lwir belutifxrtwddiko and birth- s daylre8thtsat ceo hynds a fine stock ot witchi clocks jewel leryr spectacles careful attention given to repairing drop iu and see our larxo stock comprising jewellery stationary hooks and fancy ggods- geo hynds aoton ont methodist church acton rev r phillips pastor ijlsiitante hover avenue rullic son iecv v ium ud cri pm sunday mliool iw luwcclivuseoiiimodhy tins pastor all cordially iviwd at- sirinsfvn ami victor always welcome tcntivo ushers at tlumloor urittinps arc lomfm apply to h v moore vototetvaixt i tlirilpllay- uly 2iim many minor locals collated by the ever thoughtful and alert free press reporters wluit about that crickc club tomorrow is bramptons civic holi ja takulle is enjoying her civic holiday lodiy the public schools will reopen on the juh insi mr v 11 scott jeweller toboiirg lias asgiud git your work out of tile road for the eit ciunpttf georgetown mr william gnrney lias purchased the dairy business of nelson f moore tiie iirt instalment of taxes must bo paid wiilout fail by a week from monday- revpie 10 wnqn revenue is swejt are those apt to bite off more than they can chew at i huvii party at dr hoes in ruorvowu trsi week the receipts were vtuk auuuiutioi should lie called in beforo r rtiii nilow himself tt die of wounded vanity 1 1 finch be sure and hear him ixtown uiipon saturday 20th loh at ieo august oi ixl aitcr monday milk will cost oiac mi live cents per quart lie miss ilielns on the modern sjix immense at the prohibition lairi a tsrvelowl t- e i s been sc00 subscribed in st- r for idal prizes to be given at t- lc txiiltci there ity hv-i- ifcavo something to say b i ir new fall ftock of boots and in another column o it 11 terimyji g corse hyucb ev 13i- hivurtin sjort line lew signs in troll hi ir places of hnsiness 1 iiin says he has no regard for ylio oica s almost certain that puorc oriiioii has no respect for him livivrikr tiie prat campjat george- tcv ii iiingtii saturday with finch and elosir v- cilicisiy with a grand concert jci colquhonu a resident of lot jt hjth lloid xassagawcya for over v years is dead at the advanced age of 04 crct ycil day tuesday august ti mrs st john it miss moore run it r iroiiibition camp at giorgc iiv i i alivr the cieuds llie blue after the druvt tni div and after youve taken vmrumitcr vicntini the bills will sliovrer home gleanings i wjhioh are mostly of a local charaoter andu interesting do not forget when you intend purchasing a first class organ or itauo to go toj c mclean ot tlo guclph temple of musio ho is no agout but buys his goods in large quantities at rock bottom figures aud only tho high- est grades are handled ml the harvest early this is but tho first week of august but tho fivrnicps are all through with their wheat and barlcjj harvest and many havo com menced to leut their oats this is earlier start the oldest inhabitant can relate 1 n fonneri years tno wheat and barley woro 1 otifod iu august and heptombcr was tho i loilth for oats and peas rsltty importations mr john fothcrgill of burlington has purchaicl in lingland tho clydesdale stallion rirince of aird winner of third prize in class 5 clydcsdaleb and mr jns main of trafalgar lias bought a first prize pen of coiawold ewes and first prize bork- aliire pigs all tlio above stock will leave ltngland toduy on the steamer oxenhohne viuijihiik ftompuado concord tiro baud will givb a concert in tlio driving fark tliis thursday tjveiung with a grand firework exhibition ii connection rockets flying pigcoub st catharino wheels ankl many other specimens of tho pyrotecln io at and a ballon ascont aro to dfliglrt tli 3 crolvds that will no doubt attend scats willl be provided admission only ten cents small children five cents hajton division courts the annual report of tlie inspector of division courts for the province is just to hand we find that in halton last year ot2 suits were entered the amount of claims being 2530477 tho sum of s100j97g of suitors money was paid into court and 9o737 was paid out of court sixty-four- suits wero entered where tho amount exceeded s100 seventyfour judg ment