Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1887, p. 1

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sa n trprow 1b vtn rxpttw k iv- m thro- kntmil r4 ptjr mitod fcisj lew dn f i ttoplxoii r nriomvi mm i rinin siwptn w ml r sflrt jiw gi volume xll no 5 i 18 rve ed eyfuy th1tbsday mouning attuk free prsss power printing house acton ontario actou banking company storky christie co batikers acton ontario kin at oni- sr wcts mer g l j 1 1 1 1 iinnrnw iwackinac isi subscription rates hw six months tllklk months 2 uts iivvilmv inadynnco if uotytaldinadvaticoj 1 per vein- will lhnsol no paper dlscou- tunuvl till all arrears arc paid except at tho option of the publisher advertising rates rt cm ml mk bay betvna and clevi strated pampht lintmittslwaiirtnf 7 t1rt aciat m ccwa gt fta iteveland stmtafeljij anzer lx lndle poweb h cr a co jssat ltcccst m sv vnj tr vii 0 mo a mo i mo sjia id ill in 1 iio h- he llv j 0000 3s0fl aooo too aoixv is sjouo lao 700 aw s700 1150 a50 100 casual advertisements b cetits ptrlluo for tlio lir itiriioli and 1 cents per lino for each sub- s tnnt insertion cash tho number of lines n koucl hy the spice occupied measured by n su of solid nonpareil adwrisouuul without specific directions wiuwinserjol till forbid and charged accord- uy- tranutory advertisements must be paid ii alvnnce chaiiitos for contract advertisements must bo in tho ortico by 0 am on tuesdays othcrwiso they- will bo left over until the following week ii r mooue editor and proprietor iut5inf55 tlirfrtorn 7 h lowry m b m c p s m l liradnatoif trinity collgi member of ioleo of physicians aud surgeons otlice nnd residence at the licad of frederick stroet actcu jrapuatk of iloo toronto vet- jqhn lawson g ontario yctoriuarv col crio rv sren aclon out ottico lu keuuy lris iwt iiii1 shoe store residenqp in tlierur ibres extiiirovas to soundness tind certinrtvtcs siven ill cuis lii or ilajvremptly attended to tir tisv w5f l ae uknnktt lds pent1st r roiuitown ontvhto mcillxlay lkps surgeon tst uoorijetowti ont uses the nitrous bxiio tiis commonly kn 1 jp nun ho trrt sit cr c c coi oil r u iiiit ni e lc 1 yiiiliid ail for emumetiut toelh without m- ink olin demonstrator mid practical ii t ii lovu olleco of dcutrl surgeons toronto iitivtis iiv nopitul upon receiving a vtii- in uiv operation performed will viit acton evef v second and fourth wednesday of ecich mouths oilicc in ajniews hotel t h carrigre surgeon den- a tist milton honor gnidurvtejof the llovv cole o dcntr surfloons of olitario wilvvisi a tlttrsaiy of cadi week bepn- ii e r o jrlv ottiee in agncws hotel vrrirvatio of the natural teeth a speciajty r tf a inserted en cold celluloid or rub- i tvttiriecd ihtiect vitnliicil air rr- ilxjie i 1 otbol itn thetics usedfor iv 1 mrjiiot of teti acton onahio ttluitsday gkxkhal bankiao iiusinxss transacted honeyloaited on approved n0tbs notes discounted and interest allowed on doposita find the puzzle 1 lhk uiidcrsitjiied is proparwl to furnluli on tho x shortest notice in liny quantity aud at bot tom prices firstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed knd ianythinr in the hhc of fanners libusckeeii- crs or coutraetors necessities tho putrio is to find a bottcr placo than thomas c moores to liny anything in the abovodlucs also to find but if you aro indoljtod to him for anything pur chased from him his books bay some aro aud bo would like tho money centrau meat market rohnito mcleax n f r5 solicitors xbtaries conveyancers u fuili to oan 0totoin hall acton join -to- yvm a mclean j a mow at 1 v2cotaky rrruc mcncy to lioan- istucstlay aud saturday- lits ircck acton uiftairs joseph patt0n butcher lias ploasuro m anuquncint to the citizens of acton tlvnt he lias pur- chased thtf btitrlicriiir business of mr william kofscll and is prepared to conduct the wine in a straightforward bnsincss manner having had lare experience in tho business 1 feel unit 1 fan guarantee alltustomera who fa vor me with their patronage ierfect satisfaction all kinds of meat fresh and gotid and poultry fish acin season will be found in stock i respectfully solicit your esteemed patronage joseph patton acton nov 8th 1ssx -nbw- wall papers and bobpbbs ceiling decorations all new for 1887 -at- days bookstore cuelph w h rutledce the butcher deals in rvorvthiuc in tho hcat lint isialilihiihiit can lc found belter ed at all seasons v sn cits itoek- no questionable goods of- ferpd to customers 1 atany price day sells cheap the bazaar iibb just roceited a laro supply of new raymond sowing mitchiiies the leading machine call and sec for yourself also the ovely samples of arrasiue tinsel aud i ither work dono ou this popular machine it takes tlio lead for durability excel- ence of finish and variety of work for ale by agent for acton georgetown and sur- ounding countryj v4i m kmitchell solicitou c0svtlxcie rirs iror wetof the csauipion ir itr miiioo money to loin at g rt 8 hilton allan raird rrrriscrs solicitors t o asi gecscetow ns iilcet gcortctowu aucl 80 rctt est terohto sinton r j eiini ci ofthevallecy i it tzaeet sat fining tfcea n zh laiea cwj 1 i t irirdy t4 that wtmw -r- s ot itik ilor ujt femft y k1u iillt be emtf r ptius imbzjs t i i ri l- trs bs t a -i- r ueifpi ttcvtmsg iir ruiw t use cm t-fjdj4- v iiv ridte rv jve om3 t ir zi rtuate t cakson jahstriiatlw c ro haii j ciici street toronto r rv zoiix cjtros ecl cjvcattonnev lowest prices andsiuiire