r i bow ittxltllual otailttaon ou toe 1st aognst b rfaly mae wife ibut mjliramrin acton so taw mh- ot mr kdy mamhwi efjijki mtit bflcd cxupwtu atthe renidvnce other hrothor-ln- taw rev a cunnlngtuun ji onu wi veddmday stth jul- alter a nhojrt tllnna bhmwuof jowl campbell of yflnntneb mm bd daughter of h uvkv a b flic du6i toronto in the thyfo her c thuiay adpubt 4 lt7 notes and ogmmtwrs the governor general has been invited and hu consented to open the toronto iu- dnstrial exhibition on sept 6 toronto i no longer threatened by tatw tfttnine the water in the reservoir has been steadily raining or the past week over two hundred members of the british house ot commons have signed the me morial in favor of the canadian pacific mail subsidy it is probable thstthoquebeo legislature will be summoned for the despatch ot baai- ness in november mr mercier intends to return to the practice ot holding autumn sessions the recently passed crimes bh is to be put into operation at once every county in ireland is to be proclaimed and the law is to be enforced with firmness mr powderlys temperance section in the new constitution which prohibits all drinking at meetings and entertainments of the order has been accepted by arte- fourths of the knights of labor assemblies george speters united states attorney tor utah territory has filed suit against the trustees and managers of the mormon church on behalf ot the united states to disincorporate the said chnrch and wiud up its business tok ansi u ittlm ktpubmox thej nawtpaptr mm of u provlnot with ttalt u4lsftytom ft pleuntouting jteas 18 wtmsljsuotpttk cattlk r miambrovut a professor of agriculture the thistle is still an unabated nnsiance in many of our rural districts notwithstand ing the thistle act the bruce herald thinks that the farmers institutes might profitably consider this evil and aid inen- forcing the law it is rumored that all the tj s railroad lines that discontinued the ule ot mileage tickets soon after the passage of the inter state commerce act arc soon to place them on sale again although no date has been find it is understood that such a step has been definitely decided upon mr andrew carueie the great ameri can iron master and millionaire who has been presented with the freedom of the city edinbotp scotland in recognition of his handsome present to that city said in his address among sther good and practical things that he would as soon leave a curse as excessivewealth to a child x the canadian pacific railway has se cured the australian wool traffic the im portations hitherto being by way of san francisco the canadian pacific will take the wool directly to boston the steam ships bailing from the western terminus of tv auuultmeounfl ot ttw canadlau ifajia association wm held in the parlor of thejltosain house toronto on tuesday august sndi at s pm tor the transaction of buslncesiutheintemtof the attoclatlou the annual trip will be via northern railway to oravenlmrst and all around thejlakes of muakok aas desired the party left toronto t 515 pro on tuesday evening for barrio where they re mained until yesterday afternoon enjoying in the interval at the courtesy ot the town of jbarrie a delightful steamboat trip on lake bimooe down to peniusular park summer resort the programme tor the remainder of the week u as follows this evening leave for ottilia arrived at thii point the steamer muia will be in readinen to oonvey the members and their ladies to strawberry island ten miles distant a charming buinmei retort when the seootid night and portion ot the following day will be passed after viewing the prinoipal places of interest in orillia under tlte direction off the municipal dignitaries the party wfll go forward to gravenhurst and there eribark for port carling the central dis tributing point for the throe lakes from whence bouts run in all directions every few hoars eaoh day best and recreation can herebe obtained for such period as each may desire with privilege of returning via same route or by way of parry sound aud georgian bay mr a p cockburu manager of the muskoka end nipissing navigation co has kindly given instructions that all boats ot the lino can bo freely used by members of the party in all directions while they remained in that district this ensures the utmost freedom of trafel to all parts of the charming lakes ot mnskoka and will be one of the pleasantestof the many happy outings of the press party a report of the trip will appear in a future issue of the free press l 1 1 previous years we have tested the vftli of dtfferenr kinds of