summons were issued fiftythree transorips of judgments wero received from oher courts burglxry in erin bwtltmnwstmouvtilo i i most every paper vihimin pluku up now- 1 adays gives acoounta of tho doings of mid night prowlora btrceuville and the vlo- liiity has been preity freesofarfromdepro datlons of tht kind but an account come to hand this week of a bold burglary near tho vhlago tho house of mr j walker a farmer residing in toronto towniblp about ono and ahalf miles f rem btroeuville was visited by a couple of burglars one day last week who after affcojurig an entrance began to go through tlio plow in bearoh of valuables thoy sneceodod in scouring about 25 in money ant woro soarching for more when mrs walker was aroused from hor sleep and seeing tho strangorr in tho room raieod an alarm whioli put tho burg lars to flight no arrests havo yet boon made as mrs walker was unable to identify the visitors rcekw pastimes downed by jnomncdonaid co a friendly baso ball match took place on saturday afternoon between tho loagno club composed of balesmon from tho warehouse of messrs john maodohald co toronto and tho pastimes of this plnco tho pas times wero at a disadvantage owing to the absenco of soveral of their foremost players who had not roturficd from their jaunt to miukoka and of courso tho toronto boys scored an easy victory a number of good plays wero credited to both sides tho score is as follows mitehell sonmicrs hates hilvaru netlierby taiilov hoxall suiith mckarlanu john machonaml it co tollonto 123450 7 kl u ii 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 o 0 1 o o u a 0 0 10 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 01 0 0 0 i 0 11 oooo liio a o i o o ii u i o a 0 0000 i 0 0 u o u o o o i i o a total runs 17 1astimks aftox i a a i 5 r 7 h n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 n 0 0 0 ooooo 1 1 i oooo i ooo- a 0 0 00 0 1 0 0 1 2 ouul 000012 0 00000010 1 ii 00 0000 1 12 0 i i 01 i 0 0 0 0 0 opoooioo 1 total niiisia the toronto team wero clearly tho better i players and this is not to bo wondered at i when it is known that they practice regul arly thrice a week if tho pastimes expect m krituii 1 kellv a 1 nicklin w kllilit wwilhains john ajnunv ieir niack wei smith geo wilils on wednesday night of last week some t0 nmst prncuco m0m regularly miscreant entered the merchant tailoring l guilty ot improper conduct establishment of 3 h collier by breaking on saturday evening after having four panes of glass in a side window and j yanguished the pastimes at base ball and succeeded in abstracting bovetal suits of i enjoyed a bouutiful repast at the hands of readymade clothes therefrom tho theft j rniue host campbell of tho royal hotel must havo been performed towards thurs- the majority of tho players belonging to the day morning as the midnight visitor after john macdonald it co team of toronto securing his booty left the clothes in an went in for a jolly good time of courso oilthoune and they were discovered the they showed the usual opinion of city boyb next day no clue has as yet been ob- that unmeasured boisleroufiiess in conduct tained its to who committed the burglary is allowable in the country for country wreiii people know nothing about good manners x new style of business bid ud gentlemanly bearing nnd a boisteroub the milton c7iijiioii has a kind of time they had without doubt first they hearts 1 win tails you lose way of doing paraded the streets cutting up all sorts of business the llrfjritttr says it baa pranks with each other regardless of their offered to publish the waterworks bylaw surroundings next they astembled ou for nothing if it is defeated and to charge main street to contest with pacji other as if the bylaw is carried well knowing that to the distance each could throw a baso if the couiicil authorized the bylaw to be i ball this was continued until two large published in that paper that it could charge panes of glass were broken in statlinmb whether cjuiied or defeated as the by- bakery and another in hardings grocery law is sure to be defeated we will see j show window abjutthib time