Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1887, p. 1

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volume xi ii no 7 j j 1 v acton ontario thubd ay tjoust j j v 1 18 187 f jl ptiice thbjbelcejsrtjs w lijt jjton jm jrtss is run viki eveky thursday moitnlnq at thk free press power printing hou8e acton ontamo subscription rate8 osr ykvi slo six months 50ct1 iliitkk voxrnsl suers iiruiilly iu ahanco ir uot paid in advanco my per voar will bo charged jo paper discon tinue til all arrears are paid except at uio option of the publisher aovcfmisinq rates- mw 1 vii tviota mo 1 1 mo si styj00 i 9s50o sisouo i s700 miiulu 8500 2000 1icfl s5q sinhes 4000 14wi ioo sw liiuui- i com 3jo aoo ioo casual rtivortiscment 8 cents per lino for tho frsi msof lion and 8 cents nor hue for each sub- spiout insanion cash tho number of lines nvkoiuvl liv the space occupied measured by a s ale of solid nouparoil advertisements without speciflo directions will lo inserted till lorbid and charged aceord- nly transitory advertisements must bo paid n alvanc changes for contrctadrrrtiscnicntsiuust bo in the oiaro by 9 am on tuesdays otherwise thev will be if ft over uutil tho following week 111 p moore j editor and proprietor unsituss dirrrtoni w h lowby m b m c p s- gnulnatoof trinity 3ollege member of coilege of physicians and surgeons othcc and residence at the head of frederick ireet acton tohx lawson graduate of j ontario cterinary couepe toronto yct- erimry surgcou acton ott office in kenny pros boo and shoe store residence in the roar horses examined as to soundness and certificates gives x all cus eight or da terms easv as probjptly attended to aiton banking company storey christie oo -banker8- actoi ontario a bxxua 03otr al bank iso business tllansacted il0aitbd on approved motes notesdboounted and interest allowed on deposits find the puzzle tfiji lrephl to furnluli on tho x shorteti notice in any quantity and at bot tom prices firstclass lumbek lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs chums butter tubs p01 icbarrels wood flour and feed ami anytulii lu tho lino ol farmers honsckoop- t rs or contxi ctors necessities tho pui lo is to flud a better placo than tho mas- c moores to buy any th ng in tho above linos also to find out if you ar iudobtod to him for any thiiir pur chased from him his books say some are and ho would likd l a benkktt lds dentist gkobgetowtc ontakio- c mokfslay lds surgeon dentist georgetown onl uses the new system of nitrous oxiie gas commonly caluavitolirid air for extracting toelh without pain havii btvi demonstrator and iractical i icrer ir koyal college of rental surgeons toronto patrons may depend upon receiving suhicioii in tiiy operation perforruckl will visit aelon cyerv second and fourth wednesday of each motillj office in gnews hotel jh cakkkjue stjkgeon jdjjn- tist jilltos honor graduated the koyal colfie of dental surgeons of ontario will visit a ril thursday of each week bepiu- ri iu rr ft july offlce in agnews hotel rreservstioa of lie natural teeth a specialty artiacir1 teiih icsjrted on bold cclluloiu or rub ber bists citaraxiteevi perfect vitalized air nitrous oxiie sal other uuaesthctics used for riniess titractn of teeth ohstok a- mclean liarristu sictors xplaries couvetiucers vc invite uds to loan 0v- tuwu liiil aciou v r b jounion wit a mxlexs a mov at 0 -rrivs- -tthes- ito- noiiry preuc icy to loan tuesdry and saturday bloch acton upfitirs m k m1tchexl solr 1t0k c onveytscut c the money central meit market joseph patton butch- 11 has pleasoroin unuounciug to tho itiioni of actou that ho has pur chased tho b itchcring business of mr william kosscll aud i preparod to conduct the samo in a stroighlfor anl business manner having bai largo exierieuce in tho business 1 feel that i ca i guarantee all customers who fa vor hie with t ieir patronage perfect satisfaction all kinds o meat fresh and good sad poultry fish c in season will bo found in stock i respectfully solicit your esteemed patronage joseph patton actou xovlfoii 1ss2 w hi rutledce tpe butcher deals in evrktliing in tlie meat line no establishqient can lie found better stock ed at all seasbus cits no que tionabie goods of fer id to customers at any price 7iv irs dor west of the mi sire- milon money champiou to joan at g yjhlltun allan baird harris tcrs solicitors ic t oiios io ii geosgetoittx j i x crct i ui ius rlol georgetown anil 8g kin street cit toronto v t uvn j suiit1n bi j bu1id tua x b vjeiloiv cakson iliillstuksatliay 4c o hall j3 church street torouto- vjr- joirscailosbcl xattosxer iii jiir 0atent5 secuked l for ikvestioxs iuist onatv cavfi- irastica no patent ko pay iiem5tkeet lk arctliiku i of wellington audhalton zlyy pllfsb office acton or iaro vill be pronatly t- t riiis rcasoabbi- lijey to l1u ou the most favorable i athe lowest rater of interest in jo jtki uptrafds lowct priijt one trial eon cash rivn price paid fod wellington marble works quebec st gitslp2 crosses nrnsj than cost wq prices never stance grai 10 8 ft 530 jo amuisray lssii avctionkeu iijr tlj ccuutioa of haltod ani vtlliiigtoq or1tr left z his rrsiieuce main street oiipos- ite church strec actou or addressed to acton po will receive strict attention reasonable