dealing is my motto one tfrial couviutcs en uiese iwints cnsli always paid for tattle tho hichct prit lid for likles and sheepskins v h rutledge ratznt5 secuuld l foi isvestioxs git orrv irrotice no stent no pay ijmstheit y- f k f w1unsion and haltou kirrvss office acton or itill be promptly at- nfji ou the most favorable est rates of interest in tuits po rciij mukiiay wellington mardle works qtj333sc 5ti gtrslbs- john h hamilton pkopkietok wholesale nnd retail dealer in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importer of all kinds of granite and marble fraxk webbeb 0ftnj tbs lioht nt hs fishermans window thonlkht wits dark and the wind was high anil tho ma was ivlilti with on in and lone the fishermans children watched hut their father came not houiu in the window that looked out toward tho sea their mother hud placed a light and pressed to the window ailttle fiico roerodanxlotiblyotit in theulght and tho mothorh facoprow pale as she thought of danger and wreck nnd death and as the loud winds piped overhead bile listened with bated breath the supicrtabo had lone boon spread hut the tea was still unmade thoueli tho kettle hayly mine oer tho lnniei that hi the old iheplace played hut tho fisherman whore wati he oer the wavos his boat lloiv hoineward humid and little cared he for the shrieking winds or the breakers that roared around ior ho saw in his window a heiieou shiiie and his heart by its lirht was cheered and khyjly ho laiirhod in the teeth of the wind as his boat oer the billows ho steered and whouho had lauded and homeward went ho sanp a cheery seasonc and to anxious can its welcome sound hy the wind was waftel nlnnf and tho door of his cottnjio was openthl wide while tho light on the night streamed out aud there he was met by his wifes fond kiss and his childrens cjadkomc shout j n h whose business it was to minago the wind lass but not a sign of him n minute i heard thorattlb ivab t loro an in agniii an saw that tho ro io whs runuing through it in the wrouf dir ijiitb ht it but twim joikcd an before i could catch it had slipped through an tl oro ijwfts moio titan a hiindrcd foot from knowing how in tho worljl down an jerry dancing an capering below calling out como down no1 mi ford wont youl of tho pulley otioi imadott outdfmyluuicl agaui tlio end ho giound hit i was to get an thrash mo then i romom- dtd jfflmihi llcabing yon will also find on hand at the bazaar i large stock of fastcy goods in great variety sold cheap for cash snd examine my goods and prices call eemcmbcr my motto small profits md quick retumsl at kelly bros jold stand frank rwebber lcton june 23rd 18s7 hayiue lately visited the liny of rumlygrauitc quarries and havingpurehased the entire stock of sray and red eauite lupimuicnts headstonts crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost 1 will until further notice sell at prices never before- khewn in ontario kor in stance granite monuments ft high g0 7 ft 75 b ft 00 0 ft si00 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do welto call and sec me before purchasing elsewhere as i guarauice my prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealers artni s ihtoi and wellington this rcidetice rain street oppos- r icto or ajldresecxl to acton reive strict attention tenns notes lisconntd if desired 6 1st kelly sole agent for acton and vicinity for the celebrated bell organ and lansdowne piano isheumatisfv lsemaits i o 1 wu2jf ii cilirca cr paiiseof human wis 1 w liishooi tohn day architect ci hotel wot market square l qc h ikancis nukan i ieccssor to t f chapinan k00ktjioe gnelph ontario ii ikfiji of all kincis mwlelo order enji 4s of every description carefully bound anl promptly done id tit vlnre irratcitali vluil v c or r a ijvoin i- ira utijiiityvji- i hsjii sil jvlvpwei i7 f- oiiii xjj l o tfabosc i t ti v il- ronl icr iti tt- rin oj i etj i v tu l nsy 4 y j riay iuu iiiicaly re vi- ljo to tbou ttihe hanlan barber shop mill stbeet actok csv shave a st vlish baircnt a good seafoam ru eiiuhararing shampoo always given bairs iono 1 andlrtt in firstclass condition ladies and childrens hair tastily cut p wohijen torisoriabartist gutlpli business college guelph ontario mill ttrsrcll h rflcjc- to m eiicalco i obojcj a 4 pi ii catah crrjhh roas cold is h arrhlvj hayfflrtj east to tm ru third scholastic year 8 ls september 1st eatronagc drawn froii- te7i states aud provinces yonng men lvl b vts thoroughly prepared for business pur- oraluates eminently successful as ac countants business managers shorthand nt- crs claris silcsuien travellers etc both in t- united states iloderato rates troojfc practical work and courtooas treat- miit characterize the institution j ad- inftted to allthe advantages o tho college spieidid facilities atlorded for the acxjtilition of krenth and german kor infonnatiou address vf liaocokshck principal lumber and shingles lath wlcrztct or irriitisg jsi 9 imii iiotv4i tyobr w piii on receipt of prlte at 4 co brockvillo to gallery goelj ltees bros- 1 vjio-vikj- oilt monday nj81 unjprariiy removed to es old stand it te uie pixjarin to s their tremendb stock i 7p ii desires to inform the public 1 ti1 be haa now on hand and will keep in fcwci full line omiue mna hemlock a well as 5 othr lauds of lumber also first and second i cluss pine bhiugles lath 1 coal wood hivic iidiksed the coal buhucm ol mrc a siniti am prepared to supply all i kove coi ilnvc