the salva- whether the jiroprietors of that paper will ton army came along on their evening abide by their word the advertisement march and ten of the base ballists fell in is worth sis0 a gathering of interest to halton people the prohibition camp which opens in gojdwilliesgioveceorgetownon saturday 20th august for a five days session promises to be one of an unusually interesting charj acter the array of prominent talent is very attractive hon j 15 finch mrs youmans president of the dominion oregatiou of hr allans church ui ii having no minister sirvicej will bo held as usual i suday ii v u vant the news and all the local new ii- thbribe for the full tals ioriv cc vill pay to jnnary- 1s83 cj1 alv to guclph carriage top company itur out about fuur tliousand buggy oi li viur tley are now employing t a ritt iaru gave a fre2 ojpen iijr on monday their music was s i rrujh appreciated and prcmenadi iv iuv vjdhiijjhi aas general i jiiii iock a vcukiiown coaductor on thi i t 1 h rented the revere housei irari to ict 51200 per year he takes c on t life ut of september 1 j i koiiulj proprietor of the orino-iu- jlrntut who was recently iuril tit lias ixjught a new plant and with them and fromthib their actions were most disgraceful ribald songs were in dulged in the standard bearer was inter fered with odd throughout the march until the army halted at the corner of mill aud wiillow streets for knee drill their pranks continued the citizens haviug no desire tod intnrbcd tho peace did not interfere until the army commenced their praye w cti hon c h st john kdward service wjieij the lookers on decided that the antics had gone far enough and several citizens advised them to desist adisturb- auce foloved and had it not been for the iutcrfereucc of a leiv f tlio cooler headed r- jsidentsa general row would have ensued and as they were fur outnumbered the toronto boys would huvo severely suffered chief lawsons appearance had a salutary effect and he removed the pranksters to more quiet territory and peace was restored to the credit of the captain mr thos mitchell n former acton boy wc are pleased to say he did everything in his carswell canadas jrrcatest wit and humor lecturer miss moore of ohio miss phelps of st catharines and the zothuatt band admission to the entire courso of lectures ii only fifty cents first class publica tions last week the guclph ihtihi mtcvrj completed its twentieth year atid the llvijwy mircirii celebrated its quarter of a century of publication the mercury is one- of those cnterprisiug newspapers alwavs abreast of tie times ready to a4opt any improvement which will render it more interesting to its extensive liat of p to restrain his fellowclerksftomdis subscribers enterprise haa characterized bracing themselves but his wise counsels its publication from the outset whenever were unheeded hence their outrageous con- dticl if the young men who were con- enlargement ind improvement were warrantable they have invariably been made the vukbj ilimir is one of the best in the dominion rev mr raes ordination aud induction the call extended to rev james vi rao r will soon appear as usual i j b thc membc alld d of knox ci the farm work in soxthera church acte proved by the guclph done bv iiiulc this leaves hortea i presbytery at its last meeting foo lo run races ai agricultural fairs wherd rac j the inos l feature a o i the i finv mailed to any address for iho- halace of the year for forty cents h you v ant to send a weekly letter to any of viij iriotil you caunot doictter thar mail tiicui the futii pbkss miitoi town council hasi it appears two members who are unable tg write out a motion intelligently and have delegated their powers to the reeve who makes us of tiieiriames for the purpose of moving resoiutions he doesnt care to father him 5 a change has been effected in tht managerlientof bcardmore itcos tannery liere mr john mcsrail formerly ol tiiiouj large tanucry atbracebridge has succeeded mr alex bremuer mrbrem ner ixz we understand accepted a good jkiiitiou elwvhere tht- coryell traction engme manu facturediy haggeif manufacturing co will