notes discoantctl il desirod terms flud timic dealing is uiy motto ince ou thee jkiiit ijtl for cattle indies and shetiskims the high est now is the time to buy wall paper cheap at days bookstore qtjelph v grand 8ale oiiia on i roll wall 75c 30c paper for 20c paper for 15c paper for 10c paper for paper for 50c 38c 20c isc joc 77jr fancy goods books c low must be sold to make room for new stook to arrive this fall day sells cheap the bazaar has just received a lare tupply of new iuymond sewing machines the leading machine call and see for yourself also tho lovely samples of arrasine tinsel and other work doih on this popular machine it takea the lead ff r durability excel lence of finish and variety of work for sale by fraxk la agent for actou georfietowu and aur- ronnding country yon will also find on hand at thei3azaar a largo stock of fancy goods iorfry howbasyitis how easy it is to siwll a day tho thoughtless wonls of cherished frlumln tho bulflsh not of a child at play tho strength of will that will not bond tho slight of a oomrado the soorn of a foe tho smile that is full of bitter thiugs- thoy all call tarnish its golden glow and tako the graco from its airy wings how easy it ik to spoil a day uy tlio force of a thought wo did not theckl lltlluby little wo mold tho clay audllttlo flaws may thovossol wreck tho carolcks waste of a whitewinged hour that held tho blessing wo long had sought the ktiddouloss of wealth or power- and lo i the day is with ill inwrought how easy it is to spoil a llfi- and many aro spoiled oro well begun lu soino life darkened by sin aud strifo or downward course of a cherished ouo by toll that robs tho form of its grace and andormlues till health gives way hy thopocvirh temper the frowning face tho hopes that go aud the cares that stay a day in too long to be spent in vain borne good should come as the bourn go by bomo tangled mace may bo made moro plnln borne lowered glance may ho raised ou high and lifo is too short to ioll like thta if oidy a preludo it may be sweet let us bind together its thread of bliss and nourish tho flowers around our feet the mottier request axli how it was ankwehei y h rutledge hamilton clark proprietors wholesale nd retail dealers in jlnrble granite aud everything pertaining to c eroetery work direct ir iporters of all kinds of granite and marble in great variety sold cheap for cash and examine my goods and prices call remember my motto small profits and qnick returns i at kelly bros old stand frank r webber acton juue 23rd 1s37 having lately visited the boy of rundygrauito quarries ant havrpg purchased the entire stock of gray and r d granite monuments headstones etc of alexander taylor at less will until further notice sell at before kupwa in onturio for in- ipic monumentr it high 00 7 ft ft s1o0 10 ft jli20 all work and material waitanted firstclass parties wanting anything in fills line will do well to call and see us before purchasing elscvrhcre as we guaranteo our prices are from 3 topper cent below all other dealer uyery j ohx day oyijte qui architect guelpii oxt ens hotel block market fiqnare f racis nunan sixcpssjr to t f chapman i i- uookbindkb st geors siuirc guelxh ontaxio aceiant livoks of nil kincs made to order periodicals of every description carefully bonna liulins neatly and promprfydonc w hanlan barber shop illll stbeet acios an cmsj shave astvlishhaircutagoodscafaam an exbiliaratiugshampooslwaysgivep bazprs hocel asl m in firstclabs condition ladies an 1 childrens hair tastily cut j k h y0bex tonsorial artiets guelph buniess college guelph ontabio rtrdi third scholastic- year 3 k4iiii stptember 1st jyatronage drawn from ieu suit and provinces young men and buy- tijroublyprepared fol business imr- suilr irliito eulinentiy successful as ac- eoaiitjntg iaiues3 lauagers- shorthand writ ers clerks sskstnen travellers etcboth in canada mil the united states moderate rates 1 thorough pra ticiti work aud courteous treat- latcl aariilerize the institution- ijadieb ad- initted to tli the lviiiues of the college bpleirlij facilities aorjel for tlial acquisition uf treiijli uiu german i for inforination aidress h iiatcoajnck mf principal j h cwkejilt sole agent for acton and vicinity for the celebrated bell organ and lansdowne piano 11 worden aving iksiiiiiediiroprietorshipof the livery busiuws lately carried ou by mr w e smith wouljl solicit the patronage ht the public and will do heir utmost to please all customers well equipped and stylish rigs ca4 always be secured first class outfit lot commercial travel lers at special rates a comfortrble bus uicels all day night also if ordered give us a call trains aud lumber shingles lath flvre liltignol ilesires to inform the public j tht he lias now on hand and will keep in yt a full line of iiue and hemlock as weu as other kindslrf lumber also first aud second class pine shingles lath coal a wood hjegijloi pauie and consider while yon vi ueatiiess an k ii we for h smith i alii l stovfjji avingtinrchascd the coal business ol jjrc 1 prepared to supifly all kinds of i have also a goodtock ofwood- hardvooi ash ccilar and llfll woodjat reason able prix 5 wood tud coaj delivered jamks bbown r mutual r fire insurance company- hof the itmuirer 