idsj a good stock of wood- hard wood asbcclkr and fill wood rt reason able prices wood and coal delivered jambs bb0wn liyert j if wokden havivo assumed proprietorship of thclivery business latelv carried on by mr v l smith would solicit the patronage of thephbhc and will do their utmost to idease all custodiers well equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured first cla33 outfit for commercial travel lers at special rates a comfortable litis meets all day trains and j night alto if ordered give us a call i j h worden in the iuck iiiikss i notice that mrj tilclieans advertisement doubts my solo ency lor the bell organ- i i now state that i have u written cou- jract duly signed by messrs w bell a co giving me the sole agency for the sule of the bell organ for the city of iuelph uud i radius of twenty inics including acton itockwood eden mills everton new ger- ttiany breslan and ilespeler the above mentioned contract can be seen by any udy or gentleman on calling at my music i itore opposite the tost office i believ the reliable firm ojf v bell co aro nrl liering to the letter of the contract and that any person other than niy agents who ire selling the bell organ in the abovo territory i obtaining them in some unsatis- factory way or it selling a seoondhand instrament i notice proprietor recom mended the bell organ to customer the indisputable reputation of this organ is i uch that all dealers recommend to custo mers cwkelly opposite post office guelph mutual fire insurance company iv tiik cows ornvrsussatov kstu1cisheo 1810 head office cuelph i e-j-e- buildings haudise ilanufactorles biidall other description of property on the premium kote system fw- stone president cuas- davidson secrr hze3lxo i pause and consider that it will be u your own interest to patronize- home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and birrrounding country that wo arc again in full running order and in a better position than before tho fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dressed f neatness and desxiabeb j n i- we are ahb prepared to nil all orders for pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business we leel confident that wo can give sat- isfaetion every time socomo on with your trders and help to roll the ball along llonoy niacs ttrcmorc go whether sho has legs or no tuos ebbace manaucr hy warcroom is well btoekod with musical iastruments including pianos organs guitars ilaujos violins htinuonlcas aud accordians liso a full line of tho latest hect music and am coeiviug new iiistaliucutfulaily c w kelly -iligiit- i john tayijql ent weaving mil t 31itohell desires to inform the people of acton and burroundings that be is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of eaucy rag carpets ilannel sheeting shirting and dress goods striped orplaid twillor plain also bed blankett and horsebianketstwr yaf3s wide and over and i will guarantee- that i will givegood btifaction to all fartmsaad others who lill favor me with their patronage j t mitcheil to the front ok all competition we place ouk elegant and substantial goods bo iplcndid in quality 1 rcomplote in assortment i overflowing in generoub bargains i mens womens and ohilkbens boots and shoes rvflbers overshoes ftc- it prices that always lead to speedy sales owe8t prices consistent with good quality sutitom work and repairing promptly attended to williams mill 8tjeti acton y ttie flbill ghimney twas when i wascourtiug katie that the accident im going to tell you about happen ed- 15ut for that sumo accident i dont thiijk kntio nml i would be man uiid wife this day for you iico my father wits set again the match kutio bein only a laborers daughter whilo ho himself was foreman in the mills gotfing jjooil wages and tlicrtightrv deal of by the employers an if it wusnt for kntfe i dint think id bo hero now to tell you about it for twas she that saved my lifo through hitting on n plan that never once came into the heads of mo or my com rades aye or those youd have thought would know better than any of- us i was brought up o my fathers trade been taken when ybjjng by a brother of my mothers a master bricklayer living in tho town when my tincle died i came home to lisgarvin for a bit just to see my father and finding tliey were at work on tho new buildings at the mills i looked for employment there and got it at once lis- garvin mill is a hour mill and n pretty place in those days with the river running just by tho old brick buildings and the- big water wheel always going tbuud and round tho river fulls into a larger one a little lower down so tis in boats that most of the corn is brought in an the flour carried away tisnt half so pretty aplace now there are big whitewashed buildings along side of the old brick ones the big wheel is stopped an you hear the whirr of the engines instead of the sound of the water but they makes a power of money there an gives a deal of employment aud i was saying i got taken on asa bricklayer katies father was working there too and i ured to see her bringing him his dinner and nfter a bit i began to think that id like to have her bringing me mine too she was as pretty rt girl then as youd see anywhere shes good looking to this day an i soon became that fond of her that id havo done any thing limost to get her she herself wus willing enough twas my father that made tlio difficulty ho was a proud man as proud in his