go almost any place tuesday one with another behind it was loaded on liat car at thc g t it without any helj whatever and by its own motive powei alone brampton jin him the cliargeof perjury against mr geo hume of milton by kirby co b winnipeg was heard iast week and dis liisied the evidence given was not sum cieut to constitute perjury it is contend td unit the charge of perjury was made bj kirby for blackmailing purposes the urusscis iotl has just complete its liftccuth year and gives every evideno of propefity the joit is one of the jnosi iiiicrcitiug weeklies we receive and is ful filing its duty as a representative of bras sols in the fullest sence of the word w i with the iud the success it deserves a great deal has been said aud written isbout how to make home happy on way is to provide abundance of good liters has been accepted by that gentleman at the meet ing of gnelph presbytery last friday it was deeded that the induction of rev mr rae into the pastorate of knox church acton take place 6n tuesday 2hrd inst rev dr torrance of guerjilirwlll praside rev a blairma of nassagaweya will cerncd have any respect for their worthy gentleman who employs them they will strive in future to win a better reputation forgentreinaulyuouductcycnif they have no r03pect for their country frenth notwitli standing all their provocation the members of the army pursued their course with a bold and undisturbed frontand won ad miration from thc crowd for their christian forebearuncc from our own correspondent kockwom news mr r b hayward late of tho rick- wood flour mills is in town today donald mccaig public school inspector preach the sermon rev dr wardrope of j or a js ut j nt present for holi guclph will address the minister and days prof zera michigan gave an exhibition of wonderful slight of hand tricks ven triloquism and incsmeritni in the town hall last week messrs john and campbell strachau are off for borac cool air and fish amoug tho muskoka lakes mr john murray while picking rasp berries and a hired man of j b harris bev i btrachanof rockwood mil ad dress the congregation tho seniccs will commence at two oclock the pmss and exhibitions at the convention of the international association of fair managers in toronto on thursday mr win heron of indiana read a capital paper on advertising fairs in which he contended that tie succesb of expositions everywhere was due mainly to j mm wilson whilo in tho harvest field the support received from the press and j oacu bun from bevere sun stroke last earnestly advocated that little if any ro- j wceki ut wo understand both aro now strictions should be placed on their news- i i paper friends in dealing with exhibition j u p dryden and mac farrish matters it would be well if officials con- j piayd with the medicos of fergus r the nected with exhibitions would take note of lawyers of guelph a game of base ball this us in jnany instances instead of help- j resulting in a score of twentythree to ing the reporters and giving them what eighteen in favor of the physio dispensers assistance they can they think it a fit ihe long continued drought is having a opportunity of showing their temporary serious effect on late- spring crops and on authority and snubbing them a little notatoeb and turnips in this locality and b more courtesy on the part of these stuck up officials towards newspaper men would lighten their svork and at the samo time be of greater advantage to the societies which these officials represent a painful accident an accident of a very painful character occurred tomrrobtmorrowoncoftheem- ployees inbeardinore cos tannery on monday morning a few minutes after seven and quick as a flash brought it and his forehead in contact with the rapidly re volving pulloy tho- right forearm re ceived au ugly gash tho flesh muscles and tore of course that willinclude a copy of dons being badly lacerated while a the fiui imss every week it will cos only two cents a week qflite a number o f brines lavc been rendered happy withi t past vek when the fiikelitesseijteref them for the first time with minimal enterprise considerin this