1810 headojfice cuelph jeiireslaiiti8g onhandme uaiiafaetorio and all other dc5wtioii of property on tbo premium note systom pwsiofle nas davidboo president j h worden in the 1iiek iiikss i notice that mrj c mcleans advertisement doubts my sole agency for the bell organ- i now state that i have a written con tract duly bigncd by messrs w bell co giving mo tho bole agency for the sule of the bell organ for the city of gnelph and a radius of twenty miles including acton rockwood eden mills everton new ger many breslon and hc6pcler tha above mentioned contract can be seen by any lady or gentleman on calling at my music store opposite the post office i believe the reliable firm of w bell s co are ad hering to the letter of the contract and that any person other than my agents who are selling the bell organ in the above territory is obtaining them in some onsatis- factory way or is relliug a secondhand instrument i notice proprietor recom mended the bell organ to customer the indisputable reputation of this organ is anch that all dealers recommend to custo mers c wkelly opposite post office ouelph my warcroom is well stocked with musical iustrutncntb including pianos orgaus guitars banjos violins harmonicas and accordians also a fullline ol the latest sheet music and am receiving new instalments daily cwkellx to your own interest to patronize wo would respectfully inform tho pf acton und surrounding country aiii in full running order and in a ou tliuu before the flro to fill all that it will borne trade j inhabitants that wj ire 4 better j osit ordors cf itrt jiied to ub to parties building lumber will be dressed it and mouldings vc made with le8patch are also prepared to fill all orders rioht- to the front ok all competition vb place ouk r- elegant and substantial goods pumps on short no ice aud from long experience in the business we leel confident that we can give sat isfaction et ary time so come on with your orders aud 1 elp to roll tho ball along monej makes the 1 tore po whotber she has legs or no i tp0s ebiuge slanaxer john ta ijo gecrtiry agent j 10 t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and burronndii gs that be is prepared to take orders for waving all kinds of fancy bag csrpete juunel sheeting shirting and dress gpo is striped or plaid twill or plain also bed i lankots and horse blankets two yards wid and over and i w if guarantee that i will give good gatisf actio 1 to all farrners and others who will favor rjevlth tbeir patronage 1 tjj mitchelvl splendid in quality i complete in assortment 1 overflowing in generons bargains mens womens axd childkens boots and shoes attbbbss oveashobs o at prices that always lead to speedy sales lowest prices cossibtekt witifr cqod quality r0so cubtom work and repairitlflr j promptly attended to williams mill 8treet acton henry aro you going to the village yes im bound that way i- will you take tho trouble to turn in anddo an errand f far mewithmrb butler what to old nahoyf yes good gracious 1 thatll tako mc half a milo out of my way no no heury not more thau a liun- died yards well thatb bother what dyou havio errands for id liko to get off once in my life without being saddled with other peo ples business well well my son if the trouble is too great i will wait you need not bother 0 dont come that of courso ill go but its a nuisance all the same whats the errand i would like to have mrs butler come up horo tomorrow afternoon and help nie through tho evening if sho can 1 j ehi whats up dyou expect com- pany what in the world are you colorii up so for have i startled you no no henry i was thinking it was nothing of importance liut say you didnt tell me if you ex pect company tomorrow yes my son i do i oxpect elja masonwill bo here and sho mav have la friend with her the faceof the son changed instantl the look of sourness and crabbedness gave place to an expression of pleasant surprise and with a prolonged whistlo ho turned away at a short distance he looked back over his shoulder and called out r dont fret old lady i wont forget mrs butler and with that hewubgone he was a handsome young fellow was henry stevens tall and strong brown- haired and grayeyed with a face ruddy and healthful and abov thetiiyerage of male faces in its muuly beauty thero i were defects however the eyes were not i prominent and they were too near to- i gether and there was about tho lips a touch of harshness almost of iruelty yet i he was a favorite in society where only his j best side was seen his age was twpnnd twenty i the mother mrs mary stevens was a widow creeping on towards threescore a mildfaced patient woman with a heart as tender and true as human heart ever was the cottage in which she lived was her own left to her by her husband and sho had a few thousand dollars in bank henry was not hor only boo fle was tho yonngest her baby she had called him until ho had forbidden it and was prepar ing for the bar he expected to pass his final examination before the bench of judges within a month hallo mother ah it was the voice of herj elder sbn jack and pretty soon ho camp in sight he wasthree years older than henry and of different fibre he was not tluite bo tall but broader of shoulder and heavier and stronger