grain separately in i tie fattening of itoret but never bran tho traghly against any of them or a foix- turiofthem the prominence now given to l lie braii of wheat in feedlijg mlloh bows dec ided the exporimint reported in duljotin xn and in association with it wo ooncjuot- ed mother last winter with exactly tho like kinds of food in fattening storo iitoors 1 light ajttmftls were thus handledt nil being short horn grado steers two tears olr throe only of whioh oould bo held as to of their kind aud the others bt very on luary ipooimoua they wore got lit oc tober 1886 aud put up to good stall fei ding until tho beginning of tho teat on 38 h february following tho lot was mi do into two equal groups balauolug everything as tuaul to the best of our ks owledge aud ohs iging daring periods of th g8 days oudiug fth may rho two rations icr hed por day were l 18 lbs i run 0 lb timothy ami clover hsy andsoibi turnlb m 101lof equal wulgbti of ground iwaiao oats barley and ooniwhlio lbs tiay and 30 lbs turuliw upon the graiu b all over the two periods the averagd animal entered with 1 117 and came out 1871 lbs upon oran a all over the same periods tbe averago entry vras 1830 and the closing w ujhh882 lbs pet head these brief statements ot tho whole ox- pt rimeut arc so aetotiibhing that recapitu lation in anpther form is desirable group i on rralu began at 1331 and clxjcd at 1300 having inoreascd only 20 lbs per hoad in 33 days when ohanged to bran the average uniroul inoreosod from 1560 to 1103 lbs in 85 days group ti on bran started at 1300 and ciwni with 1361 uius inorqasing ovlhbin 8 days and when changed to grain the a erage animal ran from 1350 to 1882 in 8 dsys the tjmluttvj f 1h1uwj c aver jtuorltklhls dalatu bpeech onttevwmuiofttiecftm i canadas ket faik i the dominion exhibition for the present year is to be held at toronto from the 5th to the 17th of september next in conjunc tion with the great industrial fair and these two exhibitions combined in one will without doubt be the grandest affair of the kind we have yet had iu canada the prizes offered amount to the large sum of 30000 the toronto people are making great preparations for the show and al though their exhibition grounds and build ings are already the best and most extensive in tho country yet they are adding 810000 worth of additional buildings this year with a view of securing the show ot live stock the first week as well as the second large special prizes are offered for hones cattle sheep and pigs to be shown during the first week of the exhibition- in addition to the regular prizes to be awarded the sec ond week a largenumber of superior special attractions are being secured for the exhibition and they will be distributed auogollicr thou there hoa been a mean d lily per head increase from all sources o or all the periodj of over one 110 pound to the live weight graiu gave a daily rate of twothirds g9 of a pound- and b ran fully a pound aud ahal 153 per hsad daily aniinals were in good health and had no ti oubte except ouo jthat bloated thrice when oi bran and hence would be an item ask ing for credit to that ration we havo never hod the same experience i v itb allot of storca during the last eleven years with us tho average daily increased v eight by many kiuds of feed has bees 203 lbs tho lowest 160 the highest 270 llesidcs on almost an exactly similar rition to this grain b we have obtained i l past years a mean of 225 so that we are in trouble iu hkviug to account for the cnusual circumstauce of the general btitt i uiuij without reference to the specialties neantime one thing is evident in this experiment namely tliat the conduct of each group ha3 bepu very uniform but all over there was a decidedly underaverage lot of cattle quality was wanting in the am thw ajlk arityjjx vimk the fiy pnss has rew rlvils ovkull daiiy hbuuuuy tho aotou fahk ihkh haji eoiuiiletotl iu xui vojuuio slid eouies tu baud this wack oounlilor- ably eulsrgod and inuovud being printed inoit- ly from uw tym lluaoioii vhkh iiikbh lia fow rlvali u being ouo irftho irtolopitbot print ed and neatest paporn lu evory rohct that op- leari ou our exoliangellit jtho muroury wlnluw the ouorgetto proprlotor mr h 1 mooro ro- nowotl succom aiiuiioimw that bin lulvurtlnlnit introusgo may h o lueroanlug and that ho will find it uocetury to oiilarjio again shortly a oood tims in this vle otters afrhlru da1lv hkiuin i auioug the uowimicr uiuii who aniiuar to lw having a good tluie of hln tills valo of uiarn 1 mr h p mooro of tho acton vury yniihu ho hat luht eoniiiiuiuoratei