hot weather the renfrew mercury ii issuing a daily edition during the electio i campaign iu south renfrew tlii is a i urrvrtiikiug edom attemiiied in a villas like renfrew but messrs bmallflcld so i are practical and enierprising newspape men politics are hotiitbeir county ar i the politicians appreciate the special rffnrt i put forth and we have no iblwil n it a profitable veuture on accouut of the scant supply of watsr harris cos woolleu millsaud the flour mills here aud kverton and kden mills are able to run only part of tho time w iarrish is using steam entirely in his mills xy z i rockwood aug 3rd 1887 tho stato of the public health in thu municipality was never better than at the oclock hewasengagedinterowingoffabeltj present time notwithstanding the from the scrubbing machine and the machi- uery being in motion thcbeltcaught his arm pbrmali pa1ugraphh beupeotlng vlsitois to and fro with whom beeprmreacterireaoouainted tremely hot weather of the pabt month scalp wound about four inches in length extending from tbe centre of the forehead obliquely wras also received several minor bruises wero experienced it was a mi raculous esdapo from instant dem dr stacey was called in and with the assist ance of dr mcgarvin dressed the wounds several stitches being necessary i in each oise and did all that surgical skill coold do to riteve the unfortunate sufferer he is doing very nicely but it will be some weeks ere he will le able to return to his duties singularly enough exactly a year ago mqnday morrow received a pain- ful scalp wound wbiob f incapacitated hirri for some timei v mr eli wornjiop of toronto spent a flay or bo in towii hut wek mrs wm ainsley of hamilton was the guest of aotonfrieuds this week mr chas matthews ot toronto visited friends in his home on saturday- master geo boomer of berlin bpent a few days this week with relatives n acton mrs w m crewsous frieuds will bo glad to learn that she is recovering her late illness miss ella hynds of toronto is visiting hor brothor mr gcorgo hynfls jeweller of thtb village mr seneca g keluhuin lato of the urangeville post is now on the staff of tho j wiunipeg call j mr duncan edmoudson formerly of limellouse now oooupies a good position j as shipping clerk at the spanish river i mills algoma conductor johnson of the gtr main line is again able to take tho road after being laid off nino months with in 11 am ma tory rheumatism absolutely thib powder novor varies wth ntroiutth and wlioleiomiuioss my andmis h p moore and eddie loft ou tuesday to ajccompauy tho press association on the delightful excursion re ferretl tb elsewhere mr james aselwoodofhonfryu spent a few days this week in acton aud vicinity he is doing a profitable business in brick making and likes tho couutry first rate j mr douald kennedy of portage la j prairie mtiu is homo on a visit his five tlniii tho ordltiiiryklikls ami cannot bo sold iu competition with tho uuiltiti owdeiffl bold only in cans itoy iakix povdkiico 100 wall upetltiou with tho uuiltiti ilo of low test short llim aliuu or phosphate iiowdeijfl sold onl wc hit st n y sickness is almost entirely unknown for tho genoral good health at the time when many municipalities arc sadly suffering our citizens should bo very thankful mr robert ii wallace formerly of milton is a member of the crack drill team of co g of tho portland oregon volun teer regiment tho team won a prize of s500 ou july 4th at tocomaw t they are champions of the northwest pacific coast and it is claimed they can beat any- thing in san francisco chamjion farmers be caret al how you lot any machine oil or lubricator como iu coutaot with a out or scratch on your baud or arm in the manufacture of some of those machine oils fat from diseased and decom posed animals is used jau physicians know how jpoisonous such matter is the only safeguard is not to lot any spbt where the skin brikeu be touchpdi by anj machine oil or lubricator new uits 5 m 6rennan a iiiitrvcl of purity moijo economical years in the north west have evidently has pleasuro in annouiici agreed with him- for ho looks well and drjng shoji in