in every way his hair was of an auburn color his brother called it red aud his eyes full large and clear ub crys tal were blue a deep prominent blue like the precious sapphire his face would not at first sight be called handsome but it was a good face uu honest loyal trust ful face aye and as one came to know it and to know the man it became truly handsome in its way of course it had none of the statuesque apollolike beauty that characterized the face of his brother he had learned the carpontera trade and was now at the age of twentyfive just entering business on lids own account as a builder i is there anything i can do for you at the village the elder son asked as he came near to where his mother stood on the doorstone yes jack if it would not be too much trouble for you to bring home a smallbundle forme can i lift it its a small square bandbox with a silk dress in it trouble you dear mother can any thing i can do for you be to me ever a trouble when it is you may set mo down for a brute for a crazy man but where am i to find it at mrs stioknes she will have it all ready for yon i a silk dress when will you wear it mother perhaps tomorrow eh whats to come off then is it company or are you going away jaok i expect ella masori will bo with us on the morrow the young man brought- a deep quick breath and a heavy sigh all of vjjhich- was clearly seen by a pair of bright eyes that looked out from the cottage through the intricacies of the latticed vines well well said houost jack after a pause shell make the old home seem like a corner of heaven and i suppose harry 11 spraoe up a bit anil pnt on a little fiood-na- ture bho can be nothing to me but may god and all the good angels bless her never theless give me a kiss mother yon tlont know how good youlook who could help looking good with suoh awn dear jack pshaw i if i am in any degree worthy i dont forget that its to the very beetma- ther- the world i owe it there by- byi and he was gone and the mother wept back into her plea- sant slttingroon there to joint firfaoed i goldenhaired bluooyed dams- 1 who had j boon an unseen spectator and witness of tho boenob wo h we dopictod si e hod come from the railway station about 111 hour be fore brought by private conveyance with a vail over hor i ice and mm bt veils alone of all the people about knew of ler arrival both john and henry wero expecting her to come to then on u visit ere keg but no time had been s 3t all little i id either of them droani hut her eyes had ilieheld and iter cara heard hem both on thi t day ellen mason ivas tho present visitor she was twenty youh of age a beautiful happy laughterloving girl lonest and truo and beaitiful enough t turn the hoade mid warn the hearts pf 1 majority of tho young m n who became icquaiuted with het she was an orphan her mother having died during her early ihlldhood her father remaining with her ir at least alive to care for her until alio hid readied hor eighteenth jfoar mr masons business had tailed him abroad a great teal and as he could not niakoalioinefohis child he liad given her into the care of mrs steven whom he had known for riany years and in whom he had entire co lndence and v e may re mark here whn the will of j ir mason wasopoued dftehisdealb it ias found that he hod left his daughter el la heiress to full quarter 0 1 a million of dol ars from tho ago of ten to the age f eighteen kua mason had been reared in the widow stevens fimiih in close com anionship with her so 111 and henry and who can woiidc joth the boys ca me to love hor tho loye f the yonngei and the handsomer son llenry was bold and out spoken he beemed to fancy himself the lawful possessor and perhaps he deemed himself invincible- ho had new r directly anked her to bo his wife thong 1 he had very plainly intimated to her that ho should do so when the proper time was c ome the love of john was more like worship distant aud silent he carried tho dear image in his heart praying always that her life might bo blessed and hapj y but he dared not hope that ho could eve r help to make it so and how was it with ella hersslf cer tainly during the earlier years ifarry had been her favorite and she may peared to prefer him later one theso later days however may ceivod henry liimself it was weening sehso of proprietorship hat gavo the appearance he as boldly an i selfishly appropriated the fuir lady as 10 woul have appropriated any piece of propert that he regarded as his olvn am yet h did it in such a way that she ould nol open his eyes to his folly withoit taking the lead in a matter whioh had never yet been broached between them had he spoken a singlo word of marriage she could havo very quickly set him right but he had not done that though lie ond often enough hinted at it my dear mamma so ela mason and hud loved her tho same mamma sho said as the widow havo ap- thing in have de- his over- oould take when long ag he pleased kitchen he had cimo to tell her that he had found a gocjd boardingplace whioh he e pleased and keep as he uas still speaking when ella with a li ght straw hat on her head entered the 1 oqm and put her hand on iiib strong arm he trembled liko an aspen jaok will you pi oasocome with 1110 i havo something to sky to you