tho aucoiiiiiljilmiunt uf tho twelfth year of iiih paporh oxlhtouoo by en larging tho alioet and ulvlng it a now drvm lrot- iwrlty alwayii nwnin to xinllo on hurry it in only f alif to him however to itokuowkxigu that he deservos evory bit of it make its characteristics moro prominent tononto lulpv otollk j tho acton ywyy llkkh lmi cololilfttwl ith thll- tconth sunlvorwtry by apiwhrliu in nu milargod nnd niucli luiprovod form tho kicii iiichh alwayu wfla ono ot the nuatotit nml brighutsti locnl imipcnt in tho province ant tho rocout clinnuus but nmlio thco cliaractcrlhtlcn uioro proiulnuiit it dchorvoti tho gonvrouk htipiwrt of ltd conhtltiloiicy none mors worthy ot praise mt fiiuest nislldehkntativk no iutvr in cntmdn in moru worthy of praise than our oxvellont oxclmugo tlio actoii fube pukkk lnt ivouk tho iltkk likiih caino out onlarkod from d tloiny to d ltoynl nucl iirlntkl with now tyih in coinmuinomtlon of ha thir- tonntb birtlijny it is ouo of tlio flnubt apjiwir- liibaliootaolrthocontluoutaiid hro mooro may juhtlyboivoudof his production it pays to print qood paper ukiiblndmiiynkwh the acton klikk iiikhh ik now twelve yonrnolrt and celebrated iih uth blrtlulny by enlarging- to a 3d coluuiu iwpur tho fuck phkkh haa long had the roiiutatiou of bulng the nentest and boat printed village lmper in ontaiiu ith enlargo- uiont is hu evidence that it juiya to jiriut a good paper wo wish it continucitaucceaii nothing short ot a model nowgpuper kt icsilk mich nkwr tlioiuatistclcuiustlhhtcditort nml infact tlio iwst pajkr in every way that routes to our aauctum u thu acton iiikk pnnsh it han ro- ccutly imhh onlurgetl ami in now nothing kbort of a model newspaper we hnpo friend myoros proiorlty yill coitiuuo always well printed and spicy weekly 11hamiton conakllvatoil tho acton fiikk iursx haa enlarged put oil a new drcaa nnd hitsnie grestly iliiprovwli-jl- though it was uluayu a well priutud nnd spicy weekly wo are pleaetl to nolo the progress of iinij tho tinio litis it riyoi whoi ojvciy iirodetit budr hiiouici etnejy law to niuko a dollar go as fltr as poimtole- the kuowhigohi 1 cci dod that at no fitlicr place nj azton can jtliis lo dune w such good advaiitagp as at action btjjter ant eggs fwantid helu 6brtisfmints for salt ikillt topbuggy light delivery waggon now j heavy waggon il inch tint aud heavy and light ftqt slnglo harncka for itartlculara niply to a k nlfkun actou aug 3rd 18h7 milk n and after monday mil aigubt the price of to ave cents per vj milk will bo advanced quart kutu1 p 1iu1u sow astray stllykd from thu jiren a ignod liot m foil 8 ft middle of june a largo black vranold aiiyinfonuntiofi tlio rotiovory will bo thankful july iktb 1887 our esteemed eutern and trust that tlio sua of proniwrlty may over ahiuji upon it brick fqr monday july 11 1887 stejvmisup s p cluilskv bijucsln liiics of tho uuder- ng shout tlld sow njhjtit three liicl will ieul to fv received 10hxktos or sale the firft week will be equally pis attractive the canadian pacific are subsidized by the j during the second- cheapraily rates throughout the whole timesothattheshow majority ind a few were hearty feeders i c l n k n t- i i nevertheless there was uniform health i british gorernment and thus have a great advantage over american steamships tbefrench minister of war has asked i for- more troops and the senate has com- plied with his demand by providing for the addition of eighteen regiments to the infan try and four to the cavalry branches of the public service this would look as if all parties in france had come to the con clusion that the preservation of peace is extremely improbable and that it is neces sary to prepare for war it is reported that a petition for the re peal of the scott act is in circulation in the county they tried to repeal the act once before and got badly beaten the re peal is less likely to pass than ever con sequently it would be very unwise to put the county to the expense of another election perhaps like the last petition it will at the last minute be found to have something wrong with it and will need to be revised on a sunday before being sent to ottawa ifffomier the pecuniary loss sustained by the workmen in the united states by unsuccess ful strikes is enormous the shoemakers alone have lost more than 000000 in wages thestrike of the chicago banders caused aloes to the strikenkof 2500000 the coke workers lost from a million to a million- and a half the strikes too were a heavy burden on the labor organizations which had to contribute heavily to the sup port ot the hands on strike it