way as any gentleman an he was right down mad at tho notion of mar rying a laborers daughter to be sure i was earning good wages an might have married without asking anyones leave if id been so minded but i didnt like to go again the old man that had always been good to me besides katio was just as proud as hinisolf an would jiave nothing to say to mi unless he wasjatislied i got the master to speak to him but sure twasnt a bit of use how would yon like sir he says to the master if i had a daughter to have master phillip to take up with her an wouldnt that be the same thing i believe that the master didnt think it would be all the same but my father wouldnt hear reason from him any more than from me so katie an i had just nothing for it but to wait in tho hope of his coming round an very little hope we had of the same as we were putting up a steam engine in the mill we had of course to have a big chimney an we got a man down from town to build it one of them chaps that build chimneys and nothing elseau thinks nobody knowb anything about it but theiraelves i was wdrking along with him and indeed twas i that built the mqst of it an a right good job it was twos finished by christ mas ten years ago this christmas coming on all but the lightning conductor and that was not to be put up owing to the masters wanting to make enquiries when hed go to london an see for himself what would be the best kind to use the master was a scientific sort of a gentleinan had ideas of his own sometimes theyd be better than any other peoples sometimes may be not so good at any rate there was a delay about the conduotoran in the meantime the engines were at work an the big chimney was smoking away mr brown the strange workman had goneaway saying very condescending like that ho was sure jim ford that was me would bo able to fasten tho rod to the chimney as well as he could do it himself ho took all his scaf folding with him but before he went away he fixed a beam with a pulley to it iuto the top of the chimnoy an left a long rope hung dangling week after week until the master came home bringing the rod along with him once it had come there was no good losing any more time in fixing it so one saturday afternoon in january up i went on a plank slung securely at the ensof the rope my tools along with me an settled myself astride on the stone coping twas rather late in the day but the morning had been too wet an stormy to work an the master was as impatient to get the job done as if it hadnt been himself thatwas hindering it all this time i was as nmoh at home atop of the chimney as i was on the ground an j worked on without once looking down until iny job was finished an i was putting op my tools then all of a sudden i heard a rattling noise an looking over i seen the plank going down very fast i called out hollo there i send that up again will you i but the only answer i got was a loud laugh for all the world like silly jerry the naturals and sure enough there he was standing by the windlass jumping an clap ping his hands i looked about for the man borod that a few days befoi a 1 had fouril tlio boy annoying katio an hadlgiven him a cut with a switch i had- in my hand he hud slunk awnywithout a vordatthe time but it seems lnj romcmboroil tho blojw and took this way of being revenged r i wcll at first i was scarcly f rigbtenod expecting somehow that lice the people below know of the 11x 1 was in theyd find sonic way or other of gott ng mjo out of it but when i como to think of il no way could i hit on my sol an sure i knew more about chimneys thru r anyone in the placo j twas getting lato too tiiero vouldntbe much more than another half hour- of day light an the wind wbb rising i could hear it whistling through tho trees j by this time peoplo know what had hap pened an a crowd waa collecting i could see them coming from all parts for of course i had a view all about j i saw a boy go up to tho door of the count ing houso an presently master phillip crmo out running as if for hib lite when he came he took the command like an begaji giving directions an tho people who had only stared at first now ran here an there ns he sent them first they brought out a long ladder an fixed ition the roof below the chimno i could havo told them that twas too sliort knowing s i did tho length of every la ider in the phiq but somehow though i hiard their shout- plainly i could not make t lem hear mino it seemed as if the voice i- went up like smoke then tiiero was a greats elay while they went for a longer ladder and this too didnt reach half way a iaan climbed up it however an called out tcjknow had la bit of string in my pocket i hat 1 1 could let down not a bit could ifi nd ihadhadii big ball only tho day befon but i had taken it out of my pocket an put it on a shelf at home i took off my braces auj fastenod them an my pocket handk irehief but they didnt near reach ladder so that plan had to ji price tkileecextts u ovory turn pi the windlass mi iking the voices boiow seerrl nearor an nearer and when i wis withinia fdw fectof the ground there were a dozen pinr of arms ready to catch mp an alinndred voices to welcome an thbro was my fitiier waitin for me an master philip saying but for the girl hed havo ieonjthere still not ouooftho rot of us would havo thought of tho stock ing twai tho brightest idea ive como across this many a day slio has saved his life ford- and you