out of doors out into a pretty little arbor of ellaldont asli must go i jack why must he looked at her top to toe ho tried the girl had taken ll to stop at home if i he went with herl the garden and intcj flowering vinos jack rsiibhaa gathered all her cour age and all iter b length and her own great lovoiiover be oro so deep and pal pablb as now gave i er help jack why are you goig away he started as froiiablotvi and gazed into her face me let mo go i you go his frame shook front o speak bnt could not im unawares he had not boon prepared fcjr such a question from hor lips jack i reaching a hand up to his great broad shoulder would you not be willing psked you to do it you ella wily should you ask me because the olt homo will seem to me deserted with you gone from it really jack if you persist pn gping i believo i shall go too ella ella d nol no no you dp not mean it let me go dont be foolisl eyes what is it mean a siuglo moment tl with himself and 1 1 ella i love yoi i the love that is wiui a phose irfiiv 1 jack oiion your rou think i do not e strong man struggled u burst forth 1 lovo you with nil n me as 1 have i be lieve loved you f rora the first you are to me the alliuall of 1 you could you lovji moin return 1 if yes dear jock frankly and honestli giving him her hand all my heart and with will you stay now he caught her to her there a long lond ol ella this ill this happiness be ah you share i the brave girl replied at the same time i lovo you with all my strength liia bosom and held time is not a dream can mine t with me dear jack for in all my life i wits nover before so en tirely so supremely ijiappy as i am at this moment 0 jack i heavenly father for blessing of my life half an hour later in band aud wiieu iwhelmina joy was ifouud her speth bjl ithey sat down and heard the whole slorl had always- called jier dear fostejpmetiierjj and thateveuing jjrawy heard the story my dear returned with a i can to the sittingroom after the departure of jack does tho scene which ll havo just witnessed give me a fair representation of the jdomestic and loving characters of your two sons i might call it their heart- cliaractcs m 1lla llio widow replied sad and dubious shake of the heai tell you nothing new you knowj my boys of old they have not changed 1 and is jack always as good as pleasant and ns cheery and willing to help as he ap peared but now j jack god bless him yes ella since the day when that boy first knew tochooso the good from the evil he hits never given- to me an impatient nor an unkind word not one as you have seen him today so is he all the time but let us not blame henry too muclj he comes honestly by his quality of mind and heart his father was much like what he is now buthis father was never so handsome 3 henry will grow to be a popular min i am sure and i do not believo he will ever descend to bad habits or evil prastices that evening the two sons earns home to supper and were greatly surprised as well as very much pleased upon tieho ding ella bless me when did you come askad henry holding her hand the while i canio by the bollville express and i ani just getting rested bhe answered promptly i now there were two express trains from bellville during the day and the boys na turally took it that she had come by the four p m and at that let it pas i they ate supper and a pleaaiitevening fallowed several times jack tried to hold a bit of conversation with ella but harry pushed himl out of the way and noro than onoebedidit very unkindly at length after chatting with his motherfor a while the poor fellow left the room and went away to his owm chamber j poor old jack hes kind 0 humpy isnt ho laughed heury after liis brother had gone i but no notice was taken of the unfeeling ife o how i lovo i love you very very n deeply and i fear mjit to trust my life your hands darling o boil i will strive for your good and hot devoutly do i thank my this crowning joy aud they went in hand the widow saw ltv speechless but she and by and then very soon she had i believe it but when ellas own lips he his pride was jnore wiis his heart fcjr in remark and the matter passed off and the evening passed well saidimaster harry to himself when he had reached his hamber after the others had retired ill ipluclc this plum while it jis within my rtach its about time that we had an und irstanding as to when the event is to come off ive no doubt shes anxious waiting for me to speak well well i1i flnishit up she shant wait any longer poor girl on tho following day during ithe after noon euafonxd mrs stevens vith traces at first herefused toj he had heard it froin could doubt no more deeply cut than truth himself was tile only thiug on arth which he wholly and heartily loved for a time he was very bitter feeling that lie had been wronged arid defrauded but his illtemper fell back npon himself baying 11b power to mar- the happiuees of others mid when he became couscioubof the fact vheu he saw that bis making himself un happy did not drive the smiles frota the faces of the other inriates of the cottage- he held his peace ani ceased to find fault several years had oassed tho children of jack and ellavwere as brightfaced and smiling as were their parents harry had found him a