is more than questionable if the benefits gained try strikes are at all commensurate with the losses that the work people have sustained through them- and the hardships and the suffering of which tbey have been the cause it is reported that a number of mormons are about to settle in the canadian north- west canada wants all the good immi grants that cau be induced to settle in it but in view of the trouble the people of the united states have had in suppressing poly gamy in utah the immigration of mormons should be discouraged- any attempt to establish polygamy in the canadian ncfrth- west must be met with the utmost severity by the dominion government it will be much easier to deal with this evil at its in ception than after it has become firmly established the mormons if they come must be taught to rpspect canadian law star v and excursions will also be given daring the whole time of the exhibition so that every one will be afforded an equal opportunity of visiting this great show entries in all departments except for fruit and grain have to be made before the 13th of august and arjy intending exhibitors who have not yet obtained a copy of the prize list should loseno time in doing so they can be ob tained from the secretaries of all agricul tural socjetfea and mechanics institutes or by dropping a post card to mr hill the secretary at toronto the toronto ex hibition this year promises to be unusually attractive- the closed toronto saloons tomorrow evening at 7 oclock ninety- three liquor shops in the city of toronto will be closed and we trust forever the fleming bylaw will go into operation prac tically at 12 oclock on sunday night and under the crooks act no liquor can be sold from 7 oclock of the previous evening a large number of the men and women i hose licenses will be thus terminated have ready declared an intention to honorably bserve the law and eithef keep temperance ouses or go into some other business it been stated that some of the decapitated hiskey vendors will retain their toel j i gav rome jew milk on 18 oping to secure next january axdtange in j j h ff the lawless liquor sellers of ontario have within the past few months made such flagrant desperate and systematic at- tempts to break down the scott act that the ten thousand dollars voted by the legislature at toronto last session for the enforcement of the act has been entirely absorbed the government of onr sister province however arc determined to vindicate the sovereignty of law despite the pecuniary cost or the efforts of the liquor traffic to undermine it and they have set apart a further sum for scott act enforce ment of twentyfive thousand dollars- out of the vote for unforseen expenses by planting themselves firmly as the cham pions of the law even though frowned upon for so doing by prof goldwin smith and his followers the ontario government are doing noble service for the moral wellbeing of the whole dominion and their example is worthy the attention of the other pro vincial administrations ivitnt jfcthouict kissfoxaky income the income of the canadian methodist missionary board for die put year hasjust been ascertained although all the returns have not been received the total income will be about 8200000 an increase of about 12000 over the previous year the to ronto district of the toronto conference contributes 23400 an increase of 5000 the toronto conference as a whole contri butes 46000 an increase of 16000 the following conferences have increued their contributions by about the amounts named london 1100 niagara s700 guelph 1370 jay of quintc 70 montreal 1k00 newbrunswick woo manitoba 41100 nova scotia is about 600 in arrears and newfoundland is fsoo behind he city council and subsequently a repeal f- the presentibyiaw if any are nursing inch hopes they will be woefully disap- linted moral reforms do notgo bock he temperance cause is a progressive one d the only change that can be hopefully ticipated is a change for the better and ot for the worse there will not be more i aloons in toronto next year there may 1 e fewer toronto citizen a batch of pouch mauistkatks in giving judgment in a recent scott act dase mr justice oconuor held that a olice magistrate appointed for a scott act ounty held no jurisdiction in an incorpor- ted town in that county this judgment 1 as necessitated the issue of twentyseven l ew magisterial commissions the com- i lissions are all given to former appointees j nd are as follows bichard yanstone olice magistrate for bruce appointed for ancardine and walkerton w b gray f dafferin appointed