creech first methodist hearty j alfred easton as3istant iu tho telegraph office the past few weeks left for his home at acton out last evening sorry to soo him go alt is a good y stj ignaoe mich tfetc rev t l wilkinson it parkdalo for merly of tho methodi1 c hiirch here will occupy the pulpit of the church toronto wiliila preaclus at grimsby pari one of tho iivedelegatei of friends of canada apf dinted to attend the oouveutiou of the boc ety of america dublin aud loudon iu brc oklin ncxtmonth is mr johu richard han is of rockwood messrs w a storey and h b white retur ovenin from their trip to show up browno1 to a having had a grand time son who waswith tlio par in toronto tho tcrgtis alncnte a minister well known in strachau preached in me is now open and in f ill miming order aud in a to fill all orders sabbath morning and eve ling very accept j ably mr strachau is t young mau of rare ministerial ability possessed of an eta delivery ani entertaining iu his style he is5howiig g0bd twekd suits at solu ktsiwilkjle rev john kay scotch twkhd suit 17 it- 18 from the society geo buckwell led on tuesday muskoka they turn and report mr j render- j y remained over j i s this of a young vctoni mr d ville church last 80ldklskw1ik1ik ko fink vvohstud 23anu24i uit at 20 80lll8ewhiilti at 25 giutlemen wanting a fittiig coat etc may rely in etory respect by leavini i the clothier from our own ooiresncu uut ciiewsons couxeiis ig tlrat hia tail s fruit storo losltloll 12 for s15 firstclass good- uponbeingsuitcd their orders with edition has 111 1000 word and fopo engravlngsr3000 m ire words aud near y 00 more engratlngs than founjl in hnyothcr rterlean dictionary it oo contains sills- rphlcnl dictionary giving brief facts on- inning neorly 10000 holed person to those features we have just added 1885 a jitevv y qqt jt gazetteer tb world coniliiiiidr orer a titled brkfly describing tlio couptrlcsi cltlef tomur an 1 natural features of eve y part of the globe webster is the stahdard preme court and in j lis recommended liy the state supts of scboosiln 36 states nnd by the leading college presidents of tlio united states nnd ta itlo the london times gaya t t the best dic tionary of the ilanguogi the qoarteriy berieir lontfon tay it is tho best practical dii itiopary cxtnnt the calcntta ennllghm ay j it i th most perfecf work of t ielllnd btejaronto oise oanai la tupiaco j in thetehtghertnlc i the kew york tribunes vtn is rccogniiea it as the most useful ei stihg wordbook of tho english lungung 3 all over tho world in inraluablo epmpanl in in mn school iwiotcreryjjrcilde 3r colmen pages and i ustlraomalasont prepaid on appucatloa o p merbiam co publishers fsprlngfle a mass v s a things liavo subsided into tho usual ruts very little apparently transpiring to agitate the public mind tmce tho notorious events of dominion dayac some people nre very unwilling that the coruerr as a community should be blamed for tho notoriety the place bas ob tained on account of recent events inasmuch as thc success of thorn is not to be at tributed cither to the sympathy with or attendance at them of the majority or tho moral portion of the community i the service in the methodist church has been withdrawn for next sunday the quarterly meeting services of the circuit are to be held v v in tho brick church at 1030 am and as that point is so convcui- ent to this neighborhood tlicro should be a good turn out the pastors will oooupy ill the evening kden and rockwood pulpits j the very dry weather has occasioned great commenf and suggestions of what would be better however tyj have read somewhere the lord rejgrieth let the earth rejoice not grumble threshing jnachines have been busy at halfday jobsjduring the week on the fall i wheat and barley making room for tho oats and pcasj and spring wheat it is vci y seldom that threshing is done in july ft around here w2 and substantial goods broken part of the ceiling of their chinch i and thus preserve thc beauty of the interior of their sanctuary as for tho outside the demand for repairs are most- imperative recent eveutb in tlijs jiajyhuorhood may well