wife mid was the father of one child a pale c arkeyed boy when one day ae tbetno chanqed to bo for a little time alone to ether at jacks fine residence harry loo ed upon his hostess and said i ella i never asked tho quoation and yet i have often desired much to know when it was that you first began to like jack aro you willing to tell me i always liked him harry how could i help it so you liked me you will not deny that j mean when did you first make np your mind that you preferred him tome harry you woulibo angry if i should tell you he promised her that he would not promised bo solemnly that she finally con sented to tell him and she told liim if the scene with which our story opens b1i told him how shohad heard him answer hi s mother and then how jack lipdaiibv ered she so repro duced the scene that he could not dispute it harry bhe sai 1 in conclusion in that hour i knew tliat i could never be wholly happy as your wife tho man who could so speak to his aged mother would be likely to speak still more harshly to his wife after the glamo ir of the honeymoon was gone and busines 1 cares bad been settled upon him harry did not can 1 to pursue the subject he had learned wha he sought to know and it had given bin food for thought if nothing more jf ltdgcr the golden orb of the sunis sunk behind the hills the colours fade away from the western sky and the shades of evening fall fast arouud roe r v jjieopor and deeper uiey stretch ovpr the plftin i i look at the grass it is no longer gtjeeu the flowers are no more tinted with the- various hoes the houses the trees the cattle are all lost in the distance the dark curtain of night is let down over tire works of god they are blotted out from the view as if they were uo longer there child of little observation 1 canst thou seo nothing because thou canst not see grass and flowers trees and cattle lift up thine eyes from theround shaded with darkness to the heavenb that are stretched over thy head see bow the stars one by one appear and light up the vast concave there is the moon bending her bright horns like a silver bow and shedding her mild light like liquid silver over the blue firmament there is venus the evening and the morning star and the pleiades and the bear that never sets and the polestar that guides the mariner over the deep now the mantle of darkness is over the earth tho lascittle gjeam of twilight ia faded away the lights are extinguished in the cottage windows hut the firmament burns with innumerable fires every little star twibkles in its places if you begin to count them they are more than you can number they are like the sands of he seashore j tho telescope shows you far more and there aro thousands and ten thousands of stars which no telescope bus over reached now orion heaves his bright shoulder above the bprizion and sinus the dogstar follows hitn the brightestof the train jlook atthe milky way it- is a field of brightness its palo light is composed of myriads of burning suiib all these are gods fanrilies he gives thesun to shine with a ray of his own glory h marks the paths of the planets he guides their wanderings through the sky and traces out their orbit with the finger of his power if you wire to travelas swift as an arrow from a bow and to travel on further still for millions of years you would not be out iof the creation of god new suns in the depth of space would btill be burning round you aud other planets fulfilling theirappoihted course lift np thine eyes child of earth for god 1ms given thee a glimpse of heaven j the light of one sun is withdrawn that tihon niayest see ten thousand darkness is spread over tbo earth that thou- mojyest behold at u distance the regions of eternal day this earth has a variety of inhabitants the sea the air the surface of the ground swarm with creutures of different natures sfees and powers to know a very little of them is to be wise among the sons of men canst thou measure infinity with a line canst thon grasp thb circle of infinite space yet all these depend upon god they hang upon him as a child upon the oreast of ilb mother doubt not that he provid- est forall things that he has made look at the moon when it waiketh in brightness gaze at the stars which are marshalled in tho firmament and adore the maker pf so many worlds mas bauuuld i ax episode of a dentists chair a seward a poor little dolls mamma i with anklous troubloctbift v come slowly trotting down the street alooking here and there yes maam i lost her yesterday showas flto dearost doll she wore her new laco bonnet j her best blue dress andalll i jjothteon my house asid grandmas tcostorday momhj early her eyes would shut and open her hair was real and curly she was my birthday present ill give my playthings albr yes maam 111 give you everyone- to find my darling doll ill givo you all my pictnrebooks ill give my now gold chain anctall the pennies lu my bank- to bring hor back again sho paused her tearful baliy face looked old with melancholy ill come and be your little girl if yon will flud my dolly harpers young people dqxt nav fipfotheh one of the familiar effects of either ib to make the patient talk rumblingly of what ever may he passing in the miud charley smith has a dear littlegirl