cant refuse your con sent any longer j bat when i looked round for katio she was nowhere to bo soeushe must haveblipped off as soon as she saw- 1 was safe i master- ijhilin hurried my father an mo- away i didnt quite knowpvhoro i wasso daaod butin a minute or two i fouud my- solf in a warm lighted diuii g room at the masters hguse an munter phillip pouring ont a glass of brandy for ran and shaking hands with iny father i ivus glad to get thcbrandyjfor 1was worn out with fright and cold put as soon as i could i made my escape an went down io katies cot- tnge t budnt been thero- five minutes when there was a knock at tjhe door and in walks my father he wnt kate holding out his hand katiemy girl he said abk your pardon for anythin or done agojnst you an if you an jim are still of thojame mind i wont hinder you from marrying lis yon have the best right to htm for youve saved his life and tis proud an glad i am that i was able to do that same iiljr ford said kato 3 and evouipthary him dear t if youre fiatislkd air i am very dear finite fialisfied and with thjtt hekissed her and from that day to his jiedrid katio have been the best of friends he lived with us for the last year or so for lip was getting a little past hir vprk and the master pensioned him off jhe is very happy with us an he is never tired of telling the children the story of tho way that their mothers cleverness saved my life atlanta ciinstuiuiok i how btraight up to ive como to ive over said ont yon my the xkw text jr10k on alcohol tbe little 0nks named pr me tf amkihcax pukpidexts xomizkd together all this time tho wind w is rising an i was gotting numb with the cold the top of tic be given up and stiff kto- cruinped from being so long in one position there was a bipj clock righl over the gate way jubt opposite an i saw that it only wanted twenty minutes to ivo it would lie nearly dark at five an ont o tho j darkness set in what little hopo had jwould he gone j 1 master philip seemed to have gone away by this time but there was my father among the crowd an who should i see standing uoxt him an holding on by his arm but katie they had forgot ton every thing but tho fright abdut v le an he seemejd ta be talking to her an omf orting her after a hit i saw master philip again he had a big thing in his hind looking like pocket bniidkerchiefsstietcljedpver a frame an i saw that it was a kite an that they meant to eend a stringto me if that way bnt you never in all your life saw such an unmanageable kite first twas too heavy and then twas too light and then fho tinic they seemed to loso making a tail to steady it 1 beard after that part of that same tail was made of bank note i musi sr philip took out of his pocket w icn he could get nothing else juicl enough he jjot them all back later for not a man wppian or child iii tho place would liavo toadied one of them when they saw them using them in that way j when the kite did go up it last the wind was so high that they coult not manage it properly it enrrit very lie tr me once arid i snatched at thelstring nearly overreach ing myself in doing so but i missid it an just then theio came a terr ble gnst of wind the string broke an the lite wa j carried away an stuck fast in the hrarich is of a big tree behind the masters house i looked over at the clock to sec hov much time was left me an i found thati could iift see the bunds any longer the darkness had come on in the lust few minutes then i gave up all hope for i knew i j c ould never- hold on till morning i tried to tninkjof death but i word james monroe died in nov york insol vent buchanan left over s20 to his nephews and niices i martin vnjiburen didnrjt save much out of his salary but left 300000 adams was poor but by his wise able mauagemjut ho never suffered want james kpplk left about j150000 as he had na children mrs polk raceived it all 1 i fillmore left itlie white house a poor man but by a eecoud marriage became wealthy do as well fifty thous- his limit with no one to pierce did not and dollars was inherit it of th earlie presidents washington was tho vealthicst at his death his estate was valued at 8300000 whentenersqn erected the white house he waa wettlihy man but he lost his pro perty atid died insolvent john tyler went to tho white house a poor man bnt managed to save enough out of his salary to live in comfort president artpur was a veryhigh feeder he spent a s deal of money on his table and managed to save nothing president cleveland will probably not bo able to save moro than 5100000 out of his whole term if he saves that much audrew jackson yvas counted a rich man in his dw to his adopted sim is now tho property of thostijte mrejhayes riin the financial end of the house dturiug hayes administration aud that b is a fi lancier is proved by the amount saved out of his salariy garfield was not in oflico long enough to- save much money he left about 10000 and gifrsmrs c arfield has received have madoiher a wealthy woman madison was vcalthy when ho became president aud left a handsome estate whichemrs malisons son payne todd squandered and left her a poor woman grant never saved much of his salary but the generous gifts of his friends made him independen he lost his all in the grantward fai ure the sale of his book has placed his w ifo in an affluent position for somo years public sentiment has been in the direction of teaching tho chil dren in oar schools tho facts