show lhat if parents and jieligious teachers will not attend to the highest in terests of their youpg people they may ho sure that others will with results far from gooll we understand that the esteemed senior pastor of the methodibt church is moving into the new parsonage at rockwood which is almost entirely finished and is pro- nounced by thoso who have seenit to be a beautiful place deep regret is felt by the community in general that the- inexor able law of his church will compel his re moval next summer tbie being his third year of appointment in this particular j point our methodist friends ore- behind uufcjtom work aid repairinft some of tho other denominations although promptly attended to- the system has many advantages 1 i right- totimfeont ok albcomiinitlox ye place 0uii tjpleudiil in quality complete in assoitiiiwilt 1 overflowing i- tlencrous bargaius 1 mhxh womkxs axitjluldltess boots and shoes bvs8srs ovesjssoibs 0 at prices that always lead to speedy sales -oo- lowest prices coxs1stest icehh makkkt- gibaneh 1 w williams mill street acton coop quality flour holler flour 8touui white wheat llcil wheat spring glasgow llsrloy oats hye podb hay straw wood pjsr cord eggspordoron isutter dairy pack d butter rous cnecse potatoes par bag apples pork t lambsklns pelts hidos wool timothy seod per bush clover seed alsdko august r 11887 3 10 tb 2 40 1 so to b 15 i o78to078i u 78 to 0 78 0 78 to 0 78 0 15 to 0 0 31 too an i 0 50 to 055 1 0 50 toons tootoeoo 3 00 to 4 00 i 4 00 to 4 50 i 0 14 to 0 15 i 0 15 to 010 j 0 18 to 0 90 1 0 13 to 0 11 0 00 to 0 75 0 75 to 1 75 15 75 to 0 10 i 1 00 to 1 80 0 50 to 0 00 5 00 to 5 22 0 23 to 0 ai g 00 to 3 00 850to5 75 0 50 to 7 00 will cure of relieve biliousness dizziness are you made miserable by indigestion constipation dizziness loss of appetite i yellow skin shilohs vilalizeris a pos itive cure sold by n mcgarvin drjpsyj flinffilng of the heart acipltyof the stomach i dryness 0f the skin and every species ot di a from disordered li stomach boweii orslqod t0prlstqt8 i- i torohto dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache t milburn co dol den lion guelph tq the- mcleod anderson hi ve quite a iargp etochbyare i4 we have cut dawn a of dm tlio- n we iiivitc the ladies and gentlemen of acton and rockwood pay ijs a visit and we tatcetlie responsibility upon our sulves ofassiinng yo hint you will bo well re- paid ur8kck u very attractive this season both in ladies and gentle- 1 mens goods j -o- llie twonnoiitlih ot jiniivtiiitl july we slial are to anyone jroni actiii or huclcwood who ijuyh- wortlr of gooyls011 siturdays or 1000 worlliany other day of lie wccli at l return we are oileriiig splendid value in silks to the and satins dress goods miiilinery a- loiirst ck of carpets is very large andsvcu assorted our st ck of boys clothing is complete in every line and s llj from 150 j d williamson co cuelph jmmer underclothinc ualbriggan ivjerino and fine cashmere shirts anl 1 drawerfe 34 36 38 4042 auci chest measure f c zes jxt1a vajjuk in merino unbrolothingi at a25 per suit merchant tailors cuelph xioua to get lid of ices are an objeetwhietf should pwsil m aud if number hups in summer gopcs which wd are offering at extraordinary jo prices summer mantles aud ja jkets in silk aud clotjh great dr ves frorii 50 ccntsup summer mi llinery we arc cutting to t boie wats from o cents ti feathers hi bons ornaments alud all kinds of millinery extiaqrdinary lo j i urasols being cleared jout re gardless of cost a line ot dress ods at 10 cents worth 25 cents at 115 cents worth 30 eeits an immense stock of inaguificcnt ess goods very cheap muslins 1 laces for dresses from 6 its per yard up oheeked dress silks 25 cents olecked air pure silk dress si ks 85 cents won li 60 cents u line of black and colored satin i- m irveilleaux co cents and75 its worth 5100 und ki5- y ulaclv gros grain 75 ceiftu ivorth sl25 c prints for 5 cerits and 7i cents worth 10 cents and 121 cents we are going to cut goods to th a bone to red uce o u r st oek inspection incited reiiiember our mihirrerj dresa- mtkiug- and tailoring