii ublieatioii it eonies 10 rnise niueh improve 1 0 has always issued 1 1 brigh tlfowsysheet sapakie iriukh tlio acrpx film piik is celeln atoil the jubhie yenr by disiiiiiig a new resu i fiend muorn i11u always issued a bright iowhv si eel nud lu en teriug iti toeiw tlie pn iieifrive jnoinise ot bet ter things tho blnu et lls t tho7b llrli j moore lu not in keeping itliiji ago i equal to any villagt paper i illllktil s iikiia d vconiituid to htai list week liat the alton fiieeiiikhh hod eulurgid itkbo deis thefiiili pliess is all enturprisliiij jourim ten yeiim i 15th day of aucu8t next and if tho said first or before the said 111 dav a will lie added thereon btac law passed by the city council do not put off paymont to the attention ik called to the billow making jiayment present tix hill must le marked good all taxes u at tlio clerks ofllcc msin ktroet j k mel flrsk mii which are wfnc loasawlou sh leiired iflrce actou f h cyidc flfty po instal ucut rill fall due instalment be i iot pslil on ust ti u per cent 11 ik wftl 1 m iy torren stock book pe lwl iubiifl sell i strji tenflye if bid icw 8tl mm cojlatj si c about preuyf ladie ii twentj s party r ed in 1 it is 1 ti town i in cornnic uorntioii of her majestys jubilee we have decided tb commence a great summer which forebear 1 goode will je3clifs3b3 osnrtihjijsr c3- licrutotorc iittci will rcnlizc tlini iiij reituutioii ii iitcd in acton and further from the fact that we lake stock in augabt the publirt j ladies it 20 jper cent low in last day lug when chutjucs ust be aid y order auvlf clerk treasurer aineneiit lias tt in uio iruv cfean la tone a id typ tgraphy whmwi tin 1 h has bi it enlarged 111i1 best printed i apor r weiyed i miltox s sfobsfk tho acton fiikb lli m can a to luml wook enlarged to m cclumus nd lie i lirlnted pajicr that uoim s into 1 ho olllte 11 mooro is ovldeutlx onjoy log well denerved pr- ikirity may it contliino one oi the most f vised z xchanges a uvkiit1i kii alton fukk fujsh ha s passed another liii stone it is now on its 1 tli mile hand this wook oulargiil aud i inprovod tiip fbkb fiiesb ranks anioi g our 1 jcxit prised tx- changes one of tli 1 flue htavnk 1 mix n our estepmed pxcha iffo tin arrnx mil iiihss conies to bond 111 larced ind llfinl6 itaouoof tile uncut- if uot ilc qucmt imljjllk uewiiisr iii tho pruylui e otherwise glves fresh jevidene of eoutiiiu lirosikirityj tliufmikl rows is mo of thoclci est in tone land tyiwurr hy mi uir list it do servos oven greater hucc h aiul coiues 0 nr irumense stock miist be greatly reduced before riccs iijitrgains arc the order of the day bemetnber this is a oo- vvill pay you to give us your cash wo are offering dress goods suitable for fall use at 5r ihiin tliey cim possibly be bought for ateron 1 duk8s juuds paj asols laces of alt kinds eimukoldbries muslins millinkky jakpets sikaw hats anllkbady mad a i kductiow of 15 per cenn to 20 per oem wrokkki other linos see our job a ditce line of layin collduj on sui t camd mack btiifg i on sid iiecai frerii i dema ihe niave camp that time and to effect this sweepff aud lasts for one inqnth onljl 3 i off for tash iiiiiorlitiiiteiy cijeap ac agooq defea base i appoil ehuc woolt be ind fire p cithc r ness- jiive i dogtl j j in si john 00 e-f- lincs in boots s saoessc oiloves ice 1111 atnnys witbsugi the pilili ehyuvoiiliii is will ii n il it to their ndvantage to do their sboppii iliu rush before closing at 8 p ra- h qrioobjaiss also ou hew 5c kibbons rs il cost wc have just opened a new line of thw famous 50e hr n tea call and iupect it inderson mcrae co the enlajitgei and improved only 100 per anntuii in advance psjitisife 40 irlier part of the day vj m actoi of jol iplayj 1 ciunh with be tii prow ti mt tb b meth jndj furtl im runtl kg liape jthcij more iu w m ari 3101 paid i to 1 is aei aie vel v centjs oniit 4a cents ilfeiils jually 1888 try it -to- the i syt4 lonj haij oaud tlie kj jojuj geo lliuj is f lis swyl jof did cd u lhai vfe m tsisf 12s wil g sm llll faj psfe r dtt of m to- t th -m- i

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