whom he thinks the world ofand rnmdr has it that tbe two will bhortly be made one charley had an errand to perform on wednesday about ten oclock and while coming down w strettwhom should lie meet but nellie the poor little thing cut on awful appear ance though and the woebegone tear- stained face peeping out from the mufflers struck terror to his heart she had been up most of the night with a terrible toothache and wouldnt charley go if the dentist with her 1 she prefered ether to gas and the accommodating den tist saturated a cloth with the stuff and held it under the little red nose she gasped a bit bnt soon settled down quietly ber ruby lips parted and she began at once prattling away like a sleeping baby char- ley was siandingjnqt beside tbe chair when she murmured ob charley dont chafley loobfcd up at the dentist down at himself and mother will see yclu char ley please dont the dentist smiled grimly charleysaeyes began to bulgef and charley yii kissed my ear that time murmured j the sleeping maiden and the rest was lost on charley who had grabbed his hat and started down the stairs two bteps at a time charley had to pluck up a deal of courage to pre sent himself at nellies house that night and explain his badden departure and money wont induce him to pass by that dentists shop young wives atjd husbands cannot he too strongly reminded of the probable ship wreckthey will makeot their hapwnees if 1 they y eld jo that illtempsr which express es itself in- discourtesy want of compliance unnecessary opposition and above all that mobt disastrous amusement of nagging and creating a row hundreds of house holds have gone wrong from the mere want of checking in time the habit o annoying us a relief to a menrentary feeling of irrita- tion or discomfort tire wife who gets into the way of contradicting or checking her husbaud of opposing him in small things and standing out in large ones the husband who is eneering tempestuous tyrannical faultfinding neither j side knowing the whole extent of its folly but just giving way to it as more easy than to fight and conquer it these young people are doing their best to dig thegraveof their married peace and some day poor faint iug little love will fall into it stark and plumeless aud will tievcrrise to lifeogain in the beginning these little tiffs ind dis comforts are made up with a hiss from him and a few tears from her to add cement to the reconciliation by time the tiffs are move acrid and therecpnciliation is less warm by still farther time this never conies at all aud things get into that chronic state when there is never an open breach and never a formal healing but an everwidening rift and a neverending cold ness then two lives jar and grind like rusty hinges locks which missllt the slot wheels where tbe axle is stiff or anything else which would never work tpgetberin harmony and smoothue but which for want of care to keep the adjustment exact perhaps for want of oil to the joints creak and bang and chafe and do iot fit to the nunoyanoe and more of all the bystanders cluldl lv eidia 1 a baby in india is not rockedinaxradle but in a swing jthe houses arevery small and have no furniture except perhaps a cot and a chair for the man of the house- many however have not even tliat the family sit on the floor and sleep on mats this would hardly do for the iaby 60 when the mother wishes to lay it down she takes one of her long cloths that she wears instead of a dress and ties the two euds together over a small rafter in the 1 low roof of the house and puts the baby into the fold of the cloth this makes a nice bwing most women in south india are poor and have to work all day and many have to take their babies with them to the fields wbeu they do that they make the same kind of a swing by tying a cloth to the branch of a tree by the roadside then the baby is left for several hours while the mother goes os to her work very often the light wind moves the branch and that swings the child so that it sleeps quietly reminding us of the lullaby j rockabye baby in the tree- top when the windblowbtheoradlewillrock when the boach breaksthe cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle and all the bough does not often break because the mother is careful to tie the swing to a tamarind or some other tree that has very strong boughs but sometimes the poor little baby when it wakes up alone cries and wriggles about a long time beforei any one takes any notice of it and once in a while it falls out of the swing and gets hurt once a- week the family the weekly fair in some village several miles away as they are poor they walk and carry the baby by swinging it in aclothhangingfrbm a bamboo stick the lather walks ahead with one end of thi stick ou his shoulder and the mother comes behind carrying tbe other end while the baby hangs in the cloth between them when they reachthe fairground the mother spreads her veget ables for sale on a little mat and lets the baby roll aroufid dn the ground by jher side illustrated christian weekly iltck axd luck getno kvkx and wop tenderly time ithe ijspoke of tears on herl cheeks eager to know tjho cause for oj widow hesitatcfl but finally she jack is going away jaok goiig away for whst