concerning the composition and the effects of alcoholio stimulants aud tho heedlessness for con tracting the habit of their use no doubt multitudes contract that habitthrough lack af sufficient information and it is believed that at least tho more serious results which follow the excessive use of each stimulants may bo avoided by instructions which may serve as intelligence and warning coin- bined what is taught is our carlicstyears ubually makes the most lasting impression it was with this view and with due con sideration of tho import tuce of the subjects that provision for teaching these truth was inclnded in the recent amendments to our school law the minister of educa tion has promptly selected and authorised tho tesfbook and it will befor the teach ers of our publicscbools under instructions from the department to give effect to those arrangements by forming classes and enter ing upon the new branch of study which takes its placewtth the others atpresent on the pograrmme the textbook adopted and authorised for this subject is tho celebrated work by br kichardson fbs fbcp of eng land one of the most competent authorities who over wrote on tlis subject cif this work the grip priutiuaud publishing company some time agoprocured from tho author tho copyright for uie dominion of canada and under the supervision of fho departinentythe lessons arexbeing slightly re arranged with a view to their more per fect adaptation to thererjuiremeutofpablic school pupils it will be ready for pur chase at uil bookstores by the time the schools open uud notwithstandirigthe fact that it is the product of accurate scientific investigation and careful thenght and is a goodsized bound volume it will bo sold to tho public for 25 cenfs tho book is a textbook of the most use ful and interesting description each subject being treated in a short and simple followed by questions the work begins with a treatment of artificial and natural drinks and shows the part played by water in the bodies of men and animals as a sus- tnincr of life aud au universally satisfying agent in the qsenching of thirst alter an interesting lesson on natural food it enters opon a short and entertaining history of the earlier uses of stimulants and description of their composition properties and manu facture proceeding it shows the failure of alcohol as a food and its effecton animal life in its action on pie blood on the heart on the lunge on tho temperature on the bloodvessels on the muscular system on the brain it showsihe absence of utility and the presence of injury in all fit these relations aiidpoints oat the manner in which it produces disease and insanity and cndangerslife thereare a great many other lessons treating of cognate subjects and slrowing the evil effectsof such aposion in 4he system especially of excessive and prolonged indulgence it thus gives scien tific and valuable iufoimatilod which will open the eyes of young people alike to the needlessness and the danger of sdeh in dulgence information which everybody sna riser smb rs5s3s it vlaims womans work womans work i3 one of the questions of the day our grandmothers fouid work enough and more thai enough to lerform at their pleasant homes i but tho e vocations have vanished an i jt is no lodi er expected that female handicraft will fur and fooi the mit hav her thi si ik th a ind tail and voc oth for si family wardrobes or thtit larders fruits of ohd stanus where tho river inoets tlio brooklets rippling flow her youthful heart with pleasure gryfls thoday that is aglowi what fcbftplct shall i wreathe for tlnjc what dear prayer shall i breathe for ulco gentle malflen named for ioov one stei siiyly mong thelllowcrs a question in her eyes a wondor of the fieotlug hours all tilings a sweet surpiiso vhat chaplct shall i wreathe for thec jvtiat dear prayer shall i broatho for thee thou bonnie girl nanied for uie one is tripping oer theground a merry little elf no other joy has she found bo sweet as her swoet self what chftplct shall i wreathe for thee what dear prayer shall i breathe fpr thee fair dainty cbud named for mc one is lying ueafh the sod vith lovely form new cold her fiinlcsi boiil with its ootl safe in the hliopfierds jfolilj what cbaplft shall i wreathe or tiidc whatldear prayer shall you breath oh bright angel named for me grca litest cellars will groan beneath the i worhans industry from the fact ry comes eve y description of wearing apparel all km e of hojise furniture and firnieiiing raatrials while a large per ceit of the supply is prepared and issued from simq source the mighty strides wh inventions taid organized i ibor have ic during the past iiiptcr of i century i to a great extent relieved woman of more laborious home duties and for she should bfe truly thankful bat e it is a fact obvious toiliomcstobtusc homes do not increase as rapidly as viduals uud with duties const intly cur 1 the question ariscs avhal shall be where shall women find suitable tion v ilhin the past few years telegraphing tele phoning silrraisiug typewr iting and r vocations have opened new cliannels emale indjustry in the cith s needle- woi ien can obtain five- or six cent s each lor ma ing a shirt often weaving tueir own shr mds as they bend over- their i 1-remun- era ed tasks then horace greeley was aski d to lec- tnn on womans rignts he took a his text a woman has a right to do fhat she watts to and can it will not