for orangeville w 1 i leonard of elgin appointed for aylmer v h 4 young of hal ton appointed for i lilton andioakville jdr b w williams f enron appointed for clinton goderich icaforth and wingham j t partridge cf simcoe appointed for barrie colluig- i rood oriuia and eenetanguisbene alex iacdongillof kent jappointed for blenheim i nd both veil james daley of addington i cdleeuox appointed for kapanee m s ampbcl of lambton appointed for sarnia i nd 1etrolia duncan kippen of perth i ppointel for almonte perth and smiths alls w h spence of muskoka appoint- fd for gravenhnrst james noble of niddletcx appointed for btratliroy and 1 v h lowes of wellington appointed for farriston mount forest and palmerston and so far as regards ageuu forexperinicn- tation the conditions were precisely alike with the reflection tlint treating bucii a class of animals to a variotyof things would mo9t likely be better for them as against pus kind of food iii abundance the nutritive ratio of the hrau diet is 1501 and of the mixture of- grain 13x4 which though not always necessarily the iwst evidenco of jthc feettiu value id a guide and indicates in piis cose that the nay and roots tvith the bran waa about 12 per cent richer than the other ration the two may bo placed for all practib pur poses at equal market vslue and thus we lave an iuereasellinterest inthe competi- ion that firowinj crtttlb life specially set tside to produce beef during winter should e more than doubled in added weight by- he consumption of llbs of wheat bran is against 10 lbs of a mixture of our best soarse cereals and the pen seems hardly possible from a farmers reasoning the point is not ouly one of considerable im portance it is one of physiolooical interest wmctime be more so as we have had the milking j neatest rural newspaper w and the beefing steer giving such differ- nit results take the latter fact first of i ill enterprise has alwayschaiactcriied it xkwmahket f1ia with tlio enterprise that lias always charact erised frioud mooro ho celebrated the victoria jubilee by enlarging tlio aetoippiimi 1jikna lo an rightcolumn pnper laxt nihialiciug aiko tiiu begiuuiug of a new volume it is a ueatly iiriu- cl ahevt and we look for it every week independent and pure in sentiment wkixaxll ioht bitlic actoii fiui piikkh celebrates its mill auniveraary of publication ly appparing on- larged iuiprovl and inuoi iylk the 1 v ia a model weekly bright newsy readable aud imulkliilclit and p ire iu kentluieiit may it live tq outgrow many new drowei is a sustler land deseives to succeed siniuitnsi uiinoiist nils journal celebrated it thirteenth auuiver- fcary la it week by coming out in an enlargejl ami improietl lonn it is nowrneof iho beat wpoc lies in bo lroviucc 1ro moore tho proprietor is a lmuler aiid be deervi to auceeud j strives to give good value tor their monty kuiv auvucatu 1 the acton kiikk ljilsslcaiuj to baud laft week iu an enlarged fonn ve cannot say that wo aduiire the- uew form but tiie y iniwayii looked well dro mooro alrives to give tlio people jjood valuu or tlicir uiuuey deserves even better support tbe aetun tliry pihsh llaii pasanl another milestone aud celebrated the event by douuiug a uew dresa and eiiiargiug its borders it u a neat clean newsy journal and dcmnvs even j better snjilort than it receive j webster s eulogistic adjectives too few i heirrox ivoinii tlio actou fiikk lhkhs has enlarged and pin on r uew dcvm tuv r 1 i toorcr known for i ui to make any etuiniut audbisicles nvebsters i eulogistic atovctives me so few us to eramp a ankiuautitv of lirstclnijued llrlek at elin irovc prick ynnls lot 1 11 rd lino west chlugiiacousv mar mount ilensant lirick dd- livered on the train or in atin sample brick on exhibition at tlio fhki litiaa nfuov actou 10hx amklttin llikilhrauiptou july rith lfe7 jermyns eap altliough botweeu heauons btookb arisusuahy broken wo have kept the stock well up aud customers wi 11 finda large lauge to selj from in every dope rtmehf s- i dress goods i i every mfike and shad6 wo start thernat 8c 10c 12ic 14c 15c 17c50c 25c 30c 32c 35c 40c 47ac 30e and 75c per yard md these goo is are really worth 20 per cent iboro prints a comleto rnngo offino glove fin ishcu printd beautiful desigrifl and warranted fast colors jit rices to suit nearly cvfryiv piles of seersuckers and ginghjirris will bo slaughtered this hot weather as wc havo no use for tjiern i i winter and rrinst goat urico to make roc m for tho irriniouse stoee of fall and winter goods which we open on september 1st staple department is kept we 1 assorted