idepare- mpnta i t great drive in ginghams rjeer- stckers and crinkles creohgletowls tune 22nd 1887 the flifest- wat0hes jewelry 1 rm repairing always satisfactory i v voouave i1kkk ijisauiop tku is pegtaoles r try the alaska they ne the bctt we over sold sole agent for guelph extra fine english paris green muakivinsdrug stationery stofee to farmers and threheifs use on your machinery only the weltkriovrn eeless oil 90oiid ivtrtida ffi havo teen awarded it during the last threi years tr rt i try also onrpoorlebsaxloiareaflolcryonr waggons and ilorsepowers these oilsaronsed and highly recommended at tk model parm guelpl farniors abk forthem nbo pootberv mannfaot urod at qaeoa oity oil wors by samuel rogers co f orbnto in brier and to ibe point dysnepsia is dreadful disordered liver is misery indigestion is a foe to good nature the lmmatt digestive apparatus is one of tbo most complicated and wonderlnl things in existence it is easily put out of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad j cookery mental worry late hours irtegu- lar habits and many other things which onght not to behave matte the american people a notion of dyspeptics i but greens august flower has dine a wouderful work in reforming this sad usi- ness and makihg the american peop e so healthy that tliei can enjoy tbeir tieals and be happy 1 remember no happlnesa wllbout health but greens august flower briurs health and happiness to tbe dyspeptic ask your druggist for ft bottle seventy fire cent one way hamilton july iihu 887 l ji m0m 1the msijli willbe here before yon knowitj but kesrneybeos r 6f tt1e cbminion boot shqg store main steeet agtok hi voauticiptftod its early arrival and laid in a splendid stock of f i boots sttoes dx for fall wear 0 nr reputation for gootl otitis tnd superior value is well established f we can buit you all v cilstuiu diiiartiutiit h llirniiijoutrirstcliiss work as usual witii good stock- and repairing is always promptly aiid ueatiy done kenneybros wedding presents w m clattk the jdvyeiier cueiph b is just received another large assortment o silverware suitable for wedding presents to anyperson froui acton or iutermedi- ao stations buying 8500 worth bis over a my etore i will pay their fare to and fi om guelph j giving personal and prompt attention to v ateh repafriug i am bound to give satas- fi ction or money refuuded remember the place w a clark jeweller 26 lower wyndhain st guelpb sale at j -v-vv- the right house iinminse clea ing sale at greatly reduced prices ont i of au 3ust barkains are to be had in all of saving money come to the clearing l i 1 a sure and certain way of saving money is bytyiniint direct to the flight house ond purchasing your wants at the how belnffwriaa on thjisoen ofporturjlty salk will db continued throughout the tho departments of tbis largo establishment a large qi lantity of seasonable goods soiling oil cheap sec tlio ban assortment of ladies blackcolored and fancy trimt led jerseys a large assorted stock of white victoria linen in the hosle y department you will fioddiany goods reduced to nearly former prices a lot of extra t lu wu 75b hosiery formerly 37icdnwd tossc a lot of jliildrens hose atlo and 12 tvorth nearly double the price spi cinl ion is invited to the gentsi ftirnish- ing department- a argbdotbf fans styles iu cotton socks at 25o worth 37je swikaat loo worth 18o a lot of boys socks at io per pair worth 20c mens lv laundorcd shirts at 4 lor speow value given jnuoilaur dered shiru at 87jo each or for r40 a liellw quality is bold it 1 12j i r 8 r 83 mens nutl bnvs bon1iii- camping and lnwn renniis shirte a large fnriety of p wr m iinxr l iha tin siniij nnmi n tirnt l2 m i house and sella them to the carpet departmo nt i per yardi tapestry cat assortment of best it bkosl a beautiful lot of iainted v ings lnce curiains i formerly 8875 pornriri othe cottons ajage bibsj ladio8tfl3ey randkerclilcfb also a splendid btoik or wtiite iloneycoinb hud miirtiilles quilts the rightliouso sbnkuidstreetcit oiie door west oft huthson street i f 6 tliiscstiiblishuien closesat 6 oclock saturday evon ngs i i 3hi wtkrjcts