be many- yea before the rusty padlock of prejudice be wrenched from the door of evoy h wul hon irable calling a abil his his sees must have a beneficial effect on the iivts cf theeomiug men and women of our land ohbc j wetsii wihuoir cany nor it to make myself ready for a good going could i call to mind only going over an over again in my head the ivay twould all happen how the people would all go away one by one how id be left aloie in the darkness an tho howling wind an how at last id not be able ttj hold on a ly longer an fall an be found in the morning all crushed out of shape the people below seemed to have given up all thought of helping me now an were standing quite quiet twas so dark by this titae that i could not distinguish the faces at all i could just make out master philip in his dark suit among the white mill jtrfen and poor katio she was orot ching down on tho ground now her apron over her head all of a sudden i saw her leap up wittrv a great cry an clap her htnds an call out something then there was a i confused bortof shout as everyone in the crowd was saying the same thing at tho same time an thonmaster philip ranking a sign to silence them put his two lauds tip to his mouth and sang out in a oice tiat came dp to me above the noise o the wf uds tako off your stocking and i ravel it the thread will reach the t round at first i didnt understand him being dazed like but the meaning came on me litte a message from heavei i i got off one of my soeke with bomo trrable pice ne ones they were too of kat es own knittin that bhe hadgiven me for a christmas bo an with the help of my teeth loosen one end of the thread it gave rpadii enough after that an wh u i hada gooi piece of it ripped i tied my knife to tin end of it to make it heavy an let it drop ripping more and more of the spokab i went down then i felt it stop an pre sently there camea shout llingiiieto wine it up again vory slowly and carefully 1 did it fearing the string v ould break ant when the last bitof it can e np there was i piece of strong twine tie 1 to the end of it the twine in its turn brought the rope had gone qp by and then t felt that i wan safe i managed somchot toputit tbrongl the pulley an to haul up theplahk atf bii soon as they had fastened the other end ti i the windlass beloit thoy g tverae the wbrt three tilings of short continuance a ladys love a chip fire and a brook flood tlirce miseries of amanshouse asmoky thp hermitage whith he left j- chimney a dripping roof and a scolding wife three things that ought fever to be from home the cat the chimney and tho house wife three essentials to a fake story teller a gcod memory a bold face and fools for an audience three things that arei seen in a peacock thegarb of an angel the walk of a thief and the voiceof tlnr devil j three things that are as good as the best brownbread in famine wellwater in thirst and a gray coat in cold three things it is unwise to boast of the flavor of thy ale the beauty of thy wife and the contents of thy purse three warnings from the grave thou knowest wliat i was thou seestwhattojm remember what thou art to be i three things that never become rnsty the money of the benevolent the etioes of the butcher horse and a womans tongde three filings not easily done to allay thirst with fire to dry wet with water and to please all in everything that is done sckckct ilev s comiaiusox a 3iistakk in adilltloa scotch tradesman who bad c believed 4000 was surj risedvby ild olerk with a balancesheet bhowing ortunoto be 6000 it cama be saic the principsi count age the cler did count again and again declared the balance to be 6000 thi master com ited himself- aud he also brought bnt a surilus of 6000 time artetftinteie borr ted up the columns- it was- jstill 6 and not a i that rewarded bis labprsv so the ld merchant on the strength of bis goo fortune modernized his noose- and pi t money in thesparse of the carpenter the painter and the upholsterer- btflj hov sver he had a lurking doupt of tij- exiscnce of the extra 2000 f so onel win er night lie sat down to siverthecol- umi s one count more at the close of his ask he jumped up as though he had beei galvanized and rushed through the stre itjs in a shower of rain totho lioube of the lerk the r head capped and i dowy emerged from an attic windoiv at lopnd o the knocker to enquire the v- the erra id of his midnight visitor whos thei3 he mumbled and what dye wan its me ye scoundrel efeclaimed his mployer yeve added up tie year of our lord amang the pounds whl she elder prim cum down from the city to pieacrf into skiunervile and took dinner with me an ebe i now elder prim is a good christian but turibpl presise abont his lanwide ho dont drink even tea or coffy and so i poured him a glass uy cold watter at dinneii i find said he aftur emptying his glass that the licensed baloou and the distilleries eoon establishes a community that lacks all re jard for the two essential things that are necessity injaising child ren up to nseiul manhood and woman hood and what nay that be scs i pure cold water and good society peslie- look a here elder ses eben loin- tae give you a p inter didnt it over ocour jto you that the n airs just the essential ingsji 11 lacks i ot i sho ild sink and elder prim d at me and then at eben like he iwtis trien to peaetrato a fog but byne out round his mouth and rcr his facet r ses he you orto biu a w0bd of aimce- by amilo