uhdjte hosiery embroidery laces collars cuffs handkcrchiefe hoop skirfg bustles in endless variety r j a full range of cromptous anil balls coisets ladies try balls celebrated corset with coiled wi c section without doubt if moat comfortable and best corfeet made j i s millinery and parasols vill bo irildrt ffiarfulreductions filthy lucre is whatwej wan aiid we purpose makiovi mi object for tho customers to purchase largdy k t boots shoes all new no back lumbers old enough to vote but new goods manufactuied within a year from cheap i the word groceries ahvofys fresh pure uncolored japan tea which encures and invalids like it b jeillyl vum m our groatjublljoe halo is making things hum tho extroordlusry redticlioiiaiii pricoarc a great attraction iowlh are going off fast nnd piles are being roducedj speedily kco flio- following price hat in prints lawns an0 mtjslins 1- lot zephyr chambrnys reduced from 25c to 15 2 lot plush striped fine cliambrays reduced i rom c2jc to 2oe ii colored spotted swiss jung ftp reduced from h7j to 25c t sal bri white to 5 black and duccd frd hunts rednced from 15c t ash for hides white printed lawns re- m ificto 12c colored outineal cloths rednced from 20o to 10 colored br ended lawns reducodfrom 25c to 10 s cream urn rphh undkllsigxei is ljuyiug illdi co x and sheep skins at thelvst market prices for cash at moores cordovaii tannery actoii 1 robes itows of nil kind tuuitd toj fiatisfactory matiuer actoii july ith livit order hi the most vm hamsay village property in- actp and speysib- for sale lihkrndklishjnkd ofrcsfor siilc lot no 1 main kircot acton on codjinplousl welling tlriviii suittll j orchard projierty ciklcrti c alo liitj hiwysido poht olhcif imtiwrty and fifty j re fuljaiiilnp 12 acni of rtilirim nnvljivh nrc i cctcil a iirstclaks d veiling niil fiubluwulic i kood oiipnin for a iirofttali tnoctrrv kulliiiartiuujarm uioi uiiliation acres erccti a riven ist of octouir or so tcrmri cany applv at fiikk or to jamks conpv tf loxoon dvuv thee pllekk tho ueatemt rural ucnhiuivr in canada is the actou finn lja which iibm just reached its thlrtoenth volume it lias lieeu eularged and as shown in bulletin xn a spayed cow j improved and printed from now type xn agent of the very hest kind by the- way village ol acton tlxes for 1 887 10 11 12 1 13 11 which is crcctml house and stable a very desiralile gold cunvus cloths re- loskcfiaiou jclulcr as desired ksaoffice acton 1 m niwyaldu 1 o i one otthe best lccal papers ivl know hknt1nel tile acton ruki llikss lias been eularyetl aud otlierwim iuiprttvcxl the lltke lliks is out oi the best lical papers in the 1royincc a very neatly printed paper uj1l1it s 8 uaiiu lkav dp not put off payment tj thelnst day considered a fflohteols verdict a convicts wife 0u a 9500 verdict from a liquor seller a dispatch from grand rapids midi days mrs annie boyd wife of a man who i not and killed wm b johnson at bock- f rd- hut summer sued christopher post a i nloonist of that place claiming 920000 amageb ftlleging in her bill that previous i that date her husband was a good pro- met a loving partner of her joys and that t be trouble was dne to boyd having been i old liquor in this saloon the case has 1 een hotly contested in the circuit court wre resulting yesterday morning in the ury rendering a verdict in favor of the ilaintiff for 19600 the result is looked ipon as a righteous one by many leading itizens while if was a surprise nerertbe ess the case will be appealed ttfie inpreme court a terrible famine is reported to be jxlit ingin tlje celician plain a district ot asia jlinor 5000 people are said to be starving- per cent less in butter fab llitm when she ot the 10 lba of the mixture of fjrain iu ruestion is bran then by its higher concentrated ind less digestible character better adapt- f ffi f 1 cvm u ulh bu id to produce fat and flesh than milk and j nilk fat it has most unijuestionably aid so in these tests and while further irosecution of the enquiry tnay alter results j o some extent the facts so far are too imminent to benot aside as belonging to t my unusual circumstances we do not enter upon tho chemical bear- j jws of the experiments at present because professor james has not yet oomplotcd analyses of fodders and the manure obtained it will be matter of much interest to all rsary ny an cnlnrdeniiiit nml nuiv typo it is a very ueatly printed piper new bkthday dress nxktkit iiivuv the acton iiidh iltksisoiit iu a jiew dress to celebrate in tuelftli birtlidiy it enters on ilseiisverv proinisuigly enters its teens very promisingly i 