all ella you should know poor boy he cannot endure it 0 how he loves you 1 how he loves you but heknows it must ever be a onesided love forhim he will go and leave his brother to be happy e11 throwing her arms around the girls neck and kissing her donl speak of this o do not let anybody know what i have told yoil i hush i you know you may trust me but manima answer ma a question lion estly and truly if you could jriave your way and vou thought i would marry with one of your tw boys whioh of them would you prefe that itshouldbe euai 1 answer mewhioh one j j 0 1 iadk i jock 1 a thonsajid timos-f- jaokjv husli i no i another word i tj o dry yonr eyesjivnd hold your peace 4 later on thit same afternoon jaok en tered the cottage finding hib mo her in the iii li saig ll-jv- usivib she was one of tb se lofty approacb-me- not sortof girls bor a with a silver spoon in her mouth and ndignaut to this day because it wasnt pure gold billy bliveu had just been introduced to her at a lawn fete and was doing his best in his plain matteroffact way x make himself agree able after they lit d chatted a few min utes on the vcrandi bill concluded that he would like tokrow her better so he came atrthe subject thus wise i sliould greatly i i should like very much to call ob yoi some evening sup pose i drop around 1 nd we go out and take a little walk thanks she s lid stiffly i am pedestrian thf joke pit ox the iawreb billy pondered a remarked in a quiet self- id haveaskejd yoo togo out riding only i knew you we e no jockey little while and then way peculiar to him live for somethirg do good and leave behind you a monu nent of virtue that the storm of time can lever destroy write your nathe by kiiidr ess love and rheroy on the hearts of the tl onsauda yon comet in oontaot with year ty year and you trill never be forgotten no your name your deeds will beas lejible on tie hearts of those you leave beh indjas the stars on the brow of evening ood deeds will shine as bright on tile earth afl the stars of heaven thomas chamibbb pluck unci luck are wonderfully different affairs says youth luck is i a delusion we cannot learn by lufck we cannot ac quire anything worth knowing by it it is all imagination pluck is a quality of character well worth possessing the boy or girl who waits on luck for success willwait long on the other hand all who have pluck will either succeed or make a dfgniflodand eixcusablo failure it is not pleasant to fail of success inany thing that we attempt but better far something good attempted even if it be not achieved than the idle aimless waiting for a bhower of good fortune that may never fall i life is not a lottery wheel dispensing jfavors without any regardto the desserts of the winners lifes best prizes are worked for struggled for toiled for and all tho sweeter when secured by reason of the toil and struggle that has won them easy won little worth might well be a proverb we do not generally appreciate what it has co9t us nothing to secure et us not be afraid pf effort and push but cheerfully put our shoulders well to our load jn life having set some good aim before us let us work with pluck and perseverance with push and patience for the gbject we desire we shall be the better for the effort even if the coveted prize be not grasped and in all things theold couplet is worthy of re membrance 1 if at flrat you dont en jceed trytryagaid i worms derange the whole system mother graves worm exterminator de ranges worms andgivpa rentto the sufferer it ouly oo9tstweutyflve to try it and be oonvinoed j t il leslie coombs a great friend of henry clay and a popular stump speaker used to tell a good story about counsellor hig- gins he was exceedingly adroit in defend ing a prisoner and would sometimes almost laugh down an indictment for a small offence a fellajv one smith being on trial for stealing a turkey the wnnseltor attempted to give a goodhumored turn to the affair why gentlemen of the iuiyv said he this js really a small affair i wonder anyone would bring such a com plaint into court if wo are going on at this rate wo shall have business enough on our hands why i recollect when i was at college nothing was more common than to go out foraging we did not get the poultry too often in the same place and there was no harm done no fault found notwithstanding this appeal the jury con- yicted the prisoner after the courtnse one of the jury a plain old farmer meeting the counsellor complimented his ingenuity in the defence and now squire said he fixing a knowing look upon feiim i should like to ask you a ijuestioa which road do you toko in going home the upper or lower the lower answered the counsellor well then its no matter i only wanted to observe that if you were going my way i would jubt jog on before and lock up my ben house ben perky loore in bolton budytf cholera aud all summer complaints are so quick in their aetion thatthe cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger is near if attacked donot delay in getting the proper medicine try a dose of dr j d ktlloggs dysentry cordial and yonwiil get immediatolpriief it acta with wbnderful rapidity and neve fails to effect a cure i i i v i ysl

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