brok spread out all o eben skinn a carpenter why ses sbeu cause you bit the nail ou tho head drive it clean tl one blow uvtlu a lesson in disclmiise on the train tains i heard mother bear an d her example to human government 1 mountain for p no logs driving a wiggon to come down i was bi that i could not fix mjba f bub i managed somehow ropes with my hands di wn downlcath 5 iru v j j- 1 mlim dumb and stiff on the plank to oling to p ru and clinch it ull with hammer the lever srossing the bocky moan- a teamster tell about a oub giving a- good mothers in family this man was going up the sydney smith was complaining to his friends ine ffiy of a young gentleman who although many years his junior was in the habit of addressing him iy his christian name a privilege which as sydney smith remarked he only allowed his roost in timate friends shortly after the young gentleman in question entered the room ami familiarly addressing smith as sydney enquired how he thought of passing the day for mypart added tlio youth the archbishop of canterbury dr howley has often invited me to pay him a visit at addingtoitpark und i think i shall run down and return at tho clqseof tho even ing 4 ah said smith with a smile on mb face that his frionds well understood then let me give you a word of advice i know something of the archbishop he is an ex- celleut man bat rather proud dont you call him william he miglit not like it a roar of laughter folloyred this significant speech and as the discomfited youth left the room sydnby smith turned round and quietly remarked i think i have settled the cool of the evening at least i- wept axd voctid cqmfohte not be i say then took me used to thinkgus sirnpanwas a real nice young roan but i hate him how saic one young lady to another why whit has ho dene hes trated me sha nef ally tharfyhat in what way v hy the other evening at the party i saii to him letscat a phiiqeia you say yes or no to any of my questions ill 3w9 you a box of candy aud i yes or no youll give me a box whit after the pfey he hot eaud all the way there he ts iked just as i weet as could be aboatldve in a cottage ind that men should not live alone and all tba and when he got to the froit gate he sail fannie i have waited for this oppirtunitya long time will you parry me t whispered tes iia low voice anc and here sobs choked her voice a id what did he do then inqairied her list ner eagerly hejnstheiednliilo- peiiir with all his might thats what he- did and she w afresh and vrorild hot bo i omforted c- wrt aw t i i on the top of o the road was j yduiigbeiir the mother having started approach of the team so cnte said with its pttws c ropping over the edge of the rock watching the sido animals largo vock by tho sido of up the mountain on the the cub looked the teamster lyfeig there the eletkxth ho uk tho horses as they came up presently the c id bear came bounding back to the cub auc giving it a nudge with her nose btjartedvu the imountain again ex pecting tlio j to follow but the oub made i u lnoie the old bear then cam o back the becond time and taking up tho cub iu hr arms gave him several cuffs this timo the cub obeyed orders anddpllowedtio old bear in agullopi lip oft io mountain our diimb the thief on the cross was saved at thje eleven th hour youknowi this is often said by those who are putting off it is quite trne that one thief waa saved at tlie cleveuth hour bnt it is equally true that tho other thief was lobt at the same hour people do not take iccount of this but oven keeping the lost thief out of sight wo see nothing in the case of the one who was saved to encourage procrastination he was late certainly hut there- ib ni evi dence to tiow that he had ever put off salvation on tlie other rfiand the proba bility is from tlio oircuuistanceof his wild life thatjhe had never before haol the ohancd of rejecting christ that marks a mighty difference between him and o many in bur niidst who ans from day to ojiaxs way ala agent with three or four rugs in a strap hoc called at a house on national avenue auc rung tho bell without arousinff any- bo3 f when a woman called to lini from acr iss the street no use ripginsg there lady gone j they aro too poor to buy rugs j ho was about to pass oujwhona cha mber window was raised andja woman etui k her head out and said ill show em whethoi we are or hot i think a car- pen er8 wifeis just as good as adraymans wif and has jast as much money for fino thii gs which is your best rug lj this one maam for 8 i hang it on the fence where everybody oar see it now take thu 920 bill and call at i u the houses around here and ask for che uge ton wont gpt it but ii have the rig t amount to hand you when lyoa come bat s if yon happen to say to ejm ias rau go round that this is tlienrst 8 rng yoave sol within a mile of here ill give you a pie e of pie andaglassof milk exdicmge im otler do day my hoii israel vns buried dayahuttiugtliebon of god- oat of thoirl 1 1 ivc oiit caids at deperieleiy for my t i v g 1 a irv i hearts a blsixriss coxfab sat behind a wealthy outtou merchant aui a retired dry goods tnau on ihs rch of uy hotel writes one of iny lojngbranch coi ccspoudents they wore t thijir claims abbusiuess meu said one vol dye tink do dty i vas prarried isnlt a bill of goota to eoseuineim of w lukesha i oh dot vat nbtings hmipindcd the iug opening towu topics smm

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