1anoon litllv aovbjltisiill tliejacton liuii lltlih ih out in a now dress to celebrate its twelttli birtlulay it enters ou its teens very promisingly handsomest rural weekly in canada chicaoo casvnlax ameiucan feeders to note that while the cow ate both y t atton kiikk iukss tbe handsoiuebt rural lations freely and left nothing to re- weight wcelll canala has i euiarged the steers did not consume all tho bran j ration bnt left ah aycruge of 24 lbs pur head per day at the same m ne tlio well- balanced graiu ration was cleaned up by on jaxiciiainiincii a very light bill of fare on tuasday evening the steers and possibly they would have iakciwnore it appears tben fatten ing stores cannot make use of more than 15 lbs bran in association with 80 lbs turnip and 9 lbs hay daily per hgad i but further the costof production should not be overlooked even in ah introductory teat in bulletin xit we said that bran j was not only able to maintain animal life and waste but to give dairy products only two cents leas in value per day iu corres pondence with the same market value of tbe grain ration now we have futtening steers that not only gave 100 per cent more daily increase but did so at one cent per head lest cost when the food was rego- lated by bran as against grain we close meantime with the memoran dum that apparently tho exact place of wheat bran as food for cattle is not clear enongh to justify any one in an irregular and indefinite use of it for 1 is its general chemical standing yet a steady thing 2 how much of its properties is assimi lated by the animal system in different cases 8 it is really of more value as a ferti lizer after passing through the animal than it was previously 1 4 it is always better dry than wet when fed should it be mixed with other food and what kinds 7 6 what is its place in association wjtli pasture 7 what arc the maximum economical uaotities in different casti council met on tueudau uvonjng iteeve fyfp in the chair members all present minutes of previous meeting rcud and confirmed dr lowry gave notice that he would at next regular meeting introduce a bylaw for licensing and regulating the sale of rneat within the municipality i the special committee were instructed to procure tho fire pails ladders ac as soon as possible council then adjourned chhauoh 1xfaikn iklouheii william mctiarigle chicagos convicted boodlev who escaped from the sheriff arrived in sarnia by schooner edward blake he kept in hiding near hurnia un til monday when lie loft sarnia by gtk train arriving in hamilton tho habiocvcn- ineaud registered at tho boyal jfotol is w4hm james toronto upon being interviewed by a conorier hu dil not dony being mcgarigle upon being discovered he started for the station saying he wits going to toronto hut really went to st catharines where he is sup- pobotl to be tttayiiuj with i relations of li st john of chicago who is supposed to have assisted mcxiariglo to escape dr bt johu has been arrested for com- plicity iu mogarigles ceoape atteiition is cfdl 1 to til makiiig jiayiueiit preaut must lie marked gool all t at the clerks office xuin strl 1 r met v following wild bill iloijucs xes niust be paid let ilv order aiiyis rk treasurer jambs stirtoln lds dkntist tovells block opposite poat off he guelph vitalized painless extracti artinclal teeth guaranteed iico tit and use kino gold all oiieratioua strictly firstel apiwintuionts niado by lottjur duccd from 30e to loci fine amciicau seersuckers reduced from 10c to 12k madras k ts reduced from goc to 3oo and iron loo tn 27ic- giuyimms reduced from 15c to 10c american print robes reduced from 81 75 to 51 4 great sairifice in white all over einbroit erica reduced from 60c to 10c frpn 75c to 50c from si 00 to g7ac fro n 1 50 tu d3o from 2 00 tol 25 colored u over kinbroideries at oactly half price reduced from 1 00 to ioc froni 32 00 15 grand ran 2c of wid orient il floun- cinga at i 0c jier yrd 10 linen fri its rednced- from 12jc to 10c 17 grand spcial line of prints of regu lar 12c i ooilis at 7c per yard 18 printed m islins lit 5c plain htri wl and river check white lawn at 5c 20 swiss fcpo s md checks utscloc and 15c worli 12 15c and 20c 21 white kinliroidcrtd lawn dresses reduced from 400 co 53 00 and from 5 to si ijii department 1 line ililifx ted- worth 75c at tapestry carpets 3740 wortb 50c tapestry carpels 450vort1 goc union carpets 37jc wdlcthi io allwool carpets 60c wort i 85c lace curtains formerly l2i now 940 xaoe curtains formerly s17 i now 131 i lace curaains formerly 253 now 188 jlace curtains fprmerly 35 now 263 sole agents for perfection and superior carpet j iweeers bte close at 0 oclock saturday evening tckk blother 48 king street east between mughson and johnj str hamilton ratepayers a1f hereby liolilkd that tpiu first iiisuhncnt of taxes for the current ontlnj ffjtri day of augjust next hud itie said first iuatahnc it ho not mld on or 1 fore the said lit day aiinust teuiar coiit will lc added thereon iu aewfnlaueu with law pursed by tbe city couue lly- air pnq arlect in niniear- work r aimcialtv iss oent 1c mali 5ic line navyj chea p lm1v1 cllkjl charge lino sum price line summer knitted overehirts at serges ii 10c 50c and goc jciimdiin for 15oy ear 4nd yariucnts ciit free of ner underclothing at half 01c wortl line men 25o jleiia wi menv llrcl mens hnmnir sirfi mens dniihlu tal hookh ui men iml duccd pri sikcial salo jereoys at 33 1 prices come tu the ecamp tkleluonkl geokoetown campopens saturdajv2cth auguet 1837 at 3i la johufi finch feio jlrs j you- mam sunday 10 am keltowililii iiectlng il sermon by local miuistor 2su iinmrs i you- mans 7 v r bt tolui mfjnday2 p edward carswcll to agents cfrwif pant trrinln nnt n oo stiff felt hats reduced to to vests 25c vvn uuck ovcralls 35c o for 25c twist cotton c er iriji nr tlirce for25 lloya iwud riuits at re cos linen alpaca and seersucker coats cheiip of 200 riain mid braided 3ler cent under regular m ast end cittang s in calling attenjtioii to this soaons siotk do slj fidericc bcrngiii a plbsitior to place licfore 1113- utinicmtis the most varied and col ladies seamless hose 12jc avlorth 20c ladies full fashioned hose 20c worth 35u ladies balbriggan hose 25c worth 40c childrens hose spkendid vlue at 10 and 12jij5 1 tli pa th ch j gci 651 vad v aa ih se sp ca st titf abl lit liuynig gret earn has lici fashionable and a iftistiff designs ifi carofully selected stotlc ever s6ei coa ti35t j3s m willi u8to tak 1 in kctfll m a to ivgn to jmieiire the patterns this season tcin the wearer i the latest styles inhate pnd j9nts furnjshin satisfaction quaianteed istoot f ve the iindersijcnecl berehv mil all tho wool ottjoredjat our mills to uicat jubile sale orjn exchange for goods b rl bollert 27 lowj1r wtndham st iuiplph qxt tliecanadlan neodlo co 10 nml 18 front street easttorcjato got up tho neatest most complete aud ih at helling neediu package iu llliirica send 5 ceuth tor kamjdea of kew no 1 unishod iu fin iiiubii particulars sent whon btihiipsaraeiicio ed forroply iu maycjr holland m tue8day10 am wc john 2 p in mrast john wepxebdyijpmmi cort started fioo bol tv diiy ls st do tho work 7b miss jlooro atari costlv ou is rhclja 7jkco worms derange the whole system jfother graves wprin kxteroiinator de rahm woniih and iymrcstto the sufferer it only costs twentylive ccntt to try it and be convinced dont worry if write to mr con i toronto tioud t tauila for reply you ore out of cinplovnieut dy 41w illusion street east you can liyc n at workfcjriir minn at nuyiliiuk clso in e3v notiic and make uioro money this world ciultnl hot iicuded you are h ces nil aca auyouecan intrtfu earnings sure from nret fit and terms free hotter not uothiugtoscudusyouraddrebs and bud out if ou aro wise you will do eo at once h uwftt k jo jurlhiid sliitne we hkve a large aud wjell assorted stock of 1 blankets tweeds iu great vafietyselectfd expresslj the farrjiers roll oardibg splfmirig weqvin 3d stjiti3it and i as cannot tail fyfe actjon wodli i he ran ne a to liouneo that wc will tigain t- which the highest price iii f flannels topijbf taraa r emitted goods ete to supply the requiifctireiitl and in fact all kinds of custom wotk done in onr usual prompt satisfactory j hesrtoii bm mmeh0use pe0ebo3z5r go f fe i vi td and v l v i il i 1 i j 1 f to- kebfljt brfs nessr drr gdds strq tlio greatest bhiiis oil onrtli ini white arid after years of suffering persona who have vainly sought remedical help from other sources havo obtained the londesircd refjef f rorn northfon jjjrnanb yefjefahle discovery anddyspeptjb jlnretyliick pnt a stop to the torments ol dyspepsia renovfg activity of the rowels and liver relievta maladjos liipidepf fa p jpiitlpr sex and builds np fiiiiii hpijih njifl skpiietlhrivo parity to tho blood end tone to tho whole system ing8 sheetings itok gtrbat baeisai dd prices tjotljosc buying cottons bj immkmmjmmtamm ims cbttonade8 and grey cottons shirt- prints special the web call oud look throul gh and ucwiu- setter bi s lutisly you that vc wi arqaixs kf lty gos kext door 0 mgarvis dhucj ps 4goods solc por cash qsrade only 5r givu ya than yoiji can obtain clsewhctje store h ishi